The Advent Journey With the Saints: St Birinus of Wessex

December 3/16: the repose of St Birinus, Apostle of Wessex

As a result of the invasion of eastern Britain by pagan Angles, Saxons and Jutes, by the 7th century seven small kingdoms had formed on its territory. These were the kingdoms of Kent, Northumbria, East Anglia, Mercia, Essex, Wessex, and Sussex. During the 7th century all of them accepted Christianity one after another. Wessex (the Kingdom of the West Saxons) was founded in the south and south-west of England. It gradually took lands from other kingdoms and by the 10th century it had become so powerful that it had formed the one large Kingdom of England. St Birinus is venerated as the Apostle of the Kingdom of the West Saxons.

The future hierarch was probably born in Lombardy in c. 600. Unfortunately, nothing is known about his childhood and early years, but he lived as a monk in Rome some time before becoming a bishop. In the year 634 in Genoa, Archbishop Asterius consecrated him bishop and in the same year Pope Honorius sent him to Britain, which was then still mostly pagan. In 635 the bishop successfully reached the shores of Albion and landed in the port of Southampton on the south coast of Britain, in the Kingdom of Wessex. He intended to go further inland where there were no missionaries, but since he met only pagans in Wessex, he realized that he must remain there. Moving from settlement to settlement, he preached the Word of God, healing the sick, working numerous miracles and converting many pagans to the Christian faith.

At that time Wessex was ruled by King Cynegils, who was still a pagan. Bishop Birinus made for the royal estates of Wessex, which were situated in the region of the Berkshire Downs. The king allowed him to stay on his lands and even agreed to meet him in a place called Churn Knob—now by the small town of Blewbury in Berkshire. During the meeting Bishop Birinus told the king about Christ for the first time. Soon after this Cynegils, enlightened by the grace of God, decided to embrace Christianity and was baptised; he also gave Bishop Birinus the Roman town of Dorcis (the present-day Dorchester-on-Thames) to found his See there. This town, now in the county of Oxfordshire, became the centre of Bishop Birinus’ mission. Over the 15 years of his active missionary labours in Wessex, Bishop Birinus baptised many people of the kingdom. The hierarch was energetically supported by King Cynegils, whom the saint had converted to Christ. Thanks to the fruitful works of Bishop Birinus the Christian faith spread very quickly all over Wessex and was even taken to other parts of southern and western England.

Among the churches founded by the Apostle of Wessex we should mention the church of the Holy Virgin in Reading (Berkshire), St. Helen’s church in Abingdon (Oxfordshire) as well as the church in the village of Taplow (Buckinghamshire), where the saint performed a mass baptism in Bapsey Pool. (All these churches, though rebuilt during the following centuries, exist to this day, and Bapsey Pool has survived as well). In 648, the successor of Cynegils, King Cenwalh, invited Bishop Birinus to found and consecrate the new cathedral in Winchester. As Winchester was an important political centre, it later became the major spiritual centre of Wessex as well.

Bishop Birinus reposed on 3 December 649 (or 650) and was buried in Dorchester.

Holy Hierarch Birinus, pray to God for us!

Dmitry Lapa




Canon of the saint, with 4 troparia, the acrostic whereof is “Birinus shepherded the lambs of Christ”, in Tone V.

Ode I, Irmos: Christ, Who hath delivered our race from the madness of idolatry, hath appeared on earth! To Him alone let us chant, for He hath been glorified.

Holy Father, Birinus, pray to God for us.

Blessed Birinus took the easy yoke of Christ upon his shoulders, and set forth for distant Wessex to free men’s souls from the madness of idolatry.

Holy Father, Birinus, pray to God for us.

Imitating the apostles, the holy Birinus journeyed far to preach Christ, our God and Saviour, to Whom alone let us chant, for He hath been glorified.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Raging seas could not keep the holy hierarch from the flock entrusted to his care by Christ, to Whom alone let us chant, for He hath been glorified.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

In thy most pure womb, O Virgin, did the Word become incarnate, appearing to men on earth. To Him alone let us chant, for He hath been glorified.

Ode III, Irmos: God is King over the nations. God sitteth on His holy throne. And with understanding we chant unto Him as King and God.

Holy Father, Birinus, pray to God for us.

Never failing in his care for the sheep and lambs of Christ, the wondrous hierarch Birinus taught them to worship Him as King and God.

Holy Father, Birinus, pray to God for us.

Unto the king of Wessex didst thou preach, O saint, uprooting pagan superstitions from his heart and uniting him to the King of kings. Saving the king, O Birinus, thou didst also save his people; for through thy preaching were thousands brought to divine understanding.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Sanctified by thee in the laver of regeneration, Cynegils was illumined by grace divine and was arrayed in a baptismal robe of pure white.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

How didst thou, O Virgin, conceive in thy womb God Who is King over the nations, to Whom we all chant as eternal King and God?

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Sessional hymn, in Tone III: Spec. Mel: “Awed by the beauty of thy virginity…”:  Hallowed by the oil of anointing and the indwelling of the Spirit of God, as a great high priest the holy Birinus faithfully served Christ his Lord, caring for the souls of the people, whom by his preaching he had brought into the light of grace out of the gloom and darkness of ignorance; wherefore, let us praise his godly memory.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: Like a vine which had not been cultivated didst thou put forth the most comely Cluster of grapes which poureth forth upon us the wine which maketh glad the souls and bodies of all. Wherefore, ever blessing thee as the cause of good things, with the angel we cry to thee: Rejoice, O thou Who art full of grace!

Stavrotheotokion: Thy pure Mother who knew not wedlock, beholding Thee hanging dead upon the Cross, O Christ, said, weeping maternally: “How hath the iniquitous and thankless assembly of the Jews, which enjoyed Thy manifold and great gifts, rewarded Thee, O my Son? I hymn Thy divine condescension!”

Ode IV, Irmos: Hearing of Thine advent from the densely wooded mountain, the prophet cried aloud: Glory to Thine ineffable incarnation!

Holy Father, Birinus, pray to God for us.

Edifying his flock with the teachings of the Saviour, the saint taught them to cry unto Him: Glory to Thine ineffable incarnation!

Holy Father, Birinus, pray to God for us.

Praise ye the virtues of Birinus and the wonders he wrought through the power of God, crying: Glory to Thine ineffable incarnation!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Hearing the words of salvation, which fell from thy mouth like precious jewels, all cried out: Glory to Christ’s ineffable incarnation!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Eminent among the angels, Gabriel was sent to the all-holy Mary to proclaim: Glory to God’s ineffable incarnation in thee!

Ode V, Irmos: O almighty Word of God, send peace upon the whole world, enlightening and illumining with the light of truth all who glorify Thee, awakening out of the night.

Holy Father, Birinus, pray to God for us.

Rising at dawn out of each night, the holy hierarch fervently did his Master’s bidding, bringing the light of Truth to all, that they might glorify His incarnation.

Holy Father, Birinus, pray to God for us.

Divine light dawned upon the people of Wessex, for the holy Birinus brought them the light of Christ, Who is the true Light that enlighteneth the whole world.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Exalt ye the honoured memory of the God-bearing hierarch, for he illumined with grace divine a people who sat in darkness and the shadow of death and corruption.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

David, thy forefather, called thee a queen, O Lady, and thou art verily the Queen of all that is, having given birth to Christ the King, the preëternal Word of God.

Ode VI, Irmos: Like Jonah I cry to Thee from the depths of the heart of the sea: Let my supplication come unto Thy holy and heavenly Church!  Lead me up from my sins, I pray Thee, O Lord!

Holy Father, Birinus, pray to God for us.

Two holy kings gave thee Dorchester as thy see, O Birinus – Cynegils of Wessex and Oswald of Northumbria; and therein thou didst establish the Church, to deliver men from their sins.

Holy Father, Birinus, pray to God for us.

Heartfelt praise let us utter from the depths of our souls, giving thanks with gladness to the holy Birinus, who dwelleth now in the holy and heavenly Church, where he prayeth for our souls.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Exalted above all earthly things, the holy hierarch standeth now in the Holy Church triumphant, crying out to Christ most fervently: Lead up my people from their sins, I pray Thee, O Lord!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Like as Jonah cried out to the Lord, so do we send up entreaties to His most immaculate Mother, crying: Lead us up out of our sins, O Lady, and pray thou in our behalf to the Lord thy Son!

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.,: “Thou hast appeared…”: With sacred hymns and spiritual songs we exalt the most blessed hierarch Birinus today, for he was a faithful servant of Christ and a vigilant shepherd of His flock, who ever prayeth in our behalf.

Ikos: With hymns of praise let us exalt Birinus, great among hierarchs, the enlightener of the Saxons and teacher of the Christian Faith; and let us bestow a wreath of honour upon his brow, for he tirelessly uprooted the tares of idolatry from Wessex, and with the light of Christ dispelled the darkness of ignorance from men’s souls. Wherefore, having received an everlasting reward from the Lord, he ever prayeth in our behalf.

Ode VII, Irmos: Blessed, all-hymned and all-glorious art Thou, O God Who lookest upon the depths and sittest upon the throne of glory!

Holy Father, Birinus, pray to God for us.

All-glorious is the sacred memory of the holy hierarch Birinus, who now sitteth upon a throne of glory in the heights of heaven.

Holy Father, Birinus, pray to God for us.

Many who before were drowning in the depths of heathen error did the most blessed hierarch lift up to the heights of heaven.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Blessed and most wondrous is the saint of God, for he put his hand to his Master’s plough and did not turn back.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sacred hymns let us offer now to the all-hymned Virgin Mary, who in her loving-kindness looketh down upon us with pity.

Ode VIII, Irmos: Him Who bedewed the furnace and preserved the children amid the burning flame do ye hymn, O children, bless, O priests, and exalt supremely, ye people, for all ages!

Holy Father, Birinus, pray to God for us.

O ye children of the Orthodox Church, lift up your voices in praise of God Who is wondrous in His saint, crying. Ye priests and people, exalt Him supremely for all ages!

Holy Father, Birinus, pray to God for us.

For our sins and iniquities we fear the burning of the fiery furnace; but, bedewed by God’s saint, let us cry: Ye priests and ye people, exalt Christ supremely for all ages!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Come, ye who love Birinus, and, burning with zeal to imitate his virtues, let us cry to God: Ye children, hymn; ye priests, bless; ye people, exalt Him supremely for all ages.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Her who was prefigured by the bush, which burned with flame yet was not consumed, do ye children hymn, ye priests bless, ye people exalt supremely for all ages.

Ode IX, Irmos: O most hymned Theotokos, thou rod sprung forth from the root of David, thou hast borne for us a most comely Blossom, the Cause of our ancient blessedness. Wherefore, we all magnify thee with hymns.

Holy Father, Birinus, pray to God for us.

Rivers of grace issued forth from thy tomb, O Birinus, watering Dorchester with blessedness, filling the vale of the River Thames with the souls of the saved, as with comely flowers; wherefore, we magnify thee.

Holy Father, Birinus, pray to God for us.

In royal Winchester did the holy Hædda enshrine the sacred relics of the hierarch Birinus, where they put forth the sweet fragrance of gracious healings for those who approached them with faith and the fear of God.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Sent forth to proclaim the Godhead of the Son of David, Birinus bore to a distant land the words that are able to restore men to their ancient blessedness; wherefore, we glorify him with spiritual songs and hymns of praise.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The most hymned Theotokos is eternally praised in the courts of heaven, for she gave birth in the flesh to the Creator of all things, in manner past understanding and recounting; wherefore, we also dare to magnify her. 

