Canon I of the Feast, the acrostic whereof is: “Baptism is the cleansing of mortals’ sins”, the composition of Cosmas the Monk, in Tone II
Ode I, Irmos: The Lord, mighty in battles, uncovered the bed of the deep and led His people across dry land, overwhelming the adversary in the sea, for He hath been glorified.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
The Lord, the King of the ages, restoreth corrupted Adam with the streams of the Jordan and crusheth the heads of the serpents who make their nest therein, for He hath been glorified.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
The Lord Who became incarnate of the Virgin, clothing material flesh in the immaterial fire of the Godhead, doth wrap Himself in the water of the Jordan, for He hath been glorified.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
He Who washeth away the defilement of men, cleanseth Himself for them in the Jordan, desiring to make Himself like unto them, yet remaining as He was before, the Lord Who enlighteneth those in darkness, for He hath been glorified.
Canon II of the Feast (originally written in iambic verse), in Tone II, the composition of John of Damascus
Irmos: Israel traversed the stormy depths of the sea, which had straightway become as dry land; but the dark waters covered all the chief captains of Egypt together in a watery grave, through the mighty power of the right hand of the Master.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
When the light of the radiant Dawn shone forth upon mortal men, coming forth from the wilderness to the waters of the Jordan, Thou, O King of the Sun, didst bow Thy neck before him, that Thou mightest ransom our forefather from the minions of darkness and cleanse creation of all defilement.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
O Word Who art without beginning, Thou hast buried man with Thyself in the stream, and Thou dost lead him forth new again, who had been corrupted by deception; and the mighty voice of the Father testifieth to Thee ineffably, saying: This is My beloved Son, the Child Who is equal to Me by nature.
Canon of the Forerunner, the acrostic whereof is: “O Baptist of Christ, accept my praise”, the composition of Theophanes, in Tone II
Irmos: Let us chant unto the Lord Who by His divine command dried up the impassable and turbulent sea, and guided the people of Israel across it on foot, for gloriously hath He been glorified!
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
Anticipating me in thy supplications, O Forerunner, save me who am drowning amid the tempest of the passions; for thou thyself wast the honoured and most pure receptacle of dispassion, appointed from infancy by the Lord from on high.
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
With salutation the angel of God stood before the honourable Zachariah, thy priestly father, and he announced thee, the peer of the angels, who wouldst become the Forerunner and friend of the Lord, O most blessed one.
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
Thou wast filled with the most Holy Spirit, even when thou wast borne within thy mother’s womb, O most honoured prophet, and with thy beautiful leaps thou didst announce the Fruit of the Virgin and worship Him.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Let us praise the godly and divinely wise Forerunner of the Lord, who cut through the strange path of life which before was closed to all men, and baptised Christ in the Jordan’s streams.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
O pure one, thou most hallowed temple of virginity, who bore God the Word within thy womb: by thy supplications save those who have recourse to thee and call upon thee, repelling the assault of misfortunes, O most immaculate one.
Ode III, Irmos: The Lord, Who giveth might unto our kings and exalteth the horn of His anointed ones, is born of the Virgin and cometh to baptism. O ye faithful, let us cry aloud unto Him: There is none as holy as our God!
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
O Church of Christ, who of old wast barren and grievously childless, be glad today; for by water and the Spirit children have been born unto thee, who cry out with faith: There is none as holy as our God!
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
In the wilderness the Forerunner crieth out with a loud voice: “Prepare ye the ways of Christ and make straight the paths of our God, crying out with faith: There is none as holy as our God!”
Irmos: From the ancient snares have we all been set loose, and the teeth of the lions have been broken in their mouths. Let us then rejoice with great joy and open wide our mouths, weaving with words a sweet hymn to the Word, Who delighteth to bestow gifts upon us.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
He who once assumed the guise of a malignant serpent and planted death in the garden of creation, is now cast into darkness by Christ’s coming in the flesh; and by assailing the Master, the Dawn which hath shone forth upon us, he crusheth his own loathsome head.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
The Master draweth to Himself the divinely crafted nature of man, which had been overthrown by the tyranny of greed; and He restoreth mortal men, granting them a new birth, and accomplishing thereby a mighty work; for He is come to cleanse our nature.
