Feast – August 18/31
In Greece, in the holy monastery of Vatopedi, on Mount Athos, there is located the miracle- working icon of the Mother of God named “Pantanassa” (All-Reigning or Queen of All).
This is a small icon from the 17th century, which from these ancient times has been a focus of pilgrimage for those seeking healing and comfort from the Most Holy One from illness and temptations.
This icon of the Mother of God is especially known for healing those who pray before it with sincerity from the sickness of cancer.
Kontakion 1: We, Thy faithful servants, standing before Thy Newly-Appeared Icon suppliantly cry unto Thee, O Queen of All: send Thy healing to Thy servants who come to Thee today that all together we may joyfully cry unto Thee: Rejoice, O Queen of All, do Thou heal our ailments by Thy grace!
Ikos 1: An Archangel descended from Heaven and said to the Queen of all: Rejoice! And beholding Thee, O Lord, taking bodily form he cried to Her saying such things as these:
Rejoice, the Crown of our salvation.
Rejoice, the Fulfilment of our Creator’s plan.
Rejoice, Thou through Whom God had been made incarnate.
Rejoice, Thou in Whom Invisible became visible.
Rejoice, Thou Who accepted in Thyself the Mercy of peace.
Rejoice, Thou Who had made the cloth of flesh for the Word.
Rejoice, incredible Highest Glory.
Rejoice, Heavenly Manna Who has animated many hearts.
Rejoice, the Star Who radiates grace.
Rejoice, the Spring Who is an effusion of living water.
Rejoice, O Birth-Giver of God blessed among women.
Rejoice, Undefiled Virgin Who gave birth to our Saviour.
Rejoice, O Queen of All, do Thou heal our ailments by Thy grace!
Kontakion 2: Through Thee, O Virgin, the Everlasting Word has become the Infant Child giving healing to those who honour His Birth and Thee crying: Alleluia!
Ikos 2: Seeking to know knowledge that cannot be known, the Virgin cried to the ministering one: “Tell Me how can I, a pure Maiden, be the Mother of the Highest?” Gabriel spoke to Her with fear crying aloud thus:
Rejoice, chosen by the Highest Council.
Rejoice, the quick-hearer of praying voices.
Rejoice, Treasure of the Christ’s world.
Rejoice, the Hope and Strength of Thy people.
Rejoice, the miraculous Destroyer of cancer’s wounds.
Rejoice, the Healer of other sickness.
Rejoice, the only Intercessor of the world.
Rejoice, the true Redemption of sorrow.
Rejoice, the Relief of weeping and tears.
Rejoice, Thou Who opens to all the entrance of salvation.
Rejoice, the Government of all who live on Athos.
Rejoice, the Mace of monks and laity.
Rejoice, O Queen of All, do Thou heal our ailments by Thy grace!
Kontakion 3: The Power of the Most High had overshadowed Thee, O Virgin, and having accepted flesh and showing Thee to be a good pasture for those who desire to reap salvation, and who sing: Alleluia!
Ikos 3: Thy icon called “Queen of All” was miraculously glorified when it appeared conveying healing. Do Thou give healing to those who with faith sing before it that such healing would be multiplied by songs such as these:
Rejoice, the Mother of Unfading Light.
Rejoice, the Victory of those who suffer to the end.
Rejoice, the Medication of those who are in illness and sorrow.
Rejoice, the inviolable Wall of all orphans and widows.
Rejoice, Thou Who opens the doors of Paradise.
Rejoice, Thou Who defends all who labor and are burdened.
Rejoice, the Intercessor for the salvation of all.
Rejoice, Thou Who prays for mankind.
Rejoice, the Heavenly Ladder that rises from the earth to Heaven.
Rejoice, the Living Water that cleanses deadly sins.
Rejoice, the Lamb that protects the hearts of the honest ones.
Rejoice, the Cover that spreads over the children of the Church.
Rejoice, O Queen of All, do Thou heal our ailments by Thy grace!
Kontakion 4: Granting life to the whole world the Lord settled in Thy womb immaculately and showed Thee to be the Mother for the faithful calling them to sing in peace: Alleluia!
Ikos 4: Thou hast done amazing things, O Place of God, by healing through Thy Holy Icon. Accepting the streams of Thy healing we sing, O Queen of All, the song of thanksgiving:
Rejoice, the Medicine that reduces pain.
Rejoice, the Coolness that cools fever of the ailments.
Rejoice, Thou Who cauterise the illness of cancer like fire.
