Canon to Saints Cyril and Methodius

Ode I, Irmos: He Who of old gathered the waters into one at His divine behest, and parted the sea for the people of Israel, is our God and is most glorious. To Him let us chant, for He hath been glorified!

Holy Fathers, Cyril and Methodius, pray to God for us.

At a loss how to traverse the waters of life’s tumult, O venerable Methodius, thou didst abandon all the beauties of this world and, fighting the invisible foe in the angelic habit, thou didst serve the one God, joyously singing: to Him alone let us chant, for He hath been glorified!

Holy Fathers, Cyril and Methodius, pray to God for us.

Thou wast shown to be a chosen vessel from thine infancy, O blessed Cyril, in nowise desiring to receive milk from a stranger’s breasts, thereby showing that thy mind would not be deceived by a strange doctrine, but would be illumined by the teaching of the holy Orthodox Church, and that thou thyself wouldst become the teacher and enlightener of many.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Bedewed by the waters of your teachings, even to this day the Slavic lands bring forth fruit right pleasing unto Christ the Master; wherefore, the Holy Church doth bless you, crying aloud: Deliver us from tribulations, for ye have been glorified!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The waters of sin have entered in unto my soul, O Mistress, and I am sunk in the mire of the passions. To thee do I flee, O most immaculate one: still thou the turmoil of impure thoughts and grant me peace of mind.

Ode III, Irmos: O Most High, Thou Ruler of all, Who out of non-existence hast brought all things, which are fashioned by Thy Word and made perfect by the Spirit: Confirm me in Thy love!

Holy Fathers, Cyril and Methodius, pray to God for us.

O venerable Methodius, hearing with the ear of thy heart: “He who would come after Me, let him take up his cross and follow after Me,” thou didst follow Christ, shouldering the cross of the monastic life. Him do thou entreat, that in His love He establish me, who am cold.

Holy Fathers, Cyril and Methodius, pray to God for us.

He Who of old showed Jacob, in a dream, a ladder which extended up into the heavens, O holy Cyril, when thou wast a boy also in a wondrous dream betrothed thee to a maiden more lovely than all others, Sophia by name. And, behold! the wisdom which sitteth at His throne hath established thee in the love of the Most High.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

He Who hath brought all things out of non-existence, O right wondrous fathers, sanctified you for Himself as chosen vessels from your mother’s womb, that ye might bring His name before the nations. Wherefore, celebrating your honored memory, we entreat you, O Cyril and Methodius, to establish your wavering mind in the confession of the right Faith.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O pure one, who hast given peace to the world and given birth to the Origin of tranquility, still the waves of my passions and establish me upon the rock of dispassion.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sessional hymn of the saints, Tone IV: Thou didst liken the holy consubstantial Trinity to the sun, O divinely inspired Cyril, declaring that the visible, created sun in the sky is an image of the Holy Trinity, saying: “The solar disc is an image of God the Father, Who hath neither beginning nor end; and as a ray of light issueth forth from the solar disc, illumining the earth, so is the Son, the Effulgence of the Father, begotten of God the Father; and the warmth which giveth life to the whole world, and with the ray is poured forth from the same disc, is an image of the Holy Spirit, Who proceedeth from the same Father.” Heeding thy wondrous teaching, we also worship the one God in Trinity, blessing thy memory, O right wondrous one. Twice

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Repeat the foregoing hymn.

Ode IV, Irmos: Thou hast shown us constant love, O Lord, for Thou didst give Thine only-begotten Son over to death for us. Wherefore, in thanksgiving we cry to Thee: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Holy Fathers, Cyril and Methodius, pray to God for us.

Thou didst set the keeping of the commandments as thy corner-stone, O venerable Methodius, and building the house of thy soul thereon thou didst make it a habitation of the Holy Spirit. And I, who am the abode of sin, fall down before thee, O most blessed one: cleanse me with the dew of thy prayers, that I may cry out in thanksgiving: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Holy Fathers, Cyril and Methodius, pray to God for us.

“Grant that I may understand what is pleasing unto Thee, O Master!”, thou didst cry out, O blessed Cyril, when thou wast given over to study with the young emperor; wherefore, in addition to outward philosophy, thou didst receive the wisdom of the Spirit and the fear of God from on high, and didst regard earthly wisdom as nought, crying: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou didst set love for thy Creator like a seal upon thy heart, O most blessed Cyril; wherefore, thou didst reject an earthly betrothal and the glory of this world, and, escaping like a bird from the hunters’ snares, thou didst attain unto the calm haven of monastics and wast clothed in the robe of joy, chanting with Methodius: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Setting mine iniquities and injustices before me, I see that they have multiplied more than the sands of the sea. To thee do I flee, O most immaculate one: heal the sores of my soul, that in thanksgiving I may cry out to Him Who was born of thee: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Ode V, Irmos: In a vision Isaiah beheld God exalted upon a throne borne aloft by angels of glory, and he cried: O accursed am I, for I have beheld beforehand the incarnate God, the unwaning Light, Who reigneth with peace!

Holy Fathers, Cyril and Methodius, pray to God for us.

Thou didst flower like a fragrant lily in the wilderness, O venerable Methodius, adorning thy soul with prayer, vigils and fasting; and, having lived angelically upon the earth, with the angels thou dost now contemplate in splendour the never-waning Light Who reigneth with peace.

Holy Fathers, Cyril and Methodius, pray to God for us.

Praying in the wilderness to Him Who is upborne by the angels of glory, O Cyril, thou wast prevailed upon to return to the Imperial City and adorned with priestly rank, that thou mightest show the way of salvation to men, illumining them with the light of doctrine and offering up the unbloody sacrifice to the never-waning Light Who reigneth with peace, for all.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou wast shown to be an inexhaustible well of wisdom, O God-bearing Cyril, when thou wast sent by the emperor to dispute with the Saracens, who blaspheme the all-holy Trinity; and they were unable to drown in the turgid waters of their false religion thee who art illumined from on high by the never-waning Light.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

How can I fail to fear the dread felling, since I am a barren tree, wretch that I am? Make haste quickly to her who is full of grace, O my soul; for if she will not help thee, thou wilt never behold the never-waning Light Who reigneth with peace!

Ode VI, Irmos: The uttermost abyss of sins hath engulfed me, and my spirit doth perish. But, stretching forth Thine upraised arm, O Master, save me as Thou didst Peter, O Helmsman!

Holy Fathers, Cyril and Methodius, pray to God for us.

“Our God is like the deep of the sea, unfathomable by the mind and indescribable in words,” thou didst say to the Moslems who disputed with thee, O all-wise Cyril; “and some who attempt to sail across this deep in the leaky boats of their own intellect are drowned, falling into errors and heresies, while others are buffeted by incomprehension and doubt, knowing not how to chant: O Helmsman, save us, as Thou didst Peter!”

Holy Fathers, Cyril and Methodius, pray to God for us.

Sunk deep in the abyss of their false understandings, the Moslems secretly offered thee deadly poison. But He Who said: “If ye drink anything deadly, it will not harm you”, preserved thee whole and returned thee with honor to the Imperial City. And, fittingly blessed by the emperor and patriarch, thou wast supremely exalted, crying: “O Helmsman, Thou hast saved me as Thou didst Peter!”

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit once said to the disciples: “Separate for Me Barnabas and Saul for the task to which I have called them,” the enlightenment of the nations who are perishing in the abyss of ignorance of God; and He likewise commanded that ye be sent to the lands of the Slavs, O venerable fathers. And, illumined by the light of your teaching, people who sat in darkness and the shadow of death have cried out: “O Helmsman, Thou hast saved us as Thou didst Peter!”

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The uttermost abyss of sins hath encompassed me, and, beset with trembling and terrified of utter drowning, I offer thee entreaty, O all-immaculate one: Have mercy upon my passion-plagued soul! Stretch forth thy hands, in that thou art good, and as Thy Son saved Peter, so do thou save me, O thou who dost steer my soul.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone III: Let us honour our two sacred enlighteners, who poured forth upon us a spring of divine knowledge through their translation of the divine Scriptures. Drawing forth abundantly therefrom to this very day, we bless you, O Cyril and Methodius, who stand before the throne of the Most High and fervently pray for our souls.

Ikos: Come, ye faithful, let us praise our God-bearing fathers Methodius and Cyril, the preachers of piety who shone forth in virtue, the true pillars and foundation of the Church, the divine clarions of Christian dogmas; for having driven the darkness of unbelief away from us and burned up the impieties of heresy with the fire of the Spirit, by their translation of the Scriptures they transformed the Slavic race from wild olive-trees into a fruitful grove, through divine baptism have brought them into the Christian Faith, and have filled the whole world with a multitude of miracles; wherefore, they stand, crowned, before God Almighty. And we cry out to them: O divine fathers, peers of the apostles, entreat Christ, that He grant all the Slavic peoples steadfastness in Orthodoxy and oneness of mind, bring peace to the world, and save Thou our souls.

Ode VII, Irmos: The three children would not bow down before the golden image, the object of the Persians’ worship, but chanted in the midst of the furnace: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Holy Fathers, Cyril and Methodius, pray to God for us.

Abiding alone in solitude before, O Methodius, thou didst make thy soul like a divinely planted garden; but later, undertaking the apostolic preaching with the divinely wise Cyril, thou didst labor in the lands of the Slavs, where, unburnt by the fire of impiety like the youths in the furnace, ye chanted: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Holy Fathers, Cyril and Methodius, pray to God for us.

Thou didst best the Jews and Saracens in argument, O all-wise Cyril, and didst enlighten the land of the Khazars with holy baptism, freeing a multitude of captives, and didst transform brackish water in an arid wilderness into potable water; and, saved by thee, the people chanted: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O venerable fathers, ye were vessels chosen to bear the name of the Lord before the nations; wherefore, the Slavic peoples desired to be illumined by the light of your doctrine. And ye deemed it better to exchange the sweetness of solitude for apostolic labor, that ye might win a great many for Christ; and together with them ye chant: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

I am a vessel full of the passions, O all-holy Virgin Theotokos, and fear ultimate death and the threat of the fire. But do thou save me who am perishing, O all-pure one, and gird my spirit about with strength, that, bursting the bonds of sin, I may chant in thanksgiving: Blessed art thou who gavest birth to Him Who hath delivered the captives!

Ode VIII, Irmos: With immaterial flame the God-seeing children caused the flame of the material fire to die out, and they chanted: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Holy Fathers, Cyril and Methodius, pray to God for us.

Continually illumined by the immaterial fire of grace, thou didst receive the rank of priest, O blessed Cyril; and with the aid of the Holy Spirit, thou didst devise an alphabet for the Slavs, that the people, enlightened by the translation of divinely inspired books into their native speech, might chant: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Holy Fathers, Cyril and Methodius, pray to God for us.

O most lauded fathers, ye first thundered out the chief heading of our Faith, the unearthly words of the son of thunder: “In the beginning was the Word”, and then the melodious Psalter, wherewith the Holy Church crieth out in gladness: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Ye have enriched us with an immaterial treasure, O right wondrous fathers, for thanks to you the divine liturgy began to be celebrated in the Slavonic language; and partaking of this grace to this day, we bless you, chanting: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The fire of temptations and evil perils hath surrounded me. To thee do I flee, O Virgin Theotokos. Disdain not the supplications of thy servant, O pure one, but deliver me from the cruel ones who beset me, that, uttering blessing, I may bless thee and exalt thy name supremely forever.

Ode IX, Irmos: Thee, the unconsumed bush, the holy Virgin, the Mother of the Light, the Theotokos, the hope of us all, do we magnify!

Holy Fathers, Cyril and Methodius, pray to God for us.

Who can praise thee fittingly, O most glorious Methodius? And who can reckon the labours thou didst apostolically undertake for the salvation of an erring people, O Cyril? We who have been taught by you to glorify God Most High in our native tongue magnify you in oneness of mind.

Holy Fathers, Cyril and Methodius, pray to God for us.

When thou hadst completed thy work and finished the race, O blessed Cyril, thou didst receive word of thy repose from on high, and, accepting it joyfully, thou didst chant: “My spirit was glad because of them that said unto me, Let us go into the courts of the Lord!” And yearning for the heavens, thou wast borne aloft in soul, where with the hosts of heaven thou dost continually magnify the consubstantial Trinity.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Receiving the episcopacy of the Church of Moravia, O venerable Methodius, in proclaiming the Holy Faith thou didst undertake many labours and struggles, and didst endure many tribulations and persecutions; and, rejoicing now in the highest with the holy Cyril, pray for us, that we may continually magnify you as our helpers and mediators.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: O thou who art more exalted than the angels and more honourable than the cherubim, we pray thee: through the intercession of the holy Cyril and Methodius have pity on our lowliness, lead us up from the depths of sin, and deliver us from everlasting damnation, that with them we may magnify thee, the Theotokos and Mother of the Light, and our hope.

Troparion, Tone IV: In that ye share the ways of the apostles, O divinely wise Cyril and Methodius, ye teachers of the Slavic lands, entreat the Master of all, that He confirm all the Slavic nations in Orthodoxy and oneness of mind, grant peace to the world and save our souls.

Canons for the Translation of the Relics of St Nicholas the Wonderworker

The Canon of the Saint, Tone VIII

Ode I, Irmos: O ye people, let us send up a hymn unto our wondrous God, Who freed Israel from bondage, singing and crying out a hymn of victory unto Thee Who alone art Master.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Accept Thou the song of my lips, O Christ my Benefactor, and cleanse Thou my tongue, being not mindful of my manifold sins; that I may extol in song the honourable life of Thy hierarch, in memory of the translation of his relics.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Having received the gift of working miracles, and crowns of patience, and being adorned with thy hierarchal office, do thou beseech God, O our Father, that He grant remission of transgressions to us who glorify the translation of thy relics.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

O Father, shepherd of the flock of Christ, thou art sent to other sheep, of the Latin tongue, that thou mayest astonish all with thy wonders and lead them to Christ. O blessed one, pray thou unceasingly in our behalf.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

The heathen nations formerly far removed have drawn nigh unto God through thy birth-giving, O Theotokos; and, deified and set free from the ancient curse by thy blood, I have been given rebirth by thee.

Another Canon to the Holy Hierarch, Tone IV

Irmos: I will open my mouth, and with the Spirit will it be filled; and I shall utter discourse unto the Queen and Mother, and shall appear, keeping splendid festival; and, rejoicing, I will hymn her wonders.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Illumine my soul and heart, I pray thee, O Bestower of light and Fashioner of creation. Grant unto me the gift of praising in song Thy most honoured favourite, by whom do Thou deliver the world from misfortune.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Illumine my soul and heart, I pray thee, O Bestower of light and Fashioner of creation. Grant unto me the gift of praising in song Thy most honoured favourite, by whom do Thou deliver the world from misfortune.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having acquired heavenly wisdom, thou didst invest it as a talent entrusted to thee; for, having set at nought the guile of those opposed to God, thou didst enlighten the people with divine instruction.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

From a Maiden is the Infant born, pre-eternal of origin and preserved in perfection, Whom thou didst preach in two Natures and in one Hypostasis, O divinely blessed one.

Ode III, Irmos: O Lord, Fashioner of the vault of heaven and Creator of the Church: establish me in Thy love, O Summit of desire, confirmation of the faithful, Who alone lovest mankind.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Guileless in manner and meek in demeanour, possessed of an angelic life, O divinely blessed Nicholas: cease thou never to pray to Him Who loveth mankind, in behalf of us all.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

What city doth not have thee as a helper, O blessed one? What soul uttereth not thy name? And what place dost thou not visit in spirit, astounding all with thy wonders, O Nicholas?

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Though the city of Bari hath received thy body, yet thy spirit dwelleth in the heavenly Jerusalem, where thou exultest with the prophets, apostles and holy hierarchs, praying in our behalf to Him Who alone loveth mankind.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Beg thou enlightenment for me who am engulfed in darkness because of my many sins, O all-pure Lady who gavest birth to the Light of the whole world; and drive far from me the gloom of the passions, O divinely blessed one.

Irmos: O Theotokos, thou living and abundant fountain: in thy divine glory establish those who hymn thee and spiritually form themselves into a choir; and vouchsafe unto them crowns of glory.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

The grieving have found great consolation; they that are in darkness have acquired the light; and those assailed by sorrows have in thee received deliverance from evils, O most sacred father.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

The grieving have found great consolation; they that are in darkness have acquired the light; and those assailed by sorrows have in thee received deliverance from evils, O most sacred father.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O holy hierarch Nicholas, who wast the mouth of God: thou hast delivered men from the maw of the diabolic wolf, O glorious one, and hast borne them to the Creator as a gift, granting healing unto all.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O most pure Mother of God: the Word Who chose for Himself a servant, the hierarch Nicholas, as a teacher of His people, did will to be born of thee alone in the flesh, in manner past all recounting.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sessional hymn, Tone I, Spec. Mel. “Thy tomb, O Saviour…”: The translation of thy precious relics is for us an occasion of splendid celebration, O Nicholas, holy hierarch of the Lord whom we piously praise, joyously honouring thee, the light of the never-setting Sun, thou adornment of the faithful. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Repeat the foregoing hymn.

