Wednesday Evening Compline: Supplicatory Canon in Tone VII

A Supplicatory Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos

Ode I, Irmos: At thy command O Lord, * the nature of the waters that beforehand flowed freely was transformed * and became like the earth; * whereby Israel having traversed them dryshod * chanted unto Thee a hymn of victory.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

With waters flowing with life, О Virgin, give drink to my soul which withereth away under the burning heat of sin, that I may produce the fruitful grain of godly compunction.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Rain down upon me drops of compunction, О pure Maiden, and with drops of compassion wash away all the defilement of my soul which hath come upon it through inattention.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

Having taken thy Creator into thy womb, thou hast given birth unto Him without seed, and God became an infant. О strange wonder! Thou art both a handmaiden and mother, О Lady unwedded!

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

О most pure Virgin Mother, thou hast given birth for us to Christ, the Redeemer of the race of mankind, our Liberator and Saviour; wherefore, knowing thee to clearly be the mediatress of eternal life, we glorify thee.

Ode III, Irmos: O Lord and Saviour, * Who in the beginning established the heavens * by Thine all-powerful Word , * and by the divine and all-accomplishing Spirit * hath granted them all their strength, * do Thou establish me on the unshakeable rock of Thy confession.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having dyed a purple robe – His body – in thy most pure blood, and put it on without assuming the corruption of nature, the King of all issued forth from thee as both God and man, О Virgin, possessed of immutable royalty.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

As a treasury of good and ineffable things given by God unto all, О Virgin, thou bestowest an abundance of grace and wondrous gifts upon us who pray to thee amid perils, misfortunes and infirmities.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

Thee, О pure one, did the wondrous Daniel foresee as the mountain from whence Christ was cut, Who hath crushed the graven images of the demons. Wherefore, delivered by thy birthgiving, we hymn thee as the cause of all good things.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The divinely eloquent one once foresaw thee as a scroll whereon the Word was writ by the finger of the Father, О pure one; wherefore, pray that He inscribe me in the Book of Life, rending asunder the evil record of my sins.

Ode IV, Irmos: Having never left the bosom of the Father, * Thou didst descend to earth O Christ God, * I have heard of the mystery of Thy dispensation, * and I have glorified Thee, * O only Lover of mankind.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Entreat Him Who was born from thee, О Theotokos, that we who glorify His sufferings may find help in the time of evil troubles.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The Author of nature, the Myrrh Who poured forth from thee, О most pure one, hath filled all things with sweet fragrance through divine understanding, and dispelling the fetor of falsehood.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

Christ God hath set thee up as a noetic ladder for those on earth, О pure one, and by thee He leadeth the faithful up to divine and celestial works, in that He is full of loving-kindness.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Weighed down by the great burden of sin, О good one, I cry unto thee: Be thou my cleansing, О thou who hast given birth to Him Who taketh away the transgressions of the world!

Ode V, Irmos: Having risen at dawn out of the night, * I entreat Thee O Lord my God: * grant me the forgiveness of my sins, * and guide my steps to the light * of thy commandments, I pray Thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

О Mother of God Who art the Lover of mankind, О all-hymned Theotokos, by thine entreaties send down the cleansing of sins upon me who ever praise thee with faith, love and hymns.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

О most pure Theotokos, in that thou art the receptacle of the immutable Light and the temple of the divine Effulgence, with thy light illumine my darkened soul, I pray.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

О Lord my God, Whose pleasure it was to become man, I entreat Thee: Be thou well-pleased to save me, a prodigal, for the sake of the pure and virgin Maiden who gave birth unto Thee in purity.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

О Lady Mother of God, О most immaculate one who for the world hast given birth to the hypostatic Life, grant thou the forgiveness of my transgressions.

Ode VI, Irmos: Sailing in the tempest of the cares of life, * together with the ship I have been submerged by sins, * and cast to the soul-corrupting beast, * wherefore like Jonah I cry to Thee, O Christ: * Lead me up from the deadly abyss.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

By thy seedless birthgiving, О Theotokos, have we been delivered from the corruption of death and the sin of Adam; for thy Son, Who alone is both God and man, granteth to the faithful deliverance from offences.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Rend asunder the record of my transgressions, О Lady, through thy divine supplications recording me in the Book of the Saved, that in praise I may hymn thee, who art more holy than the cherubim.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

They who of old were cast from before Thy face by Thy righteous judgment, О Christ, hast Thou recalled by Thine advent in the flesh, in that Thou art full of tender compassion. And now, О Good One, accept us who have committed offense, and free us from evils.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

О most pure Virgin, I entreat thee who hast given birth to the Benefactor and Cleansing of sinners: By thy maternal supplication cleanse the guilt of my countless transgressions, for thou hast the power so to do, as the Mother of thy Son.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sessional Hymn, in Tone VII: Beneath thy protection do all mortals flee. Deliver our souls from the everlasting fire, О good one.

Ode VII, Irmos: Of old the Children were shown to be * bedewed in the fiery furnace, * chanting and praising the one God saying: * ‘Supremely exalted and exceedingly glorified is the God of our Fathers’.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

My mind, which is weighed down by sin, О all-immaculate one, do thou rouse unto good works, that I may bless thee who art more honourable than all creation.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

In the furnace the three young children prefigured thy birthgiving, for thou wast not consumed when thou didst give birth to Fire, О pure one; wherefore, consume now the tinder-like passions of my heart.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

Perceiving thee to be beauteous and comely among women, the Lord became incarnate from thee; wherefore, entreat Him, О most holy Maiden, that He save me.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The divine Dew which issued forth from thee, О most immaculate one, bedeweth those who have withered under the burning heat of sin; wherefore, I beseech thee: Bedew my soul which hath withered also.

Ode VIII, Irmos: Unconsumed by fire, the bush on Sinai spake unto Moses, * slow of speech and stammering, * and revealed God unto him; * and zeal for God showed forth the three children who chanted hymns * to be unvanquished by the fire. * O all ye His works, praise ye the Lord * and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The bush which burned, yet was not consumed, and with which Moses the God-seer conversed with on Sinai, showed forth thy strange birthgiving, wherefore, marvelling at this, О pure one, he cried aloud, rejoicing: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and supremely exalt Him throughout the ages!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

О pure Virgin who hast given birth to Life, grant life to my mind which hath been slain by sin, and by thy maternal pleas to God save me who ever chant: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and supremely exalt Him throughout the ages!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

At night and during the day I have thee, О pure one, as my steadfast protector against foes visible and invisible, and I am in nowise daunted by their evil and wicked assaults, chanting: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Moved by His love for mankind, in that He is good, thy Son, О Theotokos, hath given thee as a help against the enemy and the healing of sufferings of those who cry: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

Ode IX, Irmos: Conceiving without knowing corruption, * and lending thy flesh to the Word, * O Mother unwedded and Virgin Theotokos, * thou art the vessel of the Uncircumscribable One, * and dwelling place of thy Creator, * thee do we magnify.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having nourished as an infant Him Who as Creator sustaineth and sanctifieth the whole world, thou hast been revealed to be the Mother of the Almighty according to the flesh, the irremovable riches of virginity, О Virgin Theotokos, thou Bride who knewest not a man.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having given birth to the Word Who exceedingly loveth manking and taketh away the sin of the world, О Virgin, entreat Him to send down the remission of sins upon us who with unwavering faith bless thee as is meet.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

Enamoured of sin, I tremble in fear lest I suddenly reach the end of my life, О pure Lady, intercessor of all the oppressed. Wherefore, be thou now entreated, that thou strengthen me by examples of repentance.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Let me not be sent into the fire prepared for me, О most Compassionate and greatly Merciful One, for the Virgin who gave birth to Thee, together with the divine choir of the incorporeal hosts, the apostles, prophets, martyrs and holy hierarchs, and the souls of the righteous, ever beseech Thee.

Tuesday Evening Compline: Supplicatory Canon in Tone VII

A Supplicatory Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos

Ode I, Irmos: At thy command O Lord, * the nature of the waters that beforehand flowed freely was transformed * and became like the earth; * whereby Israel having traversed them dryshod * chanted unto Thee a hymn of victory.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

With the serenity of thy divine prayer cause thou the tempest of my lusts and passions to cease, О most immaculate one, that with a calm heart I may glorify thine ineffable birthgiving.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Through thine Offspring hath all desire and sweetness come to be, О Lady Theotokos, for He driveth away all the bitterness engendered by the passions and transgressions of thy servants.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Deliver me from the delusion of the demons, from oppression, harm and temptation, О most pure one, that with faith I may glorify thee who, after God, art my helper and protection.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

О Word of God, in the bush Thou didst reveal Thyself unto Moses, burning like fire, yet in nowise consuming it, showing forth an image of Thy nativity from the Virgin, through whom Thou didst assume human form.

Ode III, Irmos: O Lord and Saviour, * Who in the beginning established the heavens * by Thine all-powerful Word , * and by the divine and all-accomplishing Spirit * hath granted them all their strength, * do Thou establish me on the unshakeable rock of Thy confession.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Earnestly entreat Him Who was lifted up upon the Cross and hath cast down Hades, О Theotokos, on behalf of those who ever faithfully hymn thee with sacred songs and hymns, О hope of the world and help of the faithful.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Earnestly entreat Him Who was lifted up upon the Cross and hath cast down Hades, О Theotokos, on behalf of those who ever faithfully hymn thee with sacred songs and hymns, О hope of the world and help of the faithful.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

О Lady who by thy birthgiving hast freed mankind from the corruption of death: Deliver me from the corruption of the passions, from infirmities and grievous transgressions, and by thy divine mediation grant me the life which groweth not old.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Having immutably made Thyself like unto man in all things, О Word of God, thou didst manifestly issue forth from the pure Virgin, and hast revealed to all the thrice-radiant Godhead in the unchangeable Essence and immutable Hypostases.

Ode IV, Irmos: Having never left the bosom of the Father, * Thou didst descend to earth O Christ God, * I have heard of the mystery of Thy dispensation, * and I have glorified Thee, * O only Lover of mankind.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Spread forth thy mercy and tender compassion upon thy servants who ever pray to thee, О pure one, delivering them from dreadful torment By thy prayers.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

With pure prayer and fervent love I flee unto thee, О most immaculate one. Be thou the remission of my many transgressions, delivering and saving me.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

By thy birthgiving, О most pure Lady, thou hast shown thyself to be the mediatress of our Joy. Beseech Him, О most immaculate one, to deliver us from perils and grant unto me eternal life.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

О Christ God, Who left not the bosom of the Father when Thou didst become incarnate from the Virgin: Preserve Thy flock which worshippeth the divine images of Thy dispensation.