Troparion of the saint, in Tone VI: Taking up the Cross of Christ as it were a battle standard, thou didst set forth for the English lands, to wage war upon the ancient foe of mankind, O Birinus glorious in wonders; and, as a valiant champion of the Christian Faith, thou didst fight the good fight until the end. Wherefore, thou hast received the trophy of victory from the King of kings Whom thou didst serve. Entreat Him, O holy hierarch, that He save our souls.

The Advent Journey With the Saints: the Holy Prophet Habbakuk

Tuesday, December 2/15: the Holy Prophet Habbakuk

The Holy Prophet Habakkuk, the eighth of the Twelve Minor Prophets, was descended from the Tribe of Simeon, and he prophesied around 650 B.C.

The Prophet Habakkuk foresaw the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, the Babylonian Captivity and the later return of the captives to their native land. During the war with the Babylonians the prophet withdrew to Arabia, where the following miracle occurred. When he was bringing dinner to the reapers, he met an angel of the Lord, and instantly by the strength of his spirit he was transported to Babylon, where at the time the Prophet Daniel was languishing in prison. The food intended for the reapers assuaged the hunger of the exhausted Prophet Daniel (Dan. 14:33-37).

After the end of the war with the Babylonians, the Prophet Habakkuk returned to his homeland and died at a great old age. His relics were found at the time of Emperor Theodosius he Younger (408-450), together with the relics of the Prophet Micah (August 14).

Source: The Orthodox Church in America

Canon of the prophet, the acrostic whereof is: “I hymn thee, O blessed Prophet Habbakuk,” the composition of Theophanes, in Tone IV.

Ode I, Irmos: I hymn Thee, O Lord my God, * for Thou hast led Thy people out of the bondage of Egypt, * and hast drowned in the waters * the chariots and the might of Pharaoh.

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

Make me wise, O Lord my God, that I may hymn Thy divine Prophet Habbakuk, and illumine my heart with Thy grace O Good One.

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

“How long, O Lord, will I cry unto Thee, and Thou wilt not hearken?” said the prophet “Wherefore hast Thou shown me the injustice of the judges?”

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

By thine entreaties, O prophet, deliver from misfortunes and cruel circumstances, those who piously celebrate thine honoured memory.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

When the fullness of time drew nigh, our holy God appeared from thee, O Theotokos, becoming a man, that He might save mankind.

Ode III Irmos: The bow of the mighty hath waxed feeble * and the weak have girded themselves with strength: * therefore is my heart established * in the Lord.

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

Raised on high by elevating thy gaze unto God, and illumined by the effulgence emanating from Him, thou didst foresee the form of things to come, O thou divinely revealed one.

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

Possessing every virtue, and hating all wickedness of mind, O all-blessed one; thou didst justly revile the iniquitous.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

As one pure, O right wondrous one, and entrusted with speech by the Holy Spirit, thou didst clearly prophesy the fulfilment of things to come.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O all-pure one, thou hast been revealed to be the mountain overshadowed by the virtues, from whence the Master hath issued forth as a servant, to free mankind from slavery.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Sessional Hymn; in Tone IV, Spec. Mel. “Having been lifted up …”: Thou didst stand on divine watch, O blessed and divinely inspired Habbakuk, and with the eyes of prophecy perceived the coming of God; wherefore, thou didst cry out with fear: O Lord, I have heard of Thy dread coming, and I hymn Thee, Who hast willed to bear the flesh of clay which Thou didst receive from the Virgin!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Stavrotheotokion: She who in latter times gave birth to Thee in the flesh, * O Christ Who wast begotten of the unoriginate Father, * when she saw Thee hanging upon the Cross, cried out: * “Woe is me, O Jesus most beloved! * How is it that Thou Who art worshipped as God by the angels, * art now crucified by iniquitous men? ** I hymn Thee, O Long-suffering One!”

Ode IV Irmos: Proclaiming the advent of Thine appearance on earth, O Christ God, * the prophet cried aloud with gladness: * Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

Thou wast shown to be radiant in virtue O divinely inspired one, and announced the never-waning Light. To Him do we now cry out with faith: Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

The most radiant grace of the Spirit, dwelling abundantly within thee, O all-wise one, made thee a prophet announcing the Saviour unto all.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Instructed by hearing of the Almighty, O wondrous one, thou wast seized with reverent fear, and, understanding His words, thou wast filled with awe.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Word Who is equally everlasting with the Father described thee O Virgin, as the ark of witness, truly containing the Bread of life.

Ode V Irmos: O Thou Who hast caused the light to shine, * who hast made bright the dawn and revealed the day; * glory be to Thee, glory be to Thee, * O Jesus Thou Son of God.

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

The honoured Church doth now see the Sun lifted up upon the Tree, as Thou didst foretell, O most sacred Habbakuk.

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

The honoured Church doth now see the Sun lifted up upon the Tree, as Thou didst foretell, O most sacred Habbakuk.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Giving wings to thy mind, thou didst stand watch, O thou who art most noetically rich, perceiving the advent of the Lord. “I rejoice aloud in God my Saviour and am glad!” didst thou cry aloud, O wise and all-blessed Habbakuk.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Weighed down by the fetters of my many transgressions, I flee to thee, O Lady Theotokos. Save me, thou boast of the faithful!

Ode VI Irmos: Prefiguring Thy three-day burial * the Prophet Jonah praying in the belly of the sea-monster cried aloud: * Deliver me from corruption * O Jesus Thou King of hosts.

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

God incarnate hath come from the south as thou didst foretell, O thrice blessed Habbakuk, and, radiantly enlightened by Him, thou hast illumined the world with light.

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

O God, by the supplications of the honoured and divinely wise Habbakuk illumine the souls of those who hymn Thee, for by divine inspiration Thou didst enlighten his mind.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thine announcement and the power of thy divine words passed over all the ends of the earth, O divinely eloquent one, prophesying to us the divine advent of the Word.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Virgin, thou hast given birth to the Son, Who is consubstantial with the Father, is clearly understood to be with Him Who begat Him outside time, and Who in the latter times assumed flesh.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, in Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “To thee, the champion leader …”: Having announced to the world God’s coming forth from the south, from the Virgin, * standing on divine watch O divinely eloquent Habbakuk, * thou didst receive report from the radiant angel: * and proclaimed the resurrection of Christ to the world. * Wherefore, in gladness we cry out to thee: ** Rejoice, O splendid adornment of the prophets!

Ode VII Irmos: Of old the Children of Abraham in Babylon * trampled down the flame of the furnace, * crying aloud with hymns: * O God of our Fathers, blessed art Thou.

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

Taught understanding which transcendeth all telling, and prophesying concerning the abundantly radiant lamp, O blessed one, thou dost now cry aloud: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

Taught understanding which transcendeth all telling, and prophesying concerning the abundantly radiant lamp, O blessed one, thou dost now cry aloud: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Christ, Whom thou didst glorify, hath given thee thrice-radiant effulgence and a share in never-waning glory, for thou didst cry aloud: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Among all generations thou hast been revealed to be the blessed Virgin Mother who, in a manner past understanding, hast given birth to the incarnate Word; wherefore, we hymn thee, O pure one.

Ode VIII Irmos: O all ye works of God and all creation, * bless ye the Lord, * ye venerable and humble of spirit * chant ye and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

Illumined with the light of the threefold Sun, O most excellent one, thou wast deemed worthy of divine and supra-natural visions, crying aloud: Supremely exalt ye God throughout all ages!

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

Drinking from the torrent of sweetness, full of immaterial vision, partaking of the glory and eminence of the prophets, rejoicing, thou dost hymn God throughout the ages.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O divine and honoured is the comeliness of the Prophet Habbakuk! For, joining chorus with the angelic hosts, rejoicing he hymneth Christ throughout the ages.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou wast truly shown to be the Mother of Him Who shone forth from the Father before all ages; for thou alone wast more holy than all others. Thee, the pure one, do we supremely exalt throughout the ages!

Ode IX Irmos: Thy birthgiving was revealed to be incorrupt, * God came forth from thy womb, * and He appeared upon earth in mortal flesh * and dwelt among mankind; * Wherefore we all magnify thee, O Theotokos.

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

Thy memory shineth forth, O prophet, emitting the radiant effulgence of thy divine eloquence, thy mystic teachings and prophecies, for those who honour thee, O most blessed Habbakuk.

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

Thy memory shineth forth, O prophet, emitting the radiant effulgence of thy divine eloquence, thy mystic teachings and prophecies, for those who honour thee, O most blessed Habbakuk.

Holy prophet of God, Habbakuk, pray to God for us.

Having preached the Lord of glory and clearly foretold His advent from the holy Virgin, O divinely blessed Habbakuk, thou wast filled with gladness, seeing it come to pass.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

All the prophets rejoice in gladness on this thy joyous day, O divinely wise one, sharing in thy joy and divine glory. And, praying with them, save those who hymn thee.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

With the sprinkling of thy compassions, O pure maiden, wash away the defilement of my soul, and unceasingly cause torrents of tears to pour forth in me, staunching the torrents of my passions.

Troparion, in Tone II: Celebrating the memory of Thy Prophet Habbakuk, O Lord, * through him we entreat Thee: ** Save Thou our souls!

The Advent Journey With the Saints: Righteous Philaret the Merciful

Tuesday, December 1/14: Righteous Philaret the Merciful

Righteous Philaret the Merciful, son of George and Anna, was raised in piety and the fear of God. He lived during the eighth century in the village of Amnia in the Paphlagonian district of Asia Minor. His wife, Theoseba, was from a rich and illustrious family, and they had three children: a son John, and daughters Hypatia and Evanthia.

Philaret was a rich and illustrious dignitary, but he did not hoard his wealth. Knowing that many people suffered from poverty, he remembered the words of the Savior about the dread Last Judgment and about “these least ones” (Mt. 25:40); the Apostle Paul’s reminder that we will take nothing with us from this world (1 Tim 6:7); and the assertion of King David that the righteous would not be forsaken (Ps 36/37:25). Philaret, whose name means “lover of virtue,” was famed for his love for the poor.

One day Ishmaelites [Arabs] attacked Paphlagonia, devastating the land and plundering the estate of Philaret. There remained only two oxen, a donkey, a cow with her calf, some beehives, and the house. But he also shared them with the poor. His wife reproached him for being heartless and unconcerned for his own family. Mildly, yet firmly he endured the reproaches of his wife and the jeers of his children. “I have hidden away riches and treasure,” he told his family, “so much that it would be enough for you to feed and clothe yourselves, even if you lived a hundred years without working.”

The saint’s gifts always brought good to the recipient. Whoever received anything from him found that the gift would multiply, and that person would become rich. Knowing this, a certain man came to Saint Philaret asking for a calf so that he could start a herd. The cow missed its calf and began to bellow. Theoseba said to her husband, “You have no pity on us, you merciless man, but don’t you feel sorry for the cow? You have separated her from her calf.” The saint praised his wife, and agreed that it was not right to separate the cow and the calf. Therefore, he called the poor man to whom he had given the calf and told him to take the cow as well.

That year there was a famine, so Saint Philaret took the donkey and went to borrow six bushels of wheat from a friend of his. When he returned home, a poor man asked him for a little wheat, so he told his wife to give the man a bushel. Theoseba said, “First you must give a bushel to each of us in the family, then you can give away the rest as you choose.” Philaretos then gave the man two bushels of wheat. Theoseba said sarcastically, “Give him half the load so you can share it.” The saint measured out a third bushel and gave it to the man. Then Theoseba said, “Why don’t you give him the bag, too, so he can carry it?” He gave him the bag. The exasperated wife said, “Just to spite me, why not give him all the wheat.” Saint Philaret did so.