Ode IV, Irmos: Thou didst mount Thy steeds, Thine apostles, O Lord, and didst take their bridles in Thy hands; and Thy chariot hath become salvation for those who chant with faith: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Enlighten my heart and dispel from it the gloom of sin, O holy hierarch who art illumined by the light of the Most High, that I may joyously hymn the holy translation of thy relics.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Having ascended the ladder of the virtues, O blessed one, thou wast revealed to all the world as a wonder-worker, O Nicholas; wherefore the people of Bari removed thy holy relics from Myra.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Faithful priests rejoice in thee, and Christ-loving princes call upon thee as an ally in battle; and we, unworthy though we are, exhort thee to pray to God in our behalf, O Nicholas.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

The depth of thy mystery doth astound the ranks of the angels, O Theotokos, and thine icon doth cast the demons into confusion; and honouring thee as the Mother of God, we bow down before it.

Irmos: Perceiving the inscrutable counsel of God – the Incarnation of Thee, the Most High, from the Virgin – the Prophet Habbakuk cried aloud: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

O herald of God, through partaking of the primal light of God, thou wast shown to be a secondary luminary, enlightening with thy splendour them that are in darkness, in that thou art a lover of virtue, soaring aloft in glory.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

O herald of God, through partaking of the primal light of God, thou wast shown to be a secondary luminary, enlightening with thy splendour them that are in darkness, in that thou art a lover of virtue, soaring aloft in glory.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Deliver thy flock from the tempests of sins, from waves of tribulation and hostility, guiding us ever to the calm haven by thy saving prayers.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

He to Whom thou gavest birth in an ineffable manner is by nature the unutterable Light of the Most High, Who is rich in mercy, and hath enriched us, impoverished as we are, with the gifts of God.

Ode V, Irmos: O Christ God, Bestower of light, Who didst dispel the primeval darkness of the abyss: disperse the gloom of my soul, and grant me the light of Thy commandments, O Word, that, rising early, I may glorify Thee.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Thy cathedra was in Myra, but thy body was transported to Bari; yet in spirit thou dwellest with the apostles in heaven, in that thou art their successor. With them pray for us who hymn the translation of thy relics.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

O hope of all Christians and great defender of the oppressed, healer of the afflicted, consolation of the grieving and intercessor before the Lord for the human race: beg thou peace for our land, and save us from the incursions of the aliens.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Through thine intercessions, O Nicholas, do thou enliven my soul which hath drowned because of its many passions and hath been slain by the fall; and guide it to repentance, that I may glorify the translation of thy relics with all the faithful.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O Virgin, thou dost nourish as a babe Him Whom the myriads of angels and multitudes of the seraphim fear, and before Whom all reason-endowed creatures tremble; and, beholding Him in thine arms, we ever worship Him, as is meet.

Irmos: All things are filled with awe at thy divine glory; for thou, O Virgin who hast not known wedlock, didst contain within thy womb Him Who is God over all, and gavest birth to the timeless Son, granting peace unto all who hymn thee.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Having acquired beautiful feet through the working of many wonders, thou didst bring glad tidings of good things to all. Freeing all from the ancient enmity by thy divine teaching, save us, O sacred hierarch.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Having acquired beautiful feet through the working of many wonders, thou didst bring glad tidings of good things to all. Freeing all from the ancient enmity by thy divine teaching, save us, O sacred hierarch.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Embarking upon the crest of the sea by God’s will, thou didst arrive at the city of Bari, having traversed the deep with many pious men, O blessed Nicholas.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

We truly glorify thee, O Virgin Mother of God, as the shield of the faithful, crying out to thee as did the angel: Rejoice, thou who art blessed and full of grace, awesome rumor and report, wondrous place of rest for the Master of all creation!

Ode VI, Irmos: As Thou didst deliver the prophet from the uttermost abyss, O Christ God, in that Thou lovest mankind deliver me from my sins, and direct my life, I beseech Thee.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Health of body and cleansing of soul do we receive abundantly from thy divine church as from a pool, O holy hierarch Nicholas; for through grace wonders pour forth upon them that trust in thee with faith unfeigned.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

As thou art the most glorious favorite of Christ, O father, deliver thy servants, who honour the translation of thy holy relics, from all manner of danger, from grievous misfortunes and the sorrows that beset us.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Blighted by the frost of sin and driven by the wind of life, let me be warmed by thy prayers, gazing upon the likeness of thy divine image; for thou art a second sun, O father Nicholas, thou servant of Christ.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

The earthly mind cannot comprehend heavenly mysteries; neither can a creature attain to knowledge of the Creator: for the birth of the Lord from the Virgin passeth man’s understanding. And entreating her with faith, we shall receive remission of sins.

Irmos: Celebrating this divine and most honoured festival of the Mother of God, come, ye divinely wise, let us clap our hands and glorify God Who was born of her.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Save us by thy guidance, O Nicholas, preacher and teacher of the nations, who hast led to salvation the people of God Who appeared in the flesh for the benefit of many.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Save us by thy guidance, O Nicholas, preacher and teacher of the nations, who hast led to salvation the people of God Who appeared in the flesh for the benefit of many.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O thou who didst have the sea as thy way and the waters as thy paths: beseech the Lord, that we may navigate the sea of life unharmed, and may reach the heavenly kingdom by the waters of our tears.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou art the portal of the King of the heavens and the temple of His glory, O all-hymned Virgin. Open thou the gates of mercy, and lead us into the abode of heavenly glory by thy supplications.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone III, Spec. Mel. “Today the ­Virgin…”: Thy relics have moved like a star, from the East unto the West, O holy hierarch Nicholas; and the sea hath been sanctified by thy passage. The city of Bari receiveth grace through thee, for thou hast been shown forth for us as a wonder-worker: illustrious, most wondrous and merciful.

Ikos: Let us now praise with hymns the holy hierarch, pastor and teacher of the people of Myra, that by his entreaties we may be enlightened. For he is shown to be wholly pure, incorrupt of spirit, bringing unto Christ an unblemished sacrifice, pure and well-pleasing unto God, in that he is a hierarch pure of both body and soul. Wherefore, he is truly an intercessor and champion for the Church, and a wonder-worker: illustrious, most wondrous and merciful.

Ode VII, Irmos: On the plain of Dura the tyrant once built a furnace to torment the God-bearers; and therein the three youths chanted hymns unto the one God, and sang, all three together, saying: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Today the angels of God rejoice and a multitude of demons lamenteth; for He hath delivered the people from temptation and hath driven away the spirits of darkness. Wherefore, thou, O Nicholas, art worthily called victor; for which cause we chant unto the Lord: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

They that are taken with the grief of sickness, who are heavy laden with divers afflictions, hasten to thy shrine with faith, and, having received thy mercy, depart in haste, joyfully chanting unto the Lord: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

The assemblies of the people stand before thee, O blessed one, and the teachers of the Church rejoice in thee. Kings glorify thee as their defender; and we entreat thee, O Nicholas: Save us who chant unto the Lord: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O how can I chant unto my Saviour, Whom even the angels praise with trembling? But do thou, O Mother, direct me, and by thy compassion move the mercy of thy Son to have pity on us who set our hope on thee. As thou dost beseech Him in our behalf, deliver us from torment.

Irmos: The divinely wise youths worshipped not a creation rather than the Creator, but, manfully trampling the threat of the fire underfoot, they rejoice, chanting: Blessed art Thou, the all-hymned God of our fathers!

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

By thy word grant healing to the whole human soul which, like salt, hath lost its savor through the vanity of things; and teach us to chant unto the Lord: O all-hymned Lord and God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

By thy word grant healing to the whole human soul which, like salt, hath lost its savor through the vanity of things; and teach us to chant unto the Lord: O all-hymned Lord and God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O most glorious are the wonders thou hast wrought! For thou healest infirmities and deliverest from misfortunes, commanding all to chant unto the Lord: O all-hymned God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O pure Theotokos, thou art the defender and rampart of our lowliness, and we, thy servants, ever cry unto the Lord: O all-hymned God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Ode VIII, Irmos: O ye angels and heavens, bless, hymn and exalt supremely Him Who sitteth upon the throne of glory and as God is glorified unceasingly forever!

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

The angels of the heavens accept thee as a minister, and the prophets greet thee as a fellow servant. The Lord Himself receiveth thee. And we sinners ask thee for mercy.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Great is the authority given thee by God, O Nicholas: the sea is subject to thee; the winds obey thee; and the nations, beholding thy most glorious wonders, submit themselves to thee.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

O Saviour, Thou hast shown Thy holy hierarch Nicholas to be more glorious than Moses, delivering from all tribulation the New Israel, the Christian people.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

In that thou art the Mother of God, ask for us remission of sins, O Lady, and stretch forth thy hand unto me, who am sunk in the abyss of despair, that, raised up by hope, I may exalt thee supremely for all ages.

Irmos: The birth-giving of the Theotokos saved the pious children in the furnace – then in figure, but now in deed – and it moveth all the world to chant to Thee: Hymn ye the Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Thou didst grow as a sweet-smelling flower in the land of Myra, O glorious one, wafting gifts of healing like fragrant perfume upon all that praise thee and sing: O ye works, chant unto the Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Thou didst grow as a sweet-smelling flower in the land of Myra, O glorious one, wafting gifts of healing like fragrant perfume upon all that praise thee and sing: O ye works, chant unto the Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having poured out the sweetness of God’s grace like oil from the Mount of Olives, thou didst have in the sea a path made safe by the grace of the Lord, to Whom we sweetly cry: O ye works, chant unto the Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou gavest birth, yet remainest ever Virgin, to the astonishment of the choirs above; for thou didst bear the Word, Who was man unaltered by His divinity, and to Whom we sing: O ye works, chant unto the Lord and exalt Him ­supremely for all ages!

Ode IX, Irmos: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, Who hath exalted the horn of salvation for us in the house of David His child, wherein the Dayspring from on high hath visited us, and directed us to the path of peace.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Blessed be the Lord our God, for He hath glorified His holy hierarch throughout all lands, who gusheth forth streams of wonders, who worketh healing in all the lands of Myra and of the Latins, who visiteth us with mercy.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Blessed be the Lord our God, for He hath glorified His holy hierarch throughout all lands, who gusheth forth streams of wonders, who worketh healing in all the lands of Myra and of the Latins, who visiteth us with mercy.

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Thou didst fall into an honourable sleep and didst permit thy body to go to Bari for the good of all; for by thy supplications thou art an ever-vigilant defender for all that call upon thee with faith, O Nicholas.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

At a loss for words, I am unable to praise thee fittingly, who art higher than the heavenly hosts and more honourable than all creation, who gavest birth to God the Creator in the flesh. Entreat Him, O Theotokos, to have mercy upon us on the day of judgment.

Irmos: Let every mortal leap for joy, enlightened by the Spirit; and let the nature of the incorporeal intelligences keep festival, honouring the sacred feast of the Mother of God, and let them cry aloud: Rejoice, O most blessed Theotokos, pure Ever-virgin!

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Thy memorial is for us an occasion of festivity this day. The choir of the apostles, the assembly of martyrs and the spirits of the righteous rejoice; and we, the faithful, glorify thee with hymns, crying aloud: O holy hierarch of Christ, deliver us from all sorrows!

Hierarch of Christ, Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Thy memorial is for us an occasion of festivity this day. The choir of the apostles, the assembly of martyrs and the spirits of the righteous rejoice; and we, the faithful, glorify thee with hymns, crying aloud: O holy hierarch of Christ, deliver us from all sorrows!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thy most glorious memory hath shown forth upon us, illumining the faithful with splendour, O wise Nicholas, holy hierarch of Christ. Wherefore, we beseech thee: be thou mindful of us all, and deliver us from all the temptations of the adversary by thine intercessions.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Mortify our carnal passions and lusts, O pure Theotokos; still the tempest of our passions; calm the tumult of our thoughts; and strengthen the hearts of them that honour thee as their defender, O most pure and blessed one.

Troparion, Tone IV: The day of splendid solemnity is come; the city of Bari rejoiceth, and with it the whole world doth exult with hymns and spiritual songs. For today is the sacred feast of the translation of the precious and much-healing relics of the hierarch Nicholas the wonder-worker. For like the never-setting Sun, he shineth with brilliant beams of light, driving away the darkness of temptations and misfortunes from them that cry out with faith: Save us, O Nicholas, for thou art our intercessor!

Translation of the Relics of St Nicholas the Wonderworker

In the eleventh century the Byzantine Empire was going through some terrible times. The Turks put an end to its influence in Asia Minor, they destroyed cities and villages, they murdered the inhabitants, and they accompanied their cruel outrage with the desecration of churches, holy relics, icons and books. The Mussulmen also attempted to destroy the relics of Saint Nicholas, deeply venerated by the whole Christian world.

In the year 792 the caliph Aaron Al’-Rashid sent Khumeid at the head of a fleet to pillage the island of Rhodes. Having lain waste this island, Khumeid set off to Myra in Lycia with the intent to rob the tomb of Saint Nicholas. But instead he robbed another tomb standing alongside the crypt of the saint. Just as they succeeded in committing this sacrilege, a terrible storm lifted upon the sea and almost all the ships were shattered into pieces.

The desecration of holy things shocked not only Eastern, but also Western Christians. Christians in Italy were particularly apprehensive for the relics of Saint Nicholas, and among them were many Greeks. The inhabitants of the city of Bari, located on the shores of the Adriatic Sea, decided to save the relics of Saint Nicholas.

In the year 1087 merchants from Bari and Venice went to Antioch to trade. Both these and others also proposed to take up the relics of Saint Nicholas and transport them to Italy on the return trip. In this plan the men of Bari commissioned the Venetians to land them at Myra. At first two men were sent in, who in returning reported that in the city all was quiet. In the church where the glorified relics rested, they encountered only four monks. Immediately forty-seven men, having armed themselves, set out for the church of Saint Nicholas. The guards, suspecting nothing, showed them the raised platform, beneath which the tomb of the saint was concealed, and where they anointed foreigners with myrrh from the relics of the saint.

At this time the monks told them about an appearance of Saint Nicholas that evening to a certain Elder. In this vision Saint Nicholas ordered the careful preservation of his relics. This account encouraged the barons, they saw an avowal for them in this vision and, as it were, a decree from the saint. In order to facilitate their activity, they revealed their intent to the monks and offered them money, 300 gold coins. The guards refused the money and wanted to warn the inhabitants about the misfortune threatening them. But the newcomers bound them and put their own guards at the doorway.

They took apart the church platform above the tomb with the relics. In this effort the youth Matthew was excessive in his zeal, wanting to find the relics of Saint Nicholas as quickly as possible. In his impatience he broke the cover and the barons saw that the sarcophagus was filled with fragrant holy myrrh. The compatriots of the barons, the priests Luppus and Drogus, offered a litany, after which the break made by Matthew began to flow with myrrh from the saint’s sarcophagus. This occurred on April 20, 1087.

Seeing the absence of a container chest, the priest Drogus wrapped the relics in the cloth, and in the company of the barons he carried them to the ship. The monks, having been set free, alerted the city with the sad news about the abduction of the relics of the Wonderworker Nicholas by foreigners. A crowd of people gathered at the shore, but it was too late.

On May 8 the ships arrived in Bari, and soon the joyous news made the rounds of all the city. On the following day, May 9, 1087, they solemnly transported the relics of Saint Nicholas into the church of Saint Stephen, not far from the sea. The solemn bearing of the relics was accompanied by numerous healings of the sick, which inspired still greater reverence for God’s saint. A year afterwards, a church was built in the name of Saint Nicholas and consecrated by Pope Urban II.

This event, connected with the transfer of the relics of Saint Nicholas, evoked a particular veneration for the Wonderworker Nicholas and was marked by the establishment of a special Feast day on May 9. At first the Feast day of the Transfer of the Relics of Saint Nicholas was observed only by the people of the city of Bari. It was not adopted in the other lands of the Christian East and West, despite the fact that the transfer of the relics was widely known. This circumstance is explained by the custom in the Middle Ages of venerating primarily the relics of local saints. Moreover, the Greek Church did not establish the celebration of this remembrance, since they regarded the loss of the relics of Saint Nicholas as a sad event.

