Akathist to the Holy Great-Martyr Demetrios

Ikos I: Angels were astonished in heaven, beholding the godless rage of the tyrant and as thou wast put to death by his decree, O Demetrios, we cry out to you thus:

Rejoice, sacred pinnacle of the martyrs,

Rejoice, joyous radiance of the saints.

Rejoice, for thou wast placed in a pit as one condemned,

Rejoice, for thou didst ascend to Heaven as one without a body.

Rejoice, dweller in the ranks of the angels,

Rejoice thou who didst bear the tortures of the tyrant.

Rejoice, for thou despisest the wiles of the enemies,

Rejoice, for thy soul now dwellest in Heaven.

Rejoice, O Martyr Demetrios.

Kontakion II: The divine Nestor, beholding himself in manliness, approached the king with boldness: “Thine exceeding danger appears as an abomination to my soul. For I will put to death the godless Lyaios, crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos II: Having godly knowledge, O Demetrios the boast of martyrs, thou didst say to the tyrant: “From soulless matter [i.e. idols], how is possible to give birth to God? Speak to me.” To [the Martyr], the faithful who honour God cry out with fear:

Rejoice, most-radiant lamp of Thessaloniki,

Rejoice, for thou didst overcome Lyaios in victory.

Rejoice, thou who pourest forth divine myrrh from thy grave,

Rejoice, thou who bearest divine zeal in thy heart.

Rejoice, for thy blood was a purifying bath,

Rejoice, for through thee there is blotting out of sins.

Rejoice, thou who deposest the delusion of the idols,

Rejoice, thou who hast censured the mania of tyrants.

Rejoice, for thou healest the suffering of bleeding,

Rejoice, thou who hast offered thy soul from its depths.

Rejoice, for thou hast delivered Marinon from leprosy,

Rejoice, thou who didst send forth thy beloved Istron.

Rejoice, O Martyr Demetrios.

Kontakion III: Power from heaven then strengthened Nestor to fight, and he took up arms against the utterly strong Lyaios, and with swift hand, he struck him down as dead, and therefore cried out to the Saviour, chanting: Alleluia.

Ikos III: Having the divine desire to obtain the body of Demetrios, the pious Emperor [Justinian] went, but as he did not desire this, fire came forth from his grave threatening death. And he said to him such words in fear:

Rejoice, unemptying river of wonders,

Rejoice, irrevocable icon of traumas.

Rejoice, for thou didst not grant thy relic to him who didst seek,

Rejoice, for thou grantest sanctification to those who venerate thee.

Rejoice, for thou didst summon fire from thy divine grave,

Rejoice, for thou who didst censure the mania of the tyrant.

Rejoice, for thou deposest the worship of the idols,

Rejoice, for thy body was pierced with spears.

Rejoice, for thy blood was given as drink to the godless,

Rejoice, for thou sanctifieest the whole world with thy body.

Rejoice, O Martyr Demetrios.

Kontakion IV: Having godless confusion and evil thoughts, the senseless king was enraged, beholding the martyr not preaching the delusion of the idols. We, beholding the unjust slaughter of the saint at his hands, cry out: Alleluia.

Ikos IV: The ends of the world heard of the murder of Demetrios at the hands of the senseless tyrant, and beholding him dead, they hastened to him, seeing the sacred wonders that he pourest forth throughout the whole world, as they honour him, saying:

Rejoice, thou who tradest the corruptible things for the heavenly,

Rejoice, thou who hast deposed the counsels of the evil ones.

Rejoice, thou who joinest chorus with the bodiless angels,

Rejoice, thou who didst enter the land of the greatly-suffering saints.

Rejoice, thou who servest together with the spotless cherubim,

Rejoice, thou who walkest together with the pure seraphim.

Rejoice, for thou hast served the Lord of Lords,

Rejoice, for thou bearest within the seat of divine thrones.

Rejoice, most-fervent fellow servant with the angels,

Rejoice, most-wise fellow counsellor with the archangels.

Rejoice, sacred adornment of the venerable,

Rejoice, radiant rejoicing of the martyrs.

Rejoice, O Martyr Demetrios.

Kontakion V: Perceiving Demetrios to be a God-bearer, the most fervent man hastened to be delivered through him from the terrible demon. And having touched his deliverer, he rejoiced in the Lord, crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos V: Leontios, the son of the Orthodox, formerly saw the unspeakable might of the martyr, and desiring to come to him, he sought for Istron to hasten to pass by him with his robe, and cried out to him:

Rejoice, thou who through thy robe didst work awesome wonders,

Rejoice, thou who didst not bear stains of offences.

Rejoice, for thy streams have become our own.

Rejoice, for thou didst drive back the campaigns of barbarians,

Rejoice, for thou dwellest amongst the thrones of the Martyrs.

Rejoice, thou who didst drive away the plague from Thessaloniki,

Rejoice, our sun which shinest upon the faithful.

Rejoice, thou who deliverest from the love of idols,

Rejoice, thou who deliverst all from the bonds of slavery.

Rejoice, thou who grantest grace to all those who approach thee,

Rejoice for thou ever dwellest with those who praise thee.

Rejoice, O Martyr Demetrios.

Kontakion VI: The deluded became preachers of the corruption of souls, as they hastened through Thessaloniki, performing idolatrous acts and preaching godlessness everywhere, and as the martyr left the tyrant like a mule, he said: Alleluia.

Ikos VI: The divine Nestor, shining together with the sacred Demetrios, drove away the darkness of error, for they anathematised the idols steadfastly, and cast them down, whilst the faithful who were saved cried out to those strugglers:

Rejoice, Demetrios, O firm support,

Rejoice, Nestor, O splendid pride.

Rejoice, thou who didst grant strength to Nestor,

Rejoice, thou who didst grant corruption to Lyaios.

Rejoice, thou who didst firstly censure the blind tyrant,

Rejoice, thou who secondly didst keep St. Demetrios’s example.

Rejoice, thou who didst receive death by spears,

Rejoice, thou who receivest incorruptible life through the sword.

Rejoice, thou who wast murdered in prison like a convict,

Rejoice, thou who wast preached throughout the world as one immortal.

Rejoice, thou who before death didst work awesome deeds,

Rejoice, thou who after death workest wonders.

Rejoice, O Martyr Demetrios.

Kontakion VII: The holy twain of martyrs then passed from this world, as the sacred martyrs had greatly endured lawless murder. Therefore, those who behold this are astonished, and cry out to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos VII: A new song was found, as we bitterly sing the funeral hymn to Demetrios, for he was slaughtered by a godless tyrant, and did not sacrifice to the idols. We therefore hymn him and fervently cry out:

Rejoice, thou who wast placed dead in a grave,

Rejoice, thou who ridest throughout the world as one alive.

Rejoice, for thy blood wast shown to be a new cleansing bath,

Rejoice, for thy soul hast company with the Angels.

Rejoice, for thou art hymned from the ends of the earth,

Rejoice, for they draw forth from thy fragrant myrrh.

Rejoice, lamp amidst the martyrs,

Rejoice, ray of divine graces.

Rejoice, thou who wast dyed with your holy blood,

Rejoice, thou who wast sanctified in thy divine body.

Rejoice, thou who didst receive diamond crowns,

Rejoice, for thou now dwellest in the halls of the ever-memorable.

Rejoice, O Martyr Demetrios.

Kontakion VIII: Beholding a strange wonder, the idols were moved by the bravery of the martyrs. Therefore, he who now dwellest on high givest bravery to those who dwell on the earth to take courage, and aim their arrows at the idols. To him we now cry out: Alleluia.

Ikos VIII: Having his mind wholly on things above without departing from the earth, was the most-pure martyr, for he didst clearly conquer the delusion of the idols, and preached Christ with boldness, hearing thus:

Rejoice, for thou wast killed for the sake of Christ thy God,

Rejoice, for thou desirest the joyous things of Paradise.

Rejoice, for thou didst travel the upper road to Heaven,

Rejoice, for thou inhabitest the dwelling-places of the pure.

Rejoice, for thou dost now travel with the angels,

Rejoice, for thou hast come to dwell with the saints.

Rejoice, for thou didst preach thy Christ like a holy trumpet,

Rejoice, for thou dwellest in the spotless mansions of Paradise.

Rejoice, thou who dost put forth myrrh from thy godly body,

Rejoice, thou who dost scoff at the rubbish of the godless,

Rejoice, for thou didst break asunder the intrigues of rulers,

Rejoice, for thou didst trample upon the delusion of the idols.

Rejoice, O Martyr Demetrios.

Kontakion IX: Thou hast received every grace from heaven, O Martyr Demetrios, and preached, paradoxically, that the inaccessible God didst become man, being the Son of God. Therefore, to Him let us cry: Alleluia.

Ikos IX: O Martyr Demetrios, thou didst show the many words of the orators of the tyrants to be foolish, for they were astonished at how thou didst strongly condemn the delusion of the idols. We, being astonished at this paradox, cry out to thee:

Rejoice, rose of virginity,

Rejoice, pinnacle of continence.

Rejoice, thou who didst live purely before thou wast killed,

Rejoice, thou who after thou wast wast killed wast led towards God.

Rejoice, thou in whom the light of God was planted,

Rejoice, thou in whom the grace of the Trinity didst make its dwelling.

Rejoice, length and breadth of the pious,

Rejoice, sharp sword against the faithless.

Rejoice, thou who shinest with the rays of the sun,

Rejoice, thou who drivest away the mania of the tyrant.

Rejoice, tree bearing the fruits of many graces,

Rejoice, for thou didst bear the shoots of many victories.

Rejoice, O Martyr Demetrios.

Kontakion X: Saving the Orthodox from the delusion of the godless idols, thou didst come straightaway, O Martyr, and didst preach the Lord as perfect God to the deluded and idiotic tyrant, crying out to him: Alleluia.

Ikos X: Thou art the shelter of the Martyrs, O Champion and Martyr, and all those who take refuge in thee, for thou hast revealed the Maker of heaven and earth to all, and deposed the tyrant and the idols. Therefore, we cry to thee:

Rejoice, deliverance for those in sickness,

Rejoice, saviour of those continuously bleed.

Rejoice, thou who sowest grace among all those who hymn thee,

Rejoice, for thou art a pillar of grace.

Rejoice, divine power, the casting-down of idols.

Rejoice, pure dwelling-place of God,

Rejoice, chaste type of Christ.

Rejoice, for thy blood didst become as a new baptism,

Rejoice, thou whose body didst receive death.

Rejoice, bridge leading those who die from earth to heaven,

Rejoice, for thou art a guide to the faithful.

Rejoice, O Martyr Demetrios.

Kontakion XI: We thy servants all offer funeral hymns at thy grave, O Martyr, shedding tears and offering odes and psalms to thee, for we are not at all worthy of what has been accomplished through thee, as befittest thy grave, but we cry out to the Saviour: Alleluia.

Ikos XI: Thy grave, O martyr, hast been shown to be light-bearing, shining forth with grace like light. For all who approach are suddenly granted joy and health, whilst we who approach thee cry out:

Rejoice, thou who preservest thy Church unharmed,

Rejoice, thou who didst trample upon the wiles of the evil one.

Rejoice, for thou hast driven back the nation of the Slavs,

Rejoice, for thou hast trampled upon the rule of the idols.

Rejoice, thou who hast uprooted the pride of the barbarians,

Rejoice, thou who castest out the conceit of the tyrants.

Rejoice, thou who hast preserved thy city unharmed,

Rejoice, thou who didst shake the delusion of the godless one.

Rejoice, thou who didst punish Onesiphoros for his theft,

Rejoice thou who hast uprooted the danger of the idols from the earth.

Rejoice, sure consolation of those who take refuge in thee,

Rejoice, salvation of the souls of those who approach thee.

Rejoice, O Martyr Demetrios.

Kontakion XII: Bearing grace from above, O Demetrios, thou didst drive out all the campaigns of enemies. Thou hast preached Christ to the ranks as a steadfast foot-soldier of grace, and didst cast down the idols, chanting with everyone: Alleluia.

Ikos XII: We hymn the wonder thou hast worked, O Martyr, as thy city was preserved victorious, as thou didst appear like a god to the faithless, sending forth angels speedily, saying: “Drive them far away from the city”. Therefore, we cry out:

Rejoice, for by thy will thy city was saved,

Rejoice, for through thy strength the enemy wast cast down.

Rejoice, thou who didst meet Achilleos in thy flight,

Rejoice, thou who didst send out Nestor with thy strength.

Rejoice, thou who drownest Lyaios in blood,

Rejoice, thou who didst rage against the faithless in spirit.

Rejoice, thou who strengthenst thy city through thy presence,

Rejoice, for if thou wouldst leave her, thy city would be lost.

Rejoice, thou whose grave is beloved by the writers of hymns,

Rejoice, thou who puttest to death falsehood through thy might.

Rejoice, thou who dost grant us a sea of graces,

Rejoice, thou who sowest the mercy of thy myrrh within all.

Rejoice, O Martyr Demetrios.

Kontakion XIII: O twain of Martyrs, who didst preach Christ as the surpassing Word before all, receive these funeral hymns and odes, and through thy prayers deliver us from every danger, and from the coming trial those who cry out to the Lord: Alleluia. (Thrice)

Ikos I: Angels were astonished in heaven, beholding the godless rage of the tyrant and as thou wast put to death by his decree, O Demetrios, we cry out to you thus:

Rejoice, sacred pinnacle of the martyrs,

Rejoice, joyous radiance of the saints.

Rejoice, for thou wast placed in a pit as one condemned,

Rejoice, for thou didst ascend to Heaven as one without a body.

Rejoice, dweller in the ranks of the angels,

Rejoice thou who didst bear the tortures of the tyrant.

Rejoice, for thou despisest the wiles of the enemies,

Rejoice, for thy soul now dwellest in Heaven.

Rejoice, O Martyr Demetrios.

Kontakion I: O faithful, let us praise with hymns and divine praises the Myrrhstreamer, who hast deposed the cruelty of the tyrant, and conquered the audacity of Lyaios, and preached Christ as God clearly, and let us cry out to him: Rejoice, O Martyr Demetrios.

Akathist to St. Gabriel the New Confessor of Georgia

Kontakion 1: We praise thy life and miracles unceasingly with song, O all-praised Father Gabriel, for thou hast shown forth as a great luminary of Iberia, and now in heartfelt supplication we earnestly cry to thee, for thou art our all-powerful protector and mediator before the Lord, look down upon us, holy father, and protect us who are in sorrow and temptations, and with thy fatherly boldness defend us from sickness and misfortune, propitiate for us the all-powerful God that He keep us from wandering along sinful paths, and deliver from evil those who praise and chant to thee: Rejoice, O venerable Father Gabriel, holy confessor and Fool-for-Christ! 

