Weekly News – 15 July

Dear brothers and sisters,

Having spent time preparing for Deacon Mark’s ordination, this week’s news is not only a little late, but being sent from the passenger seat of Deacon Mark’s car, as he, matushka, Yuriy and I travel to London. I will return on Friday, to be able to celebrate Great Vespers for the summer feast of the Kazan Icon in the Oratory Church, on Saturday afternoon.

It is a great joy to have so many of the faithful travelling to London for the ordination, and being able to share this wonderful occasion on the altar feast of the lower cathedral. There will be over thirty of the Cardiff faithful from South Wales and Wessex, as well as former South Wales faithful who now live in the South West and West of England.

Those who have booked the bus from Deacon Mark’s office in Morganstown should remember that 05:30 is departure time, and not assembly time. The bus will leave at 05:30 and will collect additional faithful at Premier Inn, at the Coldra junction in Newport at 06:00. Return to South Wales will be at 15:00.

The newly-ordained priest Mark will remain in London until Saturday, taking his first steps of priestly celebration, and I will remain with him until Friday.

After a demanding few days in London, Sunday’s summer feast of the Kazan Icon will be low key, especially given the absence of parishioners already away due to family commitments or on holiday. We pray for Nataliya as she prepares to travel; for Svetlana, Anna and Sofia, who are in Russia; and for Svetlana (Bromley) who is working away at the moment. We will keep the Autumn feast as our altar feast, when parishioners can be together.

We greatly look forward to Sunday’s Liturgy, and Father Mark’s first priestly Liturgy in Cardiff, with Father Luke and some of the Llanelli faithful joining us. As Fr Mark will be able to perform the proskomedia, there will be much more time for confessions. So… I will hear confessions in St Alban’s Church on Saturday and St John’s from 10:10 on Sunday.

I shall be in Norfolk from Monday to Friday the following week, fulfilling my summer Walsingham duties, and look forward to enjoying some time on pilgrimage.

May I please make a plea for help setting up on Sundays, as some weeks see us with hardly any assistance. Given that Father Mark the Younger will now be performing proskomedia, his attention will be needed in preparing the Holy Gifts and not on moving and arranging furniture/furnishings.

Thanks to all who contributed to our services over the end of week and weekend, when we celebrated a joyful Liturgy for the feast of Saints Peter and Paul in the Oratory Church, with the Synaxis of the Holy Apostles in Warminster the following day, and then – of course – the Sunday of All Russian Saints in Cardiff.

We also celebrated the baptism of baby Yuriy from Basingstoke, baptised in Cardiff soo that his father’s relatives could be part of the celebration. Thanks to our sisters, who stayed in church till the end, carrying baptismal water to the garden, as well as feeding the clergy.

May God bless you all.

Asking your forgiveness for Christ’s sake.

Hieromonk Mark

Weekly News – 8th July

Dear brothers and sisters,

It was our joy to celebrate the feast of the Nativity of the Holy, Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, yesterday, congratulating Norman John and Martyn John on their nameday, on which we also commemorated St Calogero the Wonderworker with a litia at the end of Liturgy before his icon  gifted to our parish by the priest-iconographer Father Efraim Augello and matushka Olypmia, in Sicily.

Our festal Liturgy ended with us singing “Many Years” not only for our Johns, but also for the newly elected, and newly enthroned Patriarch Daniel of Bulgaria.

We were very pleased to have Father Luke with us, and I know that our parishioners appreciate having time to chat and catch up with him during trapeza, happily discussing not only Church matters, but also history and archeology, discussing what’s happening in the families of the parish, as well as having practical advice. With his many years managing the Citizens’ Advice Bureau in Llanelli and in benefit advice work in Neath / Port-Talbot, Father Luke has a wealth of practical knowledge that many of our South Wales faithful have found helpful!

Many thanks to all who made the Liturgy and trapeza such a joyful celebration, especially to our choir and sisterhood.

We look forward to there being three priests and a hierodeacon the next time Father Luke is with us on Sunday 21 July, when we will be blessed by Father Mark “the Younger’s” first priestly Liturgy in the parish. This will also be the Summer feast of the Kazan icon. As I mentioned on WhatsApp… “the Sunday after Deacon Mark’s ordination will be the summer feast of the Kazan Icon, and even though we will keep the principal celebration in November, this year, it would be good to make Sunday 21st (not 20th, as I wrote!) a celebratory day. I hope that whilst having our usual bring-and-share lunch, we might “pull the stops out” a little to mark the feast and Father Mark’s first priestly Liturgy in the parish. There is no Llanelli Liturgy that day, with the intention that the Llanelli faithful will be able to be with us for a doubly-joyful celebration.”

This week will see the end of what is a short Apostles’ Fast for us, this year, and Great Vespers will be chanted in the Oratory Church at 15:00 on Thursday, following/followed by confessions, as needed. Confessions will also be heard in Nazareth House before Compline at 19:00. I know that this relocation complicates things, but the Oratory Church closes after the 17:30 evening devotions. Having the chance to not only hear confessions for those at work during the day, but also to chant Compline is an added blessing. The Liturgy for Saints Peter and Paul will be celebrated in the Oratory Church at 10:30 on Friday morning, and I will be able to hear quick confessions before hand, as well as having time for confessions in the afternoon.

Please let me know if you would like confession before Thursday vespers as soon as possible.

On Saturday, we will celebrate the Divine Liturgy for the Synaxis of the Apostles in the Chapel of St Lawrence in Warminster at 10:30, followed by a bring-and-share-lunch. Sunday will see our celebration of All Saints of Rus’ in Cardiff, the feast falling a week later this year, due to yesterday’s celebration of Saint John the Forerunner.

