The Canon For the Meeting of the Lord

Canon of the Meeting, the acrostic whereof is: “Joyously the elder embraceth Christ”, the composition of Cosmas of Maïuma, in Tone III

Ode I, Irmos: The sun once passed over dry land born of the deep, for the water became firm as a wall on either side when the people traversed the sea, chanting in God-pleasing manner: Let us sing unto the Lord, for gloriously hath He been glorified!

Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.

Let the clouds pour forth rain, for Christ the Sun Who is borne aloft upon a light cloud is brought to the temple as a babe on the arm of the unblemished one. Wherefore, O ye faithful, let us cry aloud: Let us sing unto the Lord, for gloriously hath He been glorified!

Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.

Let the clouds pour forth rain, for Christ the Sun Who is borne aloft upon a light cloud is brought to the temple as a babe on the arm of the unblemished one. Wherefore, O ye faithful, let us cry aloud: Let us sing unto the Lord, for gloriously hath He been glorified!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Be strong, ye hands of Symeon feeble with age; and ye weary legs of the elder, move quickly and straight to meet Christ, joining chorus with the incorporeal ones, chanting: Let us sing unto the Lord, for gloriously hath He been glorified!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O ye heavens stretched out in wisdom, be glad; and rejoice, O thou earth! For Christ the Artificer, having come forth from the most blessed womb of His Mother, is borne by the Virgin Mother to God the Father as a babe, He Who was before all the ages, for gloriously hath He been glorified!

Katavasia: The sun once passed over dry land born of the deep, for the water became firm as a wall on either side when the people traversed the sea, chanting in God-pleasing manner: Let us sing unto the Lord, for gloriously hath He been glorified!

Ode III, Irmos: O Lord, Thou confirmation of them that trust in Thee, establish the Church which Thou hast acquired with Thy precious blood.

Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.

He that was first begotten of the Father before the ages hath appeared as the first-born Babe of the undefiled Virgin, stretching forth His hand unto Adam.

Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.

He that was first begotten of the Father before the ages hath appeared as the first-born Babe of the undefiled Virgin, stretching forth His hand unto Adam.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

God the Word hath appeared as a babe, setting aright the first-created man, who through deception had become childish of mind.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Creator, having become a Babe without undergoing change, hath shown forth our nature, the product of the earth to which it doth return again, to be like unto divinity.

Katavasia: O Lord, Thou confirmation of them that trust in Thee, establish the Church which Thou hast acquired with Thy precious blood.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sedalion, Tone IV, Spec. Mel. “Joseph marvelled…”: Of old, on Mount Sinai, Moses beheld the back-parts of God, and in the midst of the darkness and whirlwind he was counted worthy to hear the still small voice of God; and now Symeon hath received in his arms God Who hath become immutably incarnate for our sake. And he hastened to leave things here below for life everlasting;therefore, he cried out: “Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart, O Master!”

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The foregoing sedalion is repeated.

Ode IV, Irmos: Thy virtue hath covered the heavens, O Christ; for having issued forth from Thine immaculate Mother, the ark of Thy holiness, Thou hast appeared in the Temple of Thy glory as a babe borne in arms, and all things have been filled with Thy praise.

Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.

Rejoicing, the Theotokos cried out: O Symeon, initiate of ineffable mysteries, take in thine arms Christ, the Word become a babe, of Whom thou wast informed of old by the Holy Spirit, and cry out to Him: All things are filled with Thy praise!

Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.

Rejoicing, the Theotokos cried out: O Symeon, initiate of ineffable mysteries, take in thine arms Christ, the Word become a babe, of Whom thou wast informed of old by the Holy Spirit, and cry out to Him: All things are filled with Thy praise!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O Symeon, rejoicing take up Christ, the little Child, on Whom thou hast set thy hope, the Consolation of the Israel of God, the Creator and Master of the law, Who fulfilleth the order of the law; and cry aloud unto Him: All things are filled with Thy praise!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Beholding the unoriginate Word borne as a babe in the flesh by the Virgin as on the throne of the cherubim, the Author of all, Symeon marvelled and cried out to Him: All things are filled with Thy praise!

Katavasia: Thy virtue hath covered the heavens, O Christ; for having issued forth from Thine immaculate Mother, the ark of Thy holiness, Thou hast appeared in the Temple of Thy glory as a babe borne in arms, and all things have been filled with Thy praise.

Ode V, Irmos: In a vision Isaiah beheld God exalted upon a throne borne aloft by angels of glory, and he cried: Woe is me! for I have beheld beforehand the incarnate God, the unwaning Light, Who reigneth with peace!

Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.

The divine elder, comprehending the glory that was manifested of old to the prophet, beholding the Word held in His Mother’s arms, cried out: Rejoice, O pure one, for as a throne dost thou hold God, the Light unwaning, Who reigneth with peace!

Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.

The divine elder, comprehending the glory that was manifested of old to the prophet, beholding the Word held in His Mother’s arms, cried out: Rejoice, O pure one, for as a throne dost thou hold God, the Light unwaning, Who reigneth with peace!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The elder, bowing low and divinely touching the feet of the Mother of God who kneweth not wedlock, said: O pure one, thou dost bear Fire! I fear to hold the infant God, the Light unwaning, Who reigneth with peace!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Isaiah, purified by the burning ember brought by the seraphim, and the elder illumined by the Mother of God, cried to her: thou hast given me Him Whom thou dost bear in thine arms as with tongs, the Light unwaning, Who reigneth with peace.

Katavasia: In a vision Isaiah beheld God exalted upon a throne borne aloft by angels of glory, and he cried: Woe is me! for I have beheld beforehand the incarnate God, the unwaning Light, Who reigneth with peace!

Ode VI, Irmos: The elder, beholding with his own eyes the salvation which was come to me from God, cried out to Thee, O Christ! Thou art my God!

Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.

In Sion wast Thou set as a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense for the disobedient, and the inviolate salvation of the faithful.

Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.

In Sion wast Thou set as a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense for the disobedient, and the inviolate salvation of the faithful.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Manifestly bearing the lineaments of Him Who begot Thee before the ages, Thou hast now been clothed in the weakness of mortals in Thy lovingkindness.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Now lettest Thou depart in peace him that worshipped Thee as the Son of the Most High, the Son of the Virgin, God become a Child.

Katavasia: The elder, beholding with his own eyes the salvation which was come to me from God, cried out to Thee, O Christ! Thou art my God!

Kontakion, Tone I: O Thou Who didst hallow the Virgin’s womb by Thy birth and didst bless the hands of Symeon as was meet, by anticipation Thou hast now saved even us, O Christ God. But in the midst of battle grant peace to Thy community, and strengthen the hierarchs whom Thou hast loved, O Thou Who alone lovest mankind.

Ikos: Let us make haste to the Theotokos, desiring to behold her Son borne to Symeon. Looking upon Him from heaven, the bodiless hosts are amazed, saying: “Things wondrous, most glorious, unapproachable and ineffable do we behold: for He Who created Adam is borne as an infant; He Whom nought can contain is held in the elder’s arms; He Who is in the infinite bosom of His Father is of His own will limited by the flesh, but not in His divinity, He Who alone loveth mankind.”

Ode VII, Irmos: We hymn Thee, God the Word Who bedewed the theologizing children in the fire and dwelt within the incorrupt Virgin, and piously we chant: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.

I go to announce the glad tidings unto Adam who dwelleth in hades and unto Eve, cried Symeon, joining chorus with the prophets, singing: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.

I go to announce the glad tidings unto Adam who dwelleth in hades and unto Eve, cried Symeon, joining chorus with the prophets, singing: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

God Who doth deliver the mortal race shall go even unto hades; He shall grant remission to all, sight to the blind, and even the mute shall chant: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

And Symeon foretold to the Virgin: A sword shall pierce thy heart, O incorrupt one, beholding thy Son upon the Cross, to Whom we cry out: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Katavasia: We hymn Thee, God the Word Who bedewed the theologizing children in the fire and dwelt within the incorrupt Virgin, and piously we chant: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Ode VIII, Irmos: United in the unbearable fire, yet unharmed by its flame, the pious youths chanted a divine hymn in intercession: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.

O people of Israel, beholding your glory, Emmanuel, the Babe born of the Virgin, now join ye chorus in the presence of the Ark of God, chanting: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Behold, cried Symeon, this One Who is both God and Babe shall be a sign of contradiction. O ye faithful, let us cry out: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

God the Word, being Life itself and having become a Babe, shall be the downfall of the disobedient, but the restoration of them that chant with faith: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Be it known that of the following fourteen refrains, the first two are used before the irmos and its repetition; then each troparion of the canon receiveth four refrains, one for each time it is executed. When all fourteen refrains have been used with the irmos and troparia, both choirs come together and chant the first refrain before repeating the irmos as katavasia.

Katavasia: United in the unbearable fire, yet unharmed by its flame, the pious youths chanted a divine hymn in intercession: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Refrain: O Virgin Theotokos, thou hope of Christians, preserve and save those who trust in thee.

Ode IX, Irmos: In the shadow and the writings of the law do we behold an image, O ye faithful: every male child which openeth the womb is consecrated to God. Wherefore, we magnify the first-born Word of the unoriginate Father, the first-born Son of the Mother who kneweth not man.

Refrain: “It is not the elder who holdeth Me, but rather I hold him; for he asketh Me to dismiss him.”

In the shadow and the writings of the law do we behold an image, O ye faithful: every male child which openeth the womb is consecrated to God. Wherefore, we magnify the first-born Word of the unoriginate Father, the first-born Son of the Mother who kneweth not man.

Refrain: “It is not the elder who holdeth Me, but rather I hold him; for he asketh Me to dismiss him.”

In the shadow and the writings of the law do we behold an image, O ye faithful: every male child which openeth the womb is consecrated to God. Wherefore, we magnify the first-born Word of the unoriginate Father, the first-born Son of the Mother who kneweth not man.

Refrain: How dost thou hold the Ember, O mystic tongs? How dost thou feed Him Who sustaineth all

In the shadow and the writings of the law do we behold an image, O ye faithful: every male child which openeth the womb is consecrated to God. Wherefore, we magnify the first-born Word of the unoriginate Father, the first-born Son of the Mother who kneweth not man.

Refrain: O daughter of Phanuel, come and stand with us, and give thanks to Christ the Savior, the Son of God.

The ancients were wont to offer a pair of new-born doves and two young birds, but the godly elder and the chaste prophetess Anna serve in their stead, magnifying the only-begotten Son of the Father, Who was born of the Virgin and is borne into the temple.

Refrain: The chaste Anna proclaimeth awesome things, confessing Christ, the Creator of heaven and earth.

The ancients were wont to offer a pair of new-born doves and two young birds, but the godly elder and the chaste prophetess Anna serve in their stead, magnifying the only-begotten Son of the Father, Who was born of the Virgin and is borne into the temple.

Refrain: The chaste Anna proclaimeth awesome things, confessing Christ, the Creator of heaven and earth.

The ancients were wont to offer a pair of new-born doves and two young birds, but the godly elder and the chaste prophetess Anna serve in their stead, magnifying the only-begotten Son of the Father, Who was born of the Virgin and is borne into the temple.

Refrain: Unapproachable to angels and men is what was wrought within thee, O pure Virgin Mary.

The ancients were wont to offer a pair of new-born doves and two young birds, but the godly elder and the chaste prophetess Anna serve in their stead, magnifying the only-begotten Son of the Father, Who was born of the Virgin and is borne into the temple.

Refrain: The pure dove, the unblemished ewe-lamb, beareth the Lamb and Shepherd into the temple.

Thou hast imparted unto me the joy of Thy salvation, cried Symeon. Accept Thou Thy servant, for I am weary of the shadow, as a mystic and sacred preacher of the new grace, magnifying Thee in praise!

Refrain: O Christ, Thou King of all, grant victory over all heresies to thy faithful hierarchs!

Thou hast imparted unto me the joy of Thy salvation, cried Symeon. Accept Thou Thy servant, for I am weary of the shadow, as a mystic and sacred preacher of the new grace, magnifying Thee in praise!

Refrain: O Christ, Thou King of all, grant me fervent tears, that I may weep over my soul, which I have wickedly ruined!

Thou hast imparted unto me the joy of Thy salvation, cried Symeon. Accept Thou Thy servant, for I am weary of the shadow, as a mystic and sacred preacher of the new grace, magnifying Thee in praise!

Refrain: Let us piously praise the thrice-radiant Godhead in three Hypostases.

Thou hast imparted unto me the joy of Thy salvation, cried Symeon. Accept Thou Thy servant, for I am weary of the shadow, as a mystic and sacred preacher of the new grace, magnifying Thee in praise!

Refrain: O Virgin Mary, illumine my soul which hath been grievously darkened by the pleasures of life!

The aged Anna, chaste and venerable, prophesying in sacred manner, openly con- fessed the Lord in the temple, and she magnified the Theotokos, proclaiming her to all present.

Refrain: O Virgin Theotokos, thou hope of Christians, preserve and save those who trust in thee.

The aged Anna, chaste and venerable, prophesying in sacred manner, openly con- fessed the Lord in the temple, and she magnified the Theotokos, proclaiming her to all present.

Katavasia: In the shadow and the letter of the Law, * let us, the faithful, discern a figure: * every male child that openeth the womb * shall be sanctified to God. * Therefore we magnify the firstborn Word * and Son of the beginningless Father, * the firstborn Child of a Mother who hath not known a man.

Troparion, Tone I: Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos, full of grace, * for from thee hath shone forth Christ our God, the Sun of righteousness, * illumining those in darkness. * Be glad, also, O righteous elder * who hath received in thine arms the Redeemer of our souls, ** Who granteth us the resurrection.




In this week following the feast of the Protecting Veil of the Most Holy Mother of God, we are continuing to celebrate the Intercession of the Queen of Heaven in our communities, and I would encourage all of our parishioners to continue to turn to the Theotokos for her protection and help for a parish in a time of trial and difficulty.

With this in mind we are posting the canon and akathist combined for use in home prayers, starting with the text in English, as we already have this published and on file.

Ode I, Irmos: I will open my mouth, and with the Spirit will it be filled; and I shall utter discourse unto the Queen and Mother, and shall be seen keeping splendid festival; and, rejoicing, I shall hymn her wonders.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Having entered the church in great glory today as the Mother of God, with the ranks of the holy angels and the assemblies of the prophets and apostles, thou prayest for all Christians and deliverest them from perils and grief, covering them with thy mercy.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Moses called thee the tabernacle and the rod of Aaron, for thou didst put forth Christ, the Tree of life; and as thou hast boldness before Him, O Queen, pray thou for us who honour thee, that He deliver us from all evil, that we may glorify the feast of thy protection.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Assembling choirs, David doth dance, not as he did before the ark of old, but even more now, hastening into thy presence in the church with the ranks of the saints. And bowing down before thee, we say: Pray thou for us, the people who honour thee, that, glorifying thy protection, we may celebrate it with honour.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The ranks of the angels hymn thee, O Theotokos, and the patriarchs and holy hierarchs glorify thee, hastening into thy presence in the church. And the holy Andrew then beheld thee with them, praying to God for us sinners, that He have mercy upon the people who glorify the feast of thy protection.

Ode III, Irmos: O Theotokos, thou living and abundant fountain, in thy divine glory spiritually establish those who hymn thee, forming themselves into a choir, and vouchsafe unto them crowns of glory.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Like an unploughed field thou didst manifestly produce the divine Grain. Rejoice, O animate table holding the Bread of life! Rejoice, O Mistress, thou inexhaustible wellspring of the Water of life!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O Mistress, we, thy people, standing before thee with faith in thy church, await thy mercy. Visit our lowliness, and with thy holy protection defend the Orthodox people from all evil.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O far-famed Virgin who was honourably prefigured by the prophets, with the angels they now do thee homage. Pray thou to God with them, that, rejoicing, we may all splendidly celebrate thy holy protection today.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Gideon prefigured thee as a fleece, for Christ God descended upon thee like dew. Pray thou to Him, O Theotokos, that He grant victory to our Orthodox hierarchs over all heresies, that, casting them down like the Midianites, they may glorify thy holy feast.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Theotokos, with thy radiant omophorion thou lightest the church and the people more than the rays of the sun, and by thy visitation drivest away the darkness of our sins, praying for us to thy Son and God.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Kontakion, Tone 3: Today the Virgin standeth forth in the church, and with the choirs of the saints she invisibly prayeth to God for us. Angels and hierarchs offer homage, and the apostles and prophets join chorus; for, for our sake the Theotokos entreateth the pre-eternal God.

Ikos: Come, O ye people, let us delight in her all-glorious miracles; for through her hath Adam been delivered from corruption. She is the ark fashioned, not by Noah, but by God. Of old, Moses was unable to see God in the fiery bush; but now the whole earth doth acknowledge the Son of God Who was born of her and to Whom she prayeth for us. Wherefore, we glorify her as the Mother of God; for, for our sake the Theotokos entreateth the pre-eternal God.