Ikos 1: As the Lord revealed the prophets to Israel as denouncers of evil and advocates before God, Christ blessed thee for great works, having beheld thine boundless heart. Thou wast revealed to us as a Fool-for-Christ, teacher, intercessor, and a rebuker of this iniquitous age and its generation. Wherefore from youth wast thou devoted to the service of God for the sake of our salvation, delivering us from sinful passions and danger. Even after thy holy death thou persistently fulfillest thy vow, warmly caring for those who come to thee, and as an eagle gives shelter beneath its wings thou dost help those in sadness and sorrow and those tormented by evil spirits, and generously thou bestowest healings on those who cry to thee: 

Rejoice, thou who didst from youth love meekness and humility. 
Rejoice, vigilant guardian of the purity of body and soul. 
Rejoice, chosen vessel of holiness. 
Rejoice, thou who from youth wast a great bearer of the mysteries of the Almighty. 
Rejoice, double-edged sword of God destroying the danger of unbelief. 
Rejoice, champion of truth and strengthener of those weak in faith. 
Rejoice, all-wondrous preacher of love. 
Rejoice, counsellor of repentant sinners. 
Rejoice, true servant of Christ the Saviour in the struggle against the enemies of God. 
Rejoice, radiant pillar of the last times. 
Rejoice, great archimandrite and elder, spiritual father of Ιberia. 
Rejoice, messenger from above who atoned for thy people. 
Rejoice, O venerable Father Gabriel, holy confessor and Fool-for-Christ! 

Kontakion 2: The enemies of the true faith who seized power in our land persecuted the Church of Christ and its flock, and only chosen people were able to endure such a trial, those who were unshakable confessors of the faith. But thou, although a son of unbelievers, wast a God-chosen vessel filled with the Holy Spirit, and in the time of persecution didst thou receive with gladness of the fragrant fountain of eternal life, at all times magnifying the Giver of Light and Creator of the world: Alleluia! 

Ikos 2: From youth, blessed father, thou wast an image of humility and godly-mindedness, far from all childlike nonchalance; having heard in thine early youth the name of Christ, thou didst come to the Church of Saint Barbara and beheld the Saviour on the Cross, and with tears didst thou cry to Him as though He were alive: “Why wast Thou crucified?” And having heard the reply of a watchman, thou didst firmly decide to learn about Christ. Thus, on a divine impulse didst thou purchase a Holy Gospel and from that time to the end of thy days thou didst study the Word of God. Implore Him, merciful father, to sprinkle on us the dew of His grace, that our hearts may burn with the inextinguishable fire of the Holy Gospel as we thus praise thee in song: 

Rejoice, thou who like Samuel the prophet wast dedicated to God from thy mother’s womb. 
Rejoice, radiant spiritual light that shone as a ray of knowledge upon those in the darkness of godlessness. 
Rejoice, thou who wast near to God and didst distance thy mind from worldly cares. 
Rejoice, chosen one who from thy youth wast illumined by God’s grace. 
Rejoice, thou who with a sincere soul and pure mind wast ever moved by thy thirst for the Word of God. 
Rejoice, thou whose soul wast a dominion marked for Christ the King. 
Rejoice, thou who from youth wast distinguished by thy yearning for God and quickening by the Holy Scriptures. 
Rejoice, thou who as a child didst bear spiritual armour upon thy shoulders. 
Rejoice, thou who didst exchange childlike playfulness for the building of churches. 
Rejoice, thou who didst hate the joys that defile the soul. 
Rejoice, thou who didst crucify thine heart and desires of the flesh. 
Rejoicefor thou hast revealed the strength and wisdom of the Gospel as truth, and by thy life knowledge of holiness. 
Rejoice, O venerable Father Gabriel, holy confessor and Fool-for-Christ! 
Kontakion 3: Having beheld the unquenchable fire of thy love for the Lord, the insidious beast and enemy of holiness furiously assaulted thee, struck thy head with his unclean fist, and cried out indignantly: “Raise not thine eyes to the sky any longer!” But as a youth, boldly arming thyself with the Cross of the Lord and His strength, thou didst firmly stand up to the onslaught of the enemy. Having been directed in a heavenly vision to the Church of Saint George, which had been destroyed by thy forebears, with reverent prayer didst thou miraculously lift the stones of the church with thine own hands and lay them aside, in a feat beyond human comprehension, and with joy and love thou gavest thanks to the Lord, praising Him in song: Alleluia! 
Ikos 3: Ashamed of thy zeal, thy mother casted the Holy Gospel to an unseemly place, but thou didst recover it like an honourable treasure that was made clean by thy tears, departed thy house in tears and hurried to a monastery as a youth of twelve years; thou didst greatly desire the monastic life, but didst not receive the blessing to embark upon it. Thou spent thy days and nights amidst the stones in the churchyards, magnifying God, giving no thought to the cold and hunger thou didst endure. And now, our father, entreat the Lord God that He grant us wisdom of the heart so that we may distinguish good from evil, travel the paths of our lives righteously, and that blessed inspiration be granted to us who praise and sing to thee: 

Rejoice, fiery confessor who wast persecuted for the faith. 
Rejoice, reprover of those raging with unbelief. 
Rejoice, strong defender of those passionately seeking the faith. 
Rejoice, thou who didst abhor empty desires and accept reproach with gratitude. 
Rejoice, thou who didst spend nights in prayer and subjected thyself to rest upon a hard bed. 
Rejoice, thou who didst defeat youthful nonchalance by fasting and hard work. 
Rejoice, thou who dost protect us from legions of invisible demons. 
Rejoice, imitator of Abraham’s hospitality. 
Rejoice, thou who savest from hunger and art merciful to the poor. 
Rejoice, thou who teachest sinners the sweetness of abstinence. 
Rejoice, hope of the poor and afflicted. 
Rejoice, thou who drivest away sinful thoughts. 
Rejoice, O venerable Father Gabriel, holy confessor and Fool-for-Christ! 
Kontakion 4: Thou didst always seek seclusion in a small cell, struggling in diligent prayer and reading the Holy Gospel. Thou didst keep thine eyes fixed upon heaven, filling thy soul with the life-giving dew of the grace of the Holy Spirit, and remaining zealous in thy life of struggle didst thou acquire virtues abundantly; in thy humility thou didst reach the depths of the knowledge of God, and having beheld a radiant cross in the sky, thou didst accept the heavenly vision as a sign of thine own Golgotha cross, magnifying the Creator and Life-Giver Christ God: Alleluia! 

Ikos 4: By God’s providence, father, thou camest to the holy mountain, Mtatsminda, to the Church of Saint David Gareja, learned to read the Psalter and established thyself in Christian teaching; sparing no effort, thou didst labor tirelessly serving the holy temple, and, by God’s providence, as a seedling near a brook, thou didst bear good fruit in due season. Thus protect us, blessed one, from sins and temptations of the world, that we may always live according to God’s will, acquiring heavenly blessings, lest we perish in feeblemindedness. For this we reverently cry to thee: 

Rejoice, thou who didst unceasingly behold the Lord with noetic vision. 
Rejoice, thou who wast clothed in humility as if by light. 
Rejoice, thou who knewest what was hidden from the learned and wise. 
Rejoice, for thou toughened thyself by zealous fasting and relentless works, and wast filled with ceaseless prayer. 
Rejoice, thou who didst scorch emerging sins with sorrow, lamentations and tears. 
Rejoice, unshakeable strength and helper of the fainthearted and weak. 
Rejoice, thou who strengthenest the souls of the faithful and frightenest the evil forces. 
Rejoice, extoller of Christ’s magnificence and defeater of the licentious enemies of God. 
Rejoice, scorner of vainglory and worldly power that cometh from the evil one. 
Rejoice, thou who didst encourage Christian souls who suffered long under the ungodly. 
Rejoice, strengthener of the weak and feeble. 
Rejoice, teacher of those seeking the Truth on the Lord’s path. 
Rejoice, O venerable Father Gabriel, holy confessor and Fool-for-Christ! 
Kontakion 5: With the increase of ungodliness and persecution of the faithful, many turned away from the monastic life, and out of fear of death settled in distant villages to begin worldly lives, but thou didst firmly choose for thyself the narrow path that leads to everlasting joy, and thus didst thou steadfastly guard the Sioni temple, faithfully serving in the altar. God’s temples were being destroyed by the ungodly, but thou didst build a church in thy house, and without rest didst thou seek icons and crosses; finding them profanely discarded in unseemly places, thou didst magnificently decorate them and place them in thy temple, where we now joyously venerate them, warmly chanting to God: Alleluia! 
Ikos 5:  With furious vengeance for thy fervour, the insidious beast heaped much tribulation upon thee to put out thy flame of zeal for the Lord. Like Job the Long-Suffering, the Lord permitted sorrows to befall thee so that, like Job, thy faith would be put to test, but thou wast not afraid of the demons’ schemes, and thou didst restore three ravaged churches such that they exceeded their original beauty. The Lord didst bless this good work, and by His grace sand filled buckets were lifted by angels for thee, who wast standing aloft; and now, father, pray to Christ God that He drive away from us all evil and that we be strengthened in our sorrows and put on the path of repentance, for with gladness and love we cry out to thee: 

Rejoice, thou who didst reject the temptations of the world like a hermit while in the midst of a great city. 
Rejoice, thou who didst burden thyself with the weaknesses of others. 
Rejoice, thou who by zealous prayer didst drive away all despair that cometh from the evil one. 
Rejoice, thou who wast inspired by the Holy Spirit and didst destroy the multitude of invisible enemies. 
Rejoice, thou who wast fortified by the Holy Scripture and didst become perfect in wisdom. 
Rejoice, cohort of angels and corrector of evil brethren. 
Rejoice, thou who callest all to watchfulness and sobriety. 
Rejoice, thou who didst love the miraculous Gatekeeper of Iveron, the chief protectress of Georgia. 
Rejoice, thou who didst adorn thy church with sacred icons saved by thee. 
Rejoice, thou who settest ablaze a fiery love for God in our hearts. 
Rejoice, sweet intercessor before God for the Georgian people. 
Rejoice, offeror of our love at the Lord’s banquet in heaven. 
Rejoice, O venerable Father Gabriel, holy confessor and Fool-for-Christ! 
Kontakion 6: Having seen thy zeal for God, Bishop Gabriel of Kutaisi appointed thee as a novice to Motsameta Monastery, for from youth thou didst come to know Christ and desired His grace above all, and sought the monastic life to leave aside worldly cares, magnifying the Lord at all times, to save thy soul. And by God’s providence thou didst receive the blessing to be clothed in a monk’s cassock, and according to thy wish wast thou named in honour of Gabriel of Athos, and now together ye behold the glory of God our Saviour; pray to Him, O ye saints, that according to your example we may walk the path of this fleeting life blamelessly, always praising God the Trinity in one essence: Alleluia! 
Ikos 6: Having been ordained a priest by God’s goodwill, thou didst direct thy mind to God while serving the Liturgy and at the hour of prayer, never ceasing to call upon Him. But fearing the authorities, thy family plotted thy return to the world and intended to force thee into marriage, but thou didst pretend to be insane and by this didst thou destroy their schemes, for thou irrevocably dedicated thyself to the only Most High God, and thus thou wast victorious over thy family’s temptations and they no longer dared to go against thy will. Thus, we place our hope in thee, that by thy prayers our hearts may be ablaze with divine zeal, that we may please the Lord; wherefore we praise thee in song: 

Rejoice, zealot of true monastic works known only to God. 
Rejoice, thou who didst strengthen thy soul with harsh vows. 
Rejoice, thou who didst manifest the strength of God through thine infirmities. 
Rejoice, thou who didst tirelessly acquire heavenly gifts and study God’s precepts. 
Rejoice, thou who didst see hidden kindness and gifts in others. 
Rejoice, thou whose words didst disperse the darkness of sin like lightning. 
Rejoice, thou who didst overcome the eloquence of rhetoricians by true theology. 
Rejoice, thou who wast a preacher of the holy Orthodox Faith equal to the apostles. 
Rejoice, teacher of spiritual strength and humility. 
Rejoice, thou who didst entreat the cruel and heartless by thy meekness. 
Rejoice, thou who with the Word of God preparest salvation for the faithful. 
Rejoice, quick hearer of those who are afflicted with sorrow and danger. 
Rejoice, O venerable Father Gabriel, holy confessor and Fool-for-Christ! 
Kontakion 7: Thou didst not renounce God despite calamities, tribulations, persecution and the devil’s intimidation, Father Gabriel, for from youth God called thee to serve as a priest, and zealously keeping God’s commandments and joyfully preaching the Gospel, thou didst always reveal sins, direct, warn and graciously console thy flock, and preaching like the Apostle Paul, thou didst gather many souls and turn them to Christ, visiting them on holy days in the holy monasteries and churches of the Iberian land, and teaching all to chant to God: Alleluia! 