As Branka shared on WhatsApp, there has been a change of plan for provision of food for trapeza on ordination day in the cathedral, so assistance will be appreciated regarding provision of zakusky/starters, as well as dessert. Please let Branka know if you are able to assist.

I will be in the cathedral from Tuesday to Friday, next week, and serving in Walsingham for the first time this year the following week. Happily there will be much more time for confessions on the Sundays of those weeks, as our newly ordained priest will perform the proskomedia whilst I hear confessions.

Again – please keep Deacon Mark, Alla and Yuriy in your prayers as a momentous day draws near for them all.

In Christ – Hieromonk Mark

Weekly News – 1 July

Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings to you all in the week of All Saints – our weekend services having celebrated the fruits of the Holy Spirit in the great company of the saints across the ages, whether of the Old Covenant or New Covenant. In the coming weeks, we look forward to the various local celebrations of the saints of the Orthodox homelands, as well as those of these isles.

As we begin July, the ordination of our Deacon draws nearer, and your prayers are asked for Fr Mark, Alla and Yuriy. The transport for the journey to London is now confirmed and we look forward to around thirty parishioners celebrating the altar-feast of the lower cathedral church, and being present for the ordination.

As I’ve already commented on Facebook and WhatsApp – I’m extremely happy to have been able to use the Oratory Church for prayers, services and confessions so much over the last few weeks.

The schedule will continue, with the akathist at 15:00 on Tuesdays, Vespers at 15:00 on Thursdays and any Saturdays when I do not need to be in Warminster or Cheltenham.

We usually chant our services simply, gathered before the holy icons or the relics of St Alban, and sometimes have a little vocal competition with Saturday baptisms, but it is a blessing to offer the services of the Church on behalf of all.

Next week, there will be weekday services at 15:00 on Tuesday 2 July, Thursday 4 July and Saturday 6 July.

Thursday will be the eve of the feast of St Alban (and the summer feast of the Kursk Root icon), so Great Vespers will be offered before the enshrined portion of the Protomartyr’s relics.

The following week, there will be weekday services on Tuesday 9 July and Thursday 11 July at 15:00 – Thursday being the eve of the feast of St Peter and Paul.

The festal Liturgy will be celebrated in the Oratory Church on Friday morning (12 July) at 10:30. Our Ascension Liturgy proved how well the Sacred Heart chapel suits Orthodox services, and we look forward to regular feast day Liturgies.

If parishioners wish to use the church hall for refreshments, we will have shrine prayers before the relics of St Alban, and venerate them after lunch.

The following morning, Saturday 13 July, will see the Liturgy for the Synaxis of the Holy Apostles celebrated in Warminster, where our Cardiff parishioners living in Wessex will gather in the Chapel of St Lawrence for the Hours and Liturgy at 10:30. As our newly-ordained priest, will be in London for the days after his ordination, there will be no Cheltenham Liturgy the following weekend.

I will be available to hear confessions in St Alban’s on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons, after vespers, this week – and already have a request for a Thursday evening confession in Nazareth House. So, Thursday afternoon confessions will be in the Oratory Church, and evening confessions in Nazareth House for those who wish to take advantage of the Sister’s hospitality. As I will be there, compline will be chanted after confessions, at 19:00.

We very much look forward to celebrating the Nativity of St John the Baptist next Sunday, and the variables for the Liturgy may be found at:


We will also celebrate the memory of St Calogero the Hermit, whose icon was gifted to us by iconographer-priest, Efraim Augello and matushka Olympiada in Sicily.

Your prayers are asked for Masha’s aunt, Nataliya, as she returns home to Kiev. It was a joy for the Cardiff Wessex parishioners to pray with her and have supper on Porphyrios’s narrow boat last Monday, and it has been a joy having her as part of our community whilst she has been in Britain.

We also ask your prayers for the repose of the soul of Masha’s young pupil, Aurelia, who fell asleep in the Lord last Thursday, at the tender age of eight years. May the Lord remember her in his Kingdom. We continue to pray for the souls of the martyred Archpriest Nikolia and the martyred Mikhail, and for Anatoliy and Svetlana. Memory Eternal!

May God bless and protect you and our community.

Asking your forgiveness for Christ’s sake.

Hieromonk Mark

Weekly News – Pentecost-Trinity

Dear brothers and sisters,

S prazdnikom! Greetings for the feast of Pentecost-Trinity, and heartfelt thanks for those who worked to make our celebration in Cardiff such a wonderful and joyful occasion.

The abundance of flowers and greenery, made church feel very festive, and we are indebted to our sisters for their hard work in ensuring that everyone had flowers to hold during vespers, and also to those who brought birch and other greenery. It was wonderful to see people so happy and buoyant, despite the long services. Thanks also to Georgina, who – in addition to the new analoy covers – has made coloured top cloths in the various liturgical colours of the Church’s year, with green ones matching our vestments, today.

Having both Olga and Edmund on the kliros brought confidence to our singers, and having Hierodeacon Avraamy back from his summer vacation was timely, with his soaring voice adding greatly to the feast, especially with those wonderful words of the Great Prokeimenon: “Who so great a god as our God? Thou art the God Who workest wonders!”

As I observed in the homily, the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples in the upper room, was only the beginning of Pentecost in the Church, and the ongoing operation of the Holy Spirit in its life – especially in the Holy Mysteries – is the ongoing indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the continuation of the events of the birthday of the Church, with the sound of rushing wind and the tongues of fire resting upon the holy apostles.

In the aposticha of vespers, we heard –

“Now, the comforting Spirit hath been poured on all flesh; for, starting with the rank of the Apostles, He extended grace through the communion of believers, certifying His effective presence by the distribution of tongues to the Disciples in fiery likeness for the praise and glory of God. Wherefore, being noetically illumined with them and confirmed in the steadfast Faith, we beseech the Holy Spirit to save our souls.”

