The Spirit came down from on high and hallowed the waters by His brooding. In the baptism of John, He passed by the rest and abode on One: but now He has descended and abode on all that are born of the water.
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences
Out of all that John baptised, on One it was that the Spirit dwelt: but now He hath flown and come down that He may dwell on the many, and as each after each comes up, He loves him and abides on him.
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
A marvel it is that surpasses all! To the water He went down and was baptised. The seas declared it blessed, that river wherein Thou wast baptised: even the waters that were in heaven envied because they were not worthy to be Thy bath.
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
A marvel it is, O my Lord, now also that while the fountains are full of water, it is the water of baptism that alone is able to atone. Mighty is the water in the seas, yet is it too weak for atonement.
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
Thy might, O my Lord, if it abides within the humble, it exalts him like as royalty and if it abide within the desert gives it peace. Water by Thy might has triumphed over sin, for Life hath encompassed it.
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
The sheep exulted when they saw the hand draw near to baptise them. Receive, O ye sheep, your sealing; enter and be mingled in the flock! For more than over all the flock, over you rejoice the Watchers today.
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
The Angels and the Watchers rejoice over that which is born of the Spirit and of water: they rejoice that by fire and by the Spirit the corporeal have become spiritual. The Seraphim who sing “Holy” rejoice that they who are made holy have been increased.
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
For lo! The Angels rejoice over one sinner if he repent: how much more do they now rejoice that in all churches and congregations lo! Baptism is bringing forth the heavenly from the earthly!
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
The baptised when they come up are sanctified; the sealed when they go down are pardoned. They who come up have put on glory; they who go down have cast off sin. Adam put off his glory in a moment; ye have been clothed with glory in a moment.
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
A house that is of dust when it hath fallen by means of water can be renewed: the body of Adam that was of dust which had fallen by water hath been renewed. Lo! The priests as builders renew afresh your bodies.
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
A great marvel is this of the wool, that it can take every dye as the mind takes every discourse. By the name of its dye it is called as ye who were baptised when Hearers, have gained the name of Recipients.
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
The common waters he sanctified, even Elisha through the Name that is secret. In them washed the leper openly and was cleansed by the Power that is secret: the leprosy was done away in the water, as transgressions in Baptism.
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
Today, lo! Your offences are blotted out and your names are written down. The priest blots out in the water and Christ writes down in Heaven. By the blotting out and the writing down, lo! Doubled is your rejoicing.
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
Lo! Mercy hath dawned today and from bound to bound it stretches: the sun hath sunk and mercy hath dawned. Justice hath drawn in her wrath; Grace hath spread forth her love. Lo! She pardoneth and quickeneth freely.
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
The sheep that beforetime were in the fold, lo! They hasten forth to greet the new lambs that have been added to it. They are white and are clad in white within, and white without are your bodies as your vestments.
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
From every mouth, Blessed are ye. On every side Blessed are ye. Sin from you is driven out and the Holy Spirit on you is dwelling. The Evil One hath become sad of countenance; the Good God makes glad your countenance.
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
The gift that ye have received freely cease not from watching over: this pearl if it shall be lost cannot again be sought out; for it is like to virginity, which if it be lost is not to be found.
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
May you from all defilement be kept by the power of your white robes! And he whose freedom hath defiled itself, may it be able to wash itself clean by his weeping! For me who am a servant of the community, may the supplication of the community win pardon!
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
To the author who hath toiled in words, let there be reconciliation in rest! To the teacher who hath toiled with voice, let thee be forgiveness through grace! To the priest who hath toiled in baptising, let there come the crown of righteousness!
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.
From every mouth with one consent, of those beneath and those above, Watchers, Cherubim, and Seraphim, the baptised, the sealed, and the hearers; let each of us cry aloud and say: Glory to the Lord of our feasts!
Blessed be He Who was baptised that He might baptise you, that ye should be absolved from your offences.