Canons for the Feast of St George

Canon I of the great martyr, the composition of Theophanes, in Tone II.

Ode I, Irmos: In the deep of old the infinite Power overwhelmed Pharaoh’s whole army. * But the Incarnate Word annihilated pernicious sin. * Exceedingly glorious is the Lord, * for gloriously hath He been glorified.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Standing, most radiant, before the precious throne of Him Who hath dominion over all, by thy supplications and intercessions preserve those who call upon thee with fervent faith and love, O martyr of Christ, crown-bearer George.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou wast a noble field of Christ, O George, cultivated by the acts of thy martyrdom, and the Judge of the contest hath laid thee up in the treasuries of heaven as most glorious riches, in that thou didst contend most excellently.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Called to struggles, O George, thou didst strive steadfastly and with endurance, O most blessed George, and having cast down the bold array of the tyrants, thou hast become an advocate for all who call upon thee.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou hast now received the blessed life which is hidden in Christ, for which thou didst contend, even to the shedding of thy blood, O George. Pray thou, that those who hymn thee be saved from every evil circumstances, O passion-bearer.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou wast a noetic heaven, O Mother of God, containing within thy womb the heavenly Word by Whom all things – heaven and earth, and those things that are above them – came into being. Wherefore, pray thou with boldness, that He save those who hymn thee.

Another Irmos: The people of Israel passed dry-shod across the watery deep of the Red Sea * and beholding the riders and captains of the enemy * swallowed by the waters, they cried out for joy: * ‘Let us chant unto our God, for He hath been glorified.’

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou hast finished the course of sacred sufferings, and, arriving in the heaven, hast been shown to be an incorrupt crown-bearer, O George, revealing thyself to be a right flourishing traveller; and thou joinest chorus with the angels, chanting: Let us sing unto our God, for He hath been glorified!

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou hast finished the course of sacred sufferings, and, arriving in the heaven, hast been shown to be an incorrupt crown-bearer, O George, revealing thyself to be a right flourishing traveller; and thou joinest chorus with the angels, chanting: Let us sing unto our God, for He hath been glorified!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

While thou wast still in pain, thou wast shown to the heavenly choirs of the incorporeal beings to pour forth a torrent of blessings, O George, and didst amaze the ranks of mortals with thy divine sufferings. And dancing with them, thou criest out: Let us sing unto our God, for He hath been glorified!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

 The staff of Aaron which budded forth prefigured thee, the most pure one from the root of Jesse, who for the world produced a Flower: God incarnate. Cease thou never to entreat Him on behalf of us who flee to thee, O Ever- Virgin.

Ode III, Irmos: The desert of the barren Church of the nations * blossomed like a lily * at Thy coming, O Lord, * therein hath my heart been established.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Resplendent in the crown of suffering, O glorious and blessed one, entreat God our Redeemer, that He deliver from all necessity those who piously call upon thee.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Illumined with rich effulgence, O most wise one, from us who praise thee with faith drive far away dark grief and the gloom of the passions.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Made steadfast by hope and love, and fortified by faith, O George, strengthened by the power of Christ thou didst cast down the delusion of the idols.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O most pure one, thou gavest birth in the flesh to the Incorporeal One Who hath enlightened the ends of the earth, and Who before all things is co-unoriginate with the Father. Wherefore, we the faithful honour thee, the Theotokos.

Canon II, Irmos: Likened to a barren woman * the Church from among the nations hath given birth, * and the assembly abundant in children, hath grown weak. * Let us cry out to our wondrous God: * Holy art Thou, O Lord!

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou didst quietly distribute thy wealth to the poor, O George, and, having anointed thyself with the oil of love as an athlete, thou didst with body and soul vanquish the tyrant.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou didst quietly distribute thy wealth to the poor, O George, and, having anointed thyself with the oil of love as an athlete, thou didst with body and soul vanquish the tyrant.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Made steadfast by grace, and consumed with the fire of zeal, thou wast not visible to those who interrogated thee, nor wast thou found by those who sought thee, O George, being angered for Christ’s sake at the delusion of the idols.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

As thou bearest in thine arms and feedest at thy breast Him Who feedeth every creature, O Theotokos Mary, worshiping Him we proclaim: Pray thou to Him, O pure one, on behalf of us all!