Now the man was unable to lift the six bushels of wheat, so Theoseba told her husband to give him the donkey so he could carry the wheat home. Blessing his wife, Philaret gave the donkey to the man, who went home rejoicing. Theoseba and the children wept because they were hungry.

The Lord rewarded Philaret for his generosity: when the last measure of wheat was given away, a old friend sent him forty bushels. Theoseba kept most of the wheat for herself and the children, and the saint gave away his share to the poor and had nothing left. When his wife and children were eating, he would go to them and they gave him some food. Theoseba grumbled saying, “How long are you going to keep that treasure of yours hidden? Take it out so we can buy food with it.”

During this time the Byzantine empress Irene (797-802) was seeking a bride for her son, the future emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitos (780-797). Therefore, emissaries were sent throughout all the Empire to find a suitable girl, and the envoys came to Amneia.

When Philaret and Theoseba learned that these most illustrious guests were to visit their house, Philaret was very happy, but Theoseba was sad, for they did not have enough food. But Philaret told his wife to light the fire and to decorate their home. Their neighbours, knowing that imperial envoys were expected, brought everything required for a rich feast.

The envoys were impressed by the saint’s daughters and granddaughters. Seeing their beauty, their deportment, their clothing, and their admirable qualities, the envoys agreed that Philaret’ granddaughter, Maria was exactly what they were looking for. This Maria exceeded all her rivals in quality and modesty and indeed became Constantine’s wife, and the emperor rewarded Philaret.

Thus fame and riches returned to Philaret. But just as before, this holy lover of the poor generously distributed alms and provided a feast for the poor. He and his family served them at the meal. Everyone was astonished at his humility and said: “This is a man of God, a true disciple of Christ.”

He ordered a servant to take three bags and fill one with gold, one with silver, and one with copper coins. When a beggar approached, Philaret ordered his servant to bring forth one of the bags, whichever God’s providence would ordain. Then he would reach into the bag and give to each person, as much as God willed.

Saint Philaret refused to wear fine clothes, nor would he accept any imperial rank. He said it was enough for him to be called the grandfather of the Empress. The saint reached ninety years of age and knew his end was approaching. He went to the Rodolpheia (“The Judgment”) monastery in Constantinople. He gave some gold to the Abbess and asked her to allow him to be buried there, saying that he would depart this life in ten days.

He returned home and became ill. On the tenth day he summoned his family, he exhorted them to imitate his love for the poor if they desired salvation. Then he fell asleep in the Lord. He died in the year 792 and was buried in the Rodolpheia Judgment monastery in Constantinople.

The appearance of a miracle after his death confirmed the sainthood of Righteous Philaret. As they bore the body of the saint to the cemetery, a certain man, possessed by the devil, followed the funeral procession and tried to overturn the coffin. When they reached the grave, the devil threw the man down on the ground and went out of him. Many other miracles and healings also took place at the grave of the saint.

After the death of the righteous Philaret, his wife Theoseba worked at restoring monasteries and churches devastated during a barbarian invasion.

Canon to the holy and righteous Philaret the Merciful, with four Troparia, the acrostic whereof is: “I praise the sun-like remembrance of Philaret,” the composition of Valeria, Tone II.

Ode I Irmos: Come, O ye people, * let us sing a song to Christ our God, * Who divided the sea, * and made a way for the nation * which He had brought up out of the bondage of Egypt; * for He hath been glorified.

Holy and righteous, Philaret, pray to God for us.

Come ye, and let us celebrate today the memory of Philaret, radiant in our gladness, forming an harmonious chorus, for Christ God hath wondrously glorified him.

Holy and righteous, Philaret, pray to God for us.

Thou didst give thy property to God in loan, O Philaret, purchasing things eternal with that which is transitory, O wise one. Wherefore, thou wast deemed worthy to receive a twofold reward, being crowned with honour on earth and with glory in heaven.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Being truly a beacon of the love of Christ, in no wise extinguished by the winds of tribulations and temptations, with divine love thou hast enkindled the hearts of the faithful that they may cry to thee: Rejoice, O Philaret, beloved of God!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Unceasingly we cry unto thee, chanting the archangel’s greeting: Rejoice! For thou art the cause of all joy, O Lady, who hast given birth unto the Salvation of the world.

Ode III, Irmos: The bow of the mighty hath been broken * by Thy might, O Christ, * and the enfeebled * have girded themselves with power.

Holy and righteous, Philaret, pray to God for us.

Thou didst open thy hands unto the poor and the wretched, and thy lips unto the praise of thy Creator and God, O righteous one. Wherefore, the gates of paradise have been opened unto thee with joy.

Holy and righteous, Philaret, pray to God for us.

When thou didst beggar thyself for a while, when God tested thy love, O Philaret, in no wise despondent, thou didst place all thy trust in God, Who humbleth, exalteth and bestoweth wealth.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou didst not set thy heart on fleeting riches, but established it in the will of God, O wise Philaret, truly well-beloved.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Rejoice radiantly with Joachim, O righteous Anna, for in but a few days thou shalt joyously cry out: Lo! the most glorious root of the Tree of life hath been sown within me!

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Sessional Hymn, in Tone VII: Come ye, and let us prepare a great feast, and a banquet of honour, thus didst thou say to thy household, O Philaret, announcing the arrival at thy house of the King Himself and His servants; and when the time was come, thou didst go forth to meet those who were invited: the poor and wretched of the imperial city; and to all who marvelled, beholding them, thou didst cry aloud: These are the servants of the King, and in them the King Himself hath arrived! Truly, therefore, Christ, the King of kings, came invisibly to thy feast, and with love dost thou now serve Him in unwaning light, reclining with the saints at His banquet and chanting the awesome thrice-holy hymn sung by the seraphim.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion, in Tone VII: Thou hast surpassed the hosts of heaven, * O blessed Theotokos, * for thou hast been shown to be a divine temple, * in that thou hast given birth unto Christ, ** the Saviour of our souls. Or this Stavrotheotokion: Ever protected by the Cross of thy Son, O Virgin, we escape the demons’ assault. Wherefore, raising a song as is meet, we glorify thee, O all-hymned Theotokos.

Ode IV, Irmos: I have heard report of Thy dispensation, O Lord, * and have glorified Thee * Who alone art the Lover of mankind.

Holy and righteous, Philaret, pray to God for us.

Distributing silver, gold, and copper coins unto the people who begged of thee, thou didst spiritually perceive the need of each, O merciful one, wisely managing the property of Christ, the almighty Master of the house.

Holy and righteous, Philaret, pray to God for us.

The right loving and divinely wise Philaret showed himself to be a father to orphans and paupers and made love the dominion of his might.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Bearing reproaches and insults with love, and deprived of thy wealth as was Job, thou didst cry aloud: The Lord is my God and my power, and He will set my feet toward perfection!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou didst come forth unto the salvation of Thy people, O Saviour, willingly incarnate of the foreordained Virgin, whom we unceasingly glorify.

Ode V, Irmos: The burning Ember was revealed to Isaiah, * and the Sun hath shone forth from the Virgin’s womb, * granting the enlightenment of the knowledge of God * to those who in darkness have gone astray.

Holy and righteous, Philaret, pray to God for us.

Being a kinsman of the emperor, O Philaret, thou didst not exalt thyself, honouring the King of kings in the guise of the orphaned and the wretched, and adorning thyself with love, the queen of the virtues.

Holy and righteous, Philaret, pray to God for us.

Living in accordance with the Gospel, O Philaret, and bearing fruit an hundredfold for the Saviour, thou didst show thyself to be a good and fertile land for Him.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou hast shown us an example of godly mercy, letting thy light shine before all in accordance with the word of the Lord, moving them to glorify the heavenly Father.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Magnifying the Theotokos, the Mother of Emmanuel, with unceasing hymns, and beholding Him Who was born of her, we cry out: God is with us!

Ode VI, Irmos: O Master, hearkening unto the sound of entreaties * from a soul in pain, * do Thou deliver me from my grievous sins, * for Thou alone art the Cause of our salvation.

Holy and righteous, Philaret, pray to God for us.

Thou didst sanctify thy hands with the blessings of almsgiving, enkindling thy heart with mercy, putting an end to sorrows, comforting the afflicted and bringing joy to all in place of grief.

Holy and righteous, Philaret, pray to God for us.

Emulating Abraham the hospitable, O Philaret, thou didst honour the life-creating Trinity, which did not reveal itself to thee in the guise of three strangers, but in the guise of a multitude of the wretched to whom thou didst zealously minister.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Accepting tribulations from the hand of the Lord as blessings, thou didst show forth the patience of Job; and, tempest-tossed by tribulations and deprivation, thou didst bless God, inheriting the blessing of all the righteous.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

We have no hope; there is no hope for us, if thou dost not help us and deliver us from misfortunes O Theotokos, by thine all-powerful intercession, which Thy mighty Son doth not disdain.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, in Tone III: Truly thy most excellent commerce * is seen and judged to be wise * by all the divinely wise, * for thou didst forgive transitory debts, * seeking that which is lofty and eternal. * Wherefore, thou hast acquired eternal glory as is meet, ** O merciful Philaret.

Ikos: Every virtue acquired for Christ’s sake is comely and loving; fasting is honorable, and abstinence is pleasing to God; meekness doth inherit the earth, and humility leadeth to the heavens; repentance doth conquer every sin, and vision of God is granted to the pure of heart; yet charity and love are exalted above all of these, and, before all else, are received back from the righteous Judge at the dread tribunal of Christ; and on that day shalt thou hear from Him, O righteous one: Come, thou blessed of the heavenly Father, inherit eternal glory and the Kingdom prepared for thee from before the ages, O merciful Philaret!

Ode VII, Irmos: Of old the youths revealed themselves to be rhetors * with a supreme love for wisdom, * for from the depths of their God-pleasing souls, * they theologized with their lips as they sang: * O supremely divine God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Holy and righteous, Philaret, pray to God for us.

Having prepared a great feast, thou didst announce to thy household the coming of the King and His servants; and having filled thy house with the poor and wretched, thou didst cry aloud: Behold the servants of the King!

Holy and righteous, Philaret, pray to God for us.

In their midst hath the most divine King, the blessed God of our fathers, come invisibly unto me! Young men and elders, orphans and widows, blessed thy compassionate right hand, O Philaret, giving thanks unto Christ God for thee; and they cried out in compunction: O supremely divine God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom, for ye ministered unto Me in the thirsty, the hungry and the sick! Thus shall Christ the Judge cry to the merciful at His dread Judgment. And at that time, O father, thou shalt be exceeding glad.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Virgin Theotokos, entreat thou the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world and hath washed Christians in His Blood, that He take away our sins; for, lo! with contrite heart we seek the countenance of Him Who is blessed by all creation.

ODE VIII, Irmos: Disdaining the golden image, the thrice-blessed children, * beholding the immutable and living image of God, * chanted in the midst of the flame: * Let all existing creation hymn the Lord * and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

Holy and righteous, Philaret, pray to God for us.

Emulating the merciful Samaritan, pass me not by, for I have fallen among thieves through my many sins, O Philaret, and pour forth the oil of thy prayers upon my grievously wounded soul, O merciful one, that, healed, I may thankfully chant unto God: Let all creation hymn the Lord Who is wondrous in His saints!

Holy and righteous, Philaret, pray to God for us.

Thou wast revealed to us to be a wise gatherer of treasures which rust doth not corrupt, nor worm devour, and which thou dost lay up in the treasuries of heaven. Wherefore, thy heart doth abide there, and thy mouth, knowing not satiety, doth hymn the Lord throughout the ages.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

They, that of old did foolishly worship the golden calf, were condemned, and the most-wise youths, that did not bow down before the golden image set up by the king in Babylon, were blessed; and thou, O Philaret, didst emulate the latter and not the former, joyously casting down the idol of wealth, and chanting: Let all creation hymn the Lord throughout the ages!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The cherubim bow down before thee in awe, O Theotokos, and the seraphim hymn thee unceasingly, for truly the King of heaven hath desired thy beauty, calling thee His own Mother. Wherefore, the people confess thee always, and unto the ages of ages.