Ode V, Irmos: Night is bereft of light * for those without faith, О Christ, * but for the faithful there is enlightenment * in the sweetness of Thy words; * wherefore, I rise early unto Thee * and hymn Thy Divinity.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thee do I entreat, О pure Virgin, to deliver my soul from gloomy sin, and to illumine it with the divine radiance of repentance and thy mercy.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

By thy prayers and supplications deliver those who find themselves in the midst of an abyss of cruel temptations and violent passions, О most holy and pure one, and save those who praise thee.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

О most holy Theotokos, who didst conceive God in thy virginal womb and hast given birth unto Him: from all eternal damnation deliver those who hymn thee.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Knowing thee to be the Mother of God and our helper, О pure one, we set thee before the compassionate Lord as the mediatress of our salvation.

Ode VI, Irmos: I cried out to Thee, О Lord, when I was afflicted, * and Thou didst raise up my life, * О greatly Merciful One.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Entreat thy Son, Who was lifted up upon the Cross and hath delivered mankind from corruption, О Lady, that we be saved.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

О most pure Lady, forsake me not who place my trust in thee; but hasten thou unto mine aid.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

From grief deliver those who invoke thy divine name, and free them from dreadful torment.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

О most pure Lady our steadfast hope, preserve those who with love hymn thee as the true Theotokos.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sessional Hymn, in Tone VII: Christ God, Who was crucified for our sake and hath cast down the dominion of death, do thou unceasingly entreat, О Virgin Theotokos, that He save our souls.

Ode VII, Irmos: Of old the Children were shown to be * bedewed in the fiery furnace, * chanting and praising the one God saying: * ‘Supremely exalted and exceedingly glorified is the God of our Fathers’.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

In distraction and grief, and amid misfortunes, О most pure one, I fervently call upon thee with all my heart: Anticipate my need, and deliver me and grant me peace, О pure one.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

The threefold billows of many transgressions and passions batter me and cause me to sink into the depths of destruction; but grant me thy hand and save me, О Theotokos, and have mercy upon me in thy might.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

I bring Thy Mother before Thee, О Saviour and Lover of mankind, to pray for me. Receiving her, deliver me from transgressions and the judgment which is to come, and rescue me from everlasting torment.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Possessed of a soul deadened by grievous crimes, I beseech thee, О Lady, who hast slain Hades by thy birthgiving: Grant me life through examples of repentance.

Ode VIII, Irmos: Christ Who is truly God, * the Cause of the existence of all, * let us supremely exalt and glorify * throughout all ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

From misfortunes, corruption and the passions save me, О most pure one; for I flee to thee, my hope and divine salvation.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having delivered me from evil accusers at the last hour, О Lady and Virgin, do thou thyself guide me to the divine habitation.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Rouse thyself, О my soul, and, falling down, cry aloud unto the Theotokos: О hope and salvation of all, deliver me from eternal fire!

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Let us hymn the Virgin who alone among women is blessed, glorifying and supremely exalting Christ throughout all ages.

Ode IX, Irmos: O Mother of God and Virgin, * thou hast given birth and yet remained a virgin, * not in accordance with nature, * but by the condescension of God; * wherefore, we ever magnify thee, * who alone wast deemed worthy * of the wonders of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

The Theotokos offereth Thee entreaty on my behalf, О Christ my Master. Accepting it, deliver me from all torment.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

I ever entreat thee, О Lady: Deliver my lowly soul from the judgment and torment which are to come.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Beseech my Creator and Fashioner, О Virgin, that He deliver me from the dread judgment and grant me life.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen

О all-immaculate and pure Virgin Mother, from spiritual defilement deliver thy flock which magnifies thee.

Monday Evening Compline: Supplicatory Canon in Tone VII

A Supplicatory Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos

Ode I, Irmos: Having crushed battles with His arm * and drowned the mounted captains * let us sing unto Him, as to our God and Redeemer, * for He hath been glorified.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

We entreat thee, О most pure one, the cause of our salvation and divine deliverance: Pray thou that we be saved.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Wholly sunk am I in grievous temptations, in misfortunes and transgressions; and I cry to thee, О most pure one: Save me, thy servant!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

We beseech thee, the pure Virgin and the Mother of the Creator: Deliver us from all the oppression of the demons.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

О thou who hast ineffably given birth in the flesh to the Word, entreat Christ our God, the Author of life, that we be saved.

Ode III, Irmos: The Church of Christ hath been confirmed by faith; * wherefore she crieth out unceasingly in hymns, chanting: * Holy art Thou, O Lord! * and my spirit doth hymn Thee!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Treading the path of most pernicious evil, I have not found the path of my salvation. Do thou guide me to it, О most immaculate Lady.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thee alone, О all-immaculate one, do I describe as my might and confirmation, my help and hope. Be thou a helper for me on the day of my departure.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

I ever beseech thee, О most immaculate one: At the hour of my death stand before me, and deliver thy servant from torment.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou wast ineffably born from the Virgin, О Lord our Saviour, and hast revealed Thyself as Thou didst will, restoring the world.

Ode IV, Irmos: I heard report of Thee * and became filled with fear; * I understood Thy works * and became filled with awe, O Lord.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having violated the precepts of my Master, I have been revealed to be easy prey to mine enemies. Do thou deliver me, О Lady.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

At the hour of my death deliver me, О most pure one, and save my passion- fraught soul from the demons.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

О most pure Lady, break asunder the bonds of my transgressions, and by thy supplications be for me a mediator for everlasting life.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

We hymn thee who even after giving birth didst remain a virgin, О most pure one, and we glorify thee as the Mother of our God.

Ode V, Irmos: Rising at dawn O Word unto Thy glory and praise, * we unceasingly hymn the image of Thy Cross, * which Thou hast bestowed upon us * as a weapon of assistance.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

О good Virgin, thou haven amid the storm for those who are grievously troubled, thou portal of salvation for those who are saved by faith: Save me, thy servant!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Richly show forth upon me, thy servant, thy many compassions, О Virgin Theotokos, delivering me from the dread judgment which is to come.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

The inconstant night of the passions besets my soul sending it into the pit of destruction. With the light of thy prayer, О Theotokos, save me, thy servant.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

О all-holy and joyous Virgin who ineffably hast given birth to the Word in time: Entreat Him to save our souls.

Ode VI, Irmos: Jonah cried out from the belly of Hades: * Lead my life up from corruption! * And we cry aloud unto Thee: * O almighty Saviour, have mercy on us!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thee do we have as a sure aid amid perils, our mighty salvation amid tribulations, a place of rest for us amid griefs, and our help amid misfortunes, О Ever-virgin.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

О most pure one, show thyself to be the preserver of my whole life: deliver me from the demons at the hour of my death, and grant me rest after my death.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

О Virgin Theotokos, thou art the beauty of the honourable and holy angels, and the joy of all mankind. Do thou guide me unto life.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

О most immaculate one, heal thou my wretched soul, which hath become incurably sick through the delusions of life and the closing of many doors.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sessional Hymn, in Tone VII: In the tender compassion of Thy mercy, О Christ God, Thou wast pleased to become incarnate from the holy Virgin. For her sake preserve our life, in that Thou lovest mankind.

Ode VII, Irmos: Thou didst bedew the burning furnace, O Saviour, * and didst save the children who chanted, proclaiming: * Blessed art Thou throughout the ages, * O Lord God of our fathers!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Calling to mind the multitude of my transgressions, I am in despair, О most immaculate one. Wherefore, I cry unto thee: Help me, lest I perish utterly!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Knowing thee to be the Mother of Life, О pure one, I cry to thee: Deliver me from the death of the soul, and grant unto me eternal life!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

О most immaculate one, from misfortunes and the passions, from pain and affliction, from the offences of life and the unquenchable eternal fire do thou deliver those who faithfully honour thee with hymns.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Every tongue doth glorify thee, О pure and all-hymned Theotokos, who art the glory and boast of our race and the guide of the lost.

Ode VIII, Irmos: Unto Him before whom the cherubim are in awe, * and the seraphim filled with wonder, * the Fashioner of the world: * O ye priests and servants and spirits of the righteous, * hymn ye, bless ye, and supremely exalt * throughout the ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

I have wasted my whole life in slothfulness, utter wretch that I am; and am now cast into confusion and drawn nigh unto mine end. Help me, О Lady!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

As thy prayer never fails, О all-immaculate Sovereign Lady of the world, from the judgment which is to come deliver those who with faith venerate thine image.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Every tongue which rendereth glory hymneth thee, О Virgin Bride of God, for thou hast given birth to the all-hymned God. Him do thou unceasingly entreat, that He save the souls of those who hymn thee.

Ode IX, Irmos: О ye faithful, with hymns let us magnify the Theotokos, * who in a manner transcending nature became a mother, * and is a Virgin by nature, * she alone is blessed among women!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Those who with faith flee beneath thy tender compassion are delivered from the sorrowful tribulations of life; wherefore, I also have fled to thy protection, О Theotokos.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

О pure one, thou mighty helper, invincible bulwark against griefs, save me from sinful passions and from the everlasting fire.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

О pure Virgin, with the radiant effulgence of the Word Who shone forth from thee illumine me, save me, and rescue me from torments, in that thou art good.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen

In thine arms thou dost carry Him Who sustaineth all things. Him do thou entreat, О pure one, that He save us who are beset by the malice of the alien one.

Sunday Evening Compline: Supplicatory Canon in Tone VII

A Supplicatory Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos

Ode I, Irmos: At thy command O Lord, * the nature of the waters that beforehand flowed freely was transformed * and became like the earth; * whereby Israel having traversed them dry-shod * chanted unto Thee a hymn of victory.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Of a truth the ranks of angels rightly honor thee, the Mother of the God of all, О most pure one. Accept now also this hymn of supplication from my lips of clay.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

О most pure one who hast given birth to true Life, slay my carnal wickedness, which liveth yet, and grant unto thy servant deliverance from transgressions and the passions, О pure one.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

The timeless Word, the Sun Who shone forth unapproachably from the Sun, hath shone forth in time, enlighten our souls, with His rays О Virgin, and grant us understanding.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Ever effective words of praise are due thee, О Theotokos; yet we entreat thee, О pure one: From all the sorrows of life save those who have recourse unto thee.