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sessional Hymn of the great martyr, Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “Of the Wisdom…”: Manfully contending in every manner of piety, O martyr, casting down the delusion of impiety thou didst trample the arrogance of the enemy underfoot; and ever burning with divine desire, thou didst quench the ungodly savagery of the tyrants. Wherefore, thou hast fittingly received a crown as the reward for thy torments, and grantest healings unto those who have recourse to thee with faith. O passion-bearer George, entreat Christ God, that He grant forgiveness of sins unto those who celebrate thy holy memory with love.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sessional Hymn, the same tone & melody: Having distributed thine earthly riches to the poor on earth, O wise martyr, through thy labours thou hast inherited heavenly riches; for, armed with the precious Cross as with a breast-plate, thou didst thereby put the arrogance of the tyrants to shame. Wherefore, by thy supplications thou grantest divine gifts and the benefactions of healings unto those who petition thee. O passion-bearer George, entreat Christ God, that He grant forgiveness of transgressions unto those who celebrate thy holy memory with love.

Ode IV, Irmos: From a Virgin didst Thou come forth, not as an ambassador, * nor as an Angel, * but the very Lord himself incarnate, * and didst save me, the whole man; * wherefore I cry unto Thee: * Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

O most blessed George, we hymn thy struggles, whereby thou didst break asunder the worship of the idols; and thou didst set at naught all the delusion of the demons, O most glorious one.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Still thou the turbulence of perils and misfortunes, O right wondrous one, and dispel from those who hymn thee as a warrior of Christ every evil assault of the demons.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou hast shone forth like a radiant star, O George, driving away dark delusion with valour of spirit and steadfastness of faith, and saving those who hymn thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O Virgin, thou gavest birth to Him Who is in essence salvation, saving mankind in the richness of His goodness and his essential kindness, and restoring His image which had become corrupt.

Another Irmos: I have heard, O Christ, truly most glorious report of Thee, * how being God immortal, * Thou didst assume the likeness of a mortal man, * yet remained what Thou wast before. * Wherefore, I glorify Thy power.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

The utterance of the words of thy wisdom, which transcended the human mind, struck the tyrants with awe before their tribunal, O George, and Christ God was acknowledged by those who knew Him not.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

With the word of the faith of Christ, O all-wise George, thou didst demolish the philosophers’ weaving of vile myths, and thou didst mock their gods as passion-ridden creatures, O champion of the Trinity.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The tyrants who heard the report of thy words were put to shame, for, mocking their gods, thou didst show them to be objects of derision, preaching Christ God, Who was crucified in the flesh and hath abolished soul-destroying delusion.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

We glorify thee, O most pure one, the only Theotokos, the true Ever-Virgin, whom the bush which was mingled with fire without being consumed prefigured for Moses the God-beholder.

Ode V, Irmos: O Christ my Saviour, the enlightenment of those lying in the darkness of sin. * I rise early to hymn Thee O King of Peace, * enlighten me with Thy radiance, * for I know no other God than Thee.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

As thou hast the boldness of a martyr before the Master, earnestly beseech salvation for those who hymn thee, doing away with their spiritual ailments by thine entreaties, O passion-bearing martyr, most blessed George.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

As thou joinest chorus with the choirs of angels and martyrs, O crown-bearer, and sharest in immortal and blessed glory, rescue those who have recourse to thy protection from threefold waves and tempest.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Deliver us from all necessity, O Christ, in that Thou art merciful, dispelling the multifarious turmoil of sin and misfortune, and accepting the supplications of George Thy favourite.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou didst repay the debt of our first mother Eve, O Mother of God; for thou didst wrap in flesh the Saviour of the world Who was born of thee. Wherefore, we all call thee blessed, O joyous and all-immaculate Virgin.

Another Irmos: Do Thou O Lord send down upon us * Thine enlightenment, and free us * from the gloom of transgression, O Good One, * granting us Thy peace.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Wrestling like an athlete and manfully contending against the causes of divers deceptions, O George, naked to the world thou didst strip away the might of the cruel prince of this world.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Wrestling like an athlete and manfully contending against the causes of divers deceptions, O George, naked to the world thou didst strip away the might of the cruel prince of this world.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Protected by the weapon of the Cross, O George, with the hope of faith and mighty love thou didst blunt the sharp edges of all the weaponry of the cruel adversary.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The womb of the virgin put to shame the understanding of the tyrants; for a child received the deadly sting of an adder in his hand, but George, casting down the prideful one who fell away from God, hath humbled him beneath the feet of the faithful.