Ode IX, Irmos: Thou art all desire, Thou art all sweetness, * O Word of God, Son of the Virgin, * God of gods, most holy Lord of the saints. * Wherefore, we magnify Thee * and her who hath given birth to Thee. Pouring forth thy wealth in faith, thou didst receive all of it back again from God.

Holy and righteous, Philaret, pray to God for us.

And receiving and nourishing the wretched with faith, thou didst receive God Himself. Having lived by faith, and through faith passed on to the eternal mansions, thou dost ever magnify God with the choirs of the righteous.

Holy and righteous, Philaret, pray to God for us.

As an emulator of Abraham and entertainer of the beginningless Trinity, a servant and most intimate friend of the Master, thou didst have mercy on every creature, thereby inclining the mercy of God toward thyself. Wherefore, in thy mercy do thou also visit us who magnify thee with all our heart.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Enlighten us with thy love, O Philaret, who shone like the sun in thy righteous repose, that, radiantly rejoicing in thee, we may magnify God, Who is wondrous in His saints.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Young men and elders, rich men and paupers, monks and laymen, righteous and penitents: Come ye, let us fall down before the Mother of God, crying out to her: Ever preserve under thy protection, us who magnify thee O Lady.

Troparion, in Tone IV: Emulating Abraham in faith and following after Job in patience, * O father Philaret, * thou didst distribute the blessings of the earth to the needy * and didst manfully endure the lack thereof. * Wherefore, Christ our God, the Judge of the contest, * hath crowned thee with a crown of light. ** Him do thou entreat, that our souls be saved.

The Advent Journey With the Saints: St Andrew the First-Called

Monday November 30 / December 13: The Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called

The Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was the first of the Apostles to follow Christ, and he later brought his own brother, the holy Apostle Peter, to Christ (John 1:35-42). The future apostle was from Bethsaida, and from his youth he turned with all his soul to God. He did not enter into marriage, and he worked with his brother as a fisherman. When the holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John began to preach, Saint Andrew became his closest disciple. Declaring Christ to be the Lamb of God, Saint John the Baptist himself sent to Christ his own two disciples, the future Apostles Andrew and John the Theologian.

After the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, Saint Andrew went to the Eastern lands preaching the Word of God. He went through Asia Minor, Thrace, Macedonia, he reached the River Danube, went along the coast of the Black Sea, through Crimea, the Black Sea region and along the River Dniepr he climbed to the place where the city of Kiev now stands.

He stopped overnight on the hills of Kiev. Rising in the morning, he said to those disciples that were with him: “See these hills? Upon these hills shall shine forth the beneficence of God, and there will be a great city here, and God shall raise up many churches.” The apostle went up around the hills, blessed them and set up a cross. Having prayed, he went up even further along the Dniepr and reached a settlement of the Slavs, where Novgorod was built. From here the apostle went through the land of the Varangians towards Rome for preaching, and again he returned to Thrace, where in the small village of Byzantium, the future Constantinople, he founded the Church of Christ. The name of the holy Apostle Andrew links the mother, the Church of Constantinople, with her daughter, the Russian Church.

On his journeys the First-Called Apostle endured many sufferings and torments from pagans: they cast him out of their cities and they beat him. In Sinope they pelted him with stones, but remaining unharmed, the persistent disciple of Christ continued to preach to people about the Saviour. Through the prayers of the Apostle, the Lord worked miracles. By the labours of the holy Apostle Andrew, Christian Churches were established, for which he provided bishops and clergy. The final city to which the Apostle came was the city of Patra, where he was destined to suffer martyrdom.

The Lord worked many miracles through His disciple in Patra. The infirm were made whole, and the blind received their sight. Through the prayers of the Apostle, the illustrious citizen Sosios recovered from serious illness and Maximilla and Stratokles, the wife and brother of the governor of Patra, were healed. The miracles accomplished by the Apostle and his fiery speech enlightened almost all the citizens of the city of Patra with the true Faith.

Few pagans remained at Patra, but among them was the prefect of the city, Aegeatos. The Apostle Andrew repeatedly turned to him with the words of the Gospel. But even the miracles of the Apostle did not convince Aegeatos. The holy Apostle with love and humility appealed to his soul, striving to reveal to him the Christian mystery of life eternal, through the wonderworking power of the Holy Cross of the Lord. The angry Aegeatos gave orders to crucify the apostle. The pagan thought he might undo Saint Andrew’s preaching if he were to put him to death on the cross.

Saint Andrew the First-Called accepted the decision of the prefect with joy and with prayer to the Lord, and went willingly to the place of execution. In order to prolong the suffering of the saint, Aegeatos gave orders not to nail the saint’s hands and feet, but to tie them to the cross. For two days the apostle taught the citizens who gathered about. The people, in listening to him, with all their souls pitied him and tried to take Saint Andrew down from the cross. Fearing a riot of the people, Aegeatos gave orders to stop the execution. But the holy apostle began to pray that the Lord would grant him death on the cross. Just as the soldiers tried to take hold of the Apostle Andrew, they lost control of their hands. The crucified apostle, having given glory to God, said: “Lord Jesus Christ, receive my spirit.” Then a blazing ray of divine light illumined the cross and the martyr crucified upon it. When the light faded, the holy Apostle Andrew had already given up his holy soul to the Lord. Maximilla, the wife of the prefect, had the body of the saint taken down from the cross, and buried him with honor.

A few centuries later, under the emperor Constantine the Great, the relics of the holy Apostle Andrew were solemnly transferred to Constantinople and placed in the church of the Holy Apostles beside the relics of the holy Evangelist Luke and Saint Paul’s disciple Saint Timothy.

Canon I to the Apostle, the composition of John the Monk

Irmos: Thy victorious right arm, * in a manner befitting God, * hath been glorified in strength, O Immortal One; * for in its infinite strength it shattered the enemy, * fashioning anew a path for the Israelites through the deep.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

My soul, which hath been troubled by wicked thoughts and words, do thou cleanse with the divine grace which dwelleth within thee, O Andrew, preacher of Christ, that I may pour forth a worthy hymn to thee in a pure manner.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

The Forerunner of Christ, who sprang forth from a barren woman, led Andrew, rejoicing, the most eminent and honoured of his disciples, to Christ the supremely glorified One Who was born from the Virgin.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

With desire and unwavering love, beginning the steps of the virtues, ever learning to ascend, from weakness thou didst attain unto the most lofty strength, O Andrew.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Rejoice, O wellspring of grace! Rejoice, stairway and portal to heaven! Rejoice, golden candlestick and jar, and unquarried mountain, who for the world didst give birth unto Christ, the Bestower-of life.

Canon II to the Apostle, Irmos: Guiding Israel with a pillar of fire and cloud, * as God He divided the sea * and engulfed the chariots of Pharaoh in the deep. * Let us chant a hymn of victory, * for He alone hath been glorified!

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

With the rod of the Gospel didst thou fish, O all-praised Andrew, drawing forth souls from the deep of delusion, as Christ promised, Who taught thee to catch them as though fish.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

The divinely inspired Andrew, the pillar of the Faith and seat of the true dogmas of Christ, doth today summon all the ends of the earth to celebrate his yearly festival. Let us therefore make haste, all ye faithful!

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Having pursued the whale of the sea with nets, with the skill of a fisherman thou dost fish for nations, tribes and peoples with the net of the Spirit, most plainly disclosing unto us through the Spirit the lofty depths, O most wondrous one.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

O thou who solemnly performed the mysteries of heaven, as an eyewitness and advocate of the ineffable knowledge of Christ, in that thou that had received the Holy Spirit from on high, thou didst discourse, and sit among the nations dispensing sacred gifts with fire: pray thou that we be saved.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Triadicon: With faith I worship the supra-natural Unity of the unoriginate Trinity, not dividing the Godhead. For it is of a single kind, simple and indivisible. And I unite it by essence faithfully distinguishing the Hypostases.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: God is born an Infant through the Virgin, and He reneweth that which, through Adam, had become corrupt; and breaking down the middle-wall of partition and the chamber of enmity with His flesh, He came forth from His most pure Mother, abolishing the curse of our first mother.

Ode III, Canon I to the Apostle, Irmos: Thou alone knowest the weakness of human nature * and in compassion hast assumed its form; * do Thou gird me with power from on high, * that I may cry unto Thee: * Holy is the animate temple of Thine ineffable glory, O Lover of mankind!

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Not summoned, but of thine own will didst thou run like a thirsting hart to the Wellspring of life, and having found Him thou didst preach Him to all; and having drunk thereof thou didst drench the parched ends of the earth with the waters of incorruption.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Mindful of the laws of nature, O right wondrous Andrew, thou didst take thy kinsman into partnership, crying out: We have found the Desired One! And to him who prepared the way by his birth in the flesh thou didst reveal spiritual knowledge.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

From the depths of delusion hast thou taken the rational fish in the net of the Word, O apostle, and brought as pure food to the table of Christ: those who have been enlightened by the grace of Him Who appeared in the likeness of the flesh.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Though thou didst conceive God in thy womb, O Virgin, by the All-Holy Spirit thou wast preserved unconsumed, for to Moses the law-giver the unburnt bush manifestly foretold thee, who aflame, received the unbearable Fire.

Canon II to the Apostle, Irmos: Let my heart be established in Thy will O Christ God, * Who hath established a second heaven over the waters, * and founded the earth upon the waters, * O all-powerful One.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Peter and Andrew straightway followed Christ, Who summoned them, saying, Come, follow me! leaving their father, their boat and nets, for they were visionaries of faith.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Transforming pagan temples into churches, O all-honoured one, thou didst sanctify therein sons of baptism, whom grace hath renewed through the water and the Spirit.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Thou didst mystically set before the world the pearl of great price which was hid within the field of thy heart, O apostle, which the Gentiles, finding, treasured faithfully.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Taking up the Gospel in thy hands as a treasure, O much lauded one, thou didst enrich all the earth with thy divine preaching. Wherefore, it doth honour thy memory and thy sufferings. Glory …,

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Triadicon: Let us all hymn chanting in an Orthodox manner the Trinity, the one power of the beginningless, uncreated, consubstantial, co-enthroned, tri-hypostatic, three-sunned God.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: Every mother that beareth a child can no longer be a virgin; but thou, O Virgin Mother, having given birth unto Christ, remained so, nourishing our Life with milk and remaining pure.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Sessional Hymn, in Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “Of the Wisdom …”: We honour thee as is meet, O apostle Andrew, as the first-called of all the disciples and an eyewitness and minister of the Word; for, fervently and with unwavering faith, thou didst follow the Lamb that taketh away the sins of the world. And thereafter showed thyself to be a sharer in the sufferings of Him Who willingly endured death for our sake. Wherefore, we cry to thee: Pray thou to Christ God, that He grant remission of sins unto those who, with love, celebrate thy holy memory.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Another Sessional Hymn, in Tone VIII and same melody: Setting at naught the audacity of the idols and yearning for the sufferings of Christ, thou didst show thyself to be an apostle, O blessed Andrew, raining down wonders from heaven, teaching the nations, O all-blessed one. Wherefore, honouring thy memory as is meet, in hymns we glorify and faithfully magnify thee, O apostle of the Lord. Pray thou to Christ God, that He grant remission of sins to those who with love celebrate thy holy memory.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion in Tone VIII: Rejoice, O fiery throne of God! Rejoice, O Maiden, royal seat and lavishly furnished couch, chamber hung with gold-embroidered purple, cloak of scarlet, temple adorned, chariot of lightning, most radiant candlestick! Rejoice, twelve-walled city, gate cast of gold, radiant bridal chamber, magnificently appointed banquet hall and divinely embellished tabernacle! Rejoice, glorious Bride, radiant as the sun! Rejoice, thou who alone art the splendour of my soul!

