10/23 December
The Holy Martyrs Menas, Hermogenes, and Eugraphus suffered for their faith in Christ under the emperor Maximian (305-313).
Saint Menas was sent by the emperor from Athens to Alexandria to suppress the riots that had arisen between the Christians and the pagans. Distinguished for his gift of eloquence, Menas instead openly began to preach the Christian Faith and he converted many pagans to Christ. Learning of this, Maximian sent Hermogenes to Alexandria to place the saints on trial. Moreover, he gave orders to purge the city of Christians.
Hermogenes, although he was a pagan, was distinguished by his reverent bearing. And struck by the endurance of Saint Menas under torture and by his miraculous healing after the cruel torments, he also came to believe in Christ. Maximian himself then arrived in Alexandria. Neither the astonishing stoic endurance of Saints Menas and Hermogenes under torture, nor even the miracles manifested by God in this city, mollified the emperor. Instead, they vexed him all the more. The emperor personally stabbed Saint Eugraphus, the secretary of Saint Menas, and then gave orders to behead the holy Martyrs Menas and Hermogenes.
The relics of the holy martyrs, cast into the sea in an iron chest, were afterwards found (see February 17) and transferred to Constantinople in the ninth century. The emperor Justinian built a church in the name of the holy Martyr Menas of Alexandria. Saint Joseph the Hymnographer (April 4) composed a Canon in honour of these holy martyrs.
Source: The Orthodox Church in America
Canon for the martyrs, the acrostic whereof is: “I hymn the steadfast crown-bearing martyrs,” the composition of Joseph, in Tone I.
Ode I, Irmos: Having been delivered from bitter slavery, * Israel traversed the impassable as though dry land; * and beholding the enemy drowned, * they chanted unto God as to their Redeemer, * Who worketh wonders with His upraised arm, * for He hath been glorified.
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
O ye martyrs adorned with crowns of glory, who stand before the throne of God, filled with divine light: From the darkness of the passions deliver those who with love keep your splendid memory.
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
Loving divine glory and desiring the beauty of God, ye most manifestly spurned the beautiful things of life and all power, O martyrs, and by your death obtained never-ending life.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Burning with divine zeal, the exceeding wise Hermogenes and Menas quenched the fire of ungodliness; and shining the light of piety upon all, by faith they were all radiantly shown forth as beacons.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
That thy servants may be delivered from possession by the passions, O all-immaculate Maiden, do thou earnestly entreat thy Lord and Master, to Whom thou gavest flesh from thy most pure blood, and Who hath entered into fellowship with us.
Ode III, Irmos: To the Son who was begotten of the Father * without change before all ages, * and in the last times, without seed, was made flesh of the Virgin, * to Christ our God let us cry aloud: * Thou hast raised up our horn, holy art Thou, O Lord.
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
Clearly illumined with heavenly light, the martyrs dispersed the darkness of the delusion of idolatry, and have emitted the radiance of healings for us who chant unto the God of all: Holy art Thou, O Lord!
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
Following the living Master of mortality, O wondrous Menas, thou wast broken underfoot and thus broke the head of the tyrannical enemy, setting thy feet firmly upon the hard path of torment, O most manly martyr.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
His hands cut off, Hermogenes hymneth the Saviour, having manifestly made the vesture of the priesthood most bright with the moistening of his blood, being revealed through grace as an emulator of Him Who suffered in the flesh.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Christ the comely, finding thee alone to be comely among women, issued forth incarnate from thy womb, O Maiden, enlightening our race with divine beauty. Wherefore, we honour thee.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Kontakion, Tone I, Spec. Mel. “The choir of the angels…”: Together let us all honour with sacred and sweet hymnody * the wondrous Menas, the godly Hermogenes and Eugraphus, * as ones who rendered honour unto the Lord,* and who suffered for Him, * and attained unto the choirs of the incorporeal in the heavens, ** and pour forth miracles.
Sessional Hymn, Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “Of the Wisdom…”: Disdaining the glory of the world and furnishing themselves with wings through divine glory, Menas, Hermogenes and the glorious Eugraphus endured the weight of cruel tortures with zealous purpose, sparing not their flesh. Wherefore, cast into the depths of the sea after their end, they were guided to the will of God. To them let us cry aloud with faith: Entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of sins unto those who with love honour your holy memory.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion Tone VIII: From the snares of enemies visible and invisible, * we have been overcome by the storms of our uncountable sins, * and fleeing unto the safe harbour of thy goodness O pure one, * we have thee as our rampart and sure protection. * Wherefore we thy servants beseech thee * to ceaselessly make fervent supplication, O most pure one, * unto Him who seedlessly became incarnate from thee, * that those who worthily hymn thee ** may be granted the remission of their sins.