Ikos 7: Though scorned and insulted by the ungodly, thou didst keep thy resolve at all times, Father Gabriel. Thus, once at the Black Sea thou didst pray to God with tears for help in thy sufferings, but suddenly didst find thyself in the depths of the sea, because the shore collapsed beneath thee. The icon of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker wast in thy hands, and Saint Nicholas appeared to people standing nearby showing them the place of thy trouble; they hurried to thy rescue, and pulling thee ashore, they cried out in astonishment: “A magnificent elder called us to thine aid,” and together ye glorified God for this miracle. And now beseech the Lord to protect thy flock, enlighten our minds, and hasten to the aid of us who thus praise and magnify thee: 

Rejoice, friend of Christ and tireless labourer of His vineyard. 
Rejoice, thou who didst acquire heavenly grace by confession of the Orthodox Faith. 
Rejoice, shining light of divine worship. 
Rejoice, thou who didst conceal thy wisdom and holiness with great humility. 
Rejoice, thou who didst bear the yoke of a cross adorned with sorrows for the salvation of thy people. 
Rejoice, leader of the faithful and advocate of priests. 
Rejoice, power and strength of the sceptre of kings. 
Rejoice, powerful vanguard and helper of monks. 
Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ and great protector of the Georgian Church and people. 
Rejoice, thou who wast likened to the fathers of old according to thy piety and courage. 
Rejoice, thou by whose prayers all right-believing people shall trample upon the devil’s schemes, be united by love for Christ, and together serve Him in the struggle against the Antichrist and enemies of the Holy Church. 
Rejoice, image of righteousness and courage, and the praise and glory of Georgia. 
Rejoice, O venerable Father Gabriel, holy confessor and Fool-for-Christ! 
Kontakion 8:  Thou wast sent to the Betania Monastery to the venerable and God-bearing wonderworking fathers George and John, and having strengthened thyself by their prayers, thou didst proceed to serve God as a zealous monk, and in the fight with evil thou wast tempered more than steel; by the Lord wast thou granted the gift of seeing into the heart, thus attracting a storm of fury from the enemy forces, who in vain tried to turn thee away from the monastery since they could not overcome the power of thy prayer and hope in the Lord, nor tarnish thy purity; thou wast loved exceedingly by thy spiritual fathers for thy virtues and together with them we give thanks to God:Alleluia! 
Ikos 8: Venerable John was first to stand before God; when George rushed to his grave and cried out to him, “Christ is risen!” he heard a voice gladly replying: “Truly He is risen!” Soon George’s strength left him and thou, O blessed one, didst administer to him the Holy Mysteries of Christ, and He in turn blessed thee for the last time and peacefully passed on, entrusting his pure soul to God. The authorities persecuting the Church rejoiced greatly at the death of the holy elders and hastened to end the monastery’s divine services, commissioning a guard for the monastery, thus converting it from a house of God to a museum. But thou didst return to Sioni, and again gathered thy flock at services. Likewise, support and teach us to place our hope in the wisdom and providence of God, that He lead along the path of righteousness those who sing to thee: 

Rejoice, thou who wast likened to the ascetics of old. 
Rejoice, great advocate and preacher of the Orthodox faith. 
Rejoice, good shepherd of lambs of the chosen herd, for whom thou didst shine as a beacon in the darkness. 
Rejoice, sure hope of sheep that have fallen away. 
Rejoice, thou who returnest to the path of truth those who denied God and the faith. 
Rejoice, God-bearing father who didst multiply the fruits of the Lord’s harvest by thy works. 
Rejoice, faithful imitator of the Lord Who by His blood saved us from the curse of the law. 
Rejoice, thou who hewest asunder the guileful powers of darkness by thy prayers. 
Rejoice, thou who deliverest the Orthodox from the temptations of the adversary. 
Rejoice, indestructible fortress, victor over godless authorities and conqueror of worldly passions. 
Rejoice, bulwark and praise of the faithful and servants of God. 
Rejoice, adornment of reverent priests and intercessor of meek servants. 
Rejoice, thou who drivest away despondency and healest those condemned to death. 
Rejoice, shelter and protection of travellers and calm harbour for the suffering. 
Rejoice, O venerable Father Gabriel, holy confessor and Fool-for-Christ! 
Kontakion 9: Seeing the increase of ungodliness taking hold of thy nation, good pastor, thou didst appear to a small flock, for faithlessness and abominable sin ensnared many, but thirsting for their return to piety, thou didst boldly call all to repentance, ceaselessly crying with sorrow: “O miserable ones sitting in darkness, ye are bound by your fear and silence, how could ye not see the light of Christ and His Glory? Receive your sight, and beholding Christ our God, repent, turn away from your evil paths and ceaselessly glorify God”: Alleluia!  
Ikos 9:  A storm of disquiet struck thee as a result of the ungodly iconoclasts, for they satanically desecrated the holy icons of the Master Lord Jesus Christ, His all-pure Mother and the saints of God, and persecuted those who venerated them. But thou, not fearing death, didst burn the image of the idol God-hater and servant of Satan as if it were a whole-burnt offering to God, and for this audacious deed the authorities possessed unrivalled hatred for thee, and so thou didst expect an inevitable death for Christ, boldly preaching: “Such grandeur is not befitting a human corpse, it is only meet for Christ our Saviour and God, who wast resurrected from the dead!” Pray to Him now, all-praised father, for the salvation of our souls and to keep us from pernicious heresies, and bestow thy zeal for the Lord on those who thus praise thee: 

Rejoice, shepherd of a small flock, who helped the unlearned understand the Word of God. 
Rejoice, thou who didst ceaselessly admonish sinners on God’s path. 
Rejoice, bold accuser of hateful rulers and dishonest judges. 
Rejoice, chastiser of evildoers and guide of heretics to the path of Truth. 
Rejoice, thou who didst reprove those who turned away from the hand of God and the worldly-hearted. 
Rejoice, reproach of the rising pride of this age. 
Rejoice, destruction of the iconoclasts’ sedition. 
Rejoice, protector against Satan’s schemes and foreign invasion. 
Rejoice, calmer of unbridled people and abolisher of the trickery of superstition. 
Rejoice, thou who awakenest thy people from spiritual sleep by reproof. 
Rejoice, thou who healest prideful souls and scatterest the darkness of our minds. 
Rejoice, thou who dost bless faithful spouses and reproach adulterers. 
Rejoice, O venerable Father Gabriel, holy confessor and Fool-for-Christ! 
Kontakion 10: Ungodly blasphemers of Christ and servants of the atheistic authorities who hated thee sought to drive thee from the path of truth by submitting thee to temptations, and locked thee in prison, but courageously didst thou denounce their craftiness and thou didst instruct and strengthen those imprisoned for the sake of their faith in Christ, and together with them thou didst glorify God. The pride of those who tried to ruin thee in their rage was soon abated, for they could do nothing to thee because the Lord miraculously protected thee from death by thy confinement to a medical ward, amongst the lowly of this world, the rejected, unpredictable and insane, where thou didst endure innumerable tortures. But this satanic cruelty shook not thine unbreakable faith, O holy father, and amidst the tortures, like the three youths in the Babylonian furnace, thou didst continue to glorify and magnify God: Alleluia! 

Ikos 10: Granted freedom by the patriarch’s intercession, thou didst straightway hasten to the Church of Saint Barbara seeking the Lord’s consolation, and in exhaustion thou didst fall asleep and heard a wondrous voice say thrice: “Gabriel, I cry for thee!” and upon wakening didst thou hurry to a crucifix and behold a miracle: Jesus weeping tears; kneeling in tears, thou didst offer praise and prayers to the Lord. Having received such consolation, thou didst return to serve at Sioni, and nourished a multitude of people, preaching repentance and administering to them the Holy Mysteries. But even there the enemy drove thee away from serving the Lord, according to the will of the ungodly authorities, and thou didst become poor and shelterless for many years, enduring unbearable heat and deadly cold, remaining amongst the tombs, taking up the cross of foolishness-for-Christ, preaching the Kingdom of Heaven and delighting the heavens by thy ceaseless prayer. People saw the beauty of thy soul, served thee with love, and desired to meet thee, a zealous servant of God and defeater of passions. Thus we marvel at thy Godly resolve and we cry to thee: 

Rejoice, thou who scorchest like fire the thorns of passions with few words. 
Rejoice, fierce reproacher of clergy that have fallen into temptations of the world. 
Rejoice, reprover of those who have fallen away from God. 
Rejoice, thou who wast humiliated and insulted by priests. 
Rejoice, knower of inner thoughts, who protectest the people from temptations and offences. 
Rejoice, thou who, deified by grace, richly bestowest treasures of the Spirit. 
Rejoice, thou who didst acquire heavenly gifts by honesty and goodness of soul and abidest in heaven. 
Rejoice, thou who didst understand the language of the birds of the sky and beasts of the earth. 
Rejoice, thou who didst open the closed church gates by the sign of the cross. 
Rejoice, successor of the immortal podvig of thy spiritual fathers and brothers-in-Christ John and George of Betania, with whom thou wast bound by an oath in the struggle for truth. 
Rejoice, thou who revealest the ungodly enemies of Christ and the chosen land of Iberia. 
Rejoice, thou who like Saint Spyridon of Trimythous didst glorify the miraculous power of the Holy Consubstantial Trinity by changing bread into wheat, fire and water. 
Rejoice, thou who by wise counsel didst edify many priests and form true monks. 
Rejoice, O venerable Father Gabriel, holy confessor and Fool-for-Christ! 
Kontakion 11: Thou wast a chosen light among the holy fathers, O wondrous elder, for words of heavenly wisdom and the vision of the Holy Spirit were granted thee, and thou didst help others by thy gift of healing, seeing into peoples’ hearts, the gift of healing the soul, and the exalted gift of love. But as God marked thee with especial humility and wondrous modesty, thou didst deign to live according to the teaching of Saint Paul the Apostle that “The wisdom of the world is madness in the eyes of God,” and thou didst appear to others as a Fool-for-Christ, pretending to be a good-for-nothing and drunkard, calling thyself a dog of the Saviour, but in thine heart singing to God: Alleluia! 
Ikos 11: Like Saint Andrew the Blessed, thou didst acquire thy good name by meekness and humility, and according to the multitude of thy virtues thou didst become a Fool-for-Christ, O our brave elder, and bore the double burden of life as a hermit and Fool-for-Christ, unfathomable to the world, often feigning drunkenness, whereby thou didst conceal thy holiness and spiritual gifts. And though, O wise monk, thou didst appear as a fool to the world, now thou art numbered among the saints of the Church, and having great boldness before the Lord, pray to Him to again reveal to us worthy fathers and wise leaders, lest Iberia, the Mother of God’s possession, be corrupted, and that we do what is right before God; wherefore with tenderness we thus call upon and praise thee: 

Rejoice, thou who revealest heavenly mysteries, for thou didst shine with divine light in the wicked times of persecution of the truth and denigration of piety, and hast enlightened thy people by thy holiness. 
Rejoice, our astute father full of prayer and spiritual wisdom, for the mind of man cannot attain to the unreachable heights that were revealed to thee. 
Rejoice, thou who wast engulfed with divine fire, who didst reproach clergy that were wolves in sheep’s clothing, as did the prophet Elias to the priests of Baal. 
Rejoice, thou who like Moses didst bear thy cross for forty years, for thou kept within thyself the word of God, an indestructible pillar, revealing not the strength of man but of God. 
Rejoice, thou who like David the Prophet didst receive God’s mercy, and as if with a sling, didst defeat the godless by preaching the Gospel of Christ. 
Rejoice, thou who like John the Baptist didst tirelessly take sinners from the devil and by repentance returned them to God. 
Rejoice, thou who like St. John the Theologian, the apostle of love, wast granted together with the gift of love the mysteries of God and power over unclean spirits. 
Rejoice, thou who didst rejoice in tribulations and teach us to strengthen ourselves in sufferings by patience and faith. 
Rejoice, thou who like the first martyrs wast always persecuted and in sorrows, always weeping only for thine own sins. 
Rejoice, thou who wast in sorrow concerning thy soul as over one dead, weeping and crying out like the good thief: “Remember me, O Saviour, in thy kingdom!” 
Rejoice, heavenly man who didst avoid worldly greatness, for thus from this time forth and forevermore people flock to thee to praise thy wondrous deeds. 
Rejoice, thou who didst entreat the most pure Mother of God for the increase of the Georgian people, and saw a vision of countless infants killed in their mothers’ wombs, and being horrified, beheld the most pure Queen with angels and heard her mournful voice say: “Why art thou asking me to multiply thy people while infants are being killed in their mothers’ wombs?” 
Rejoice, O venerable Father Gabriel, holy confessor and Fool-for-Christ! 

Kontakion 12:  In thy humility and meekness, thou didst patiently wait many years for the blessing to again serve in church, and seeing thy modesty and burning desire to serve God, Patriarch Ephraim invited thee again to the altar, clothed thee in priests’ garments, and administered to thee the Mysteries of Christ, and inspired by God he sent thee to the holy Samtavro Monastery in Mtskheta, where thou didst settle in a small cell, O resident of the heavenly New Jerusalem, near the bush of Saint Nino the Enlightener of Iberia, where thou didst again devote thyself to offering the bloodless sacrifice and preaching the Kingdom, enlightening the nuns and thy flock, and teaching them about visible and invisible enemies. By ceaseless prayer didst thou protect the monastery from trouble, and thou didst adorn the tower of Saint King Mirian with crosses and icons found by thee, day and night glorifying the one God in Trinity: Alleluia! 

Ikos 12: Thou didst see the future as though present, O wondrous father, and by power from on high didst thou work many miracles out of love for us, strengthening faith and revealing the power of God made perfect in weakness; being gravely ill, our blessed elder, thou didst endure insufferable pains, and until the end of thy days didst thou bear the cross of grievous bodily suffering. When the time of thy death wast revealed to thee by the Holy Spirit, O holy father, thou didst pray before the icon of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for the Georgian nation and quietly departed this world, filled with thy good works, and thou didst join the great ranks of holy fathers, and according to thy will, like a monk of old wast thou buried wrapped in a mat. Thy holy relics became an inexhaustible source of miracles for the people of God and a fount of healing from illness and disease, like a treasury of grace of the Holy Spirit and sign of the forgiveness of our many sins and deliverance from sicknesses of body and soul. Therefore, we hasten with great joy to the Samtavro Monastery, thy resting place, where every person that cometh to thee with faith, being anointed with oil from thy lamp, as a blessing from thee, receives the healing of soul and body, and we thus ceaselessly glorify thee: 

Rejoice, thou who by patience didst acquire graceful peace, and as an elder often stood against evil at the risk of thine own life, always praying to Christ God for the salvation of our souls. 
Rejoice, thou who hast remained close to us even after thy death as an angelic helper in this difficult age. 
Rejoice, thou who wast crowned with thorns, and after death shineth upon us like a hot ray of sun, ceaselessly calling us to Christ. 
Rejoice, for thy resting place near a blackberry bush is a wondrous tower and strength, and for those who visit it a fragrant treasury and source of true grace for the glory of God. 
Rejoice, for by God’s providence thy mother followed thee on the path of confession and monastic struggles, and wast buried in the holy monastery near thy relics. 
Rejoice, thou who art a refuge for those in misfortunes, whose tomb emanates divine fire scorching the wiles of the godless and shining like a warm jubilant light protecting us from sinful darkness. 
Rejoice, for not only believers, but also the lazy and those of little faith hasten to venerate the vessel of thine incorrupt blood, and pray to thee for mercy; and thou hearest their prayers, fulfilling their good wishes and giving joy abundantly to those in sorrows. 
Rejoice, for hierarchs beheld the miracles flowing from thy tomb and the multitude of miracles occurring by thy mercy, and they glorified thee as a great monk, confessor and Fool-for-Christ, numbering thee among the saints. 
Rejoice, for many priests saw healings occur from venerating thy tomb, and now together with their flock glorify thee as a great saint, offering prayers and praise to thee. 
Rejoice, thou who didst work miracles for the people of God abundantly, and whose icons and images stream myrrh by the grace of the Holy Spirit. 
Rejoice, for now the royal city of Mtskheta is full of joy and the Samtavro Monastery rejoices at the presence of thy holy relics, and the Georgian people tirelessly gather there praising thy holiness, healings and prophecies. 
Rejoice, calm harbour of salvation for those perishing and the hope of the hopeless, for thou hast been revealed as a great intercessor for those suffering in misfortune; thou givest divine strength abundantly to all who come to thee, and soarest watchfully above thy homeland and people. 
Rejoice, O venerable Father Gabriel, holy confessor and Fool-for-Christ! 