The pouring forth of the Holy Spirit started with the rank of the Apostles, but subsequently continues in each generation of the Church, and the whole communion of believers. By our baptism and chrismation, by our restoration in confession, by the spiritual food of the Saviour’s Body and Blood, and through each and all of the Holy Mysteries, we receive that noetic illumination and confirmation of Faith, and are joined to that first Pentecost in the upper room: not by being passive bystanders, but being active participants in the life of the Holy Spirit in the Church, and welcoming the Heavenly King, the Comforter and Spirit of Truth to enter, abide in us, cleanse us and heal us.

This will have been Father Mark’s last Great Feast as a Deacon, as we look forward to the Grace of the Holy Spirit, through the hands of our bishop – as a successor of the Apostles in the upper room – conferring the Grace and dignity of the sacred priesthood. As I looked at my old deacon’s stikhar, I wondered who will wear it next, and be called to serve by the Grace of the Holy Spirit!

Let us all actively labour for the Grace of the Holy Spirit, heeding St Seraphim, recognising the acquisition of the Holy Spirit as the most pressing and important thing in our lives, doing this above all by prayer.

Having posted prayer-resources on-line, may I commend them to parishioners for their spiritual praxis and prayer-life in these days of Pentecost.

A Canon to the Holy Spirit composed by Theophanes the Monk may be found here in English: https://russianorthodoxchurchcardiff.com/a-canon-to-the-holy-spirit-by-theophanes

… and St Maximos the Greek’s canon to the Holy Paraclete, may be found here: https://russianorthodoxchurchcardiff.com/a-canon-to-the-divine-worshipful-all-holy-spirit-the-paraclete

The corresponding Slavonic texts may be found here:


and http://hramnagorke.ru/dialog/index.php?topic=1164.0;wap2

After the joy of the feast in Cardiff, I have travelled to Bath, where we will have our end-of-month gathering of West of England parishioners, sanctified by prayer on the Day of the Holy Spirit, with time for spiritual conversation and fellowship.

In Cardiff, we are now very much enjoying the hospitality of the Oratory Church, having headed to Swinton Street last week for the akathist to Our Lady of Walsingham on Tuesday, and Vespers/confessions on Thursday and Saturday – with the privilege of being able to pray before the relics of St Alban and venerate them after each service.

The akathist hymn will be chanted in St Alban’s Church on Tuesday at the slightly later time of 15:00, and vespers will be chanted at the same time on Thursday and Saturday, with confessions as needed after each service. If anyone needs to confess on Thursday evening, may I have notification as soon as possible. As Sister Marie is away for a few weeks, I have to prearrange using Nazareth House with Sister Anna, and do not want this to be last minute.

Having discussed the issue of parish elections with our chancellor, I can confirm that Bishop Irenei will discuss issues of parish governance over the days surrounding the ordination of Deacon Mark, next month, and that he may bless Father Paul to oversee the conclusion of the election process, if required.

Remember that this week is fast-free, before we begin the Apostles’ Fast on

In Christ – Hieromonk Mark

Weekly News: 17 June 2024

Dear brothers and sisters, Christ is Risen!

I must start with an apology for the fact that last week’s news was sent to nobody other than me, as I hit the wrong button when it came to sending and I only noticed this at the end of the week!

With Pascha behind us, we are now in the after-feast of the Ascension, having celebrated a quiet and prayerful feast day Liturgy in the Oratory Church, the Saturday Liturgy in Cheltenham, and Sunday’s Liturgy in Canton. 

Many thanks to all who contributed to our celebration of Ascension, which affirms our All-Merciful and All-Loving Lord’s heavenly translation as God-Man to the glory of heaven, where He awaits the raising of the faithful, body and soul, flesh and spirit into the unending glory of the Kingdom, “where the delight of those who behold the ineffable beauty of [His] countenance shall not cease.”

Our Ascension Day service in the Oratory Church was a long-awaited first Divine Liturgy in St Alban’s – Father Sebastian having offered use of an altar of the church from the time of the Oratorian arrival in Splott in 2019.

The Sacred Heart chapel, with its narrow archway and 19th century gates, made an excellent sanctuary, with our small congregation occupying the south aisle. It was a joy to concelebrate with Archpriest Luke, and we are grateful to those who were able to join us for the Liturgy and the leisurely lunch that followed. The afternoon ended with two litia services to St Alban, before his sacred relics: the first for our travellers before their homeward journeys, and the second for Romanian friends, who did not even realise we were in the Oratory Church, but came to pray before the Protomartyr’s relics.

It was a joy to be able to share Ascensiontide with the faithful in Cheltenham, where we gathered in Prestbury for our June Saturday Divine Liturgy and our customary bring and share lunch, reflecting on the fact that when we next return, Deacon Mark will have been ordained to the sacred priesthood and will – hopefully – celebrate the Liturgy for us.

Fathers’ Day dented our usual Sunday attendance, but our Cardiff celebration was blessed with beautiful singing by our kliros, and we are very grateful to our singers for their labours. 

We benefited from the ministrations of Father Luke once more, and I know that some of our parishioners appreciated his reflections, advice and wisdom regarding the tensions, challenges and pressures of Orthodox parish life. Having served as a parish-priest for over a quarter of a century, he has not always had an easy time, and his community has faced various difficulties and trials over the years, learning valuable lessons  –  shared with us in Cardiff.

Father Luke encouraged us to slow down in challenging situations, praying and reflecting, and not judging or condemning when others may have different views and opinions from our own – rather seeking to understand those who think and feel differently from ourselves. If we are seeking the same spiritual vision and goals, our labours and our journey should bring us together, despite these differences. 