Stavrotheotokion (replaces the Theotokion on Wednesdays and Fridays): The ewe-lamb, beholding her Lamb, Shepherd and Redeemer upon the Cross, exclaimed, weeping, and bitterly lamenting, cried out: The world rejoiceth, receiving deliverance through Thee; but my womb burneth, beholding Thy crucifixion, which Thou endurest in the loving-kindness of Thy mercy. O long-suffering Lord, Thou abyss and inexhaustible wellspring of compassion, take pity and grant remission of sins unto those who with faith hymn Thy divine Passion.
Ode IV, Irmos: Rod of the root of Jesse, * and flower that blossomed from his stem, * O Christ, Thou hast sprung from the Virgin. * From the Mountain overshadowed by the forest * Thou hast come, made flesh from her that knew not wedlock, * O God who art not formed from matter. * Glory to Thy power, O Lord.
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
Proclaiming the brilliant laws of God, O Menas, thou didst endure the putting out of thine eyes by the iniquitous, lifting up the eyes of thy heart unto the never-waning Light, and chanting with joy: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
When it was cut out, thy tongue was found to be honed by the fire of the Spirit, O most wise one; for it spake, hymning the wonders of God and manifestly brought to the glory of piety the tyrant who had caused thy muteness, O Menas.
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
Enduring great suffering, Hermogenes was deprived of his feet, yet he trampled upon the head of the serpent, preparing with unwavering demeanour the path of witness which leadeth to the life of heavenly splendour.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
When thou wast preserving thy soul unwounded, O Menas, Christ appeared to thee, healing thy wounds and commanding thee to endure manfully, that for thy sake He Who desireth mercy might work salvation for all who beheld thy torment.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Thou didst put forth the Rod from the root of Jesse, O pure and all-hymned Virgin who budded forth the Husbandman of all creation, Who hath caused the gardens of fruitless knowledge to wither and hath piously rooted the most true Faith within us.
Ode V, Irmos: As Thou art the God of peace and Father of compassions, * Thou hast sent unto us Thine Angel of great counsel, * granting us peace. * Wherefore guided towards the light of the knowledge of God, * and watching by night we glorify Thee, * O Lover of mankind.
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
Why trouble ye yourselves in vain? The martyrs cried out together to the most iniquitous judge. He Who giveth power standeth before us, He Who alone is invincible in might, for Whose sake we most mightily endure wounds!
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
Sudden was the conversion of the wondrous Hermogenes to the Lord; for he was cleansed in the laver of baptism, and received the light of the hierarchal office by the judgment of God, illumining with his teachings those who were in the night of evil.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Abandoning the worthless mentality of the rhetors, ye were caught in the snares of the unlettered apostles when the Spirit rendered you truly wise as martyrs and through faith rendered you mighty in strength against every storm of torment.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Thou wast shown to surpass the holy angels, O pure Virgin who hast given birth unto the Angel of Great Counsel, Emmanuel, Who by His condescension united mankind to the heavenly, in His unutterable compassion, O Maiden.
Ode VI, Irmos: The sea monster spat forth Jonah as it had received him, * like a babe from the womb: * while the Word, having dwelt in the Virgin and taken flesh, * came forth from her yet kept her incorrupt. * For being Himself not subject to decay. * He preserved His Mother free from all harm.
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
O Almighty God, after three days Thou didst save from the monster Jonah, who foreshadowed Thy burial; and the bodies of the martyrs which were cast into the deep Thou didst guide to the most tranquil haven of burial, where Thy divine will is the safekeeping of us, the faithful.
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
O invincible martyrs, upon dry land and unharmed did the deep give up your bodies, which were guided by the angels of heaven who proclaimed to all your spiritual state, which poureth forth healings and delivereth all from the passions of the soul, O blessed ones.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
The ranks of the angels marvelled at your endurance, and how in the body ye vanquished the incorporeal serpent, and were crowned with wreaths of victory, O martyrs, who stand before the throne of God, illumined with the effulgence of divine light.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Through thee, O Virgin, hath death ceased to be, for thou hast given birth unto those who believe in Him with pure faith. To Him do thou pray, O all-holy one, that He deliver thy servants from misfortune.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Kontakion, Tone IV, Spec. Mel. “Having been lifted up…”: The right harmonious sound of thy words, * leading Hermogenes up from the abyss of perdition, * set him on the rock of life; * and Eugraphus, having denounced the emperor, * hath his glorious head severed, rejoicing. * And do thou earnestly pray, O Menas, ** that all who honour thee with love be saved.