Ode VI, Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, * I appeal to the unfathomable abyss of Thy compassion: * Raise me up from corruption, O God.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Transcending nature, all telling and understanding are the brave deeds of thy valour, which are unceasingly hymned, O most blessed martyr George.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

In that thou art a converser with the army of heaven, and beholdest the revelation of God insofar as thou canst attain thereto, O blessed one, save those who honour thee with faith.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Inclining toward God in every way, and receiving the effulgence of miracles, O most blessed George, thou dost distribute gifts to those in need.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

I now flee to thee, O most pure one. Save and preserve me by the supplications; for thou canst do all things whatsoever thou desirest, in that thou art the Mother of the Almighty.

Another Irmos: Prefiguring Thy three-day burial * Prophet Jonah praying in the belly of the sea-monster cried aloud: * Deliver me from corruption * O Jesus Thou King of hosts.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou didst cry out to the Creator with boldness, O George: “Give not thy servant over to the iniquitous, but grant me the strength to destroy their arrogance!”

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Scorning the vessels of the torturers, O George, of thine own will thou didst manfully hasten to the contest, and hast been crowned by Christ God with the honours of victory.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The deceitful tyrants, their threats turned to wonder during the testing of thy virtue, O George, marvelled at Christ, the Bestower of life, Whom thou didst preach.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

Of old the serpent deceived me and made me subject to death through my first mother Eve; but now, O pure one, He Who created me hath through thee called me back from corruption.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone IV, Spec. Mel. “Having been lifted up…”: Having been cultivated by God, * thou didst show thyself to be a most honourable husbandman of piety, * gathering to thyself the sheaves of the virtues; * for, having sown in tears, thou reapest in gladness, * and having suffered in the shedding of thy blood, * thou hast received Christ. * And by thy supplications, * O holy one, ** thou grantest forgiveness of sins unto all.

Ikos: Desiring Christ the King, Who laid down His life for the life of the world, the warrior hastened to die for Him, and, possessing great and divine zeal in his heart, he brought himself to Him. With faith, then, let us all hymn the divine George as a fervent intercessor, a glorious servant of Christ, who manifestly emulated his Master and respondeth to everyone who approacheth him; for he doth ever hasten to entreat the Saviour, that He grant forgiveness of sins unto all.

Ode VII, Irmos: The godless order of the lawless tyrant * fanned the roaring flame; * but Christ bedewed the God-fearing children with the Spirit, * therefore He is greatly blessed and highly exalted.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Emulating thy Master, O glorious martyr, thou didst willingly hasten to the struggle, and having received the victory hast become the guardian of the Church of Christ. Do thou ever preserve it by thine intercession.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

As an invincible martyr, as an athlete, as an unvanquished champion of the Faith, O all-wise George, be thou now an unshakable pillar far those who praise thee, protecting them by thy supplications.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Having wisely cultivated the divine seed, thou hast multiplied it, watering it with the torrents of thy blood, with the urgency of thy pangs and divers wounds, whereby thou didst put down the savagery of the tyrants.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou didst remain a virgin even after giving birth, for thou gavest birth to God Who feedeth all creatures in His ineffable mercy, and Who in His great loving-kindness became a man, O pure one. Him do thou entreat, that our souls be saved.

Another Irmos: Of old the Children of Abraham in Babylon * trampled down the flame of the furnace, * crying aloud with hymns: * O God of our Fathers, blessed art Thou.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Seeing the delusion of idolatry prevailing, O George, burning with the zeal of piety thou didst give thyself over to struggles.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Thou wast shown to preach the persecuted Faith, O George, and, denouncing the darkness of delusion, thou didst say: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou didst cut off falsehood at the root, didst cultivate great faith by piety, O George, and didst rejoice, saying: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

HThou art more exalted than all creatures, O Theotokos, in that thou gavest birth to the Creator and Lord. Wherefore, I cry to thee: O blessed one, the Lord of hosts is with thee!

