The Canons to St Gregory Decapolites & St. Proclus

Canon of the Venerable Gregory, the composition of Joseph, in Tone VIII.

Irmos: The wonderworking staff of Moses, * striking and dividing the sea in the figure of a cross, * once drowned Pharaoh the pursuing charioteer, * while it saved the fleeing people of Israel * as they fled on foot, * chanting a hymn unto God.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

By thy supplications, O blessed Gregory, enliven my lowly soul, which hath been slain by the passions; for thou hast now received the life which ageth not, having mortified thy members on earth with the struggles of asceticism, O venerable one.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

Abstaining from the pleasures of the body with purity of mind, O father, from childhood thou wast an instrument of the Spirit, splendidly receiving His powers and being recognized as godly of visage.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

With divine desire thou didst cause the desires of the flesh to wither away, O blessed one, espousing to thyself purity as a bride, from whom thou didst beget all the virtues as children for thyself, and who made thee a child of God, O ever memorable one.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O most pure and blessed one, thou heavenly ladder stretching from earth unto the heavens, ineffable is the wonder and incomprehensible the vision, for God the Word hath come down to mortal mankind! Do thou save those who have recourse unto thee.

Canon of the Holy Hierarch Proclus, the composition of Theophanes, in Tone

Irmos: Thy victorious right arm, * in a manner befitting God, * hath been glorified in strength, O Immortal One; * for in its infinite strength it shattered the enemy, * fashioning anew a path for the Israelites through the deep.

Holy father, Proclus, pray to God for us.

The peer of the noetic archangels in activity and true discourse, O God-receiver, thou standest with them before the throne of the adored Trinity, O Proclus, Whom do thou beseech, that we be saved.

Holy father, Proclus, pray to God for us.

Manifestly following in the footsteps of Chrysostom, O all-blessed and ever-memorable one, thou didst receive his divine priestly vestments as a paternal inheritance, O right glorious father.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

In that Isaiah of old cried out in the Spirit that God would come to earth, Nestorius, who blasphemously slandered the incarnation, was deposed in council by thee, O thrice blessed one.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

With divinely inspired discourses thou didst explain the awesome incarnation of the Word of God from the Virgin, proclaiming her to be the Theotokos, following the all-wise dogmas of the apostles.

Ode III, Canon of the Venerable One, Irmos: O Lord, Creator of the vault of Heaven * and Builder of the Church, * do Thou strengthen me in Thy love, O Summit of desire, * O Support of the faithful, * O only Lover of mankind.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

Having ascended the mountain of the virtues, O venerable father, thou didst enter into the darkness of vision and, comprehending, thou didst contain, as far as thou wast able, Him Who is unapproachable in essence, O father, being filled with enlightenment.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

With heavenly light He Who was born in a cave for the deliverance of mortal mankind illumined thee like Paul, O all-blessed one, who of old wast dwelling in a cave, showing thee to be luminous, O father Gregory.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

The heavenly portal, the most pure Mother of Christ, furnished thee with wings, O father, who wast beset by the assaults of the demons, and through the grace of the Spirit rendered thee able to soar above them with strength.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Rejoice, O thou who alone hast given birth to the Lord of all! Rejoice, thou who hast mediated life for all! Rejoice, thou mountain overshadowed and unquarried, confirmation of the faithful! Rejoice, O all-immaculate one!

Canon of the Holy Hierarch, Irmos: Thou alone knowest the weakness of human nature * and in compassion hast assumed its form; * do Thou gird me with power from on high, * that I may cry unto Thee: * Holy is the animate temple of Thine ineffable glory, O Lover of mankind!

Holy father, Proclus, pray to God for us.

Receiving light from Light in a most godly manner, O all-blessed one, thou didst become a light for the Church. Wherefore, the divine Light shone upon thee noetically, as is written, and, illumined thereby, thou dost enlighten those who hymn thy memory.

Holy father, Proclus, pray to God for us.