The important thing is that differences are never allowed to undermine communities in which there must always be room for a range of views and opinions, but in which the Gospel and Faith are able to over-ride them, with the Eucharistic offering as the source and bond of unity in Christ, our High Priest and Eternal Sacrifice.

This coming week, I had originally intended to follow our pilgrimage pattern for Saturday, but as this is the eve of Trinity Sunday, I will celebrate Great Vespers at 15:00 in the Oratory Church, as is intended on the eve of the Great Feasts.

The following day, Trinity Sunday, the Liturgy will be followed by vespers with the “kneeling prayers” for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Greenery with which to decorate the church will be most welcome, especially birch.

We were sad to hear the news of the repose of Aleksandra Kenenova’s father, Anatoliy, and pray that the Lord grants him eternal rest, in a place of refreshment, light and peace. Memory Eternal. Please keep Sasha and her family in your prayers, as well as praying for the repose of Anatoliy’s soul.

During this time for prayer and reflection,  I urge parishioners to ask the intercession of St John the Wonderworker, our bishop’s holy predecessor, as some of our sisters are doing. The akathist may be found online…

English: https://www.saintjohnwonderworker.org/akathist

Slavonic: https://azbyka.ru/molitvoslov/akafist-svjatitelju-ioannu-arhiepiskopu-shanhajskomu-i-san-francisskomu-chudotvorcu.html

In addition to Vespers in St Alban’s on Saturday, I will keep the now usual pattern of prayers at 14:30 on Tuesday (akathist) and Thursday (9th Hour and Vespers. I will hear confessions after services on each of these days, and will be available for confessions on Thursday evening if required. Please email me if this is needed by Wednesday evening.

In Christ – Hieromonk Mark

Newsletter for the Week of the Paralytic

Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings at the end of a joyful day which saw a few of us in Wessex make a pilgrimage to Shaftesbury, where we visited the site of the former abbey, where the relics of King Edward the Martyr were enshrined until the desecration of the great religious house and its dissolution at the reformation. Mercifully, through the grace and mercy of God, the Royal-Martyr’s relics were found during the excavation of the abbey by John Wilson-Claridge in 1931, and enshrined in the former ROCOR Monastery of St Edward, at Brookwood, in 1984.

The abbey ruins, surrounded by green lawns and herb and flower-filled borders are an oasis of tranquility, and we were overjoyed to be able to offer prayers to St Edward-the-Martyr close to the place where his relics were found, and the site of his medieval shrine. Having been greeted with warmth and friendly enthusiasm, we were invited to arrange and “after hours” pilgrimage, and look forward to returning and solemnly offering prayers in a holy place of as once great renown. Many thanks to the wonderful staff. 

In the evening, we enjoyed our end of month gathering on Porphyrios’s narrow boat, chanting compline with the canon to St Edward chanted after the supplicatory canon to the Mother of God. We enjoyed an evening of conversation and fellowship, with a lovely supper ending a blessed and grace-filled day.

Holy Right-Believing King, Edward the Martyr, pray to God for us!

Despite half-term, our Liturgy was well attended, even though the kliros and sanctuary were reduced to a minimum. We are grateful to all who contributed to our celebration, particularly for all who facilitated such a quick packing away and rearrangement of furniture. This was very much appreciated and we need this to continue.

As I will only be returning to Wales tomorrow, there will be no celebration of vespers in Cardiff in the afternoon. After a day preparing for our meeting,I will be in Cardiff on Thursday, and will celebrate the ninth hour and vespers in St Alban’s church at 14:30. Confessions will be arranged around the service. If required, I will hear evening confessions in Nazareth House. Please email me by 18:00 on Wednesday and be clear if you cannot confess until the evening.

Sunday will see our General parish meeting, with the elections of our new starosta and senior sister.

Deacon Mark and I have been struck by the lack of realisation of the responsibilities and tasks assumed by the starosta, and feel that parishioners should be made aware of serious duties that can be time consuming and sometimes require considerable input.

  • Maintaining the church building and property: This may include overseeing cleaning and repairs, as well as ensuring the security of the church.
  • Financial oversight: Church wardens/starostas assist the treasurer in managing the church’s budget, collect donations, and ensure financial accountability.
  • Supporting the clergy: They may assist the clergy with administrative tasks, .
  • Coordinating volunteers: Church wardens/starostas play a key role in recruiting and coordinating volunteers for various tasks required in delivering services and maintaining an efficient parish life.
  • Liaison with the community: They may serve as a point of contact for community partners to promote the parish, represent the parish at community events. Liaising with local churches to arrange and schedule their use for services as needed
  • Liaison with the congregation: They may serve as a point of contact for parishioners and address their concerns.
  • Church Council: The Church wardens/starosta will occupy a seat on the parish council and vote on parish matters outside of the AGM
  • Traditions and Protocols: As the clergy are unable to stop/interrupt services the Church warden/starosta will assist in ensuring those in attendance adhere to church traditions and protocols during services.
  • Contact and welcoming: The Church warden/starosta will be a contact for general queries which do not require the clergy, eg service times, events etc. They should also welcome visitors and newcomers to the parish.
  • Legal and Administrative duties: They may be involved in tasks like creating reports, attending meetings, and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.
  • Smooth Running: They will have oversight of the items which require regular ordering to ensure that services and specific feasts run smoothly. Eg. ordering wine, candles, palm crosses, candle guards etc
  • Attendance: The Churchwarden/starosta should be present at the majority of services to ensure consistency and stability in their role

Both Branka and Menna were nominated by various individuals to both positions, with Menna accepting the nomination for starosta, and Branka accepting that of senior sister. Another sister declined candidature for the position of senior sister, having been nominated by various individuals, but kindly offered support and guidance, and her considerable practical knowledge and expertise.