Kontakion 13: O most glorious and most wonderful shepherd and pleaser of Christ, holy confessor and Fool-for-Christ, our Father Gabriel! Our Lord Jesus Christ blessed thee to do great works, unfathomable to the mind of man, and He granted thee rich mercy in this temporal life and upon thy death He granted thee the gift of boldly interceding for the souls of sinners. And now accept our small prayer that we offer thee with love, and as thou art a fervent intercessor, implore Christ God to deliver us from sin and wickedness, from trouble and tribulations, and that He make us heirs of the Heavenly Kingdom, so that together with thee we may cry out to God: Alleluia! 

(This Kontakion is recited thrice, whereupon Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1 are repeated) 

Ikos 1: As the Lord revealed the prophets to Israel as denouncers of evil and advocates before God, Christ blessed thee for great works, having beheld thine boundless heart. Thou wast revealed to us as a Fool-for-Christ, teacher, intercessor, and a rebuker of this iniquitous age and its generation. Wherefore from youth wast thou devoted to the service of God for the sake of our salvation, delivering us from sinful passions and danger. Even after thy holy death thou persistently fulfillest thy vow, warmly caring for those who come to thee, and as an eagle gives shelter beneath its wings thou dost help those in sadness and sorrow and those tormented by evil spirits, and generously thou bestowest healings on those who cry to thee: 

Rejoice, thou who didst from youth love meekness and humility. 
Rejoice, vigilant guardian of the purity of body and soul. 
Rejoice, chosen vessel of holiness. 
Rejoice, thou who from youth wast a great bearer of the mysteries of the Almighty. 
Rejoice, double-edged sword of God destroying the danger of unbelief. 
Rejoice, champion of truth and strengthener of those weak in faith. 
Rejoice, all-wondrous preacher of love. 
Rejoice, counsellor of repentant sinners. 
Rejoice, true servant of Christ the Saviour in the struggle against the enemies of God. 
Rejoice, radiant pillar of the last times. 
Rejoice, great archimandrite and elder, spiritual father of Ιberia. 
Rejoice, messenger from above who atoned for thy people. 
Rejoice, O venerable Father Gabriel, holy confessor and Fool-for-Christ! 

Kontakion 1: We praise thy life and miracles unceasingly with song, O all-praised Father Gabriel, for thou hast shown forth as a great luminary of Iberia, and now in heartfelt supplication we earnestly cry to thee, for thou art our all-powerful protector and mediator before the Lord, look down upon us, holy father, and protect us who are in sorrow and temptations, and with thy fatherly boldness defend us from sickness and misfortune, propitiate for us the all-powerful God that He keep us from wandering along sinful paths, and deliver from evil those who praise and chant to thee: Rejoice, O venerable Father Gabriel, holy confessor and Fool-for-Christ! 


The Canon to St John of Kronstadt

The Canon to St John of Kronstadt in Tone IV

Ode I, Irmos: Through the deep of the Red Sea, * marched dry shod Israel of old, * and by Moses’ outstretched hands, * raised in the form of a cross, * the power of Amalek was routed in the wilderness.

Holy, Righteous Father, John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us.

Make firm my senses and mind, O my Savior, that I may worthily hymn the supplications and struggles of Thy servant John our father, who loved Thee and was beloved of Thee.

Holy, Righteous Father, John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us.

O blessed one who from thy youth wast forechosen to chant unto the first-called apostle in his holy temple, illumined with the radiance of the Cross thou didst flee the gloom of sin, unceasingly offering up prayers and hymnody to God our Savior.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

On a chariot of the virtues didst thou mount to heaven, as once did Elijah on a chariot of fire; hence, beseech thou the Lord that He send down upon us correction of life.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

Through thee, O Virgin Theotokos, we who were once deprived of life in paradise have received everlasting life; for thou hast given birth unto Him Who alone is without beginning and giveth life unto all.

Ode III, Irmos: Thy Church, O Christ, rejoiceth in Thee crying aloud: * Thou, O Lord, art my strength, * my refuge and foundation.

Holy, Righteous Father, John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us.

As one who shared in the manner of life of the apostles and wast an emulator of their life, O divinely inspired one, thou didst set forth the word of truth unto the end.

Holy, Righteous Father, John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us.

The eye of thy soul beheld the kingdom of heaven, for it was pure; wherefore, thou didst splendidly set forth thy life, and, honoring it in God, we glorify thee.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Let him who doth not labor not eat! These words of the Apostle Paul didst thou proclaim to thy brethren; wherefore, thou didst raise up a house of industry for the sake of the poor, wherein the impoverished and ailing might be provided for, being sustained by the work of their own hands.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

Thou art wholly light, all-goodness, all-wisdom; thou canst, as Mother of the Almighty, do all things; thou alone art all-perfect, in that thou art the Mother of the all-perfect King of glory.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sessional Hymn, Tone VIII: O blessed John, lamp of Kronstadt, thou whose activity and preaching were continual, who offered up before the throne of the Most High lamentation over the sins of many, and who in the Spirit beheld the bowing down of the heavens at the holy liturgy: Pray thou on behalf of our souls!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion, Tone VIII: O ye faithful, with hymns let us magnify the Theotokos, * the unshakable confirmation of the Faith * and the precious gift of our souls: * Rejoice, thou who didst hold within thy womb the Stone of life! * Rejoice, thou hope of the ends of the earth * and aid of the sorrowful! ** Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!

Ode IV, Irmos: Beholding Thee, the Sun of righteousness, * lifted up upon the Cross, * the Church now standeth arrayed and doth worthily cry aloud: * Glory be to Thy power, O Lord!

Holy, Righteous Father, John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us.

Having a firm foundation in Christ, thou didst imitate Abraham of old in thy hospitality, receiving those who came to thee from all lands, and leading them to the Lord; and thus didst thou do that which is pleasing unto God.

Holy, Righteous Father, John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us.

Desiring to make thy heart a temple of God, it was thy wish to serve unceasingly in the house of God, adorning thy soul with the beauties of heaven.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having extinguished all the passions of the body with the dew of thy feats, thou didst kindle the light of dispassion; wherefore, thou wast shown also to be a child of the everlasting day, O blessed father.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

The divine Ezekiel, O most pure one, called thee prophetically the gate which was closed, through which He Who alone is pre-eternal hath passed without change, granting His peace.

Ode V, Irmos: Thou, O Lord, who camest into the world, * art my light, * a holy light turning from the darkness of ignorance * those who sing Thy praises in faith.

Holy, Righteous Father, John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us.

Unceasingly serving thy Lord and ever emulating the labors of the apostles, O father, thou wast deemed worthy of heavenly gifts.

Holy, Righteous Father, John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us.

Having slain the passionate pleasures of thy corruptible flesh, thou didst enliven thine incorruptible soul with piety, and make of it a house of the divine Spirit.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Earnestly proclaiming the Gospel of Christ unto all, thou wast a daily communicant at the banquet of the Lord, making thyself and thy flock a living offering which was holy in God’s sight.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

O most pure one, thou hast given birth unto One of the Trinity, Who, for the sake of His loving-kindness, appeared on earth in two natures; Him do thou unceasingly entreat, that He save our souls.

Ode VI, Irmos: The church crieth out unto Thee O Lord, * ‘I will sacrifice unto Thee with a voice of praise * having been cleansed of the blood of the demons’ * by the blood that for mercy’s sake flowed from Thy side.

Holy, Righteous Father, John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us.

Thou wast a fruitful olive tree in the house of thy Lord, O divinely manifest John, for the Lord imparted divine knowledge unto thee and strengthened thee in thine apostolic work.

Holy, Righteous Father, John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us.

Ye are the members of the body of Christ! Thus, with the Apostle Paul didst thou preach, teaching thy flock to love Christ alone, that all may be one.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thy life is holy, thy discourse, O divinely wise one, was filled with the grace of God, and thy heart became a vessel of grace-filled prayer. Wherefore, with faith and love we honor thee.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

The angelic hosts marveled at the ineffable wonder which took place within thee, O most holy Virgin; how He Who is incorporeal and sustaineth all things took flesh from thee.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone IV: O father John, namesake of grace, * who wast chosen by God from childhood, * who in thy youth miraculously received from Him the gift of learning, * and in a dream wast most gloriously called to be a priest: ** Entreat Christ God, that we may all be with thee in the kingdom of heaven.

Ikos: The Holy Spirit Who spake in the prophets and enlightened the whole world through the apostles, Who gave strength to the martyrs and made clear the Orthodox Faith through the holy hierarchs, poured forth His grace abundantly upon thee, O father John; for by thy discourse, by thy works and thy whole life thou didst proclaim the faith of Christ. Wherefore, the Lord hath summoned thee to His habitations; and as thou dost now stand before the throne of His glory, do thou pray that all who honor thee may be with thee in the kingdom of God.

Ode VII, Irmos: In the Persian furnace the youths and descendants of Abraham, * burning with a love of piety * rather than by a flame of fire, * cried aloud saying: * Blessed art Thou in the temple of Thy glory, O Lord.

Holy, Righteous Father, John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us.

By the providence of God thou wast revealed to be a light of piety amid the heavy darkness of godlessness and unbelief, O father, calling upon all to cry aloud: Blessed art Thou in the churches of Thy glory, O Lord!

Holy, Righteous Father, John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us.

Man is formed in the image of God; and thou, O father John, wast a most splendid mirror of the love of God and a dwelling place of the Holy Trinity, Whom we sinners also glorify.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

From the Lord didst thou receive the grace to heal the infirmities and passions of all; visit us also therewith always, that with thee we may all chant in oneness of mind: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, throughout all ages!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

O Lady, save thy people, save those who are of the same blood as thee. Save us, O Mother of life and of the whole human race, and, even though we are unworthy to call thee our mother, sanctify, make steadfast and save us by thy supplications.

Ode VIII, Irmos: Having spread his hands, Daniel closed the lions jaws * in their den; * while the zealously pious youths, * girded with virtue, * quenched the power of the fire and cried aloud: * Bless ye the Lord, all ye works of the Lord.

Holy, Righteous Father, John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us.

Cleanse our hearts and thoughts by thy supplications, and show us forth to be fertile ground, that, girded about with virtue, we may cry aloud: Bless the Lord all ye works of the Lord!

Holy, Righteous Father, John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us.

Thou wast crowned with a crown of gifts of grace, contemplating heavenly wisdom and ever crying aloud: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Glory to Thee, O most holy, life-creating Spirit, Who proceedest from the Father and ever restest in the Son! Glory to Thee, O Son of God, Who sanctifiest through the Holy Spirit, and strengthenest and makest us wise! Glory to Thee, O Father, Who art ever well pleased with us through the Holy Spirit! O indivisible Triune Unity, have mercy upon us!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

Rejoice, thou who hast given birth to the salvation of the world! for through thee we have been raised up from earth to heaven! Rejoice, O blessed one, thou protection and dominion, rampart and foundation of those who chant: Hymn the Lord, O ye works, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

Ode IX, Irmos: A cornerstone not cut by hand O Virgin, * was cut from thee the unhewn mountain: * even Christ, Who hath joined together the disparate natures; * therefore rejoicing we magnify thee, * O Theotokos.

Holy, Righteous Father, John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us.

Truly thou wast a light to the world, O holy father, for, having adorned thy soul with godly works, thou wast revealed to be an eminent pastor of the Orthodox Church, being a model for the faithful in word and life; wherefore, we bless thee.

Holy, Righteous Father, John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us.

Keeping the One Creator ever before thy mind, through Whom and in Whom all things exist, with a pure heart and guileless soul thou didst labor for Him throughout thy life as thy Lord; and in no wise wast thou bound by Mammon.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Princes praised thee and many people glorified thee; but, disdaining earthly glory, thou didst desire to be in the eternal mansions of God, there to glorify the Lord always.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

He Who is pre-eternal descended into thy womb, O most holy Virgin, and ineffably, in a manner transcending comprehension and all telling, was born from thee, that He might renew Adam of old; wherefore, we ever magnify thee as the cause of our renewal.

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The Feast of the Glorification of St John of Kronstadt

Today is the feast of the glorification of St John of Kronstadt, canonised by the Russian Orthodox Church, Outside of Russia, in 1964 – though the Moscow Patriarchate would not do so until 1990. 

Please endeavour to offer a canon or akathist hymn to the great wonderworker on this feast, or honour him in some other way!

Saint John of Kronstadt was born in the village of Sura in Archangel province on October 19, 1829, and was called John in honor of Saint John of Rila (August 18). His parents were very poor but were very devoted to the Church. Even though he was poor, as a young boy John learned to feel compassion for others in their misfortune. His neighbors frequently asked him to pray for them, as they noticed this special grace-endowed gift in him. When John was ten, his parents were able to raise some money and send him to the local school which was attached to the church. At first, the boy had an extremely difficult time with his studies. He worked for days on end, but still failed to keep up.

Writing about his life he once recalled an evening when everyone had already gone to bed. “I could not sleep, and I still failed to understand anything I was taught. I still read poorly and could not remember anything I was told. I became so depressed I fell to my knees and began to pray. I don’t know whether I had spent a long time in that position or not, but suddenly something shook my whole being. It was as if a veil had fallen from my eyes, and my mind had been opened, and I remembered clearly my teacher of that day and his lesson. I also recalled the topic and the examples he had given. I felt so light and joyous inside.” After this experience he did so well he became one of the first in his class to be chosen to go to seminary, and after seminary to the Theological Academy in Saint Petersburg (a great honor at that time).

Throughout his studies, John thought about the importance of forgiveness, meekness, and love, and came to believe that these were the very center and power of Christianity, and that only one path—the path of humble love—leads to God and the triumph of His righteousness. He also thought a great deal about the Savior’s death on the Cross at Golgotha, and pitied those who did not know Jesus Christ. He wished to preach to them about His death and Resurrection. He dreamed about becoming a missionary to distant China, but saw that there was a great deal of work for a genuine pastor of Christ’s flock both in his own city and the surrounding towns.

When John graduated from the Academy he met Elizabeth Nesvitsky who lived in the town of Kronstadt. They dated, he proposed, and they were married. After his studies, John still desired to learn more about his faith and his Church.

It was in this frame of mind that he prepared to be a priest and to enter public ministry. He was ordained a deacon on December 10, 1855, and then priest on December 12. He was assigned to Saint Andrew’s Cathedral in the city of Kronstadt. He said, “I made myself a rule to be as sincere as possible in my work, and of strictly watching myself and my inner life.”