Sounding forth the thunder of thy dogmas, and as the walls of Jericho were cast down so were all the audacities and armies of heresy, and thou hast won the trophy of victory, manifestly proclaiming the incarnation of God from the Virgin.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Setting thy mouth to the well-spring of wisdom, O Proclus in that thou art pleasing to God, thou didst draw forth divine waters of spiritual wisdom, drowning the turbid rivers, and ungodly opinions of Nestorius, O all-blessed one.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The only-begotten Son who is ineffably understood to be with the Father on high, was the only-begotten born of thee below in a supra-natural manner past understanding, O most pure one; and hath deified mankind, O most pure Lady Theotokos. Wherefore, we call thee blessed.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Kontakion of Saint Proclus, Tone IV – Spec. Mel. “Thou hast appeared …”: Today the most honoured of all cities * doth truly celebrate as is meet on the feast of thine honoured repose, ** O wise Proclus, father of fathers.

Sessional Hymn of Saint Gregory, Tone IV – Spec. Mel. “Go thou quickly before …”: Illumined with divine splendour, thou hast driven away the darkness of the soul-destroying passions, O most wise Gregory; and caught up to the most-pure heights of dispassion, thou hast most gloriously shone forth rays of healings, having made thine abode in the never-waning light of the Kingdom of Christ.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sessional Hymn of Saint Proclus, Tone III – Spec. Mel. “Of the divine Faith …”: Being a divine and sacred preacher, O all-praised teacher of the mysteries, enriching the Church with divine doctrine, thou didst proclaim the most pure Virgin to be the Theotokos and didst thereby put Nestorius to shame. Wherefore, we all faithfully honour thy memory, asking that we be granted great mercy.

Ode IV, Canon of the Venerable One, Irmos: Thou, O Lord, art my strength and Thou art my power, * Thou art my God and Thou art my joy, * Thou Who, while never leaving the bosom of Thy Father, * hast visited our poverty. * Therefore, with the Prophet Habbakuk I cry unto Thee, * ‘Glory to Thy power, O Lover of mankind!’

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

He Who in His goodness for our sake became a stranger by a strange descent, O Gregory, seeing thee a stranger for His sake, received thee who wast far from thy homeland and made thee a divine heir of His Kingdom, adorned with the virtues.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

For Christ Who for our sake became a babe and a child, O venerable one, didst thou give thyself over to a school of children, being as innocent as a babe, O divinely wise and venerable father; and with divine humility thou didst humble the malice of the enemy, O blessed Gregory.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

Watered with the showers of thy tears as with divine dew, O father Gregory, thou didst cause every virtue to grow bringing forth the blossoming of fruitfulness from the tree of perfect fasting planted by the springs of water.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O blessed and all-immaculate Mother of God, heal thou the wounds of my soul, still the pleasures of the flesh, illumine my darkened heart, bring peace to my mind and deliver me from all the harm and assaults of the enemy.

Canon of the Holy Hierarch, Irmos: Perceiving thee with prophetic eyes * as the mountain overshadowed by the grace of God, * Habbakuk proclaimed that the Holy One of Israel * would come forth from thee, * for our salvation and restoration.

Holy father, Proclus, pray to God for us.

The resounding thunder of the words of thy proclamation and the teachings of thy doctrines gladden the Church of God with wisdom, dispelling the audacity of heresy, O all-glorious and sacred Proclus.

Holy father, Proclus, pray to God for us.

Having purified thine honoured body by abstinence like gold by fire, O most sacred and wise one, didst thou present it to the Creator as beautiful. Wherefore, He hath forever bestowed the vesture of the priesthood upon thee.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Being a sacred hierarch, and accustomed to divine knowledge, thou didst generously grant the divine radiance of enlightenment unto all, for the salvation of souls, O right glorious one.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Having in a manner past understanding received the divine Ember in thy womb, O all-immaculate one, thou wast truly not consumed; for the bush of old prefigured thy birth-giving, for our salvation and restoration.