As such, the meeting will be asked to approve  these sisters and ratify their assumption of positions of office. Regular baptised and communicant members of our parish,  who will be absent next weekend, but wish to communicate  their approval are asked to message our treasurer, Olga Azzopardi via WhatsApp, or request her email details from me or Father Deacon Mark (rather than our disclosing it here!).

May we have any items for the agenda by Wednesday, please.

Due to the pressures of time, may we keep refreshments on Sunday to tea/coffee and biscuits/baked goods., allowing people to break their fast and replenish their energy reserves before the service?

As we look forward to Deacon Mark’s ordination of Wednesday 17th July, we would like to remind those who have requested places on the bus to give their deposit of £10 to Olga McKellar, and to do so as soon as possible. We have been much encouraged by the numbers hoping to travel from South Wales, the west of England, and perhaps even from Poole. This will be a great blessing, and will see much of the parish travel to the cathedral for this momentous occasion in the life of our community.

We hope that those who are away for various half-term breaks have a restful and relaxing time, praying for our travellers heading for France, the Lake District, Scotland and wherever else the week may have taken them.

May God bless you.

In Christ – Hieromonk Mark

Thomas Week Newsletter

Dear brothers and sisters, Christ is Risen! Христосъ воскресе! Hristos a înviat! Χριστός ἀνέστη!

After the joy of Bright Week and our celebration of Thomas Sunday, we now enter the second week of Pascha, with the need to maintain the joy of the Resurrection each day of this season.

Saturday saw a wonderful Liturgy in Warminster, and though we were few in number, our celebration was joyful and prayerful, and the day was blessed with beautiful weather and sun blazing through the windows of the Chapel of St Lawrence.

It was lovely to be in Wiltshire on such a glorious spring weekend, beginning with a lovely evening beneath apple-blossom and surrounded by birdsong. Thanks to our Wessex brothers and sisters for their hospitality, kindness and dedication.

Our Sunday congregation was small compared to our numbers for Pascha, but we had a wonderful Liturgy, with a great sense of peace and joy. Thanks to all who contributed in every way.

Were able to congratulate Deacon Mark, George and Yuriy on their recent name-days, with Many Years being chanted after a litia to St Mark the Evangelist and the Holy Great-Martyr George.

In future weeks, it would be appreciated if we could streamline the setting up and putting away in St John’s, with the lack of help before the Liturgy sometimes creating pressure. I hope that our younger brothers can be rather more involved in this initial part of our Sundays.

Might we also suggest that our younger people need to be rather more involved on the domestic side of Sundays in St John’s: cleaning, sweeping, washing up and drying up would be a good start. I’m afraid some of our seasoned sisters are taken for granted, and after cooking, baking, preparing trapeza, and driving very long distances in some cases… never getting to sit down to eat or drink. I would like to see them getting to the table and having a rest, whilst energetic youth takes to the kitchen for a welcome change. Let’s share the labours of parish life and make things a little more fair and reasonable, and not be shy to ask if anything needs doing.



Further to announcements in church, our General Parish Meeting will be held after Liturgy on Sunday 2 June. Elections will be held for the offices of starosta and senior-sister, and nominations for these positions are requested, and candidates should be communicant members of the parish and in good standing within the community. Before nominating candidates, please ascertain their willingness to stand for office. Over the course of the coming week, we will clarify the duties of each respective parish office, so that prospective officers can be sure that these can be fulfilled.

Some confusion has been caused by the initial announcement, and I would like to clarify that until the forthcoming election, it is only the position of starosta / warden that is vacant. The position of senior sister remains occupied by virtue of election by the parishioners, and our present senior remains the only elected officer within the parish.

After nominations for each position, the parish meeting will see the election of both starosta and senior sister, so that terms of office commence at the same time.


I am happy to announce that Father Sebastian has welcomed us to use the Oratory Church in Swinton Street on weekdays, and this week will see the chanting of a memorial service for radonitsa tomorrow (Tuesday) at 14:30 and Thursday will see the celebration of the 9th Hour, Vespers and litia for the departed at 14:30 on Thursday. I hope that we may begin with these extra services, as well as on the first Saturday of the month – the only free Saturday at the moment, given the Liturgies in our missions and our pilgrimages.

Some of our young brothers have already used the Oratory as a place of prayer, with the enshrined relics of St Alban being a welcome place for Orthodox prayer when St John’s is inaccessible due to weekday use.

I know that the time may only allow a few parishioners who are free in the day to attend, but the need is for conciliar parish prayer as often as possible, and part of the initial possibility is “when and where”. Services are always celebrated on behalf of all members of the parish, whether they can be present or not, and prayers are offered for the whole community, whether this is at Liturgy, the services of the Horologion, molebens or memorials.

We can hopefully build up more regular common prayer throughout the week, whether in Cardiff or in the Wessex part of our community, and will investigate the possibilities for evening worship, possibly in parish homes. This will be greatly aided by the presence of capable readers in our community, and we will be concentrating on their training and development in the months ahead.



On Saturday 25 May, this month’s rather low-key and informal pilgrimage will see a visit to Penrhys in the Rhondda. It was once an important centre of Welsh pilgrimage, with origins in the Celtic Age of Saints, before becoming a major medieval shrine to the Mother of God , before post-reformation obscurity, neglect and deprivation and 20th century revival.

In our younger days, Father Luke and I were involved with the annual three day walking “Cistercian Way” pilgrimage that once made its way from Llantarnam Abbey to Penrhys, stopping at local places of worship and of Christian significance in the Valleys.

We very much want to reconnect with this holy place, and hope that we can make a beginning with a simple visit – meeting at the statue of Our Lady of Penrhys on the site of the former Franciscan monastic house at midday. We will say prayers there and hope that the weather allows for a picnic, before walking down the hillside to the well-chapel, where it would be wonderful to celebrate vespers. Please get in touch with me if you can make it, and would like to be part of this initial connection with our local shrine of the Mother of God.