Ode III, Irmos: O Lord and Saviour, * Who in the beginning established the heavens * by Thine all-powerful Word , * and by the divine and all-accomplishing Spirit * hath granted them all their strength, * do Thou establish me on the unshakeable rock of Thy confession.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

As a servant right wisely repaying my debts for thy grace, О Lady, I zealously hymn thee, О most pure Mother of the Word, the Redeemer of all; wherefore, even now rescue me from the assaults of life.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

О most pure Lady who hast given birth to the life-creating Word, thou hast clearly deemed Adam worthy of a higher life, upon whom death came through disobedience Free me now also from mortal sin.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

The law of the passions which hardens the flesh, and now vexes the spirit, causes my mind to grow attached to the most grievous of passions, О most pure one; yet By thy prayers quickly grant me the peace of dispassion.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Having ineffably conceived in thy womb Christ, the Sustainer of all, О most pure one, thou hast freed human nature from the chains of Hades. Do thou now break asunder the tangled bonds which hold me in corruption.

Ode IV, Irmos: Having never left the bosom of the Father, * Thou didst descend to earth O Christ God, * I have heard of the mystery of Thy dispensation, * and I have glorified Thee, * O only Lover of mankind.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

My mind fraught with gloom, at night I do battle against a myriad of evil spirits. О portal of the light, with thy rays illumine me, and quickly rescue me from bitterness and grief.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Surrounded by a multitude of sins and bound fast with bonds of temptations, I now call upon thine aid, О Lady, that I may be delivered from every torment.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Drive away the hordes of evil and cruel demons and the assemblies of envious and wicked men, О all-hymned one, and deliver me from all the grief and tribulation of life.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

With the sword of thy prayers, О Lady, cut down the lying words and deeds which reverberate around me, and quickly free me and deliver me fro all grief.

Ode V, Irmos: Night is bereft of light * for those without faith, О Christ, * but for the faithful there is enlightenment * in the sweetness of Thy words; * wherefore, I rise early unto Thee * and hymn Thy Divinity.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

In that thou art the impregnable bulwark of the faithful and the protection of thy servant, О Virgin, from every violent grief and affliction deliver me.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Assailed on every side, О most pure one, I am in great distress. By thy prayers restore the strength of body and soul which hath failed within me.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

I, thy servant, now flee to the depths of thy compassion, О Virgin, that I may be delivered from oppression and the unjust assemblies which assail me.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The glory of thy supplications is everywhere supremely exalted, О most pure Virgin Mother; thereby deliver me now from every assault of life.

Ode VI, Irmos: Sailing in the tempest of the cares of life, * together with the ship I have been submerged by sins, * and cast to the soul-corrupting beast, * wherefore like Jonah I cry to Thee, O Christ: * Lead me up from the deadly abyss.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The utterances and words of all praise thee with faith, О pure one, for by thy birthgiving the debt of all mankind hath been clearly abolished; yet even now accept the supplications of those who hymn thee, and deliver us from temptations and griefs.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Sick am I, and pierced by the thorns of sinful passions, О most pure one, yet I seek healing from thee. Take from me all pain and sorrow, and deliver me from temptations and griefs.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

О Theotokos who didst become the palace of the King of glory, thou hast manifestly exalted human nature to heaven; wherefore, lead me up from the abyss of my many transgressions, temptations and passions.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

О pure Virgin, in a manner transcending understanding and all telling thou hast given birth to the incarnate Word Who hath delivered us from irrationality; wherefore, we unceasingly hymn thee with divine discourse, and glorify thee with faith.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sessional Hymn, Tone VII: О Lady, thy Son hath been angered by thy sinful servants. We have turned to wrath Him Who is full of loving-kindness, but do thou turn Him again to mercy, О pure one. Have pity, О Mother of God, and with thine own supplications beseech the Compassionate One, and deliver those who are held captive.

Ode VII, Irmos: Cast into the fiery furnace, * the venerable children transformed the fire into dew, * crying aloud thus in hymnody: * Blessed art Thou O Lord, the God of our fathers!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

О most pure Maiden who art arrayed in the vesture of purity, transport now my soul from vile wickedness to divine beauty, О blessed Lady, thou intercessor for our race.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

The demons of evil now exceedingly rage, and the fire of the passions burneth within me; yet with the rays of thy life, and all the more with thy compassions, do thou utterly consume them, О intercessor for our race.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Entreating thy Son on our behalf, О most pure Mother of God, by thy supplications never cease to rescue thy servant from the griefs and misfortunes of humanity.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The transcendent Son immutably took flesh from thee, О Virgin, and became a man, that He might save those who chant: Blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, О most pure one.

Ode VIII, Irmos: Bedewed, the children cried aloud * in the midst of the furnace: * Let creation bless Him Who formed all things by His word, * and supremely exalt Him throughout the ages!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Expanses of the passions and many and varied woes truly surround thy servant, О Lady; but deliver me from their every temptation.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Let thy mighty hand now come upon us, О Lady, and let it deliver us from the human tribulations we expect.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Break thou the snares of wicked people of evil counsel, О pure Birthgiver of God, and deliver thy servant from every need.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

As thou art the only divine haven of the faithful, О pure Virgin, I entreat thee to deliver me from the bitter tempest of the sea of life.

Ode IX, Irmos: Rejoice, О radiant Virgin, * Mother of the Bestower of light! * Rejoice, for thou didst contain the Infinite One within thy womb! * Rejoice, thou who art greater in honor than the very cherubim, * for thou hast given birth unto the Saviour of our souls!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Having bolted away from the commandments of the Master like a colt, let me be restrained by the bridle of thy prayers, О most pure one, that I may be brought back to the path of speedy restoration.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

I have been brought low by the commission of my wicked sins through mindless stumbling. Deliver me from my bitter state, О Theotokos.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Having been shown to be the primal healing of human nature, thou didst cure the fall of Adam and Eve. Heal me also by thy prayers, О Theotokos.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Grant me a chaste mind, a pure heart and prudent understanding, О Lady, that I may keep the most pure commandments of my God.

Канон Святому Духу

Творение преподобного Феофана

Песнь 1, Ирмос: Горькия работы избавлься Израиль, непроходимое пройде, яко сушу, врага зря потопляема, песнь, яко Благодетелю, поет Богу, чудодеющему мышцею высокою, яко прославися.

Слава Тебе, Боже наш, слава Тебе.

Божественный Душе Святый, Иже всем разделяяй дарования и вся творяй волею, вдохни ми светоносное Твое дарование, яко да славлю Тя, Отцу и Сыну совокупляема.

Слава Тебе, Боже наш, слава Тебе.

Иже небесным силам святостнаго дохновения Твоего благодать даяй, Утешителю, моего смысла, яко Благ, скверну исчистив, святости Твоея покажи исполнена.

Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу.

Источниче жизни веруемый и струя естественныя благости, Душе Божий Святый, ум мой умерщвленный оживотворив, Твоим действом возстави пети Твое Божество.

И ныне и присно и во веки веков. Аминь.

Богородичен: Храм, Дево, бывши Божий, нашествием Духа содетельною силою Его, силу дарующа рождественну, Благодатная, еюже родила еси плотию Слово Безначальное.

Песнь 3, Ирмос: Прежде век от Отца рожденному нетленно Сыну и в последняя от Девы воплощенному безсеменно Христу Богу возопиим: вознесый рог наш, Свят еси, Господи.

Слава Тебе, Боже наш, слава Тебе.

Имея по естеству, хотения силу стечну, небесныя премирныя, яко Бог содетельствуя, Дух Святый непрестанно учит вопити: Свят еси, Господи.

Слава Тебе, Боже наш, слава Тебе.

Песньми немолчными облиставшую благодать Духа богоглаголивых апостол в дыхании бурне, согласно славим, со безплотными вопиюще лики: Свят еси, Господи.

Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу.

Едину власть, и Божество Едино, и силу, Едино начало и Царство Святыя Троицы, мудрствующе поем, в трисвятом гласе вопиюще: Свят еси, Господи.

И ныне и присно и во веки веков. Аминь.

Богородичен: Колеснице светоносная и светлое пребывалище, Всечистая, Херувим вышши сущи, Бога бо на руку носившая. Темже Ти вси вопием, Чистая: радуйся, Всеблаженная.

Песнь 4, Ирмос: Жезл из корене Иессеова и цвет от него, Христе, от Девы прозябл еси, из горы хвальный, приосененныя чащи, пришел еси, воплощся от Неискусомужныя, Невещественный и Боже, слава силе Твоей, Господи.

Слава Тебе, Боже наш, слава Тебе.

Великая даруяй нам Дух Всесвятый, на апостолы найде, яко Божествен, яко Благ, яко исполняя всяческая, яко боготворя, яко освящая, яко всех Творителен, Владыческий и Самовластен.

Слава Тебе, Боже наш, слава Тебе.

На престоле, Христе, Отеческом сед, низпослал еси учеником Твоим Утешителя, якоже обещался еси, Спасе, яко Бога грядуща: посылая же несопротивна, яко всех Содетеля, из Отца исходяща.

Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу.

Глаголати языки пророк будущая научи Дух древле Всесвятый: языки же премудрых апостол вещает величия Божия во гласе дыхания бурнейша, ныне существенне спребываяй.

И ныне и присно и во веки веков. Аминь.

Богородичен: Врата умнаго Света именуем Тебе, Богомати, имиже вниде к нам Христос, красен явися блистаньми Божества, в плотстем одеянии покровен, невидимь, яко Бог: ныне же по нам видимь.

Песнь 5, Ирмос: Бог сый мира, Отец щедрот, великаго Совета Твоего Ангела, мир подавающа, послал еси нам. Тем богоразумия к свету наставльшеся, от нощи утренююще, славословим Тя, Человеколюбче.

Слава Тебе, Боже наш, слава Тебе.

