Friday, November 27 / December 10: the Great-Martyr, James the Persian
The Holy Great Martyr James the Persian (the Sawn-Asunder) was born in the fourth century into a pious Christian family, both wealthy and illustrious. His wife was also a Christian, and the couple raised their children in piety, inspiring in them a love for prayer and the Holy Scriptures. James occupied a high position at the court of the Persian emperor Izdegerd (399-420) and his successor Barakhranes (420-438). But on one of the military campaigns James, seduced by the emperor’s beneficence, was afraid to acknowledge himself a Christian, and so he offered sacrifice to idols with the emperor.
Learning of this, James’ mother and wife wrote him a letter, in which they rebuked him and urged him to repent. Receiving the letter, James realized the gravity of his sin. Faced with the horror of being cut off not only from his family, but also from God Himself, he began to weep loudly, imploring the Lord for forgiveness.
His fellow-soldiers, hearing him pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, reported this to the emperor. Under interrogation, Saint James bravely confessed his faith in the one True God. No amount of urging by the emperor could make him renounce Christ. The emperor then ordered the saint to be put to death.
They began to cut off his fingers and his toes one by one, then his hands and his feet, and then his arms and legs. During the prolonged torture Saint James offered prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord, Who had granted him the possibility of redemption from his sins by enduring these terrible torments. Finally, the martyr was beheaded. Christians gathered up the pieces of his body and buried them with great reverence.
Source: The Orthodox Church in America
The canon of the great-martyr, with 6 Troparia, the acrostic whereof is: “With songs do I hymn the Persian martyr James,” the composition of Joseph, in Tone II.
Ode I, Irmos: Come, O ye people, * let us sing a song to Christ our God, * Who divided the sea, * and made a way for the nation * which He had brought up out of the bondage of Egypt; * for He hath been glorified.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
Standing now before the throne of Christ as one crowned, O glorious martyr James, by thy supplications grant me radiant illumination and grace from heaven.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
Issuing forth from the east, O martyr James, thou hast shone upon us like a radiant dawn illumining the Church of Christ with the effulgence of thy sufferings.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Having shown youthful resistance, as a victor thou wast deemed worthy of the honours of a successful combat and eternal glory, O martyr James.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
The trumpets of the prophets announced thee, proclaiming the mystery wrought within thee, O Virgin Theotokos, having beheld thy wonders from afar.
Ode III, Irmos: O Lord, who didst slay sin upon the tree, * firmly establish us in Thee, * and in the hearts of us who hymn Thee * plant the fear of Thee.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
Thou wast like a choice vine of Christ, pruned with the sickle of torments, and which, bearing much fruit, is offered up in the winepress of the Saviour.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
Thou didst sensibly perceive the corruption and instability of transitory things, O crown-bearer; and as one with a great intellect, preferred the stability of those things which abide forever.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Thy body, dismembered by the savagery of the torturers, won thee splendid crowns, O James, and the delight of the food of paradise.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Mankind, united hypostatically to the Master of all through thy divine birthgiving, O Virgin Bride of God, hath manifestly received mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Sessional Hymn, in Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “Of the Wisdom …”: Christ hath caused the godly and ever-memorable martyr James to shine forth from Persia like a star newly-appeared; wherefore, he hath dispelled the darkness of deception and shone forth the grace of the Spirit upon the faithful. Therefore, let us keep his memory with faith and cry out, saying: O much suffering spiritual athlete, entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of sins to those who with love celebrate his holy memorial. (Twice)
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Stavrotheotokion: The Virgin, the Mother of the Redeemer, standing before the Cross, cried out maternally, groaning with pain and tears: “What is this strange and most glorious sight which I see, O my Son? Thou Who pourest forth dispassion upon all men hast been crucified on a Cross between two condemned thieves, pierced in the side, and given gall to eat, all by hands which Thou didst make! But arise and grant remission of transgressions unto those who with faith hymn thy divine sufferings!”
Ode IV, Irmos: I have heard report of Thy dispensation, O Lord, * and have glorified Thee * Who alone art the Lover of mankind.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
Revived by the armour given thee by God, O glorious one, thou didst reduce to ashes all the deception of those who worship fire.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
Ask thou cleansing for us who celebrate thy precious memory, O martyr James, in that thou dost possess boldness.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
The torrents of blood gushing forth from thy members, O thrice blessed one, have quenched all the flames of delusion.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Direct my thoughts to the calm haven of thy dispassion and purity, O most pure one.
Ode V, Irmos: O Lord, Bestower of light and Creator of the ages: * guide us in the light of Thy commandments, * for we know none other God than Thee.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
Thou wast truly like richly fertile earth, broken apart by the plough of bitter torments, O wise one, bringing a goodly harvest to the Creator.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
With the blood of the severed limbs of thy body thou didst extinguish the burning arrows of the enemy, O thrice-blessed one; for thou wast shown to be protected by hope and faith.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
As each of thy members was cruelly cut away, O most wise one, like a goodly lamb thou didst offer to Christ a hymn of victory and fitting praise.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Thou hast given me cleansing of the defilements of my soul, O glorious martyr of Christ, through thy pangs, bestowing deliverance through the streams of thy blood, O all-praised one.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Clearly offering a genuine cry to thine honored and awesome birthgiving with heart and tongue, we now call thee the pure Theotokos.