Sedalion, Tone 5: O pure Ever-virgin, fervent and invincible intercessor, excellent and unashamed hope, bulwark, protection and refuge of those who have recourse to thee: with the angels beseech thy Son and God, that He grant compunction, salvation and great mercy to the world.

Glory …, Now & ever …, The foregoing sedalion is repeated.

Ode IV, Irmos: Seated in glory upon the throne of the Godhead, Jesus most divine is come upon a light cloud, and with His incorrupt arm hath saved those who cry: Glory to Thy power, O Christ!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O most hymned Virgin, we cry out to thee in voices of hymnody: Rejoice, thou butter mountain, curdled by the Spirit! Rejoice, O lampstand, O jar bearing the Manna which sweeteneth the senses of all the pious!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O Theotokos, God hath sanctified thee wholly, more than the ark of Aaron, and hath commanded the saints and angels to do thee homage. With them pray for the city and people who glorify thine honoured feast.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O Theotokos, come now in glory unto thy church, with the councils of all the saints, as once the holy Andrew beheld thee in the air, radiantly praying for Christians; and grant us thy mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Strengthen our Orthodox hierarchs against all heresy and schism, as God did David against Goliath, O Mistress, that in gladness we may cry to thee: Rejoice, O holy protection and helper of our city!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

With faith do we fall down before thee, O Lady, and, rendering homage with thanksgiving, we cry out to thee: Rejoice, O Virgin full of the grace of God, our protection and wall of defence, the helper of those in misfortune! Save us who have recourse to thee, for in thee do we place our trust!

Ode V, Irmos: All things are filled with awe by thy divine glory; for thou, O Virgin who knewest not wedlock, didst hold in thy womb Him Who is God over all, and thou gavest birth to the timeless Son, granting peace to all who hymn thee.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Of old, Solomon described thee as the marriage-couch and bed of the King of heaven, and spake of thee as surrounded by the seraphim, O Theotokos. Wherefore, we now beseech thee, O most holy Mother of God: Protect us from all misfortunes!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

To thee do the foremost among the angels and the honoured prophets and apostles render service with honour as the Mother of God, beholding thee making supplication for the world; and the Lord, hearkening to thine entreaties, doth save thy city and people who place their trust in thee.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Isaiah, great among the prophets, prophesied thee, saying that without knowing wedlock thou wouldst give birth to God; for thou, O pure Mary, wast more holy than all, in that thou didst bear God in thy womb and in thine arms. To Him pray thou for us, with thy protection covering those who faithfully glorify thee.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Spreading spiritual wings, the councils of the saints came mystically to do thee homage, O Theotokos, beholding thee on the light cloud of glory, praying to Christ the Saviour, that He grant victory to our Orthodox hierarchs, to prevail over all heresy and schism.

Ode VI, Irmos: Celebrating this divine and most honoured festival of the Mother of God, come, ye divinely wise, let us clap our hands and glorify God Who was born of her!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Divinely wise priests, standing in thy church with the pious people, await thy mercy, O Theotokos. Transform our grief into joy, in that thou gavest birth to the Joy Who hath done away with the sins of all men.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

To thee doth all the earth offer gifts as to the Queen and Mother of God. Kings and princes bow down in homage, and all the people are glad, protected from all evil by thy supplications, O Theotokos.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spir

Daniel described thee beforehand as a great mountain; for from thee was Christ born without seed. He hath destroyed all the falsehood of the demons, and hath filled all the earth with His Faith. To Him do thou pray for us who glorify the feast of thy protection, O Theotokos.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O all-pure one, we utter unto thee the cry of the angel: Rejoice, O throne of God, whereon Ezekiel beheld the Lord in the guise of a man, borne up by the cherubim! With them pray thou for us, O Theotokos, that He save our souls.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion 1: O Chosen by the Pre-Eternal God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, higher than all creation, who hast in days past entered praying into the Church of the Blachernae we, offering Thee with thanksgiving due veneration, flee with faith and compunction under Thy shining vestment for we lie in darkness. And as Thou who hast invincible power dost set us free from every affliction that we may cry to Thee: Rejoice, our Joy, protect us from every ill by Thy precious veil.

Ikos 1: Archangels and angels with John the Forerunner, John the Divine and the choir of all the saints, were present with Thee, their Queen, in the Church of the Blachernae and hearing Thy moving supplication for all the world, they cried out with wonder as follows:

Rejoice, O pre-eternal good will of God the Father Who has no beginning of days.

Rejoice, timeless and most pure one who contained God the Son.

Rejoice, Thou chosen dwelling-place of God the all-Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, Thou never ceasing wonder of the angelic hosts on high.

Rejoice, Thou all-threatening terror of the dark forces of hell.

Rejoice, Thou whom the many-eyed cherubim meet in the air.

Rejoice, Thou to whom the six-winged seraphim ascribe praises.

Rejoice, Thou whose most precious veil we born on earth thankfully venerate.

Rejoice, our Joy, protect us from every ill by Thy precious Veil.

Kontakion 2: Saint Andrew with Epiphanios having seen Thee inside the Church praying to God in the air all Christians, acknowledged Thee to be the Mother of Christ our God Who ascended into heaven and falling to the ground they joyfully venerated Thine all-precious veil, crying: Alleluia!

Ikos 2: Thou O Theotokos Virgin art knowledge unknowable in defence of Orthodox people. Therefore our enemies know not how strong is the prayer of the Mother of God: while we well aware of Thine all-mighty protection cry to Thee with tender feeling:

Rejoice, Most merciful Comforter of all the afflicted and heavy laden.

Rejoice, never sleeping Guide of all those who have strayed and gone blind.

Rejoice, Thou who by Thy supplication dost swiftly appease the wrath of God rightly poured out on us.

Rejoice, Thou who by an all-powerful behest dost tame out evil passions.

Rejoice, strong waker of sleeping consciences.

Rejoice, easy overcomer of sinful practices.

Rejoice, Thou for whose sake hell groans and the spirits of evil tremble.

Rejoice, Thou for whose sake the gates of paradise are opened to all.

Rejoice, our Joy, protect us from every ill by Thy precious Veil.

Kontakion 3: Power from on high overshadows those who run for refuge with faith and reverence to Thy precious protection: for to Thee alone, O all holy and all pure only Mother of God is it given that every petition of Thine be fulfilled. Therefore the faithful of all ages glorify Thee and Thy Son, crying: Alleluia!

Ikos 3: O Lady, having a never-failing wealth of mercy, Thou dost stretch the hand of help to all the ends of the earth: and dost  give healing to the sick, relief to the suffering, sight to the blind, and to all everything that is expedient for them as they cry aloud in thanksgiving:

Rejoice, indestructible fortress and bulwark of Orthodox rulers.

Rejoice, principle adornment of holy churches and altars.

Rejoice, truest guard of holy monasteries.

Rejoice, vigilant Helper of stouthearted civil authorities.

Rejoice, unconquerable Leader of Christian captains and armies.

Rejoice, holy mirror of justice for judges who take no bribes.

Rejoice, perfect knowledge for teachers and those who bring up children.

Rejoice, Blessing of pious homes and families.

Rejoice, our Joy, protect us from every ill by Thy precious Veil.

Kontakion 4: O Lady, Thou dost help us held fast by a storm of many afflictions: for Thou dost stand before the altar of the Lord, lifting Thine hands and praying that the Lord of glory look down on our unworthy prayer and hearken to the petitions of those who call upon Thy holy Name crying to Thy Son: Alleluia!

Ikos 4: The Lord God heard Joshua, son of Nun, praying and He commanded the sun to stand still until he defeated the enemy. The Lord Jesus now hears Thy supplication, O chosen dwelling of the Holy Spirit. Therefore we sinners, putting our trust in Thy protection, make bold to say to Thee, Mother of God:

Rejoice, Thou who are lit by the Sun of the mind and who dost enlighten us with the light that never sets.

Rejoice, Thou who hast illumined the whole earth by the brightness of Thy most pure soul.

Rejoice, Thou who hast made glad the whole heavens by the purity of Thy body.

Rejoice, Protector and Provider of the holy monasteries of Christ.

Rejoice, Thou who art the strength and understanding of the pastors of the Church.

Rejoice, Guide of God-fearing monks and nuns.

Rejoice, untroubled rest of the pious aged.

Rejoice, secret gladness of pure virgins and widows.

Rejoice, our Joy, protect us from every ill by Thy precious Veil.

Kontakion 5: When Moses who saw God lifted his arms while the battle with Amalek raged, Israel overcame and when he let his hands fall, Amalek was victorious and strengthened by those who hold up his arms, Israel defeated the enemy; and Thou, O Mother of God, having raised Thine hands in supplication, even though no man hold them up, dost always conquer the enemies of Christ and art an invincible shield for us who cry: Alleluia!

Ikos 5: The assemblies of saints when they had seen Thee in the air inside the church of the Blachernae stretching Thy hands in prayer to Thy Son and God, sang Thee a song in Thanksgiving with the archangels and angels: while we, our hands fortified by Thee made stronger than the arms of Moses, cry aloud with compunction:

Rejoice, Thou whose love and mercy towards us alone hold out Thine hands for us.

Rejoice, Thou before Whom our enemies, visible and invisible, cannot stand.

Rejoice, Thou who drivest away the dark hordes of our passions and lusts.

Rejoice, Thou who holdest in Thine hand without being consumed, the divine fire of Christ, and who with it dost set us in our coldness aflame.

Rejoice, Thou who crownest with a fair crown of chastity those who fight against the flesh.

Rejoice, Thou perpetual Converser with those who strive in fasting and silent prayer.

Rejoice, Thou speedy Comforter of those who fall from despair and sadness.

Rejoice, Thou who dost by grace provide us with humility and patience.

Rejoice, our Joy, protect us from every ill by Thy precious Veil.

Kontakion 6: Saint Roman the Melodist, appeared as an unfailing proclaimer of Thy grace and mercy when he had received from Thee in a dream a paper roll to swallow: for thereby made wise, he began to sing with skill in Thine honor and to write praises for the saints, calling out with faith: Alleluia!

Ikos 6: O Virgin, Maid of God, who hast shone forth the Dawn from the true Sun of righteousness, enlightening all with the wisdom of Thy God and Son and who leadest all to knowledge of the truth those who cry to Thee:

Rejoice, Thou who hast given birth to Christ in the flesh, the power of God and wisdom of God.

Rejoice, Thou who hast confounded the foolish wisdom of this world and who hast guided those blinded by it on the way of truth.

Rejoice, Preserver of our holy faith and teacher of Orthodox dogma.

Rejoice, Uprooter of impious heresies and corrupting divisions.

Rejoice, Thou who well knowest secret and unforeseen difficulties and dost tell those whom it is proper about them.

Rejoice, thou who puttest to shame false seers and vain divining.

Rejoice, Thou who in the hour of perplexity dost put a good thought in our hearts.

Rejoice, Thou who dost turn us from perilous purposes and senseless desires.

Rejoice, our Joy, protect us from every ill by Thy precious Veil.

Kontakion 7: The all-seeing, long suffering Lord, wishing to manifest the unsearchable deep of His mercies and love for mankind, chose Thee alone to be His Mother, and made Thee into an invincible defence for His people: that even though one of them appear worthy of condemnation by the righteous judgment of God, yet all the more shall he be preserved for repentance by Thy mighty protection, crying: Alleluia!

Ikos 7: O Lord, Thou hast shown in Thine all-pure Mother, how wonderful are Thy works when Her most marvellous veil was revealed in Her hand shining brighter than the rays of the sun and with it She protected the people in the Church of Blachernae: for hearing of such a sign of Her defence, held by fear and joy, all say:

Rejoice, thou veil not made by hand of man that is spread over the whole world like a cloud.

Rejoice, Thou who dost hold in Thine hands the banner of Thy Son, the Pre-Eternal High-Priest.

Rejoice, Thou who hast thereby made manifest a new mercy and new grace in the Orthodox Church.

Rejoice, pillar of cloud who protectest all of us in the world from temptations and scandals.

Rejoice, pillar of fire amidst the darkness, showing us all the path of salvation.

Rejoice, visible strength of manifest strivers for godliness.

Rejoice, secret Giver of understanding to the secret servants of God in this world.

Rejoice, Thou who also leavest not without Thy grace and protection me who am stripped of all good works.

Rejoice, our Joy, protect us from every ill by Thy precious Veil.

Kontakion 8: Angels sang Thy praises when Thou didst appear in wondrous wise from heaven in the Church of the Blachernae and apostles gave Thee glory. The choir of holy bishops and monks and the band of holy women extolled Thee, the Forerunner with John the Theologian venerated Thee, and the people present in the Church cried aloud with joy: Alleluia!

Ikos 8: The Lord Who reignest over all things above and below, when He had seen Thee, His Mother, standing in the Church and praying with tender feeling to Him, said: Ask, O my Mother, because I shall never turn from Thee but will fulfil all Thy petitions and teach all to sing to Thee in thanksgiving:

Rejoice, Ark of the law in which is kept the sanctification of all mankind.

Rejoice, all-holy Jar in which the bread of eternal life is preserved for those who hunger for righteousness.

Rejoice, all-golden Vessel in which the flesh and blood of the divine Lamb are prepared for us.

Rejoice, Thou who dost receive in Thine all-powerful arms those foresaken by the physicians.

Rejoice, Thou who dost raise from their bed of sickness those crippled in body, but not in spirit and faith.

Rejoice, Thou who givest a new and better understanding to those who are perishing from infirmity of mind.

Rejoice, Thou who dost wisely trip us up on the stubborn path of sin and passion.

Rejoice, Thou who dost turn to mercy the cruelty of our unrepentant hearts.

Rejoice, our Joy, protect us from every ill by Thy precious Veil.

Kontakion 9: The whole assembly of angels offers Thee praises, Thou true Mother of God and Defender of all who run to Thee, knowing how with Thine unfailing protection Thou dost rejoice the righteous, protect and deliver the poor, and pray for all the faithful crying: Alleluia!

Ikos 9: The wordy orators, become as dumb fish, are at a loss as to how to praise as is due, the great feast of Thine all-precious protection: for all the things said by them about Thee suffice not to number Thy mercies alone. And we, seeing Thy good works without number, cry with gladness:

Rejoice, Thou who dost guard us from the deadly plague in which all perish.

Rejoice, Thou who dost preserve cities and villages from sudden earthquakes.

Rejoice, Thou who dost lead us out with Thy strong arm from flood and drowning.

Rejoice, Thou who by the dew of Thy prayers dost deliver us from the kindling of fire.

Rejoice, Thou who dost provide against hunger of soul and body by the Bread of Life.

Rejoice, Thou who dost lead away from our heads the blows of lightening and thunder.

Rejoice, Thou who dost save us from the attacks of strangers and secret murderers.

Rejoice, Thou who dost guard us with peace and love against family quarrels and enmities of those of our own blood.

Rejoice, our Joy, protect us from every ill by Thy precious Veil.

Kontakion 10: Wishing to save mankind from the error of the enemy, the Lord Who lovest mankind gave us on earth Thee His Mother to be our help, protection and defence, for Thee to be the Comforter of those that sorrow, the Joy of the afflicted, the Defender of the injured, and to raise all from the depth of sin, singing: Alleluia!

Ikos 10: “O King of Heaven”, spoke the all-pure Queen in prayer as She stood with the angels, “do Thou accept every man praying to Thee and calling upon my name for help, that he go not away from my face empty and unheard.” Hearing this most good supplication, the assemblies of the saints cried in thanksgiving:

Rejoice, Thou who crownest with blessed fruits the husbandman pure in hand and heart.

Rejoice, Succour and righteous Rewarder for all those who honestly trade.

Rejoice, Reprover before all nations of those who keep not their oaths and whose gains are unjust.

Rejoice, unexpected Helper of those in distress in travels by land and water.

Rejoice, Thou who makest childless couples glad with the fruits of faith and spirit.

Rejoice, unseen Tutor of motherless orphans.

Rejoice, strong Defender of those in captivity and exile.

Rejoice, ever-watchful Guardian of those sitting in bonds and prison.

Rejoice, our Joy, protect us from every ill by Thy precious Veil.

Kontakion 11: Hearing a most moving song and attending to Thy prayer for us, we beg Thee, O Virgin Theotokos, look not away from the voices of Thy servants for we run to Thee in assaults and affliction and in our distress we pour out our tears before Thee, crying: Alleluia!

Ikos 11: Seeing Thee in the air inside the Blachernae Church burning in prayer as a candle aflame with light, I gave voice together with a multitude of people there present: “how can this be that the Mother of my Lord has come to me?” And Saint Andrew with Epiphanios prayed warmly to Thee, crying:

Rejoice, abundant Giver of all spiritual and bodily gifts.

Rejoice, true Advocate of sinners who have started to repent.

Rejoice, perpetual Champion of those fighting with enemy passions and intents.

Rejoice, invisible Tamer of cruel and bestial masters.

Rejoice, secret Rest and Consolation of humble and suffering servants.

Rejoice, most longed-for Fulfiller of blessed marriages.

Rejoice, swift and painless relief of mothers in childbirth.

Rejoice, our only Help in the hour of death.