Irmos: Establishing me upon the rock of faith, Thou hast enlarged my mouth against mine enemies, for my spirit doth exult when I chant: There is none holy as our God, and none righteous save Thee, O Lord!
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
Thou didst loose the reproach of barrenness, and, recognizing the divine Offspring of the Virgin, didst leap up, rejoicing, in thy mother’s womb, O most lauded one who dwellest with the angels, most blessed Forerunner of the Lord.
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
Preparing the ways of the Lord, thou didst go before His face, O prophet; for thou wast shown to be like a beacon, revealing the Effulgence of the Father’s glory, Who appeared in the flesh for our sake, O thou who art most excellent of all.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Thou didst shine forth like the dawn, announcing the Sun of righteousness to those in darkness; for thou wast the preacher and Forerunner of the salvation of all, and didst say to all: “Come ye to Christ with faith, and be saved!”
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Receiving ineffable joy, O Mother of God, thou didst seedlessly conceive thy Master, Who calleth the whole world. To Him do we cry out: There is none holy save Thee, O Lord!
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Kontakion of the feast, Tone IV: Thou hast appeared today to the whole world, and Thy light, O Lord, hath been signed upon us who hymn Thee with understanding. Thou hast come, Thou hast appeared, the Light unapproachable.
Ikos: Upon Galilee of the nations, upon the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, as the prophet said, a great Light hath shone, even Christ. A radiant Beam hath dawned upon those who sat in darkness, shining forth from Bethlehem. The Lord born of Mary, the Sun of righteousness, shineth forth with splendour upon the whole world. Come, therefore, all ye naked children of Adam, and let us clothe ourselves in Him, that we may be warmed; for He Who covereth the naked and enlighteneth those in darkness, hath come. He hath appeared, the Light unapproachable!
Sessional hymn of the feast, Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “Of the Wisdom…”: When Thou didst appear in the flesh for baptism, O Invisible One, Jordan ministered to Thee with its streams, and John stretched forth his corruptible hand; yet the one turned back in fear, and the other straightway touched Thee, the Incorruptible One, with trembling. Truly Thou art the Lamb of God, the ever-living Fountain Who hath sanctified the springs, the sea and men; for the Trinity shone forth from on high: the Father calleth Thee His Son, and the Holy Spirit descendeth.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
The foregoing is repeated.
Ode IV, Irmos: He whom Thou didst call a Voice crying in the wilderness hath heard Thy voice, O Lord; for Thou didst thunder forth over many waters, bearing witness unto Thy Son. And having been wholly filled with the descending Spirit, he cried out: “Thou art Christ, the Wisdom and Power of God!”
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
“Who hath ever seen the sun cleansed, which is dazzling by nature?” the herald crieth out. “Am I then to wash with water Thee, the Effulgence of glory, the Image of the eternal Father? Am I, who am grass, to touch Thy divinity? For Thou art Christ, the Wisdom and Power of God!”
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
“When he happened upon Thee, Moses showed the divine reverence he felt, for he understood that it was Thee Who spake out of the bush; and he straightway averted his face. How, then, can I gaze directly at Thee? How can I touch Thee with my hand? For Thou art Christ, the Wisdom and Power of God!”
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
“Wisely doing what is spiritual, and being honoured with speech, yet stand I in awe before inanimate things. For if I baptise Thee, the mountain which smoked with fire, the sea which parted in twain and this Jordan which turned back will be mine accusers. For Thou art Christ, the Wisdom and Power of God!”
Irmos: Purified by the fire of a mystical vision, the prophet praiseth the restoration of mortal men; and, filled with the inspiration of the Spirit, he lifteth up his voice to reveal the incarnation of the ineffable Word, Who hath broken the dominion of the mighty.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
O most radiant Word, Who hast been sent forth by the Father, Thou comest to repel utterly the night of evil darkness and to uproot the sins of men, and by Thy baptism to draw forth children of light from the streams of the Jordan, O Good One.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
When he saw in very truth the Word Who had been foretold, the herald bore witness of Him to creation, and cried, plainly saying: “This is He Who was before me, yet cometh after. Though like us in form, He hath shone forth with divine power to take away our hateful sin!”
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
That He might bring His own back to the life-giving pastures of paradise, the Word of God layeth siege to the lairs of the dragons, and destroying their manifold snares, he assaileth him who hath bruised all mankind, and, imprisoning him, delivereth creation.