О, Душе премудрости и страха Божия, истины, совета и разума, мир подаваяй, вселися в ны, яко да освятившеся Твоим вселением, из нощи утренююще, славословим Тя, Человеколюбче.

Слава Тебе, Боже наш, слава Тебе.

Иже вся содержай и всех сый Господь, Иже тварь соблюдаяй непадаему, подаждь святьбу нам и просвещение, яко да насытившеся Твоего светодательства, из нощи утренююще, славословим Тя, Человеколюбче.

Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу.

Иже древле закон начертавый Моисею, новаго завета веления, и закон благодати излагает ясно, во апостольских сердцах написав, Божественный Утешитель нашед, яко Человеколюбец.

И ныне и присно и во веки веков. Аминь.

Богородичен: Клятву Евину, всех матере, Твоим Рождеством, Дево, упразднила еси, миру благословение возсиявши Христа. Темже, радующеся, усты и разумом Богородицу воистинну Тя исповедающе блажим.

Песнь 6, Ирмос: Из утробы Иону младенца изблева морский зверь, якова прият: в Деву же всельшееся Слово и плоть приемшее пройде сохраншее нетленну. Егоже бо не пострада истления, Рождшую сохрани неврежденну.

Слава Тебе, Боже наш, слава Тебе.

Твоим учеником исполняя обещание, Духа, Христе, сим послал еси, действо великих чудес дарующа, и языки огнезрачныя дарствующа, да Твоего познания язык стада исполнят.

Слава Тебе, Боже наш, слава Тебе.

Прииди к нам, Душе Святый, причастники Твоея содевая святости и света невечерняго, и Божественныя жизни, и благоуханнейшаго раздаяния: Ты бо река Божества, из Отца Сыном происходящий.

Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу.

Спаси, Утешителю, верно поющих боголепное пришествие Твое, и очисти от всякия скверны, яко Благоутробен, и покажи достойны Твоего осияния, и светом Твоим боговиднейшим сотвори я нескверненна зерцала.

И ныне и присно и во веки веков. Аминь.

Богородичен: Весь лик пророческий, от Бога тайнонаучимь, предглагола таинство неизреченнаго и Божественнаго воплощения Бога Слова из Тебе, Дево Мати: Ты бо истиннейший и древний Совет явила еси.

Господи, помилуй. Господи, помилуй. Господи, помилуй.

Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу; и ныне и присно и во веки веков. Аминь.

Седален, глас 8: Всесвятый Дух, ныне сошед на апостолы видом огненным, ужасом исполни языков собрания: языки бо глаголющих огненными, Человеколюбче, свою кийждо беседу слышаше. Темже и чудо неверным, яко пиянство, верным же спасительное воистинну познавашеся. Сего ради славим державу Твою, Христе Боже, прегрешений оставления просяще низпослати богатно рабом Твоим.

Песнь 7, Ирмос: Отроцы благочестию совоспитани, злочестиваго веления небрегше, огненнаго прещения не убояшася, но, посреди пламене стояще, пояху: отцев Боже, благословен еси.

Слава Тебе, Боже наш, слава Тебе.

Ныне обетования предложение Христова исполняется: разделения бо языков Духа пришествие показа учеником, облиставшее от Троицы Единаго Пребожественнаго.

Слава Тебе, Боже наш, слава Тебе.

Древле убо разделися согласие языков безсловесное: ныне же ко единому сличеству яве собрашася, самодействующу честному и Божественному Духу, от Троицы Пребожественныя Единому.

Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу.

Свыше носиму дохновению Святаго Духа, величия Божия преславно вещаху апостоли Христовы, согласно поюще: отцев Боже, благословен еси.

И ныне и присно и во веки веков. Аминь.

Богородичен: Образ Твоего рождества трие отроцы в пещи показаша: яко бо пребыша огнем невредими, сохранилася еси чиста, приемши во чреве огнь нестерпимый, отцев Бога благословеннаго.

Песнь 8, Ирмос: Чуда преестественнаго росодательная изобрази пещь образ, не бо яже прият палит юныя, яко ниже огнь Божества Девы, в Нюже вниде утробу. Тем, воспевающе, воспоем: да благословит тварь вся Господа и превозносит во вся веки.

Слава Тебе, Боже наш, слава Тебе.

Святый Душе, происходяй от Бога, святость всем подаждь в Тя верующим, Свят бо и подателен человеком святости Ты еси. Тем, воспевающе, воспоем: да благословит тварь всякая Господа и превозносит во вся веки.

Слава Тебе, Боже наш, слава Тебе.

Даеши подательне, яко Благодетель, дар благости, Тебе поющим, Утешителю: благих бо подателен еси и благости пучина. Тем, воспевающе, воспоем: да благословит тварь всякая Господа и превозносит во вся веки.

Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу.

Господь Животворящь есть Дух, Самодвижимь, Самовластен, разделяя, якоже хощет, даров раздаяния, Самовладычен, Самоповелителен, Безначален. Тем, воспевающе, воспоим: да благословит тварь всякая Господа и превозносит во вся веки.

И ныне и присно и во веки веков. Аминь.

Богородичен: Кто Твоему премножеству благоутробия не дивится, Безначальне Слове? Нас бо ради обнищал еси, богат сый, и во чреве Девы Святыя вселился еси. Тем, воспевающе, воспоим: да благословит тварь всякая Господа и превозносит во вся веки.

Песнь 9, Ирмос: Радуйся, девственная похвало, радуйся, Мати Пречистая, Юже вся тварь Божественными песньми величаем.

Слава Тебе, Боже наш, слава Тебе.

Се к нам Утешителя иного низпослал еси, единосущна Тебе, Слове, и Отцу Твоему сопрестольна.

Слава Тебе, Боже наш, слава Тебе.

Спаси от искушения, Утешителю, Бога мудрствующия Тя и славословящия Твое превечное бытие.

Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу.

Прииди к нам, Утешителю, Твоего утешения исполняяй, славою Твоею неизреченною благословящия.

И ныне и присно и во веки веков. Аминь.

Богородичен: Невесто Божия Всенепорочная, славословящия Тя и чтущия достойно избави от искушений молитвами Твоими.

A Canon to the Holy Spirit, by Theophanes

A Canon to the Holy Spirit

Composed by Theophanes, in the 1st Tone.

Ode I, Irmos: Delivered from cruel bondage, Israel traversed the impassable sea as if on dry land. On seeing the enemy drowned, in joyfulness they sang a hymn to God Who worketh wonders with His upraised arm; for He is glorified. 

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 

O Divine Holy Spirit, Who distributest gifts unto all men and doest all things by Thy will, inspire me with Thy luminous gift, that I may glorify Thee Who art one with the Father and the Son. 

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 

O Comforter, Who hast given the heavenly Powers the grace of Thy sanctifying breath, cleanse my mind from filth and show it to be filled with Thy holiness. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

O Holy Spirit of God, in Whom we believe, Fountain of life and Stream of divine goodness, enliven my deadened mind, and by Thine energy raise it up to hymn Thy benevolence. 

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

O Virgin, thou didst become the temple of God by the descent of the Holy Spirit, Who by His creative power gave thee the power to bear a child. O thou that art full of grace, rejoice, for thou hast borne in the flesh the unoriginate Word. 

Ode III, Irmos: To the Son Who was begotten of the Father without change before all ages, and Who in the latter times was without seed made flesh of the Virgin, to Christ our God let us cry aloud: Thou hast raised up our horn; holy art Thou, O Lord. 

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 

Since by nature He possesseth a comparable power of volition, as God, the Holy Spirit doth preserve the heavenly Powers which are beyond this world and doth teach them to cry out unceasingly: Holy art Thou, O Lord. 

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 

In never-silent praises let us glorify the Spirit, Who in a rushing wind poured forth the light of His grace upon those divine spokesmen, the Apostles; and in harmony with the incorporeal choirs let us exclaim: Holy art Thou, O Lord. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

Since we understand that in the Holy Trinity there is a single dominion, a single Godhead and power, a single principle and kingdom, we raise our voices in the thrice-holy hymn and exclaim: Holy art Thou, O Lord. 

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

O all-pure one, thou chariot bearing God and His luminous residence, thou wast made higher than the Cherubim; for thou didst carry God in thine arms; therefore, we all sing a hymn to thee, O pure one: Rejoice, thou that art blessed. 

Ode IV, Irmos: As a Rod of the root of Jesse and a Flower from his stem, Christ sprang from the Virgin. From the praiseworthy mountain overshadowed by the forest came the fleshless God, incarnate of her that knew not wedlock. Glory to Thy power, O Lord. 

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 

Giving us great gifts, the All-Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles as divine, as good, as filling all, as deifying, as sanctifying, as creative of all things, lordly and self-acting. 

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 

Sitting upon the Father’s throne, O Christ, Thou hast sent down the Comforter unto Thy disciples, even as Thou didst promise, O Saviour, and He came as God. Thou didst send Him Who was no stranger to Thee, Him Who is the Maker of all and Who proceedeth from the Father. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

Of old the All-Holy Spirit taught the tongues of the Prophets to speak of things yet to come; and now by the tongues of the all-wise Apostles He also declareth the great deeds of God, having come Himself in the sound of a storm-like rushing wind. 

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

O Mother of God, we call thee the gate of the noetic Light, through which Christ came to us. He is revealed as beautiful in the brightness of Divinity, while covered by the garment of the flesh. Though as God He is invisible, now He is visible as one of us. 

Ode V, Irmos: As Thou art God of peace and Father of mercies, Thou hast sent unto us Thine Angel of great counsel, granting us peace; thus, guided towards the light of the knowledge of God, and rising out of the night at the dawn, we glorify Thee, O Thou Who lovest mankind. 

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 

O Thou Who art the Spirit of wisdom and the fear of God, the Spirit of truth, counsel and understanding, the Spirit Who bestowest peace, make Thine abode in us, so that, sanctified by Thine abiding, and rising out of the night at the dawn, we may glorify Thee, O Thou Who lovest mankind. 

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 

O Thou Who upholdest all things and Who art Lord of all, Thou Who keepest creation from falling, give us sanctification and illumination, so that, filled to the full with Thy gift of light, and rising out of the night at the dawn, we may glorify Thee, O Thou Who lovest mankind. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

He Who in ancient times traced the Law for Moses now setteth forth clearly the doctrines of the New Testament and the law of grace, as the divine Comforter, by writing them in the hearts of the Apostles at His coming, as the Lover of mankind. 