Rejoice, our Joy, protect us from every ill by Thy precious Veil

Kontakion 12: Ask Thy Son to give us divine grace; stretch towards us a helping hand; ward off from us every enemy and adversary and give our lives peace that we perish not grievously, without repentance, but accept us, O our Protector, in the eternal mansions, that, rejoicing we may cry to Thee: Alleluia!

Ikos 12: Singing the praises of Thy mighty protection, we praise Thee for Thou art to us all our firm Advocate and we venerate Thee who dost pray for us: for we believe and we trust that Thou wilt beg of Thy Son and God eternal and temporal good things for all who cry thus to Thee with love:

Rejoice, strong Defence of the whole inhabited earth.

Rejoice, sanctification of all the earthly and heavenly elements.

Rejoice, Thou Blessing of all the seasons of the year.

Rejoice, Thou Conqueror of all assaults and temptations that come from the world, the flesh and the devil.

Rejoice, unhoped for Reconciliation of those who are at daggers drawn.

Rejoice, Amendment without their knowledge of unrepentant sinners.

Rejoice, Thou who dost not turn away those despised and forsaken by all.

Rejoice, Thou who dost pluck from the pit of destruction those that indeed despair.

Rejoice, our Joy, protect us from every ill by Thy precious Veil.

Kontakion 13: O all-praised Mother, Most pure Lady, Virgin, Theotokos, to Thee do I lift up the eyes of my soul and body, to Thee do I stretch forth my hands grown feeble and I cry from the depth of my heart: look down on the faith and humility of my soul; shelter me with Thy almighty protection, that I be saved from all assault and distress, and in the hour of my death, be by me, O Thou all-blessed, and deliver me from the torment prepared for me because of my sins, that venerating Thee, I may ever cry: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! (Thrice)

Ikos 1: Archangels and angels with John the Forerunner, John the Theologian and the choir of all the saints, were present with Thee, their Queen, in the Church of the Blachernae and hearing Thy moving supplication for all the world, they cried out with wonder as follows:

Rejoice, O pre-eternal good will of God the Father Who has no beginning of days.

Rejoice, timeless and most pure one who contained God the Son.

Rejoice, Thou chosen dwelling-place of God the all-Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, Thou never ceasing wonder of the angelic hosts on high.

Rejoice, Thou all-threatening terror of the dark forces of hell.

Rejoice, Thou whom the many-eyed cherubim meet in the air.

Rejoice, Thou to whom the six-winged seraphim ascribe praises.

Rejoice, Thou whose most precious veil we born on earth thankfully venerate.

Rejoice, our Joy, protect us from every ill by Thy precious Veil.

Kontakion 1: O Chosen by the Pre-Eternal God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, higher than all creation, who hast in days past entered praying into the Church of the Blachernae we, offering Thee with thanksgiving due veneration, flee with faith and compunction under Thy shining vestment for we lie in darkness. And as Thou who hast invincible power dost set us free from every affliction that we may cry to Thee: Rejoice, our Joy, protect us from every ill by Thy precious veil.

Ode VII, Irmos: The divinely wise would not worship a created thing instead of the Creator, but, manfully trampling the threat of the fire underfoot, they rejoiced, chanting: O all-hymned Lord God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O Virgin, thou wast not described by the many prophets and wast also unknown to the angels of heaven who minister to God; but now we all know thee to be the Theotokos, and require thy help and aid, O blessed one.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O Virgin Theotokos, thou mountain curdled by the Spirit which Habbakuk saw pouring forth the sweetness of healing upon the faithful, heal us who cry out to thy Son: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

He Who bowed down the heavens made His abode within thee, O Virgin, and now regardeth thy supplication, fulfilling thy petitions, O pure Queen and Theotokos. To Him do thou now earnestly pray, for we place our hope in thee, O blessed one.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Christ God, our Creator and Saviour, accept the entreaty of Thy Mother, which she offereth to Thee for us sinners, that, rejoicing, we may chant to Thee: O all-hymned God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Ode VIII, Irmos: The birth giving of the Theotokos saved the pious children in the furnace – then in figure, but now in deed, – and it moveth the whole world to chant to Thee: Hymn the Lord, O ye works, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

With the ranks of the angels, the honourable and glorious prophets, the preeminent apostles, the hieromartyrs and holy hierarchs, O Mistress, pray thou to God for us sinners who glorify the feast of thy protection in this land.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Cast down pride and arrogance, scatter the councils of unjust princes, and destroy those who instigate wars, O Mother of God, most honoured Queen! And exalt the horn of our Orthodox hierarchs, that we may glorify thy feast, O all-pure Virgin Theotokos, crying: Hymn the Lord, ye works, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Offering thee hymnody with our mouths, we bow down before thee spiritually with our souls; for our hearts burn within us. O all-pure Mother of God, have mercy upon us who pray to thee, who hymn the Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

I have been weighed down by many sins, and am at a loss how to write in praise of thy protection, O Theotokos; but as thou art the Mother of God, adorn thy feast with miracles, that, rejoicing, we may all hymn the Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages.

Ode IX, Irmos: Let every earthborn man leap up, enlightened by the Spirit; and let the nature of the incorporeal intelligences hold festival, honouring the sacred feast of the Mother of God, and let it cry aloud: Rejoice, O most blessed Theotokos, thou pure Ever-virgin!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O exalted King Who sittest with the Father and art hymned by the seraphim: look down upon the supplication of Thy Mother, which she offereth to Thee for us sinners, and wash away our sins. Save this city and multiply the people. Grant health of body and victory over all adversaries to the Orthodox through the prayers of her who gave Thee birth.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O divinely chosen Virgin, we cry out to thee with the voice of the angel: Rejoice, thou who hast led Adam back into paradise! Rejoice, thou who drivest the demons away with thy name! Rejoice, O hope of Christians! Rejoice, sanctification of souls! Rejoice, preserver of our city!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Remember us in thy supplications, O Virgin Lady and Theotokos, that we not perish because of the multitude of our sins. Protect us from all evil and grievous perils, for in thee do we place our trust, and, honouring the feast of thy protection, we magnify thee.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

As Mother of God, thou hast received from God the gift to heal the infirmities of all Christians, to deliver them from misfortunes, to forgive their sins and save them from captivity and all want. Disdain us not, O Lady, for thou knowest that we are in need of health for our bodies and salvation for our souls.

First Prayer: O all-holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the hosts on high, Thou Queen of heaven and earth and almighty Defender of our country, accept from us Thine unworthy servants this song of praise and thanksgiving and bring our prayer up to the throne of Thy God and Son, that He be merciful towards our unrighteousness, and extend His grace to those who honor Thy name and venerate with faith and love Thy wonder-working ikon. For we are not worthy to be forgiven by Him hadst Thou, O Lady, not made Him merciful towards us, for all things from Him are possible to Thee. Therefore we run to Thee as Thou art our swift and undoubted Protector. Hear us who pray to Thee: overshadow us with Thine almighty veil and ask from Thy God and Son zeal and vigilance for our shepherds, wisdom and strength for the souls of those who govern our cities, righteousness and impartiality for our judges, understanding and humility for our leaders, love and concord for the married, obedience for our children, patience for those who have been offended, the fear of God for those that offend, stoutheartedness for the afflicted, restraint for those that rejoice, and for all of us the spirit of understanding and godliness, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of chastity and truth. Yea, O all-holy Lady, be merciful towards Thy feeble people: gather together the dispersed, guide on the right way those that have gone astray, uphold old age, make the young pure, bring up the children and look down upon all of us with the care of Thy merciful protection. Raise us from the depth of sin and enlighten the eyes of our hearts to see salvation. Be merciful to us both here and yonder, during our wandering in the land of this earth and at the Last Judgement of Thy Son: and make our fathers and brothers who have departed this life live the eternal life with the angels and all the saints. For Thou, O Lady, art the glory of those in heaven and the trust of those on earth. After God, Thou art the hope and Defender of all who flee to Thee with faith. We then pray to Thee and to Thee as our almighty Helper, do we commend ourselves and one another, now and for ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Second Prayer: O my most blessed Queen, my all-holy hope, Receiver of orphans and Defender of the strangers, Helper of those in poverty, Protector of the sick, behold my distress, behold my affliction. On all sides am I held by temptation, and there is none to defend me. Help me then as I am weak, feed me as I am a pilgrim, guide me as I have strayed, heal and save me as I lie without hope. For I have no other help, nor advocate nor comforter, save Thee, O Mother of all the afflicted and heavy laden. Look down then on me, a sinner lying in sickness, and protect me with Thine all-holy Veil, that I be delivered from all the ills surrounding me and may ever praise Thy Name that all men sing. Amen.

Troparion, Tone 4: Overshadowed by thy coming, O Mother of God, * we, the right faithful people, celebrate today with splendour, * and gazing upon thy most precious image, we cry aloud with compunction: * Cover us with thy precious omophorion, * and deliver us from all evil, * entreating thy Son, Christ our God, ** that He save our souls.

Canon of Supplication To the Venerable Paisius the Great

The faithful have traditionally turned to St Paisius to pray for those who have died without repentance, but we can equally pray to him to guide us to repentance in this life – trusting in the power of his prayers.


Ode I, Irmos: A helper and protector hath He been unto me for my salvation. He is my God, and I shall glorify Him. He is the God of my fathers, and I shall exalt Him, for gloriously hath He been glorified.

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

Unto God, Who maketh all wise, do thou pray, O venerable father, that He open mine unworthy lips and move mine ignorant tongue in behalf of His servant [handmaid]. By the grace of the Holy Spirit which abideth in thee, O father, overcome my reluctance and lack of eloquence, that I may hymn thy wonders.

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

Let me therefore begin by recounting thy right laudable and spiritually profitable life from infancy. Egypt of old produced Moses, great among the prophets, who was glorified by His closeness to God and his great miracles. And now Egypt hath shown itself to be glorified a second time, for thy sake, O father Paisius, enriched by thine honourable name and the many virtues, which the Lord bestowed upon thee. Him to thou entreat, that He save our souls.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Entering the kingdom of heaven by the narrow and onerous path, according to the commandment of the thy Master Christ, O venerable father Paisius, having hated the wide and spacious road, dispel the darkness which hath spread over my mind, that I may be able to offer this meagre supplication in thine all-pure memory.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O good one, grant me a contrite spirit, a humble heart, a pure mind, correction of life and remission of transgressions.

Ode III, Irmos: On the rock of Thy commandments, O Lord, establish Thou mine unsteady heart, for Thou alone art our holy Lord.

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

Thou wast a rock of faith like the Apostle Peter, O venerable Paisius, having crucified thyself to the world throughout all thy life; and thou didst direct thy feet straight to the heavenly path and didst attain the Jerusalem on high. Standing with the saints before the Holy Trinity, on my behalf entreat the Good One Who loveth mankind.

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

The Lord chose thee as a most splendid shoot sprung forth from a pious root; for an angel told thy mother: “This one is pleasing unto God!” And taking up thy cross from childhood, thou didst follow Him without turning back, and by the grace of God didst grow in age and understanding. Pray thou that He grant me remission of sins.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O Master Lord Jesus Christ, who doth not marvel at Thy love for mankind? For when the desire came upon the venerable one to undertake the monastic life so as to fulfil Thy commandments, like an unblemished lamb he was led by Thy grace into the wilderness, where he came upon the reason-endowed flock and was brought to the blessed shepherd Pambo and clothed in the monastic habit. O Lord, through the supplications of the venerable Paisius make me steadfast also in the doing of Thy commandments!

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

By thy supplications, O Virgin, free me from grievous torments, from outermost darkness and Gehenna; for thou hast the will and the power so to do, O thou who gavest birth to the one all-good Lord.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sessional Hymn, Tone II: Having bound thy soul with the love of Christ and hated all earthly things, O wise and venerable father, thou didst make thine abode among the deserts and mountains; and tasting of the noetic tree, thou didst shine forth like an angel. Wherefore, having traversed the gloom of thy flesh, thou didst drive away the darkness of the demons. O Paisius, foremost among monastics, entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of sins unto those who with love honour thy holy memory.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: Speedy protection, help and mercy do thou show thy servant, O pure one. Still thou the waves of vain imaginings, and lift up my soul, O Theotokos, for I know that thou canst do whatsoever thou desirest.

Ode IV, Irmos: The prophet heard of Thine coming, O Lord, and was afraid, for Thou didst desire to be born of the Virgin and reveal Thyself to men; and he said: “I have heard report of Thee and was afraid. Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

Taking up the ascetic life from thine earliest years, O divinely wise Paisius, thou didst persevere to the end of thy days, receiving as a divine victor the crown of triumph from the King of all, that by thy supplications thou mayest deliver sinners from torment, of whom I am the first. Forget me not!

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

Having thee as a mighty advocate and comforter of the grieving, an intercessor, ally and pious mediator, we are saved from all misfortunes, perils and evil circumstances.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

He Who hath a great abyss of judgments said unto thee: “Behold, I give thee a gift: Whatsoever thou shalt ask of My Father in My name will be given thee: for whichever sinner thou shalt pray, his sins will be forgiven.” Wherefore, I who have an abyss of offences fall down before thee, O father Paisius, praying that He Who made thee this promise may through thy supplications remit my sins, in that He is good and loveth mankind.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Direct thy words to thy Son, O all-immaculate one, when I will be justly judged, that I may then find thee to be a refuge and most mighty help, delivering me from all torments.

Ode V, Irmos: Enlighten me who rise at dawn out of the night, I pray, O Thou Who lovest mankind, and guide me in Thy precepts; and teach me to do Thy will, O Savior.

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

Having laid waste to thy body by fasting, O father Paisius, thou didst once abide for seventy days without bodily food, possessing ineffable divine strength after communing of the Body and Blood of Christ, able to maintain the power of life by thy grace more than the strengthening of food. Glory to Thy might, O Lord!

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

Like John the Baptist thou didst desire to walk the straight and narrow path. He, seeing thy Creator at the Jordan, was afraid and cried aloud: “I who am straw cannot approach Fire!” And once, in the desert, thou, O father Paisius, unable to look upon the face of the Lord Who appeared unto thee, didst fall down, overcome by trembling. But He said to thee: “Fear not! I will fill this desert with ascetics for thee.” And with them we pray to thee: In thy prayers forget us not, O father, that we may find mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

To begin I admit to Thee mine offenses; and I entreat Thy loving- kindness toward mine iniquities, that Thou mayest forgive and cover the multitude of my sins with Thy compassion, and grant me to pass the remaining time of my life without sin, that having easily walked the path to salvation, I may without hindrance attain unto a good end with thy help, for without Thine aid and guidance I can accomplish naught that is good, and can receive mercy only with Thee.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

I, who am a fool, offer thee this servile entreaty and flee unto thy compassionate loving-kindness: Turn me not away, ashamed, O pure one.

Ode VI, Irmos: With all my heart I cry out to the compassionate God, and He heard my cry from the uttermost depths of Hades, and hath led my life up from corruption.

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

Jordan, a creation which lacketh a soul, stood in awe of its Creator and cried aloud: “I cannot wash the Sinless One!” But when thou, O saint, didst see the Lord, thou didst take water and touch the Untouchable One, washing His feet. And when thou didst drink of that water, thou didst receive the gift to heal infirmities and to drive demons away from men. Wherefore, we fall down before thee, O father, praying: By thy supplications have mercy on us, delivering us from every demonic assault.

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

To the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ we have found in thee, O father Paisius, a great refuge and a fervent advocate and helper amid our sins. For once, a monk died who had apostatised from Christianity and was brought down into the depths of hell for his pernicious unbelief; but when his elder sensed this, he had recourse unto thee, begging thee to pray to the most Merciful One. And the Compassionate Lord appeared to thee, and said: “O my favoured one, it is a good thing that, emulating My love, thou carest for sinners, willing to assume torment for their deliverance.”

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

Thy prayers and tears were borne aloft to God like incense of sweet savour and a sacrifice without blemish and right acceptable. Forget me not in thy mediation before the all-holy Theotokos. Grant me tears of compunction; wash away the depths of my sins; deliver me from the abyss of death; grant great mercy to the hopeless, and forgive them their offences.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

I am seized by incomprehension when I ponder in mind the dread hour of my trial by my Judge and God; and I weep, groan and lament, mindful of the abyss of my sins. Wherefore, at the supplications of Thy favoured one, the venerable Paisius, O Thou Who lovest mankind, save and deliver me from torment, in that Thou art full of loving-kindness.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

From the depths of my heart I offer thee groans, I all-immaculate one, begging thy timely aid. Have mercy on my passion-fraught soul, O greatly merciful Mother, and take pity and deliver me from damnation and the lake of fire.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone II: Forsaking the tumults of life, thou didst love the life of stillness, emulating the Baptist in all ways; and we honour thee with him, O Paisius, chief among the fathers.

Ikos: Hearkening to the voice of Christ, thou didst follow His commandments; and stripping thyself bare of life, thou didst put aside all cares, all possessions and property, and thy brethren and the love of thy mother, O God-bearing Paisius. And, in the desert thou didst in mind converse alone with God, and didst receive gifts, which do thou send also unto me who praise thee in hymns, O Paisius, chief among the fathers.