ODE IV, Canon I to the Apostle, Irmos: Perceiving thee with prophetic eyes * as the mountain overshadowed by the grace of God, * Habbakuk proclaimed that the Holy One of Israel * would come forth from thee, * for our salvation and restoration.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

The divine and consuming power of the higher, all-accomplishing and radiant Spirit, Who, in a godly manner, made His abode within thee in the form of a tongue of fire, O Andrew, showed thee to be a preacher of ineffable things.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

The all-honoured Andrew did not take up weapons of the flesh for retribution, even to lay low the strong citadels of the enemy, but, protected by Christ, having captured the nations, he brought them to obedience.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Our super-essential God, Who assumed our nature, hath revealed thee, O Andrew, to be a mountain pouring forth noetic gladness, destroying the cruel mountains of demonic arrogance.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

By thy supplications, O Andrew, never cease to fill with the bountiful gifts of Christ, thy Teacher, those who with love celebrate thy memory in hymns.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

We hymn thy great and awesome mystery, for He Who is ever existing, hiding Himself from the supra-mundane legions, descended upon thee like the dew upon the fleece, unto our salvation and restoration, O all-hymned one.

Canon II to the Apostle, Irmos: Foreseeing in the Spirit O Prophet Habbakuk, * the incarnation of the Word, * thou didst proclaim, crying aloud: * When the years draw nigh, Thou shalt be known; * when the season cometh, Thou shalt be shown forth! * Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Having cast aside thy nets and taken up the Cross, thou didst follow after Christ Who called thee, and, stretching out the net of the Spirit, thou dost catch souls instead of fish. Glory to Him Who gaveth thee the Spirit!

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Having received the flaming tongue of the Spirit, thou didst become a man well-pleasing unto God, O apostle, going about the beauties of heaven, recognizing the noetic comeliness therein, and revealing it to us.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Thou didst water the parched desert with thy divine words, O wise one, and didst show it forth as fertile, bearing fruit, the children of the Church, through the casting of the divine seed. Glory be to Him Who gaveth thee the Spirit!

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Perceiving Thine ineffable goodness, O Jesus, Andrew summoned his kinsman, saying: O Peter, my blood kinsman, we have found the Messiah, Who was proclaimed in the Law and the Prophets! Come, let us truly join ourselves unto Life!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Triadicon: O ye faithful, let us hymn the Trinity in Unity: the Father, the Son, and the divine Spirit, One in Godhead, Essence and Nature, indivisible, inseparable, undivided, for He is One God in three Hypostases.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: Having ineffably conceived One of the Trinity in thy womb, thou didst incorruptly give birth unto Him as a Son; yet the Trinity was not at any time added to, and as thou wast pure before giving birth, thou wast kept whole, O Mother of God.

Ode V, Canon I to the Apostle, Irmos: O Hou hast shone upon us with the radiance * of Thy coming O Christ, * and illumined the ends of the world with Thy Cross, * enlighten with the light of thine understanding * the hearts of those who with right worship hymn Thee.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Thou didst receive Him for Whom thou didst long, O apostle Andrew, making thine abode with Him in the incorruptible mansions, worthily having harvested the sheaves of thy labours. Wherefore, we glorify thee with hymns.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Thou didst love the Master, and quickly didst thou run after Him, guided in life by His footprints and sincerely emulating His sufferings even unto death, O most honourable Andrew.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Having drawn thee like a mighty arrow, O blessed one, the Lord loosed thee upon the world, wounding the demons and healing souls wounded by impiety.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The hosts of heaven are gladdened at the sight of thee, and with them rejoice assemblies of mankind; for by thy birthgiving, a Virgin Theotokos, they are united, glorifying thee as is meet.

Canon II to the Apostle, Irmos: Illumine our minds with the light * of Thy commandments * and with the radiant splendour of Thy grace, O God, * granting us Thy mercy O Good One, * for Thy precepts are light and peace.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Having yearned for the Cross, O disciple of Christ, through thy cross thou didst obtain the incorruptible kingdom, drawing all the initiates of God thereto by the Cross, granting an inheritance unto us, the theologians thereof.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Thou didst truly search for Christ our Life, and having searched, thou wast first to find Him; and having found Him, thou didst mystically embrace Him; and having received the Giver Himself, thou didst become a treasury of life incorruptible.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

The utterances of thy divine thundering were poured forth throughout the world and travelled from one end of the earth to the other, for they have circled round like a wheel; and thy lightnings, as David saith, have appeared to the whole world.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Remember us who celebrate thy memory and venerate thy relics, O disciple of Christ. Pray thou ever earnestly on behalf of the flock whose preserver and salvation thou hast been from the beginning.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Triadicon: O ye faithful, together let us glorify God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the indivisible Trinity, the tri-hypostatic Kingdom, faithfully glorifying It with unceasing theology.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: Thou didst give birth to the Light knowing not how, O thou who hast borne the lamp of the Light of the Sun; the new tabernacle of divine light, emitting rays of divine knowledge upon the whole world.

ODE VI, Canon I to the Apostle, Irmos: The deepest abyss hath surrounded us, * and there is none to deliver us, * yea we have been counted as sheep for the slaughter; * save Thy people O our God, * for thou art the strength and restoration of the weak.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Sailing the sea of life in the vessel of thy body, thou didst discover Christ, the Steersman Who guideth all things, O all-blessed one, and thou didst stand before Him rejoicing, O most honoured Andrew.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Evil spirits are cast out at thy word, infirmities take flight, a multitude of spiritual passions are driven far away from the afflicted by the grace given thee by God, O Andrew.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Like a calm wave, moved by a meek spirit, O blessed one, with divine streams didst thou drain the sea of wicked polytheism and didst pour forth rivers of divine knowledge for all.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O most pure Virgin, the ancestors of our race are gladdened on thine account, having received through thee Eden, which they had lost through transgression, for thou art pure both before and after giving birth.

Canon II to the Apostle, Irmos: Emulating the Prophet Jonah, I cry aloud: * Free Thou my life from corruption, O Good One; * and save me who crieth out: * O Saviour of the world, Glory be to Thee!

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

He that was led away from Bethsaida doth summon us to hold festival, having set before us the solemnity of the commemoration of his struggles.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

By trade a fisherman, by faith a disciple, plumbing the depths of the heart of the faithful, he doth lower the hook of the word and doth catch us.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Spreading the fire of the love of Christ within thy heart, O disciple, thou didst cry out to the Gentiles: Your flame doth burn for Christ, Who hath truly appeared!

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Having seasoned your minds with the salt of Christ, your wages have sweetened the heavenly dogmas of unwaning delight for us.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Triadicon: The Father, the Son, and the right Spirit, the tri-hypostatic Essence, indivisible, let us worship, O ye faithful, crying out: Glory to God in Trinity!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: At the good pleasure of the Father and through the Holy Spirit was the Son incarnate in thy womb, O pure Birthgiver of God, and manifestly did He save that which was formerly in His image.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, in Tone II: Spec. Mel. “In supplications …”: The divinely eloquent namesake of manliness, * the eminent follower of the Church, * the kinsman of Peter, let us praise, * for as of old he was called, so now he calleth us: ** Come ye, we have found the Desired One!

Ikos: Of old David constrained a sinner like me to declare the precepts of God honourably. And again he teacheth and with many tears doth proclaim: Today, if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts as Israel once embittered themselves! And he leadeth the rest in psalmody: Come ye, hymn the Lord, all ye lands, for we have found the Desired One!

Ode VII, Canon I to the Apostle, Irmos: We the faithful perceive thee, O Theotokos, * to be a noetic furnace; * for as He, the supremely exalted One, * saved the three children, * so hath He wholly refashioned fallen humanity, in thy womb, * O Thou praised and supremely glorified God of our fathers.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Truly and manifestly hath Thy promise been fulfilled, O Christ, for Thy most divine disciple, rebuking the tempest with a word, transformed it in to a peaceful calm. Praised art Thou and supremely glorious, O God of our fathers!

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Commanded to ascend the mountain of the noetic Zion, O apostle, and having passed over death to divine life, rejoicing, thou dost bestow the cup of salvation of the praised and supremely glorious God of our fathers, having received it within thyself.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

The divine Water of life showed thee forth, O blessed one, as a noetic river drying up the rivers of delusion with the streams of teaching, and watering those who cry aloud: Praised and supremely glorious art Thou, O God of our fathers!

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Though a mortal, O apostle, thou dost supra-naturally work wonders, for, undergoing suffering with love, thou didst follow after Christ Who loved thee, chanting: Praised and supremely glorious is our God!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O Theotokos, Jacob prophetically understood thee to be a ladder, for through thee the supremely exalted One appeared and dwelt among mankind on earth, as he was well-pleased so to do. Praised and supremely glorious is the God of our fathers!

Canon II to the Apostle, Irmos: Thy children who were in the furnace O Saviour, * were neither touched nor troubled by The fire. * Whereupon the three sang, as with a single mouth * Thy praises and blessed Thee, saying: * ‘O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou.’

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

O apostle of Christ, the fire of the all-holy Spirit descended from on high, and commanded thee to proclaim His mighty works upon the ends of the earth in new languages which thou hadst never spoken before.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

The proclamation which ye trumpeted forth throughout the earth astounded every mind, O initiates of the mysteries of Christ and beholders of lofty things, for as the twelve ye have enlightened the darkness covering the earth.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

O Master Christ, wondrous was Thy grace in Thy divinely wise disciples who, as simple and humble men, traversed the whole earth from one end thereof even unto all its ends.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Who instructed thee to speak thus, O apostle? Who enlightened thy mind to behold clearly the radiance of the unapproachable glory which shineth forth the light of truth in our hearts?

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Triadicon: Let us hymn the Trinity, O ye faithful, glorifying the beginningless Father, and the Son, and the righteous Spirit, the single Essence; and let us chant threefold hymns, singing: Holy, holy, holy art Thou throughout the ages! Amen.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: O Christ, we glorify Thee as One of the Trinity, for, having become incarnate from the Virgin without undergoing change, Thou didst bear all things as a man without departing from the Father’s essence, O Jesus, even though Thou wast united unto us. Katavasia: Scorning the impious decree of the godless one, * the Children brought up together in godliness * feared not the threat of fire, * but standing in the midst of the flames, they sang: * O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou.

Ode VIII, Canon I to the Apostle, Irmos: In the furnace as in a fiery smelter * the Israelite children shone more brightly than gold * with the beauty of godliness, * as they exclaimed: Bless the Lord all ye works of the Lord, * hymn and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

O Andrew, apostle of Christ, thy divine memory doth emanate with radiant and gladdening rays of healing upon us who cry aloud: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Possessed of human nature, thou didst transcend the laws thereof and pass on to the habitations of the angels, O apostle Andrew; crying aloud: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

The inspiration of the Spirit of God, which before illumined thee with fire from on high, O divinely eloquent apostle, hath revealed thee to be a zealous orator who crieth out to thy Christ: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and exalt Him supremely throughout all ages!