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

By thy childbirth, O Virgin, thou hast annulled the curse of Eve, the mother of us all, and hast made the blessing of Christ to shine upon the world; therefore, we rejoice, and with our lips and lives we truly confess thee and bless thee as the Theotokos. 

Ode VI, Irmos: The sea monster cast forth Jonah from its belly, whole and entire as it had swallowed him; and the Word, having dwelt in the Virgin and taken flesh, came forth from her and kept her uncorrupted; for as He Himself suffered no corruption, He also preserved His Mother free from harm. 

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 

Fulfilling Thy promise to Thy disciples, O Christ, Thou didst send them the Spirit, Who conferreth the working of great wonders and bestoweth tongues of fiery form, that they may fill the flocks of the nations with the knowledge of Thee. 

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 

Come to us, O Holy Spirit, making us partakers of Thy holiness, of the light that knoweth no evening, of the divine life and of the distribution of gifts most fragrant; for Thou art the River of the Godhead, proceeding from the Father through the Son. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

Save them that in faith hymn Thy coming, which befitteth God, O Comforter Who proceedest [from the Father] through the Son; and as Thou art loving and kind, cleanse them from every impurity, and show them to be worthy of Thy refulgence; and by Thy light, most divine in its appearance, make them unblemished mirrors. 

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

All the choirs of the Prophets were initiated into the mysteries by God, and they foresaw and made known the ineffable mystery of the divine Incarnation of God the Word from thee, O Virgin Mother; for thou hast made manifest the ancient Light most true. 

Ode VII, Irmos: The children who were brought up together in the good faith scorned the impious decree; they feared not the threat of the fire, but, standing in the midst of the flames, they sang: Blessed art Thou, the God of our fathers. 

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 

Now the promise foreordained by Christ hath been fulfilled; for the division of tongues showed the disciples the arrival of the Spirit, radiant with the light of One of the supremely-divine Persons of the Trinity. 

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 

Of old the irrational concord of the nations was shattered, but now they have truly been gathered together into one assembly by the action of the honourable and divine Spirit Himself, One of the Persons of the supremely-divine Trinity. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

When the breath of the Holy Spirit had rushed in from above, the Apostles of Christ made known the great deeds of God in a most glorious manner, chanting harmoniously: Blessed art Thou, the God of our fathers. 

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

The three youths in the furnace manifested an image of thy childbirth; for even as they remained unharmed by the fire, thou wast kept pure when thou didst receive in thy womb the unbearable Fire of the blessed God of our fathers. 

Ode VIII, Irmos: A wonder exceeding great showed in an image the furnace dripping with dew; for it burned not the children whom it had received, even as the fire of the Godhead scorched not the pure Virgin when it had entered into her; therefore, let us raise our voices in song: Let all creation bless the Lord and supremely exalt Him unto the ages. 

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 

O Holy Spirit Who proceedest from God the Father, bestow holiness upon all that believe in Thee; for Thou art holy and givest men holiness; therefore, let us raise our voices in song: Let all creation bless the Lord and supremely exalt Him unto the ages. 

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 

As our Benefactor Thou liberally givest the gift of goodness unto them that hymn Thee, O Comforter; for Thou art the Giver of good things and an Ocean of goodness; therefore, let us raise our voices in praising Thee: Let all creation bless the Lord and supremely exalt Him unto the ages. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

The Spirit is true and life-giving, acting of His own accord and by His own power; He divideth the distribution of gifts as He willeth, as the unoriginate Lord Himself Who cometh of His own calling; therefore, let us raise our voices in worshipping Him: Let all creation bless the Lord and supremely exalt Him unto the ages. 

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

Who will not marvel at the exceeding expanse of Thy loving-kindness, O Word without beginning? Though Thou art rich, Thou didst become poor for our sake and didst take up Thy dwelling in the womb of the holy Virgin; therefore, let us raise our voices in song: Let all creation bless the Lord and supremely exalt Him unto the ages. 

Ninth Ode IX, Irmos: Rejoice, thou boast of virgins! Rejoice, Mother most pure, whom we and all creation magnify in divine hymns. 

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 

Lo! Thou hast sent down unto us another Comforter, Who is consubstantial with Thee, O Word, and shareth Thy Father’s throne. 

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 

Save from temptations those who honour Thee with one accord, O Comforter, and who glorify Thy pre-eternal existence. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

Come to us, O Comforter, with Thine ineffable glory, giving us a full measure of Thy consolation as we speak of Thee in true theology. 

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.  

O all-immaculate bride of God, by thy prayers deliver from temptations those who worthily honour thee. 

A Canon to the Divine, Worshipful & All-Holy Spirit, the Paraclete

§§By Saint Maximus the Greek in Tone IV

Ode 1, Irmos: He who was slow of speech, having been covered with divine darkness, gave utterance unto the divinely written law; for, having shaken off the mire from his noetic eyes, he beheld the One Who Is and learned the understanding of the Spirit, uttering praise with hymns divine. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

O Master, Who of old didst feed Israel with manna in the desert, fill Thou my soul with the most Holy Spirit, that for such I may continually serve Thee in God-pleasing manner. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Making bold, with Thine incorporeal ministers I sing to Thee the hymn of the thrice-holy cry, though I am earth and ashes, O true Trinity and all good Unity. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Ever assailed in my soul by the storms of destructive passions and spirits, I set my hope of salvation on Thee, the most good Paraclete, in that Thou art God. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Wretchedly drowning in the depths of ignorance and the slumber of grievous negligence, I cry out to Thee, Who art wholly all-pure: Deliver me from this corruption of soul! 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

O thou who didst conceive in Thy virgin womb Him Whom the Father begat from within before time began, by thy mighty power free me who am enslaved by the pleasures of the belly. 

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou alone art truly the holy ground, in that thou gavest birth to the divine Life of all. O Theotokos, unto thy Son show my soul forth as fertile ground. 

Ode 3, Irmos: Of old, the mere prayer to the mighty God of understandings by Hannah the Prophetess, who bore a contrite spirit, broke the bonds of her barren womb and the reproach of the childbearing, which was hard to bear. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Great is the knowledge of Thy goodness, O Holy Trinity: it is the restoration of that which was created according to Thy divine image, which Thou didst ineffably show forth by the all-wondrous incarnation of One of Thee, as a divine habitation. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

O Master, adorn my mind with Thy holy gifts and thoughts of sacred reverence, that in tranquility and holy disposition of soul I also may glorify Thee, O divine Paraclete. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

I pray Thee, O Master: Let not the hidden movements of the flesh destroy me, which are produced within me by the passion of pride, for they most vilely defile my wretched soul. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

With the bit and bridle of the fear of God curb Thou the onrushings of my shameless soul, that I may hymn and glorify Thee with great reverence and sober thought, O divine Comforter. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Utterly corrupted by many lusts, I hasten with faith to Thee, the all-radiant Sun. With Thy divine light deign Thou to enlighten the eyes of my soul, O divine Paraclete. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

As the one who fed the Life of all, O pure Mistress, with thy divine visitation deign thou to give life to my soul, which hath been slain by vile passions. 

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O all-pure one, show me to be an eager and speedy doer of the life-creating commandments of thy Son, ridding my soul of grievous division and deep slumber. 

Then say these verses: Save Thy servant from misfortunes, O good Comforter, for the unclean demons greatly and constantly assail me with vile thoughts and illusions. 

In thy compassion look down upon the grievous hardness of my heart, O most hymned Theotokos, and enlighten the darkness of my soul. 

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Kontakion in Tone I: In hymns let us reverently praise and magnify the Life of all, the ever-flowing Well-spring of divine gifts, the most Holy Spirit, as of one essence with the Father and equally eternal with the Son; and with faith let us worship Him as God. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Another verse: I worship Thee, O Master, Comforter and God. Have mercy and save those who worship Thee, confessing Thee to be God! 

Ode 4, Irmos: O Word, Thou King of kings, Who alone issued forth from such a One as Thou wast Thyself – from the Father Who is without cause and Thy Spirit, Who is equal to Thee in might: As our Benefactor, Thou didst truly send forth the apostles, who chant: Glory to Thy dominion, O Lord! 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

O Lord, vouchsafe that I may hear Thy much desired invitation, which will then summon all Thy saints to the heavenly bridal-chamber. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Man who was condemned through the deception of the author of evil didst Thou seek out and save, O Holy Trinity, and Thou hast glorified him. My heart, which hast grown weak through grief, do thou strengthen with Thy might from on high, and rouse Thou my thoughts. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Pierce Thou mine accursed carnal-mindedness with the fear of God, as with a nail, and afright Thou my soul with the thought of the torments which are to come. 

O Most Holy Theotokos, save us!  

O most hymned Theotokos, enrich thou my lowly soul with divine gifts, bringing low the height of greatness. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

O Theotokos, show thou my soul to be the sacred dwelling-place of thy Son, dispelling its countless defilements. 

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

By thy supplications, O most hymned one, make me steadfast in the fear of God and love, for I am grievously perishing in confusion of soul. 

Ode 5, Irmos: O radiant children of the Church, receive ye the fiery dew of the Spirit, the cleansing of sins which bringeth deliverance; for now from Sion hath the law gone forth: the grace of the Spirit in tongues of fire. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Direct my life to Thy saving commandments, O transcendent Trinity, and enlighten my soul with Thy life, I pray Thee. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Be Thou well-pleased to loose me from the bonds of grievous transgressions which gird me about, O All-good One, and furnish me with wings through love of chastity. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

With Thy divine grace, O Paraclete, enlighten my soul, which hath been darkened by the passions, and drive away from it the deep darkness of ignorance. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Utterly undaunted, all the days of my life I anger Thee with vile deeds and words, O All-good One. Deliver me from this ungodliness. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

O most hymned one who alone gavest birth to the Well-spring of all wisdom, recall to reason my soul which hath become foolish through violating the divine commandments. 

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O pure one, repel from my soul the evil thoughts which continually afflict it, and enrich me with God-pleasing instructions. 