Father John wanted most of all to earn the love of the people in his care, because only a loving attitude could provide the firm support and help he needed as he faced the difficult work of the priesthood. His constant thought was how he would come before the Last Judgment and have to give an account, not only for his own deeds, but also the deeds of his flock, for whose education and salvation he was responsible. To him no one was a stranger; everyone who came to him for help became a friend and relative. He would tell people “The Church is the best heavenly friend of every sincere Christian.” He conducted divine services daily and offered the prayers of the faithful. He called all who rarely receive Holy Communion to prepare themselves and live their lives in a Christian way so that they could receive more often. Listening to Father John, many people changed their lifestyle, repented sincerely, and joyfully received Holy Communion on a regular basis.

At that time the government exiled murderers, thieves and other criminals to Kronstadt. Life was horrible for the exiles. Even children of exiles would become thieves and criminals. He would go to their dugouts, hovels and shacks to visit with them. Not satisfied with staying for five or ten minutes to administer some rite and then leave, Father John believed he was coming to visit a priceless soul, his brothers and sisters. He would stay for hours, talking, encouraging, comforting, crying, and rejoicing together with them.

From the beginning he also concerned himself with the material needs of the poor. He would shop for food, go to the pharmacy for prescriptions, to the doctor for help, many times giving the poor his last few coins. The inhabitants of Kronstadt would see him returning home barefoot and without his cassock. Often parishioners would bring shoes to his wife, saying to her, “Your husband has given away his shoes to someone, and will come home barefoot.” He would also write articles for the newspaper exhorting the people of Kronstadt to “support the poor morally and materially.” These appeals touched the hearts of many and Father John organized many charitable efforts. Realizing that his individual charity was insufficient for aiding the needy, he founded the Orthodox Christian House Parish Trusteeship of Saint Andrew the First-Called. This brotherhood coordinated many charitable efforts throughout the city and helped many needy people.

In 1857, he began teaching in the local city schools. He would tell people, “If children cannot listen to the Gospel, it is only because it is taught like any other subject, with boredom and indifference. Such teaching defeats the purpose of the Gospel. It fails because it forces students only to read words and memorize them instead of making them live in their lives.” To Father John there were no incapable students. He taught in such a way that poor pupils as well as good ones were able to understand. His attention was aimed not so much at forcing students to memorize as to fill their souls with the joy of living according to Christian values, sharing with them the holy thoughts which filled his soul.

When speaking to other priests about their vocation he would say, “You are a representative of the faith of the Church, O priest; you are a representative of Christ the Lord Himself. You should be a model of meekness, purity, courage, perseverance, patience, and lofty spirit. You are doing the work of God and must not let anything discourage you.”

Saint John has performed more miracles than almost any other saint, with the possible exception of Saint Nicholas. Through his prayers he healed the sick, gave hope to the hopeless, and brought sinners to repentance.

Father John labored endlessly in his work for the Lord preaching, teaching, and helping those in need. Having spent his entire life serving God and His people, Father John fell ill and died on December 20, 1908. Almost immediately, people from near and far began to make pilgrimages to the monastery where he was buried. Even today millions of Orthodox Christians in Russia and around the world pray to him to intercede for them as he had always done from his childhood.

Source: Orthodox Church in America

The Canon to St Varus

Canon of the Holy Great-Martyr Varus, the acrostic whereof is: ”I praise the sufferings of Varus and his great glory”, the composition of Joseph, in Tone VI

Ode 1, Irmos: When Israel crossed the deep on foot as though it were dry land, beholding the tyrant Pharaoh drowned, he cried aloud: Let us sing to God a hymn of victory!

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

Thou hast appeared in the heights of the Church of Christ as a radiant sun, illumining the fullness of the earth with the brilliance of thy battles, O blessed Varus.

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

Embraced by the sweet ardour of divine love, O most blessed one, thou didst deny thyself and didst hasten wisely to all the tortures of the flesh, struggling mightily.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having sensibly bound thyself with the bonds of godly strugglers, O athlete, thou didst break asunder the bonds of falsehood by thy mighty endurance of many torments.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The transcendent Word made His abode within thy womb in manner past recounting, O pure one, and, having been born in godly manner, He hath led to Him the choirs of martyrs. With them we praise thee in hymnody.

Ode 3, Irmos: There is none as holy as Thou, O Lord my God, Who hast exalted the horn of Thy faithful, O Good One, and hast established us upon the rock of Thy confession.

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

Thou didst enter upon valiant struggles with mighty resolve, having made thyself steadfast by hope in the good things which are to come and by the most-wise teachings of the martyrs of Christ, O blessed one.

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

Beholding the army of the holy athletes suffering lawfully, thou didst show forth their courageous strength, entering upon multifarious torments, O Varus.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

As a valiant warrior, O Varus, thou didst find thyself in the sacred regiment, and didst cut down multitudes with the battle-sword of courage, O wise one, being glorified with victories.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Virgin Mother of God, I beseech thee: By the effulgence of grace which is in thee, drive away the most profound darkness of my despair and the clouds of the passions.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sedalion, Tone I, “Thy tomb, O Saviour…”: Beholding the honoured sufferings of the martyrs, and venerating their fetters with love, thou didst hasten to ascend to the summit of witness, O most wondrous one; for, suspended upon a tree, thou didst endure wounds, until thou didst commit thy spirit into the hands of the Lord.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: O all-pure Virgin, thou hope of Christians, unceasingly entreat God to Whom thou gavest birth in manner past understanding and recounting, on behalf of those who hymn thee, that He grant remission of all our sins and correction of life unto those who ever glorify thee with faith and love.

Stavrotheotokion (replaces the Theotokion on Wednesdays and Fridays): Beholding Thee stretched out, dead, upon the Cross, O Christ, Thy most immaculate Mother cried aloud: “O my Son Who art equally unoriginate with the Father and the Spirit, what is this, Thine ineffable dispensation, whereby Thou hast saved the creation of Thine own all-pure hands, O Compassionate One?”

Ode 4, Irmos: Christ is my power, my God and Lord, the honoured Church doth chant in godly manner, crying out with a pure mind, keeping festival in the Lord.

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

Adorned with holy wounds, thou didst show thyself to be most comely and the beloved of God Who crowned thy head, O right wondrous Varus.

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

Stretched out on a cross and again upon the ground; O glorious one, thou didst endure cruel pangs. Wherefore, in gladness thou hast inherited the life which is devoid of pain.

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

The godly martyrs, seeing thee suffering lawfully, strengthened thee with words of patience, O blessed one; and having completed thy valiant sufferings with them, thou hast attained blessedness.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

With praises we crown the divine martyrs, for with divine wreaths the grace of God hath crowned them who cast down the overweening thoughts of the enemy.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Mistress, from the mire of the passions and the passionate thoughts which alienate me from the one pure God lead me up, that I may bless thee with faith.

Ode 5, Irmos: With Thy divine light, O Good One, illumine the souls of those who rise early unto Thee with love, that they may know Thee, O Word of God, to be the true God Who calleth them forth from the darkness of sin.

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

Strengthened by divine inclinations, O Varus, with valiant mind thou didst endure unremitting laceration, rending apart the heart of the prideful one, the author of evil.

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

The glorious martyr, seeing pieces of his flesh falling to the ground, rejoiced, looking toward eternal and divine rewards with splendour of mind.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

“I hymn, glorify and worship Thee, O Lord God, having been vouchsafed the good things prepared for those who love Thee!” the martyr cried out fervently amid his suffering.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

In that thou hast truly been shown to be more holy than the cherubim and seraphim, O most immaculate one, do thou now sanctify all who with faith call thee sacred, and save them by thy mediation.

Ode 6, Irmos: Beholding the sea of life surging with the storm of temptations, fleeing to Thy calm haven I cry unto Thee: Lead up my life from corruption, O greatly Merciful One!

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

Thou didst disdain the words of the all-iniquitous enemy and didst patiently endure unbearable pain of the flames, O much suffering Varus, who prayest for those who praise thee with faith.

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

The most mindless tyrant did not cease inflicting wounds upon thee without pity, until thou didst commit thy sacred soul into the hands of God, made radiant with the beauties of thy struggles.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Emulating Christ, thou wast uplifted upon a tree, and hanging thereon, thou didst surrender thy soul to God, Who crowned thee, having suffered valiantly, O athlete.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Mistress, ever direct my lowly soul which is tempest-tossed on the deep of evils, and guide it to the calm haven, for with unfaltering understanding it calleth thee blessed.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 4: Following Christ, O martyr Varus, and draining His cup, thou wast crowned with the wreath of martyrdom and joinest chorus with the angels. Pray thou without ceasing for our souls.

Ode 7, Irmos: The Angel caused the furnace to pour forth dew upon the venerable children, and the command of God which consumed the Chaldeans prevailed upon the tyrant to cry: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

O Varus, the all-good Cleopatra helped to bury thee, who wast illumined with gifts of thy struggles, finding through thee the glory of faith manifestly fitting, which thou didst fervently show forth in thine end.

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

Shedding tears over thee and embalming thee with precious unguents, the most honoured woman buried in the earth thee who hast buried wicked falsehood and hast illumined us with rays of brilliance from thy grave.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The ever-memorable one did not cease pleasing thee, the favourite of Christ, O wise and venerable one, until thou didst show thyself to be a mediator for her of the kingdom of heaven which she and her beloved son were vouchsafed through thee.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

By thy mediation, O Virgin, restore me, who am crushed by my countless offences, healing my soul and granting me the words to cry out: Blessed art thou who gavest birth to God in the flesh!

Ode 8, Irmos: Out of the flame didst Thou pour forth dew upon the venerable ones, and didst consume the sacrifice of the righteous man with water; for Thou, O Christ, doest all things whatsoever Thou desirest. Thee do we exalt supremely for all ages.

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

Hearkening to a mother’s entreaties, O martyr, and splendidly enrolling her son in the army of heaven, with ineffable loving-kindness thou didst show that thy glory and that of the honoured youth cannot be taken away.

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

Cleopatra bore thee out of Egypt like riches beyond price, O martyr, lavishing precious gifts of healings upon all of Palestine, which honoureth thee with love.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

In gladness thou didst complete thy struggles, O valiant warrior of the Almighty, and thou hast been crowned by Him as a victor, O most blessed Varus, thou great glory of the martyrs.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sins upon sins do I add, yet I do not fear the coming dread judgment. O pure one, overcome the blindness of my soul, and converting me, save me by thine entreaty.

Ode 9, Irmos: It is not possible for men to see God, upon Whom the ranks of angels dare not gaze; for through thee, O most pure one, the Word appeared, incarnate, to men. And, magnifying Him, with the armies of heaven we call thee blessed.

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

Manifestly girded about with divine power, O valiant athlete Varus, thou didst cast down the might of the adversary; wherefore, we, the faithful, praise thee, drawing forth abundant healing from thy relics.

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

Thy memory hath spread forth upon the ends of the earth like light, like the dawn, like the great sun, O all-praised one, illumining all with the radiant effulgence of thine honoured struggles and driving darkness away from men’s hearts.

Holy Great Martyr Varus, pray to God for us.

The loving mother, beholding her son shining with thee in great glory, magnified the God of all, O martyr, and most earnestly glorified thee as an intercessor most great, having been manifestly enriched by thee.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The land on which thy most patient body lieth, O wise one, hath been divinely sanctified. By thy supplications, O Varus, grant us remission of sins, amendment of life and deliverance from all difficulties.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Lord, manifesting Himself through thee, the light cloud, O Virgin, wrought utter destruction upon the graven images of Egypt; and He hath vouchsafed the multitude of His athletes to endure, becoming emulators of His honoured sufferings.

Troparion of St Varus the Martyr, Tone 5: Thou didst follow in the steps of the martyrs/ and contend for the glory of Christ./ Thou wast tied to a beam and restored by the Tree of Life,/ and thine intercessions gladden our souls.

October 7/20: the Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus

The Martyrs Sergius and Bacchus in Syria were appointed to high positions in the army by the emperor Maximian (284-305), who did not know that they were Christians. Envious people informed Maximian that his two trusted counsellors did not honor the pagan gods. This was considered to be a crime against the state.

The emperor, wanting to convince himself of the truth of the accusation, ordered Sergius and Bacchus to offer sacrifice to the idols, but they replied that they honored the One God and worshiped only Him.

Maximian commanded that the martyrs be stripped of the insignia of military rank (their belts, gold pendants, and rings), and then dressed them in feminine clothing. They were led through the city with an iron chains around their necks, and the people mocked them. Then he summoned Sergius and Bacchus to him again and in a friendly manner advised them not to be swayed by Christian fables, but to return to the Roman gods. The saints refuted the emperor’s words, and demonstrated the folly of worshiping the pagan gods.

The emperor commanded that they be sent to the governor of the eastern part of Syria, Antiochus, a fierce hater of Christians. Antiochus had received his position with the help of Sergius and Bacchus. “My fathers and benefactors!” he said. “Have pity on yourselves, and also on me. I do not want to condemn my benefactors to cruel tortures.” The holy martyrs replied, “For us life is Christ, and to die is gain.” The enraged Antiochus ordered Bacchus to be mercilessly beaten, and the holy martyr surrendered his soul to the Lord. They shod Sergius with iron sandals with nails in their soles and sent him to another city, where he was beheaded with the sword.

The Orthodox Church in America


Canon of the martyrs, the acrostic whereof is: “I hymn Sergius the athlete and the ever-memorable Bacchus”, the composition of Theophanes, in Tone I

Ode I, Irmos: Thy victorious right arm hath in godly manner been glorified in strength; for as almighty, O Immortal One, it smote the adversary, fashioning anew the path of the deep for the Israelites.

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

O Sergius, thou favorite of Christ, taking the ever-memorable Bacchus as thy fellow intercessor and helper, with him thou didst with godly wisdom endure your agonies to the end. Grant a wise discourse unto me who hymn you.

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

Having set yourselves steadfastly upon the immovable rock of the Christian Faith, O holy martyrs, ye were shown to be a rampart and towers of piety established firmly upon a firm foundation.

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

Believing the words of Christ and looking toward Him with unwavering gaze, ye spat upon all transitory glory, O holy ones, and were wounded with the love of everlasting glory.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having divested yourselves of family, homeland and honor for Christ’s sake, ye were filled with gladness; and when ye were clad in women’s garments ye put on the robe of incorruption with splendor and manly wisdom.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Mother of God, entreat the Word, to Whom thou gavest birth and Who came to us in the flesh, that He be merciful and well-disposed towards the faithful; for thee have we acquired as our intercessor and salvation.

Ode III, Irmos: O Thou Who alone hast known the weakness of human nature, having in Thy mercy formed Thyself therein: Gird me about with power from on high, that I may chant to Thee: Holy is the living temple of Thine ineffable glory, O Thou Who lovest mankind!

