Dear brothers and sisters,
As there are so many new folks in the parish, it seems a good idea to familiarise them with the members of the parish council and those who occupy positions of responsibility – so that names can be matched with faces and faces with names.
Our parish has four trustees: Hieromonk Mark, the chairman of the trustees, Peter Lloyd-Griffiths, Karen Evans, and Olga Evdochimova. They are responsible for the parish as a charitable organisation, and are also de facto members of the parish council.
Norman, our starosta (churchwarden), was elected in 2022, and will occupy the position until our next elections in 2023. He is usually to be seen in the sanctuary, where he is the senior oltarnik. Together with our senior-sister, he is the coordinator for parish events, elected-representative of the parishioners and the lay face of the parish in diocesan life.
Our new-comers will know Peter as probably the first person they meet and chat with, hence his nickname Peter-the-meeter-and-greeter. Peter has served as a parish trustee for the last year. Though he will step back from this role in the coming months, he will remain a member of the parish-council.
As chief-bibliophile, Karen is the face at the candle desk/church lavka, and is a trustee of the parish. She and her family are at the core of parish life.
Olga is one of the founder-members of the parish, and in addition to being the parish treasurer, she is also the regent (choir director) of the parish, and one of its trustees.
Our senior-sister, Menna, is also one of the principle ‘meeters and greeters’ of the parish. In addition to coordinating the parish sisterhood, with our pilgrimage-coordiantor, Tracy, is passionate about promoting our local saints and holy places.
As well as these parish office-holders, our other Cardiff clergy are ex-officio members of the parish council.
In addition to his spiritual and liturgical role in parish life, Father Deacon Mark also acts as parish administrator, chauffeur, chief cook and bottle-washer!
We are now greatly blessed to have Father Deacon Avraamy serving in the parish, bringing his vast experience of Church life in Ukraine, including thirteen years in the Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Lavra.
If your new to the parish, please don’t be shy and say hello to our parish ‘faces’.