Ode 6, Irmos: O Christ Master, our purification and salvation, Thou didst shine forth from the Virgin, that Thou mightest rescue from corruption Adam, in whose fall our whole race fell, as Thou didst save the Prophet Jonah from the belly of the sea monster. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Embittered in mine accursed soul by bitter carnal passions, and drowning in them as in the uttermost depths, I pray to Thee, O Saviour: Through the streams of the fountain which is in Thee impart life unto me! 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

All Thy mysteries are truly worthy of great silence, for Thou art three Persons in one Essence, and, united, Thou remainest without confusion. O unoriginate Trinity, save me, the creature of clay [fashioned by] Thy hands! 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

The Son is believed to be wholly, completely and essentially in the Father, as is the Spirit; for from [the Father], as from a single principle, are they both emitted co-eternally, yet they remain themselves, in their life-creating hypostases. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Having armed himself against me in every way with the abominable goads of youth, the vile one hath thereby defiled my soul and my whole life. O all-good Paraclete, heal me with the fruits of repentance! 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

In mind have I fallen into grievous perils, and I am wholly beset by perplexity, and am falling into divers misfortunes; and like a boat upon the waves of the sea am I bestormed. O all-good Comforter, quickly rescue me from this grievous battering, I pray Thee! 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

I have stumbled into a grievous fall, breaking my vows to thy Son; yet do I entreat thee, O immaculate one, as the well-spring of compassions and the abyss of loving kindness: Render Him merciful unto me! 

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

With thine invincible and divine power ever repel from my soul the destructive assaults made against me by mine invisible enemies, O Virgin, and grant me spiritual weaponry and a strategy [to use] against them. 

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 2: O Most Holy Spirit, Thou life, light and consolation, hope and delight of all:Vouchsafe Thy gifts unto those who acknowledge Thee to be God, equally enthroned with the Father and the Son; and grant them remission of sins. 

Ode 7, Irmos: The melodious music of instruments sounded forth, calling men to worship the inanimate idol wrought of gold; but the radiant grace of the Comforter preferreth that they cry: O Holy Trinity, Who art equal in power and equally without beginning, blessed art Thou! 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Having rid me of all wickedness and evil morals, O Saviour, with the most holy gifts of the divine Paraclete enrich me who chant: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou! 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Soften my heart, which is harder than any iron or stone, O Saviour, that, saved, I may cry out with true compunction: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou! 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Theologising, let us hymn the Son, the Spirit and the unoriginate Father in a single Essence and three Persons, [crying]: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou! 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Slavishly overcome by wicked and sinful habits, I pray, falling down before Thee, the Master of all: Deliver me from this vile bondage! 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

With Thy mighty power be Thou well-pleased to make steadfast my soul, which hath been weakened by sin, that, saved, I may cry out: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou! 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

With divine reason and fervent repentance deign thou to enlighten my mind and my soul, which hast been grievously darkened by sin, O thou who art full of the grace of God, that with the archangel I may sing unto thee: Rejoice, O Mistress! 

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Since the iniquitous and passion-fraught movements of my flesh have utterly done me to death, O Theotokos, plant thou the grace of the Paraclete in my soul, that in sacred manner I may ever glorify thee, the All-holy One. 

Ode 8, Irmos: The thrice-radiant image of the – Godhead looseth bonds and bedeweth the flame; and all of fashioned creation blesseth as is Benefactor the one Saviour and Accomplisher of all. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Release me from the destructive burning of iniquitous thoughts, O my Jesus, that I may glorify Thee with a pure heart. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

With Thine incorporeal ministers we hymn Thee, the most high and all-accomplishing Trinity; and we, Thy servants [made] of dust, exalt Thee supremely. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Staving off from my soul the destructive assaults of mine invisible foes, O Paraclete, be Thou well-pleased for Thy grace to dwell therein. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

The petitions which in prayer I vigilantly ask of Thee in deed and with fear and love, O Comforter, do Thou vouchsafe unto me. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

O Master, in ways that Thou knowest, heal Thou my soul, which is ever bedeviled by prideful satanic thoughts. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Having sinned more than the harlot and Esau, I flee to Thy compassions: Turn not Thy grace away from me, O All-holy Paraclete! 

We bless the Father, the Son and the Spirit: the Lord.  

Loving sin far more than all other men, O most hymned one, I flee unto thee. Save me, thine unworthy servant! 

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O most hymned one, show me to be a lover of the divine philosophy of the Truth, setting me aright with fear and love. 

Ode 9, Irmos: Rejoice, O Queen, thou glory of mothers and virgins! For even the most skillful and divinely eloquent mouth is able to hymn thee as is meet; and every mind is at a loss to understand thy birth-giving. Wherefore, together we glorify thee. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

O my Saviour, Enlightenment and Defender: At the holy supplications of Thine all-pure Mother turn me not away from Thy divine joy. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Falling prostrate with fear, I who am dust worship Thee with the heavenly hosts, and cry out to Thee with love: O Most Holy Trinity, glory to Thee! 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Save me who hymn, worship and glorify the dominion of Thine unapproachable glory. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Teach me goodly morals, the instruction of the law and the understanding of the divine dogmas, that I may hymn thee in pleasing manner, O divine Paraclete. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Deign Thou to vouchsafe unto me the joyful festivity of all the righteous who have been well-pleasing to Thee, that with them I may hymn Thee, O all-holy Comforter. 

Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee!

Blotting out the terror of my soul and all its diverse evils and badness, O holy Paraclete, adorn it with the crown of the virtues. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

O most immaculate Virgin, by thy holy supplications heal my wretched soul, which hath been corrupted by all manner of fornication. 

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O divine Mediatress between God and man, convey this, my poor supplication, to the divine Paraclete, I pray thee, O most holy Theotokos. 

Then again: Save Thy servant from misfortunes, O good Comforter, for the unclean demons greatly and constantly assail me with vile thoughts and illusions. 

In thy compassion look down upon the grievous hardness of my heart, O most hymned Theotokos, and enlighten the darkness of my soul. 

And these troparia: It is truly meet to magnify Thee, the Word of God, before Whom the cherubim tremble and are filled with awe, and Whom the hosts of heaven glorify: Christ the Bestower of life, Who without change became incarnate of the Virgin. 

It is truly meet to magnify with glorifications and to glorify with fear Thee, the most Good and Most Holy One, the Preserver of our life, the Great and Awesome One, Who with the Father and the Son dost reign as God over all things visible and invisible, the Spirit of God Who proceedest from the Father. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

With divine hymns we all hymn Thee as God: the Father, the Son and the divine Spirit, the tripartite Might, the single Kingship and Dominion. 

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Mistress, Mother of the Deliverer, accept the supplications of thine unprofitable servants, and thereby grant deliverance of sins and the acceptable correction of a God-pleasing life. 


O Master, all-good Paraclete, Who art One of the holy and worshipful, consubstantial and indivisible Trinity, accept this poor entreaty which Thou hast allowed to be offered unto Thee by a man sinful and condemned; and forgive me mine offenses, voluntary and involuntary. Cleanse me of my hidden [sins], and take pity on Thy servant [in the face of the sins] of others. Extend Thy favour to me, the sinful and unworthy, visit the infirmity of my soul with Thy grace, and heal its broken state. 

Have mercy on me, O Master, Paraclete and God! Have mercy on me, sanctify my soul and body, enlighten my mind and reason, and cleanse the conscience of my soul from all defilement. And from impure thoughts, from the plottings of the wicked and the intentions of the bad, from all vainglory, pride and self-aggrandizement, from arrogance and audacity, from satanic insolence, and from all pharisaical hypocrisy and mine every evil habit, do Thou utterly deliver me for the sake of the glory of Thy name. And grant me sincere repentance, contrition and humility of heart, meekness and serenity, and all Christian reverence, understanding and spiritual skill, with all nobility, thankfulness and perfect patience. 

Yea, O God, for the sake of the glory of Thy name hearken unto me, the sinful one who prayeth to Thee, and vouchsafe that for the remainder of my wretched life I may sincerely repent of mine iniquities with all humbleness of mind, chastity and true temperance, having put away all doubt, double-mindedness and insensitivity; and fully preserve me in a pious and Orthodox confession of the Christian Faith, O Master, that I may be vouchsafed all the days of my life to hymn thee without doubting, to bless and glorify Thee, and to say: O holy God, unoriginate Father! O holy Mighty One, His Son Who is equally without beginning! O holy Immortal One, Holy Spirit Who proceedest from the Father and abidest and restest in the Son! O most Holy Trinity, glory be to Thee! Glory to Thee, O Holy Trinity, Who art consubstantial, life-creating and indivisible! 

Glory to Thee for all things! 

Glory to thee, O Mother of God, refuge of the faithful, deliverance for those beset by evils, and divine consolation of my soul! O thou who art full of the grace of God, my most wretched soul, which hast been wounded by the arrows of the enemy, do I entrust to thine almighty intercession; and protect and save it unharmed by the wiles of the demons, that I may cry out to thee: Rejoice, O unwedded Bride! 

Saturday Evening Compline: Supplicatory Canon in Tone VII

A Supplicatory Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos

Ode I, Irmos: Having crushed battles with His arm * and drowned the mounted captains * let us sing unto Him, as to our God and Redeemer, * for He hath been glorified.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

In song we offer unto thee as an adornment, gifts of thanksgiving and the divine hymn, “Rejoice now, О pure one!”, for thou hast given us joy in place of grief.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

We shall not remain silent concerning the grace of thy mercy and the might of thy protection, О most pure Virgin, for thou hast saved us from grievous misfortunes.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Delivered from divers trials and tribulations by thy maternal prayers, О most pure one, together we all fervently chant to thee hymns of thanksgiving.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Arrayed in the golden robes of the virtues and the grace of the Spirit, О most pure one, adorned as the Bride of the Father, thou wast truly shown to be the Mother of God.

Ode III, Irmos: O Lord and Saviour, * Who in the beginning established the heavens * by Thine all-powerful Word, * and by the divine and all-accomplishing Spirit * hath granted them all their strength, * do Thou establish me on the unshakeable rock of Thy confession.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Let us earnestly offer cries of thanksgiving, honouring as our intercessor her who is the magnitude of divine joy and our gladness from the beginning.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Delivered by thee from misfortunes, and having received joy because of thee, О Mother unwedded, we all glorify thee as a good bestower of gifts and a praiseworthy helper.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Receiving release from transgressions and temptations by thy divine prayer, О Mother of Christ God, with cries of thanksgiving we faithfully hymn thee as the source of good things.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Mother of Christ God is the wellspring of joy which ever poureth forth streams of immortality; and she herself saveth all, for she is for us the bestowal of life everlasting.

