This canon, which is to be found the Greek Great Book of Needs, is also chanted at Tuesday Compline in the week of tone six of the Octoechos. Whilst we are having confessions during Saturday Compline, this may be pertinent to be chanted at that time, and would certainly be valuable for parishioners as they prepare for confession and Holy Communion. In the Euchologion (Book of Needs) it is followed by a prayer of absolution by St John of Damascus, making it clear that it is intended for use in this context.

When the faithful confess in church, it is interesting to observe the slightly different ways in which the pentitents approach the Lord in the manner in which they confess. Some speak very personally to the Lord, whilst after the opening of their confession, others address the priest in great detail. Others rhetorically ask whether they have failed in various ways, and confess their shortcomings. I sometimes have to reassure people in saying that there is a very personal diversity here, but that in confessing with sincerity, the ‘style’ of their confession matters little.

Dear brothers and sisters, on this feast of the Lord’s Ascension, I encourage you to pray the canons of the feast in your daily prayers, and to try to do the same whenever we celebrate Great Feasts, and the feasts of our most beloved saints.
Guidance for Altar servers
A text entitled ‘To Serve in My Father’s House’ that outines the ethos of service in the Holy Altar By His Grace Bishop Irenei written in 2011 by then Archimandrite Irenei.
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A handbook of Liturgical practice has been created by His Grace Bishop Irenei for use within our diocese, its contents are updated regularly so keep checking back for the latest information.
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