Ode VII, Irmos: We have sinned, we have committed iniquity, we have dealt unjustly before Thee. We have neither done nor acted as Thou hast commanded us. But forsake us not utterly, O God of our fathers.

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

Full of many sins am I; wherefore let thy prayer ascend like incense of sweet savour, O father. Abolish the abyss of my sins, still the raging sea of mine evil life, drive away the flood of rage, and with thy chaste supplications make steadfast my mind, O father Paisius.

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

Having thee as an instructor, a fervent advocate, a speedy helper, a firm rampart and unshakable bulwark, and a mighty and invincible commander, we beseech thee: Forget not those who pray to thee, deliver us from ever grief and assault of the enemy!

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

O great wonder! One day, while thou wast sitting in thy cave, O father Paisius, there came to thee a voice, saying: “Peace be unto thee, my beloved favourite!” And overcome with fear and trembling, thou didst arise and fall prostrate, saying: “Behold, I am Thy servant, O Lord!” Wherefore, we beseech thee: Entreat Him Who loveth mankind, that He save our souls.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O Christ, grant me understanding and patience, that I may not judge sinners with the arrogance of the Pharisee; but accept my repentance as Thou didst that of the publican and the prodigal son, O God; and through the prayers of the venerable Paisius show me to be worthy of Thy Supper, and grant me forgiveness of sins.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Arise, O my passion-fraught soul! Stand forth, O wretched one! Beat thy breast, and from thine inner depths put forth springs of tears, that the kind-hearted Mother of Christ God may have mercy on thee, who art accursèd.

Ode VIII, Irmos: Let every creature that hath breath hymn, bless and supremely exalt for all ages Him Whom the armies of heaven glorify and before Whom the cherubim and seraphim tremble.

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

Disdain not this grateful hymnody which I offer thee, O father Paisius; rather, accept it, and fill it with spiritual joy, that without hindrance I may venerate thine icon, where it is inscribed: “He who imparteth healings unto all”.

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

Emulating the most venerable life of the God-pleasing fathers who in ages past lived in humility and asceticism for the sake of Christ, O father Paisius, thou didst live thy whole life martyrically, and didst suffer greatly from the attacks of the demons, vanquishing them. Wherefore, I beseech thee, O father: By thy supplications drive far from me violence, wrath and indifference.

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

O Master Christ God, most Compassionate One: By the judgments which Thou knowest grant that I may hate the works of the evil one, for Thou art our God, Who didst say: “Ask, and ye shall receive.” Grant me love, that through the supplications of the venerable father Paisius I may do Thy saving will with all my soul.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

I beseech Thee: O Master: Be Thou long-suffering to me, a sinner, and do not visit me with the severing of death as Thou wouldst a barren tree, sending me into the fire; but, entreated by the supplications of the venerable one, show me to be fruitful, and grant me time for repentance, in that Thou lovest mankind.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Send me streams of tears and groans from the depths of my soul, O pure one, that when I fall down before thy protection I may find remission of my sins at thy supplication.

Ode IX, Irmos: O Virgin who received the angel’s salutation and gavest birth to thine own Creator, save those who magnify thee.

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

Even during thy lifetime thou wast a speedy helper, O venerable one: for once a certain elder had a disciple who died in disobedience and was led down into hell; but that elder fell prostrate, entreating the most Compassionate One on behalf of his disciple; and thou, as a speedy listener and maintainer of love, didst set thy hope on the most compassionate God and stretched forth thy hands in prayer. And the greatly Merciful One, Who is true to His promises, did the will of those who feared Him and hearkened to thy supplications, and led forth that soul from hell. Wherefore, I the unworthy one, falling down, beseech Thee: O father Paisius, by thy prayers deliver me from torment and from unquenchable fire.

Venerable father, Paisius, pray to God for us!

I have become the object of the demons’ mockery, the disparagement of men, the lamentation of the righteous, the weeping of the angels, the defilement of air, earth and water. By mine actions I have sullied my body and rendered my mind vile beyond description, and have made myself an enemy to God. Woe is me! I have sinned! At the supplications of the venerable Paisius forgive me!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Like the one who fell among thieves and was wounded, so have I also fallen through many sins, and my soul hath been wounded. To whom can I flee, guilty as I am, if not to Thee, the merciful Physician of souls? Accept the venerable Paisius as a fervent advocate, and by his supplications pour forth the oil of Thy great mercy upon me.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

My transgressions have multiplied, and I deserve threatening and condemnation. O pure one, falling down, I cry unto thee: Before the end grant me cleansing, compunction and the correction of my ways.

Troparion, Tone II: Consumed by divine love from thy youth, O venerable one, thou didst despise all the beautiful things in the world, and didst love Christ alone. Wherefore, thou madest thine abode in the desert, where thou wast vouchsafed a visitation of God, upon Whom the eyes of the angels found in impossible to gaze, and didst fall prostrate. And He Who loveth mankind, as the great Bestower of gifts, said unto thee: “Fear not, my beloved! Thy works are pleasing unto Me! Behold, I grant thee a boon: For whichsoever sinner thou shalt pray, I will remit his sins.” And afire in the purity of thy heart, thou didst take water and touch the Intangible One, washing His feet; and when thou didst drink that water thou wast enriched with the gift of miracles, so that thou wast by thine entreaty able to deliver sinners from torment, to heal the sick, and to expel demons from men, O venerable father Paisius. Wherefore since I am first among such sinners, I beseech thee to entreat Him Who made thee this promise, that He grant me time to repent and forgive mine offences, in that He is good and loveth mankind, that with all others I may chant unto Him: Alleluia!

The Canons for the Nativity of the Mother of God

Canon I of the Theotokos, the composition of John of Damascus, in Tone II

Ode I, Irmos: Come, ye people, let us chant a hymn to Christ God, Who divided the sea and guided the people whom He had led forth from the bondage of Egypt, for He hath been glorified.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Come, ye faithful, and, rejoicing with divine spirit, let us honour with hymns the Ever-virgin Maiden who today hath issued forth from a barren woman for the salvation of men.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Rejoice, O pure one, Mother and handmaid of Christ God, mediatress of our primal blessedness! All of us, the human race, glorify thee with hymns, as is meet.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Today is the bridge of life born, through which men have attained restoration after their fall into hades, glorifying Christ, the Bestower of life, with hymns.

Canon II of the Theotokos, the composition of Andrew of Crete, in Tone VIII

Irmos: To Him Who crushed battles with His arm and led Israel across the Red Sea, let us chant, as to God our Deliverer, for gloriously hath He been glorified.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Let all creation join chorus, and let David be glad, for from his tribe and seed hath come forth as a flower the rod which beareth the Lord, the Creator of all.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The Holy of Holies is placed in the holy sanctuary as a babe, to be fed by the hands of angels. Let us all, therefore, faithfully keep festival together on her nativity.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Anna was barren and unable to give birth, yet she was not childless in God’s eyes; for, lo! she hath become known by all generations as the mother of the pure Virgin, from whom the Creator of nature hath sprung forth in the guise of a servant.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

With hymns we all honour thee, the innocent ewe-lamb who hast been born of Anna and who through thy womb brought the Lamb Christ into our nature.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

I glorify the three Unoriginate Ones, I hymn the three Holy Ones, I proclaim the three equally Everlasting Ones to be of a single Essence; for the one God is glorified in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Who hath seen a Babe fed with milk Whom a father hath not sown? Or where hath there been seen a Mother who is a Virgin? Truly past understanding are both of these things, O pure Theotokos.

Ode III, Irmos: Establish us in thee, O Lord Who hast slain sin by the Tree, and plant the fear of Thee in the hearts of us who hymn Thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having lived blamelessly for God, ye gave birth unto the salvation of all, O divinely wise parents of her who gave birth to our Creator and God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having lived blamelessly for God, ye gave birth unto the salvation of all, O divinely wise parents of her who gave birth to our Creator and God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

From a barren woman did the Lord, Who poureth forth life upon all, cause the Virgin to come forth, in whom He was pleased to make His abode, preserving her incorrupt even after giving birth.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Let us hymn Mary today as the Theotokos, the fruit of Anna, the intercessor and helper of all, who gave birth to the life-bearing Cluster.

Canon II, Irmos: My heart is established in the Lord; my horn is exalted in my God; my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies. I am glad in Thy salvation.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O all-pure Virgin Theotokos, thou hast been shown to be higher than all creation, having given birth in the flesh to the Creator.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Blessed is thy womb, O chaste Anna, for thou didst pour forth the fruit of virginity who gave birth without seed to Jesus the Deliverer, the Nurturer of creation.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O Ever-virgin, all creation calleth thee blessed who hast been born today of Anna as the rod sprung forth from the root of Jesse, who put forth Christ as an all-pure Bloom.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Showing thee to be more exalted than all creation, O pure Theotokos, thy Son magnifieth thy birth from Anna and gladdeneth all today.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

We worship Thee, O Father unoriginate in essence, we hymn Thy timeless Son, and we honour Thy Spirit Who is equally everlasting: as God three in Hypostases but one in Essence.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O pure Theotokos, who gavest birth unto the Bestower of light, the Author of man’s life, thou hast been shown to be the treasure of our life and the portal of Light unapproachable.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sessional Hymn, Tone IV, Spec. Mel. “Joseph marvelled…”: Like a cloud of light hath the Virgin Mary, the Theotokos, truly shone forth upon us today, and she cometh forth from the righteous ones for our glory. No longer is Adam condemned, and Eve is freed from her bonds. Wherefore, we exclaim, crying aloud with boldness to her who alone is pure: Thy nativity announceth joy to the whole world!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The foregoing is repeated.

Ode IV, Irmos: I have heard report of Thy dispensation, O Lord, and have glorified Thee Who alone lovest mankind.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

We hymn Thee, O Lord, Who hast given unto all, as a haven of salvation, her who gaveth birth to Thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

We hymn Thee, O Lord, Who hast given unto all, as a haven of salvation, her who gaveth birth to Thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Christ hath revealed thee, O Bride of God, to all who with faith hymn thy mystery as their boast and might.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Delivered from transgressions by thy supplications, O Mistress who knewest not wedlock, we all bless thee with a good understanding.

Canon II, Irmos: With noetic eyes the Prophet Habbakuk foresaw Thy coming, O Lord; wherefore he cried aloud: “God shall come out of Thæman!” Glory to Thy power! Glory to Thy condescension!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The Patriarch Jacob, clearly foreseeing the mighty works of Thy dispensation, O Saviour, cried out in the Spirit, saying mystically to Judah: “From the tender plant thou art gone up, O my Son!”, referring to Thee, O God, Who wast born of the Virgin.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Now the pure Virgin, the rod of Aaron which sprung forth from the root of David, cometh forth from Anna, and heaven and earth and all the nations of the gentiles mystically join chorus together with Anna and Joachim.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Let heaven now be glad; let the earth rejoice! And let Joachim and David join chorus: the one as the father of thee who truly gavest birth to God, and the other as thine ancestor who proclaimed thy mighty deeds, O pure one.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The whole world rejoiceth with thee today, O divinely wise Anna; for thou hast budded forth the Mother of its Deliverer, she who from the root of David put forth for us the rod of strength which beareth Christ as a flower.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

I glorify God, the unoriginate Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the consubstantial, uncreated Trinity, before Whom the seraphim stand with reverence, crying aloud: Holy, Holy, Holy art Thou, O God!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The all-unoriginate Origin receiveth a beginning from thee in the flesh and in time, O Theotokos, and He remaineth equally the unoriginate and incarnate Word of the Father, equally everlasting with the Spirit, maintaining His divine dignity.

Ode V, Irmos: Having destroyed the shadowy darkness of indistinct images and illumined the hearts of the faithful by the coming of the Truth through the divine Maiden, O Christ, guide us by Thy light.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O ye people, let us hymn the cause of the Cause of all, Who became like unto us. For the prophets, counted worthy to behold her image, rejoiced, bringing forth the fruit of manifest salvation through her.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O ye people, let us hymn the cause of the Cause of all, Who became like unto us. For the prophets, counted worthy to behold her image, rejoiced, bringing forth the fruit of manifest salvation through her.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The budding forth of the dry rod of the priest showed forth the destiny of Israel; and now the most glorious offspring of the barren woman most gloriously shineth forth the splendour of those who gave rise to her.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The budding forth of the dry rod of the priest showed forth the destiny of Israel; and now the most glorious offspring of the barren woman most gloriously shineth forth the splendour of those who gave rise to her.

Canon II, Irmos: Grant us peace, O Lord our God. O Lord our God, take us for Thy possession. O Lord, we know none other than Thee; we call upon Thy name.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thy nativity is all-pure, O immaculate Virgin, thy conception is ineffable, and thy birthgiving unutterable, O Bride unwedded; for God hath clad Himself in all of me.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Let the angelic ranks be glad; let the descendants of Adam join chorus; for the rod hath been born which put forth as flower Christ alone, our Deliverer.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Today the condemnation of Eve is lifted in thy nativity, the barrenness of Anna is loosed, and Adam is freed from the ancient curse; for by thee have we been delivered from corruption.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Glory to Thee Who hast glorified the barren woman today! For, according to the promise, she gave birth unto the flowering rod from whence Christ, the Flower of our life, hath budded forth.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Glory to Thee, O Holy Father, Unbegotten God! Glory to Thee, O timeless and Only-Begotten Son! Glory to Thee, O Spirit Divine and equally enthroned, Who proceedest from the Father and restest in the Son!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thy womb didst become the chariot of the Sun; thy purity remained intact as before, O Virgin; for Christ the Sun appeared from thee like a Bridegroom from a bridal chamber.

Ode VI, Irmos: From the belly of the sea monster, Jonah cried out: Lead me up from the abyss of hell, I pray, that with a spirit of truth and in a voice of praise I may sacrifice to Thee, as to my Deliverer!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The divinely wise parents of the Mother of God cried out to the Lord in grief over their barrenness; and they gave birth to her, our common boast and salvation for generations of generations.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The divinely wise parents of the Mother of God cried out to the Lord in grief over their barrenness; and they gave birth to her, our common boast and salvation for generations of generations.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The divinely wise parents of the Mother of God received a gift worthy of heaven from God, for she is a chariot more highly exalted than the cherubim, the Mother of the Word and Creator.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The divinely wise parents of the Mother of God received a gift worthy of heaven from God, for she is a chariot more highly exalted than the cherubim, the Mother of the Word and Creator.

Canon II, Irmos: Like the waters of the sea am I tossed about by the waves of life, O Thou Who lovest mankind. Wherefore, like Jonah I cry to Thee: Lead up my life from corruption, O compassionate Lord!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thy chaste parents placed thee, who art the Holy of Holies, in the temple of the Lord, O pure one, to be raised with honour and prepared to become His Mother.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Join chorus, ye barren women and mothers! Be of good cheer and leap up, O ye childless! For a childless and barren woman buddeth forth the Theotokos who delivereth Eve from her birth pangs and Adam from the curse.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

I hearken to David who singeth to thee: “The virgins that follow after thee shall be brought into the temple of the King. And with him I also hymn thee, the daughter of the King.”

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

We hymn thy holy nativity and honour thine immaculate conception, O divinely chosen Bride and Virgin. And with us the ranks of angels and the souls of the saints glorify thee.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

In thee, O pure one, is the mystery of the Trinity hymned and glorified; for the Father was well-pleased, and the Word made His abode within thee, and the divine Spirit overshadowed thee.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou wast a golden candlestick, O pure Theotokos, for in thy womb the Fire made His abode: the Word from the Holy Spirit; and He became visible in thee in human form.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone IV: In thy holy nativity, O all-pure one, Joachim and Anna are freed from the reproach of childlessness, and Adam and Eve from mortal corruption. And, delivered from the affliction of sin, thy people celebrate it, crying out to thee: A barren woman giveth birth to the Theotokos, the nourisher of our Life!

Ikos: The supplication of Joachim over his childlessness, together with the sighing of Anna over her barrenness, were right acceptable to God: they entered the ears of the Lord and brought forth life-bearing fruit for the world. For the one made supplication on the mountain, and the other bore her reproach in the garden; and with joy the barren woman giveth birth to the Theotokos, the nourisher of our Life.

Ode VII, Irmos: The fiery bush on the mount and the dew-bearing furnace of Chaldæa manifestly prefigured thee, O Bride of God; for in thy material womb thou didst receive the divine and immaterial Fire without being consumed. Wherefore, to Him Who was born of thee do we chant: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Once, the transmitter of the law was prevented from understanding thy great mystery in material manifestations, O all-pure one, though instructed through images not to think earthly thoughts. Wherefore, marvelling at the wonder, he said: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Once, the transmitter of the law was prevented from understanding thy great mystery in material manifestations, O all-pure one, though instructed through images not to think earthly thoughts. Wherefore, marvelling at the wonder, he said: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

In godly manner the divine choir called thee beforehand the mountain and portal of heaven and the noetic ladder; for from thee was the Stone cut without the aid of man’s hands, and thou art the door through which passed the Lord of wonders, the God of our fathers.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

In godly manner the divine choir called thee beforehand the mountain and portal of heaven and the noetic ladder; for from thee was the Stone cut without the aid of man’s hands, and thou art the door through which passed the Lord of wonders, the God of our fathers.