Ode IV, Irmos: The heavens hath been covered О Christ God * through Thy dispensation, * by virtue of Thine ineffable wisdom, * O Lover of mankind.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

In gladness we offer thee the fitting hymnody of joy, О pure Virgin, having been delivered from misfortunes By thy prayers.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

With the hands of our souls we thankfully raise hymnody unto thee, О pure Virgin, playing divine songs, having been delivered from great grief.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

The sinful passions have raised up many tribulations against us; but do thou deliver us by thy divine protection, О pure one.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Truly blessed are those who honour thee, О most pure Theotokos, for through thee we have been delivered from sin and grief.

Ode V, Irmos: Night is bereft of light * for those without faith, О Christ, * but for the faithful there is enlightenment * in the sweetness of Thy words; * wherefore, I rise early unto Thee * and hymn Thy Divinity.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

О Virgin, thou hast given birth to Christ, the Destroyer of sin, by Whom the world hath been saved from perils and pain; wherefore, we who have been delivered from grief cry aloud unto thee: Rejoice!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Beset by divers perils, by grief and sorrow and adverse circumstances, О pure Lady, we who were bereft of gladness have found thee to be our hope.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

As the preservation of salvation for us, thy servants, О pure one, thou dispellest dangers, keeping us unharmed; wherefore, we who have shared in thy manifold good things give thanks to thee with hymns.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Delivered by thee from many sins, from sickness and pain, and from grievous illness, О most pure Lady, we give thanks unto thee; for thou art the sure hope of thy faithful servants.

Ode VI, Irmos: Having fallen into the abyss of sin, О Good One, * like Jonah from the midst of the whale I cry unto Thee: * Lead my life up from corruption, * and save me, О Lover of mankind.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Even the tongues of the angels are unable to fittingly sing thy praises, О pure one; but, acting now as servants, we offer thee the salutation of Gabriel.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having fallen into the abyss of grief and evil circumstances because of our sins, we are delivered by thee from want and danger, О pure Virgin Theotokos.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

О pure one, the whole world is under debt to thank, praise and glorify thy grace with piety; for through thee we have been delivered from misfortunes and griefs.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Day and night, openly and secretly, we who glorify thee with faith flee beneath thy protection, О most pure Virgin.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sessional Hymn, in Tone VI: О Lord, we are Thy people and the sheep of Thy pasture. Like a shepherd return us who have strayed, and gather us together who have been scattered by corruption. Have mercy upon Thy flock and take pity upon Thy people, through the prayers of the Theotokos, О Thou Who alone art sinless.

Ode VII, Irmos:  Cast into the fiery furnace, * the venerable children transformed the fire into dew, * crying aloud thus in hymnody: * Blessed art Thou O Lord, the God of our fathers!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

We offer thee the joy of thanksgiving, О Mother of God, for, truly delivered by thee from every evil power, we cry out to thee together: Blessed art thou!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

We have come to dwell in the gloom of evening, in the tears of lamentation, in the expectation of evils; yet, deified by thy godly protection, О Virgin, we have found the joy of the morning: for thou hast saved us.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Having acquired thy protection before God as a divine refuge amid perils, persecutions and sins, О most pure one, we all flee to thee, and through thee obtain release.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

With mouth and spirit we proclaim the grace of thy prayer, О pure and glorious one; for because of thee we are all delivered from danger and tempest, from grievous sorrows and the sin of the passions.

Ode VIII, Irmos: Unto Him before whom the cherubim are in awe, * and the seraphim filled with wonder, * the Fashioner of the world: * O ye priests and servants and spirits of the righteous, * hymn ye, bless ye, and supremely exalt * throughout the ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

As one delivered By thy prayers from the tempest of sin, from passions and perils, О good Theotokos, with a voice of thanksgiving we cry aloud unto thee: “Rejoice!”; for through thee have we passed from grief to joy.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

О good one, disdain not those who are beset by sickness and danger; but, hearkening unto our poor supplication, free us from great sorrows, that we may hymn thine intercession with faith, О pure one.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

О thou who hast caused our transgressions to be wiped away, raise us up now from griefs and perils, from human passions and unseemly temptations; and by thy divine supplications, О Theotokos, most gloriously deliver us therefrom.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Truly Thy compassions ever rain down upon everyone, О Christ, through the grace and entreaties of her who gave birth to Thee; for through Thee do we Christians receive Thy mercy, О merciful Saviour.

Ode IX, Irmos:   

О ye faithful, with hymns let us magnify the Theotokos, * who in a manner transcending nature became a mother, * and is a Virgin by nature, * she alone is blessed among women!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Delivered from, divers temptations By thy prayers, О Theotokos, with the Angel Gabriel we now offer unto thee joy and a cry of jubilation, as is meet.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Joy and gladness and divine rejoicing have been multiplied upon us, О Virgin who knewest not a man; for, lo! we who sorely weep rejoice through thy prayers.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

With tongue and voice I shall offer unto thee a sacrifice of praise, О Virgin, and shall earnestly utter a hymn of thanksgiving unto thee that, praying to thee, I may be delivered by thee on the day of grief.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen

We piously rejoice together in thy divine birthgiving, О most pure one; for thou hast poured forth joy upon us in the midst of perils and griefs. Wherefore, with thanksgiving we who faithfully praise thee chant hymnody unto thee.

Friday Evening Compline: Supplicatory Canon in Tone VI

A Supplicatory Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos

Ode I, Irmos: A helper and a protector * hath become unto me salvation. * My God, whom I will glorify, * the God of my fathers, * and I will exalt Him * for gloriously hath He been glorified.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Reject me not, О good one, neither abominate nor despise me who with fervour hasten beneath thy tender compassion, О pure one, but grant that I may share in the grace which resides in thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

O good Theotokos, helper of the sorrowful, accept the sighing which issueth forth from my soul, and deliver me from all the shameless evils I have grievously committed.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Before thee do I fall down, О good one, thou intercessor for the troubled. From everlasting fire, from darkness and the abyss deliver me who have lived my whole life in evil.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Woe is me! How can I who have immeasurably sinned before entreat Thee, О my Jesus? Yet I offer Thee as a mediatress the pure one who gave birth to Thee. Have mercy and save me!

Ode III, Irmos: O Lord, upon the rock * of Thy commandments * make firm my heart, * for Thou alone art Holy and Lord.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

I fall down before thee, О Mother of the Word. In thy compassion accept me, and by thy fervent prayers grant forgiveness of sins unto me who beseech thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Have mercy upon me, О Lady, have mercy upon me, and deliver me from all wickedness, from the oppression of the demons and everlasting torment.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Restrain me who am smitten with the bitterness of lusts, О Lady, granting me the divine sobriety of repentance and saving conversion.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

О Birthgiver of God, who ineffably gave birth to the Lord and Creator of all things, entreat Him to save thy flock.

Ode IV, Irmos: The prophet heard * of Thy coming, O Lord, * and he was afraid. * How wast Thou to be born of a virgin * and appear unto mankind? * and he said * “I have heard report of Thee and I am afraid”; * glory to Thy power, O Lord.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Constantly picking at the sores brought upon my soul by the love of sensuality, and in pain from the stripes they cause me, I lie lacking feeling and unhealed. О Birthgiver of God, have mercy and heal me, and save me by thy prayers.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

The darkness of sin hath covered my soul, О Birthgiver of God, such that I go about in the light as though it were night, not knowing the commandments of Christ. О thou who hast given birth to the divine Light, have mercy upon me and enlighten me, I pray.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

The Word of the living God descended into thy womb, О Virgin Mother and, receiving my substance through thy most pure blood, He came forth in two natures, but a single hypostasis. Him do thou beseech, that He save our souls.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

I have assiduously gone through the desires of the body and all pleasures, and have thereby become wholly corrupt, vile and abominable. О most pure Birthgiver of God, have mercy, and save me in thy tender compassion.

Ode V, Irmos: Out of the night I seek Thee early, * enlighten me I pray Thee, O Lover of mankind, * and guide me in Thy commandments, * and teach me, O Saviour, * to do Thy will.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

I have kindled for myself the fire of Gehenna, doing that which is shameful, and have grievously brought upon myself the wrath of God. Help me, О pure one, and forsake me not.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Though I am ever asking for the remission of my transgressions, yet I never cease committing exceedingly wicked deeds, О most pure one, and I offend thee. О purification of the faithful, have pity on me!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

О pure one, entreat Jesus, to Whom thou hast given birth through thy blood – perfect man and true God – that we be delivered from everlasting fire.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

О impassable gate, open unto me the portals of true repentance, I pray, and show me the path of penitence, О pure one, thou guide of all.

Ode VI, Irmos: With my whole heart, I cried * unto the tenderly compassionate God, * and he heard me * from the lowest depths of Hades; * and raised my life up from corruption.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Waves of shameful thoughts now engulf me; yet do thou guide me to the calm harbour of true repentance by thy tender compassion, О Lady.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having acquired thee as our hope and unassailable rampart, our steadfast intercessor, О Maiden, we are delivered from transgressions and grievous passions, and from all harm.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

О pure Virgin Theotokos, I fall down before thee and cry out in lamentation: Deliver my wretched soul from the judgment which is to come, and from everlasting fire.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

In thy supplications thou art the strength of those who are faint of soul, О most pure one; wherefore, disdain me not, but heal me who am sick of soul.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sessional Hymn, in Tone VI: In the loving-kindness of Thy compassions Thou didst come down to earth, О Christ, and became incarnate from the Virgin, sanctifying all on earth and calling them to heaven; wherefore, trusting in Thee, we no longer sin, but are freed from cares by Thee: for Thou art our Saviour, Creator and God.

