Stichera, Tone 4:
As a true ascetic of Christ, O Blessed One, wast thou crowned; verily, with mortifications thou didst purify the eye of the soul, and wast therefore made worthy to see the God whom thou didst love and whom Moses had once seen; thou also receivest from him, O Calogero, the grace of thy miracles, through which thou has made thyself known to us, and thee we celebrate with hymns.
Holy, Venerable Father, Calogero, pray to God for us.
Thou wast made truly worthy to receive the gifts of the Spirit, O Father, and dost reward the faithful who celebrate thy holy memory by bestowing upon them peace and mercy; also, freeing them from all dangers, O glorious Calogero, thou leadest them by thy thy prayers to the never-waning light, O Blessed One.
Holy, Venerable Father, Calogero, pray to God for us.
O Holy Father Calogero, taking the yoke of Christ upon thy shoulders, thou didst come into the cave, having no fear of the assaults the enemy launched with beatings and vain noises, O holy one; but thou didst refute them with thy prayers, O mighty soul, pride of ascetics; therefore, constantly beseech Christ to have mercy upon us.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
O unwedded Virgin, bulwark and boast of those who praise thee, save the faithful who beseech thee, and free them from all misery, O thou who didst didst give birth to God who of his good pleasure wast made incarnate.
O great Saint of God, O glorious and venerable father, Calogero, we rejoice with thee in the glory thou enjoyest both in heaven and on earth, as the reward for thy virtue and the graces with which the Lord hath enriched thee, working great miracles through thine intercession: in giving sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb, and health to all manner of the sick.
Look down from the glory that is above, upon us who are humble and weak, burdened with our many sins, and who ask thy help and consolation; for thou, art our protector, thou art our guide and defence.
And, as thou didst hearken to the multitude of poor people who didst resort unto thee, so hearken unto our prayers. Incline to us thy loving kindness, and help us to fulfill God’s commandments without stain; firmly to keep the Orthodox Faith; to approach God in heartfelt contrition for all our sins; to make progress in Christian devotion and to be worthy of thy prayers before God.
Receive us under thy paternal care, and as in the world thou didst cast the devil from the bodies of a multitude of people, so do thou now cast out sin from our hearts.
Hearken unto us, who pray to thee in faith and love, and despise not us who seek thee as our defender. Now, and at the hour of our departure, help us and defend us by thy prayers from the wicked assaults of the devil, lest evil powers should have dominion over us; but let us be granted, by thy help, to inherit the blessedness of the heavenly mansions.
For we place our hope in thee, O kind-hearted father: be thou indeed our guide to salvation, and bring us to the unwaning light of eternal life, by thy good intercession before the throne of the Most Holy Trinity, so that we may glorify and hymn with all the Saints, the Name worthy of adoration, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.