The Russian Orthodox Church celebration of the memory of the Transfer of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari in Italy on May 9 was established soon after the year 1087, on the basis of an already established veneration by the Russian people of the great saint of God, brought from Greece simultaneously with the acceptance of Christianity. The glorious accounts of the miracles performed by the saint on both land and sea, were widely known to the Russian people. Their boundless power and abundance testify to the help of the great saint of God for suffering mankind. The image of Saint Nicholas, a mighty wonderworker and benefactor, became especially dear to the heart of the Russian people, since it inspired deep faith and hope for his intercession. The faith of the Russian people in the abundant aid of God’s saint was marked by numerous miracles.

A significant body of literature was compiled about him very early in Russian writings. Accounts of the miracles of Saint Nicholas done in the Russian land were recorded at an early date. Soon after the Transfer of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra to Bari, a Russian version of his Life and an account of the Transfer of his holy relics were written by a contemporary to this event. Earlier still, an encomium to the Wonderworker was written. Each week on Thursday, the Russian Orthodox Church honors his memory in particular.

Numerous churches and monasteries were built in honor of Saint Nicholas, and Russian people are wont to name their children after him at Baptism. In Russia are preserved numerous wonderworking icons of the saint. Most renowned among them are the icons of Mozhaisk, Zaraisk, Volokolamsk, Ugreshsk and Ratny. There was no house or temple in the Russian land in which there was not an icon of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The significance of the intercession of the great saint of God is expressed by the ancient compiler of the Life, in the words of whom Saint Nicholas “did work many glorious miracles both on land and on sea, aiding those downtrodden in misfortune and rescuing the drowning, carrying to dry land from the depths of the sea, raising up others from corruption and bringing them home, liberating from chains and imprisonment, averting felling by the sword and freeing from death, and granting healing to many; sight to the blind, walking to the lame, hearing to the deaf, and speech to the mute. He brought riches to many suffering in abject poverty and want, he provided the hungry food, and for each in their need he appeared a ready helper, an avid defender and speedy intercessor and protector, and such as appeal to him he doth help and deliver from adversity. Both the East and the West know of this great Wonderworker, and all the ends of the earth know his miracle-working.”


The Canons to St John the Theologian & St Arsenius

Canon of the Apostle, in Tone VIII

Ode I, Irmos: The staff of Moses, once working a wonder, striking the sea in the form of the Cross and dividing it, drowned the mounted tyrant Pharaoh, and saved Israel who fled on foot, chanting a hymn unto God.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

In that thou wast pure and beloved of the incorruptible light, thou didst recline, resting against His breast, and with thy bold soul didst draw forth from the Abyss of wisdom the light of understanding, O blessed Apostle John.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

In that thou wast pure and beloved of the incorruptible light, thou didst recline, resting against His breast, and with thy bold soul didst draw forth from the Abyss of wisdom the light of understanding, O blessed Apostle John.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

Theologising supernaturally, thou didst thunder forth, O beloved of Christ: “In the beginning was the Word, as alive and hypostatic as His Father; and the Word was God; and the Word became flesh, and remained God immutable.”

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Fleeing beneath thy protection, O pure one, we are buried beneath all the perils which befall us, O all-pure one. Wherefore, we now beseech thee: From the depths of transgressions raise up the fallen by thy divine entreaties, O pure one.

Canon of the venerable one, in the same tone

Irmos: The staff of Moses…

Venerable Father, Arsenius, pray to God for us.

Submitting to the divine precept of the Master, thou didst abandon the glory of royal wealth, as did Moses the law-giver; and fleeing from men, thou becamest a dweller with the angels, rejoicing with them.

Venerable Father, Arsenius, pray to God for us.

Submitting to the divine precept of the Master, thou didst abandon the glory of royal wealth, as did Moses the law-giver; and fleeing from men, thou becamest a dweller with the angels, rejoicing with them.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Fleeing from turmoil, O Arsenius, thou didst restrain thy tongue with silence as it were a spring of sin; wherefore, in stillness thou didst preserve thy mind untroubled, becoming a right magnificent house of rest for the divine Spirit.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

All-glorious things have been said of thee among generations of generations, O Mary Theotokos who contained God the Word in thy womb, and remained pure. Wherefore, we all honour thee as our help after God.

Ode III, Irmos: O Christ, Who in the beginning established the heavens in wisdom and founded the earth upon the waters, make me steadfast upon the rock of Thy commandments; for none is holy as Thee, O Thou Who lovest mankind.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

Among fishermen thou becamest a fisher of men and a theologian, O wise John, setting aside the love of thy father and that of the world, and following the Word and Master with divine desire.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

Among fishermen thou becamest a fisher of men and a theologian, O wise John, setting aside the love of thy father and that of the world, and following the Word and Master with divine desire.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

Having purified the eyes of thy soul, O theologian, thou didst behold the ineffable glory which doth emanate from the Word, the only-begotten Son of the Father, through Whom all things are wisely accomplished by the divine Spirit.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

We flee beneath thy saving refuge, O Virgin Theotokos, and find salvation from the assaults of the enemy by thy supplications; and we are delivered from the torment which is to come, O pure one.

Irmos: O Christ, Who in the beginning…

Venerable Father, Arsenius, pray to God for us.

O father Arsenius, the torn and exceedingly tattered rags of thy poverty, assumed in emulation of Christ, replaced the splendour of thy former robes, winning for thee vesture of ineffable glory.

Venerable Father, Arsenius, pray to God for us.

O father Arsenius, the torn and exceedingly tattered rags of thy poverty, assumed in emulation of Christ, replaced the splendour of thy former robes, winning for thee vesture of ineffable glory.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Receiving help from God through contrition of heart, O father Arsenius, thou didst cast down the offences of the enemy and the boastful spirit, becoming a victor through humility.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou wast shown to be more exalted than the cherubim and the seraphim, O Theotokos; for thou alone didst receive the infinite God within thy womb, O undefiled one. Wherefore, all of us, the faithful, bless thee with hymns, O pure one.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Kontakion of the Venerable One, Tone III, Spec. Mel. “Today the Virgin…”: From Rome thou didst shine forth like the great sun, and thou didst reach the imperial city, O all-blessed one, illumining it with thy words and deeds and dispelling all the darkness of ignorance. Wherefore, we honor thee, O venerable Arsenius, thou glory of the fathers.

Ikos: Hearkening to the voice of the Lord, and forsaking the beauties of this world, O divinely wise one, thou didst enter upon the monastic life, emulating the life of the angels. Wherefore, thou wast shown to be wholly transformed, an angel in the body, offering to Christ fasting and tears, blameless prayer and standing all night. Thus thou becamest a temple of the Trinity, a model for monks, an instructor in the virtues and a fervent advocate for those who ever honor thee. Therefore, we honor thee, O venerable Arsenius, thou glory of the fathers.

Sessional hymn, Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “Of the Wisdom…”: Having reclined against the breast of Wisdom and learned an understanding of things, thou didst thunder forth divinely: “In the beginning was the Word!”, being the first to record the unoriginate begetting; and thou hast proclaimed to all the incarnation of the Word. Wherefore, fishing for the nations, using thy tongue as a net, thou teachest the ends of the earth by the grace of the Spirit, and dost enlighten them with miracles. O theologian and apostle, entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of sins unto those who with love celebrate thy holy memory.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sessional Hymn of the Venerable One, the same tone & melody: Fleeing the tumults of the world and perfecting thy life in stillness, thou didst mortify the passions and furnish thy mind with wings to soar aloft to God; and thou wast shown to be a pillar of fire and a luminary for all the faithful who honour thee. And thou didst show thyself to be a fruitful tree watered by showers of tears. O God-bearing Arsenius, entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of offences unto those who honour thy holy memory with love.

Ode IV, Irmos: Thou art my strength, O Lord, Thou art my power; Thou art my God, Thou art my joy, Who, without leaving the bosom of the Father, hast visited our lowliness. Wherefore, with the Prophet Habbakuk I cry unto Thee: Glory to Thy power, O Thou Who lovest mankind!

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

The Lord called thee the son of thunder and vouchsafed through the Spirit that thou thunder forth that He was ineffably begotten of the Father divinely and unapproachably; wherefore, with hymns we glorify as is meet thy most festive memory, O theologian.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

The Lord called thee the son of thunder and vouchsafed through the Spirit that thou thunder forth that He was ineffably begotten of the Father divinely and unapproachably; wherefore, with hymns we glorify as is meet thy most festive memory, O theologian.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

Thou didst mount to the heights by the virtues, O apostle, and didst behold the only-begotten Word shining forth with glory in the flesh, Who sitteth eternally in the bosom of the Father; and thou wast vouchsafed to hear the voice of the Father, Who bore witness that He was His Son.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

As I now flee to thine aid, O most immaculate one, let me not, thy useless servant, be put to shame; for thee do I have as an intercessor before God and an impregnable bulwark. In thee may I enjoy the tranquility and divine life which is to come, I pray.

Irmos: Thou art my strength, O Lord…

Venerable Father, Arsenius, pray to God for us.

Thou hast shown thyself to be a constrainer of nature, O father Arsenius, for thou didst make the passions subject to the dominion of thy mind, commanding sleep as though it were a servant. Wherefore, thou didst cry out amid thine all-night vigils: Glory to Thy power, O Thou Who lovest mankind!

Venerable Father, Arsenius, pray to God for us.

Thou hast shown thyself to be a constrainer of nature, O father Arsenius, for thou didst make the passions subject to the dominion of thy mind, commanding sleep as though it were a servant. Wherefore, thou didst cry out amid thine all-night vigils: Glory to Thy power, O Thou Who lovest mankind!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou didst seek after God with all thy desire, O venerable one. Thou didst greatly desire Him Who had revealed Himself, and having become wholly godly in appearance through purity, thou didst converse with Him Whom thou didst desire, gaining understanding through a union past all attainment, O father Arsenius.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou art the boast of the faithful, O unwedded one; thou art the intercessor and refuge of Christians, their rampart and haven: for thou bearest supplications to thy Son, O most immaculate one, and savest from misfortunes those who with faith and love acknowledge thee to be the pure Theotokos.

Ode V, Irmos: Wherefore hast Thou turned Thy face from me, O Light never-waning? And why hath a strange darkness covered me, wretch that I am? But turn me, and guide my steps to the light of Thy commandments, I pray.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

Beholding the all-pure Light Who shone forth amid the darkness of the world, thou wast transformed by love; and as a beacon of piety, O John, thou didst illumine with the light of theology the generations of populous nations.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

Beholding the all-pure Light Who shone forth amid the darkness of the world, thou wast transformed by love; and as a beacon of piety, O John, thou didst illumine with the light of theology the generations of populous nations.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

Having learned that the shadowy law was given by Moses, but that divine grace came about through Christ our God, O beloved son of thunder, thou didst proclaim His divinity with the language of theology.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Thou art my protection and might, my confirmation and indestructible rampart, O all-pure one, and I call upon thee: Night and day preserve me from all the harm wrought by Belial, that I may glorify thee with faith and love.

Irmos: Wherefore hast Thou turned Thy face from me…

Venerable Father, Arsenius, pray to God for us.

Perceiving well the wiles of the enemy, O father, thou didst piously reject the instigator of the primeval disobedience of Adam the first created; wherefore, dancing in the immaculate haven of sustenance, entreat Christ the Master.

Venerable Father, Arsenius, pray to God for us.

Perceiving well the wiles of the enemy, O father, thou didst piously reject the instigator of the primeval disobedience of Adam the first created; wherefore, dancing in the immaculate haven of sustenance, entreat Christ the Master.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Denying thyself, thou didst reject all luxury; and bearing thy cross upon thy shoulder and desiring Christ, O Arsenius, thou wast fittingly shown to be a fellow heir in the heavens.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

As thou hast maternal boldness before thy Son, O most pure one, disdain not thought of thy kinship with us, we pray; for thee alone do we set before the Master as our cleansing, seeking mercy.

Ode VI, Irmos: The abyss of my sins and the tempest of my transgressions discomfit me and thrust me down into the depths of violent despondency; but stretch forth Thy mighty arm unto me, as Thou didst to Peter, and save my, O my Guide.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

Isaiah beheld in an image the burning Coal of the divine fire which purified his lips, and He was vouchsafed prophecy; and thou, O blessed John, wast shown to recline against the breast of God the Word incarnate.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

Isaiah beheld in an image the burning Coal of the divine fire which purified his lips, and He was vouchsafed prophecy; and thou, O blessed John, wast shown to recline against the breast of God the Word incarnate.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

The only-begotten Word Who sitteth in the bosom of the Father was seen incarnate, O blessed John, and told thee, as the beloved initiate of His mysteries, that thou wouldst see the incorporeal God Whom no-one can behold.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Illumine my soul, O most hymned Virgin Theotokos who gavest birth to the Effulgence of the Father’s glory; for, having thy true grace, we abstain from blasphemous speech.

Irmos: The abyss of my sins…

Venerable Father, Arsenius, pray to God for us.

Through dispassion thou didst piously mortify thy carnal understanding, not loving an earthly inheritance, O venerable father Arsenius, but desiring to receive from Christ an inheritance in the highest.

Venerable Father, Arsenius, pray to God for us.

Through dispassion thou didst piously mortify thy carnal understanding, not loving an earthly inheritance, O venerable father Arsenius, but desiring to receive from Christ an inheritance in the highest.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The sun which appeared interrupted thine all-night standing, but the incomparable effulgence of the noetic Sun shone forth amid the night of thy life of labors, to enlighten thee, O Arsenius.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

As thou hast compassion, in that thou gavest birth to the Word Who loveth man, save us from bitter and cruel peril; for thee alone, O all-pure Mistress, have we, the faithful, acquired as an invincible help.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion of the apostle, Tone II: Who can recount thy mighty works, O virgin apostle? For thou pourest out miracles and dost cause healings to flow forth; and thou prayest for our souls, in that thou art a theologian and the friend of Christ.

Ikos: It is a bold and unattainable thing to study the heights of heaven and to plumb the depths of the sea; for as it is impossible to calculate the number of the stars and the sands of the shore, so is it impossible to speak sufficiently of the theologian, whom Christ loved and hath crowned with so many crowns. For, reclining against His breast, he ate with Him at the mystical supper, in that he is a theologian and friend of Christ.

Ode VII, Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the fire stood in awe of the condescension of God; wherefore, the youths, dancing with joyous step in the furnace, as in a meadow, chanted: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

Thou didst diligently depart from the bonds of matter, O most blessed one, as an intercessor before God, and as a herald of divinely inspired theology thou hast taught all to cry: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

Thou didst consider gold and riches to be like the grass, O most blessed one, and by the action of God thou didst transform hay into gold when thou didst theologise concerning the Creator and Lord, crying: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

The Holy Spirit Who proceedeth from the unoriginate Father do we accept as indivisible from Thee, O only-begotten Word of God; and Thou didst call upon the apostles to cry: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Thou wast the temple and palace of Christ the King; thou alone wast the couch of Solomon, which, as saith the Scriptures, sixty of the mighty surround. And with thee, O Virgin do they cry out and chant: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the fire stood in awe…

Venerable Father, Arsenius, pray to God for us.

Mindful of the perniciousness of thy former ointments, and enduring fœtor for their sake, O father Arsenius, through partaking of grace thou didst become a sweet fragrance, and didst cry out: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Venerable Father, Arsenius, pray to God for us.

Entering into the divine darkness in the body, O father Arsenius, and having learned to recognise the unoriginate Father and the Spirit in Christ , thou didst hymn the Unity in Trinity, crying: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Theologising in Orthodox fashion the only Father of the one only-begotten Son, we declare Thee the Lord of all, acknowledging Thine only upright Spirit, Who proceedeth from Him, shareth the same essence and is equally everlasting.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Without knowing wedlock thou gavest birth in time to the Timeless One, O pure one, and didst bear the Word Who before was incorporeal, giving Him flesh. To Him do we chant together, crying: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Ode VIII, Irmos: Madly did the Chaldæan tyrant heat the furnace sevenfold for thepious ones; but, beholding them saved by a higher Power, he cried out to the Creator and Deliverer: Ye children, bless; ye priests, hymn; ye people, exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

As thine all-glorious memory is magnificent and right well renowned, O herald of the divinity of Christ, it hath shone forth upon the Church, perfuming it with godliness. Wherefore, rejoicing, we cry out, O ye faithful: Ye children, bless; ye priests, hymn; ye people, exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

As thine all-glorious memory is magnificent and right well renowned, O herald of the divinity of Christ, it hath shone forth upon the Church, perfuming it with godliness. Wherefore, rejoicing, we cry out, O ye faithful: Ye children, bless; ye priests, hymn; ye people, exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

Having the theologian as the leader of our choir, O Christ, We declare Thee, Who wast theologised by him, and the Father and the Spirit, to be God, and hymning the monarchy thereof, we cry: Ye children, bless; ye priests, hymn; ye people, exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O most immaculate one, thou gavest birth to God the Word incarnate. Him do thou beseech, that He deliver me from fire; for, lo! my whole life hath become a burden and I have become wholly enslaved to cruel sins. Wherefore, I flee to thee, O Virgin, and call upon thee, the joyous one.