May I ask requests for this week’s Thursday confession by 18:00, on Wednesday, please, with the intention to hear confessions before and after the service in St Alban’s Church, though I will happily head to Nazareth House for any confessions required in the evening.

Please remember our students and scholars Alexander, Stefan, Tara, Kalina, Henry, Ambrose and Jelena in your prayers at what is a demanding time of the year, with assignments, assessments and exams – and remember George, who has interviews coming up. Prayers for travellers are offered for Alla, and for her parents, and for Marina, who is visiting family in Ukraine. Among the sick we pray for Metropolitan Longin, Bishop Alexander, the priests Spyridon and Anthony, Ludmilla, Brigid, Annamieke, Dymphna, Yiannis and Foevos. Please remember them all in your home commemorations.

Christ is Risen!

Hieromonk Mark

Paschal Newsletter

Dear brothers and sisters, Christ is Risen! Христосъ воскресе! Hristos a înviat! Χριστός ἀνέστη!

I hope that today has brought a brief rest for those who laboured greatly for the services of the Great and Holy Week and the Lord’s Pascha. For some, the labour was to sing, for others to read or serve, for others to give their time to cooking, baking, arranging flowers, sewing, and for some the tasks of setting up and putting away – the last seemingly menial, but necessary above most other things.

The first half of the week saw services in Llanelli, where the vesperal Liturgy of Great and Holy Thursday was celebrated in Father Luke’s home chapel, with the matins of Holy and Great Friday and the reading of the twelve passion Gospels in St Mary Butetown. We are very grateful to Father Dean and Georgina for the hospitality offered to us as St John’s was in use all evening.

Our choir and readers worked hard to make this a very beautiful service, as it was, despite the very minimal set up in the nave of St Mary’s.

Holy Friday saw our return to Canton, with the celebration of Vespers and the bringing out of the Shroud of the Saviour. Thanks to our reduced choir for again singing so well, as also in the evening Burial Service. We must also thank those who provided plain and simple fasting food for those needing a little sustenance before the long service and long journeys home for our Wessex parishioners.

On Holy Saturday, I was fortunate that matushka Alla brought me to Cardiff, where she and Svetlana arranged the flowers for the Paschal services, and the arrangements were plentiful and beautiful, with vases of flowers – some brought by parishioners and their offering at the Lord’s Tomb.

I was very blessed that Stefan and Mark gave hours of assistance setting up the church for the night service, allowing me to hear periodic confessions, including those of new visitors from Bristol and the west of England.

The service itself brought lots of new faces, as did the two services celebrated on Sunday morning and afternoon, after which Holy Communion was administered to those unable to be in church during the night for very good reason.

Our night services – with the triple procession around the church, matins with the Paschal Canon, many censings in different coloured vestments, the wonderfully encouraging Paschal Homily of St John Chrysostom, then our wonderful Liturgy – overflowed with the joy and triumph of the Lord’s Resurrection.

Sunday morning saw the chanting of the Paschal Hours, and the communing of young children, with communion also administered after our Paschal Vespers.

This week will be relatively quiet, with confessions on Thursday (requests by 18:00 on Wednesday pleased). As indicated before, we do not have access to Nazareth House chapel until 17:00. If anyone is able to attend I will make myself available to hear confessions on Friday morning, but will do so in St Alban’s Church. For those who are unaware, the Oratory Church contains relics of the Holy Protomartyr of Britain, St Alban, and is a place where some of us often go to pray before his relics and icon.

Friday afternoon will see my departure to Warminster, where our Bright Saturday Hours and Liturgy will be celebrated in the Chapel of St Lawrence at 10:30, with a bring-and-share lunch after our service. It was lovely to welcome Cardiff parishioners last month, and I hope the coming months will see others make the journey across the Severn from South Wales.

Thomas Sunday Liturgy will be in St John’s at 11:00, as usual, with a litia to St George and St Alexandra, giving us the opportunity to greet and congratulate our young parishioners George, Yuriy and Sasha (Alexandra), who celebrated their nameday, today. We wish them Many Years!

In Bright Week, it is a custom to replace our home prayers with the Paschal Hours, and I encourage you to pray the Paschal Canon each day, if you are able, echoing with the radiant joy of the Resurrection.

Christ is Risen!

Hieromonk Mark

Parish News: 22 April

Dear brothers and sisters,

Here we are in the last week of the Great Fast, before the one-day ‘season’ of Lazarus Saturday leads us into Holy Week. Personally, and I think for most people, every year’s Great Fast passes at what seems an unbelievable pace, and this year is no different. The key question, is whether we have made any progress in the season of the fast, which we should appreciate as a great gift the Lord grants us through the Sacred Tradition of the Church, focussing heart and mind on the mystery of repentance, to prepare us to greet the celebration of His Resurrection with spiritual renewal.

Those for whom the Great Fast has been a period of spiritual labour, benefit and gain, must beware that they are not robbed at the eleventh hour, or squander all that has been gained and achieved through carelessness and pride.

Conversely, if Great Lent has not gone as we hoped, we need to remind ourselves of the words that we will hear in the Paschal Homily of St John Chrysostom, and be encouraged by them NOW whilst there is an ‘hour’ in which to act in this Lenten season, before the joy and triumph of the Paschal night…

”If anyone has laboured from the first hour, let him today receive his just reward. If anyone has come at the third hour, with thanksgiving let him keep the feast. If anyone has arrived at the sixth hour, let him have no misgivings; for he shall suffer no loss. If anyone has delayed until the ninth hour, let him draw near without hesitation. If anyone has arrived even at the eleventh hour, let him not fear on account of his delay. For the Master is gracious and receives the last, even as the first; he gives rest to him that comes at the eleventh hour, just as to him who has laboured from the first. He has mercy upon the last and cares for the first; to the one he gives, and to the other he is gracious. He both honours the work and praises the intention.”