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Thou didst flash forth like lightning, like a radiant light unto the Gentiles, dispelling the darkness of ignorance and illumining the faithful, who cry aloud: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, hymn and supremely exalt Him throughout the ages!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Rejoice, thou throne of the glory of God! Rejoice, rampart of the faithful through which Christ hath shone forth, the Light of those who are in darkness, who bless thee and cry aloud: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

Canon II to the Apostle, Irmos: The bush which burnt on Sinai * was preserved unconsumed, * likewise the children in the midst of the burning flame * were delivered by God, * hymn ye, bless and supremely exalt Him * throughout the ages!

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

With the craft of fishing thou didst draw fish from the sea, O all-wise one, and now, with faith, thou dost draw forth souls for Christ, from the delusion of the enemy. For such deception was once an abyss which drowned the nations in the storm of impiety.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

With faith in Christ thou didst navigate the noetic abyss of life without capsizing, O apostle, propelled by the sail of the Spirit. Wherefore, thou hast attained unto the harbor of life rejoicing throughout all ages.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

When the noetic Sun willingly set upon the Tree, the great Andrew, the lamp of the Church, the beacon of the Sun, seeking to end his life with Christ and to set in Him, was hung upon the wood of a cross.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

O disciple and beloved friend of Christ, and one of His apostles: when the Judge sitteth upon His throne with you, His twelve, to render judgment as He hath promised, be ye then a rampart of love for mankind and for us.

We bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Lord.

Triadicon: Let us glorify the thrice-radiant Unity, the equally-enthroned Trinity, not separating it, but uniting It consubstantially as truly One Essence, united without commingling in three Hypostases.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: Having conceived, thou didst give birth unto one of the Trinity, Who, incarnate from thee, renewed the laws of nature by thy birthgiving, O pure one. Cease not to ever beseech Him as God on our behalf, O Theotokos.

Ode IX, Canon I to the Apostle, Irmos: The Bush, which burnt without being consumed, * prefigured thy pure birthgiving, O Theotokos. * Wherefore we now entreat Thee: * quench the raging furnace of temptations that beset us, * that we may unceasingly magnify Thee.

 Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

As a most excellent disciple, following even thy Master unto death, Who was crucified of His own will upon the Cross, thou didst ascend the heights of thy cross rejoicing, and passed on to the heavens, O blessed Andrew.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

The gates of Eden were opened unto thee, and the ladder of heaven was set up for thee. The mansions of heaven received thee and thou didst stand, rejoicing, before Christ, the Bestower of life, O apostle, most eminent intercessor for the world.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Thou wast glorified by sufferings like unto those of thy Teacher, O blessed and all-wise Andrew; for thou didst receive thine end through a cross and wast deified through communion. Wherefore, we beseech thee: Ever pray thou on our behalf.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Rejoice, most excellent pair, having now inherited citizenship in the heavens! Ye have transcended the desire for crowds; having conquered the power thereof, and ye illumine us with the radiance of divine gifts.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou didst spring forth from the root of David, the Prophet and forefather of God, O Virgin; but thou hast glorified David, for thou hast given birth unto the Lord of glory, Whom he prophesied. Hymning Him, we magnify thee as is meet.

Canon II to the Apostle Irmos: The light-bearing cloud upon whom * the beginningless Master of all descended from heaven, * like the dew upon the fleece, * and of whom He was incarnate, * becoming a man for our sake, * let us all magnify as the pure Mother of God.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

O holy one, who spread out the net of the mystic knowledge of God, and who ensnared fish therein with the beauties of heavenly thoughts: Entreat the Holy Trinity to pour forth cleansing upon us.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

The nations enlightened by thee and led up from earth to the heavens by thee give thanks, for, wrested from the service of the enemy, they have become co-dwellers with the holy angels, and partakers of the glory of the Lord.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

O ye apostles, witnesses of ineffable things and ministers of the Word, performers of the mysteries and beholders of inscrutable things: Pray ye that we become heirs to the Kingdom of Christ and partakers in His divinity.

Holy, glorious, all-praised apostle, Andrew, pray to God for us.

Having received from Christ the power to bind and to loose, loose ye us all from the bonds of our many transgressions when Christ shall come and all ye twelve will be seated upon thrones to judge the tribes of Israel.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Triadicon: Unceasingly we glorify in heaven and on earth the incomprehensible Trinity, the tri-hypostatic Essence, the indivisible Glory which is hymned in one Godhead, piously worshipping the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion: We flee with faith to thy tender compassion, piously worshipping thy Son, O Virgin Birthgiver of God. Him do thou entreat as the God and Lord of all the world, that He deliver us from corruption, misfortune and every temptation.

Troparion, in Tone IV: As thou art the first-called of the apostles * and the brother of the pre-eminent one, * entreat thou the Master of all, O Andrew, * that He grant peace to the world ** and great mercy to our souls.

The Advent Journey With the Saints: St James the Persian

Friday, November 27 / December 10: the Great-Martyr, James the Persian

The Holy Great Martyr James the Persian (the Sawn-Asunder) was born in the fourth century into a pious Christian family, both wealthy and illustrious. His wife was also a Christian, and the couple raised their children in piety, inspiring in them a love for prayer and the Holy Scriptures. James occupied a high position at the court of the Persian emperor Izdegerd (399-420) and his successor Barakhranes (420-438). But on one of the military campaigns James, seduced by the emperor’s beneficence, was afraid to acknowledge himself a Christian, and so he offered sacrifice to idols with the emperor.

Learning of this, James’ mother and wife wrote him a letter, in which they rebuked him and urged him to repent. Receiving the letter, James realized the gravity of his sin. Faced with the horror of being cut off not only from his family, but also from God Himself, he began to weep loudly, imploring the Lord for forgiveness.

His fellow-soldiers, hearing him pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, reported this to the emperor. Under interrogation, Saint James bravely confessed his faith in the one True God. No amount of urging by the emperor could make him renounce Christ. The emperor then ordered the saint to be put to death.

They began to cut off his fingers and his toes one by one, then his hands and his feet, and then his arms and legs. During the prolonged torture Saint James offered prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord, Who had granted him the possibility of redemption from his sins by enduring these terrible torments. Finally, the martyr was beheaded. Christians gathered up the pieces of his body and buried them with great reverence.

Source: The Orthodox Church in America

The canon of the great-martyr, with 6 Troparia, the acrostic whereof is: “With songs do I hymn the Persian martyr James,” the composition of Joseph, in Tone II.

Ode I, Irmos: Come, O ye people, * let us sing a song to Christ our God, * Who divided the sea, * and made a way for the nation * which He had brought up out of the bondage of Egypt; * for He hath been glorified.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

Standing now before the throne of Christ as one crowned, O glorious martyr James, by thy supplications grant me radiant illumination and grace from heaven.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

Issuing forth from the east, O martyr James, thou hast shone upon us like a radiant dawn illumining the Church of Christ with the effulgence of thy sufferings.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having shown youthful resistance, as a victor thou wast deemed worthy of the honours of a successful combat and eternal glory, O martyr James.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The trumpets of the prophets announced thee, proclaiming the mystery wrought within thee, O Virgin Theotokos, having beheld thy wonders from afar.

Ode III, Irmos: O Lord, who didst slay sin upon the tree, * firmly establish us in Thee, * and in the hearts of us who hymn Thee * plant the fear of Thee.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

Thou wast like a choice vine of Christ, pruned with the sickle of torments, and which, bearing much fruit, is offered up in the winepress of the Saviour.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

Thou didst sensibly perceive the corruption and instability of transitory things, O crown-bearer; and as one with a great intellect, preferred the stability of those things which abide forever.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thy body, dismembered by the savagery of the torturers, won thee splendid crowns, O James, and the delight of the food of paradise.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Mankind, united hypostatically to the Master of all through thy divine birthgiving, O Virgin Bride of God, hath manifestly received mercy.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Sessional Hymn, in Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “Of the Wisdom …”: Christ hath caused the godly and ever-memorable martyr James to shine forth from Persia like a star newly-appeared; wherefore, he hath dispelled the darkness of deception and shone forth the grace of the Spirit upon the faithful. Therefore, let us keep his memory with faith and cry out, saying: O much suffering spiritual athlete, entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of sins to those who with love celebrate his holy memorial. (Twice)

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Stavrotheotokion: The Virgin, the Mother of the Redeemer, standing before the Cross, cried out maternally, groaning with pain and tears: “What is this strange and most glorious sight which I see, O my Son? Thou Who pourest forth dispassion upon all men hast been crucified on a Cross between two condemned thieves, pierced in the side, and given gall to eat, all by hands which Thou didst make! But arise and grant remission of transgressions unto those who with faith hymn thy divine sufferings!”

Ode IV, Irmos: I have heard report of Thy dispensation, O Lord, * and have glorified Thee * Who alone art the Lover of mankind.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

Revived by the armour given thee by God, O glorious one, thou didst reduce to ashes all the deception of those who worship fire.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

Ask thou cleansing for us who celebrate thy precious memory, O martyr James, in that thou dost possess boldness.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The torrents of blood gushing forth from thy members, O thrice blessed one, have quenched all the flames of delusion.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Direct my thoughts to the calm haven of thy dispassion and purity, O most pure one.

Ode V, Irmos: O Lord, Bestower of light and Creator of the ages: * guide us in the light of Thy commandments, * for we know none other God than Thee.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

Thou wast truly like richly fertile earth, broken apart by the plough of bitter torments, O wise one, bringing a goodly harvest to the Creator.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

With the blood of the severed limbs of thy body thou didst extinguish the burning arrows of the enemy, O thrice-blessed one; for thou wast shown to be protected by hope and faith.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

As each of thy members was cruelly cut away, O most wise one, like a goodly lamb thou didst offer to Christ a hymn of victory and fitting praise.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou hast given me cleansing of the defilements of my soul, O glorious martyr of Christ, through thy pangs, bestowing deliverance through the streams of thy blood, O all-praised one.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Clearly offering a genuine cry to thine honored and awesome birthgiving with heart and tongue, we now call thee the pure Theotokos.

Ode VI, Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, * I appeal to the unfathomable abyss of Thy compassion: * Raise me up from corruption, O God.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

Having sensibly accepted the instruction of thy friends, O glorious one, rejoicing, thou didst hasten to the struggle and received a crown of victory.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

Suffering as though in another’s body, O martyr James, thou didst endure dismemberment, sending up hymnody to the Master.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

As a victorious martyr, O most wise one, thou didst manifestly array thyself in the robe of salvation and the vesture of gladness, which had been dyed in thy blood.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having traversed the sea of martyrdom, thou didst receive a sacred crown of victory, and now joinest chorus with ranks of martyrs as is meet, O glorious James.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou hast given birth without knowing a man, O Virgin, remaining a virgin forever, showing forth the impress of thy Son and God, the true Divinity.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, in Tone II, Spec. Mel. “Seeking the highest …”: Persuaded by thy good spouse, O James who wast patient of soul, * and fearing rather the dread tribunal, * thou didst spit upon the Persians’ command and the fear of them, * showing thyself to be an honourable martyr ** whose body was pruned like a vine.

Ikos: Let us all sigh from the depths of our souls, pouring forth tears as we envisage the martyr cruelly dismembered by those who were like barking dogs, and who, gathering together, tore off the limbs of the wondrous martyr, who was valiant in his confession. What then shall I say? If ye desire, let me tell all with zeal, how one day death came to James, whose body was pruned like a vine.