Irmos: Madly did the Chaldæan tyrant…

Venerable Father, Arsenius, pray to God for us.

With the springs of thy tears thou didst prudently quench the tormenting conflagration of soul-destroying lusts and the burning of Gehenna, O Arsenius; wherefore, that thou mightest rescue us from them both, cease thou never to entreat Christ, the Savior of the world, Whom we bless for all ages.

Venerable Father, Arsenius, pray to God for us.

With the springs of thy tears thou didst prudently quench the tormenting conflagration of soul-destroying lusts and the burning of Gehenna, O Arsenius; wherefore, that thou mightest rescue us from them both, cease thou never to entreat Christ, the Savior of the world, Whom we bless for all ages.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Within thyself thou didst kindle a furnace of compunction seven times more intense than that of Babylon, which was heated sevenfold; and bedewed therein by the enlightenment of grace, thou didst cry out to the Creator and Saviour: Ye children, bless; ye priests, hymn; ye people, exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The thrice radiant Godhead Which shineth forth a single radiance from a single Essence in three Hypostases—the unoriginate Father, the Word Who is of the same essence as the Father, and the consubstantial Spirit Who reigneth with them—do ye children bless, ye priests hymn, ye people exalt supremely for all ages!

Ode IX, Irmos: Heaven was stricken with awe, and the ends of the earth were amazed, that God hath appeared in the flesh, and that thy womb became more spacious than the heavens. Wherefore, the ranks of men and angels magnify thee as the Theotokos.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

Standing before the Cross of the Master and the pure Virgin Theotokos, the beloved disciple, the pure instrument of theology, in that he himself was virginal, accepted the commission to care for her; and, becoming the guardian of the immaculate Theotokos, he is now blessed as is meet.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

Standing before the Cross of the Master and the pure Virgin Theotokos, the beloved disciple, the pure instrument of theology, in that he himself was virginal, accepted the commission to care for her; and, becoming the guardian of the immaculate Theotokos, he is now blessed as is meet.

Holy All-Praised Apostle and Evangelist, John the Theologian, pray to God for us.

The All-pure One, loving thine honoured and blameless life as is meet, accepted thee, who lived angelically on earth, together with thy brother, O blessed John, and declared thee the son of His own Mother, the Theotokos. With her we all call thee blessed.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Be thou a pillar of salvation for me, O pure one; render the hordes of the demons impotent, cutting off the tumult of temptations and misfortunes, granting me pure freedom, and bestowing upon me divine gifts in abundance.

Irmos: Heaven was stricken with awe…

Venerable Father, Arsenius, pray to God for us.

Moses marvelled, being vouchsafed to behold the birth-giving of the Virgin in the image formed by the fiery bush; and thou, having wholly united thyself to the divine Spirit in ecstasy, becamest fiery of visage. Wherefore, we bless thee as is meet, O Arsenius.

Venerable Father, Arsenius, pray to God for us.

Moses marvelled, being vouchsafed to behold the birth-giving of the Virgin in the image formed by the fiery bush; and thou, having wholly united thyself to the divine Spirit in ecstasy, becamest fiery of visage. Wherefore, we bless thee as is meet, O Arsenius.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Christ, the never-waning Light, shone forth upon thee, and joy bore thee up to the heavens; for through constant memory of death, thou didst diligently bring thyself to an undefiled life. Wherefore, thou hast received the fruits of thy labours as is meet, O most blessed one.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Virgin Mother of God, thou hast been shown supernaturally to have given birth in the flesh to the Word of God, Whom the Father put forth from His own heart before time began, in that He is good. Him do we now understand as transcending the body, even though He was clothed in a body.

Troparion of the Apostle, Tone II: O beloved apostle of Christ God, haste thou to deliver a defenceless people. He Who permitted thee to recline against His breast receiveth thee, prostrate in supplication. Him do thou beseech, O theologian, that He dispel the gloom of the nations which doth beset us, asking for us peace and great mercy. 

Troparion of the Venerable One, Tone VIII: With the streams of thy tears thou didst irrigate the desert, and with sighs from the depths of thy soul thou didst render thy labours fruitful an hundredfold, and becamest a beacon for the whole world, resplendent with miracles. O Arsenius our father, entreat Christ God, that our souls be saved.

The Canon to St Nilus of Sora

Канон преподобному Нилу Сорскому:

Ode I, Irmos: I will open my mouth, and with the Spirit will it be filled; and I shall utter discourse unto the Queen and Mother, and shall appear, keeping splendid festival; and, rejoicing, I will hymn her wonders.

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Covered over by the darkness of sin, I am unable to gaze clearly toward the height of thy corrections, O father; but as thou art compassionate and merciful, help me, shining the light of salvation into my soul, that, rejoicing, I may hymn thy splendid corrections and all-glorious miracles.

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Thou hast been shown to be a noetic garden of paradise, O father, producing divers flowers of the virtues; and thou didst offer beautiful fruits to thy Master, Who hath adorned thee with miracles.

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Having broken but a single commandment, the first-created man was driven from paradise; but thou, O venerable one, hast by the keeping of the commandments of the Master been shown to be the inheritor thereof, delighting ever in the tree of life; and, gazing upon the Lord in the gladness of thy pure heart, thou sharest in His divine light.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Following the paths of the commandments without wavering, and holding the Cross of Christ in thy hand as a staff of power, thou didst attain unto the haven of dispassion, O father; wherefore, thou didst also receive the grace to heal the infirmities of men and to work all-glorious miracles.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Now is the time for thee to help us, O Mistress! Mercifully regard the affliction of thy servant, O pure one, granting me consolation, that, rejoicing, I may hymn thy divine wonders.

Ode III, Irmos: O Theotokos, thou living and abundant fountain: in thy divine commemoration establish those who hymn thee and spiritually form themselves into a choir; and vouchsafe unto them crowns of glory.

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Without being prideful, I have dared to offer hymnody to thy sacred memory, O father. Therefore, moved by thy love, O thou who art beloved of God, accept it from thy servant, and by thy mediations before the Lord vouchsafe unto me salvation.

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

O father, from misfortunes and evil circumstances save those who honour thee with love, ­forming themselves into a choir for thine honoured memorial; by thine entreaties make us firm who have been shaken by the tempest of the passions, and vouchsafe that we may reach the harbour of salvation.

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Who can describe thy struggles, O father; who can recount the height of thy humility? Truly thou wast a disciple of Christ, O thou who art beloved of God, and a fellow heir to His kingdom. Wherefore, be thou mindful of thy children, O father, praying to Christ, that He vouchsafe unto us also the portion of the saved.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Useless am I and altogether unprofitable; and I am at a loss how fittingly to hymn thy directions toward God. Yet accept thou my love and faith, O kind-hearted father, and by thy sacred mediations vouchsafe unto me salvation.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Truly every human tongue is at a loss how to glorify thee as is meet, O Mistress. What then shall I, who am beset by ignorance and many sins, offer unto thee, O good one? Yet accept thou the love and faith of thy servant, and vouchsafe unto me salvation.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sessional hymn, Tone VIII: Thou didst mount from action to the summit of divine vision, O father, and, having embraced utter stillness, thou didst ever converse with God with a mind untroubled; wherefore, thou wast enriched by divine understandings therefrom, O blessed one, and hast become a pastor and guide for those who follow thine angelic way of life. Therefore, O Nilus our God-bearing father, entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of sins unto those who with love celebrate thy holy memory.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Repeat the foregoing sessional hymn.

Ode IV, Irmos: Seated in glory upon the throne of the Godhead, Jesus most divine hath come on a light cloud, and with His incorrupt arm hath saved those who cry: Glory to Thy power, O Christ!

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Standing vigilantly on attentive watch, and foreseeing the insidious snares of the enemy, O father, thou didst bring down all their hordes, and soaring aloft unharmed, through prayer and fasting, thou didst chant victoriously: Glory to Thy power, O Christ!

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Having the sufferings of our Saviour and His voluntary crucifixion on the Cross ever in thy mind, thou wast crucified with Him in the mortification of thy flesh, O venerable one; and thy heart, wounded by divine love, O thou who art beloved of God, was shown to be a wellspring of compunction, ever pouring forth tears and chanting: Glory to Thy compassionate condescension, O Christ!

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Wounded by the love of Christ, thou didst unceasingly shed torrents of tears from thine eyes, O Nilus our ever-memorable father; and, dwelling in the wilderness as in the garden of paradise, thou didst offer up incessant supplications, ever chanting: Glory to Thy power, O Christ!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Alas! with what insensitivity am I plagued! Guilty as I am of every evil, I neither fear death nor tremble before the dread judgment! Yet do thou henceforth come to thy senses in repentance, O most passionate soul, crying aloud unto Christ: Have pity on me, O Saviour, for the sake of Nilus Thy favoured one, and guide my steps aright with Thine omnipotent power, O Master!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Virgin Theotokos, true hope of all Christians, who gavest birth to the Life of all: grant life unto me who am dead in soul. O Life-bearing wellspring, give me to drink the waters of compunction, for I am cruelly consumed by the burning heat of the passions, that, cooled by tears of repentance, I may cry out in thanksgiving: Glory to thine almighty power, O Mistress!

Ode V, Irmos: All things are filled with awe at thy divine glory; for thou, O Virgin who hast not known wedlock, didst contain within thy womb Him Who is God over all, and gavest birth to the timeless Son, granting peace unto all who hymn thee.

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Emulating the way of life of the ancient fathers of the Holy Mountain, O ever-memorable Nilus our God-bearing father, thou didst hasten, rejoicing, to the tranquility of the stillness of the wilderness; and there, bringing forth the fruits of the Spirit in humility, thou wast exceeding well-pleasing to Him Who enriched thee with the glory of miracles.

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Fulfilling the commandments of the Lord, O father, thou wast meek and guileless, humble and simple, and right skilful in all the virtues; wherefore, thou wast shown to be an instrument of the Holy Spirit, O all-wise one, teaching and instructing thy children to walk worthily in the steps of Christ, Who granteth salvation unto those who serve Him in humility.

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

O venerable Nilus, receiving the reward of thy labours in the heavens, forget us not who joyously celebrate thy feast, but ask for us the remission of sins, entreating Christ Who granteth salvation unto those who glorify those who have glorified Him.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou didst clothe thyself in Christ, O divinely wise one, adorning thyself with the vesture of dispassion; and thou wast compassionate and merciful unto those who sinned, O father, teaching them with humility of mind, urging them on to repentance and leading them to Christ, Who granteth salvation unto all who ask it in humility.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Wretch that I am, I have clothed myself in garments of shame, having shed the divinely woven raiment I received at baptism, O most immaculate Virgin, Yet do I beseech thee, O most merciful one: Clothe me again in the vesture of salvation, that I may be worthy to attend the wedding-banquet of the Lamb, for Whom thou didst weave a royal robe of thy pure blood, and Who granteth salvation unto all who hymn thee.

Ode VI, Irmos: Celebrating this divine and most honoured festival of the Mother of God, come, ye divinely wise, let us clap our hands and glorify God Who was born of her.

Dwelling now with the choirs of the saints in the mansions of heaven, O God-bearing Nilus, and standing with boldness before the all-holy Trinity, forget not us, thy children, O father, but ask remission of sins for those who celebrate thy feast with joy, that with thanksgiving we may glorify God Who hath glorified thee.

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Thou wast shown to be a new and goodly wellspring flowing in the land of Russia, pouring forth streams of healing from thy holy grave upon those who with unwavering faith have recourse unto thee, O Nilus our father; and, full of gladness, we glorify God Who glorifieth thee.

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

From thy youth even unto thine honoured repose thou didst earnestly serve Christ with a pure conscience, O venerable one, keeping His divine commandments; for, guarding thyself with poverty and non-acquisitiveness, O wise Nilus our father, thou didst set thy feet firmly upon the rock of patience.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O thy manifold corrections and thy labours and struggles for God, O father! Who can describe thy fasting and keeping of vigils, thy lying upon the ground and patient endurance of ill treatment? For thou didst truly show thyself to be a true monk, O thou who art beloved of God. Wherefore, lovingly honouring thy memory, we glorify God Who strengthened thee.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O all-immaculate Virgin, thy womb, which contained the uncontainable God, was shown to be far more spacious than the heavens! O the all-glorious things! O He Who in thee wrought a mystery beyond the comprehension of angels and men! Wherefore, truly confessing thee to be the Theotokos, we glorify God Who was born of thee.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “To thee, the champion leader…”: Fleeing from the tumult of the world for the sake of Christ’s love, with joyous soul thou didst make thine abode in the wilderness, and struggling well therein, O father Nilus, thou didst live on earth like an angel; for thou didst lay waste to thy body through fasting and the keeping of vigils for the sake of everlasting life. And having been counted worthy thereof, standing with the saints before the all-holy Trinity in the light of ineffable joy, pray thou,—we, thy children, beseech thee, falling prostrate,—that we be preserved from every assault of enemies visible and invisible, and from evil circumstances, and that our souls be saved.

Ikos: Emulating the life of the angels and likening thyself to those who were great among the fathers, thou didst cut thyself off wholly from the turmoil of the world and, manfully arming thyself for the struggles of asceticism, thou didst carefully tread the path of the commandments of God, O blessed one. Wherefore, honouring thy sacred memory with faith, we bless thee with these praises: Rejoice, emulator of the life of the angels; rejoice, heir to the way of life of the great fathers of old! Rejoice, courageous vanquisher of invisible enemies; rejoice, diligent keeper of the commandments of God! Rejoice, ardent lover of the divinely inspired traditions of the fathers; rejoice, recorder of rules for the ascetic life of monastics! Rejoice, most clear mirror of the virtues; rejoice, melodious instrument of the Holy Spirit! Rejoice, paragon of profound humility; rejoice, zealous doer of godly works! Rejoice, for through thee have we learned to tread the way of life without wandering; rejoice, for through thy mediation for us do we hope to receive salvation! Rejoice, O wonder-working Nilus our father!

Ode VII, Irmos: The divinely wise youths worshipped not a creation rather than the Creator, but, manfully trampling the threat of the fire underfoot, they rejoice, chanting: Blessed art Thou, the all-hymned God of our fathers!

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

O father, I earnestly offer thee simple hymnody; wherefore, accept it from me who am unworthy, and spurn me not who have sinned beyond all others, O all-blessed one; but, mercifully inclining thyself, vouchsafe that through thine intercession I may receive salvation, that, rejoicing, I may chant: O all-hymned Lord God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Thou didst unceasingly converse with God face to face, O father, offering pure supplications unto Him with a pure and untroubled mind and a clean conscience, O divinely wise one; for, hastening from action to vision, thou didst wholly attain the vision of God, O blessed one, ever chanting: O all-hymned Lord God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Thou didst show thyself to be a fertile garden producing the fruits of the Spirit, O father; for thou wast full to overflowing with love and joy, peace, long-suffering, meekness and temperance, and as one truly belonging to Christ, thou didst crucify the flesh with its passions and lusts, ever chanting: O all-hymned Lord God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Accept me who hymn thee not with wisdom, but with love, O father, and, driving away from me the darkness of oblivion and ignorance by thy luminous supplication, help me ever to cry: O all-hymned Lord God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

merciful, save thy poor servant, delivering me from my boundless offences, that, rejoicing, I may chant: O Mother of the all-hymned Lord and God of our fathers, blessed art thou forever!

Ode VIII, Irmos: The birth-giving of the Theotokos saved the pious children in the furnace — then in figure, but now in deed — and it moveth all the world to chant to Thee: Hymn ye the Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

O ever-memorable Nilus our father, beloved of God, thou didst truly lead a good and beautiful life; for fleeing turmoil and withdrawing into the solitude of the wilderness, thou didst sow the tribulations of fasting with tears, but now, rejoicing, dost reap the grain of everlasting life.

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Thou didst labor in secret for the one God Who knoweth things hidden, O father, passing through the ascetic contest in humility; and after thy repose thou wast revealed and illumined by miracles, moving the faithful to chant: Hymn the Lord, O ye works, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

By the divine grace within thee thou pourest forth healings and drivest away evil spirits from those who have recourse to thee with faith, O most blessed Nilus; wherefore, we lovingly honour thy most sacred memory, chanting with gladness: Hymn the Lord, O ye works, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Hearken, O Mistress, to the pain-wracked sighing of thy servant, pulling asunder the chains of mine offences; change my grief into joy and quickly transform my pangs, that, rejoicing, I may hymn thee, O pure Virgin, and exalt thee supremely for all ages.