We know that these words of the Golden-Mouthed Great-Hierarch are simply an echo of the Lord’s parable, in which the labourer in the vineyard, hired at the end of the day receives the same pay as the one who laboured from its beginning. May they encourage us to be positive and focused, even if we have been careless until now!

The weekend was marked by a great gathering of the faithful of the southern part of the British region of our diocese, assembled around our bishop and concelebrating clergy for the mystery of Holy Unction, in the sobornal/conciliar form (hence ‘soborovanie’) celebrated during the Great Fast.

It was wonderful that we had twenty-nine people travel from Cardiff and Wessex, and the number of the faithful of the diocese gathered in Chiswick was greater than ever, with probably over three hundred souls being anointed by our bishop and his six priestly concelebrants, taking the end of the anointing beyond the dismissal of vespers, which it was necessary to chant after the service of the oil whilst the anointing quietly continued.

Glory to God, for the wonderful gathering, after which Vladika formally blessed our Wessex mission, having spent time with me, Lazarus, Elizabeth and Piran. We greatly appreciate the brief time at the end of the day, in which we were able to sit quietly with our chief-shepherd, who gave us words of encouragement and advice. Eis pola eti despota!

The following morning, our Sunday congregation seemed a bit dented, though we know we have a number of core-parishioners who are away at the moment, unwell or with children who are unwell.

However, it was an extremely beautiful, and peaceful Liturgy, that seemed a natural continuation of the Saturday Mystery of Holy Unction. We had more English chanting than usual, though Slavonic was in no way pushed out. Many thanks to the choir, and to Stefan who served as a solo oltarnik, showing how well he multitasks and juggles everything that needs doing… which is quite considerable.

It was lovely to sit down to soup, Serbian beans (Chilandar monastic recipe!) and other home-made food, as we do every week, but after the labours of Saturday, I think we all enjoyed hearty Slavic food even more before our afternoon journeys!

This week, Thursday will see confessions in Nazareth House, as usual, with 17:00 being the uaual starting time, though I will endeavour to cater for those needing an earlier slot after consultation with the Sisters. Emails by 18:00 on Wednesday, please, and asap for those unable to come after 17:00.

It is a of greenery for blessing at the beginning of Liturgy. It is our tradition to hold our ‘palms’ throughout the service, especially as we hear the Palm Sunday Gospel. Weather permitting, we will have a ‘krestny khod’ around St John’s at the end of Liturgy.

There is already a number of confession requests, so may I please stress how helpful it is to know who will be confessing.

Those who were at Sunday Liturgy will know that we have kulichy (Easter cakes) for sale, to raise funds for the parish, and they are £6. They will be available for sale at services from now until Pascha and will hopefully sell out!

Tonight will see our end of the month (though not quite the end, yet) in Warminster, so I am presently sitting typing looking our on a rather wet, cold and rainy Glastonbury, greatly looking forward to the wood-burner on Porphyrios’s narrow boat. Having celebrated the Sunday of St Mary of Egypt, yesterday, we will continue this celebration by venerating the memory of St Mary as the great ‘icon of repentance’ by chanting her canon as well as that to the Mother of God. I will endeavour to post her canon on our Facebook page, and encourage you all to turn to St Mary for inspiration, help and intercession.

We ask your prayers for the newly departed handmaiden of God, Nadezhda, and for her daughter Olga.

Also, we ask for prayers for our parishioner Marina, as she and her associates look to organise another Ukrainian Orthodox scouting gathering for the summer. Despite facing so many obstacles, last summer’s event went very well, and it is hoped that a similar gathering may bring hope and respite from the ongoing war and the misery people face. Please pray!

May God grant you a good struggle and strength in these last days of the fast and Holy Week.

In Christ – Hieromonk Mark

Parish News: Fifth Week of Great Lent

Dear brothers and sisters,

Sitting looking out onto a sunny morning, with buds breaking into leaf on the trees, it is good to reflect upon the blessings of the last week, in which I was able to visit our chancellor and the Wallasey parish.

It is always a joy to visit Wallasey, with our parish of St Elizabeth worshipping in one of the cemetery chapels, and “Little St Elizabeth’s” in the cellar of Father Paul and matushka Elizabeth’s home.

Both sanctuaries are saturated with prayer, and house many spiritually precious treasures from the Russian Imperial Embassy, from our ‘old’ cathedrals in Buckingham Palace Road and Emperor’s Gate, as well as items from our former northern parishes and the former podvorie chapel in Baron’s Court.

In Wallasey, we venerate icons that were venerated by St John the Wonderworker, our former hierarchs, and the Tsar-Martyr, and place our votive tapers in the very stands that they used in the former temples of the Church in Exile. It is particularly wonderful that the icons from the iconostasis of the episcopal podvorie grace the screen in St Elizabeth’s. I very much hope that our Cardiff and Wessex parishioners will make a pilgrimage to the Wirral and become acquainted with this wonderful parish and church, which is so representative of the particular spirituality our Church Abroad and its traditions.

I was glad to able to discuss parish life with our chancellor and look at ways to try and ease the limitations and restrictions that we continue to face as a parish without its own temple. We had time to discuss pilgrimages, youth activities, clergy formation, and the challenges of parish life.

The highpoint of my visit was the celebration of the Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts.

Sadly, the lack of a place to reserve the Holy Gifts in Cardiff and limited church availability makes the celebration of this ancient Liturgy impossible at present, which is a great loss, given the beauty and solemnity of the service, in which the silent Great Entrance is made as the choir sing the anti-cherubikon

“Now the Powers of heaven with us invisibly do minister. For, lo! the King of Glory entereth now. Behold, the mystical sacrifice, all accomplished, is ushered in.”

