September Dates

Sadly, the rail strike yesterday and today, rendered planned activities impossible, so the list of dates and activities starts with tomorrow’s Liturgy.

Again, may I stress that confessions on days when there is no service or talk following them continue till whatever time the last confession finishes.

They are not day-time confessions only, but can and continue until the end, and we have been clear that confessions can be heard after evening services or talks, also.

I would like to be able to do the same on Saturday, with confessions – vespers – confessions, but as I have been relying on public transport over the summer, this has not been possible due to the three hour journey each way (if transport runs according to plan) and repeated cancellations of services beyond Swansea.

We always stress that Sunday morning is the only chance for West of England parishioners, we have also made clear that as confessions begin at 10:10 we can arrange things to accommodate those who may not have been able to come during the week. This continues to work as people have not left confession till last minute, have arrived in good time, and have taken advantage of the time slot.

If the parish is willing to pay for accommodation each Saturday when public transport is my only option, the present very imperfect situation can easily be resolved.

Sunday 3rd September, After-feast of the Dormition: Hours and Divine Liturgy, Nazareth House, Cardiff, 10:45 (confessions from 10:10).

Thursday 7th September: Nazareth House, afternoon confessions time tbc depending on requests

Saturday 9th September, Holy Great Martyr Phanourios: Hours and Divine Liturgy, Cheltenham, 10:00.

Sunday 10th September, Uncovering of the relics of Venerable Job of Pochaev (1651): Hours and Divine Liturgy, Nazareth House, Cardiff, 10:45 (confessions from 10:10).

Monday 11th September, Beheading of St John the Forerunner: Hours and Divine Liturgy, Nazareth House, Cardiff, 11:00.

Wednesday 13th September, Eve of Church New Year: Vespers and Water Blessing, Nazareth House 18:00.

Thursday 14th September (1st September Old Style), Church New Year: Hours and Divine Liturgy, Nazareth House, Cardiff, 11:00. Confessions heard in the afternoon, depending on requests.

Friday 15th September: Nazareth House, afternoon confessions time tbc depending on requests, 19:00 Discussion Group on prayer.

Sunday 17th September, Translation of the relics of Saints Peter and Febronia, Wonderworkers of Murom: Hours and Divine Liturgy, Nazareth House, Cardiff, 10:45 (confessions from 10:10).

Thursday 21st September, Nativity of the Mother of God: Altar-feast of our cathedral – clergy to attend and concelebrate. We hope that some of our parishioners will also join us in this celebration.

Friday 22nd September: Nazareth House, afternoon confessions time tbc depending on requests.

Saturday 23rd September: Pilgrimage to Llancarfan, details tbc.

Sunday 24th September, After Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God: Hours and Divine Liturgy, Nazareth House, Cardiff, 10:45 (confessions from 10:10).

Tuesday 26th September, Eve of the Exultation: Great Vespers, Nazareth House, 18:00.

Wednesday 27th September, The Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross: Hours and Divine Liturgy, Nazareth House, Cardiff, 11:00.

Friday 29th September: Nazareth House, afternoon confessions time tbc depending on requests, 19:00 Discussion Group on prayer.


Sunday 1 October: Hours and Divine Liturgy, Nazareth House, Cardiff, 10:45 (confessions from 10:10).

Posted in Parish News.