Ode VII, Irmos: When the golden image was worshipped on the plain of Dura, * Thy three children spurned the impious command, * and, cast into the midst of the flame, * they were bedewed, and sang: * O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

When thy body was dismembered, O martyr James, strengthened by divine faith, noetic might and spiritual endurance, thou wast unmoved and unshaken, crying aloud: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

Having set thy thoughts on the goal of a higher calling, thou wast not overwhelmed when torments were poured forth upon thee; but, enduring the wounds inflicted on thee by the iniquitous as is meet, dismembered, thou didst chant: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Blessed art Thou, and well is it for thee now, O most blessed one, who vanquished the savage cruelty of the wicked one and the wrath of the tyrant, saying with zeal: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou hast been shown to be a candle-stand of golden lustre for the never-waning Light, the Candle of divine splendour, illumining all the world with the radiance of thine honourable virginity, and saving those who chant aloud: Blessed art thou who hast given birth to God in the flesh!

Ode VIII Irmos: God Who descended into the fiery furnace * with the Hebrew children, * and transformed the flame into dew, * do ye works hymn, * and supremely exalt as Lord throughout all ages.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

Strengthened by the power of God, O blessed one, thou didst drive off the assemblies and hordes of the wicked, and having mightily dispelled them, received a crown of victory, crying aloud: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord! Hymn and supremely exalt Him throughout the ages!

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

Thou didst look upon the severing of thy members as goodly offerings, O martyr, ignoring the attendant pangs, but directing thy gaze rather to the beauteous crowning of the martyr’s which is to come, and which hath been prepared by the just Judge.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

Having steadfastly acquired supra-natural endurance, thou didst remain like a pillar, O blessed one, fearlessly undergoing the assaults and receiving the darts of the enemy, crying aloud: Bless ye Christ throughout the ages!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The soul-corrupting enemy, the author of evil, assailing thee with great fury, and inspiring the torturers to break the strength of thy soul, was unable to accomplish his ends, O glorious one, for Thou didst array thyself in the armour of Christ.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Theotokos, we know thee to be the clear well-spring of immortality, for thou hast given birth to the Word of the immortal Father, Who hast delivered from death all who supremely exalt Him throughout the ages.

Ode IX, Irmos: God the Word, God of God, * Who by ineffable wisdom came to create Adam anew * after his grievous fall to corruption through eating * and Who took flesh beyond all telling from the Holy Virgin for our sake, * Him we faithful with one accord magnify in song.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

Joining chorus with the martyrs, O thrice-blessed one, and standing as a martyr before the throne of Christ, by thy supplications deliver from cruel misfortunes those who celebrate thy memory today and with gladness honour thy radiant festival.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

As a martyr, O James, thou hast now truly made thine abode in the heavens, where the assemblies of the martyrs are, where the holy multitude of all the saints rest, where the souls of the righteous and the Church of the firstborn are.

Holy Great-Martyr, James, pray to God for us.

Thou hast taken thy place before the Saviour of all as a lamp-bearer, for Whom thou didst endure the severing of the members of thy body and with might ignored the fire and wounds of thy trials. Wherefore, with faith and love we all call thee blessed, O James.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Clad now in an embroidered purple robe dyed in thine own blood, thou dost reign with Christ, O James; for through sufferings thou didst find the well-spring of dispassion, in which thou hast been deemed worthy to delight eternally, O all-blessed one.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Manifestly ascribing to thee a title befitting the nature of things, and likewise offering up to thee a divine cry, we glorify thee, the Theotokos, as the one who conceived God and truly became the pure Mother of God.

Troparion of the martyr, in Tone IV: In his sufferings, Thy martyr James O Lord, * received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God; * for, possessed of Thy might, * he set at naught the tyrants and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons. ** By his supplications save Thou our souls.

Another Troparion, in the same tone: Thou hast astonished all by thy terrifying torments * and the valour of thine endurance, O much suffering one, * most wondrously uttering prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord * as each of thy members was severed from thy body. * Wherefore, receiving a crown amid thy suffering, * thou hast ascended to the throne of Christ God, the King of heaven. ** Entreat Him, O James, that He save our souls.

The Advent Journey With the Saints: Venerable Alypius the Stylite of Adrianopolis

Thursday, November 26 / December 9: Venerable Alypius the Stylite of Adrianopolis.

Saint Alypius the Stylite was born in the city of Adrianopolis in Paphlagonia. His mother, a Christian, was widowed early, and she sent her son to be educated by Bishop Theodore. She distributed her substance to the poor, then began to live an ascetic life near the church as a deaconess.

Saint Alypius, from his early years, wanted to devote his life to God and yearned for the solitary life, although Bishop Theodore would not give him permission to do so. Once, when Saint Alypius was accompanying his bishop to Constantinople, the holy Martyr Euphemia (September 16) appeared to him in a vision, summoning Saint Alypius to return to Adrianopolis and found a church in her name.

With contributions offered by believers in Adrianopolis, Saint Alypius did build a church in the name of the holy Martyr Euphemia, on the site of a dilapidated pagan temple infested by legions of devils. Beside the church, under the open sky, the saint erected a pillar over a pagan tomb. For fifty-three years Saint Alypius struggled upon the pillar, praying to God and teaching those who came to him.

The demons which infested the pagan cemetery fell upon the ascetic by night and pelted him with stones. Saint Alypius, wanted nothing to stand in the way of the attacks of the spirits of darkness, then even took down the boards that served him as a roof, protecting him from the rain and wind. In the face of the saint’s conquering steadfastness, the demons fled the place forever, which had been sanctified by his deed of voluntary martyrdom.

Fourteen years before his death, Saint Alypius was no longer able to stand. He was compelled to lie on his side because of the weakness of his legs, and endured grievous sufferings with humble gratitude. Around the saint’s pillar two monasteries sprang up: a men’s monastery on the one side, and a women’s monastery on the other. Saint Alypius introduced strict monastic rules for both monasteries and he directed both monasteries until his death. Saint Alypius reposed in the year 640, at age 118. The body of the venerable stylite was buried in the church he founded in honour of the holy Martyr Euphemia. The relics of the saint of God healed many of those who came in faith.

Source: The Orthodox Church in America

The canon of the venerable one, the acrostic whereof is: “Rejoicing, I praise the pangs of Alypius”, the composition of Joseph, in Tone V.

Ode I, Irmos: Christ, who with an upraised arm * bringeth wars to naught, * hath shaken horse and rider in the Red Sea; * but Israel hath He saved * as they chanted a song of victory.

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

Full of grace, O Alypius, do thou fill my soul with joy to praise thy life and manner of living, wherein struggling, thou didst fill all the angels with gladness.

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

God consecrated thee like a second Samuel from thy mother’s womb, O blessed Alypius, causing thee, as a divine prophet, to see things to come, O right glorious one.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

That God might reveal the splendour which thou didst possess in the latter times O venerable one, as one who would struggle well in a manner transcending understanding, He filled the house with divine light when thou wast born.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The saying of the honoured prophet hath come to pass; for, lo! the Virgin hath given birth in the flesh unto God, Who fashioned mankind anew who before was crushed by sins and transgressions.

Ode III, Irmos: By Thy command Thou didst establish the earth upon nothing * and suspended it unsupported; * do Thou establish Thy Church on the unshakeable rock of Thy commandments, O Christ, * who alone art good * and the Lover of mankind.

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

Set like a candle upon the candlestick of lofty activity, O father, with thy splendid virtues thou hast illumined with pious wisdom every soul which approacheth thee with faith, delivering it from the darkness of sin.

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

Directing the sacred movements of thy mind toward the keeping of the divine commandments of the Spirit, thou wast revealed to be an angel on earth, leading an angelic way of life in the flesh, O God-bearing father Alypius.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou didst wisely show thyself to be a recluse from the tumults of life, O venerable Alypius, eagerly undertaking the contests of the path of fasting, showing thy heart to be a dwelling-place of the Spirit.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O pure Virgin, thou palace of the Word, show my soul to be a habitation of the Spirit, and grant me to drink of the water of the life-creating Wellspring, for I am parched by the burning heat of sin, that I may glorify thee as is meet.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Sessional Hymn, in Tone IV, Spec. Mel. “Go thou quickly before …”: By the radiance of faith and the light of spiritual activity wast thou truly revealed to be an equal of the angels on earth, O venerable Alypius; and manfully showing the strength of thy mind, thou didst vanquish all the assaults of the passions through fasting. Wherefore, as thou livest even after thy repose, pray that we be saved.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion in Tone IV: O all-immaculate Virgin * who hast given birth to the transcendent God: * do thou unceasingly entreat Him with the incorporeal ones, * that He grant forgiveness of transgressions * and correction of life before the end, * to us who, as is meet, hymn thee with faith and love, ** O thou who alone art all-hymned.

Stavrotheotokion: O most immaculate Virgin, * Mother of Christ God, * a sword pierced thy most holy soul * when thou didst behold thy Son and God * crucified of His own will. * Him do thou never cease to entreat, O blessed one, ** that He grant us the forgiveness of our transgressions.

Ode IV, Irmos: Habbakuk, prophetically apprehending * Thy divine self-emptying, O Christ, * cried out to Thee with trembling: * Thou hast come for the salvation of Thy people; * to save Thine anointed Ones.

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

Possessed of true love and compassion, steadfast faith and hope, and a guileless manner of life, O father, thou wast a favourite of Christ.

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

Standing upon thy pillar, unmoved by the assaults of the adversary, thou didst vanquish hordes of demons and wast an immovable foundation for the wavering, O all-blessed one.

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

Full of divine waters, thou didst bedew souls which were wasting away in the burning heat of grievous sin, O divinely wise and most noetically-rich Alypius.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou wast shown to be truly dreadful and unapproachable to all the demons, O Alypius, inflicting upon them wounds by thy sacred prayers, driving them far away.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Heal thou the sufferings of my soul and illumine my mind and heart, O Lady, who hast given birth unto the supremely good God, Christ the Bestower of light.

Ode V, Irmos: O Thou Who hast clothed Thyself in light as with a garment, * I rise early unto Thee and cry out to Thee: * Enlighten my darkened soul, O Christ, * in that Thou alone art compassionate!

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

Placing thyself wholly in the hands of the Almighty, O father, and suffering greatly in thy standing without shelter for many years, through rain and the heat of day, thou didst earnestly endure.

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

Training thyself in hymnody and prayer, O venerable one, in thy purity of mind thou didst receive the grace of the radiance of the threefold Sun, emitting the brilliant light of healings.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Confining thy body to thy pillar, O father, full of light, thou didst permit thyself to pass unhindered to Him Whom thou didst desire.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou hast given birth, O holy Maiden, unto our holy God, Who, in His tender compassion, became a man and sanctified those who hallow Him with faith and fear.

Ode VI, Irmos: Calm the raging sea of the passions, * O Master Christ, * with its soul-destroying tempest, * and lead me up from corruption * in that Thou art compassionate.

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

The spirits of wickedness, openly smiting with stones, thee who stood on the pillar like a steadfast stone, were in no wise able to shake thee.

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

With patience didst thou endure for the Lord, Who gaveth thee true patience and delivered thee from all difficulties.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Most gloriously was a light seen above thy pillar every day, illumining thy spiritual senses, O venerable wonderworker.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

All we who are in sorrow have thee as a mighty consolation, a refuge and a renowned helper, O Theotokos. Save thou thy servants from misfortunes.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, in Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “As the first-fruits …”: Today the Church doth glorify and hymn thee, O Alypius, * as a cause of virtues and the adornment of fasters. * In accordance with thy name thy supplications grant deliverance from grievous transgressions ** unto those who with love honor thy brave deeds and struggles.

Ikos: Come, ye priests and princes, ye monastics and all ye divinely wise people, let us marvel at the godly life of Alypius, which equalled that of the angels, and let us emulate his deeds, that by his prayers we may be deemed worthy of his portion, O ye who love the feasts of the Church; for he happily chanteth a heavenly hymn unto God in accordance with his name.