Let us with faith and love draw near, that we may become partakers of life eternal. Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.

Some commentators have speculated that the Great Entrance, possibly encountered by Crusaders in the Holy Land and Levant, may have been the inspiration of the grail procession in medieval romances, and its especially sacred character and solemnity are because these are not simply offered gifts, but the consecrated Holy Gifts themselves, in which the Lord is present.

It was good that Father Alban, from Durham, was also able to be with us, serving after a long journey, and before the long journey home.

Having returned to Wales on Wednesday, confessions were heard – as usual – in Nazareth house on Thursday, as they will be this week. Sister Aquinas has informed me that the daily mass will now be at 16:00, rather than in the morning, so confessions will ordinarily begin at 17:00. However, I will ask to hear some earlier for those with child-care and other responsibilities… just let me know of time limitations and I will speak to the Sisters. Emails by Wednesday at 18:00, please.

Friday saw an easterly journey for the first of our twice-monthly services in Wiltshire, where our Saturday Liturgy was celebrated in the Chapel of St Lawrence, in Warminster. We were pleased to be joined by some of our Cardiff locals for our celebration, with a litia for the departed at the end of the service, and a Lenten bring-and-share lunch.

Again, we are extremely grateful to Ian, chair of the chapel feoffees, who has supplemented the kitchen, providing a microwave-oven for us to heat food for the faithful. Given journeys from Poole and Cardiff, as well as the west of England, this is greatly appreciated. We look forward to our next Liturgy on Bright Saturday, with Paschal Hymns resounding in the chapel!

Sunday Liturgy for St John Climacus, marked the end the fourth week of the fast, and coincided with the feast of St Mary of Egypt, who will be commemorated next Sunday, as well as in the matins of the Thursday this week, when her life, by St Sophronios of Jerusalem, is read.

After discussions about the children participating the most sacred moments of the Liturgy, it was lovely to see one of our sisters usher Yuriy and Kyrill to the front with candles at the reading of the Gospel, and for them to do the same at the Great Entrance, directed by our young oltarnik, Stefan.

It was lovely to see Hierodeacon Avraamy reunited with his kamilavka and double orary, sent from Ukraine, and we look forward to having him as first deacon when we celebrate the mystery of Holy Unction in the cathedral, next Saturday.

Next Saturday’s Soborovanie / Holy Unction will commence at 14:00, and there will be opportunities to confess in the cathedral before the Holy Mystery. Those travelling by bus will be informed of the arrangements, which are being finalised, and we are encouraging our faithful to bring food to share after the service. I am very happy that there will be three parish carloads, as well as those travelling by bus, and look forward to having a group of Cardiff and Wessex parishioners joining the assembled parishes of the diocese.

Some of our parishioners have asked me to explain the offering of prosphora as Liturgy.

This practice originates in the early Church, and the expected offering of bread and wine by the faithful for the accomplishment of the Liturgy. Even though this fell out of use, the East Slavic Churches retained the tradition of the faithful presenting small loves with their commemorations for the Orthodox living and departed, with a loaf being presented with a commemorative list for the living, and one of the departed.

During proskomedia, the names of those commemorated are read out in the prayers for the living and the dead, and commemorative particles are taken in their memory and placed before the “Lamb” – which is consecrated during the Liturgy.

During the proskomedia, the arrangement on the diskos, forms a symbolic representation of the Church, in which Christ the Lamb of God is flanked by the Mother of God (represented by a triangle of beard) and the ranks of different types of saints, represented by the nine triangles in a three by three square. Before this representation of the deesis, the particles from the loaves presented by the faithful represent all commemorated on their lists – those for the faithful immediately before the Lamb, and those for the departed nearest the edge of the diskos.

After the communion of the faithful, the commemorative particles are placed in the chalice, as the deacon prayers, “Wash away, by Thy precious Blood, O Lord, the sins of those here commemorated, through the prayers of all Thy saints.”

So… when you order prosphora, you are doing so in the name and as a prayerful offering for those commemorated – which implies a list of others, though you are obviously commemorated.

Some people say, “But I’m the only Orthodox person in my family?”

There are very obvious responses.

Do you not pray for your brothers and sisters within the community; for those who have helped you in Orthodoxy through their lives, labours, teaching/preaching; for our hierarchs and clergy – whether living or departed?

We should ALL – without exception – be presenting commemorative lists, or commemoration books for Liturgy. This is our Christian duty, at Liturgy, and a basic part of Orthodox living. We list people according to their full BAPTISMAL name – no Ivans, Pashas, Mishas or Sashas, but Ioanns, Darias, Pavels, Mikhails and Alexanders. We have no vladikas, fathers or mothers, but rather list clergy and monastics as Bishop, Priest, Archpriest, Hieromonk, Monk or Nun.

If we have a commemorative book, we need to keep it up-to-date, as also our lists, if we leave them in church between Liturgies.

I shall post one of Fr John Whiteford’s article on our Facebook and WhatsApp pages.

See also: https://www.facebook.com/ROCORinCardiff/posts/pfbid036TKS7mEUCVQnKeLAQX1S1kaqcptDvvP89cgZh8etGLvtaULiwyiST41TwUhKQTWl

Looking forward to Wednesday evening, or during the day on Thursday, we should endeavour to prayer the Great Canon. The Wednesday evening service will be in Llanelli at 19:00.

This Saturday is that of the Akathist Hymn of the Most Holy Mother of God, when we should all equally to pray the Akathist Hymn. Again, there will be a service in Llanelli at 19:00.

In Christ – Hieromonk Mark