Cheltenham: Saturday 13th November – Confessions 09:15, Hours and Divine Liturgy 10:00
Address: Prestbury United Reformed Church, 5 Deep St, Prestbury, Cheltenham GL52 3AW.
Dear brothers and sisters,
Our Gloucestershire community will celebrate the Divine Liturgy tomorrow, honouring the Venerable Fathers of the Kiev Caves, Saints Spyridon and Nikodim the Prosphora Bakers, also remembering our departed Hierarch, Archbishop Nikodem of Richmond and Great Britain on his nameday.
We will chant the litia for the departed after our Liturgy, which will be celebrated just a few weeks after the 45th anniversary of his repose on 4th / 17th October 1976, at the age of 93. Eternal Memory!
We look forward to celebrating the Holy Mysteries together, and spending time socialising after the service, when there will be a bring-and-share lunch and confession time for Cardiff and Wiltshire visitors.
May God bless you. Venerable Fathers Spyridon and Nikodim, pray to God for us!
In Christ – Hieromonk Mark