Irmos: I hymn Thee, O Lord, for I heard report of Thee, and I was afraid; for Thou comest to me, seeking me who have strayed. Wherefore, I glorify Thy great condescension toward me, O greatly Merciful One.
Thou wast sent to cleanse the impure with water, preparing them to receive Christ the Master, Who taketh away their sins and driveth darkness away with the radiance of the knowledge of God, O most honoured one.
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
Entreat Christ to cure me of the serpent’s venom, O blessed one who baptised Him in the waters of the Jordan, wherein the Saviour crushed the nesting malice of the serpents.
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
Adorned with the wisdom of God, thou didst come as the herald of Christ; for thou wast the clarion voice of one crying out: “Repent!” As a prophet thou didst foretell Him Who pointeth thee out to us as the greatest of all men.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
O most excellent one who didst lead a life strange and untrodden by men, thou didst stand before the waters of the Jordan, listening to the voice of the Father and beholding the coming of the Spirit.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
The Lord Who created all things maketh Himself like unto us, O most pure one, taking up His abode within thy most holy womb; and, clothing Himself in human form, He hath saved His own image.
Ode V, Irmos: Jesus, the Author of life, cometh to lift the condemnation of Adam the first-created, and though as God He requireth no cleansing, He cleanseth the fallen one in the Jordan. And having slain enmity therein, He granteth peace which passeth all understanding.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
When countless people went down to be baptised of John, Thou Thyself didst stand in their midst. And he announced to those present: “Who hath told you, O rebellious ones, to avoid the impending wrath? Bring forth fruits worthy of Christ; for He standeth before you, granting peace.”
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
Standing in their midst, the Creator and Fashioner alone trieth the hearts of all; and taking his winnowing-fan in His hand, He most wisely doth separate the harvest of the whole world, letting the chaff fall away; and He granteth eternal life to the fruitful.
Irmos: Washed clean of the poison of the dark and vile enemy by the cleansing of the Spirit, we have set out upon a new path which leadeth to joy inaccessible, which only they attain whom God hath reconciled with Himself.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
Beholding him whom He had formed of dust bound by inescapable bonds in the darkness of sin, the Creator raised him up and laid him on His shoulders; and now, in the midst of abundant waters, He cleanseth him of the ancient shame of Adam’s inclination toward sin.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
With piety let us eagerly hasten to the most pure wellsprings of the stream of salvation: and, gazing upon the Word Who is come forth from the incorrupt Virgin, let us drink the pure water which quencheth our holy thirst, gently healing the infirmity of the world.
Irmos: O Christ my Saviour, enlightenment of those who lie in darkness and salvation of the despairing: rising early unto Thee, O King of the world, may I be enlightened by Thy radiance, for I know none other God than Thee.
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
Illumined with the splendours of supernatural virtue, thou didst present the waters of the Jordan as an initiation into the mysteries of heaven, baptising and cleansing with water those who have recourse to thee with faith of soul, O Forerunner.
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
The pure and incorrupt Light, desiring to be baptised, showed thee forth as a most pure vessel, O John; for thou, the most honoured of the prophets, wast chosen beforehand by Him as the greatest of all, for thou wast counted worthy to behold Him Whom thou didst prophesy.
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
Standing before the face of the Lord of all, and indicating His paths unto all men, the Forerunner, trembling, toucheth the head of the Master and baptiseth Him, saying: “I know none other God than Thee.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Who hath ever seen or heard of the Undefiled One Who sustaineth all things bowing His head before one of His creatures? Wherefore, with trembling the Baptist cried out: “I know none other God than Thee!”
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
The Son of God, Who, as God, doth accomplish His works by His will alone, manifestly showed Himself to be thy Son, O Virgin. Wherefore, we all call thee the true Theotokos, for we know none other Mother of God than thee.
Ode VI, Irmos: The voice of the Word, the candlestick of the Light, the morning star of the Sun, the Forerunner, crieth out to all the people in the wilderness: Repent, and be ye cleansed beforehand! For, lo! the Christ is at hand, delivering the world from corruption!