ODE VIII, Irmos: In Babylon, the activity of the fire was once divided, * for, by the command of God it consumed the Chaldeans, * but bedewed the faithful, who chant: * Bless ye the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

By thy supplications, O crown-bearer George, bring a halt to the torrent of cruel sufferings and misfortunes, tumultuous evil circumstances, attacks of pain, the wiles of the demons and the assaults of the ungodly.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Wholly illumined with purity by the light of the Trinity, O blessed dweller in heaven, as an invincible martyr, a champion of piety and a divinely crowned victor, by thy supplications save those who honour thee.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Adorned in every way with the noetic crown and diadem of the kingdom, dignified with a sceptre and arrayed in a royal robe empurpled in thy blood, O blessed one, thou reignest with the King of hosts.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O Virgin Mother, thou gavest birth to Him Who was begotten timelessly of the Father, Who shone forth before time began and hath created all things, visible and invisible. Wherefore, we and all the terrestrial nations glorify thee, the Theotokos

Another Irmos: Rejoicing in their condemnation by the tyrant * for not worshiping all his abominable gods, * but only the living God, * the children braved the fire; and, bedewed by the Angel, * they chanted the hymn: * Hymn the Lord, all ye works, * and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Strengthened by the Spirit, thou didst spurn the instruments of pain, for thou wouldst not offer praise to deaf idols, but only to Christ God, having acquired roving faith in Him, O George; and thou didst say: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Seeking after no transitory beauty, rejoicing in the hope of divine life, O George, thou didst undergo divers afflictions; and paying no heed to thy terrible dismemberment, with steadfastness of soul thou didst say: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. 

Seeing thy body cut apart by instruments of bronze and dismembered limb by limb with sharp knives, alive in spirit thou didst say: “These present tortures are for the glory which is to come, O ye unworthy! Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!”

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

The Lord of all, Who formed thee from the rib of Adam, became incarnate of thy virginity; and, hymning Him, we cry: All ye works, bless and hymn the Lord, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

Ode IX, Irmos: The Son of the unoriginate Father, God and Lord, * hath appeared to us incarnate of a Virgin, * to enlighten those in darkness, * and to gather the dispersed; * therefore the all-hymned Theotokos do we magnify.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Unceasingly entreat the Lord for us who hymn thee, O blessed one, as a martyr of Christ who vanquished the tyrant, as an expeller of evils spirits, a tireless guardian, a helper unashamed.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

The Master of all hath richly rewarded thee for thy sufferings, O thrice-blessed one; and, standing before him with the boldness of a martyr, preserve those who call upon thee with gladness.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

The earth covered thee, but heaven received thee and manifestly opened unto thee the gates of paradise, O athlete; and joyously dancing and leaping up therein, by thy supplications preserve those who hymn thee with faith.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The tabernacle of the witness, wherein were the tablets of the law, the jar of manna and the golden ark, prefigured thee, O most pure one; for like it, O Theotokos, thou didst contain the unoriginate Word, incarnate, within thy womb.

Another Irmos: O pure Theotokos, thou art our boast, * thou who wast born of earthborn mortals * yet hast given birth unto the Creator: * wherefore, we magnify thee * as the Sovereign Lady of all creation.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us.

Priests hymn, kings praise and the people utter laudation to thy sufferings, O martyr George; wherefore, we all call thee blessed.

Holy Great-Martyr George, pray to God for us. 

Priests hymn, kings praise and the people utter laudation to thy sufferings, O martyr George; wherefore, we all call thee blessed.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. 

All the hosts of heaven hymned thy struggles; for, sacrificing thyself, thou wast well pleasing to God, O martyr George. Wherefore, we all call thee blessed.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 

Rejoice, O pure Theotokos our boast, who sprang forth from mortal parents and gavest birth to the Creator! Thee do we magnify as her who hath dominion over creation.


Troparion, Tone IV: With faith thou didst fight the good fight, O athlete of Christ, didst denounce the ungodli­ness of the tyrants and didst offer thyself to God as a right acceptable sacrifice. Wherefore, thou hast received a crown of victory, O holy one, and by thy supplications dost bestow the forgive­ness of transgressions upon all.

Another troparion, Tone IV: As a liberator of captives,/ a helper of the poor,/ and a physician of the infirm,/ O champion of kings, victorious great martyr George,// entreat Christ God, that our souls be saved.


A Prayer: Great Martyr George, we hasten to thee for triumph over every torment and distress and over all pride and passion, that we may glorify Jesus Christ as zealous conquerors of this world and heirs of the Heavenly Kingdom. We acknowledge our unworthiness of such holy victory but, in praise of the courage, hope and trust which thou hast demonstrated throughout thy life and into thy martyrdom, we lovingly beseech thine aid in battle against sin. Pray for us, Saint George, that we may be granted the grace to confess the Faith before others and to fulfil the Commandments under all circumstances and among all people. Let us witness of Christ the Lord that everyone might see His radiant light and believe in His holy teachings. Amen

Posted in Prayers, Saints.