The Canons to the Prophet Obadiah and the Martyr Barlaam

Canon of the prophet, the acrostic whereof is: “I hymn the glory of the clairvoyant Obadiah,” the composition of Theophanes, Tone V.

Ode 1, Irmos: Unto God the Saviour * Who made His people pass dryshod through the sea, * but drowned Pharaoh with all his host, * unto Him alone let us sing: * For He hath been glorified.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Standing now as a prophet before God the Saviour, entreat Him with boldness, that He enlighten with rays of light those who with faith call thee blessed, O divinely inspired one.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

He who manifestly foreknoweth all things, beholding the untroubled and radiant purity of thy heart, O blessed one, appointed thee a God-pleasing prophet.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Truly beholding visions revealed to thee by God, thou didst proclaim the impiety and cruel perniciousness of thy brethren and their just destruction, O blessed one.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Saved by thy seedless birthgiving, O pure Theotokos, we beseech thee: from the temptations of the world do thou deliver us, who together offer a hymn of victory unto thee.

Canon of the martyr, the acrostic whereof is: “I hymn thy pangs of endurance, O Barlaam,”  the composition of Theophanes, in Tone IV.

Ode I, Irmos: I hymn Thee, O Lord my God, * for Thou hast led Thy people out of the bondage of Egypt, * and hast drowned in the waters * the chariots and the might of Pharaoh.

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

Rendered luminous by the splendours of thy contest, O Barlaam, do thou preserve us by thy supplications, for with faith we honour thy sacred memory.

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

With hymnody let the wondrous Barlaam be honoured, who, with fame, quenched the fire of impiety by the divinely inspired fire of his reverence for God.

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

Having contended for piety, O crown-bearer Barlaam, thou hast now been honoured at the right hand of the Almighty with a crown of glory, as is meet.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The Master gave thee strength against divers wounds, O all-blessed martyr; wherefore, thou didst vanquish the savagery of the godless.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The ladder leading to heaven, which Jacob, thine ancestor, foresaw of old, hast thou truly been revealed to be, whereby the Word hath descended to us, O Virgin.

Ode III, canon of the prophet, Irmos: By the power of Thy Cross, O Christ, * do Thou make steadfast mine understanding, * that I may hymn and glorify ** Thy saving Ascension.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Like the waters of a mystic river didst thou appear, issuing forth from the abyss of the gifts of the Spirit, O herald of God.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Thou wast put forth by the will and providence of God to proclaim things to come, O right glorious one.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Illumined by the divine and heavenly light, O all-blessed one, thou didst proclaim the future salvation of the Gentiles.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

The Word made His abode within thee, O Virgin Mother, and by thy mediation He doth save those who know thee to be the Theotokos, O all-immaculate one.

Canon of the Martyr, Irmos: The bow of the mighty hath waxed feeble * and the weak have girded themselves with strength: * therefore is my heart established * in the Lord.

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

The whole bond of thy body and the cohesion of thy members were broken; yet the strength of thy soul was preserved intact.

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

Mightily showing forth the endurance of youth, O all-blessed one, thou didst right mightily endure the assaults of those who lacerated thy sides.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Who can rightly praise the mighty, powerful and tranquil understanding of thy thought, as is meet, O all-blessed one?

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: In the hypostatic Life which appeared unto us through thy womb, O most pure Bride of God, hath the corruption of death been brought to an end.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Sessional Hymn of the prophet, Tone I – Spec. Mel. “Thy tomb, O Saviour …”: The great Obadiah, having acquired a mind luminous with divine splendour, spoke through the Holy Spirit, proclaiming things to come. Honouring him today with pious mind, we celebrate his sacred memory which enlightened men’s hearts.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Sessional Hymn of the martyr, Tone IV – Spec. Mel. “Having been lifted up …”: Let the glorious Barlaam, who quenched the flame of impiety and set the hearts of the faithful afire with the dew of the knowledge of God, now be faithfully honoured with divine hymns; for he put to shame the deception of idolatry and, having taken the crown of victory, asketh remission of sins for all.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion, Tone IV: He that sitteth upon the throne of the cherubim * and abideth in the bosom of the Father * sat in thy womb as upon a throne, O Lady; * for, being truly God incarnate, * He reigneth over all nations, * and with understanding we now chant to Him. * Him do thou also entreat, ** that thy servants be saved.

Stavrotheotokion (in place of the Theotokion on Wednesdays and Fridays): She who in the latter days * gave birth in the flesh unto Thee O Christ, * Who wast begotten of the unoriginate Father, * upon seeing Thee hanging upon the Cross, cried aloud: * “Woe is me, O Jesus, most beloved Christ! * How is it that Thou Who art glorified as God by the angels * dost now consent to be crucified by iniquitous men O my Son? ** I hymn Thee, O Thou Long-suffering One!”