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
Christ, Who was begotten incorruptibly of God the Father, is incarnate of the Virgin without defilement. The Forerunner teacheth that it is not possible to loose the sandals, the bond between the Word and us, of Him Who delivereth mortals from deception.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
With the uttermost fire shall Christ baptise His enemies, who do not acknowledge Him as God; but He shall restore with the water of grace those who accept His divinity, delivering them from their transgressions.
Irmos: With a most blessed voice the Father made manifest His Beloved Whom He had begotten from the womb. Verily, He saith, this, the splendid Son, of the same nature as Myself, hath come forth from the human race. He is My living Word, Who by My providence is become a man.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
The prophet, mysteriously swallowed up for the space of three nights in the belly of the sea monster, emerged again, making manifest beforehand to all our regeneration in the last times, and our deliverance from the dragon that slayeth mankind.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
When the shining vaults of heaven were opened, he who knew the Scriptures beheld the Spirit, Who proceedeth from the Father and abideth in the all-pure Word, descending in ineffable manner in the form of a dove; and he commanded the multitudes to hasten to the Master.
Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I call upon the unfathomable abyss of Thy loving-kindness: Lead me up from corruption, O God!
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
Thou, the voice of the Word, didst precede Him and didst shine forth like a radiant star, the Sun of righteousness illumining thee, O Forerunner.
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
Thou didst not concern thyself with earthly cares, and wast enriched with the expectations of heaven. And thou didst perfect thy life like an angel on earth, O most blessed one.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
We know thee to be the seal of the prophets, the mediator between the old and new covenants, and we proclaim thee to be the Baptist and Forerunner of Christ the Saviour.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
All the faithful acknowledge and believe thy conceiving to be truly ineffable and thy birth-giving to be inexpressible and unapproachable, O only Bride of God.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Kontakion of the Forerunner, Tone VI: Stricken with awe by Thy coming in the flesh, the Jordan turned back in fear; and John, fulfilling the prophetic ministry, shrank back with trembling. The ranks of the angels were amazed, beholding Thee baptised in the flesh in the streams, and all who were in darkness were enlightened, hymning Thee Who hast appeared and illumined all things.
Ikos: Though Adam had become blind in Eden, the Sun appeared out of Bethlehem and opened his eyes, washing them with the waters of the Jordan: the ever-burning Light shone forth upon him who was enshrouded in darkness and gloom. For him there is no longer any night, but everlasting day. For his sake the Morning hath dawned; for he hid Himself until the evening, as it is written, and found the radiance which restoreth him. He who fell at eventide hath turned from the darkness and attained unto the dawning of Him Who hath appeared and illumined all things.
Ode VII, Irmos: The dew-laden, whistling wind and the descent of the Angel of God preserved unharmed the pious youths who communed together in the fiery furnace. Wherefore, bedewed in the flame, they raised a hymn in thanksgiving: O all-hymned Lord and God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
As in heaven, with trembling and wonder the angelic hosts stood before Thee in the Jordan, witnessing the breadth of God’s condescension; for the God of our fathers, Who holdeth the firmament of the waters above, stood, incarnate as man, in the waters.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
The cloud and the sea of old prefigured the wonder of divine baptism, for the ancient people of the law were baptised therein when they fled Egypt. The sea was an image of the water, and the cloud was an image of the Spirit, whereby we are made perfect. And we cry out: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, forever!
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
O all ye faithful, in Him have we received perfection; and, theologising continually with the angels we glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. For, lo! the consubstantial Trinity of Hypostases is the One God. To Him do we chant: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, forever!
Irmos: He Who cooled the lofty flame that encircled the pious youths in the furnace, hath burnt the heads of the dragons in the waters; and with the dew of the Spirit He washeth away all the unbearable gloom of sin.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
The fierce Assyrian flame that prefigured Thee hast Thou quenched, transforming it into dew. And now, O Christ, Thou hast clothed Thyself in water as in flame, and Thou burnest up the baneful malice concealed in its depths, which calleth men to fall with faltering step.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
When the Jordan was parted of old, the people of Israel passed clean over on dry ground, prefiguring Thee, O most powerful Lord, Who now bearest up creation in the waters without touching it, leading it to a better and imperishable path.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
We know that in the beginning Thou didst, in Thy mercy, bring the waters of the flood upon the earth to destroy every living substance that Thou hadst made. And now, O Christ, Who workest wonders strange and most great, Thou hast drowned sin in the waters of Thy compassion, unto the salvation of mortal men.