Rejoice, Thou Who lifts from the bed of illness those who are forgotten by doctors.
Rejoice, Thou Who shows Thine All-Pure Image to those who are chosen.
Rejoice, Thou Who absolves us from sinful chains.
Rejoice, Thou by Whom we receive deliverance from death.
Rejoice, Thou by Whom uncountable ranks of the faithful are justified.
Rejoice, the Height Who is not reachable by human thoughts.
Rejoice, the Depth Who is reachable only by the Word.
Rejoice, the Prophecy of patriarchs who lived before Thee.
Rejoice, the Preceptor of hierarchs who prayed unto Thee.
Rejoice, O Queen of All, do Thou heal our ailments by Thy grace!
Kontakion 5: Acknowledging Thee as the Most-Pure Temple of the Savior, O Virgin, we fall down before Thee asking, O Pure One, make us the temples of God, who sing to Him: Alleluia!
Ikos 5: The ranks of the Angels having seen the Creator of all mankind sitting in Thy hands and acknowledging Thee as the only Glorious Lady even though Thou hast called Thyself “the Servant,” strive to serve Thee with such songs as these:
Rejoice, Thou Who art placed by God higher than all Heavenly Powers.
Rejoice, Thou Who fillest the world with miraculous healing.
Rejoice, Thou Who hearest songs of praise and glory from Heaven.
Rejoice, Thou Who accepts thanksgiving from earth.
Rejoice, Thou Who destroyed the seed of corruption.
Rejoice, Thou Who destroyed the yoke of the devil’s tricks.
Rejoice, Thou Who had filled the place of weeping with joy.
Rejoice, Thou Who transfers sorrow into heavenly gladness.
Rejoice, the Fragrance that pleases God.
Rejoice, the great Merriment of penitent sinners.
Rejoice, the Armour of truth that defends from temptations.
Rejoice, the Shield of defence that protects from hostility and adversity.
Rejoice, O Queen of All, do Thou heal our ailments by Thy grace!
Kontakion 6: The God-proclaiming Preachers, the Saviours Disciples, stood miraculously before Thee, O Virgin, when Thou ascended from the earth to Heaven, and with one heart and one mouth they sang to God: Alleluia!
Ikos 6: Marvellous grace shone from Thy icon, O Queen of All, when a young man, obscured by Satan’s teaching, fell down before the icon and was immobile; but after he was rescued by Thee from dark bonds, with fear and joy he cried aloud to Thee thus:
Rejoice, the Amendment of wicked life.
Rejoice, the Consolation of those who suffer exceedingly.
Rejoice, the Dispersal of demonic regiments from the Church.
Rejoice, the Dispersion of sinful haze.
Rejoice, the Abrogation of invisible tricks.
Rejoice, the Victory over satanic magic.
Rejoice, the Lamp that shows a way for those who have been charmed.
Rejoice, the Cloud that covers the innocent ones from evil.
Rejoice, the Hill that feeds us with heavenly manna.
Rejoice, the Valley that satiates us with Christ’s humbleness.
Rejoice, the Rock of the Heavenly Kingdom.
Rejoice, the Mirror of Heavenly Light.
Rejoice, O Queen of All, do Thou heal our ailments by Thy grace!
Kontakion 7: O God, Who was incarnate from the Virgin wishing to be given as food for the faithful, that being the communicants of Thy Precious Body and Blood they would know that Thou art truly God. We being amazed by this Thy wisdom cry aloud: Alleluia!
Ikos 7: Having the Last Supper with His disciples, the Creator revealed to us a new sacrament, and praying to the Queen of All to vouchsafe us of the Divine Holy Things we dedicate to Her such songs:
Rejoice, Thou Who givest the Heavenly Bread.
Rejoice, Thou Who gave birth to Eternal Life.
Rejoice, the Chalice that joins us to Christ.
Rejoice, Thou Who unites our soul and body with God.
Rejoice, O Queen of All, do Thou heal our ailments by Thy grace!
Rejoice, the Golden Spoon full of Divine Mystery.
Rejoice, the Precious Covenant Box, the Container of the Great Holy Thing.
Rejoice, the Finger which directs us to the Holy Eucharist.
Rejoice, the Table that offers us the Holy Food.
Rejoice, Thou Who situates the worthy communicants at the right side.
Rejoice, Thou Who delivers from hell those who love the Divine Liturgy.
Rejoice, Thou Who leadest we mortals to the Source of immortality.
Rejoice, Thou Who girds Thy children with peace and strength.