Ode V, Canon of the Venerable One, Irmos: O Light never-waning, * why hast Thou turned Thy face from me * and why hath the alien darkness surrounded me, * wretched though I be? * But do Thou guide my steps I implore Thee * and turn me back towards the light of Thy commandments.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

By thine actions thou didst show thyself to be a fertile vine of the Word, O venerable father, bearing the magnificent ripe grapes of the virtues which exude the spiritual wine of salvation, making glad the hearts of the faithful.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

Glorious Rome, receiving thee from the East with faith, O father, as a never-waning lamp, became enlightened by thy precious gifts; for thou didst have Christ within thy soul like a light illumining those who beheld thee, O father.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

Walking the paths of life with godly vigilance as a favourite of God, as a husbandman of the commandments of Christ with the power of the Spirit, thou didst slay the serpent who lay in wait to bruise thy heel.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O Ever-Virgin Mother, intercessor for the world, pilot me and guide me to the right path, and direct my thoughts along the straight paths of righteousness, setting aright the steps of my soul.

Canon of the Holy Hierarch, Irmos: Thou hast shone upon us with the radiance * of Thy coming O Christ, * and illumined the ends of the world with Thy Cross, * enlighten with the light of thine understanding * the hearts of those who with right worship hymn Thee.

Holy father, Proclus, pray to God for us.

Radiant as a beacon, O all-blessed one, thou wast shown to be a champion of the Church of God, clearly explaining the nativity of the Immutable One from the divine and all-holy Virgin, O glorious one.

Holy father, Proclus, pray to God for us.

Placing the dogmas of the glorious incarnation of God from the Virgin in thy sling, like the godly David of old didst thou fell the audacious character of Nestorius as did Goliath the Philistine.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Full of the teachings of Paul, and having beheld a vision of him, O most elect one, thou wast shown to be another Elisha, mystically anointed with the priesthood as with divine unction.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

God took upon Himself neither confusion nor co-mingling in the womb of the Virgin, issuing forth in the flesh; but what He had been, that He remained: revealed immutably to be both God and man in His activities.

Ode VI, Canon of the Venerable One, Irmos: Cleanse me, O Saviour, * for many are mine iniquities; * lead me up from the abyss of evils I pray Thee, * for unto Thee have I cried, * and Thou hast hearkened unto me, * O God of my salvation.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

Deified by mystic visions and divine splendours, and by thy yearning for God, O most sacred one, as a divine prophet, as a favourite of God thou hast been deemed worthy of the grace of God.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

Thou didst perfect thy life in silence, O divinely inspired one, and wast revealed to be greater than the tumults of this life, higher than the passions, and a strange wanderer throughout all the earth.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

Like a clear mirror thou wast enriched with divine radiance; like a sacred vessel thou hast adorned the temple, O Gregory, illumining the heavenly Church of the firstborn.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O Mary, pure palace of the King, having cleansed me who have become the impure den of thieves by thy supplications, show me to be a holy temple for Him Who was born from thee.

Canon of the Holy Hierarch, Irmos: The deepest abyss hath surrounded us, * and there is none to deliver us, * yea we have been counted as sheep for the slaughter; * save Thy people O our God, * for thou art the strength and restoration of the weak.

Holy father, Proclus, pray to God for us.

With the noetic staff of thy teachings didst thou thou drive the proponents of heresy from the flock of Christ like marauding wild beasts, O blessed Proclus, leading thy flock into the fold of Orthodoxy.

Holy father, Proclus, pray to God for us.

Like another ark, through thine exhortations, O Proclus, thou didst present the body of the all-blessed Chrysostom to the Church of Christ, gladdening the choirs of the Orthodox by its arrival.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Ascending the great cathedra, O venerable one, with magnificent instructions didst thou adorn it in a most godly manner. Wherefore, assembling, we praise thee, O greatly wise and glorious hierarch Proclus.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou hast been revealed to surpass the cherubim, O Virgin full of the grace of God; for He Who is borne upon their shoulders, O pure one, was borne also in thine arms. Wherefore, we all ever glorify thee, O Theotokos.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion of the Venerable Gregory, Tone III: The Church knoweth thee to be a sun radiant with the beauties of the virtues, * illumining all with rays of healings, O favourite of Christ. * Wherefore, we celebrate thine honoured memory * and honour thy struggles, ** O all-blessed and most wise father Gregory.