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

He Who, as God, alone knew all things before they came into being, seeing now your offerings to Him, hath filled you abundantly with the wisdom of discourse, divine knowledge and steadfast thought, for ye are His warriors, O blessed ones.

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

O martyred athletes, favorites of Christ, desiring to suffer lawfully, with love for the Creator and divinely wise understanding ye spurned corruptible and transitory glory, this world and the prince thereof.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Standing before the Lord in the all-pure thoughts of your mind, and filled thence with splendor, and manifestly delighting in ineffable blessedness, deliver from dangers those who honor you, O athletes.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Adam, the first to come under the dominion of death, hath now been delivered by thy birthgiving, O only Bride of God; for in manner transcending nature thou gavest birth to the truly hypostatic Life united to the flesh hypostatically, O pure one.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sessional Hymn, Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “Of the Wisdom…”: Come, ye who love the martyrs, and let us honor the holy athletes Sergius and Bacchus, the noetic pearls of the Lord, for they manfully trampled the falsehood of the enemy underfoot and destroyed all the might of the idols; wherefore, having received crowns of victory from heaven, as is meet, they join chorus with the angels. With them let us all cry out: Entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of transgressions unto those who with love honor your holy memory. (Twice)

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: Having fallen into greatly tangled perils from enemies visible and invisible, and been beset by the tempest of my countless offenses, O pure one, I flee to the haven of thy goodness as to my fervent help and protection; wherefore, O all-pure one, earnestly entreat Him Who became incarnate of thee without seed, in behalf of all thy servants who unceasingly praise thee, ever beseeching Him, O all-pure Theotokos, to grant remission of offenses unto those who fittingly hymn thy glory.

Stavrotheotokion (in place of the Theotokion on Wednesdays and Fridays): The Ewe-lamb, beholding the Lamb, Shepherd and Deliverer upon the Cross, exclaimed, weeping, and bitterly lamenting, cried out: “The world rejoiceth, receiving deliverance through Thee, but my womb doth burn, beholding Thy crucifixion, which Thou endurest in the loving-kindness of Thy mercy. O long-suffering Lord, Abyss and inexhaustible Wellspring of mercy, take pity and grant remission of offenses unto those who hymn Thy divine sufferings with faith.

Ode IV, Irmos: Habbakuk, gazing with the eyes of foresight upon thee, the mountain overshadowed by the grace of God, prophesied that the Holy One of Israel would come forth from thee, for our salvation and restoration.

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

Two beacons shining forth from the West, holding the land against the ungodly and undertaking a journey, have arrived at Thee, the radiant East of salvation, O Christ.

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

Neither fire, nor sword, nor persecution, nor wounds were able to separate you from the pious thought of God; for, for His sake, ye despised this life which endeth, O right glorious ones, and have received blessed and imperishable delight.

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

The truly unwavering luminaries enlighten the firmament of the Church of Christ with the light of divine effulgence and gladden the souls of the pious, emitting rays of miracles.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The godly Bacchus and the excellent Sergius in yearly cycle spiritually summon the lovers of piety and of the martyrs to a feast, offering them their valiant deeds.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The sword which guardeth the portal of Eden now withdraweth before the faithful; and it receiveth them with splendor, beholding them marked with the precious Blood of Him Who was born of thy womb, and with grace.

Ode V, Irmos: O Christ Who hast enlightened the ends of the world with the radiance of Thy coming and hast illumined them with Thy Cross: with the light of Thy divine knowledge enlighten the hearts of those who hymn Thee in Orthodox manner.

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

Driving away falsehood with the sword of truth and mightily enduring the tyrants’ wounds, ye became victors; and, crowned by Christ, ye now rejoice, as is meet.

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

Strengthened by the invincible power and grace of the Trinity, the two martyrs cast down the prince of darkness and those in thrall to him; wherefore, with honor they are called blessed.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

With endurance, spiritual courage and resolute intent, the two glorious martyrs transcended all the bitter fury of the tormenters and make their abode with the angels.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Mother of God, like the dawn thou hast shone forth the never-setting Sun of true righteousness, bearing Him in thine arms united hypostatically to the flesh; wherefore, we all glorify thee.

Ode VI, Irmos: The uttermost abyss hath surrounded us, and there is none to deliver us. We are accounted as lambs for the slaughter. Save Thy people, O our God, for Thou art the strength and correction of the weak!

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

The relics of the martyrs pour forth streams of healings in abundance. O ye faithful, let us therefore fervently draw forth therefrom and bless the athletes, the glorious Sergius and the ever-eloquent Bacchus.

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

Hating the abodes of the iniquitous and setting at nought their deception, Sergius and Bacchus made the journey to heaven in right orderly fashion and have reached the calm haven of Christ.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The portals of heaven are thrown open to the martyred athletes, rendering homage to their honorable suffering, which was like unto the grace-bearing passion of our God, and which driveth away legions of the demons.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

With wisdom we proclaim thee truly to be the Mother of God, O all-pure one; for thou, O Virgin, didst ineffably give birth to the only-begotten Son Who is without beginning and Who shone forth from the Father before time began.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone II, Spec. Mel. “Seeking the highest…”: Manfully arming your mind against the enemy, O most lauded martyrs, ye destroyed all their falsehood, receiving the trophy of victory from on high, and crying out with oneness of mind: How good and joyous it is to be with God!

Ikos: In that Sergius and Bacchus dwell in the heavens and are filled with divine light by Thee, O Christ, go Thou quickly before me who walk in the darkness of ignorance, and rescue me from the passions, O only Immortal One, sending down upon me the vesture of repentance, that with radiant mind I may hymn their splendid feast and cry out, rejoicing: How good and joyous it is to be with God!

Ode VII, Irmos: O Theotokos, we, the faithful, perceive thee to be a noetic furnace; for, as the supremely Exalted One saved the three youths, in thy womb the praised and most glorious God of our fathers wholly renewed the world.

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

Rejoice, ye two glorious athletes! Rejoice, ye who splendidly overcame the threat of the tyrants! Rejoice, ye who finished the good race! Rejoice, food that remaineth ever within us! Rejoice, O blessed of God, who manifestly intercede before God!

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

Walking upon the earth, O most radiant martyrs, ye darkened the eyes of the demons and the faces of the persecutors with the light of grace and the rays of your suffering, hymning our praised and all-glorious God.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Being animate and living temples of the living God, O most blessed athletes, truly strengthened by the power of God ye vanquished hordes of the enemy, in hymns praising God Who is mighty in battles.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O blessed and most pure Mistress, thou wast an all-pure temple and an all-holy ark, having received the infinite Creator, God, the only-begotten Word, in thy womb, containing the Unapproachable One.

Ode VIII, Irmos: The children of Israel in the furnace, shining more brightly than gold in a crucible in the beauty of their piety, said: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord; hymn and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

O Thou Who of old didst cool the flame with dew for the youths, Thou didst strengthen Thy martyrs, who stood firm amid struggles and sang: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord; hymn and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

Wisely did the athletes reject the poisonous and spiritually harmful blandishments of the tyrants, crying out to Christ and saying: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord; hymn and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

Christ hath shown Sergius and Bacchus, who are truly crowned, to be our true preservers, who protect us and chant: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord; hymn and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Through the prayers of the martyrs, O Christ our Master, guide my steps to the virtues and vouchsafe that I may readily cry to Thee: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord; hymn and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

I bless thee, the true Mother of our God, O pure and most immaculate Mistress, offering thee “Rejoice!” with the angel; for thee do all the works of the Lord unceasingly chant and exalt supremely for all ages.

Ode IX, Irmos: The bush which burnt with fire yet was not consumed showed forth an image of thy pure birthgiving. And now we pray that the furnace of temptations which rageth against us may be extinguished, that we may magnify thee unceasingly, O Theotokos.

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

Ye have wholly acquired Christ, for ye forsook the whole world for His sake; and now ye dwell in the heavens with the choirs of the heavenly hosts, beholding the splendors of the blessed.

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

O excellent twain, from on high ye impart grace and remission of transgressions unto those who with love offer you praises. Entreating Him Who alone is merciful, and hastening to Him, ye paid no heed to those things which drag men down.

Holy Martyrs Sergius & Bacchus, pray to God for us.

Illumined with the splendor of the thrice-radiant Godhead, O invincible martyrs, ye rejected the deluding ungodliness of polytheism and fear of the tormenters; and ye now delight in the incorruptible delight of paradise.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having finished your good race, striving to preserve the Faith of piety, O all-glorious martyrs, ye have been vouchsafed to receive the immovable kingdom, crowned with wreaths of beauty and majesty.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Thy wonders which pass understanding! For thou alone, O Virgin Mother, in manner transcending nature, gavest birth to God the Word become flesh, Who wisely sustaineth and nurtureth all things by His will.

Troparion, Tone IV: In their sufferings, O Lord, Thy martyrs received imperishable crowns from Thee, our God; for, possessed of Thy might, they cast down the tormenters and set at nought the feeble audacity of the demons. By their supplications save Thou our souls.

Another troparion, Tone V: O much-suffering Sergius and all-glorious Bacchus, ye adornment of Christian athletes and eye of the Church of Christ, enlighten the eyes of our souls. Entreat the Lord, that we may escape the darkness of sin and may be shown to share in the never-waning light, through your supplications, O saints.

St Vyacheslav (Wenceslaus): Life and Canon


The Holy Prince Wenceslaus (Vyacheslav) of the Czechs was a grandson of the holy Martyr and Princess Ludmilla (September 16), and he was raised by her in deep piety. He began to rule at age eighteen after the death of his father Prince Bratislav (+ 920).

In spite of his youthful age, he ruled wisely and justly and concerned himself much about the Christian enlightenment of the people. The holy prince was a widely educated man, and he studied in the Latin and Greek languages.

Saint Wenceslaus was peace-loving. He built and embellished churches, and in Prague, the Czech capital, he raised up a magnificent church in the name of Saint Vitus, and he had respect for the clergy. Envious nobles decided to murder the saint and, at first, to incite his mother against him, and later to urge his younger brother, Boleslav, to occupy the princely throne.

Boleslav invited his brother to the dedication of a church, and then asked him to stay another day. In spite of the warnings of his servants, the holy prince refused to believe in a conspiracy and exposed his life to the will of God. On the following day, September 28, 935, when Wenceslaus went to Matins, he was wickedly murdered at the doors of the church by his own brother and his brother’s servants. His body was stabbed and discarded without burial.

The mother, hearing of the murder of her son, found and placed his body in a recently consecrated church at the princely court. They were not able to wash off the blood splashed on the church doors, but after three days it disappeared by itself.

After repenting of his sin, the murderer transferred the relics of Saint Wenceslaus to Prague, where they were placed in the church of Saint Vitus, which the martyr himself had constructed (the transfer of the relics of Saint Wenceslaus is celebrated on March 4). The memory of Prince Wenceslaus has been honored from of old in the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Orthodox Church in America

Canon of the saint, Tone VI

Ode I, Irmos: Traversing the deep on foot, as though it were dry land, and seeing the tyrant Pharaoh drowned, Israel cried aloud: Let us chant unto God a hymn of victory!

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

O ye faithful, with joy let us join chorus, hymning the Savior with radiant souls, on the all-wondrous memorial of Vyacheslav, the servant of Christ!

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

Slain unjustly like an innocent lamb, thou didst emulate the sufferings of the Master, O glorious one; wherefore, thou dost now rejoice with the choirs of the martyrs, O thou who art blessed of God.

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

Receiving a death which won thee life, thou standest now in glory before the Master of all. Pray thou that we who keep thine all-wondrous memory may also obtain it, O holy one.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Who can tell of the countless wonders which thou workest in the world, O glorious one? For thou dost continually grant healing in abundance unto all the faithful.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Lady, raise me up who have fallen among thieves through my soul-destroying deeds and am drowning in death. I pray thee: Entreat thy Son and God for me.

Ode III, Irmos: There is none as holy as Thee, O Lord my God, Who hast uplifted the horn of Thy faithful and established us on the rock of the confession of Thee, O Good One.

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

Thou didst ever burn with Christian love for the Holy Church, O all-blessed one, where, like an innocent lamb, thou didst look forward to thine unjust slaughter.

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

Adorned with thine all-splendid blood, thy Church emitteth the radiant beams of miracles, hymning thy memory, O right glorious one.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Enlightened from childhood by the rays of the Trinity, O venerable one, thou becamest an heir of Christ. Him do thou entreat, that He send peace unto our souls.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thy divine birthgiving surpasseth every other miracle, O pure one; for, having conceived in thy womb and given birth unto the transcendent God, thou remainest Ever-virgin.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sessional hymn, Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “Of the Wisdom…”: Seeking to prevent thee from ascending thy throne, the enemies of the Orthodox Faith murdered thy pious grandmother, the saintly Ludmilla, that she might no longer guide thee with Christian counsel; yet so well grounded wast thou by her in reverence for things divine and in love for Christ, that her martyrdom in nowise moved thee from thy sacred purpose, and the wiles of thine enemies served only to strengthen thee in thy resolve, and to gain for the Holy Church another martyr in heaven.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: All of us, the generations of men, bless thee as the Virgin who, alone among women, gavest birth without seed to God in the flesh; for the fire of the Godhead made His abode within thee, and thou didst nurture the Creator and Lord with milk as a babe. Wherefore, we, the race of angels and men, cry out to thee together: Entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of offenses unto those who with faith worship thine all-holy birthgiving.

Ode IV, Irmos: Christ is my power, my God and my Lord, the honored Church doth sing, crying out in godly manner with a pure mind, keeping festival in the Lord.

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

Lovingly raised in the pure Faith from childhood, by thy pure works thou didst lovingly follow the Master and didst put His false enemy to shame by thy hope.

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

Shining with radiance, O holy Vyacheslav, by thy supplications enlighten those who are benighted by sins, for with the choirs of the martyrs thou hast boldness to pray for us.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Cut down by the sword, O invincible saint, thou didst cut down the wicked foe with the sword of patience; wherefore, thou hast received a crown from the hand of the Almighty.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Truly the mysteries of thy divine birthgiving are ineffable and unattainable for those on earth and those in heaven, O Ever-virgin Theotokos.

Ode V, Irmos: With Thy divine light illumine the souls of those who with love rise at dawn unto Thee, O Good One, that they may know Thee, O Word of God, to be the true God Who calleth all forth from the darkness of sin.

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

Having received through thy sufferings the life which is devoid of pain, O all-praised and holy Vyacheslav, thou hast been shown to be a help for all who suffer and with faith call upon thee for aid.

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

With the all-radiant beams of thy miracles thou hast enlightened the north, the south and the west more than the sun, O blessed one; wherefore, illumine us who celebrate thy memory, O saint.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou wast a helper of those amid misfortunes, the sustainer of the poor, and the comfort of the grieving; wherefore, even after thy death, O holy one, thou deliverest all who with faith call upon thee for help.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O good Mistress of the world, save those who with all their soul confess thee to be the Theotokos; for we have thee, who art truly the Theotokos, as our help, O immaculate one.