Ode VI, Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, * I appeal to the unfathomable abyss of Thy compassion: * Raise me up from corruption, O God.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
Having sensibly accepted the instruction of thy friends, O glorious one, rejoicing, thou didst hasten to the struggle and received a crown of victory.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
Suffering as though in another’s body, O martyr James, thou didst endure dismemberment, sending up hymnody to the Master.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
As a victorious martyr, O most wise one, thou didst manifestly array thyself in the robe of salvation and the vesture of gladness, which had been dyed in thy blood.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Having traversed the sea of martyrdom, thou didst receive a sacred crown of victory, and now joinest chorus with ranks of martyrs as is meet, O glorious James.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Thou hast given birth without knowing a man, O Virgin, remaining a virgin forever, showing forth the impress of thy Son and God, the true Divinity.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Kontakion, in Tone II, Spec. Mel. “Seeking the highest …”: Persuaded by thy good spouse, O James who wast patient of soul, * and fearing rather the dread tribunal, * thou didst spit upon the Persians’ command and the fear of them, * showing thyself to be an honourable martyr ** whose body was pruned like a vine.
Ikos: Let us all sigh from the depths of our souls, pouring forth tears as we envisage the martyr cruelly dismembered by those who were like barking dogs, and who, gathering together, tore off the limbs of the wondrous martyr, who was valiant in his confession. What then shall I say? If ye desire, let me tell all with zeal, how one day death came to James, whose body was pruned like a vine.
Ode VII, Irmos: When the golden image was worshipped on the plain of Dura, * Thy three children spurned the impious command, * and, cast into the midst of the flame, * they were bedewed, and sang: * O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
When thy body was dismembered, O martyr James, strengthened by divine faith, noetic might and spiritual endurance, thou wast unmoved and unshaken, crying aloud: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
Having set thy thoughts on the goal of a higher calling, thou wast not overwhelmed when torments were poured forth upon thee; but, enduring the wounds inflicted on thee by the iniquitous as is meet, dismembered, thou didst chant: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Blessed art Thou, and well is it for thee now, O most blessed one, who vanquished the savage cruelty of the wicked one and the wrath of the tyrant, saying with zeal: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Thou hast been shown to be a candle-stand of golden lustre for the never-waning Light, the Candle of divine splendour, illumining all the world with the radiance of thine honourable virginity, and saving those who chant aloud: Blessed art thou who hast given birth to God in the flesh!
Ode VIII Irmos: God Who descended into the fiery furnace * with the Hebrew children, * and transformed the flame into dew, * do ye works hymn, * and supremely exalt as Lord throughout all ages.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
Strengthened by the power of God, O blessed one, thou didst drive off the assemblies and hordes of the wicked, and having mightily dispelled them, received a crown of victory, crying aloud: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord! Hymn and supremely exalt Him throughout the ages!
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
Thou didst look upon the severing of thy members as goodly offerings, O martyr, ignoring the attendant pangs, but directing thy gaze rather to the beauteous crowning of the martyr’s which is to come, and which hath been prepared by the just Judge.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
Having steadfastly acquired supra-natural endurance, thou didst remain like a pillar, O blessed one, fearlessly undergoing the assaults and receiving the darts of the enemy, crying aloud: Bless ye Christ throughout the ages!
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
The soul-corrupting enemy, the author of evil, assailing thee with great fury, and inspiring the torturers to break the strength of thy soul, was unable to accomplish his ends, O glorious one, for Thou didst array thyself in the armour of Christ.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
O Theotokos, we know thee to be the clear well-spring of immortality, for thou hast given birth to the Word of the immortal Father, Who hast delivered from death all who supremely exalt Him throughout the ages.
Ode IX, Irmos: God the Word, God of God, * Who by ineffable wisdom came to create Adam anew * after his grievous fall to corruption through eating * and Who took flesh beyond all telling from the Holy Virgin for our sake, * Him we faithful with one accord magnify in song.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
Joining chorus with the martyrs, O thrice-blessed one, and standing as a martyr before the throne of Christ, by thy supplications deliver from cruel misfortunes those who celebrate thy memory today and with gladness honour thy radiant festival.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
As a martyr, O James, thou hast now truly made thine abode in the heavens, where the assemblies of the martyrs are, where the holy multitude of all the saints rest, where the souls of the righteous and the Church of the firstborn are.
Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.
Thou hast taken thy place before the Saviour of all as a lamp-bearer, for Whom thou didst endure the severing of the members of thy body and with might ignored the fire and wounds of thy trials. Wherefore, with faith and love we all call thee blessed, O James.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Clad now in an embroidered purple robe dyed in thine own blood, thou dost reign with Christ, O James; for through sufferings thou didst find the well-spring of dispassion, in which thou hast been deemed worthy to delight eternally, O all-blessed one.
Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Manifestly ascribing to thee a title befitting the nature of things, and likewise offering up to thee a divine cry, we glorify thee, the Theotokos, as the one who conceived God and truly became the pure Mother of God.
Troparion of the martyr, in Tone IV: In his sufferings, Thy martyr James O Lord, * received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God; * for, possessed of Thy might, * he set at naught the tyrants and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons. ** By his supplications save Thou our souls.
Another Troparion, in the same tone: Thou hast astonished all by thy terrifying torments * and the valour of thine endurance, O much suffering one, * most wondrously uttering prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord * as each of thy members was severed from thy body. * Wherefore, receiving a crown amid thy suffering, * thou hast ascended to the throne of Christ God, the King of heaven. ** Entreat Him, O James, that He save our souls.