Greetings, as we celebrate the feast of St Patrick according to the patristic calendar, and we especially pray for the blessings of the feast on our brothers and sisters in Belfast and Stradbally!
Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig ort!
Troparion, Tone 3: Holy Bishop Patrick, faithful shepherd of Christ’s royal flock, thou didst fill Ireland with the radiance of the Gospel: the mighty strength of the Trinity! Now that thou standest before the Saviour, pray that He may preserve us in faith and love!
Kontakion, Tone 4: From slavery thou didst escape to freedom in Christ’s service: he sent thee to deliver Ireland from the devil’s bondage. Thou didst plant the Word of the Gospel in pagan hearts. In thy journeys and hardships thou didst rival the Apostle Paul! Having received the reward for thy labours in heaven, never cease to pray for the flock thou hast gathered on earth, O Holy Bishop Patrick!