Ode VII, Canon of the Venerable Gregory, Irmos: Once in Babylon the fire stood in awe * of God’s condescension; * for which sake the youths in the furnace, * dancing with joyous steps as in a meadow, chanted: * O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

With the outpourings of thy tears didst thou quench the fire, O Gregory, pouring forth the water of dispassion and the pure beverage of healings upon those who chant: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

Borne up by the perfection of honourable love as in a chariot of fire, didst thou mount to the summit, upon which thou didst acquire thy life, O divinely wise one, crying aloud: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

With thy standing in all-night vigils thou didst still the threefold billows of the passions, and having fallen into the sleep of the righteous, thou hast passed over into the never-waning light, crying aloud: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O pure virgin, thou who hast given birth to Light, enliven me who am perishing and dying through sin; save me and rescue me from Gehenna, who chant: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Canon of the Holy Hierarch, Irmos: We the faithful perceive thee, O Theotokos, * to be a noetic furnace; * for as He, the supremely exalted One, * saved the three children, * so hath He wholly refashioned fallen humanity, in thy womb, * O Thou praised and supremely glorified God of our fathers.

Holy father, Proclus, pray to God for us.

Having purified body, mind and soul by removing the passions, O wise hierarch Proclus, from thence thou didst declare the dogmas of God Who was born and received a body, soul and mind from the Virgin, without undergoing change, that He might save us.

Holy father, Proclus, pray to God for us.

Having acquired boldness before Christ, O holy one, pray thou that those who with hymnody praise thy glorious memory on earth, hymning the praised and supremely glorious God, may be delivered from all manner of dangers.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having kindled a noetic fire in thy thoughts, thou didst utterly consume the vile heresy of the abominable Nestorius; wherefore, we beseech thee: having burned up the fuel of our pleasures by thy supplications to God, O glorious one, do thou cleanse us.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O pure one, like the throne of the cherubim thou didst bear in thine embrace God Who became wrapped in the flesh, and Who beareth up all things by the word of His power. To Him do we chant in gladness: O all-hymned and supremely glorious God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Ode VIII, Canon of the Venerable One, Irmos: In his wrath the Chaldean Tyrant made the furnace blaze, * with heat fanned sevenfold for the servants of God; * but when he perceived that they had been saved by a greater power * he cried aloud to the Creator and Redeemer; * ‘ye children bless, ye priests praise, * ye people, supremely exalt Him throughout all ages’.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

Patiently sending up thy supplications to God, thou didst receive that for which thou didst ask with faith, O all-blessed one; for when thou didst sleep at night, an angel appeared to thee, who gave thee a fiery sword which cutteth down the passions of thy heart, cleanseth thee with immaterial fire and illumining thee with ineffable glory.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

Like the most radiant sun hast thou shone noetically with the brilliant light of the virtues, O Gregory, illumining all the earth with the effulgence of thy miracles and enlightening those who piously chant: Ye children bless; ye priests chant; ye people supremely exalt Christ throughout the ages!

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

Hearing the hymnody of the angels while still in thy mortal body, from which the senses of thy soul were manifestly delighted, O Gregory, thou wast shown to be godly and radiant of visage, crying out to the Master: Ye children bless; ye priests chant; ye people supremely exalt Him throughout the ages!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O all-pure one who hast given birth to the Judge and Lord, Him do thou entreat as thy Son, at the hour of judgment, condemnation and fire, of darkness devoid of light and the gnashing of teeth, to deliver those who piously chant with faith: Ye priests chant; ye people supremely exalt Him throughout the ages!