Ode IX, Irmos: Let every mortal leap for joy, enlightened by the Spirit; and let the nature of the incorporeal intelligences keep festival, honouring the sacred feast of the Mother of God, and let them cry aloud: Rejoice, O most blessed Theotokos, pure Ever-virgin!

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Thou hast been shown to be an all-radiant beacon for thy native land, O venerable and blessed one, illumining our habitations with thy brilliance and with the splendours of the miracles whereby thou hast been glorified since thy repose; wherefore, honouring thy radiant memory, we glorify Christ Who doth glorify thee with splendour.

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

When upon thy death bed thou didst stretch out thy beautiful feet which had trod well the path of salvation, O blessed one, thy disciples, shedding tears, said: “Whither goest thou, O our pastor? O father, to whom dost thou leave thy children, whom, having given birth to them in the Spirit, thou didst nurture with the milk of thy wise instruction?”

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

“Mingle not weeping with my joy, O my children,” thou didst say to them, O thou who art blessed of God, “for in gladness I am departing to receive the crown of righteousness which Christ hath promised to those who love Him, and which ye also must strive to attain, keeping His commandments as well as mine own.”

Venerable father, Nilus, pray to God for us.

Let thy wilderness also lament with us, O father; for even though it blossomed like a lily, adorned with Thy God-pleasing life, yet, bereft of a good husbandman after thy departure, thorns and thistles have grown rife in it. Fail not to visit thy flock, O father, and do thou thyself shepherd those who magnify thee.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Forget not those who now abide in the place of thine industrious life, O God-bearing Nilus our father, and mediate salvation for those who earnestly offer thee hymnody; for, having acquired thee as an advocate and intercessor before the Lord, O most blessed one, let not us who honour thee with faith, suffer the loss of hope.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Clothe me in the vesture of salvation, O most merciful Mother of God, thou full hope of my salvation, for I place my trust in thee; for thou art a treasury of mercy and savest all who have recourse unto thee. Wherefore, save even me, the accursed, that I may chant in thanksgiving: Rejoice, O most blessed Theotokos, pure Ever-virgin!

Troparion, Tone I: Having spurned the worldly life, O our venerable and God-bearing father Nilus, fleeing the tumult of life thou wast quick to gather the flowers of paradise from the writings of the fathers, and, having made thine abode in the wilderness, thou didst flourish like a lily of the field; wherefore, thou hast passed over to the mansions of heaven. Teach us also who honor thee to tread thy royal path, and pray thou for our souls

Canons to St Theodosius of the Kiev Caves

As we celebrate the feast of St Theodosius of the Kiev Caves, the founder of cenobitic monasticism in Rus’, we commend his abbot-successor, Metropolitan Pavel, the Brotherhood, and the faithful worshippers, pilgrims and servitors of the Caves to his intercessions.

We also ask him to pray for our community – especially for our Ukrainian faithful, so far from home.

Canon I of the venerable one, Tone VIII

Ode I, Irmos: The staff of Moses, once working a wonder, striking the sea in the form of the Cross and dividing it, drowned the mounted tyrant Pharaoh, and saved Israel who fled on foot, chanting a hymn unto God.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Having attained the God-pleasing struggle, O father Theodosius, thou wast shone to be a God-seer; wherefore, pray thou unto God Whom thou didst please, that He drive away the darkness of mine ignorance and inspire me with blessed discourse, that I may hymn thee.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

From thy mother’s womb thou didst cleave unto God, O venerable one, like the all-wise Paul and the Prophet Jeremiah of old; wherefore, divine grace through the lips of the servant of God gave thee thy name, O Theodosius.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Having obeyed the commandments of the Saviour from thy youth, O wise one, and considered this life to be as nought, desiring to bear the Cross on thy shoulders thou didst spurn all earthly things, looking to the things of heaven, O Theodosius.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

The Word of God Who became incarnate of thine all-pure womb, O all-holy Virgin, hath shone upon all the love of divine knowledge, and, having ascended into the heavens, He hath vouchsafed celebration unto the choir of men and angels.

Canon II of the venerable one, Tone VI

Irmos: Traversing the deep on foot, as though it were dry land, and seeing the tyrant Pharaoh drowned, Israel cried aloud: Let us chant unto God a hymn of victory!

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Illumined by the all-radiant beams of God, O father Theodosius, enlighten my mind by thy supplications, that I may hymn thy divine memory with splendour.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

From thy youth thou didst offer thyself to the one God, from Whom thou didst receive the abundant grace of miracles; wherefore, thou becamest a source of incorruption for thy flock.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou wast shone forth unto us as a new Abraham, offering sacrifice unto God—the Lamb Who truly taketh away the sins of the whole world,—making the bread [for the liturgy] with thine own pure hands.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Word of God Who existed before the morning-star hath revealed Himself to us as man, incarnate for our sake of the all-pure Virgin; and having issued forth from her, He preserved her free of harm.

Ode III, Irmos: O Lord, Fashioner of the vault of heaven and Creator of the Church: establish me in Thy love, O Summit of desire, confirmation of the faithful, Who alone lovest mankind.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Thy divine and blessed soul enriched with the spiritual gifts of incorruption, O holy one, thou didst desire to behold the tomb of the Lord; yet thou wast chosen from on high by the dispensation of God.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Desiring to be a perfect, true and blameless sacrifice of the Lamb Who taketh away the sin of the whole world by His all-pure blood, O blessed one, thou didst offer unto Him the unbloody sacrifice.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Becoming an acquirer of rules from the height of thy youth and a ruler over thy mind, O father, fleeing the abyss of the world thou didst receive instruction from the divine Spirit.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Rejoice, O thou who alone gavest birth to the Lord of all! Rejoice, thou who hast proclaimed joy unto men! Rejoice, O tabernacle and unquarried mountain, thou confirmation of the faithful, O only all-hymned one!

Irmos: There is none as holy as Thee, O Lord my God, Who hast uplifted the horn of Thy faithful and established us on the rock of the confession of Thee, O Good One.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Theodosius heard the voice of the Gospel and hastened to the church; and desiring to bear the Cross of the Lord upon his shoulder, forsaking all passionate attachment to the world, he followed after Him.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

When thy mother, who gave thee birth, testing thee, commanded thee to remove thy garment, she beheld a horrible sight: thy sides wet with blood from the iron chains thou didst wear.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Greatly desiring to behold the tomb of the Lord, O blessed Theodosius, yet held back by the dispensation of God, thou becamest the companion of the venerable Anthony.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

In manner past understanding thou alone from among all ages didst conceive God, the Creator and Fashioner, O thou who alone gavest birth unto the Word of God

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sessional hymn, Tone IV: In manner past the understanding of man, O venerable one, on earth thou wast shown to be a sacred garden of God set in the midst of the house of the Lord, giving the fruit of thy pangs unto thy disciples; for from thy mouth thou didst produce the grace of the Spirit, having become an example of struggles and a model for those who love the Lord. Him do thou never fail to entreat, that those who hymn thee be saved. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Repeat the hymn.

Ode IV, Irmos: Thou art my strength, O Lord, Thou art my power; Thou art my God, Thou art my joy, Who, without leaving the bosom of the Father, hast visited our lowliness. Wherefore, with the Prophet Habbakuk I cry unto Thee: Glory to Thy power, O Thou Who lovest mankind!

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

The grace of God increased within thee, O father, when thou didst behold her who gave thee birth weeping and lamenting exceedingly, yet thou, standing before her as she shed streams of tears, didst remain a pillar unshaken and unmoved.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

The most wicked enemy strove, through cruel men, to drag thee away from the nest all-adorned which thou didst desire, O Theodosius; yet thou didst account him as nought, driving away his hordes by thy supplications, and chanting: Glory to Thy power, O Thou Who lovest mankind.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Refreshed by the rain of the Spirit and watered by the Wellspring of life, thou didst produce divine grain through the tongue of Anthony thy guide; and thou feedest multitudes, having truly become like the inexhaustible granary of Joseph.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Who is able to describe the depths of thy wonders as is meet, O pure one? For through thee the whole world, offering thee praise, findeth mercy and is delivered from grievous misfortunes and divers evils, from enemies and perils.

Irmos: Christ is my power, my God and my Lord, the honoured Church doth sing, crying out in godly manner with a pure mind, keeping festival in the Lord.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

When thy mother learned that thou wast living in a cave with the blessed Anthony, thou didst comfort her when she came to thee, weeping, and didst exhort her to flee the evil of the world.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Thou wast truly a blameless priest of God, O sacred father, offering up the unbloody sacrifice, and chanting unto the Lord with a pure heart, ever keeping festival.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Ask for us deliverance from sins, O servant of God and intercessor, we, thy flock, cry out to thee, and from the temptations of the enemy preserve us who hymn thee.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Word of God, Who shone forth from the Father, sanctified thine all-pure womb, and in His surpassing goodness He hath delivered the human race from the ancient curse.

Ode V, Irmos: Wherefore hast Thou turned Thy face from me, O Light never-waning? And why hath a strange darkness covered me, wretch that I am? But turn me, and guide my steps to the light of Thy commandments, I pray.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Thy correction shone forth in struggles of virtue, for that which from of old was a poor hovel thou didst render spacious, leading many ascetics unto God, Who giveth them every abundance through thy supplications.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

By the radiant beams of thy struggles was a multitude of demons driven from thy dwelling-place; for the grace of the Spirit of the Creator of all accompanied thee and revealed thee as glorious, O Theodosius.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

In the midst of the church thou didst hymn the compassionate Saviour; wherefore, He sent upon thee His abundant compassions, alleviating the grief of want and pouring forth ever-flowing gifts upon thy flock.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Thou wast higher than the hosts on high, O thou who art full of the grace of God, having conceived the Word Who created all things by His word, and given birth to Him Who was ineffably begotten of the Father before time began.

Irmos: With Thy divine light illumine the souls of those who with love rise at dawn unto Thee, O Good One, that they may know Thee, O Word of God, to be the true God Who calleth all forth from the darkness of sin.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Thou wast a pure basin adorned with the flowers of the virtues, O father Theodosius, from whence thou pourest forth upon thy flock a fountain of teaching sweeter than honey and the honey-comb.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

With virtuous struggles thou didst mortify carnal nature, O wise father Theodosius; wherefore, Christ showed thee forth as a shepherd in the place which He chose to be a pasture for the pure Virgin.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou wast an instructor of monks and a shepherd of sheep tended in the pasture of the Mother of God; wherefore, God giveth thee twofold joy, O Theodosius, through the supplications of the pure Mother of God.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

He Who dwelleth in the heavens found thee to be a sacred abode, and of His own will made His dwelling within thy womb; wherefore, standing in thy house, with cries of thanksgiving we ever hymn thine all-pure birth-giving.

Ode VI, Irmos: I pour forth my prayer unto the Lord, and to Him do I declare my grief; for my soul is full of evil and my life hath drawn nigh unto hell, and like Jonah I pray: Lead me up from corruption, O God!

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Through prayers, the keeping of vigils and the chanting of psalms thou didst continually make thy soul a divine garden of paradise, manifestly causing the life-bearing and precious Tree of the Saviour and Lord to grow therein.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

It was thy will to acquire mystic humility, emulating the poverty of the Master, O blessed one; and treading the path of thine own will, at the command of a slothful servant thou didst deign to bear water up to the holy place, where those who met thee recognised thee and paid thee homage.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Emulating Him Who washed the feet of His disciples, O divinely wise one, thou didst consent to draw water and bear it upon thy shoulders, and hewing and carrying wood with thine own hands, thou didst show thyself forth as a guide in labours for monks.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Through thee, O Theotokos, was slain the most crafty foe who brought destruction upon all creation through corruption, and through thee have the dead been led up to life again; for thou didst truly give birth to the Lord, the Life of all.

Irmos: Beholding the sea of life surging with the tempest of temptations, fleeing to Thy calm haven I cry unto Thee: Lead up my life from corruption, O greatly Merciful One!

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Having truly built a church for the Mother of God, therein thou hast assembled a choir of a multitude of monastics, who hymn thine honoured memory with love.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Upon all who have recourse to thy protection with faith thou pourest forth a wellspring of healings, O venerable one: thou dost cause holiness to gush forth, and illuminest men’s hearts, dispelling the deception of the demons.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Lift up thy hands unto Christ God, O venerable father, and by thy supplications preserve thy flock which thou didst splendidly gather together in the Spirit, and who hymn thy memory.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Rejoice, O all-hymned one who gavest birth to the all-hymned God of all! O pure one, show those who hymn thee to be partakers of the light, and deliver them from everlasting fire.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone III, Spec. Mel. “Today the Virgin…”: We honour today the blessed Theodosius, the star of Rus’, who shone forth from the East and arrived in the West; for he hath enriched this whole land and all of us with miracles and goodness by the implementation and grace of the monastic rule.

Ikos: Who can describe thy struggles, O father? Who can reckon the multitudes of thy labours and wondrous miracles? For while yet in the flesh thou didst behold one of the incorporeal beings conversing with thee in fleshly form and offering thee a gift: gold sent by God. Thou wast shown to surpass men in humility and a meek demeanour, and to be full of spiritual wisdom. Wherefore, receiving the Spirit within thee, thou wast seen to be in the light, shining like the sun. With the brilliance of thy monastic rule, O venerable and godly Theodosius, enlighten me who hymn thee.

Ode VII, Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the youths who had come forth from Judæa trod down the flame of the furnace with their faith in the Trinity, chanting: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Everyone who fleeth with faith to thy supplications, O blessed one, is never put to shame; but, receiving the grace of his petition, O father, he returneth and danceth, singing: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Thou didst show thyself to be a father and helper of orphans, the hope of widows, and the uplifting of all the sick, O father; wherefore, we chant: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Thou wast the adornment of monastics and a path of salvation for men; for, enriching all by thy discourses on the divine mysteries, thou didst teach them to say: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O Christ, for our salvation Thou didst appear incarnate of the Virgin’s womb; wherefore, knowing Thy Mother to be the Theotokos, we chant with thanksgiving: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Irmos: The Angel caused the furnace to pour forth dew upon the pious youths, and the command of God, which consumed the Chaldæans, prevailed upon the tyrant to cry out: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

The grace of God increased within thee, O father, overshadowing thee with the Spirit and enlightening thy heart; and thereby thou didst teach men to chant: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Thy discourse explaining the dispensation of the mysteries hath gone forth into all lands, unto those who ever chant: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The multifarious grace of the Spirit rested on thee, O father, and showed forth all-glorious miracles unto those who chant: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Fleeing beneath thy protection, O Mistress, we are delivered from evils; for having thee as our hope, all of us, the faithful, pray: Disdain not thy servants, O Virgin Theotokos.

Ode VIII, Irmos: Madly did the Chaldæan tyrant heat the furnace sevenfold for the pious ones; but, beholding them saved by a higher Power, he cried out to the Creator and Deliverer: Ye children, bless; ye priests, hymn; ye people, exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Thou wast shown to be like a prophet of God gazing into the future, O Theodosius; for, inspired by the Spirit, thou didst command him who bore the Gospel scripture unto thee to bear it away, and he cried aloud unto thee, confessing with a pure mind the sacrifice to the all-pure Theotokos.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

The right-believing prince who sustained the whole land hastened to thy dwelling-place, like a deer to a spring of water, that he might receive the ever-flowing sustenance of incorruption; wherefore, desiring to dine with him, O blessed one, thou didst command thy vessel to fill completely with honey when thy patron cried out at thy lack.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

The angelic hosts hymned thy struggles, O Theodosius, and the choir of the venerable praised thy way of life, O thou splendid adornment and joy of monks; wherefore, rejoicing now therewith, thou art filled with gladness, chanting melodiously: Ye children, bless! Ye priests, hymn! Ye people, exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Thee do I set forth as the invincible protector and ally of my life, O all-pure Theotokos: be thou for me an aid against misfortunes and tribulations, delivering thine unworthy servant, who chant with love: Ye children, bless! Ye priests, hymn! Ye people, exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Irmos: From the flame didst Thou pour forth dew upon the venerable ones, and didst consume the sacrifice of the righteous one with water; for Thou, O Christ, dost do all things soever Thou desirest. Thee do we exalt supremely for all ages!

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

The choir of thy disciples, standing round about thy shrine with their abbot, hymneth Christ, having received thy labours which are worthy of God, Whom we exalt supremely forever.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Rejoicing, thou didst follow Christ God the Crucified, mortifying thy body with manifold labours and pangs; and thou didst acquire true faith and love, having rejected the world and come to love Christ alone.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The shrine of thy relics, O father Theodosius, poureth forth health with divine power and healeth sufferings of soul and flesh; wherefore, we hymn thy memory as is meet.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

We now exclaim to thee the cry of Gabriel: Rejoice, O all-blessed Mistress full of the grace of God, for whose sake we have been delivered from the ancient curse; for thou art the mediator of the salvation of all.

