Dear Brothers and Sisters,
During our recent parish meeting we discussed the problems faced by Father Mark in combining care for the parish with his secular employment as a support-worker for Mencap.
Over time, duties and expectations have expanded and we have recently experienced clashes which have had a direct effect on his ability to serve us on both the Saturday and Sunday services, in addition to the expectation that he will be on-call and available throughout the week as our parish-priest – despite the fact that he is working more than full-time hours.
Further, this has a very serious effect on Father’s health as he is, in effect, trying to work two full-time jobs, at a time when the parish is growing and when there is a growing need for pastoral work within our very widely-dispersed community.
Therefore, it was decided that, as a parish, we would investigate the possibility of supporting our parish priest with a ‘stipend’ (clergy salary), by raising enough specific donations to contribute towards this.
As I announced from the amvon, at the end of last week’s Liturgy, we have been successful in securing donation-commitments to provide a very basic stipend allowing us to formally offer Father Mark the role of solely being our parish-priest, free from secular employment. Therefore, we are currently preparing the formal paperwork to ensure that he is able to resign from secular work to concentrate on full-time work as rector of our parish.
Thank you to everyone who has come forward to make this possible.
For those who have made commitments to donate and for those who have not committed, but also wish to donate towards the stipend-fund – even if only occasionally – please see the information below to ensure that:
1) you are able to donate securely and easily.
2) we are where possible able to reclaim ‘gift aid’ from the government to top-up the donations.
3) we can identify the donation as a specific contribution towards the stipend.
Commitments to donate towards the stipend
If you would like to donate specifically towards the stipend please could you inform Deacon Mark, so that your intention is registered on our admin system.
We simply need the following information:
1) your name.
2) the amount you wish to donate specifically toward the stipend.
3) the frequency of your donation.
4) if you would prefer to donate by bank transfer or cash.
5) whether we are able to register you for Gift Aid.
We all know that life can be unpredictable at any time and especially in the current circumstances, so please If should any circumstance arise affecting your ability to continue donations, or need to alter your donation, please make Deacon Mark aware, so that aware so that our systems may be adjusted.
Importantly, we do not want anybody to put themselves in undue pressure or financial stress.
Donations by Bank Transfer
Donations may be made directly into the parish bank account at any time during the month to suit your circumstances. The parish bank details are:
Account Name: Cardiff Russian Orthodox Church
Sort Code: 01 – 01 – 55
Account No: 17716985
Donations by Cash
Cash donations may be made at any of the month’s services, but in order for us to ensure financial clarity and prevent confusion, please direct your donation to its intended purpose with the following procedure:
1) place your donation into an envelope.
2) write your name and ‘Stipend Donation’ on the envelope.
3) place your envelope in any of the collection plates.
By your doing this, we will be able to ensure that the cash is counted with a witness and then passed to Deacon Mark for banking and recording in the donation register.
Gift Aid
In order to maximise your donations, the government will allow us to claim ‘Gift Aid’ on all eligible donations. This means that the government will give the parish an additional 25% on top of your donation at no cost to you – and, yes, this really is free money!
There are specific conditions to make this possible. These are:
1) that the donor is a UK resident.
2) the donor is a UK Taxpayer (e.g. you pay p.a.y.e on your salary, tax on a pension, or capital gains on an investment);
3) the donor is donating on their own behalf and not on behalf someone else.
4) the donor has completed and signed a ‘Gift Aid’ form, allowing the parish to claim the money from the government.
If you have not filled in a gift aid form, please use the following link that will allow you to download a form for you to complete:
Alternatively, if you are unable to print the form above, please let Deacon Mark know and he will ensure you receive one at the next service.
If anyone has any questions please contact Deacon Mark by email or mobile 07790 031375 and he will do his best to answer and resolve them for you.
With much love in Christ,
Deacon Mark