Ode VI, Irmos: Beholding the sea of life surging with the tempest of temptations, fleeing to Thy calm haven I cry unto Thee: Lead up my life from corruption, O greatly Merciful One!

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

Having acquired a pure life through fasting, O all-wondrous Vyacheslav, thou hast been shown to be a fellow citizen with the angels. With them pray thou for the salvation of our souls.

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

Forsaking a transitory earthly princedom, and receiving a royal adornment from the right hand of the Master, through corruptible things thou didst acquire what is eternal, in that thou art wise.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O holy one, accept praise from the accursed lips of one who is unable to fashion worthy praises for thee, and entreat the merciful God, that He grant us great mercy.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O all-pure Mistress who for mortals gavest birth to the Helmsman and Lord, confound my wicked lusts, and grant serenity unto my heart.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone I, Spec. Mel. “The choir of the angels…”: Standing with the choirs of the angels, O blessed Prince Vyacheslav, thou delightest in divine and ineffable goodness; and drawing thence the goodly gifts of miracles, thou pourest forth the boon of cures upon all who with faith flee to thy holiness.

Ikos: Great is the consternation of the enemy of men’s salvation! For, seeking to destroy the Christian Faith which was planted in Bohemia by the pious Borivoy and the holy Ludmilla, he instilled within the accursed Prince Boleslaus the perfidious intention to murder his godly brother, the holy Prince Vyacheslav, and thus unjustly to usurp his throne. Yet the Savior bestowed upon His martyr so great an abundance of the grace of miracles that the people of Bohemia were amazed and hastened to be enlightened. Thus were the machinations of the devil utterly foiled, and the Holy Orthodox Church grew and throve. And even to this day the precious relics of the martyr pour forth the boon of cures upon all who with faith flee to his holiness.

Ode VII, Irmos: The Angel caused the furnace to pour forth dew upon the pious youths, and the command of God, which consumed the Chaldæans, prevailed upon the tyrant to cry out: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

The ancient malefactor envied thy sacred life and incited the mindless band to slay thee; but with a pure conscience thou didst unceasingly cry out to thy Creator: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

Prague, thine all-glorious city, danceth with gladness today, honoring thy memory, and, radiantly emitting thy miracles, it calleth the whole land to cry aloud: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Through the deception of the all-wicked one, of old the ground was stained by the hand of Cain, who slew his own brother; but sprinkled now with blood, it offereth sacrifices of sweet savor unto Christ, crying: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Through thee, O Virgin, hath Light shone forth upon those in darkness, for thou hast given birth to the Creator and God of all. Him do thou beseech, O all-pure one, that He ever send down great mercy upon us, the faithful.

Ode VIII, Irmos: From the flame didst Thou pour forth dew upon the venerable ones, and didst consume the sacrifice of the righteous one with water; for Thou, O Christ, dost do all things soever Thou desirest. Thee do we exalt supremely for all ages!

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

Sanctified from on high by rays of grace, O all-glorious one, thou didst shine forth more brightly than the sun in the land of Bohemia with the beauties of gladness, exalting Christ supremely forever.

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

Receiving thy holy body today, O blessed one, Prague, thine all-praised city, proclaimeth thine all-wondrous miracles unto the world, exalting Christ supremely forever.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Adorned with meekness and illumined with the understanding of Orthodoxy, O all-wondrous one, thou wast truly shown to be a herald of the all-holy Trinity, exalting Christ supremely forever.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou didst ineffably conceive and give birth unto the Transcendent One, the Word, the Bestower of light, Who is begotten of Light, O Virgin, for the Spirit of God made His abode within thee. Wherefore, we hymn thee, O pure one, for all ages.

Ode IX, Irmos: It is not possible for men to behold God, upon Whom the ranks of angels dare not gaze; but through thee, O most pure one, hath the Word appeared incarnate unto men; and magnifying Him with the armies of heaven, we call thee blessed.

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

Thou wast accounted worthy of great grace, O glorious one, and hast illumined the whole world, granting healings in abundance unto all.

Holy Passion-Bearer, Vyacheslav, pray to God for us.

Accept the joy of the angels, O holy one, and, standing before thy Creator, pray for us who magnify thee.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou hast now received blessed repose, O all-glorious one. Cease thou never to pray that those who magnify thee may continually share in holy blessedness.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Virgin Theotokos, who after the word of the archangel gavest birth to thy Creator in manner past recounting, entreat Him, that our souls be saved.

Troparion, Tone IV: Today angels and men share a common joy. Heaven and earth join together in splendid chorus for thy memorial, O holy one. And we sinners earnestly cry aloud unto thee: Pray thou to the Master in our behalf, that from dangers and from visible and invisible foes, He may deliver us who honor thine all-honored memory.

Canon to St Sophia of Rome and Her Three Daughters

Canon of the Martyrs, the acrostic whereof is: “I hymn the children of Sophia, who are manifest as exceeding splendid,” the composition of Theophanes, in Tone I

Ode I, Irmos: Thy victorious right arm hath in godly manner been glorified in strength; for as almighty, O Immortal One, it smote the adversary, fashioning anew the path of the deep for the Israelites.

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

O Master Christ, grant me the effulgence of Thy transcendent and ineffable wisdom, that I may hymn Thy magnificent and right glorious martyrs, the offspring of Sophia.

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

Thy name was manifestly adorned by thy manner of life, O divinely wise and glorious Sophia; for, illumined with the grace of wisdom, thou didst spend thy whole life in desiring wisdom.

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

Thy most blessed fruit, adorned with the number of the all-divine Trinity, struggled like athletes for Him, O most wise Sophia, thou namesake of the divine Wisdom.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The three virgin maidens, Faith, Hope and glorious Charity, having cleansed body and soul with the virtues, were brought in martyrdom to Thee, O Christ, the noetic Bridegroom.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

He Who made His abode as God in thy womb, O all-pure one, Who took upon Him my whole form and was seen before in the form of God, hath renewed all. Wherefore, all we, the faithful, glorify thee as the Theotokos.

Ode III, Irmos: O Thou Who alone hast known the weakness of human nature, having in Thy mercy formed Thyself therein: Thou dost gird me about with power from on high, that I may chant to Thee: Holy is the living temple of Thine ineffable glory, O Thou Who lovest mankind!

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

Hearkening to the voice of Christ calling them to a life devoid of death and suffering, the crowned virgin martyrs followed Thee, crying out to Thee, O Holy One: O Thou Who lovest mankind, holy is the animate temple of Thy pure glory!

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

As He promised, Christ gave you strength as ye stood before the tribunal as martyrs; and He filled you with divinely inspired wisdom and showed you forth as radiant, O victorious martyrs, resplendent in the grace of virginity.

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

Ye dulled the greatly arrogant mind of the enemy and cast down his pride, contending with great wisdom; and with the streams of your blood ye drowned him who of old boasted that he would destroy the sea.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Filled to abundance with the exalted wisdom of Christ, with elect and sage wisdom the three daughters of Sophia put to shame the savagery of the torturers and their unbearable cruelty, giving utterance to divine teachings.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

In holy manner thou gavest birth to Christ, the Holy of Holies, the holy tabernacle of sanctity, Who resteth in the saints; and to Him do we cry out: Holy is the animate temple of Thine ineffable glory, O Thou Who lovest mankind!

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sessional hymn, Tone I, Spec. Mel:.“The choir of the angels…”: O reason-endowed ewe-lambs of the Lamb and Shepherd, ye were given over to cruel torments and have been shown to be equal in honour with the angels. Wherefore, in gladness of heart we all celebrate your sacred memory, O divinely wise maidens.

Ode IV, Irmos: Habbakuk, gazing with the eyes of foresight upon thee, the mountain overshadowed by the grace of God, prophesied that the Holy One of Israel would come forth from thee, for our salvation and restoration.

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

Strengthened by divine grace, the right victorious Faith, Charity and Hope manfully put to shame the threats of the tyrant; and burnt by the fire, the most wise ones were led to Christ the Bridegroom.

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

Protected by the armour of the Cross, the holy Faith, Charity and Hope were able to endure the wounds of their torturers with fortitude, opposing sin most mightily even to the shedding of their blood.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Faith, Charity and Hope, the three radiant lamps of the wisdom of the Trinity, illumined and manifestly shining, enlighten the Church most splendidly, for our salvation and defence.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O most lauded Theotokos, thou holy of holies, from thee shone forth the Deliverer, the expectation of the nations and the salvation of the faithful, the Lord and Bestower of life, unto the salvation of us who hymn thee.

Ode V, Irmos: O Christ Who hast enlightened the ends of the world with the radiance of Thy coming and hast illumined them with Thy Cross: with the light of Thy divine knowledge enlighten the hearts of those who hymn Thee in Orthodox manner.

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

The three God-bearing virgins, bound by faith and nature, endured tortures with patience of will, and they put to shame the audacious one, uttering mysteries of wisdom which are in God.

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

Our first mother rejoiceth, seeing the deceiver, who of old drove her from Eden, vanquished by Hope, Faith and Charity, the divinely wise women born of Sophia.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Wounded by Thy love and Thy divine ardor, O Christ, the honoured maidens spurned the venomous flattery of the tyrant and willingly endured the wounds of tortures.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Beholding thee, the hosts of heaven rejoice, and with them the assemblies of men make merry; for they have been united by thy nativity, O Virgin Theotokos, which we glorify as is meet.

Ode VI, Irmos: The uttermost abyss hath surrounded us, and there is none to deliver us. We are accounted as lambs for the slaughter. Save Thy people, O our God, for Thou art the strength and correction of the weak!

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

Rejoicing, O Master, the three honoured and laudable maidens, equal in number to the Trinity, placed their hope in Thine all-pure hands.

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

Resplendent with the beauties of virginity, they adorned themselves with the wounds of martyrdom, and have received from on high a twofold crown from Christ, the most compassionate Bestower of life.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Into the temple of Thee, Who reignest over all, were the precious treasures of virginity brought, O Master, to share in Thy kingdom; for Thou art their light and gladness.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The forefathers of our race rejoice in thee, O all-pure Virgin, receiving Eden through thee which they had lost through their transgression; for thou wast pure before giving birth and art pure even after thy birth-giving.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion of the Martyrs, Tone I, Spec. Mel. “Thy tomb, O Saviour…”: Faith, Hope and Charity, revealed as most sacred branches of the honoured Sophia, through grace made foolish the wisdom of the Hellenes; and having suffered and been shown to be victorious, they were crowned with an incorruptible crown by Christ the Master of all.

Ode VII, Irmos: O Theotokos, we, the faithful, perceive thee to be a noetic furnace; for, as the supremely Exalted One saved the three youths, in thy womb the praised and most glorious God of our fathers wholly renewed the world.

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

Manifestly illumined with the thrice-radiant grace of unity, the virgins destroyed the utter darkness of the demons, theologising concerning the Light in three Hypostases, and chanting: Praised and all-glorious is the God of our fathers!

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

Possessing mansions in the heavens, O light-bearing souls, with gladness ye now join chorus with the angels, gazing upon eternal glory and saying: Praised and all-glorious is the God of our fathers!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Showing steadfast opposition like the three youths, the maidens manfully trampled upon the fire; for, being equal in number with them, the God-bearing virgins acquired the same understanding of the praised and all-glorious God of our fathers.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O pure one, thou givest remission of transgressions unto those who hymn thee with faith, delivering them from temptations and every evil circumstance; for we have now acquired thee as a refuge, O Bride of God, in that thou didst bear the praised God of our fathers in thine arms.

Ode VIII, Irmos: The children of Israel in the furnace, shining more brightly than gold in a crucible in the beauty of their piety, said: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord; hymn and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

The divinely radiant virgins Faith, Hope and Charity, were more lustrous than gold in the beauty of their piety, saying: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord; hymn and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

The virgins who are radiant and were manifestly splendid amid their torment let us hymn, O ye faithful, saying: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord; hymn and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The shrines of the athletes ever pour forth a stream of healing abundantly, copiously and richly upon those who with faith cry out: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord; hymn and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Holy ground wast thou, O pure one, giving birth to the life-bearing Ear of grain: Christ, the Mediator of everlasting life, to Whom we all cry out: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord; hymn and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Ode IX, Irmos: The bush which burnt with fire yet was not consumed showed forth an image of thy pure birth-giving. And now we pray that the furnace of temptations which rageth against us may be extinguished, that we may magnify thee unceasingly, O Theotokos.

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

Filled with thrice-radiant light, and delighting now in the divine radiance, O ye who are equal in number to the virtues and bear their names: love, hope and faith, make us steadfast by hope, love and faith.

Holy Martyrs Sophia, Vera, Nadezhda and Liubov, pray to God for us.

Let the might of heaven now subdue the tempest of heresy which besetteth us, O invincible athletes. We entreat you, O good virgins: pray ye unceasingly, that God grant oneness of mind to the faithful.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having passed through the night of this life, O most wise ones, ye have reached the unwaning day, making merry as martyrs and boasting in grace as virgins, being counted worthy of the divine and incorruptible kingdom.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O, how hath the Virgin given birth unto the eternal and hypostatic Word, the effulgence of the hypostasis of the Father, our Benefactor and Lord, Who became incarnate of her, whom we magnify as is meet.

Troparion, Tone IV: In their sufferings, O Lord, Thy martyrs received imperishable crowns from Thee our God; for, possessed of Thy might, they set at nought the tormentors and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons. By their supplications save Thou our souls.

2/15 September: The Holy Martyr Mamas

Dear brothers and sisters, greetings for the feast of the Holy Martyr Mamas, a truly inspirational example of the sanctity of youth and steadfast witness to the Truth of Faith.

Despite his tender years, his unshakeable courage in the Faith is a great example and inspiration for us, as the Church and Faith face renewed hostility, but in a more subtle and insidious, though even more dangerous way. 

For St Mamas and his parents there was no grey area of compromise: Faith or death, all or nothing, confession or apostasy.

The danger for us is that by casuistry and self-delusion we fool ourselves into not recognising that we compromise the Faith, betray the Lord, and deny Christ in so many subtle ways that we may not even notice – such is the danger.

The passion and witness of this young, but fearless martyr need to make us take a long hard look at ourselves, asking uncomfortable questions about who resolute we are in confessing Christ, and how far we would go to preserve our Faith, as we behold St Mamas mounted on the lion of courage and journeying independently and willingly to his own death in martyrdom for Christ: the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Troparion, Tone IV: In his suffering, O Lord,/ Thy martyr Mamas received an imperishable crown from Thee our God;/ for, possessed of Thy might,/ he set at nought the tormentors and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons.// By his supplications save Thou our souls.