Ikos: Thy life was godly, thy discourse sweet, thy boldness and teaching great, thy courage wondrous in the face of the iniquitous, O Menas, who showed thyself forth with steadfastness of mind to be in no wise afraid. And with instruction thou didst teach all to worship the one God in three Hypostases and to serve Him with unwavering intent. And confessing the Son of God Who for our sake assumed flesh in these latter days, thou didst pursue Hermogenes. Wherefore, with him do thou pray, that all who honour you with love be saved.
Ode VII, Irmos: Scorning the impious decree of the godless one, * the Children brought up together in godliness * feared not the threat of fire, * but standing in the midst of the flames, they sang: * O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou.
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
O spiritual athletes, ye have made your abode with the souls of the joyous, where the sound of the voices of those who keep festival in a pure manner is heard, full of gladness, and chanting: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
Sweet to me is the death whereby I die, cried Hermogenes, for me to live is Christ, and to die is immeasurable gain. Let my members be cut off as I chant with love: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
With steadfast wisdom thou didst inscribe thyself in the Book of Life, O wise Eugraphus; for when thy head was severed, thou wast transported to the never-waning Light on thy blood, as upon a chariot.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
The incarnate Word issued forth from thee, O Maiden, without burning thy womb or disturbing the seal of thy virginity, granting incorruption and life to us who chant: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!
Ode VIII, Irmos: The furnace moist with dew * was an image and prefiguring of a wonder past nature, * burning not the Children whom it had received, * so the fire of the Godhead consumed not the Virgin’s womb * into which it had descended. * Therefore in song let us sing: * Let the whole creation bless the Lord * and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
He whose wisdom was vain fell at thy feet, beaten, O divinely wise Menas; for, having deprived thee of eyes and tongue, he was yet unable to shake thy thought of the dwelling-place on high. Wherefore, thou didst cry out with joy: Let all creation bless the Lord, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
When the most irrational tyrant deprived thee of both thy hands and feet by his most savage will, then, O wise Hermogenes, desiring the prize, and rejoicing, thou didst chant unto Christ: Let all creation bless the Lord, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
I hymn thy divine suffering, O Menas; I honour the struggles of Hermogenes; I venerate your relics, sing of the wounds, bonds, persecutions and death whereby ye were taken up into life, crying: Let all creation bless the Lord, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
We have known thee to be the jar which contained the Manna of the Godhead, O Maiden, the ark, the table, the candlestick, the throne of God, the palace, and the bridge which doth lead to divine life those who chant: Let all creation bless the Lord, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!
Ode IX, Irmos: The Bush, which burnt without being consumed, * prefigured thy pure birthgiving, O Theotokos. * Wherefore we now entreat Thee: * quench the raging furnace of temptations that beset us, * that we may unceasingly magnify Thee.
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
Lo! the brilliant celebration of the radiant martyrs hath shone forth upon all, illumining the ends of the world and removing the blindness of men’s souls. Let us make haste with all diligence, and draw forth sanctity there-from.
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
As ye ever stand before God, O great martyrs, we entreat you: Pray ye that those who honour your radiant memory with faith, may receive the blessings of heavenly glory whereof ye have been deemed worthy.
Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.
Immolated in the fire of torment, and illumined with the most pure light, O all-praised ones, ye brought body and soul to the Creator of all as an unblemished sacrifice, and have been numbered among the choirs of the martyrs.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
The splendid and divine choir of the martyrs, the divinely wise Menas, Hermogenes and Eugraphus, were taken up to the mansions of heaven and stand before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, manifestly delighting in deification.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
The effulgence of the splendour of thy birth-giving hath our rejected nature seen, O all-immaculate one, and it hath been delivered from the night of unbelief and the dark tumult of the passions. Wherefore, we honour thee as the cause of our salvation.
Troparion, Tone VIII: Having mortified the fiery movements of the passions by abstinence, O martyrs of Christ, * ye received the grace to dispel the ailments of the infirm, * and living even after your death, ye work miracles. * O truly most glorious wonder! Bare bones pour forth healing! ** Glory be to Thee the only God and Creator!