Canon II, Irmos: The Chaldæan furnace, burning with fire, was bedewed by the Spirit through the presence of God; and the children chanted: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

We celebrate and bow down with faith before thy holy nativity, O pure one, honouring thy Son, by Whom we have now been delivered from the ancient condemnation of Adam.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Now Anna maketh merry and, rendering praise, crieth out: Though barren, I have given birth unto the Mother of God, for whose sake the condemnation of Eve, to give birth in pain and grief, hath been loosed!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Adam hath been freed and Eve danceth; and they cry out to thee in spirit, O Theotokos: Through thee have we been delivered from the primeval curse with the appearance of Christ!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O the womb which contained the dwelling-place of God! O the womb which bore her who is more spacious than the heavens, the holy throne, the noetic ark of sanctification!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

We glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in the unity of the Godhead, the All-Holy Trinity, indivisible, uncreated, equally everlasting and consubstantial.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Most gloriously didst thou alone give birth unto God, O Virgin. By thy nativity thou hast renewed nature, O Mary. Thou hast released Eve from the primeval curse, O pure Theotokos.

Ode VIII, Irmos: Thou didst once prefigure Thy Mother in the furnace of the children, O Lord; for her image drew from the fire those who entered it, without being consumed. We hymn and exalt her supremely for all ages, who through Thee hath been made manifest today to the ends of the earth.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Now the foreordained tabernacle of our reconciliation to God, who is to give birth to the Word Who hath manifested Himself to us in the coarseness of our flesh, beginneth her existence. Him do we, who have been brought into existence by Him out of nonexistence, hymn and exalt supremely for all ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Now the foreordained tabernacle of our reconciliation to God, who is to give birth to the Word Who hath manifested Himself to us in the coarseness of our flesh, beginneth her existence. Him do we, who have been brought into existence by Him out of nonexistence, hymn and exalt supremely for all ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The reversal of Anna’s barrenness hath loosed the world’s lack of good things, and hath plainly shown forth a miracle: Christ, Who hath come to mortal men. Him do we, who have been brought into existence by Him out of nonexistence, hymn and exalt supremely for all ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The reversal of Anna’s barrenness hath loosed the world’s lack of good things, and hath plainly shown forth a miracle: Christ, Who hath come to mortal men. Him do we, who have been brought into existence by Him out of nonexistence, hymn and exalt supremely for all ages.

Second Canon, Irmos: O Thou Who coverest Thy chambers with waters and settest the sands as a bound for the sea: Thee doth the sun hymn; Thee doth the moon glorify; and unto Thee doth all creation offer a hymn forever, as to the Creator of all.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou, O Holy God, Who wrought most glorious things through the barren womb, Who opened the childless womb of Anna and gave her fruit, Thou, O Son of the Virgin, hast received flesh from her, the ever-flourishing Virgin and Theotokos.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou, O Lord, Who closest the abyss and openest it, Who raisest water to the clouds and givest the rain, hast given the holy Anna to bud forth and give birth unto the all-pure fruit, the Theotokos, out of a barren root.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O Cultivator of our thoughts, Planter of our souls, Who hast shown forth barren earth as right fruitful, Thou hast made the holy Anna, a field which before was dry, to become burgeoning, right fertile and fruitful, giving rise to the Theotokos, the all-pure fruit.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Come ye all, let us gaze upon the city of God born as from a little chamber, which issueth forth from the gate of Anna’s womb, yet hath no knowledge of the entry, for the one God and Creator issued forth by this strange path.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O transcendent Trinity, unoriginate Unity, the multitude of angels hymneth and trembleth before Thee; heaven and earth are in awe of Thee; men bless Thee, and fire serveth Thee as a slave. Everything in creation submitteth to Thee with fear, O Holy Trinity.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O report most new! God becometh the Son of a woman! O seedless birthgiving! A Mother without a husband, a Begotten God! O awesome sight! O, the strange conception of the Virgin! O ineffable nativity, truly past all understanding and contemplation!

Ode IX – Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the all-glorious nativity of the Mother of God!

Ode I, Irmos: Thee do we magnify, O blessed and most pure Theotokos, who through thy virginal womb ineffably didst make God incarnate, the Luminary Who shone forth before the sun and hath come to us in the flesh.

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the all-glorious nativity of the Mother of God!

He Who poured forth water from the stone for the rebellious people, through the womb of a barren woman giveth to us, the right submissive nations, the fruit of gladness: thee, O all-pure Mother of God, whom we magnify as is meet.

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the all-glorious nativity of the Mother of God!

He Who poured forth water from the stone for the rebellious people, through the womb of a barren woman giveth to us, the right submissive nations, the fruit of gladness: thee, O all-pure Mother of God, whom we magnify as is meet.

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the all-glorious nativity of the Mother of God!

Thee, O Theotokos, do we magnify, who hast removed the ancient and precipitous condemnation: the restoration of our first mother, the cause of the reconciliation of our race to God, the bridge to the Creator.

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the all-glorious nativity of the Mother of God!

Thee, O Theotokos, do we magnify, who hast removed the ancient and precipitous condemnation: the restoration of our first mother, the cause of the reconciliation of our race to God, the bridge to the Creator.

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the Virgin Mary who hath been born of the barren woman!

Canon II, Irmos: Foreign to mothers is virginity, and strange is childbirth to virgins; yet both were accomplished in thee, O Theotokos. Wherefore, all of us, the peoples of the world, magnify thee unceasingly.

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the Virgin Mary who hath been born of the barren woman!

Thou hast received a nativity worthy of thy purity, O Mother of God; for, according to the promise, thou wast given to the barren one as a fruit springing forth divinely. Wherefore, all of us, the peoples of the earth, unceasingly magnify thee.

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the Virgin Mary who hath been born of the barren woman!

Fulfilled is the prophecy of him whom crieth, for he saith: I shall raise up the tabernacle of sacred David which is fallen, which was a foretype of thee, O pure one, through whom the dust of all men hath been fashioned into a body for God.

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the Virgin Mary who hath been born of the barren woman!

We venerate thy swaddling clothes, O Theotokos. We glorify Him Who gave fruit to her who before was barren, and Who most gloriously opened the womb of her who was unable to give birth. For as God with complete authority, He doeth all things soever He desireth.

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the Virgin Mary who hath been born of the barren woman!

To thee, O Theotokos who wast born of Anna, do we faithfully offer up hymnody as a gift, mothers and virgins glorifying thee as the only Mother and Virgin; and we bow down before thee and hymn and glorify thee.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Strange is it for the iniquitous to glorify the unoriginate Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the uncreated omnipotent Principle, by Whom the whole world is sustained by the hand of His might.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Within thy womb, O Mother, thou didst contain One of the Trinity: Christ the King, Whom all creation doth hymn and before Whom the ranks of heaven tremble. Him do thou entreat, O most pure one, that our souls be saved.

Troparion, Tone IV: Thy nativity, O Virgin Theotokos, hath proclaimed joy to all the world; for from thee hath shone forth Christ our God, the Sun of righteousness, Who, having annulled the curse, hath given His blessing, and having abolished death, hath granted us life everlasting.


The Holy-Great Martyr St Mamas: Holiness in Youth

The Holy Great Martyr Mamas was born in Paphlagonia, Asia Minor in the third century of pious and illustrious parents, the Christians Theodotus and Rufina. The parents of the saint were arrested by the pagans for their open confession of their faith and locked up in prison in Caesarea in Cappadocia.

Knowing his own bodily weakness, Theodotus prayed that the Lord would take him before being subjected to tortures. The Lord heard his prayer and he died in prison. Saint Rufina died also after him, after giving birth to a premature son. She entrusted him to God, beseeching Him to be the Protector and Defender of the orphaned infant.

God heard the dying prayer of Saint Rufina: a rich Christian widow named Ammia reverently buried the bodies of Saints Theodotus and Rufina, and she took the boy into her own home and raised him as her own son. Saint Mamas grew up in the Christian Faith. His foster mother concerned herself with the developing of his natural abilities, and early on she sent him off to study his grammar.

The boy learned easily and willingly. He was not of an age of mature judgment but distinguished himself by maturity of mind and of heart. By means of prudent conversations and personal example young Mamas converted many of his own peers to Christianity.

The governor, Democritus, was informed of this, and the fifteen-year-old Mamas was arrested and brought to trial. In deference to his illustrious parentage, Democritus decided not to subject him to torture, but instead sent him off to the emperor Aurelian (270-275). The emperor tried at first kindly, but then with threats to turn Saint Mamas back to the pagan faith, but all in vain. The saint bravely confessed himself a Christian and pointed out the madness of the pagans in their worship of lifeless idols.

Infuriated, the emperor subjected the youth to cruel tortures. They tried to drown the saint, but an angel of the Lord saved Saint Mamas and bade him live on a high mountain in the wilderness, not far from Caesarea. Bowing to the will of God, the saint built a small church there and began to lead a life of strict temperance, in exploits of fasting and prayer.

Soon he received a remarkable power over the forces of nature: wild beasts inhabiting the surrounding wilderness gathered at his abode and listened to the reading of the Holy Gospel. Saint Mamas nourished himself on the milk of wild goats and deer.

The saint did not ignore the needs of his neighbours. Preparing cheese from this milk, he gave it away freely to the poor. Soon the fame of Saint Mamas’s life spread throughout all of Caesarea.

The governor sent a detachment of soldiers to arrest him. When they encountered Saint Mamas on the mountain, the soldiers did not recognize him, and mistook him for a simple shepherd. The saint then invited them to his dwelling, gave them a drink of milk and then told them his name, knowing that death for Christ awaited him. The servant of God told the servant of the Emperor to go on ahead of him into Caesaria, promising that he would soon follow. The soldiers waited for him at the gates of the city, and Saint Mamas, accompanied by a lion, met them there.

Surrendering himself into the hands of the torturers, Saint Mamas was brought to trial under a deputy governor named Alexander, who subjected him to intense and prolonged tortures. They did not break the saint’s will, however. He was strengthened by the words addressed to him from above: “Be strong and take courage, Mamas.”

When they threw Saint Mamas to the wild beasts, these creatures would not touch him. Finally, one of the pagan priests struck him with a trident. Mortally wounded, Saint Mamas went out beyond the city limits. There, in a small stone cave, he gave up his spirit to God, Who in the hearing of all summoned the holy Martyr Mamas into His heavenly habitation. He was buried by believers at the place of his death.

Christians soon began to receive help from him in their afflictions and sorrows. Saint Basil the Great speaks thus about the holy Martyr Mamas in a sermon to the people: “Remember the holy martyr, you who live here and have him as a helper. You who call on his name have been helped by him. Those in error he has guided into life. Those whom he has healed of infirmity, those whose children were dead he has restored to life, those whose life he has prolonged: let us all come together as one, and praise the martyr!”

Canon of the Great-Martyr Mamas, the composition of Theophanes, in Tone 8.

Ode 1, Irmos: The staff of Moses, once working a miracle, striking the sea in the form of the Cross and dividing it, drowned the mounted tyrant Pharaoh and saved Israel, who fled on foot, chanting a hymn unto God.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mamas, pray to God for us.

Traversing the heavens as an excellent martyr, filled with thrice-radiant effulgence, O glorious one, vouchsafe divine illumination unto those who on earth honour the precious and radiant day of thy repose.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mamas, pray to God for us.

The Word, foreknowing the nobility and perfection of thy mind in all things, filled thee with understanding from thine earliest infancy and adorned thee in manifold ways with the sweetness of good works, O most lauded martyr and athlete Mamas.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thy parents, braving danger for the inviolate Faith in time of persecution by falsehood, were cast into prison; and there, at the command of God, they brought thee forth, who hast broken the bonds of polytheism.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

In generations of generations all-glorious things are said of thee who, having contained God the Word within thy womb, remainest pure, O Mary Theotokos. Wherefore, we all honour thee, our intercessor before God.

Ode 3, Irmos: O Lord, Fashioner of the vault of heaven and Creator of the Church, establish me in the love of Thee, O summit of desire, confirmation of the faithful, Who alone lovest mankind.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mamas, pray to God for us.

Upon the pinnacle of His Church hath Christ placed the athlete Mamas like a radiant star, illumining the whole world with the splendours of his sufferings and all-glorious miracles.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mamas, pray to God for us.

Ascending the mountain of true knowledge, and illumined with purity of mind through visions, O blessed one, by the commands of God thou didst elevate the nature of dumb beasts to rational hymnody.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou wast a youth comely in beauty. Wherefore, thou wast shown to be unapproachable to those who sought iniquitously to seize thee, and thou didst bring thyself to the Lord of all, Who Himself had gone to suffering.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

He Who stretched out the sky and sustaineth its whole vault by His divine nature was held in the flesh in thine embrace, O all-pure one, and hath shown thee to be the confirmation of all the faithful.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sedalion of the martyr, Tone 8: As the precious offspring of piety, by the power of the Spirit thou wast shown to be the destroyer of impiety, O Mamas; for thou didst denounce the falsehood of idolatry in the arena and didst right boldly proclaim that the Trinity is to be hymned. Wherefore, cast to the wild beasts, O athlete, thou didst slay the beast, the serpent who is the author of evil. For this cause we cry out to thee: Entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of offences unto those who honour thy holy memory with love. (Twice)

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: Thou wast the divine tabernacle of the Word, O only all-pure Virgin Mother, who dost surpass the angels in purity. With the waters of thy supplications cleanse me who, more than all other men, am dust and have been defiled by carnal transgressions, granting me great mercy, O pure one.

Stavrotheotokion. The unblemished ewe-lamb of the Word, the incorrupt Virgin Mother, beholding Him Who sprang forth from her without pain suspended upon the Cross, cried out maternally, lamenting: “Alas, O my Child! How is it that Thou sufferest, desiring to deliver man from the indignity of the passions?”

Ode 4, Irmos: Thou art my strength, O Lord, Thou art my power; Thou art my God, Thou art my joy, Who, without leaving the bosom of the Father, hast visited our poverty. Wherefore, with the Prophet Habbakuk I cry unto Thee: Glory to Thy power, O Thou Who lovest mankind!

Holy Great-Martyr, Mamas, pray to God for us.

With wisdom and unafraid thou didst of thine own will commit thyself to struggles; for thou didst have Christ helping thee with divine power, making thy weakness strong and showing thee forth as a witness to His sufferings, a partaker of splendour on high.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mamas, pray to God for us.

The most rational wild beast became tame, given thee by God as a companion, for with divine love thou didst subdue the irrational passions and wast shown to be adorned with a most wise intelligence, vanquishing the irrationality of the enemy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Before the tyrants’ tribunal thou didst stand O blessed one, most manifestly proclaiming the incarnation of the Word, casting down the savagery of ungodliness and teaching all to chant with confidence: Glory to Thy power, O Thou Who lovest mankind!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

By the supernatural offspring of thy birthgiving, O most immaculate Theotokos, the pangs of sin were loosed, the nature of mortals was released from the curse, the heavens were opened for thy sake to those below, and men join chorus with the angels.

Ode 5, Irmos: Wherefore hast Thou turned Thy face from me, O Light never-waning? And why hath a strange light covered me, wretch that I am? But turn me and guide my steps to the light of Thy commandments, I pray.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mamas, pray to God for us.

Lacerated, the glorious Mamas in nowise paid heed to his body, setting aside the grossness of corruption to be torn asunder and the garments of his skin to be rent apart; receiving instead the vesture of incorruption.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mamas, pray to God for us.

Grateful praises didst thou chant to thy Creator when thy side was pierced with a spear, O most blessed one, and thou didst hear a voice from heaven, strengthening thy mind for that which is more exalted and easing the pain of thy sufferings.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

As thou lay in prison a most beautiful dove appeared to thee in an all-glorious vision, O most blessed and much-suffering athlete, bearing thee the food of incorruption; for thou didst pass beyond the bounds of corruption.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Thou wast the mediatress of the divine incarnation and of ineffable deliverance, having given birth to Him Who was begotten of the Father before the sun shone forth; for through thee hath the nature of those on earth been joined to God and set upon the throne of glory.

Ode 6, Irmos: Cleanse me, O Saviour, for many are mine iniquities, and lead me up from the abyss of evils, I pray; for to Thee have I cried, and Thou hast hearkened unto me, O God of my salvation.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mamas, pray to God for us.

Burning with zeal for God, O most sacred and valiant athlete, bedewed by divine rain from heaven thou didst in nowise take heed of the burning flame.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mamas, pray to God for us.