Kontakion, Tone III: With the staff given thee by God, O holy one,/ thou didst shepherd thy people in life-bearing pastures;/ and thou didst crush the invisible and untamed wild beasts/ beneath the feet of those who hymn thee.// For all who find themselves amid misfortunes have thee as their fervent intercessor, O Mamas.

The Holy Great Martyr Mamas was born in Paphlagonia, Asia Minor in the third century of pious and illustrious parents, the Christians Theodotus and Rufina. The parents of the saint were arrested by the pagans for their open confession of their faith and locked up in prison in Caesarea in Cappadocia.

Knowing his own bodily weakness, Theodotus prayed that the Lord would take him before being subjected to tortures. The Lord heard his prayer and he died in prison. Saint Rufina died also after him, after giving birth to a premature son. She entrusted him to God, beseeching Him to be the Protector and Defender of the orphaned infant.

God heard the dying prayer of Saint Rufina: a rich Christian widow named Ammia reverently buried the bodies of Saints Theodotus and Rufina, and she took the boy into her own home and raised him as her own son. Saint Mamas grew up in the Christian Faith. His foster mother concerned herself with the developing of his natural abilities, and early on she sent him off to study his grammar.

The boy learned easily and willingly. He was not of an age of mature judgment but distinguished himself by maturity of mind and of heart. By means of prudent conversations and personal example young Mamas converted many of his own peers to Christianity.

The governor, Democritus, was informed of this, and the fifteen-year-old Mamas was arrested and brought to trial. In deference to his illustrious parentage, Democritus decided not to subject him to torture, but instead sent him off to the emperor Aurelian (270-275). The emperor tried at first kindly, but then with threats to turn Saint Mamas back to the pagan faith, but all in vain. The saint bravely confessed himself a Christian and pointed out the madness of the pagans in their worship of lifeless idols.

Infuriated, the emperor subjected the youth to cruel tortures. They tried to drown the saint, but an angel of the Lord saved Saint Mamas and bade him live on a high mountain in the wilderness, not far from Caesarea. Bowing to the will of God, the saint built a small church there and began to lead a life of strict temperance, in exploits of fasting and prayer.

Soon he received a remarkable power over the forces of nature: wild beasts inhabiting the surrounding wilderness gathered at his abode and listened to the reading of the Holy Gospel. Saint Mamas nourished himself on the milk of wild goats and deer.

The saint did not ignore the needs of his neighbours. Preparing cheese from this milk, he gave it away freely to the poor. Soon the fame of Saint Mamas’s life spread throughout all of Caesarea.

The governor sent a detachment of soldiers to arrest him. When they encountered Saint Mamas on the mountain, the soldiers did not recognize him, and mistook him for a simple shepherd. The saint then invited them to his dwelling, gave them a drink of milk and then told them his name, knowing that death for Christ awaited him. The servant of God told the servant of the Emperor to go on ahead of him into Caesaria, promising that he would soon follow. The soldiers waited for him at the gates of the city, and Saint Mamas, accompanied by a lion, met them there.

Surrendering himself into the hands of the torturers, Saint Mamas was brought to trial under a deputy governor named Alexander, who subjected him to intense and prolonged tortures. They did not break the saint’s will, however. He was strengthened by the words addressed to him from above: “Be strong and take courage, Mamas.”

When they threw Saint Mamas to the wild beasts, these creatures would not touch him. Finally, one of the pagan priests struck him with a trident. Mortally wounded, Saint Mamas went out beyond the city limits. There, in a small stone cave, he gave up his spirit to God, Who in the hearing of all summoned the holy Martyr Mamas into His heavenly habitation. He was buried by believers at the place of his death.

Christians soon began to receive help from him in their afflictions and sorrows. Saint Basil the Great speaks thus about the holy Martyr Mamas in a sermon to the people: “Remember the holy martyr, you who live here and have him as a helper. You who call on his name have been helped by him. Those in error he has guided into life. Those whom he has healed of infirmity, those whose children were dead he has restored to life, those whose life he has prolonged: let us all come together as one, and praise the martyr!”


The Canon to St Tikhon of Zadonsk

Ode I, Irmos: Having traversed the water as though it were dry land, and escaped the evil of Egypt, the Israelite cried aloud: Let us chant unto our Deliverer and God!

Hierarch of Christ, Tikhon, pray to God for us.

O Tikhon, holy hierarch of Christ: do thou thyself grant me understanding and speech, that I may worthily hymn the glory wherewith Christ the Lord hath glorified thee.

Hierarch of Christ, Tikhon, pray to God for us.

A ray of divine light hast thou shone upon us. Come, ye children of the light, that we may be illumined thereby, that, magnifying the holy hierarch with hymns, we may become warmed by the Spirit.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Let us glorify the blessed Tikhon, the successor to the apostles, enthroned with the holy hierarchs, dweller with the venerable, by whose intercession we obtain salvation.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Master of all, having taken flesh of thee ineffably, O Mary Theotokos, became perfect man; and when thou gavest birth, He kept thee as pure as thou hadst been before giving birth. Him do thou entreat, that He save our souls from misfortune.

Ode III, Irmos: O Lord, Fashioner of the vault of heaven and Creator of the Church: establish me in Thy love, O Summit of desire, confirmation of the faithful, Who alone lovest mankind.

Hierarch of Christ, Tikhon, pray to God for us.

Wounded with the love of Christ, O blessed one, from thy youth didst thou follow Him with unwavering desire, disdaining every carnal pleasure.

Hierarch of Christ, Tikhon, pray to God for us.

The passions of youth which vex the flesh didst thou cut down with the sword of the love of wisdom, offering thyself as a sacrifice to Christ the Master.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O Tikhon, with greater love didst thou cleave unto wisdom, made steadfast in the fear of God, for it is the beginning of wisdom.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Let us hymn the divine temple of God! Let us bless the holy Virgin, deified and delivered from misfortunes by her!

Sessional Hymn of the saint, Tone VIII: From thy youth wast thou a temple of the Holy Spirit; for, having cleansed thy soul of passions through thy faith, the grace of the Comforter doth dwell therein. Wherefore, even after thy repose, thy body hath been preserved incorrupt. Entreat Christ God that those who honor thee be delivered from corrupting passions.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sessional Hymn of the feast, Tone IV, Spec. Mel. “Joseph marvelled…”: Thou wast transfigured on Mount Tabor, O God, in the midst of the all-wise Elijah and Moses, with James, Simon and John. And Peter, who was there, said to Thee: “It is good for us to make here three booths: one for Moses, one for Elijah, and one for Thee, Christ our Master!” O Thou Who then shone forth Thy light upon them, illumine our souls!

Ode IV, Irmos: Thou art my strength, O Lord, Thou art my power; Thou art my God, Thou art my joy, Who, without leaving the bosom of the Father, hast visited our lowliness. Wherefore, with the Prophet Habbakuk I cry unto Thee: Glory to Thy power, O Thou Who lovest mankind!

Hierarch of Christ, Tikhon, pray to God for us.

Like a lamb wast thou tended by Christ; like a shepherd didst thou tend thy flock, leading them to the pasture of thy life-bearing teachings.

Hierarch of Christ, Tikhon, pray to God for us.

An initiate of the mysteries of the doctrine of Christ, thou didst illumine the people with the knowledge of Him, showing forth His truth by word and deed.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

A true and faithful guard wast thou over the house of God, watching over it in deed, giving an example by thy life, and by word, for thou didst diligently instruct, and by thought, for thou didst take thought for its well-being.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Finding thee to be a haven and rampart, a refuge and hope, a protection and a fervent intercessor, the faithful have recourse to thee and earnestly cry out to thee, as the blessed Tikhon hath taught us: O all-holy Theotokos, save us!

Ode V, Irmos: Wherefore hast Thou turned Thy face from me, O Light never-waning? And why hath a strange darkness covered me, wretch that I am? But turn me, and guide my steps to the light of Thy commandments, I pray.

Hierarch of Christ, Tikhon, pray to God for us.

O holy hierarch, Christ, Whom thou didst love, Whom thou didst desire, for Whose sake thou didst struggle, do thou now beseech in behalf of thy servants, that, being merciful, He may grant a peaceful life to all of us that honor thy memory.

Hierarch of Christ, Tikhon, pray to God for us.

Filled with faith and the love of Christ, thou didst show thyself to be as a river, abundantly watering all the land of Russia with the word of thy teachings, O blessed Tikhon.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Like a bee gathering sweet honey from quickly fading blossoms, O father, thou didst gather spiritual treasure from the corruptible world, and thereby thou dost satisfy us all.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Fill thou our hearts with gladness, O most pure and divine Maiden, who gavest birth to the Cause of joy, destroying all the grief of sin.

Ode VI, Irmos: Cleanse me, O Savior, for many are my transgressions; and lead me up from the abyss of evils, I pray, for to Thee have I cried, and Thou hast hearkened to me, O God of my salvation.

Hierarch of Christ, Tikhon, pray to God for us.

Being pure of heart, thou didst cleave unto the pure Christ; being holy, unto the Holy One; being loving, unto Him Who loveth; being meek, unto the Meek One, crying unceasingly: It is good for me to cleave unto God!

Hierarch of Christ, Tikhon, pray to God for us.

The comfort, pleasure, honor, wealth, glory and all the treasures of the world didst thou despise, soaring aloft to the heavenly Jerusalem, to the home of thy Father, where there are many mansions.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Insults, sorrows and abuse didst thou joyfully endure, mindful that there is no crown without a victory, no victory without a contest, no contest without battle, and no battle without a foe.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Virgin Lady, Mother of the Creator: thou art the joy of the heavenly hosts, the blessed helper of the human race. Pray thou that our souls be saved!

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone VIII: Successor to the apostles, adornment of holy hierarchs, teacher of the Orthodox Church: beseech the Master of all to grant peace to the world and great mercy to our souls!

Ikos: Having adorned thy soul with virtue and enlightened thy mind with love of wisdom, thou didst show thyself to be a good shepherd of the flock of Christ, teaching it by word and writing, admonishing and instructing, giving an example of what thou didst say by thy life. Wherefore, by Christ, the Chief Shepherd, hast thou been adorned with a crown of glory in heaven, shining forth on earth in the incorruption of thy relics and pouring forth abundant streams of wonders upon those who call upon thee in faith, O divinely wise Tikhon. Pray to the Lord, that He grant our souls great mercy!

Ode VII, Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the fire stood in awe of the condescension of God; wherefore, the youths, dancing with joyous step in the furnace, as in a meadow, chanted: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Hierarch of Christ, Tikhon, pray to God for us.

In patience didst thou possess thy soul, O blessed one, and thou didst traverse the narrow path which alone leadeth to everlasting life, ever directing thy gaze toward the way of the Cross of Christ, the Judge of the contest, and setting an image thereof as a model for thy life.

Hierarch of Christ, Tikhon, pray to God for us.

Thy whole self didst thou surrender to the love of God: soul and body, heart and mind, memory and will, purpose, ambition, word, deed and thought didst thou consecrate out of love for God.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O blessed Tikhon, thou didst show thyself to be a father of orphans, a defender of widows, the wealth of the poor, the consolation of the sick and admonition of the wealthy, a staff for the aged, the instructor of the young, and a model of virtue for monastics.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Rejoice, O Mary! Rejoice, thou who gavest birth to the Savior of the world! Be thou a haven for us who are tempest-tossed by the storm of life, a calm harbor amid the deep of sorrows, and guidance to the heavenly mansions.

Ode VIII, Irmos: Madly did the Chaldæan tyrant heat the furnace sevenfold for the pious ones; but, beholding them saved by a higher Power, he cried out to the Creator and Deliverer: Ye children, bless; ye priests, hymn; ye people, exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Hierarch of Christ, Tikhon, pray to God for us.

A son of the Kingdom while yet on earth, thou didst ever yearn for the Son of God, crying out to Him: Be Thou my food and drink; be Thou the light of my soul; be Thou my surcease amid sorrows; be Thou life everlasting according to the resurrection, that I may supremely exalt Thee unto the ages!

Hierarch of Christ, Tikhon, pray to God for us.

Ever mindful of the fall of Adam, the redemption through the sufferings of Christ, the hour of death, the dread Judgment, the torment of sinners and the blessed state of the righteous, thou didst lament, setting us an example of compunction and purifying thyself aforetime for eternal glory.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having undertaken travails in this life out of faith and piety, thou didst sweetly rest from thy labors and wast granted repose; for thou didst descend into the grave, ripening like wheat for the harvest of God at the time of the reaping.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

With the hyssop of the life-creating Blood of the Lamb, Who was slain for the salvation of the world, and Who took flesh of thy most pure blood, do thou sprinkle and cleanse me, who am defiled, O Mistress, that I may be made whiter than snow by thy maternal assistance.

Ode IX, Irmos: Heaven was stricken with awe, and the ends of the earth were amazed, that God hath appeared in the flesh, and that thy womb became more spacious than the heavens. Wherefore, the ranks of men and angels magnify thee as the Theotokos.

Hierarch of Christ, Tikhon, pray to God for us.

A mediator and fervent intercessor for us before God hast thou been shown to be, O hierarch, making supplication to the Master through thy prayers. Ask thou remission of transgressions, O father, for those who faithfully celebrate thy sacred memory and magnify thee with heartfelt love.

Hierarch of Christ, Tikhon, pray to God for us.

O thou who hast been illumined with the radiance of God the Light, enlighten us who are benighted by the passions of life; and, having received of Him the authority to loose and to bind, loose thou our transgressions and vouchsafe the kingdom of heaven unto those who celebrate thy memory and magnify thee as is meet.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Mercifully accept this, our hymn of praise, which is offered up to thee with abundant fervor, from our unworthy and wretched souls, O holy hierarch, granting us withal grace abounding in compassion.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou didst raise up fallen Adam, O Mother of God, who gavest birth to the new Adam. Do thou also raise us up, who are fallen like Adam of old, but who fervently believe in the grace of the New.

Troparion, Tone VIII: From thy youth thou didst love Christ, O blessed one; and thou wast an example unto all by word, life, love, spirit, faith, purity and humility. Wherefore, thou hast made thine abode in the heavenly mansions, where, standing before the throne of the all-holy Trinity, do thou pray that our souls be saved, O holy hierarch Tikhon.

Troparion, Tone IV: O guide of Orthodoxy, teacher of piety, preacher of repentance, emulator of Chrysostom, most excellent pastor, new beacon and wonderworker of Russia: well didst thou shepherd thy flock, and by thy writings thou hast instructed us all. Wherefore, adorned with a crown of incorruption by the Chief Shepherd, do thou entreat Him that our souls be saved.