The Feast of St Panteleimon

Dear brothers and sisters – greetings on this feast of the Holy Great-Martyr and Healer, Panteleimon.

On this feast, we bring the sick to St Panteleimon’s merciful care and intercession, and we pray for the Monastery of St Panteleimon on Mount Athos.

We especially pray for Reader George, through whose generosity the parish received a small portion of the relics of the Great-Martyr.

May the Holy Great-Martyr Panteleimon preserve us and help us by his intercessions.

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The Week Ahead

Dear brothers and sisters,

Thank you all who contributed to today’s Liturgy, and a joyful celebration of the feast of St Seraphim, and thank you to our parishioners who sent greetings from their holidays in Russia and Ukraine!Continue reading