Rejoice, O Queen of All, do Thou heal our ailments by Thy grace!
Kontakion 8: Having beheld the fearful Nativity we have laid aside all earthly care and have raised our hearts on high, because the Most High has come to summon those who sing to Him: Alleluia!
Ikos 8: Being always in the Father’s bosom, the indescribable Word became flesh on earth. The Great God magnified the Virgin and regarded the humbleness of His Handmaiden, who now hears such things as these:
Rejoice, Thou Who contained the Uncontainable God.
Rejoice, Thou Who has shown forth the Creator of the world.
Rejoice, for the authority of death was destroyed.
Rejoice, for Adam’s wound was healed.
Rejoice, the Plaster that heals the scabs of the soul.
Rejoice, the Oil that anoints the ulcers of the body.
Rejoice, the Relieving of pain to those who are in child-birth.
Rejoice, the Relief of the torments of those who are dying.
Rejoice, Thou Who has defeated hell.
Rejoice, Thou Who has blunted the sting of death.
Rejoice, the Expectation of the Resurrection of all.
Rejoice, the Salvation of all Orthodox people
Rejoice, O Queen of All, do Thou heal our ailments by Thy grace!
Kontakion 9: O Word! All the angels and humans were amazed by the greatness of Thy incarnation that cannot be understood. Being perplexed by this great devotional secret we cry to Thee in fear and tremble with thanksgiving: Alleluia!
Ikos 9: Those who are afflicted by various ailments, O Queen of All, receive more healing from Thy Holy Icon than expected, and having accepted such great grace through faith, cry aloud to Thee: Rejoice, the Preservation of the healthy.
Rejoice, the Restoring of health to the ailing.
Rejoice, the Healing of little children.
Rejoice, the Mother of the Young sufferer.
Rejoice, the Rising of those who are in bed with illness.
Rejoice, the Consolation of those who are in fear of death.
Rejoice, Thou Who attends to sobbing humans.
Rejoice, Thou Who listens to our moaning.
Rejoice, the Relieving of earthly pain with heavenly gladness.
Rejoice, the Patience of those who are in great distress.
Rejoice, Thou Who prepares joy for those who weep.
Rejoice, Thou Who gives the wings of prayer to the meek.
Rejoice, O Queen of All, do Thou heal our ailments by Thy grace!
Kontakion 10: The Creator, desiring to save the charred human essence, descended upon Thee as dew on fleece and made Thee the unburning bush and become a Man that we might sing to Him: Alleluia!
Ikos 10: O All-Pure Virgin! Thou art the Wall for maidens and for all who care for purity. God settled in Thee purifying His intelligent creation that having been freed we would offer to Thee hymns to Thee:
Rejoice, the Conversationalist of those who are seeking silence.
Rejoice, the Crown of those who keep virginity.
Rejoice, the Beginning and the End of spiritual accomplishment.
Rejoice, the Repository of the Divine Revelation.
Rejoice, the Secret Place of the Triune Light.
Rejoice, the Source of humans salvation.
Rejoice, the Peak unapproachable for the proud mind.
Rejoice, the Refuge accessible for the humble heart.
Rejoice, the Purest of Heaven.
Rejoice, More Honourable than the Cherubim and the Seraphim.
Rejoice, the Highly Favoured One, because from the Archangel Thou heard: “Rejoice.”
Rejoice, the Comforted One, for Thou touched the Resurrected Christ.
Rejoice, O Queen of All, do Thou heal our ailments by Thy grace!
Kontakion 11: O Glorious Lady, we, Thy servants, remain unable to offer intelligent hymns to the Saviour. Who can praise God adequately, Whose name is as myrrh poured? Therefore we cry to Him: Alleluia!
Ikos 11: The Great Light had shone to those sitting in darkness because the Orient had visited us from on High, that is Thy Son and Thy God, O Virgin. He had made Thee the candle on the candlestick and commands to the enlightened children of the Church to sing to Thee:
Rejoice, the Dawn of the Intellectual Sun.
Rejoice, the Container of the Divine Fire.
Rejoice, the Light, Thou Who has woven the garment of the Saints.
Rejoice, the Candle, Thou who has scattered the demon’s darkness.
Rejoice, the Enlightenment to those who cannot learn easily.
Rejoice, the Illumination of sinful hearts.
Rejoice, the Right Hand leading out of the sea of difficulty.
Rejoice, the Ray guiding to the Kingdom those who desire to be saved.