Irmos: The fiery bush on the mount and the dew-bearing furnace of Chaldæa manifestly prefigured thee, O Bride of God; for in thy material womb thou didst receive the divine and immaterial Fire without being consumed. Wherefore, to Him Who was born of thee do we chant: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
Having accomplished the sacred baptism and performed the mysteries which were manifestly given thee by God, O sacred minister, thou didst offer thyself as a sacrifice, as an innocent lamb. Wherefore, we chant together with thee: Blessed is the God of our fathers!
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
Thou wast a new Elijah, denouncing the iniquitous king with boldness and showing us an immaterial life, as he did, O thrice-blessed Forerunner. Wherefore, we chant with thee, O prophet: Blessed is the God of our fathers!
Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Inheriting the divine honour of the apostles of Christ, O Forerunner, thou greatest of the prophets, thou wast manifestly shown to be the fulfilment of the law and the beginning of the new grace. Wherefore, we chant with thee, O thrice-blessed one: Blessed is the God of our fathers!
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
O ye pious, with chanting let us all hymn, as is meet, the most pure Mistress who was acceptable to God; for she gave birth to God the Only-begotten, Who hath appeared to us men. To Him, O ye faithful, let us chant together: Blessed is the God of our fathers!
Ode VIII, Irmos: The Babylonian furnace which poured forth dew showed forth a most glorious mystery: how the Jordan was to receive the immaterial Fire in its streams and embrace the Creator baptised in the flesh. Him do the peoples bless and exalt supremely for all ages.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
“Put aside all fear,” the Deliverer said to the Forerunner; “Obey Me, in that I am good, and touch Me, for tangible have I become by nature. Submit to My commands and baptise Me Who am come down.” Him do the people bless and exalt supremely for all ages.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
When the Baptist heard the words of the Master, he stretched forth his hand with trembling, and as he touched the head of his Creator he cried out to Him Who was being baptised: “Sanctify me, for Thou art my God, Whom the people bless and exalt supremely for all ages!”
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
The Trinity was revealed in the Jordan, for the Father, the all-divine Essence Himself, announced: “This One Who is baptised is My beloved Son!” And the Spirit came upon Him Who was like unto Him, Whom the people bless and exalt supremely for all ages.
Irmos: Creation is seen to be fire, and those who before were in darkness to be children of the light. The prince of darkness alone groaneth. Let the inheritance of all the nations which before was accursed now fervently bless Him Who hath brought these things to pass!
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
Sprinkled with dew in the midst of the fire, the three godly children plainly prefigured how the transcendent Nature, which is resplendent with most radiant rays of threefold holiness, doth, through human nature, mercifully consume all pernicious falsehood with the fire of dew.
Glory to Thee, our God; glory to Thee.
Let the whole of earthly creation be clothed in white, for this day it is raised up from its fall to heaven; and, washed and most splendidly cleansed in the flowing waters by the Word, by Whom all things are preserved, it hath escaped its former sins.
Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the fiery furnace divided its activity at the command of God, consuming the Chaldæans, but bedewing the faithful, who chant: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
With joy do we honour thee, O most blessed John, who by thy steadfast life on earth showed thyself to be the peer of the angels; and we cry: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
O prophet, thou didst teach the one Essence of the Godhead in Three Persons, consubstantial in Hypostases; for by the voice of the Father and the coming of the Spirit thou didst recognise Him Whom thou didst baptise as the eternal Word of God.
Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John, pray to God for us.
Thou didst hasten to emerge from the barren woman, O most honoured John, thou noetic dawn proclaiming the Sun Who shone forth from the Virgin; and thou didst preach the Lamb Who, in His love for mankind, taketh away the sin of the world.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Watching over us now from on high, O blessed, most blessed Forerunner, by thy supplications preserve those who follow thy divine preaching, who abide in the teachings of thy divine and saving dogmas.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Ineffably thou didst conceive the preëternal Effulgence of the Father’s glory, the unoriginate Word Who is known to exist from the beginning, and Who is now become thy First-born, immutably becoming a creature, O most pure one.
Ode IX, Canon I of the Feast
Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the all-pure Virgin Theotokos, who is more honourable than the armies on high!
