The Chapel of St David and St Nicholas / часовня святых Давида и Николая: 11 New Rd, Llanelli, Carmartheshire SA14 8LS
Благовещение Пресвятой Богородицы: 10:00 – Часы 3, 6, 9, Изобразительны, Вечерня с Литургией Св. Иоанна Златоустого
The Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God: 10:00 – 3rd, 6th and 9th Hours, Typika, Vesperal Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
Dear brothers and sisters,
May I remind you that the Liturgy for Annunciation will be in Llanelli, and NOT in Cardiff, as the convent chapel Nazareth House will in use for Latin Good Friday.
We will chant the Hours at 10:00, followed by the Vesperal Liturgy of St John Chrysostom.
the variables of the service may be found at:
A bring and share lunch will follow. Remember, this is a fish day.
The following day, Lazarus Saturday, we will celebrate the Divine Liturgy in Cheltenham, with the Hours and Liturgy celebrated from 10:00 in Prestbury United Reformed Church, 5 Deep St, Cheltenham GL52 3AW.
Confessions will be heard from 09:15, and a bring and share lunch will follow – as usual. The variables may be found at:
May God bless you!
Hieromonk Mark