Ode IX, Irmos: Every ear trembleth to hear of the ineffable condescension of God, for the Most High willingly came down even to the flesh, becoming man through the Virgin’s womb. Wherefore we, the faithful, magnify the all-pure Theotokos.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Today thy memorial hath shone forth upon us like the sun, O venerable one, and we rejoice, kissing thy shrine, and, standing round about it as it were a divine ark, with the ranks of heaven we hymn thy repose with faith, O Theodosius.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Rejoice, O land of Rus’, having received from the Lord a treasure which cannot be taken away: Theodosius, the great helper blessed of God, the fervent aid. And do thou, O first among the cities of Rus’, rejoice with the choir of fasters.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

We have gathered now in festival on the day of thy memorial, to hymn the Lord Who assigned thee the goodly struggles which thou endured; wherefore, we beseech thee, O holy and wise one, that thy flock, which thou didst acquire by thy supplications, may be delivered from the temptations of the enemy.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Save me, O Saviour Who alone art our Deliverer, Who accepted the fervent repentance of the harlot and the prodigal and the sighing of the publican. O Christ, be Thou merciful unto me, a prodigal, through the supplications of thy favoured one, driving away the multitude of my sins.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

O Saviour Who wast born, and Who preserved her who gave Thee birth without corruption, even after birth-giving: Take pity on me when Thou shalt sit to judge my works, overlooking my sins and iniquities, in that Thou art sinless and merciful, and lovest mankind.

Irmos: It is not possible for men to behold God, upon Whom the ranks of angels dare not gaze; but through thee, O most pure one, hath the Word appeared incarnate unto men; and magnifying Him with the armies of heaven, we call thee blessed.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

O father, through faith thou hast united thy children. As a worthy shepherd of shepherds, O venerable one, vouchsafe to enlighten them with the virtues, and pray thou that we be granted remission of sins and correction of life.

Venerable Father, Theodosius, pray to God for us.

Living a life equal to that of the holy fathers, thou wast a servant of the all-pure Virgin, O blessed one, and an excellent pastor of monks, a true pillar of the Orthodox Faith, the hope of the faithful and the trust of those who chant in the house of the Mother of God.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Sanctified by the power of the Almighty, thou didst overcome the snares of the enemy, didst drive away their hordes and grant health to the sick; wherefore, rejoicing, we ever honour thy memory.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Ineffably conceiving Him Who shone forth from the Father without mother, thou gavest birth to Him, O Mother of God, pure and all-hymned Virgin. Entreat thy Son and our God, O all-holy one, in behalf of us, thy servants.

Troparion, Tone VIII: Exalted in virtue, having loved the monastic life from childhood, and valiantly attained thy desire, thou didst dwell within a cave; and having adorned thy life with asceticism and splendour, like one of the incorporeal beings thou didst abide in prayer, shining like a radiant beacon in the land of Rus’. O father Theodosius, entreat Christ God, that our souls be saved.

Canons for the Feast of St George

Canon I of the great martyr, the composition of Theophanes, in Tone II.

Ode I, Irmos: In the deep of old the infinite Power overwhelmed Pharaoh’s whole army. * But the Incarnate Word annihilated pernicious sin. * Exceedingly glorious is the Lord, * for gloriously hath He been glorified.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Standing, most radiant, before the precious throne of Him Who hath dominion over all, by thy supplications and intercessions preserve those who call upon thee with fervent faith and love, O martyr of Christ, crown-bearer George.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou wast a noble field of Christ, O George, cultivated by the acts of thy martyrdom, and the Judge of the contest hath laid thee up in the treasuries of heaven as most glorious riches, in that thou didst contend most excellently.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Called to struggles, O George, thou didst strive steadfastly and with endurance, O most blessed George, and having cast down the bold array of the tyrants, thou hast become an advocate for all who call upon thee.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou hast now received the blessed life which is hidden in Christ, for which thou didst contend, even to the shedding of thy blood, O George. Pray thou, that those who hymn thee be saved from every evil circumstances, O passion-bearer.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou wast a noetic heaven, O Mother of God, containing within thy womb the heavenly Word by Whom all things – heaven and earth, and those things that are above them – came into being. Wherefore, pray thou with boldness, that He save those who hymn thee.

Another Irmos: The people of Israel passed dry-shod across the watery deep of the Red Sea * and beholding the riders and captains of the enemy * swallowed by the waters, they cried out for joy: * ‘Let us chant unto our God, for He hath been glorified.’

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou hast finished the course of sacred sufferings, and, arriving in the heaven, hast been shown to be an incorrupt crown-bearer, O George, revealing thyself to be a right flourishing traveller; and thou joinest chorus with the angels, chanting: Let us sing unto our God, for He hath been glorified!

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou hast finished the course of sacred sufferings, and, arriving in the heaven, hast been shown to be an incorrupt crown-bearer, O George, revealing thyself to be a right flourishing traveller; and thou joinest chorus with the angels, chanting: Let us sing unto our God, for He hath been glorified!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

While thou wast still in pain, thou wast shown to the heavenly choirs of the incorporeal beings to pour forth a torrent of blessings, O George, and didst amaze the ranks of mortals with thy divine sufferings. And dancing with them, thou criest out: Let us sing unto our God, for He hath been glorified!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

 The staff of Aaron which budded forth prefigured thee, the most pure one from the root of Jesse, who for the world produced a Flower: God incarnate. Cease thou never to entreat Him on behalf of us who flee to thee, O Ever- Virgin.

Ode III, Irmos: The desert of the barren Church of the nations * blossomed like a lily * at Thy coming, O Lord, * therein hath my heart been established.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Resplendent in the crown of suffering, O glorious and blessed one, entreat God our Redeemer, that He deliver from all necessity those who piously call upon thee.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Illumined with rich effulgence, O most wise one, from us who praise thee with faith drive far away dark grief and the gloom of the passions.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Made steadfast by hope and love, and fortified by faith, O George, strengthened by the power of Christ thou didst cast down the delusion of the idols.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O most pure one, thou gavest birth in the flesh to the Incorporeal One Who hath enlightened the ends of the earth, and Who before all things is co-unoriginate with the Father. Wherefore, we the faithful honour thee, the Theotokos.

Canon II, Irmos: Likened to a barren woman * the Church from among the nations hath given birth, * and the assembly abundant in children, hath grown weak. * Let us cry out to our wondrous God: * Holy art Thou, O Lord!

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou didst quietly distribute thy wealth to the poor, O George, and, having anointed thyself with the oil of love as an athlete, thou didst with body and soul vanquish the tyrant.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou didst quietly distribute thy wealth to the poor, O George, and, having anointed thyself with the oil of love as an athlete, thou didst with body and soul vanquish the tyrant.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Made steadfast by grace, and consumed with the fire of zeal, thou wast not visible to those who interrogated thee, nor wast thou found by those who sought thee, O George, being angered for Christ’s sake at the delusion of the idols.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

As thou bearest in thine arms and feedest at thy breast Him Who feedeth every creature, O Theotokos Mary, worshiping Him we proclaim: Pray thou to Him, O pure one, on behalf of us all!

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sessional Hymn of the great martyr, Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “Of the Wisdom…”: Manfully contending in every manner of piety, O martyr, casting down the delusion of impiety thou didst trample the arrogance of the enemy underfoot; and ever burning with divine desire, thou didst quench the ungodly savagery of the tyrants. Wherefore, thou hast fittingly received a crown as the reward for thy torments, and grantest healings unto those who have recourse to thee with faith. O passion-bearer George, entreat Christ God, that He grant forgiveness of sins unto those who celebrate thy holy memory with love.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sessional Hymn, the same tone & melody: Having distributed thine earthly riches to the poor on earth, O wise martyr, through thy labours thou hast inherited heavenly riches; for, armed with the precious Cross as with a breast-plate, thou didst thereby put the arrogance of the tyrants to shame. Wherefore, by thy supplications thou grantest divine gifts and the benefactions of healings unto those who petition thee. O passion-bearer George, entreat Christ God, that He grant forgiveness of transgressions unto those who celebrate thy holy memory with love.

Ode IV, Irmos: From a Virgin didst Thou come forth, not as an ambassador, * nor as an Angel, * but the very Lord himself incarnate, * and didst save me, the whole man; * wherefore I cry unto Thee: * Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

O most blessed George, we hymn thy struggles, whereby thou didst break asunder the worship of the idols; and thou didst set at naught all the delusion of the demons, O most glorious one.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Still thou the turbulence of perils and misfortunes, O right wondrous one, and dispel from those who hymn thee as a warrior of Christ every evil assault of the demons.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou hast shone forth like a radiant star, O George, driving away dark delusion with valour of spirit and steadfastness of faith, and saving those who hymn thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O Virgin, thou gavest birth to Him Who is in essence salvation, saving mankind in the richness of His goodness and his essential kindness, and restoring His image which had become corrupt.

Another Irmos: I have heard, O Christ, truly most glorious report of Thee, * how being God immortal, * Thou didst assume the likeness of a mortal man, * yet remained what Thou wast before. * Wherefore, I glorify Thy power.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

The utterance of the words of thy wisdom, which transcended the human mind, struck the tyrants with awe before their tribunal, O George, and Christ God was acknowledged by those who knew Him not.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

With the word of the faith of Christ, O all-wise George, thou didst demolish the philosophers’ weaving of vile myths, and thou didst mock their gods as passion-ridden creatures, O champion of the Trinity.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The tyrants who heard the report of thy words were put to shame, for, mocking their gods, thou didst show them to be objects of derision, preaching Christ God, Who was crucified in the flesh and hath abolished soul-destroying delusion.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

We glorify thee, O most pure one, the only Theotokos, the true Ever-Virgin, whom the bush which was mingled with fire without being consumed prefigured for Moses the God-beholder.

Ode V, Irmos: O Christ my Saviour, the enlightenment of those lying in the darkness of sin. * I rise early to hymn Thee O King of Peace, * enlighten me with Thy radiance, * for I know no other God than Thee.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

As thou hast the boldness of a martyr before the Master, earnestly beseech salvation for those who hymn thee, doing away with their spiritual ailments by thine entreaties, O passion-bearing martyr, most blessed George.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

As thou joinest chorus with the choirs of angels and martyrs, O crown-bearer, and sharest in immortal and blessed glory, rescue those who have recourse to thy protection from threefold waves and tempest.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Deliver us from all necessity, O Christ, in that Thou art merciful, dispelling the multifarious turmoil of sin and misfortune, and accepting the supplications of George Thy favourite.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou didst repay the debt of our first mother Eve, O Mother of God; for thou didst wrap in flesh the Saviour of the world Who was born of thee. Wherefore, we all call thee blessed, O joyous and all-immaculate Virgin.

Another Irmos: Do Thou O Lord send down upon us * Thine enlightenment, and free us * from the gloom of transgression, O Good One, * granting us Thy peace.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Wrestling like an athlete and manfully contending against the causes of divers deceptions, O George, naked to the world thou didst strip away the might of the cruel prince of this world.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Wrestling like an athlete and manfully contending against the causes of divers deceptions, O George, naked to the world thou didst strip away the might of the cruel prince of this world.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Protected by the weapon of the Cross, O George, with the hope of faith and mighty love thou didst blunt the sharp edges of all the weaponry of the cruel adversary.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The womb of the virgin put to shame the understanding of the tyrants; for a child received the deadly sting of an adder in his hand, but George, casting down the prideful one who fell away from God, hath humbled him beneath the feet of the faithful.

Ode VI, Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, * I appeal to the unfathomable abyss of Thy compassion: * Raise me up from corruption, O God.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Transcending nature, all telling and understanding are the brave deeds of thy valour, which are unceasingly hymned, O most blessed martyr George.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

In that thou art a converser with the army of heaven, and beholdest the revelation of God insofar as thou canst attain thereto, O blessed one, save those who honour thee with faith.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Inclining toward God in every way, and receiving the effulgence of miracles, O most blessed George, thou dost distribute gifts to those in need.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

I now flee to thee, O most pure one. Save and preserve me by the supplications; for thou canst do all things whatsoever thou desirest, in that thou art the Mother of the Almighty.

Another Irmos: Prefiguring Thy three-day burial * Prophet Jonah praying in the belly of the sea-monster cried aloud: * Deliver me from corruption * O Jesus Thou King of hosts.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou didst cry out to the Creator with boldness, O George: “Give not thy servant over to the iniquitous, but grant me the strength to destroy their arrogance!”

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Scorning the vessels of the torturers, O George, of thine own will thou didst manfully hasten to the contest, and hast been crowned by Christ God with the honours of victory.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The deceitful tyrants, their threats turned to wonder during the testing of thy virtue, O George, marvelled at Christ, the Bestower of life, Whom thou didst preach.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

Of old the serpent deceived me and made me subject to death through my first mother Eve; but now, O pure one, He Who created me hath through thee called me back from corruption.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone IV, Spec. Mel. “Having been lifted up…”: Having been cultivated by God, * thou didst show thyself to be a most honourable husbandman of piety, * gathering to thyself the sheaves of the virtues; * for, having sown in tears, thou reapest in gladness, * and having suffered in the shedding of thy blood, * thou hast received Christ. * And by thy supplications, * O holy one, ** thou grantest forgiveness of sins unto all.

Ikos: Desiring Christ the King, Who laid down His life for the life of the world, the warrior hastened to die for Him, and, possessing great and divine zeal in his heart, he brought himself to Him. With faith, then, let us all hymn the divine George as a fervent intercessor, a glorious servant of Christ, who manifestly emulated his Master and respondeth to everyone who approacheth him; for he doth ever hasten to entreat the Saviour, that He grant forgiveness of sins unto all.

Ode VII, Irmos: The godless order of the lawless tyrant * fanned the roaring flame; * but Christ bedewed the God-fearing children with the Spirit, * therefore He is greatly blessed and highly exalted.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Emulating thy Master, O glorious martyr, thou didst willingly hasten to the struggle, and having received the victory hast become the guardian of the Church of Christ. Do thou ever preserve it by thine intercession.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

As an invincible martyr, as an athlete, as an unvanquished champion of the Faith, O all-wise George, be thou now an unshakable pillar far those who praise thee, protecting them by thy supplications.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Having wisely cultivated the divine seed, thou hast multiplied it, watering it with the torrents of thy blood, with the urgency of thy pangs and divers wounds, whereby thou didst put down the savagery of the tyrants.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou didst remain a virgin even after giving birth, for thou gavest birth to God Who feedeth all creatures in His ineffable mercy, and Who in His great loving-kindness became a man, O pure one. Him do thou entreat, that our souls be saved.

Another Irmos: Of old the Children of Abraham in Babylon * trampled down the flame of the furnace, * crying aloud with hymns: * O God of our Fathers, blessed art Thou.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Seeing the delusion of idolatry prevailing, O George, burning with the zeal of piety thou didst give thyself over to struggles.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou wast shown to preach the persecuted Faith, O George, and, denouncing the darkness of delusion, thou didst say: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou didst cut off falsehood at the root, didst cultivate great faith by piety, O George, and didst rejoice, saying: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

HThou art more exalted than all creatures, O Theotokos, in that thou gavest birth to the Creator and Lord. Wherefore, I cry to thee: O blessed one, the Lord of hosts is with thee!

ODE VIII, Irmos: In Babylon, the activity of the fire was once divided, * for, by the command of God it consumed the Chaldeans, * but bedewed the faithful, who chant: * Bless ye the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

By thy supplications, O crown-bearer George, bring a halt to the torrent of cruel sufferings and misfortunes, tumultuous evil circumstances, attacks of pain, the wiles of the demons and the assaults of the ungodly.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Wholly illumined with purity by the light of the Trinity, O blessed dweller in heaven, as an invincible martyr, a champion of piety and a divinely crowned victor, by thy supplications save those who honour thee.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Adorned in every way with the noetic crown and diadem of the kingdom, dignified with a sceptre and arrayed in a royal robe empurpled in thy blood, O blessed one, thou reignest with the King of hosts.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O Virgin Mother, thou gavest birth to Him Who was begotten timelessly of the Father, Who shone forth before time began and hath created all things, visible and invisible. Wherefore, we and all the terrestrial nations glorify thee, the Theotokos

Another Irmos: Rejoicing in their condemnation by the tyrant * for not worshiping all his abominable gods, * but only the living God, * the children braved the fire; and, bedewed by the Angel, * they chanted the hymn: * Hymn the Lord, all ye works, * and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Strengthened by the Spirit, thou didst spurn the instruments of pain, for thou wouldst not offer praise to deaf idols, but only to Christ God, having acquired roving faith in Him, O George; and thou didst say: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Seeking after no transitory beauty, rejoicing in the hope of divine life, O George, thou didst undergo divers afflictions; and paying no heed to thy terrible dismemberment, with steadfastness of soul thou didst say: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. 