Ode VII, Irmos:  We have sinned, we have transgressed, * and we have done evil before Thee. * We have not kept nor followed * Thy commandments, but reject us not utterly, * O God of our fathers.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

When mine accursed soul will have to endure separation from my body, there will be no one to deliver or comfort it; do thou then stand forth, О Lady, and deliver me from the oppression of the demons.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

I fall down before thee and offer thee fervent tears. I know thy love for mankind, I know thy long-suffering and guilelessness: have mercy upon me now, О pure one; forgive me and save me.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

О Virgin, have mercy on my wretched soul which is beset by the passions. Look upon the tumult of my passions, look upon the inconstant burning of my flesh, and grant me thy saving help and salvation.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Son and Word, Who is consubstantial and co-unoriginate with the Father, received from thee flesh like thine, though immutably noetic and animate in a way He Himself knoweth; and therein He hath refashioned our nature into something higher, О pure Virgin,

Ode VIII, Irmos:  Him whom the hosts of heaven glorify, * and before whom tremble the Cherubim and Seraphim, * let every breath and all creation * praise, bless, and supremely exalt, * throughout all ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

That He might deify mankind, О Lady, thy Son revealed Himself to be a perfect man through thee; wherefore, beseech Him, that He show me forth as wholly purified, and a partaker in His divine kingdom.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

I am at a loss when I consider my acts, and I tremble before the dread tribunal of the Judge. What answer shall I give at that time, wretch that I am? О Sovereign Lady of the world, be thou my helper.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

О Mary, thou unwedded Bride of God, deliver me thy servant, from all the harm of the wicked one, I cry to thee, and at the coming trial stand before me as an advocate, О thou who alone art the intercessor for Christians.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Turn not thy face away from me, О Lady, when I gaze upon thine image, but be merciful unto me, and avert from me the sentence which will be pronounced.

Ode IX, Irmos:   О Virgin who received the angel’s salutation * and hast given birth to thine own Creator, * save those who magnify thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Thou alone art the intercessor for all mankind, О most pure one; thou art the bulwark of Christians, О pure one. Thee do I now set before Christ as a mediator for me, the lowly one, that By thy prayers He may have mercy on me, wretched as I am.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

I have committed deeds of the night, and the night of tortures should rightly now cover me, the vain one, and the retribution of hell should receive me; but as thou hast given birth to God the Judge, О pure Virgin, deliver me from all torment.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

I have wasted the time of my life in evils, I have drawn nigh unto the gates of Hades, but in nowise desire to enter therein. Help me, О good Theotokos, for I have placed my hope in thee.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen

О right loving Lady, adornment of the angels and glory of the martyrs, with them pray that we find mercy and remission of our debts, and help us all to finish well the race of our life in the doing of good.

Thursday Evening Compline: Supplicatory Canon in Tone VI

A Supplicatory Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos

Ode I, Irmos: When Israel walked on foot in the sea as on dry land, * on seeing their pursuer Pharaoh drowned, * they cried: * Let us sing to God * a song of victory.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

О Virgin, accept mine entreaty, which I make bold to offer to thee from an unworthy mouth and defiled lips; and shine thou the light of compunction upon thy servant, О pure one.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

By thy prayers grant me showers of tears, О pure Virgin Mother, that I may weep fervently for what I have done on earth, and through thee may escape every torment.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Reject not my lamentation, О thou who hast given birth to the Source of tender compassion, but look upon me with thy merciful eye, О good Theotokos, and cure the passions of my soul.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Weep with groaning, О my soul, and bewail thyself in every way, falling down before the Mother of God and saying: Deliver me, the guilty one, from dreadful torment!

Ode III, Irmos: There is none as holy as Thou, * O Lord my God, * who hast exalted the horn of Thy faithful O good One, * and strengthened us upon the rock * of Thy confession.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

There is none that hath sinned as I have, becoming a slave to the evils of unbridled thoughts, О most holy and pure one; but, placing my hope in thee, I pray: Rescue me from them.!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Behold, all the evils of the enemy that have rained upon me like wounds, weigh me down; rendering me fetid and causing my soul to fall.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Many are my transgressions; wherefore, falling down before thee with faith, О most holy one, I, the lowly one, cry aloud: At the dread hour entreat Him to Whom thou hast given flesh.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

О holy Theotokos, as thou hast maternal boldness before God, rescue me who am deserving of all condemnation, and make me to dwell in His dwelling-place.

Ode IV, Irmos:  Christ is my power, * my God and my Lord, * the holy Church divinely singeth, * crying with a pure mind, * keeping festival in the Lord.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Grant me a wellspring of tears, О Lady, that I may wash away the defilement of my lowly soul and regain the beauty which I have lost through the lying counsel of the serpent.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

О my compassionate God, О God Who lovest mankind and willest mercy, pour forth Thy mercy now upon me; for Thy Mother, my hope and ally, entreateth Thee.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Taking pity, О most immaculate one, save me, the terrible prodigal one, who have mindlessly and shamelessly sinned against thee; and free me from Gehenna.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Having given birth to the Life of all, thou hast destroyed the field of death; wherefore, I cry out to thee: I have sinned! Save me, by thy maternal supplications, О pure one!

Ode V, Irmos: Illumine with Thy divine light, I pray, O Good One, * the souls of those who with love rise early to pray to Thee, * that they may know Thee, O Word of God, * as the true God, * Who recalleth us from the darkness of sin.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

О pure one, have mercy on me who have placed all my hope in thee, and take pity, overlooking all the grievous passions of my soul, for I cry out to thee with faith.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Save me from the passions, from tribulation and harm, and from the wicked adversaries; and deliver my lowly soul from their treachery, О Virgin, that they may not say: We have prevailed over him!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  

Having been revealed to be pure in body and soul, О most pure one, free thou my soul from defilement, granting me to live a pure life; and guide me in doing the divine will of the Lord.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thee alone do I have as a refuge and my reconciliation with God, I who have wasted my whole life in many transgressions.

Ode VI, Irmos: Beholding the sea of life surging with the tempest of temptations, * I run to Thy calm haven, and cry to Thee: * Raise up my life from corruption, * O greatly Merciful One.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

О Lady, accept my sighs and the lifting up of my hands as a sacrifice of sweet savour, and grant that I may behold thy countenance with a pure conscience.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Disdain not my words of supplication, О good Lady, Mother of the merciful God Who shone forth from thy womb; but before the end grant me divine remission.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Utter wretch that I am, through fornication I have brought myself low and estranged myself from God. But do thou beseech Him to save me, О good one, for to thee have I fled. Clothe me in my former vesture.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Jesus, Who is fire, did not consume thy womb when He issued forth from thee in the flesh, pray thou to Him, О pure one, that He deliver from fire and all manner of torment those who hymn thee with faith.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sessional Hymn, in Tone VI: О pure and glorious Virgin, thou glory of the angels, who alone art blessed: when thou didst stand at the foot of the Cross of thy Son and God, unable to endure the malice of the enemy thou didst cry aloud, lamenting with sighs: How can He Who is the Lover of mankind endure the abuse of these men?

Ode VII, Irmos:  In Babylon the Children feared not the fiery furnace; * but cast into the midst of the flames * they were bedewed and sang: * ‘O Lord God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou.’

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

O my soul, awake from all the evils thou hast committed! Why sleepest thou still? Wherefore liest thou in the slumber of despondency? Cry aloud to the Theotokos: О all-holy one, help me!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

I venerate the image of thy countenance, yet I dare not lift mine eyes unto thee, О most holy one. I pray that I may receive the forgiveness of my debts, and that in purity I may behold thy most pure icon.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

To thine aid, О Birthgiver of God, do I flee and fall prostrate, begging to receive forgiveness. Disdain me not, О Lady, but taking pity, save me.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

I have defiled my soul and mind with the many and various evils of the corrupter of souls, О most pure one, and I beseech thee: Disdain not thy servant, but rescue me from his temptations.

Ode VIII, Irmos:  Suffering affliction for the sake of the laws of their fathers, * the blessed Children in Babylon * scorned the foolish decree of the King. * Standing together in the midst of the flames, they remained unharmed, * and sang a song fitting for almighty God: * ‘O ye works of the Lord, praise ye the Lord * and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.’

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Having sinned beyond measure and defiled my body with sins, fool that I am, I consider the day of inexorable judgment, and at a loss and afraid, I am filled with fear and trembling, and fall down before thy compassion, О Lady. Spurn me not, but behold my sorrow, and deliver me from all condemnation and the many and varied torments.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Having spurned the divine law, wretch that I am, I lie wholly in slothfulness. But, looking upon me, arise quickly, О most pure one, and cause me to receive the portion of the saved; that, rejoicing, I may cry unto thee: Rejoice, О joy of the world, only intercessor for those who with faith invoke thy steadfast protection.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

Woe is me, О my soul! How can I stand, in fear and trembling, before the dread tribunal, where even the angels shall be afraid and quake? But, as thou hast the Theotokos as a good ally, bend thy knees and lift up thy hands, crying: Direct thy merciful gaze upon me and have pity in that hour, О Virgin!

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Show forth now the sure might of thine aid, for like one in thy debt, thy Son is moved by thy maternal pleas, О Virgin. Wherefore, come now in mine hour of need, that I not depart unprepared, but may live on, О all-hymned and pure Theotokos.

Ode IX, Irmos:  Weep not for Me, O Mother, * beholding in the tomb the Son Whom thou hast conceived * without seed in the womb; * for I shall arise and shall be glorified, * and as God I shall exalt with glory unceasing, * those that with faith and love magnify thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

That I may receive the glory of heaven, I pray to thee, О Virgin: Absolve me, and deliver me from the debts of darkness, overlooking all that I have committed in knowledge or in ignorance, day or night, О most pure one; that, rejoicing, I may offer thee a hymn of thanksgiving.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us. 

Rescue me from all manner of tribulations, О Maiden, and set my feet upon the rock of divine salvation; for, having acquired thee now as an invincible intercessor, I trust that I may pass freely through the wall of separation erected by disobedience when the fruit of the tree was eaten.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.   

I beseech thee, who hast given birth to the merciful Judge and Master: accept the boldness of my defiled lips and my wretched hymnody, and abhor me not, though I have sinned more than all others; for I, thy servant, have thee as my helper after God.

Now & ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen

In that thou art more exalted than all creatures, thou didst conceive in thy womb the incarnate God, О Theotokos. Him do thou earnestly entreat, О pure one, that He release thy servant from all care, that I may freely glorify thee with praise.