Having celebrated the feast of St George on Friday, we served a moleben to the Great-Martyr after Sunday’s Liturgy.
I thought I would share a photograph from my cell icon-corner, where prayers are offered to St George for our parishioners, benefactors and friends.
Holy & Glorious Great-Martyr, Wonder-Worker & Trophy-Bearer George, Troparion, Tone IV: With faith thou didst fight the good fight, O athlete of Christ, didst denounce the ungodliness of the tyrants and didst offer thyself to God as a right acceptable sacrifice. Wherefore, thou hast received a crown of victory, O holy one, and by thy supplications dost bestow the forgiveness of transgressions upon all.
Troparion in Tone IV: As a liberator of captives, a helper of the poor, and a physician of the infirm, O champion of kings, victorious great martyr George, entreat Christ God, that our souls be saved.
Holy, glorious and praiseworthy St. George! We who venerate thy holy icon, beseech thee, as a known intercessor for our longings: pray with us to God, Whose loving kindness we implore, mercifully to hear us entreating His goodness, and not to abandon our requests which are needful unto salvation and life; that He might grant victories over adversaries; and furthermore we pray thee abjectly, thou holy Trophy-Bearer, to strengthen the Orthodox Christians in their battles, by the grace given thee; crush the power of insurgent foes, that they may be disgraced and brought to shame, and their presumption shattered; may they know that we have Divine help, and thy mighty defence made known unto all in sorrow and trouble. Entreat the Lord God and Maker of all creation to deliver us from eternal torment, that we may always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.