Irmos: Every tongue is at a loss how to praise thee as is meet, and even an intelligence from above the world is in doubt how to hymn thee, O Theotokos; yet, as thou art good, accept our faith, for thou knowest our longing inspired by God; for thou art the intercessor of Christians, and we magnify thee.
Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, Him Who asked baptism of the Forerunner!
O David, come thou in spirit to the enlightened and chant, saying: “Approach God now with faith and be illumined! Lowly Adam cried out in his fall, and the Lord heard him, and, coming to the streams of the Jordan, He restored the corrupted one.”
Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, Him Who came to be baptised in the Jordan!
O David, come thou in spirit… (as above)
Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, Him to Whom the Father’s voice bare witness!
Isaiah saith: “Change your ways and cleanse yourselves; leave off your wickedness in the face of the Lord! Ye who thirst, go to the living Water; for Christ sprinkleth with water those who have recourse to Him with faith, renewing them, and He baptiseth with the Spirit unto life which ageth not.”
Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the One of the Trinity Who bowed His head and received baptism.
By grace and the seal are we preserved, O ye faithful; for as of old the blood-smeared lintels allowed the Hebrews to escape the destroyer, so shall the laver of regeneration be for us a divine exodus. And henceforth we shall see the never-waning light of the Trinity.
Canon II of the Feast
Refrain: Today the Master boweth His neck beneath the hand of the Forerunner.
Irmos: O most pure Bride, O blessed Mother! The wonders of thy birthgiving pass all understanding. Having received most perfect salvation through thee, we praise our Benefactor as is meet and right, offering a hymn of thanksgiving unto Him as a gift.
Refrain: Today John doth baptise the Master in the streams of the Jordan.
That which was revealed to Moses in the bush we see here fulfilled in wondrous manner; for as it bare fire, yet was not consumed, so hath the Virgin been preserved, who gave birth unto the Benefactor Who bringeth us light, and the streams of the Jordan suffered no harm when they received Him.
Refrain: Today the Master burieth the sin of man in the waters.
O King Who is without beginning, through the communion of the Spirit dost Thou anoint and make perfect the nature of man, and cleansing it in the pure streams of baptism, putting the arrogant might of darkness to shame, Thou now dost raise it up to eternal life.
Canon of the Forerunner
Irmos: Thee do we magnify, O blessed and most pure Theotokos, who through thy virginal womb ineffably didst make God incarnate, the Luminary Who shone forth before the sun and hath come to us in the flesh.
Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the Forerunner who is greatest among the prophets.
From the wilderness the Forerunner, the voice of the Word, pointeth to Him Who hath come to us in the flesh; and he prepareth most joyfully to baptise the Preëternal One Who cleanseth our souls from sin for the sake of our faith.
Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the Forerunner who is greatest among the prophets.
Grace and the law manifestly set thee forth as the mediator between them: for thou didst seal the one and begin the other, art honoured by the Word as greatest of all the prophets, and didst live beyond visible things, O most honoured one.
Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the Forerunner who is greatest among the prophets.
Showing forth a life like unto that of the incorporeal ones, he dwelleth with the angelic choirs, and rejoiceth, standing before the throne of the Master, asking remission and salvation for those who praise him.
Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the all-pure Virgin Theotokos, who is more honourable than the armies on high!
In His compassion the Deliverer of all becometh man and accepteth to be born in the flesh of thy virginal womb, for He loveth man with a love beyond that of men, O most blessed Theotokos.
Troparion of the Forerunner, Tone II: The memory of the righteous is celebrated with hymns of praise, but the Lord’s testimony is sufficient for thee, O Forerunner. Thou wast truly shown to be more honourable than the prophets, in that thou wast counted worthy to baptise in the streams Him Whom thou didst proclaim. Wherefore, having suffered, rejoicing, for the truth, unto those in hades also thou didst proclaim God, Who had manifested Himself in the flesh, Who taketh away the sin of the world, and granteth us great mercy.
Troparion of the feast, Tone I: When Thou wast baptised in the Jordan, O Lord, the worship of the Trinity was made manifest: for the voice of the Father bore witness unto Thee, calling Thee His beloved Son; and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the certainty of the word. O Christ God, Who hast appeared and enlightened the world, glory be to Thee!