Rejoice, the Lightning that defeats the unrepentant.
Rejoice, the Thunder that scares the destroyers.
Rejoice, the Enlightening of a sly conscience.
Rejoice, the Appeasement of God’s Judgment.
Rejoice, O Queen of All, do Thou heal our ailments by Thy grace!
Kontakion 12: When the Giver of the Old Testament Law wanted to give us His grace He gave us the New Testament; after we have received such grace, we are saved not by the deeds of the law but by faith and we sing: Alleluia!
Ikos 12: While singing to Thy Offspring we also are singing to Thee, O truly Sacred Tent, as former Israel sang to their tabernacle, we glorify Thee with our good works that Thou wouldst hear from all such songs:
Rejoice, the Song sung on high.Rejoice, the Psalm heard below.
Rejoice, Thou Who has served the One God.
Rejoice, Thou Who has pleased the Divine Trinity.
Rejoice, Thou Who has carried the One Who carries the World.
Rejoice, the Altar of the One Who holds the Universe in His hand.
Rejoice, the unspoken Secret of all centuries and times.
Rejoice, the firm Hope of all nations and races.
Rejoice, the Joy of reverent priests’ hearts.
Rejoice, the immediate Receptor of prayers in Churches and in houses.
Rejoice, the House of Wisdom made by God.
Rejoice, the Vessel of Mercy chosen by God.
Rejoice, O Queen of All, do Thou heal our ailments by Thy grace!
Kontakion 13: O our Mother Queen of All, Who gave birth the Word, Holiest of all Saints! Having accepted our hymns today, heal us from every deadly illness and from the coming condemnation, and save those who sing: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
This Kontakion is repeated three times followed by the repetition of Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1
Ikos 1: An Archangel descended from Heaven and said to the Queen of all: Rejoice! And beholding Thee, O Lord, taking bodily form he cried to Her saying such things as these:
Rejoice, the Crown of our salvation.
Rejoice, the Fulfilment of our Creator’s plan.
Rejoice, Thou through Whom God had been made incarnate.
Rejoice, Thou in Whom Invisible became visible.
Rejoice, Thou Who accepted in Thyself the Mercy of peace.
Rejoice, Thou Who had made the cloth of flesh for the Word.
Rejoice, incredible Highest Glory.
Rejoice, Heavenly Manna Who has animated many hearts.
Rejoice, the Star Who radiates grace.
Rejoice, the Spring Who is an effusion of living water.
Rejoice, O Birth-Giver of God blessed among women.
Rejoice, Undefiled Virgin Who gave birth to our Saviour.
Rejoice, O Queen of All, do Thou heal our ailments by Thy grace!
Prayer to the Mother of God: O All-Good Mother of God Queen of All! I am not worthy for Thee to come under my roof, but, as the Mother of the Merciful God, say a word that my soul would be healed, and my sick body would be strengthened. O Queen of All, Thou hast an unconquerable might and Thou can ask always; ask for me, pray for me, that I would glorify Thy Most Glorious name always, now and forever. Amen.
Second Prayer to the Mother of God: O Most-Pure Mother of God, O Queen of All! Hearken unto our much-afflicted sighing before Thy miraculous Icon, brought to Russia from the land of Athos. Look upon Thy children, suffering from unhealed ailments, who fall down before Thy holy image with faith! As a bird covers its nestlings with its wings, so do Thou now, who art ever present, cover us with Thy greatly healing omophorion. Here bitter sorrows overcome us, there will Patience and Rest be revealed. Here the torment of despair dwells in the soul, there will shine the ineffable Light of Divinity! Console the fainthearted, strengthen the weak, bestow softening and enlightenment upon embittered hearts. Heal Thine ailing people, O All-merciful Queen! Bless the minds and hands of our physicians, that they might serve as instruments of the All-powerful Physician, Christ our Savior. We pray before Thine Icon, that Thou mightest truly live with us, O Sovereign Lady! Stretch out Thy hands, filled with healing and cures, O Joy of the sorrowful, Consolation in afflictions, that having speedily received miraculous help, wee may glorify the Life-creating and Undivided Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Troparion, Tone 4: Do Thou, O Sovereign Lady, by Thy joy-bestowing honorable Icon “Queen of All,” saves those who with fervent desire implore Thy grace; deliver from afflictions those who run to Thee; from all dangers do Thou guard Thy flock, who ever calls upon Thine intercession.
Source: http://www.stvladimiraami.org/sheetmusic/akathistvsetsaritsa.pdf