He Who in manifest light transformed the furnace into dew for the three youths rescued thee, O most blessed and divinely wise one, from the flame, and all-gloriously showed thee to be mightier than the fire.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Undergoing tremendous struggles, thou didst show thyself to be most supreme, wondrous among athletes, a martyr tried and tested. Wherefore, the Judge of the contest vouchsafed thee greater rewards.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Through thy divine birthgiving, O all-pure one, we have come to share in the divine nature; and, praising thee with ranks of the angels, we have inherited heavenly rest in Christ.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion of the Martyr, Tone 3: With the staff given thee by God, O holy one, thou didst shepherd thy people in life-bearing pastures; and thou didst crush the invisible and untamed wild beasts beneath the feet of those who hymn thee. For all who find themselves amid misfortunes have thee as their fervent intercessor, O Mamas.

Ikos: Throughout all the world we hymn thee as an all-glorious martyr who joinest chorus with the angels in the heavens, O Mamas, who before wast manifestly suckled by a deer in the wilderness, and now, as a good shepherd, dost shepherd the rich people of the Lord with a staff of power, guiding them to a place of verdure, where the sweetness of paradise is truly to be found. For this cause thou didst forsake the world, that all may have thee as a fervent intercessor, O Mamas.

Ode 7, Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the fire stood in awe of the condescension of God; wherefore, the youths, dancing with joyous step in the furnace as in a meadow, chanted: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Holy Great-Martyr, Mamas, pray to God for us.

The aspect of the furnace was full of the coolness which thou didst need; for, shut up within it for many days, O Mamas, thou wast not consumed, but didst cry out to the Creator: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Holy Great-Martyr, Mamas, pray to God for us.

In the midst of the flame, O martyr, thou didst have angels as companions, dancing with thee and sharing in ineffable hymnody; and with them thou didst cry out to the Master of all: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Issuing forth from the furnace, thou wast truly like a never-fading rose, like a most comely bridegroom departing from a bridal chamber, consuming the mindless, but illumining those who beheld thee, chanting: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Lo! the prophecy of the divinely eloquent one hath now been fulfilled! For thou didst contain God the Word in thy womb, O Virgin, and gavest birth to the Bestower of life: To Him do we all cry out: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Ode 8, Irmos: Madly did the Chaldean tyrant heat the furnace sevenfold for the pious ones; but seeing them saved by a higher Power, he cried out to the Creator and Deliverer: ye children, bless; ye priests, hymn; ye people, exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Holy Great-Martyr, Mamas, pray to God for us.

Like Daniel thou didst shut the mouths of the wild beasts with a divine invocation of the Master, O glorious one; thou didst slay a serpent, didst put the ungodly to shame, and livest in gladness as a victor, chanting in the heavens: Ye priests, bless; ye people, exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Holy Great-Martyr, Mamas, pray to God for us.

Stony of heart, the all-iniquitous ones who worshiped stones cast stones at thee, O blessed martyr, as thou didst lift the sacred eyes of thy soul to the unhewn and unshakable Stone; and thou didst fervently chant: Ye priests, bless; ye people, exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The Judge of the contest, extending the crown of victory from on high to thee as victor when thou hadst passed through thy good contest, O thou who art most rich, called thee to hasten to Him, running the honourable and sweet course, and chanting fervently: Ye priests, bless; ye people, exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Supernaturally thou didst conceive Him Who was begotten of the Father without mother, yet thou didst remain virgin even after giving birth, O pure one; for in thee doth the divine Union renew nature and restore the boundaries of existence. Wherefore, in Orthodox manner, we hymn thee for ever as the Theotokos who truly gave birth unto God.

Ode 9, Irmos: Heaven was filled with awe, and the ends of the earth were amazed, that God appeared to men in the flesh, and that thy womb became more spacious than the heavens. Wherefore, the ranks of angels and men magnify thee, the Theotokos.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mamas, pray to God for us.

Thou didst lay down thy life for thy Deliverer and didst ardently hasten to Him, splendidly adorned with the beauties of thy sacred struggles and wondrous contests, O most lauded warrior, thou beacon of the whole world and ornament of the Church.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mamas, pray to God for us.

Thou hast joined the angels, having acquired an angelic life on earth, and with them thou dost in praise joyously chant sacred hymnody to the Trinity with great laudation, O Mamas, deified by divine communion and enriched with glory unsurpassed.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

As thou hast boldness before God, O most blessed martyr, be thou mindful of those who joyously celebrate this thy divine festival and praise thine honourable and sacred suffering with pure faith; and save us from tempest, misfortune and trials.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Who hath ever heard that among those on earth there was a mother who knew not man yet gave birth to a child, and that the Child to which she gave birth supernaturally was the unoriginate God Who is consubstantial with the all-unoriginate Father? O awesome mystery! O the divine fellowship whereby we have been united to God!


Troparion, Tone 4: In his suffering, O Lord, Thy martyr Mamas received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God; for, possessed of Thy might, he set at nought the tyrants and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons. By his supplications save Thou our souls.

Canon to St Laurence

Ode 1, Irmos: O Thou who wast born of the Virgin, / drown I implore Thee, in the depth of dispassion / the triune nature of my soul, / as Thou didst the mighty strongholds of the warriors, / that in the mortality of my flesh / as on a timbrel / I may chant a hymn of victory.

Holy Archdeacon Laurence, pray to God for us.

Taking delight in the garden of sweetness and joining chorus with the angelic hosts as is meet, as a warrior of Christ, pray thou that He grant effulgent radiance unto me who hymn thee, O blessed Laurence.

Holy Archdeacon Laurence, pray to God for us.

Entering upon the feats of honoured torment, O Laurence, in steadfastness of soul thou didst show thyself to be a victorious spiritual athlete, magnificently arrayed in the crown of righteousness and a diadem of victory.

Glory be to Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

As thou wast a child of the light and of the day, thou hast shone forth upon us sensibly like the sun from the west, illumining the ends of the earth with a most splendid radiance, O all-glorious martyr Laurence.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Delivered from the bonds of Hades and corruption, and from the condemnation of the law, by thine honoured birth giving, O most holy Virgin, we cry to thee in thanksgiving: Rejoice, O thou who art full of joy, thou saving portal of grace!

Ode 3, Irmos: The bow of the mighty hath waxed feeble / and the weak have girded themselves with strength: / therefore is my heart established / in the Lord.

Holy Archdeacon Laurence, pray to God for us.

With the Cross as thy standard, thou didst valiantly array thyself against the enemy, and wast shown to be crowned with victory, O right-wondrous one.

Holy Archdeacon Laurence, pray to God for us.

Protected by the law of Christ, as one invincible thou didst oppose the laws of the impious with courageous endurance, O all-blessed one.

Glory be to Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Strengthened by the power of God, thou didst destroy the feebleness of polytheism and didst elucidate the pre-eternal divinity of Christ.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Equal to the Father and the Spirit in nature, essence and divinity, and to men also, was the Word Who didst become incarnate of thee, O all-immaculate one.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sessional Hymn, in Tone 8, Spec. Mel – “Of the Wisdom …”: Having amassed heavenly riches and brought them to the poor, thou didst distribute them, and gave thy bread also to the hungry, and thereby having acquired life incorruptible, thou didst shine forth in thy confession of Christ, O glorious one. Wherefore, having courageously suffered under the law, thou didst receive from God a crown for thy labours, O spiritual athlete Laurence. Entreat Christ God, that He grant forgiveness of sins unto those who with love honour thy holy memory. Repeat sessional hymn.

Glory be to Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sessional Hymn of the feast, same tone: On the holy mountain thou didst show forth the lightning of the divine majesty hidden under the flesh of Thy nature, O Christ our Benefactor, shining forth upon the 1disciples who were with Thee. And comprehending Thine unbearable glory, they cried out: Holy art Thou! For though unapproachable, thou wast seen by the world in the flesh, O Thou Who alone lovest mankind.

Ode 4, Irmos: He who sitteth in glory upon the throne of the Godhead, / Jesus the true God, / is come in a swift cloud / and with His sinless hands he hath saved those who cry: / Glory to Thy power, O Christ.

Holy Archdeacon Laurence, pray to God for us.

For love of the Word, the servant of the Word, adorned with eloquence and spirituality, hath been slaughtered, and now reigneth in righteousness with the Word, enjoying gladness and His glory.

Holy Archdeacon Laurence, pray to God for us.

Piously fighting off the slumber of impiety with divine vigilance, O sacred martyr of Christ, by thy martyr’s stand thou didst cut off from thine eyes the sleep which is unto death.

Glory be to Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Protected by the true armour of piety against the proponents of the impious opposition, for the sake of the Faith thou didst utterly cast down the memory of them by thy love of morality.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Having put aside all the defilement of the primeval food, we are nurtured with the Grain of Life from heaven, Which arose from the earth from the Virgin. Let us hymn her as the mediatress of good things.

Ode 5, Irmos: The wicked will not behold Thy glory, O Christ, / but we who rise early to hymn Thee shall behold Thee, / the Only-Begotten effulgence of Thy Father’s divinity, / O Lover of mankind.

Holy Archdeacon Laurence, pray to God for us.

Thine eyes fixed with unwavering vision upon divine beauties, O right wondrous Laurence, Thou didst spurn all the beautiful things on earth and the cruel pangs of thy body.

Holy Archdeacon Laurence, pray to God for us.

Having recognised Christ, Who became a servant for us, through gifts received from the Father, and having become His servant, thou didst depart unto Him through the shedding of thy blood, O most blessed one.

Glory be to Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O blessed one, thou didst offer thyself unto Christ as a sacred oblation and a magnificent adornment; and having adorned the tabernacle of heaven, thou dost now abide there delighting in radiance.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The only-begotten Son, of the same essence and like unto the Father, of His own will becameth akin to mankind, the Most High being incarnate from thy womb, O Virgin Mother.

Ode 6, Irmos: I have reached the depths of the sea / and the tempest of my many sins hath engulfed me; / but do Thou raise up my life from the abyss / O Greatly-Merciful One.

Holy Archdeacon Laurence, pray to God for us.

Kindling a material fire, thou didst prepare thyself as sweet food for the King of all, Who loveth and craveth our salvation, O all-glorious one.

Holy Archdeacon Laurence, pray to God for us.

Thou didst draw nigh wholly to the light of the ruling Trinity, and being radiant, as God’s servant, thou dost illumine those who hymn thee, O spiritual athlete.

Glory be to Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Strengthened with divine power, lying on the heated grill thou didst endure torment for the love of Christ, enkindling thy soul with fire and spiritual dew.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Virgin Mother, thou wast the place of God’s lodging, an animate throne, the holy mountain, the ark, the divinely wrought tabernacle, and the golden candle-stand.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 2: Kindling thy heart with divine fire, / thou didst utterly reduce the fire of the passions to ashes, / O God-bearing martyr Laurence, / thou confirmation of spiritual athletes; / and in the midst of thy sufferings / thou didst cry aloud with faith: // Nothing can separate me from the love of Christ!

Ikos: Assembling, O ye faithful, with hymns let us all honour the spiritual athlete Laurence, who shone forth in the world like a steady beacon, as an initiate of ineffable mysteries; for by his supplications we are delivered from grievous transgressions. And having cleansed our hearts, let us glorify Christ Who glorifieth him who is mighty amid sufferings and who saith: Nothing can separate me from the love of Christ!

Ode 7, Irmos: Thou didst save the children of Abraham in the fire / and slay the Chaldeans, / who unjustly entrapped the righteous ones. / O supremely hymned Lord, God of our fathers, / blessed art Thou.

Holy Archdeacon Laurence, pray to God for us.

Fore-chosen to celebrate the Mysteries and serve the Word, thou wast shown to be a sacred vessel and oblation of the temple of heaven, chanting unto the Creator: O supremely hymned Lord God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Holy Archdeacon Laurence, pray to God for us.

Covered by the law of the life which is in Christ, O most blessed Laurence, thou didst not bow thy mind to those who imposed laws of death and corruption, but chanted: O supremely hymned Lord God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Glory be to Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Clad in a body as one who manifestly felt no pain, O most blessed one, with valorous mind, and as one most noetically rich, thou didst dare the all-devouring fire, crying aloud: O supremely hymned Lord God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou wast shown to be the noetic eastward portal of the Most High Who, in a manner beyond speech and understanding, appeared to mankind on earth through thee, O Bride of God: the blessed God of our fathers.

Ode 8, Irmos: O almighty Redeemer of all, / having descended and bedewed the children / in the midst of the flame, / Thou didst teach them to sing: / All ye works bless and hymn the Lord.

Holy Archdeacon Laurence, pray to God for us.

In thy steadfastness of mind thou wast mightier than the unbearable flame, burning as if in another’s body, O blessed one, yet chanting with faith: All ye works bless and hymn the Lord!

Holy Archdeacon Laurence, pray to God for us.

Like unto the three children, thou didst quench the burning embers of the fire with the dew of divine grace, crying aloud and chanting: All ye works bless and hymn the Lord!

Glory be to Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

As Christ was thine enlightenment, He girded thee about with His own might, and led thee up to Himself as thou didst piously chant: All ye works bless and hymn the Lord!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

A rod sprung forth from the root of Jesse wast thou, and in a manner past nature thou gavest rise to Christ my God and Lord, the Flower of the Godhead. Let all works bless thy birthgiving, O Virgin!

Ode 9, Irmos: Eve dwelt under the curse of sin / because of the infirmity of disobedience; / but thou, O Virgin Theotokos, / hast through the Offspring of thy pregnancy / blossomed forth blessing upon the world. / Wherefore, we all magnify thee.

Holy Archdeacon Laurence, pray to God for us.

Thou didst offer thyself as a perfect sacrifice and incense pleasing unto the Master, being tried by the fire of suffering like gold in a crucible; whereby thou didst become a foremost adornment of the Church, O right wondrous one.

Holy Archdeacon Laurence, pray to God for us.

Deified by the direct sight of God and by a higher union, O Laurence, in word and by divine vision thou wast radiantly illumined by the uttermost Light. Wherefore, we all call thee blessed.

Glory be to Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou didst shine forth from the West like the sun, O blessed one, O great and most glorious wonder; illumining all the Church with thy beams, O right wondrous one; and warming all with the fervor of faith. Wherefore, we all call thee blessed.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The prophets, beholding images of thy birthgiving, O all-immaculate one, were instructed thereby from afar by divine inspiration, loudly proclaiming it to the world, and we now marvel at their fulfilment.

Troparion, Tone 4: In his sufferings, Thy martyr Laurence O Lord, / received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God; / for, possessed of Thy might, / he set at naught the tyrants and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons. // By his supplications save Thou our souls.


Supplicatory Canons During the Dormition Fast

Dear brothers and sisters, having encouraged parishioners to take up a devotion to the Mother of God during the approaching Dormition Fast, recommending chanting a supplicatory canon each day/evening, I have been asked about the supplicatory canons to the Mother of God.

Whilst Greek tradition preserves the tradition of alternately chanting the greater and lesser supplicatory canons to the Mother of God during the days of preparation for the Dormition, Russian tradition lacks the use of greater canon and only the lesser canon is to be found in Slavic prayerbooks.

However, the octeochos contains a different canon for EVERY evening, so that allowing for our eight week cycle of services, there are fifty six supplicatory canons, as previously posted on our blog.

You can, of course,  simply use the Supplicatory Canon in your prayerbook in your evening prayers, but if anyone would like to use the canons proper to each evening in English during the Fast, the links follow below.

This week is Tone 6 in the octoechos cycle, so we go from Tone 6, through Tone 7, and part way through Tone 8.

As our liturgical days start in the evening, and the canons are for evening use, we start on Tuesday evening – which, liturgically, is already Wednesday!

We have yet to post the Dormition canons by the great hymnographers, Saints Cosmas of Maiuma and John of Damascus, and will do so. Ideally, these can then be prayed on the Eve of the Dormition.

Tuesday – Eve of Wednesday 1/14 August:

Wednesday – Eve of Thursday 2/15 August:

Thursday – Eve of Friday 3/16 August:

Friday – Eve of Saturday 4/17 August:

Saturday – Eve of Sunday 5/18 August:

Sunday – Eve of Monday 6/19 August:

Monday – Eve of Tuesday 7/20 August:

Tuesday – Eve of Wednesday 8/21 August:

Wednesday – Eve of Thursday 9/22 August:

Thursday – Eve of Friday 10/23 August:

Friday – Eve of Saturday 11/24 August :

Saturday – Eve of Sunday 12/25 August:

Sunday – Eve of Monday 13/26 August:

Monday – Eve of Tuesday 14/27 August:

Tuesday – Eve of Wednesday – Dormition: 15/28 August:

The Feast of the Holy, Glorious Prophet Elijah

The Holy Prophet Elijah (Elias) is one of the greatest of the prophets and the first dedicated to virginity in the Old Testament. He was born in Tishba of Gilead into the Levite tribe 900 years before the Incarnation of the Word of God.

Saint Epiphanius of Cyprus gives the following account about the birth of the Prophet Elijah: “When Elijah was born, his father Sobach saw in a vision angels of God around him. They swaddled him with fire and fed him with flames.”

The name Elijah (the Lord’s strength) given to the infant defined his whole life. From the years of his youth he dedicated himself to the One God, settled in the wilderness and spent his whole life in strict fasting, meditation and prayer. Called to prophetic service, which put him in conflict with the Israelite king Ahab, the prophet became a fiery zealot of true faith and piety.