ODE IV, Canon of the Prophet, Irmos: I have heard report of the mighty deed * of Thy Cross, O Lord, * how Paradise was opened thereby, and I cried: * Glory to Thy power, O Lord.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Having cleansed thy soul of the passions beforehand, receiving the grace of prophecy through the Holy Spirit, thou didst cry out: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

The prophet Obadiah, illumined by the brilliance of the lightning of the Bestower of light, hath enlightened us to cry to Thee: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Thou wast revealed to be like a wedding attendant of the Church, the Bride of Christ, O all-blessed one, proclaiming that the Saviour would come forth from Zion, to Whom we cry aloud: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

In a divine manner thou hast given birth, O pure one, unto the co-unoriginate and everlasting Word of the Father, to Whom we cry: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Canon of the Martyr, Irmos: Proclaiming the advent of Thine appearance on earth, O Christ God, * the prophet cried aloud with gladness: * Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

Spurning the foolish speech of the rhetors and accepting the true teaching of the apostles, O glorious one, thou wast a true witness.

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

Thou didst withstand the fire and torments even unto death for Christ, O patient-hearted one, chanting aloud: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Constrained by the most powerful fervour, O all-blessed one, thou didst trample deception underfoot with godly wisdom, chanting: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Incorporeal One, incarnate of the Virgin, hath come to us on earth; wherefore, with faith we cry aloud: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

ODE V, Canon to the Prophet, Irmos: Waking at dawn, * we cry unto Thee, O Lord: * Save us, for Thou art our God; * we know none other besides Thee.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Rising early unto the Lord, O all-praised one, thou didst receive the gift of the most holy Spirit from heaven.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Having acquired the godly life of Him Who helped thee, thou wast deemed worthy to behold Him Who is understood to be invisible.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Light shone upon thee, in that thou art a prophet, O all-blessed one, and gladness was given thee as a bride.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

The supremely divine One, Who created all things by His will, was formed from thee after our kind, O most pure one.

Canon of the Martyr, Irmos: O Thou Who hast caused the light to shine, * who hast made bright the dawn and revealed the day; * glory be to Thee, glory be to Thee, * O Jesus Thou Son of God.

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

Christ hath shown us a witness to His own sufferings, who crieth out: Glory to Thee! Glory to Thee, O Jesus, Thou Son of God! For thy great endurance is a reward given, and a wreath of victory woven for thee who criest: Glory to Thee!

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

Christ hath shown us a witness to His own sufferings, who crieth out: Glory to Thee! Glory to Thee, O Jesus, Thou Son of God! For thy great endurance is a reward given, and a wreath of victory woven for thee who criest: Glory to Thee!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Glory to Thee, O Jesus, Thou Son of God! With the darts of thy words thou didst penetrate the hearts of the foe, crying: Glory to Thee! Glory to Thee, O Jesus, Thou Son of God!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Understanding thee to be a holy mountain and the tabernacle of the Most High, O Virgin, we cry aloud: Glory to thee, O Theotokos, our hope!

ODE VI, Canon of the Prophet, Irmos: The abyss hath encompassed me, * the sea monster hath become my grave; * but I cried unto Thee, * the Lover of mankind, * and Thy right hand saved me, O Lord.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

By the power of the divine Spirit thou didst behold things to come, receiving images of divine revelations as in a mirror through the splendour of thy soul.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

By thy supplications entreat the Lord, O all-blessed prophet, asking that He grant forgiveness of sins unto those who with faith keep thy memory.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Take pity on Thy servants and grant them forgiveness of transgressions, O Lover of mankind, for Thy prophet who proclaimed Thee beforehand to the world doth entreat Thee.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

He Who beareth up all things by His word and divine power was borne in thine embrace, O thou who knewest not wedlock. Him do thou now beseech, that our souls be saved.

Canon of the Martyr, Irmos: Prefiguring Thy three-day burial * Prophet Jonah praying in the belly of the sea-monster cried aloud: * Deliver me from corruption * O Jesus Thou King of hosts.

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

Let the faces of the demons be smitten with the martyr’s burned right hand; let the hearts of the faithful leap up, and let the choirs of the incorporeal ones be radiantly glad!

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

The conquests and victories of thy good struggles and the athletic contests of those who watched are adorned, O chosen and radiant triumph of the firstborn.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Arise now, ye good artists! Adorn ye the image of the martyr with your goodly skills, manifestly depicting therein the Judge of the contest.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Delivered by thy birthgiving from the ancient curse and the bitter condemnation of death, our first mother rejoiceth in thee, O all-praised Mother of God.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion of the martyr, Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: “Thou hast appeared …”: Thou wast shown to be most amazing * in the fortitude whereby thou didst endure immolation, * offering thyself in sacrifice unto Christ as incense of sweet savour. * Having received a crown of honour, O Barlaam, ** do thou ever pray for us, O spiritual athlete.

ODE VII, Canon of the Prophet, Irmos: The children were saved * in the burning furnace, * chanting: Blessed art Thou * O God of our fathers.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Truly supra-natural is the glory of Thy prophets, O blessed God of our fathers!