Seeing thy body cut apart by instruments of bronze and dismembered limb by limb with sharp knives, alive in spirit thou didst say: “These present tortures are for the glory which is to come, O ye unworthy! Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!”

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

The Lord of all, Who formed thee from the rib of Adam, became incarnate of thy virginity; and, hymning Him, we cry: All ye works, bless and hymn the Lord, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

Ode IX, Irmos: The Son of the unoriginate Father, God and Lord, * hath appeared to us incarnate of a Virgin, * to enlighten those in darkness, * and to gather the dispersed; * therefore the all-hymned Theotokos do we magnify.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Unceasingly entreat the Lord for us who hymn thee, O blessed one, as a martyr of Christ who vanquished the tyrant, as an expeller of evils spirits, a tireless guardian, a helper unashamed.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

The Master of all hath richly rewarded thee for thy sufferings, O thrice-blessed one; and, standing before him with the boldness of a martyr, preserve those who call upon thee with gladness.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

The earth covered thee, but heaven received thee and manifestly opened unto thee the gates of paradise, O athlete; and joyously dancing and leaping up therein, by thy supplications preserve those who hymn thee with faith.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The tabernacle of the witness, wherein were the tablets of the law, the jar of manna and the golden ark, prefigured thee, O most pure one; for like it, O Theotokos, thou didst contain the unoriginate Word, incarnate, within thy womb.

Another Irmos: O pure Theotokos, thou art our boast, * thou who wast born of earthborn mortals * yet hast given birth unto the Creator: * wherefore, we magnify thee * as the Sovereign Lady of all creation.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Priests hymn, kings praise and the people utter laudation to thy sufferings, O martyr George; wherefore, we all call thee blessed.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us. 

Priests hymn, kings praise and the people utter laudation to thy sufferings, O martyr George; wherefore, we all call thee blessed.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. 

All the hosts of heaven hymned thy struggles; for, sacrificing thyself, thou wast well pleasing to God, O martyr George. Wherefore, we all call thee blessed.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

Rejoice, O pure Theotokos our boast, who sprang forth from mortal parents and gavest birth to the Creator! Thee do we magnify as her who hath dominion over creation.


Troparion, Tone IV: With faith thou didst fight the good fight, O athlete of Christ, didst denounce the ungodli­ness of the tyrants and didst offer thyself to God as a right acceptable sacrifice. Wherefore, thou hast received a crown of victory, O holy one, and by thy supplications dost bestow the forgive­ness of transgressions upon all.

Another troparion, Tone IV: As a liberator of captives,/ a helper of the poor,/ and a physician of the infirm,/ O champion of kings, victorious great martyr George,// entreat Christ God, that our souls be saved.


A Prayer: Great Martyr George, we hasten to thee for triumph over every torment and distress and over all pride and passion, that we may glorify Jesus Christ as zealous conquerors of this world and heirs of the Heavenly Kingdom. We acknowledge our unworthiness of such holy victory but, in praise of the courage, hope and trust which thou hast demonstrated throughout thy life and into thy martyrdom, we lovingly beseech thine aid in battle against sin. Pray for us, Saint George, that we may be granted the grace to confess the Faith before others and to fulfil the Commandments under all circumstances and among all people. Let us witness of Christ the Lord that everyone might see His radiant light and believe in His holy teachings. Amen

The Canon to Venerable Mary of Egypt, in Tone IV

We are sharing the canon of St Mary of Egypt, from the menaion for April, having celebrated her feast recently, and her Lenten commemoration last Sunday.

Ode I, Irmos: Having traversed the depths of the Red Sea with dry-shod feet, Israel of old vanquished the might of Amalek in the wilderness by Moses’ arms stretched out in the form of the Cross.

Venerable mother, Mary, pray to God for us.

With Thy mercy, O Christ, wash away the defilement of transgressions from my lowly soul, and by the supplications of Thy venerable one dispel the darkness and gloom of the passions.

Venerable mother, Mary, pray to God for us.

Having polluted the nobility of thy soul with carnal passions, thou didst enlighten thy mind again by abstinence, making thy soul bright with the outpouring of thy tears.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou didst flee from the passions of Egypt as from a wellspring of sin; and having freed thyself of the defilement of the cruel Pharaoh, thou hast now inherited the land of dispassion and ever holdest chorus with the angels.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Gazing upon the icon of thee and the Word Who was born of thine all-pure womb, O pure Virgin Theotokos and Mistress, the all-glorious one fervently entreated thee to be surety for herself before Him.

Ode III, Irmos: Thy Church rejoiceth in Thee, O Christ, crying aloud: Thou art my strength, O Lord, my refuge and my consolation!

Venerable mother, Mary, pray to God for us.

The sores of thy soul stank and festered; but by the fountain of thy tears thou didst fervently cleanse them.

Venerable mother, Mary, pray to God for us.

Legions of demons were vanquished by thee, and thou didst rout the uprisings of the passions with thy tears.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou hast become like a cloud of the morning and like a trickling droplet providing the waters of saving repentance for all.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Having thee as her intercessor, salvation and strength, O pure one, the honoured Mary bowed down in worship before the Tree of the holy Cross.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sessional hymn, Tone VIII: ,Spec. Mel. “Of the wisdom…”: Restraining all the uprisings of the flesh with the pangs of fasting, thou didst show forth the manly wisdom of thy soul; for, desiring to behold the form of the Cross, O ever-memorable one, thou didst crucify thyself to the world, and hence didst fervently raise thyself up to zeal for a life undefiled, O most blessed and all-glorious Mary. Entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of sins unto those who with love honour thy holy memory.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: All of us, the generations of men, bless thee as the Virgin who, alone among women, gave birth without seed unto God in the flesh; for the fire of the Godhead made its abode within thee, and thou hast given suck unto the Creator and Lord as a babe. Wherefore, we, the race of angels and men, glorify thine all-holy birth-giving as is meet, and cry out to thee together: Entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of offences unto those who with faith worship thine all-holy Offspring.

Stavrotheotokion (replaces the Theotokion of Wednesdays and Fridays): The ewe-lamb, beholding the Lamb, Shepherd and Deliverer upon the Cross, cried out, weeping and, bitterly lamenting, exclaimed: “The world rejoiceth, receiving deliverance through Thee; but my womb doth burn, beholding Thy crucifixion, which Thou dost endure in the loving-kindness of Thy mercy. O long-suffering Lord, Abyss of mercy, inexhaustible Wellspring: take pity and grant remission of offences unto those who with faith hymn Thy divine sufferings!”

Ode IV, Irmos: Beholding Thee lifted up upon the Cross, O Sun of righteousness, the Church stood rooted in place, crying out as is meet: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Venerable mother, Mary, pray to God for us.

Fleeing all the pleasurable things which are in the world, thou didst take thyself away, and, alone, through extreme abstinence and the endurance of those things which thou didst, thou didst cleave unto One in a pure manner.

Venerable mother, Mary, pray to God for us.

The movements and burnings of the body didst thou truly suppress through abstinence; hence thou didst adorn thy soul with divine visions and actions, O most glorious Mary.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Through the power of thy virtue, thy tears and extreme fasting, by prayer, heat, winter’s cold and nakedness, thou didst become a precious receptacle for the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Having had recourse unto the icon of thee and Him Who was born of thee, O Virgin Mary, Mary of Egypt hath now found immortal life through thee, joining chorus in Paradise.

Ode V, Irmos: Thou hast come, O my Lord, as a light into the world: a holy light turning from the darkness of ignorance those who hymn Thee with faith.

Venerable mother, Mary, pray to God for us.

Rejoicing, thou didst follow after Christ, bearing thine own cross on thy shoulder, O Mary; and thou didst wound the demons.

Venerable mother, Mary, pray to God for us.

Thou hast shown us the medicine of repentance, and hast indicated also unto us the path which leadeth again to life which perisheth not.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Be thou for me an invincible helper, O honoured one, and deliver me from the passions and from all pain by thine entreaties to the Lord.Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Ever beseeching thee, the venerable one gazed upon thine icon, O pure Mistress, and put to shame the assaults of the passions.

Ode VI, Irmos: I will sacrifice to Thee with a voice of praise, O Lord, the Church crieth unto Thee, cleansed of the blood of demons by the blood which, for mercy’s sake, flowed from Thy side.

Venerable mother, Mary, pray to God for us.

With sweat thou didst wash away the defilement of sin; and, directing thy gaze mentally towards that glory which corrupteth not, thou hast now found fruitfulness through thy pangs, O glorious one.

Venerable mother, Mary, pray to God for us.

Thy life, O Mary, hath been shown to be a model for all sinners who have sinned beyond measure in life, that they, too, may arise and wash away their defilement with tears.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Take pity, O Thou Who lovest mankind, on my lowly soul, which I have polluted by giving rein to the impure desires of my flesh; and through the supplications of the venerable one have mercy on me.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

With all thy heart and soul thou didst love the living Word of God Who was born incarnate of the Virgin, and Who spake unto thee, O venerable one.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone IV, Spec. Mel. “Having been lifted up…”: Having fled the gloom of sin and illumined thine heart with the light of repentance, O glorious one, thou didst go to Christ and didst bring His all-immaculate and holy Mother to Him as a merciful intercessor; hence, thou didst find remission of thy transgressions and dost now rejoice ever with the angels.

Ikos: The serpent who of old caused Eve to fall through the deception of the tree in Eden, thou didst cast down into the pit through the Tree of the Cross, O glorious Mary; and, fleeing from pleasure, thou didst desire purity. Hence, with the virgins thou hast been accounted worthy to enter the chamber of thy Master and to delight with them as is meet. Him do thou earnestly beseech, that He grant us remission of many sins and account us worthy of His life, and to rejoice ever with the angels.

Ode VII, Irmos: The children of Abraham in the Persian furnace, afire with love of piety more than with the flame, cried out: Blessed art Thou in the temple of Thy glory, O Lord!

Venerable mother, Mary, pray to God for us.

Having manifestly traveled the narrow path of tribulation and made thy soul radiant with the beauty of the virtues, thou didst attain unto the endless life of heaven, where Christ is the never-ending Light.

Venerable mother, Mary, pray to God for us.

Having trampled down all the transient things in the world, thou dost now join chorus with all the armies of the angels, chanting: Blessed art Thou in the temple of Thy glory, O Lord!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

With thy fasting, prayer and tears, O venerable one, thou didst cause all of the wiles and devices of the enemy to fail; therefore, the uprisings of the passions are now driven away from thee, O honoured Mary.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O most pure one, who without knowing wedlock truly gavest birth unto the incorporeal God yet remained truly Virgin, by thy power thou hast driven away the passions and legions of demons.

Ode VIII, Irmos: Stretching forth his hands, Daniel shut the lions’ mouths in the pit; and the young lovers of piety, girded about with virtue, quenched the power of the fire, crying out: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Venerable mother, Mary, pray to God for us.

Having illumined thy whole mind with the radiance of the virtues, O glorious Mary, and conversed with God, and broken down thy flesh with great fasting and pious thought, rejoicing thou didst chant: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Venerable mother, Mary, pray to God for us.

Protecting thyself with the sign of the Cross, with faith traversing the waters of Jordan with thy dry-shod feet, having received communion of the Body and Blood of the heavenly Christ, thou didst say: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The godly priest Zosimas, an initiate of the mysteries of grace, when he beheld thee crossing the Jordan’s stream with dry-shod feet, O glorious one, seized with fear and trembling chanted, rejoicing: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Through thee, O all-undefiled one, did the venerable one put off corruption and defilement; by thee, O Mistress, was she clothed in the garment of incorruption; and with thee did she cry out to thy Son: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Ode IX, Irmos: Christ, the Chief Cornerstone uncut by human hands, Who united the two disparate natures, was cut from thee, the unquarried mountain, O Virgin. Wherefore, in gladness we magnify thee, O Theotokos.

Venerable mother, Mary, pray to God for us.

Thou art now nurtured on truly incorruptible and divine food, delighting in the noetic and unwaning Light in the mansions of heaven, where the ranks of angels entreat God in our behalf.

Venerable mother, Mary, pray to God for us.

Disdaining transitory and corruptible glory, O Mary, thou didst inherit blessed life and glory. Entreat Christ in behalf of those who ever celebrate thy most holy memory.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Behold my sorrow and the groaning of my heart, O venerable one! Behold the imprisonment of my life! Save me from my sin, and take pity on my soul by thy mediations before the Lord!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O pure Mistress Theotokos, salvation of sinners, accept this entreaty, and, by the supplications of thy venerable one, from my transgressions deliver me who flee to thy Son.

Troparion, Tone VIII: In thee, O mother, that which was created according to the image of God was manifestly saved; for, accepting thy cross, thou didst follow after Christ; and, praying, thou didst learn to disdain the flesh, for thou didst transcend it, and to take care of thine immortal soul. Wherefore, with the angels doth thy soul rejoice, O venerable Mary.

The Canon to St Winefride

Several of our parish sisters are making a pilgrimage to Holywell next week, and as I was sorting the canon to St Winefride, it seemed a good idea to publish it here for general circulation.

Ode I, Irmos: The people of Israel, / having fled across the watery deep of the Red Sea with dryshod feet, / beholding the mounted captains of the enemy drowned therein, / sang with gladness: / Let us chant unto our God, / for He hath been glorified!

Venerable-Martyr Winefride pray to God for us!

With the waters of Winifred’s holy well are we cured of maladies of body and soul, for the Lord drew forth a wondrous spring where fell her severed head. Therefore, let us chant unto our God, for He hath been glorified! 

Venerable-Martyr Winefride pray to God for us!

Ineffable was the revival of the holy Winifred at the entreaties of the venerable Beuno; for, affixing her severed head to her lifeless body, the saint restored her to life. Wherefore, let us sing unto our God, for He hath been glorified!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Now let us praise Christ; for, honouring the holy maiden, He filleth her spring with an upwelling of grace, that those who immerse themselves in its watery depths may find ease for their pain and sorrows, for He is all-glorious.

Now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Theotokion: In majesty doth thy Son reign over all, O most immaculate Virgin, and everlastingly doth He hearken with pity to thy maternal supplications, which thou dost unceasingly offer up before His throne, entreating Him on our behalf.

Ode III, Irmos: The people of Israel drank from the hard and rough-hewn stone ,/ which poured forth water at Thy command;/ and Thou, O Christ, / art the Rock and Life /whereon the Church is established, which crieth: //Hosanna! Blessed art Thou Who comest!

Venerable-Martyr Winefride pray to God for us!

Flourishing in the soil of Wales like a tree of comely form, laden with fruit of the virtues, O Winifred; and, watered abundantly by the pure doctrine of thy kinsman, the venerable Beuno, thou didst reserve thy precious virginity for Christ alone.

Venerable-Martyr Winefride pray to God for us!

Rushing forth in great volume, the springs of thy holy well emerge from the rock of Wales and flow down to the sea, O virgin martyr, irrigating thy native land and watering with divine grace the souls of those who cry to Christ: Hosanna!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Ever did her noble parents, Terith and Wenlo, see the saint as a precious gem, sparkling with the grace of God, flawless in purity; wherefore, they entrusted her to the holy Beuno, who taught her to cry to Christ: Blessed art Thou Who comest!

Now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Theotokion: Daily do we offer our entreaties to thee whom thy Son hath given to us, His servants, as a mediator and advocate before Him; and with thankful voices we cry out to thee: Blessed art thou among women! Hosanna to the Fruit of thy womb!

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sessional hymn, Tone III, Spec. Mel. Of the divine Faith: Adorned with zeal for the Faith, with piety, reverence and virginity, O Winifred, / as a bride of Christ thou didst prefer to die rather than to submit to the accursed Caradoc; / wherefore, glorified by God, thou ever prayest earnestly unto Him, / that He deliver us, His servants, from the disgrace of the passions.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Theotokion, in Tone III: Thou wast the divine tabernacle of the Word, O only all-pure Virgin Mother, / who hast surpassed the angels in purity. / With the divine waters of thy supplications, O pure one, / cleanse me who, more than all others, / have become defiled by carnal transgressions, and grant unto me great mercy. 

Stavrotheotokion, Tone III (replaces the Theotokion on Wednesday and Friday): The unblemished ewe-lamb of the Word, the undefiled Virgin Mother, / beholding Him Who sprang forth from her without pain suspended upon the Cross, / cried out, lamenting maternally: / ‘Woe is me, O my Child! / How is it that Thou sufferest willingly, desiring to deliver man from the dishonour of the passions?’