Canon of the Holy Hierarch, Irmos: In the furnace as in a fiery smelter * the Israelite children shone more brightly than gold * with the beauty of godliness, * as they exclaimed: Bless the Lord all ye works of the Lord, * hymn and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.

Holy father, Proclus, pray to God for us.

Having cleansed the carnal passions like gold through purity in the glowing crucible, O all-glorious one, thou didst shine forth upon all, chanting: All ye works, hymn the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout the ages!

Holy father, Proclus, pray to God for us.

Adorned by the sound of the instrument of thine honourable tongue, the Church of God: hymned the descent of the Saviour to earth, manifestly singing for all to hear and crying: Thee do we supremely exalt, O Christ, throughout all ages!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou hast truly been shown to be a divine harp whose music soundeth for all who with faith accept the saving incarnation of God for us, O blessed father Proclus, who chantest with faith: Hymn the Lord, ye works, and supremely exalt Him throughout the ages!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

God the Master, preserving the tokens of thy virginity intact, O Virgin, passed through thee in a manner past understanding, that He might save those who cry: Hymn the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout the ages!

Ode IX, Canon of the Venerable One, Irmos: Every ear is awestruck at hearing of God’s ineffable condescension, * for the Most High voluntarily descended and assumed flesh, * becoming man in the Virgin’s womb; * wherefore we the faithful magnify the most pure Theotokos.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

With the sweat of thy fasting didst thou quench the burning ember of sin, O wise one, and manifestly receive graced from heaven in the guise of fire which burneth not, but rather bedewed and showed thee to be one mighty in strength over the passions.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

Thou didst blossom like a rose, like a fragrant lily, amid the vales of fasting, O father Gregory. Wherefore, thou pourest forth fragrant myrrh, and thy bones abundantly perfume our life; for thy cheeks have been shown to be full, like a cup, of sweet fragrance.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

Today, the council of fasters and the venerable, the patriarchs and prophets, rejoice with us on thy memorial, O blessed one, and the apostles and martyrs celebrate with us. With them be thou mindful of those who honour thee with faith, O right wondrous one.

Venerable father, Gregory, pray to God for us.

The shrine wherein thy precious and much suffering body lieth, poureth forth the grace of miracles upon us, O father Gregory, sanctifying the souls and bodies of us who have been enriched by thee and have thee as an intercessor and fervent helper.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

We, the faithful, with the cry of Gabriel joyfully cry aloud to thee: Rejoice, O garden of paradise who put forth the Tree of Life! Rejoice, thou lifting of the curse, crown of martyrs, boast of the venerable and confirmation of the pious.

Canon of the Holy Hierarch, Irmos: The Bush, which burnt without being consumed, * prefigured thy pure birth-giving, O Theotokos. * Wherefore we now entreat Thee: * quench the raging furnace of temptations that beset us, * that we may unceasingly magnify Thee.

Holy father, Proclus, pray to God for us.

Holy father, passing by images and shadows, and truly understanding Christ, having been reborn in the baptismal font, thou wast anointed a most sacred priest. Wherefore, thou didst proclaim as Theotokos her who gave Him birth.

Holy father, Proclus, pray to God for us.

Thou didst embrace the sacred character and dogmas of Chrysostom, O blessed one, and with his sacred zeal for the Faith, thou didst raise up from the noetic depths thy dogmas, which dry up the torrents of heresies with grace.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

By thy sacred prayers bring an end to the turmoil which riseth up against us, and dispel the darkness of the passions and the afflictions of all mankind, in that thou hast boldness before our Master and God.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O thy wonders which pass understanding! For thou alone hast given birth supra-naturally to the Word of God, Who became flesh and wisely sustaineth, nurtureth, and preserveth all things by His divine will.

Troparion of the saints, in Tone IV: O God of our fathers, * ever deal with us according to Thy meekness. * Take not Thy mercy from us, * but by the prayers of these saints ** direct our life in peace.


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