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Having been deemed worthy to dwell with God, thou dost chant: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Thou revealest Thy divine grace in Thy prophets, O blessed God of our fathers.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Delivered by thy birth-giving, O most pure Virgin, we chant: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Canon of the Martyr, Irmos: O God of our fathers, put us not to shame, * but grant that with boldness we may sing to Thee: * ‘O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou’.

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

As an invincible martyr hast thou been deemed worthy to cry aloud to Christ with the choirs of the martyrs: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

With radiant lamps thou didst enter into the divine bridal chamber, O great martyr, crying out to Christ: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having acquired a right hand stronger than fire, as an intercessor at the right hand of thy Master thou criest out: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Delivered by thy most pure birth-giving, we, the faithful, hymn thee, crying out unceasingly: Blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, O most pure one!

Ode VIII, Canon of the Prophet, Irmos: Unto God the Son, Who was begotten of the Father before the ages * and was incarnate of a Virgin Mother in these last times, * give praise, O ye priests, ** and supremely exalt Him, O ye people, throughout all ages.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Enlightened by God, the prophets proclaim beforehand knowledge of things to come, crying aloud with divine wisdom: Ye priests hymn; ye people supremely exalt God throughout all ages!

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Enlightened by God, the prophets proclaim beforehand knowledge of things to come, crying aloud with divine wisdom: Ye priests hymn; ye people supremely exalt God throughout all ages!

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Illumined with divine beams of light, thou didst enlighten those who were in darkness like a ray in the deep, O herald of God, crying: Ye priests hymn; ye people supremely exalt God throughout all ages!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Thou hast revealed Thyself as of one nature with us, O Thou Who art consubstantial with Thy Father in the divine Essence, having become incarnate of the Mother, who kneweth not man. Wherefore, we hymn Thee, O Christ, and bless Thee throughout all ages.

Canon of the Martyr, Irmos: O all ye works of God and all creation, * bless ye the Lord, * ye venerable and humble of spirit * chant ye and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

Thou didst destroy all the armour of the enemy, O right glorious Barlaam, utterly consuming the deception of idolatry, crying aloud: Thee do we supremely exalt, O Christ, throughout all ages!

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

Adorned with magnificence, thou didst stand before Christ, O ever-memorable spiritual athlete, arrayed in fine linen empurpled with thy martyr’s blood and hymning the Master throughout all ages.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Enkindled with the fire of piety, thou didst utterly consume all the illusions of the demons as if they were thorns, crying aloud: Thee do we exalt supremely, O Christ, throughout all ages!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Those who with faith call thee blessed, O all-immaculate one, are blessed by the Lord; for thou hast given birth unto the Master Who blesseth creation, Whom we supremely exalt, O pure one, throughout all ages.

Ode IX, Canon of the Prophet, Irmos: O thou who art God’s Mother transcending mind and word, * who ineffably in time hast given birth unto the Timeless One, * thee do we the faithful * with one accord magnify.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Adorned with divine discourse and activity, and having taken wing in the Spirit, O wondrous prophet, thou wast deemed worthy to behold things to come.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

O glorious one, who dwellest where the choirs of the prophets and the splendours of the saints are, entreat the Lord to save those who praise thee with faith.

Holy prophet, Obadiah, pray to God for us.

Cleaving wholly unto God with fervour, thou didst converse in a pure manner through divine revelations, wherein thou dost now delight, O all-blessed one.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

We hymn thee, the candle-stand of the Light and the tablet of grace, O pure one, and we magnify thee, who received the incarnate Word.

Canon of the Martyr, Irmos: A cornerstone not cut by hand O Virgin, * was cut from thee the unhewn mountain: * even Christ, Who hath joined together the disparate natures; * therefore rejoicing we magnify thee, * O Theotokos.

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

The law of praise is overturned by the magnificence of thy struggles. Christ, the only Master, knoweth to glorify thee with divine radiance. Him do thou earnestly entreat on behalf of those who hymn thee.

Holy martyr, Barlaam, pray to God for us.

Having brought thy whole self to the Lord as a living sacrifice, thou wast revealed to be a fellow heir and sharer in His kingdom; and, rejoicing, thou now reignest with Him, O ever-memorable one.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The godly martyr, having arrayed himself against sword, fire and torments, shedding his blood for the love of Thee, even unto death, O Saviour, doth delight, receiving immortality from Thee, O Lover of mankind.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Rejoicing, I set thee forth as the helper of the world, the Virgin Mother of God, the intercessor and salvation of all my life; for having given birth unto God, thou art able to save those who hymn thee.


Troparion of the martyr, in Tone IV: In his sufferings, Thy martyr Barlaam O Lord, * received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God; * for, possessed of Thy might, *he set at naught the tyrants and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons. ** By his supplications save Thou our souls.

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