During this time the Israelite nation had fallen away from the faith of their Fathers, they abandoned the One God and worshipped pagan idols, the worship of which was introduced by the impious king Jereboam. Jezebel, the wife of king Ahab, was devoted to idol worship. She persuaded her husband to build a temple to the pagan god Baal, which led many Israelites away from the worship of the true God. Beholding the ruin of his nation, the Prophet Elijah began to denounce King Ahab for impiety, and exhorted him to repent and turn to the God of Israel. The king would not listen to him. The Prophet Elijah then declared to him, that as punishment there would be neither rain nor dew upon the ground, and the drought would cease only by his prayer. Indeed, the word of Elijah was a torch (Eccles. 48: 1). The heavens were closed for three and a half years, and there was drought and famine throughout all the land.

During this time of tribulation, the Lord sent him to a cave beyond the Jordan. There he was miraculously fed by ravens. When the stream Horath dried up, the Lord sent the Prophet Elijah to Sarephta to a poor widow, a Sidonian Gentile who suffered together with her children, awaiting death by starvation. At the request of the prophet, she prepared him a bread with the last measure of flour and the remainder of the oil. Through the prayer of the Prophet Elijah, flour and oil were not depleted in the home of the widow for the duration of the famine. By the power of his prayer the prophet also performed another miracle: he raised the dead son of the widow.

After the end of three years of drought the Merciful Lord sent the prophet to appear before King Ahab, and promised to send rain upon the earth. The Prophet Elijah told the king to order all of Israel to gather upon Mount Carmel, and also the priests of Baal. When the nation had gathered, the Prophet Elijah proposed that two sacrificial altars be built: one for the priests of Baal, and the other for the Prophet Elijah who served the True God.

The Prophet Elijah told them to call on their gods to consume the sacrificial animals with fire, and he would call on his. Whichever was first to send fire on the sacrifice would be acknowledged as the true God. The prophets of Baal called out to their idol from morning till evening, but the heavens were silent. Towards evening the holy Prophet Elijah built his sacrificial altar from twelve stones, the number of the tribes of Israel. He placed the sacrifice upon the wood, gave orders to dig a ditch around the altar and commanded that the sacrifice and the wood be soaked with water. When the ditch had filled with water, the prophet turned to God in prayer. Through the prayer of the prophet fire came down from heaven and consumed the sacrifice, the wood, and even the water. The people fell down to the ground, crying out: “Truly, the Lord is God!” Then the Prophet Elijah had all the pagan-priests of Baal put to death, and he began to pray for rain. Through his prayer the heavens opened and an abundant rain fell, soaking the parched earth.

King Ahab acknowledged his error and repented of his sins, but his wife Jezebel threatened to kill the prophet of God. The Prophet Elijah fled into the Kingdom of Judea and, grieving over his failure to eradicate idol worship, he asked God to let him die. An angel of the Lord came before him, strengthened him with food and commanded him to go upon a long journey. The Prophet Elijah traveled for forty days and nights and, having arrived at Mount Horeb, he settled in a cave.

The Lord told him that the next day Elijah would stand in His presence.There was a strong wind that crushed the rocks of the mountain, then an earthquake, and a fire, but the Lord was not in them. The Lord was in “a gentle breeze” (3 Kings 19: 12). He revealed to the prophet, that He would preserve seven thousand faithful servants who had not worshipped Baal.

Later, the Lord commanded Elijah to anoint Elisha into prophetic service. Because of his fiery zeal for the Glory of God the Prophet Elijah was taken up alive into Heaven in a fiery chariot. The Prophet Elisha received Elijah’s mantle, and a double portion of his prophetic spirit.

According to the Tradition of Holy Church, the Prophet Elijah will be the Forerunner of the Dread Second Coming of Christ. He will proclaim the truth of Christ, urge all to repentance, and will be slain by the Antichrist. This will be a sign of the end of the world.

The life of the holy Prophet Elijah is recorded in the Old Testament books (3 Kings; 4 Kings; Sirach/Ecclesiasticus 48: 1-15; 1 Maccabees 2: 58). At the time of the Transfiguration, the Prophet Elijah conversed with the Savior upon Mount Tabor (Mt. 17: 3; Mark 9: 4; Luke. 9: 30).

Orthodox Christians of all times, and in all places, have venerated the Prophet Elijah for centuries. The first church in Russia, built at Kiev under Prince Igor, was named for the Prophet Elijah. After her Baptism Saint Olga (July 11) built a temple of the holy Prophet Elijah in her native region, at the village of Vibuta.

In iconography the Prophet Elijah is depicted ascending to Heaven in a fiery chariot, surrounded with flames, and harnessed to four winged horses. We pray to him for deliverance from drought, and to ask for seasonable weather.


Canon I, in Tone II 

Ode I, Irmos: Let us chant a hymn of victory to the Lord, Who of old guided His people in the sea, and therein engulfed Pharaoh and all his army.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Desiring to behold the fiery power of the miracles of Elias, his fiery and honoured tongue and strength of spirit, we have assembled as is meet.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

O God-bearer, our lips and the muteness and lack of skill of our tongue do thou rectify by the activity of the Spirit which is within thee, and illumine us, that we may hymn thy wonders.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Thou dost grant that which transcendeth nature unto those who have submitted to Thine honoured precepts, O Word, and Thou dost make the portals of the rain subject to them through the Spirit, confirming their word.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

To the Lord Who was born of the Virgin and Who hath renewed the world, and Who for her sake hath bestowed upon us life divine, we chant a hymn of victory, for He hath been glorified.

Canon II, the acrostic whereof is: “I sing praise to the great Elias,” the composition of Hieromonk Pachomius, in Tone VIII 

Irmos: Having traversed the water as though it were dry land, and escaped the evil of Egypt, the Israelite cried aloud: Let us chant unto our Deliverer and God!

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Thou hast been shown to be a harp struck by the plectrum of God, O most wondrous prophet, hymning the omniscient God Who rewardeth all according to their deeds.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

O wondrous prophet, unable to endure falsehood, thou didst denounce the unrighteous king for his iniquity. Wherefore, thou didst impose God’s sentence of condemnation, full of wrath, upon him.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O divine Elias, prophet and forerunner of grace, having denounced Ahab, the iniquitous king, as a transgressor of the Law, thou didst destroy the shameful prophets as ungodly.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O ye faithful, let us make haste to praise the Mother of Christ in hymns as is meet, for she gave birth unto the Saviour of all, Who is the Master of life and death.

Ode III, Irmos: Establishing me upon the rock of faith, Thou hast enlarged my mouth against mine enemies, for my spirit doth exult when I chant: There is none holy as our God, and none righteous save Thee, O Lord!

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

He Who alone sustaineth every living thing by His good will, through a raven provided thee with a banquet as a chosen guest, O Prophet. To Him do we all cry out: Thou art our God, and there is none holy save Thee, O Lord!

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Grace be to the Benefactor and Guardian Who, in His ineffable providence, nourished the widow and the prophet. To Him do we all cry out: Thou art our God, and none is holy save Thee, O Lord!

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

O thou who didst forbid the rain-laden clouds to pour forth, when the widow of Zarephath was deprived of food, thou didst cause the remnant of her food to increase continually; and didst cry out: None is holy save Thee, O Lord!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou alone, surpassing everyone from ages past, hast been vouchsafed great things transcending nature, for thou didst receive the infinite God of all creation within thy womb and didst give Him flesh. Wherefore, we all honour thee as the Theotokos.

Canon II, Irmos: O Lord, Fashioner of the vault of heaven and Creator of the Church: establish me in Thy love, O Summit of desire, confirmation of the faithful, Who alone lovest mankind.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

With mercy didst thou chastise all, and takest pity on all that with faith have recourse to thee in thy temple. And in asking help of thee they have in no wise erred.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Thou didst rebuke Ahab, the ungodly king, O divine prophet, and thou didst judge him with the judgment of God as a violator of the law.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The shameless Queen Jezebel sought to slay thee, O prophet most divine, for thou didst pronounce the sentence of death upon her unholy priests, as was meet.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Mistress, we hymn thee as a place of the priesthood of glory and the altar which held Christ, the Bread of life, O pure one.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sessional hymn, Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “Of the Wisdom…”: O ye faithful, with hymns let us all praise Elias the Tishbite, the wellspring of miracles and adornment of prophets; for, being immortal while yet in the flesh, as a mortal he assureth us of the resurrection of the dead. Wherefore, having boldness before God, he granteth healing to those who ask with faith, and earnestly beseecheth Christ to bestow remission of offenses upon those who with love celebrate his holy memory. (Twice)

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: Having fallen into subtle temptations through the activity of mine enemies, visible and invisible, I am caught fast in the tempest of my countless offenses. And I flee to the haven of thy goodness, as to my fervent help and protection, O pure one. Wherefore, O most pure lady, earnestly entreat Him Who was incarnate of thee without seed, in behalf of all thy servants that unceasingly pray to thee, O all-pure Theotokos, who dost ever beseech Him to grant remission of offenses to those who hymn thy glory as is meet.

Ode IV, Irmos: I have heard report of Thy dispensation, O Lord, and have glorified Thee Who alone lovest mankind.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Thou art shown to be one that cutteth off evil at its root and a planter of virtue, O wise prophet. Wherefore, we bless thee.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

With reproaches the widow who fed thee upbraided thee for the death of her son, moving thee to raise him from the dead.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Thou didst clearly signify the glory of the Trinity with thy threefold breathing, and didst hand back alive the child to his mother.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

O how thou didst burn, aflame with divine fire and zeal, O prophet, denouncing the king who wrought iniquities!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O pure one, who without seed didst conceive God, we entreat thee ever to pray for thy servants.

Canon II, Irmos: I heard report of Thee, O Lord, and was afraid; for by the ineffable Counsel of the Godhead, Thou, Who art God eternal, didst issue forth, incarnate, from the Virgin. Glory to Thy condescension, O Christ! Glory to Thy power!

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

The Lord crowned thee a prophet, O most wise one, granting thee the grace to foretell things of the future as though they were of the present. Wherefore, beholding now the fulfillments of thy words, we bless thee ever with praises as a true prophet.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

As the soul of Thy prophet was most greatly adorned with humble-mindedness, O Christ God, aflame with zeal which surpasseth fire he destroyed the shameful priests.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Reflecting the Light with thy countenance, like a mirror, thou dost stand before the face of Christ, O most wondrous prophet, whence do thou mercifully visit us, that with praises we may all bless thee as a prophet.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Having acquired thee as our hope and confirmation, an impregnable rampart of salvation, O all-hymned one, we are delivered from all evil.

Ode V, Irmos: O Lord, Bestower of light and Creator of the ages: guide us in the light of Thy commandments, for we know none other God than Thee.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

The law of thy fathers hath showed thee forth as a true man of prayer, O Elias, a wonderworker who transformed the nature of the elements and utterly consumed the righteous sacrifice with water.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

As thou art a true minister of God, thou didst utterly put to shame the prophets of abominable shame, O venerable and most blessed Elias, clearly marking the power of the Trinity.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Rendering priestly service through the word of grace, O Elias, consumed with zeal as with fire thou didst slay the shameful priests with thy blameless hands.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

To thee that gavest birth unto Christ, the Creator of all, we cry out: Rejoice, O pure one! Rejoice, thou who hast shone forth the Light upon us! Rejoice, thou who didst contain the infinite God!

Canon II, Irmos: Wherefore hast Thou turned Thy face from me, O Light never-waning? And why hath a strange darkness covered me, wretch that I am? But turn me, and guide my steps to the light of Thy commandments, I pray.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

O prophet Elias, whom the unwaning splendor of divine grace hath revealed, having diligently acquired a mind most divine, thou dost move the pious to hymnody.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Who doth not marvel at thy divine zeal, O wondrous prophet? And who doth not hymn Christ Who hath given thee such great might?

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

With prophecy wast thou adorned by God, O Elias, most wondrous prophet; wherefore, having wholly united thyself to God, denouncing falsehood, thou didst lead the Israelites to the knowledge of God.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Theotokos, who gavest birth to the never-setting Sun, enlighten me who am utterly benighted by the passions, and fill me with light divine.

Ode VI, Irmos: The uttermost abyss of offenses hath surrounded me, O Lord, but lead up my life from corruption, as Thou didst the Prophet Jonah, O Lord.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

A pillar of piety and the pure life, an instiller of purity, and an emulator of the angels wast thou, O wondrous God-bearer Elias.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

The wrath of the prophet-slaying woman, having frightened thee who had received the power to bind and loose the downpouring of the rains, O wondrous Elias, caused thee to flee.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Having stooped to the ground, thou didst raise on high the supremely exalted eye of thy mind, by thine eminent entreaty causing the rains to be loosed; and with showers thou didst water the furrows of the earth.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The bush on Sinai, which touched the Fire without being consumed, prefigured thee, the Ever-Virgin Mother, O all-hymned Theotokos Mary.

Canon II, Irmos: Cleanse me, O Saviour, for many are my transgressions; and lead me up from the abyss of evils, I pray, for to Thee have I cried, and Thou hast hearkened to me, O God of my salvation.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

A hymn of supplication do thou offer unto God, O most honoured prophet, on behalf of all that have recourse to thy divine temple, that we may honour thee as a great helper.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

The mind of man doth not suffice to praise thy life as is meet, O prophet; for, beholding the transfiguration of Christ, thou wast exalted far above the noetic ranks.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

He that is Lord and Creator of all hath appeared to us in accordance with thy prophecy, O blessed Elias, calling all men to the knowledge of Him, for He loveth mankind.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Mary, pure vessel of virginity, cleanse thou my mind of the gloom of the passions, and fill my heart with righteousness, O all-immaculate one.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone II: O prophet, foreseer of the mighty works of our God, Elias of great renown, who by thy voice didst restrain the cloud of rain: on our behalf entreat Him Who alone loveth mankind.

Ikos: Beholding the great iniquity of men and the great love of God for mankind, the prophet Elias was troubled and grew wroth; and he addressed pitiless words to the Merciful One, crying out: “Be Thou angered against those who deny Thee, O righteous Judge!” But he did not move the compassion of the Good One to torment those who deny Him, for He Who alone loveth mankind doth ever await the repentance of all.

Ode VII, Irmos: The fiery bush on the mount and the dew-bearing furnace of Chaldæa manifestly prefigured thee, O Bride of God; for in thy material womb thou didst receive the divine and immaterial Fire without being consumed. Wherefore, to Him Who was born of thee do we chant: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Most gloriously vested with divine and formidable power, thou didst undertake a long journey, having eaten of food which sufficed thee for forty days, O wondrous Elias. Wherefore, thou didst say on Horeb: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

The mild and gentle breeze revealed the Lord to thee, O Elias, who wast zealous for God Almighty: not the wind of the tempest, nor the earthquake, nor yet the fearsome fire. Wherefore, to meek Jesus didst thou chant: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Like the great Moses, thou wast vouchsafed the vision of God and prophecy, O wondrous Elias, anointing prophets and kings with the Spirit. And having borne witness to the glory of Christ on Tabor, thou didst chant: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

In times past thou didst, supernaturally and without seed, give birth in the flesh to the unoriginate and preëternal Lord, the Son, Power and Wisdom of the Father, O all-pure one, unto the restoration of mortals. Wherefore, we cry out to Him Who was born of thee: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Canon II, Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the youths who had come forth from Judæa trod down the flame of the furnace with their faith in the Trinity, chanting: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

The people of Israel who came against thee with a captain of fifty thou didst utterly consume with fire from heaven as unworthy, O divine Elias.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Thou wast a most divine prophet who wast rightly illumined with the vision of God, O most honoured Elias; and thou didst straightway put an end to the sacrifices offered to Baal.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Inasmuch as the all-holy Spirit gave thee the gift to prophesy, O most honoured prophet Elias, thou didst foretell the coming of the Son of God and didst sin not, O all-blessed one. To Him do we chant: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Truly, as was meet, the poison of death was poured forth through the judgment of God and the hand of the prophet upon the shameful priests who ate unrighteously at the table of Jezebel.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Mother of God, save me who am held fast by the abyss of offenses, and rescue me from all the malice of the foe, that, saved by thee, I may magnify thine aid.

Ode VIII, Irmos: The bodies of the pious youths, clad in the same purity as their souls, quivered with awe, and the irresistible fire, though fed with boundless fuel, recoiled; but as the ever-living flame faded away, an everlasting hymn was chanted: O all ye works of the Lord, hymn ye the Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Well did Ahab find the just destruction of his house, through the prophet’s condemnation, to be the dread retribution for his vile commission of murder. And with fiery mind the Tishbite chanted a hymn unto the Bestower of life: All ye works of the Lord, hymn and supremely exalt Him for all ages!

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Fire rained down from heaven for thee, O Elias, twice consuming captains of fifty, in that thou art God’s chosen minister; for to Him Who controlleth everlasting life thou didst in godly manner declaim the hymn: All ye works of the Lord, hymn and supremely exalt Him for all ages!