Ode IV, Irmos: Thy virtue hath covered the heavens, / and the earth hath been filled with Thy glory, O Christ. / Wherefore, we cry out with faith:/ Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Venerable-Martyr Winefride pray to God for us!

In the Christian virtues wast thou tutored and trained by thine uncle, the holy Beuno, O Winifred; wherefore, thou didst cry out with him: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Venerable-Martyr Winefride pray to God for us!

Slain wast thou, O venerable one, when thou didst flee him who sought to outrage thy pure virginity, O venerable martyr; but he was destroyed by the power of the Lord.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Arrogant and lustful, the accursed nobleman pursued the holy one and slew her at the doors of the church; but the earth swallowed him alive by the power of the Lord.

Now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen

What words suffice to hymn thy wondrous works, O all-hymned Theotokos? Wherefore, we cry out with faith and love to thy Son and God: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Ode V, Irmos: Shine forth upon me the light of Thy precepts, O Lord, / for my spirit riseth early unto Thee and hymneth Thee: / for Thou art our God, / and I flee to Thee, O King of peace.

Venerable-Martyr Winefride pray to God for us!

Emitting the effulgence of the splendid precepts of the Lord, O martyred maiden, when wickedly pursued by the evildoer thou didst flee with haste to the King of peace.

Venerable-Martyr Winefride pray to God for us!

Lord of hosts, King of peace, have mercy upon me, and deliver me from him who intendeth my ruination and spiritual destruction! the holy Winifred earnestly prayed.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Let the sword of the impious Caradoc free me from this vain world and its vile illusions, for I prefer the King of peace above all else! the holy maiden cried aloud.

Now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Slain for piety’s sake, the holy Winifred joined the Theotokos at the right hand of her Son; but in His mysterious dispensation, the King of peace restored her to bodily life.

Ode VI, Irmos: Let not the watery tempest drown me, nor the abyss destroy me; / for I have been cast into the depths of the heart of the sea. / Wherefore, like Jonah I cry aloud: /Let my life ascend to Thee out of the corruption of evils, O God!

Venerable-Martyr Winefride pray to God for us!

Pouring forth thy martyr’s blood, O saint of God, thou didst dye in its streams a crimson robe, as vesture fit for the bridal banquet; and joining the wise virgins, thou didst enter, rejoicing, into the chamber of thy Lord, O Winifred.

Venerable-Martyr Winefride pray to God for us!

Resurrected from the dead when Beuno prayed to God and joined again thy severed head to thy virginal body, O pure maiden, thy remaining life didst thou dedicate to thy Master, in every way avoiding the corruption of evils.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

In the doctrines of piety did the venerable Eleri undertake to tutor thee, O holy one, that having been rescued from the abyss of hades thou mightest ever cry: Let my life ascend to Thee out of the corruption of evils, O God!

Now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Never shall we cease to extol thy manifold wonders, O compassionate Lady, nor shall we ever tire of magnifying thy mighty deeds, for thou dost ever rescue us from the depths of the sea of evils wherein we are drowning.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Kontakion, in Tone IV, Spec. Mel. Thou hast appeared: Thou hast appeared today, O Winifred, / pouring forth grace divine through the water of thy well upon all who partake of it with faith / and who, trusting in thy boldness before God, / immerse themselves therein with goodly hope.

Ikos: Grace divine poureth forth in torrents from Holywell, for there did the holy Winifred shed her blood for Christ, and as a sign of His good pleasure with her great sacrifice, He caused a spring to arise where her severed head fell to the ground. Wherefore, O ye Christians, let us draw forth its waters as a great blessing from God; and, ever mindful of the words of the Saviour, that whosoever shall give drink unto his neighbour a cup of cold water shall in nowise lose his reward, let us immerse ourselves in these wondrous waters with goodly hope.

Ode VII, Irmos: Of old in Babylon, the Angel, / descending into the Chaldean furnace, / bedewed the children; / wherefore, they sang: / Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Venerable-Martyr Winefride pray to God for us!

Gwitherin boasteth in thee exceedingly, O saint of God, for in its convent thou didst live a life of piety, singing unceasingly: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Venerable-Martyr Winefride pray to God for us!

Obediently didst thou shoulder the monastic yoke, O venerable one, submitting to the blessed Abbess Tenoi, singing: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Fittingly didst thou succeed the holy Tenoi, O Winifred, and in Gwitherin didst stay until thine own repose, singing: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Gazing down upon us from on high, O sovereign Lady, let thy pity fall upon us like rain, that we may cry unto thy Son: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Ode VIII, Irmos: O Almighty Deliverer of all, / descending into the midst of the flame Thou didst bedew the pious youths and didst teach them to sing: / Bless and hymn the Lord, all ye works!

Venerable-Martyr Winefride pray to God for us!

O strange mystery! She who was slain by the sword, her head cut from her body, is restored to life, and liveth on for many years, crying: Bless and hymn the Lord, all ye works!

Venerable-Martyr Winefride pray to God for us!

Death had no dominion over thee, O glorious Winifred, for as thy well gusheth forth miraculous cures continually, so did thy grave become a wellspring of healing for the afflicted.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Shrewsbury was adorned with thy sacred relics, O wondrous Winifred, for they were translated thither with great solemnity, as our blessed and all-hymned Lord allowed.

Now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Glory adorneth thee, O Theotokos, and as a Queen thou art arrayed in spiritual raiment, inwrought with gold and varied colours, and thou dost teach us to cry: Bless and hymn the Lord, all ye works!

Ode IX, Irmos: With hymns we all magnify the Theotokos, / the Chaldæan furnace which of old bore a dew-laden fire, /and the bush on Sinai / which burned without being consumed.

Venerable-Martyr Winefride pray to God for us!

Resembling in grace the heavenly dew which quenched the Chaldæan flames, the waters of the holy Winifred¹s well quench the burning of fevers and the fires of the passions.

Venerable-Martyr Winefride pray to God for us!

As God sendeth rain upon the just and the unjust without distinction, so hath He made the waters of His saint’s well to pour forth healings upon all who partake of them.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Come, O ye Christians, and let us praise our Most High God, for in His love for mankind He hath given us Winifred, His favoured one, as an intercessor and advocate before Him.

Now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Even our most eloquent hymns and orations, adorned with every ornament of human speech, fail utterly to describe the magnitude of thy goodness, O Mother of God.

Troparion of St Winefride, Tone 2: Suffering death for thy virginity, O Holy Winefride,/ through the mercy of God thy body was made whole and restored to life. /Thy healing grace flows in streams of living water./ Pray to God for us that our souls may be saved!

Prayer to St Winefride: O Ye Christians, let us lift up our voices in praise of God for the mighty miracles He hath wrought for us through the pure waters of Holywell and the entreaties of His saint! O blessed Winefride, pure virgin and glorious martyr, so especially chosen, so divinely graced and so wonderfully restored from death to life! Hope of all that fly unto thee with full confidence and humility! As of old the desert rock gushed forth water for thirsting Israel when the staff of Moses smote it, so did the rocky ground of Wales put forth a torrent of grace-filled water when, falling, thy severed head struck it. The one quenched the bodily thirst of the children of God; while the other healeth the manifold infirmities of their souls and bodies. We, though, unworthy, yet thy devoted pilgrims, make our petitions unto thee. Sanctuary of piety, look now upon us with patient eyes; receive our prayers, accept our offerings, and present our supplications at the throne of mercy, that through thy powerful intercessions, our God may be pleased to bless our pilgrimage, and to grant our requests and our desires that are unto salvation; for unto Him is due all honour and worship, to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen

The Canon to St David: Happy Feast!

On this feast of St David, according to the patristic calendar, we look forward to a slightly belated celebration this evening, when we will honour our national patron with the chanting of his canon and the stikhira of his feast.

We honour St David as a true shepherd and defender of doctrinal Orthodoxy, who opposed falsehood and was not afraid to expose and denounce heresy, guided in his preaching by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In an age of apostasy in which the Church is attacked, with worldly and man-pleasing compromise eroding the fundament of Truth, as false-shepherds make faustian bargains with the fallen world and its rulers, we commend our hierarchs and communities to St David’s protection and intercession, trusting in the power and efficacy of his prayers.

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us!

Canon of the saint, the acrostic whereof is David droppeth miracles like holy dew, in Tone VI

Ode I, Irmos: With an upraised arm Christ drowned the chariots of Pharaoh and his power, and saved Israel, who sent up the hymn: Let us sing unto our wondrous God!

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us.

Deign Thou to fill my mouth with eloquence, O Christ, that I may praise the wondrous David, who enjoineth us, saying: Let us sing unto our wondrous God!

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us.

A youth comely and full of divine grace, thou didst undertake to study well the Scriptures, O holy David, that thou mightest sing unto our wondrous God.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Verily did thy fellows behold a dove with beak of gold playing at thy holy lips, O glorious David, teaching thee to sing the praises of our wondrous God.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

In voices of exultation let us hymn the all-pure and immaculate Theotokos, that, saved by her supplications, we may sing unto our wondrous God.

Ode III, Irmos: All the heavens, which were established by Thee, O Word and Power of God, confess Thine ineffable glory and the creation of Thine all-accomplishing hands; for there is none holy save Thee, O Lord.

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us.

Despising the vanity of the world, O sacred one, thou didst flee to the venerable Paulinus, great among ascetics, and he taught thee to cry out to the Master of all: There is none holy save Thee, O Lord!

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us.

Destroying his bodily eyes by constant weeping, the elder Paulinus fell blind; but, full of the power of the Word of God, the holy David healed him, crying out: There is none holy save Thee, O Lord!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Replete with the grace of God, David most great set it as his holy task to build many churches and to establish many monasteries, wherein the pious might sing: There is none holy save Thee, O Lord!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O the heavenly glory of thine ineffable birth-giving, O holy Virgin and Mother For in manner beyond the comprehension of man thou gavest birth to thine own Creator, the Word and Power of God.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Sessional hymn, in Tone I: Withdrawing from the tumults of the world, O holy David, thou didst willingly bend thy neck beneath the yoke of Christ, submitting in obedience to the holy Paulinus, who trained thee to contend with skill against the adversary of our race. Glory to the Judge of thy contest! Glory to Him Who gave thee the victory over Satan! Glory to Him Who hath awarded thee the wreath of victory!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: Stretching forth thy divine hands wherewith thou didst bear the Creator Who in His goodness became incarnate, O all-holy Virgin, beg thou that He deliver from temptations, sorrows and tribulations us who praise thee with love and cry out: Glory to Him Who dwelt within thee! Glory to Him Who came forth from thee! Glory to Him Who hath delivered us by thy birthgiving!

Stavrotheotokion (replaces the Theotokion of Wednesday and Friday): In awe at Thy great and awesome forbearance, O Saviour, the all-pure one lamented bitterly and cried out to Thee Who wast crucified on the Cross by the iniquitous and Whose side was pierced with a spear by the soldiers: Glory to Thy love for man! Glory to Thy goodness! Glory to Thee Who by Thy death hast rendered man immortal!

Ode IV, Irmos: Thy virtue hath covered the heavens, O Christ, and all things have been filled with Thy praise, O Lord.

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us.

Pious men offered up praise to Christ at Glastonbury when the holy David restored the monastery there.

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us.

Poisonous had the waters at Bath become, but by the power of Christ, David made them fit for use again.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Enlightening all the Britons, everywhere the holy one went he built churches, wherein to praise the Lord.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Theotokos was full of the beauty of all the virtues; wherefore, the heavens resound with her praises.

Ode V, Irmos: Enlighten me who rise at dawn out of the night, I pray, O Thou Who lovest mankind, and guide me in Thy precepts; and teach me to do Thy will, O Saviour.

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us.

Having filled the land with monastic habitations, the pious David made his abode in Menevia, where he taught the Saviour’s sacred precepts unto all.. 

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us.

Mortifying all carnal-mindedness, O God-bearer, rising at dawn out of the night thou didst show thyself to be a worthy model of all the Christian virtues.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Imitating the austerities of the ascetics of the Thebaïd, thy monks, bending their will to thine, O saint, committed themselves to fasting and constant prayer.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Rising at dawn out of the night, I beg the merciful Mother of God with tears and sighs, that by her intercession I may learn to do the will of her Son.

Ode VI, Irmos: With all my heart I cried out to the compassionate God, and He heard my cry from the uttermost depths of hades, and hath led my life up from corruption.

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us.

Abstaining from all but bread and pulse, and slaking their thirst with water alone, led by thee thy monks attained deliverance from corruption.

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us.

Constant was thy mental prayer, O saint, for thou didst follow the injunction of the Apostle to pray without ceasing; and God led thee up from hades.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Leading the sheep of thy flock like a good shepherd, O wondrous pastor, thou didst drive from them the demonic wolves, delivering their souls. 

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Every true Christian crieth out in anguish to the compassionate Bride of God; and, hearkening to our pleas, she entreateth her Son to lead up their life from corruption.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, in Tone IV: O thou who didst willing take up thy cross and follow Christ the Lord, and didst fill thy land with new communities dedicated to Him, send down from heaven the grace of God, O great and wondrous David, that we Christians may prevail over all heresies, having thee as an invincible ally amid our struggle for piety.

Ikos: Let us now fittingly praise David, the bishop of Christ, for he was called by God from his mother’s womb to sanctify the people of Wales, and by them was chosen to be their chief bishop; and conducting his ministry in a God-pleasing manner, he brought multitudes to salvation by the gifts of the Spirit which abode in him; wherefore, he is the great boast of all the Welsh, and an invincible ally amid our struggle for piety.

Ode VII, Irmos: We have sinned, we have committed iniquity, we have dealt unjustly before Thee. We have neither done nor acted as Thou hast commanded us. But forsake us not utterly, O God of our fathers.

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us.

Sinful and iniquitous is the accursed heresy of Pelagius, who belittled the power of divine grace and exalted the feeble efforts of man’s will; but David set his blasphemy utterly at nought.

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us.

Like mute fish did the defenders of Pelagius become, being utterly silenced when the holy one made clear the doctrines of piety by the grace and power wherewith Christ filled his godly mouth.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Inspiring the faithful of Wales to turn from heresy and embrace the Truth, David was acclaimed as a champion of piety, who would in nowise forsake the true worship of the God of our fathers.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Knowing the magnitude of our sinfulness and the multitude of our iniquities, we would despair of all mercy; but forsake us not utterly in thy supplications, O all-immaculate and merciful Lady.

Ode VIII, Irmos: In the flame the youths gave the command to hymn God the Father and Creator, the consubstantial Son and the Spirit of God: Let all creation bless the Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us.

Ever did the holy David exhort his flock to worship the All-holy Trinity the unoriginate Father, His only-begotten Son, and the all-holy Spirit in Orthodox manner exalting Him supremely for all ages.

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us.

Having taken up the saving yoke of Christ with single mind, bear it to the end, the holy David cried out to his brethren, and whatsoever ye have seen with me and heard, keep it and fulfil.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O the love of the saint for the sheep which Christ, the Chief Shepherd, had given into his care! For, dying, he earnestly besought them to bless the Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Lambent is the light of thy grace, and though the furnace of our fiery passions rageth mightily, rescue us from its flames, O Mother of our God Who is exalted supremely for all ages.

Ode IX, Irmos: Finding everlasting deliverance from the dread sentence brought upon our race by our first father Adam, with the bodiless ones we glorify thine Offspring Who was begotten from on high, magnifying thee, the Theotokos, with hymns.

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us.

Ye saints of Wales, like bees returning with all speed to the hive at the approach of a storm were ye, forewarned by God that thy father and bishop David would soon depart to his Master and Creator; wherefore, ye magnified him with hymns.

Hierarch of Christ, David, pray to God for us.

Dying in body, O holy bishop, thy pure soul took wing, and the venerable Kentigern beheld it, soaring aloft, upborne to the heights of heaven by the hands of angelic beings; wherefore, we praise and glorify thy holy memory with hymns of joy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Empty now lieth thy holy tomb, O protector of Wales, and over the ages thy precious relics have been dispersed near and far; yet in spirit thou abidest with all the saints of the Most High, ever sending heavenly aid to us who magnify thee with hymns.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

When we must needs stand before the dread tribunal of thy Son and give answer for our countless crimes, O daughter of Adam and Mother of Christ, stand thou with us, and plead for us who magnify thee, the all-holy Theotokos, with hymns.

Troparion, Tone III: Let the Christians of Wales join in gladsome chorus, uplifting their voices in joyous jubilation, as we celebrate the feast of the wondrous David, their holy father and enlightener, who now dwelleth with the saints on high, and doth ever earnestly intercede for us sinners.

Troparion, Tone I: Having worked miracles in thy youth, founded monasteries and converted the pagans who had sought to destroy thee, O Father David, Christ our God blessed thee to receive the episcopate at the place of His Resurrection. Intercede for us, that our lives may be blessed and our souls may be saved.