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

On Tabor Christ showed thee to be an initiate of the mystery of His divine incarnation, in that thou wast an instiller of purity and a most divine scion of virginity, showing the unapproachable light of the Godhead in His Body to thee who criest out: All ye works of the Lord, hymn and supremely exalt Him for all ages!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Most rich was the womb of the Mother of God; for, having received the Word in the coarseness of the flesh and wrought therefrom a form earthly according to hypostasis, it was shown to be the city of God wherein the Most High was well-pleased to dwell. To Him do we chant: All ye works of the Lord, hymn and supremely exalt Him for all ages!

Canon II, Irmos: The King of heaven, Whom the hosts of angels hymn, praise and exalt ye supremely for all ages!

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

He that, as God, knoweth all things, entrusteth to thee, O Elias, in that thou art faithful, the knowledge of things to come and of things that shall come to pass; and He showeth thee things which are afar off as though they were near.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Having strengthened thy mind with pious boldness, O blessed prophet, thou dost foretell those things that are far off as though they were near, O most honoured prophet.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having cleansed thy mind of all defilement, O divine prophet, thou didst therefore become completely holy, guiding all to the Light of God.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Word, to Whom thou didst ineffably give birth, do thou entreat on behalf of those who faithfully honour thee, O pure Theotokos.

Ode IX, Irmos: Thee do we magnify, O blessed and most pure Theotokos, who through thy virginal womb ineffably didst make God incarnate, the Luminary Who shone forth before the sun and hath come to us in the flesh.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Having lived on earth the course which man cannot change, and crossed the Jordan’s stream by means of his mantle, the Tishbite, that air-borne charioteer, made a strange and heaven-traversing journey in the Spirit.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

The Tishbite, aflame with the zeal of piety, was taken up on a fiery chariot; and he let drop his mantle; and Eliseus, clad therein, received divine grace which he could not conceal.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

The Tishbite and Moses the God-seer beheld in revelation on Tabor what eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, and what hath not entered into the hearts of earth-born men: the Lord Almighty, incarnate.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O Theotokos, we magnify thee, who didst remove the severe condemnation which was of old the correction of our first mother, and who art ever the reconciliation of our race to God, a bridge to the Creator.

Canon II, Irmos: Saved by thee, O pure Virgin, we confess thee to be in truth the Theotokos, magnifying thee with the incorporeal choirs.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Thou hast been deified by the immaterial splendor of the life-creating Trinity, O prophet Elias; wherefore, we all set thee forth as an intercessor to God for the world, O blessed one.

Holy and Glorious Prophet Elias, pray to God for us.

Thou wast known as an angel on earth, O divine prophet, and in heaven as a man of God; for the Lord Himself said: “Because thou art a stern man, O Elias, thou canst not endure iniquitous Israel. Come thou up to Me, that I may come down!”

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou didst live on earth as one of the bodiless ones, O divine prophet, and now, upborne to heaven, thou joinest chorus with the angelic choirs. From on high watch over us that hymn thee, O blessed one.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou dost hold in thine arms God Who upholdeth all things, and thou dost feed the Nourisher Who became like unto us, O pure one. Him do thou beseech, that He grant to thy people deliverance from all oppressors.

Troparion, Tone IV: The angel in the flesh, the foundation of the prophets, the second forerunner of the Coming of Christ, the glorious Elijah sent grace down from on High upon Elisha, to dispel infirmities and to cleanse lepers. Wherefore, he poureth forth healings upon those who honour him.

Friday Evening Compline: Supplicatory Canon in Tone II

A Supplicatory Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos

Ode I, Irmos: Come, O ye people, * let us sing a song to Christ our God, * Who divided the sea, * and made a way for the nation * which He had brought up out of the bondage of Egypt; * for He hath been glorified.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou art the well-spring of Life, О pure Virgin Mother, having given birth to the Source, Lord and Life of all, bedewing those who glorify thee with faith.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

We who confess thee to be the Theotokos, О most pure one, have thee as an intercessor and a firm foundation which enricheth us, and we are saved from the threefold billows of life, О all-immaculate Virgin.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

As thou hast given birth to the Wellspring of life, О Maiden, heal me who am wounded by the passions, and rescue me from the eternal fire, О thou who alone art full of the grace of God.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

As the refuge of the faithful and the mighty help of those who have recourse unto thee, О Ever-Virgin, save us from all want, and the harm of the adversary.

Ode III, Irmos: O Lord, who didst slay sin upon the tree, * firmly establish us in Thee, * and in the hearts of us who hymn Thee * plant the fear of Thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

О Virgin, we truly call thee the golden censer, the jar of the Manna, the divine mountain, the all-comely palace.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

As thou art the temple and sacred dwelling-place of the Word, О Theotokos, be thou ever the cleansing of my transgressions, О most holy Virgin.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

Neither the tongue of mortal man nor the mind of the incorporeal beings can describe thy birthgiving; for in a manner transcending nature and understanding, О Theotokos, thou hast given birth to the Creator.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

О Virgin Birthgiver of God, be thou the confirmation, refuge and protection of those who have recourse to thee with faith and confess thee to be the Mother of God.

Ode IV, Irmos: I have heard report O Lord, * of Thy glorious dispensation, * and I have glorified, Thine unapproachable power, * O Lover of mankind.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.   

We Christians acquired thee have as our great help, О Theotokos. Rescue us from cruel misfortunes.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.   

О Lady who knewest not wedlock, having conceived God in thy womb, deliver us all from perils and grief.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

We, the faithful, have acquired thee as an invincible rampart and a mighty hope amid dangers, О pure one.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

Having acquired thy supplication as a firm foundation, О Lady, we are delivered from divers sorrows.

Ode V, Irmos: O Lord, Bestower of light and Creator of the ages: * guide us in the
light of Thy commandments, * for we know none other God than Thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

О Birthgiver of God, we, the faithful, know the Son Who was incarnate and born from thee without seed to be truly God and man by nature. Wherefore, we glorify thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Ever fleeing with faith beneath thy protection and help. О most pure Theotokos, we, the faithful, are delivered by thee from every grievous invasion.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

О most pure Virgin, deliver us from perils, the tempest of evil thoughts, from all wrath and every sin, from famine and plague, and from everlasting torment.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

As thou art our helper and salvation, the hope of Christians, О Lady, save those who ever hymn thee with love and faith, О all-hymned Virgin.

Ode VI, Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, * I appeal to the unfathomable abyss of Thy compassion: * Raise me up from corruption, O God.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

He Who made all things by His will, having willingly made His abode within the womb of her who knew not wedlock, hath enriched with incorruption those afflicted by corruption, in that He is full of tender compassion.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou art more exalted and holy than the hosts on high, О all-immaculate one, having supra-naturally contained the infinite Word within thy womb.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

О Lady, to the paths of repentance guide me who am lost on the path of life and have often wandered into sins as into trackless wastes.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

Disdain not the entreaties of thy servants who place their hope in thee, О pure one, for thou art the refuge and cleansing of our souls, О Lady.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

Sessional hymn, Tone II: Thou didst conceive the Word without seed, and hast given birth to the one Christ; for thou didst bear a new Child, thy Creator. Wherefore, we magnify thee, О Theotokos.

Ode VII, Irmos: When the golden image was worshipped on the plain of Dura, * Thy three children spurned the impious command, * and, cast into the midst of the flame, * they were bedewed, and sang: * O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

By the power of the Most Holy Spirit thou hast given flesh to the noetic Son Who is of the same nature as the Father, О Lady full of the grace of God. Wherefore, unceasingly entreat Him, that He have pity on those who chant: Blessed art thou who hast given birth to God in the flesh!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

О pure Virgin who knewest not wedlock, О holy and blessed one, thou setting aright of the fallen and deliverance of sinners: Save me, О save me, prodigal though I am, for I cry out to thy Son: Blessed art thou who hast given birth to God in the flesh!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

As thou art a sure haven, an awesome intercessor, an impregnable bulwark for those who languish in want and are tempest-tossed in grief, О Theotokos, by thy supplications to thy Son save thy servants from the many and varied temptations.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

О Birthgiver of God, who art the sole hope and help of the faithful, hasten thou to help thy servants who are overwhelmed by sorrows, who are thus at a loss amid their pain, and flee to thee with love of soul.

Ode VIII, Irmos: God Who descended into the fiery furnace * with the Hebrew children, * and transformed the flame into dew, * do ye works hymn, * and supremely exalt as Lord throughout all ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

As thou hast given birth to the Wellspring of life, the Water of life, О Virgin Theotokos, bedew my soul, which is being laid waste by the flame of sin, that I may glorify thee throughout all ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having given birth to Christ our God, the Author of life, О pure and blessed Virgin Lady, thou alone hast raised up those slain and cast down into the dust of death and corruption.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

О pure Lady, deliver me from everlasting fire and condemnation, and rescue me from corrupt men who seek to trip my heels, that I may ever bless thee whom all creation calls blessed in a divine manner.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

Through thee, О pure Virgin, did the Supremely divine One become visible in the likeness of the flesh. Him do thou unceasingly beseech, that He have mercy upon us who live in evil and tremble in the expectation of ever- lasting torment.

Ode IX, Irmos: God the Word, God of God, * Who by ineffable wisdom came to create Adam anew * after his grievous fall to corruption through eating * and Who took flesh beyond all telling from the Holy Virgin for our sake, * Him we faithful with one accord magnify in song.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Grant unto me God’s love for mankind, О Maiden who alone hast ineffably given birth to God the Lover of mankind, Who borrowed flesh from thee, and deliver me from the coming flame and all torment, for I glorify thee with love.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having acquired thee as a mighty helper, our hope and bulwark, our foundation and steadfast protection, an invincible confirmation, a harbour unbeset by storms and a refuge of strength, О all-hymned one, we are all saved.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

О all-hymned Virgin, Mother of the Light, drive away the clouds from my soul, and grant that I may gaze in purity upon the saving beauty which shone forth ineffably from thy most holy womb to enlighten the nations.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

О Virgin Maiden Who hast given birth to the divine Light, illumine my heart, which hath been darkened by many passions and the assaults of alien thoughts, ever granting me teardrops which cleanse away the defilement of sin.

Tuesday Evening Compline: Supplicatory Canon in Tone II

A Supplicatory Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos

Ode I, Irmos: Come, O ye people, * let us sing a song to Christ our God, * Who divided the sea, * and made a way for the nation * which He had brought up out of the bondage of Egypt; * for He hath been glorified.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The discourse granted me is in nowise capable of hymnody, О all-pure one, for the darkness of my sins doth cover me; yet accept my limitations, О Birthgiver of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

I finally flee from my countless sins to thy protection, О most pure one. Render our God and Master easily reconciled with me, and save me, О pure one.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

Thou art my fervent mercy-seat, Lady, and, fleeing to thee, I am saved and obtain salvation of soul; for thou canst do all things, in that thou art the Mother of the God of all.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

The deceiver of souls hath lured me into the pit of destruction; but stretch forth to me thy mighty hand, О Virgin Theotokos, and quickly lead me up to the light.

Ode III, Irmos: O Lord, who didst slay sin upon the tree, * firmly establish us in Thee, * and in the hearts of us who hymn Thee * plant the fear of Thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having fallen among many thieves, wretch that I am, I have been stripped naked, wounded and left for dead; but disdain me not, О pure Theotokos.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The serpent who wrought deception through the tree stripped Adam naked, and hath now easily made my soul captive. Yet I entreat thee, О Lady: Have pity on me!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

I now bring my secret deeds before thee, my true intercessor and protection, that thy Son may not denounce me with them at His righteous judgment.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

Have mercy, О pure one, have mercy, for we derive no salvation from our deeds. Wherefore, with ardent faith we cry out to thee: Have mercy upon thy servants!

Ode IV, Irmos: I hymn Thee, O Lord, for I have heard report of Thee, * and I was afraid; * for Thou comest to me, seeking me who am lost. * Wherefore, I glorify Thy great condescension towards me, * O greatly Merciful One.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Disdain me not who am incurably ill and infirm, О Lady; but grant unto me the oil of thy goodness, О Virgin, and enrich me with thoughts of thee, as with incorruptible gold from God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

I have been stripped bare of all good works and lie arrayed in evils more than all who fell of old; but do thou now adorn me with good deeds and deliver me from wickedness, О Bride of God.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

In word and with my will, I have surpassed the harlot in fornication and the publican in usury; yet before the end grant that I may acquire the repentance of both, О Lady.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

I have dwelt in the desert of grief and have withdrawn from thee, О Birthgiver of God. Who shall give me wings, that I may fly and go to thee, my hope, who dost save me from faintheartedness, wretch that I am?

Ode V, Irmos: O Lord, Bestower of light and Creator of the ages: * guide us in the light of Thy commandments, * for we know none other God than Thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

In that the never-waning Light shone forth from thy womb upon those on earth, О Lady, illumine my fetid soul, and drive all darkness from my heart, О pure one.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The cruel night of my wicked and evil deeds covereth me, O Lady; yet I cry out to thee: Guide me to the divine light of thy Son and Master, О all-hymned one.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

О pure one, accept me as thy Son, the Creator of all, accepted the prodigal son, for I cry out with him: I have truly sinned! Save me, О Lady!

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

In that thou art merciful, О most pure one, heal thou my heart, which hath been wounded by the assaults of the evil one, for thou hast ineffably given birth to Him Who was wounded in the flesh upon the Cross.

Ode VI, Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, * I appeal to the unfathomable abyss of Thy compassion: * Raise me up from corruption, O God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

I have fallen into the pit of sin and, held fast by fear, I cannot lift my gaze to our unforgettable God; yet I cast myself down before thee, О Bride of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

By thine omnipotent supplication, О Virgin Theotokos, pilot my heart, which hath been grievously covered by the waves of mine incomprehensible transgressions.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

In that thou art my confirmation, О Lady, grant that I may behold the beauty of thy glory when my soul shall be separated from my flesh, that I may thus know remission.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

By thy prayers to God deliver thy servants, who have recourse to thee with faith, from perils, misfortunes and sorrows, О holy Lady.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

Sessional hymn, Tone II: We magnify thee, O Theotokos, crying aloud: * Thou art the un-burnt bush, * wherein Moses beheld as a flame ** the Fire of the Divinity.

Ode VII, Irmos: When the golden image was worshipped on the plain of Dura, * Thy three children spurned the impious command, * and, cast into the midst of the flame, * they were bedewed, and sang: * O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Gaping wide, the enemy now strives to devour me, for from every quarter he brings temptations and snares to bear upon me, wholly cutting off my progress; yet anticipating my need, О Virgin Mother, deliver me from his wicked assaults.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The adversary defiles and vexes my senses and mind, striving to drag me down into the pit of despair; wherefore, I cry out to thee alone: О Bride of God, my refuge, deliver me from the hands of the evil one!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

О my Christ Who art Thyself the Word, Who of old delivered the three youths from the furnace, by the supplications of Thy Mother who knew not wedlock, bedew me and deliver me from the flame which I have enkindled by my boundless evil deeds.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

Coming upon my material heart, the corrupter hath slain it; but by thy divine power cause rain to fall upon me, О Mother who knewest not wedlock, and grant that I may vanquish him, that I may cry out to thee with faith: Blessed art thou who hast given birth to God in the flesh.

Ode VIII, Irmos: God Who descended into the fiery furnace * with the Hebrew children, * and transformed the flame into dew, * do ye works hymn, * and supremely exalt as Lord throughout all ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Cruelly buried beneath my many evils and weighed down by the multitude of sins, I dare not in anywise lift up mine eyes to heaven, but cry out to thee: Have mercy upon me who have fallen, О only Theotokos!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

I have fallen under the wrath of thy Son and God, О pure one. Deliver me, and in the hour when He shall conduct the trial, be thou my helper, О most pure one, and deliver me from standing with the goats on the left side.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

О Maiden Bride of God, raise me up who have been spiritually slain by my countless sins, and by thy supplication deliver me from all the deception of the soul-corrupting enemy and murderer.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

How hast thou besmirched thy pristine beauty with evil, О my incorrigible and wicked soul? How hast thou broken all thy promises to thy Creator and accepted evils? Yet go thou and hasten with piety to the Theotokos.

Ode IX, Irmos: God the Word, God of God, * Who by ineffable wisdom came to create Adam anew * after his grievous fall to corruption through eating * and Who took flesh beyond all telling from the Holy Virgin for our sake, * Him we faithful with one accord magnify in song.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

I have truly defiled my senses with grievous actions and am wholly filled with shameful deeds; but cleanse me, О most pure one, asking that I be granted time for goodly compunction, that I may unceasingly magnify thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

When the hidden deeds of everyone shall be revealed, О Theotokos, be my justification, since thou truly hast the power to do so, and deliver me from darkness, that by thy prayers I may dwell in the land of light, where there is ineffable joy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

I beseech Thee, О Word: Before Thy final coming grant me fervent repentance, tearful compunction, chastity and humility, divine love, and a place in Thy flock, through the prayers of her who gave birth to Thee.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

О Virgin who dost surpass all noetic and material beings in glory and honour, except for God, disdain me not who have surpassed in transgressions all people, past and present, who have sinned on the earth; and by thy prayer save me.