Ode VII, Irmos: The supremely exalted Lord of our fathers * quenched the flame, * and bedewed the Youths * as they chanted in harmony: * O God, blessed art Thou!

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

The most patient and mighty Alypius, vexed by winter for many years, was most gloriously warmed by the fervour of the Spirit.

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

Possessed of a way of life which led thee toward the heights of heaven, thou didst disdain the body as something which was destined for corruption; and when it began to putrefy, thou didst pay no heed to thy pain.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Spurning all love of pleasure, O father, thou didst suffer, contending against winter and the heat of day, chanting whilst exposed to the elements: Blessed is the God of our fathers!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Unapproachable One received noetic and animate flesh from thee, O Ever-virgin, that He might save those who chant: O God, blessed art Thou!

Ode VIII, Irmos: Unto Thee the Fashioner of all, * the children in the furnace chanted a hymn: * All ye works of the Lord, * supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

Thou wast revealed to be like a new Samuel, O father Alypius, foreseeing the future with purity of mind and foretelling to all, as a prophet of God, the things revealed to thee by the Lord.

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

Let Alypius, the favourite of Christ, be honoured, the luminous pillar of the Church, the immovable bulwark, the indestructible rampart of all those who believe in God.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou didst sleep well the needful sleep of the just, O father, having first lulled to sleep the multifarious passions by prayers and vigils. Wherefore, we have become rich, having thee now as an ever-vigilant intercessor.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thine Offspring hath now rendered fruitless the sin engendered by the malice of the serpent, O only Virgin, who hast abolished the curse. Wherefore, we honor thee throughout all ages.

Ode IX, Irmos: O Isaiah, rejoice and be glad! * The Virgin hath conceived in her womb, * and hath borne a Son, Emmanuel, * who is both God and man; * and Orient is His name; * Him we magnify, and the Virgin we call blessed.

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

From earliest infancy thy sacred life was revealed to Christ, shining with the light of the virtues, O blessed one; and thy death was precious in the sight of God, O father Alypius, instructor of monastics.

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

Like a most radiant beacon, thou dost illumine the whole earth, driving away the wicked passions, dispelling the darkness of sin, and enlightening those who hymn thee with the divine splendours of healings.

Venerable father, Alypius, pray to God for us.

Contending most diligently like a spiritual athlete, O wise father, thou didst unflaggingly make thy stand upon thy pillar for fifty-three years, vexed by winter, frost and the heat of day.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thy holy commemoration sanctifieth by the Holy Spirit us who keep it in a sacred manner and hymn thee thereon with faith, O wise father, as the helper and intercessor of our souls.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Do thou grant unto me enlightenment, for I languish in the darkness of the passions, and am wretched and sinful; deliver me from my wicked deeds and from the flame which lieth before me, O most pure Lady, who ever intercedest for those who hymn thee.

Troparion, in Tone I: Thou wast a pillar of endurance, O venerable one, * emulating the forefathers: * Job in sufferings and Joseph in temptations, * and the life of the incorporeal ones while yet in thy body. * O Alypius, our father, ** entreat Christ God, that our souls be saved.

The Advent Journey With the Saints: The Holy Hieromartyrs Clement and Peter

Wednesday, November 25 / December 8: Leavetaking of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple. The Holy Hieromartyrs Clement of Rome and Peter of Alexandria.

The Hieromartyr Clement, Pope of Rome, was born at Rome into a rich and illustrious family. Separated from his parents from childhood by force of circumstances, Clement was raised by strangers. Living in Rome, the youth received a fine education, he was surrounded by luxury, and had access to the imperial court. But these comforts brought him no joy, and pagan wisdom failed to attract him. He began to ponder the meaning of life.

When the news of Christ and His teaching began to reach the capital, Saint Clement left his home and estate and went to the lands where the Apostles were preaching. At Alexandria Saint Clement met the holy Apostle Barnabas, listening to his words with deep attention, and perceiving the power and truth of the Word of God. Arriving in Palestine, Saint Clement was baptized by the holy Apostle Peter and became his zealous disciple and constant companion, sharing his toil and sufferings with him. Shortly before his own sufferings and death, Saint Peter consecrated Saint Clement as Bishop of Rome. After the death of the Apostle Peter, Saint Linus (67-79) was the next Bishop of Rome, succeeded by Saint Anacletus (79-91), and then Saint Clement (92-101).

The virtuous life, charitable works and prayerful activity of Saint Clement converted many to Christ. He once baptized 424 people on the day of Pascha. Among the baptized were people of all social classes: slaves, officials, and even members of the imperial family.

The pagans, seeing the success of his apostolic preaching, denounced Saint Clement to the emperor Trajan (98-117), accusing the saint of insulting the pagan gods. The emperor banished Saint Clement from the capital, sending him to the Crimea, to work at a stone quarry near the city of Cherson. Many of the saint’s disciples followed after him voluntarily, preferring to go into exile rather than live without their spiritual Father.

When he arrived at the place of exile, Saint Clement found many Christian believers there, sentenced to labor under harsh conditions amidst a scarcity of water. He prayed together with the condemned, and the Lord appeared to him in the form of a lamb and revealed the location of a spring, from which gushed forth a veritable river of water. This miracle attracted a multitude of people to Saint Clement. Hearing the zealous preacher, hundreds of pagans were converted to Christ. Each day 500 or more men were baptized. And there in the stone quarry, a church was built, in which he served as priest.

The apostolic activity of the saint aroused the wrath of the emperor Trajan, and he ordered that Saint Clement be drowned. They threw the martyr into the sea with an anchor tied to his neck. This occurred in the year 101.

The saint’s faithful disciples Cornelius and Fibius asked the people to pray that the Lord would permit them to see the martyr’s body. The sea drew back a distance of three miles from the shore and the people walked out on the seabed until they found a marble cave shaped like a church. There they found the incorrupt body of their archpastor in this “Angelic Church” formed by God. After this, each year on the anniversary of Saint Clement’s martyric death the sea receded, and for seven days Christians were able to venerate his holy relics.

During the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Nicephorus (802-811), by divine providence, the sea failed to withdraw, and the relics of Saint Clement became inaccessible for fifty years. In the time of the emperor Michael and his mother Theodora (855-867), Saints Cyril and Methodius visited Cherson. When they learned of the concealed relics of Saint Clement, they asked Bishop George of Cherson to pray that the Lord would show them the relics of the hieromartyr.

Saints Cyril and Methodius walked along the shore in procession with the clergy who came with them from Constantinople. Through the fervent prayers of everyone gathered there, the holy relics of Saint Clement miraculously appeared on the surface of the sea at midnight. They solemnly took them to the Church of the Holy Apostles at Constantinople. A portion of the relics were then brought to Rome by Saints Cyril and Methodius, but a large portion of the relics was later brought to Kiev by the holy Prince Vladimir (July 15) and placed in the Desyatin-Tithe church, together with the relics of Saint Fibius, where a chapel dedicated to Saint Clement had been built. The hieromartyr Clement is widely venerated in Russia. From ancient times, many churches have been dedicated to him.

Saint Clement, who belongs to the Apostolic Fathers, has left to us a spiritual legacy (two Epistles to the Corinthians) the first written examples of Christian teaching after the writings of the holy Apostles.

The Holy Hieromartyr Peter, Archbishop of Alexandria, was born and raised at Alexandria. He was a highly educated man, and was head of the school of Alexandria. In the year 300 he became the archpastor of the Alexandrian Church, succeeding his teacher and spiritual guide, the holy Bishop Theonas.
Forced into exile from the city during the anti-Christian persecutions under the emperors Diocletian and Maximian, Saint Peter traveled through many lands, encouraging his flock by letter. Again returned to his city, in order to guide the Alexandrian Church personally during this dangerous period. The saint secretly visited Christians locked up in prison, encouraging them to be steadfast in faith, assisting the widows and orphans, preaching the Word of God, constantly praying and officiating at the divine services. And the Lord kept him safe from the hands of the persecutors.

During this time of unrest the iniquitous heretic Arius, who denied the divinity of Jesus Christ, sowed the tares of his impious teaching. When Arius refused to be corrected and submit to the truth, Saint Peter anathematized the heretic and excommunicated him from the Church. Arius then sent two of Saint Peter’s priests to beg the saint to lift the excommunication from him, pretending that he had repented and given up his false teachings. This was not true, for Arius hoped to succeed Saint Peter as Archbishop of Alexandria. Saint Peter, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, saw through the wickedness and deceit of Arius, and so he instructed his flock not to believe Arius nor to accept him into communion.

Under the wise nurturing of Saint Peter the Church of Alexandria strengthened and grew in spite of the persecutions. But finally, on orders from the emperor Maximian (305-311), the saint was arrested and sentenced to death. A multitude of people gathered at the entrance of the prison, expressing their outrage. Wanting to avoid bloodshed and a riot by the people, the saint sent a message to the authorities, in which he suggested that they make an opening in the back wall of the prison, so that he might be taken away secretly to execution.

In the dark of the night Saint Peter went with the executioners, who took him beyond the city walls and beheaded him at the same spot where formerly Saint Mark had been executed. That night a certain pious virgin heard a Voice from heaven saying, “Peter was first among the Apostles; Peter is the last of the Alexandrian Martyrs.” This took place in the year 311. In the morning, when people learned of the death of their bishop, a crowd gathered at the place of execution. They took up the body and head of the martyr and went to the church, dressing him in his bishop’s vestments, they sat him in his throne at the high place in the altar. During his life Saint Peter never sat on it, but sat on a footstool instead. The saint once explained that whenever he approached his throne he beheld a heavenly light shining on it, and he sensed the presence of a divine power. Therefore, he didn’t dare to sit there.

The Lord Jesus Christ once appeared to Saint Peter as a twelve-year-old child wearing a robe that was torn from top to bottom. Saint Peter asked the Savior who had torn his garment, and He replied, “That madman Arius has torn it by dividing the people whom I have redeemed by My blood. Do not receive him into Communion with the Church, for he has worked evil against Me and My flock.”

Saint Peter, a great champion of Orthodoxy, is known also as a profound theologian. Passages from his book, “On the Divinity (of Jesus Christ)”, were consulted at the Councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon. Of all his works, the most widely known and highly esteemed by the Church are his “Penitential Canons”.

Source: The Orthodox Church in America

Canon of the feast and two canons of the saints.

Canon of the Theotokos, the composition of Basil, in Tone I:

Irmos: Let us all chant a triumphant hymn unto God * Who wrought wondrous miracles * with His upraised arm, * and saved Israel, * for He hath been glorified.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Let us hasten today, honouring the Theotokos with hymns, and let us celebrate a spiritual feast; for she is offered as a gift to God in the temple.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

With songs let us hymn the glorious arrival of the Theotokos; for today, as the prophets foretold, she is borne as a gift of great price into the temple, though she is herself the temple of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The blameless Anna rejoiced, maternally bringing a gift of great price to God in the temple; and with her Joachim keepeth splendid festival.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Of old, David, thine ancestor, hymned thee, O Virgin Bride of God, calling thee the daughter of Christ the King; and, having given birth to Him, as a Mother thou didst feed Him with milk as a babe.

Canon of Hieromartyr Clement, the composition of Theophanes, in Tone VIII:

Irmos: Having passed through the water as upon dry land, * and having escaped the malice of the Egyptians, * the Israelites cried aloud: * Unto our God and Redeemer let us sing.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Having been taught by the godly Peter, preeminent among the apostles, and acquired divine understanding from him, O father, thou didst denounce the delusion of idolatry.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Christ setteth thee forth on earth as a divinely planted vine, the virtuous fruits of pious doctrines, a truly flourishing vineyard.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

The sound of thy divine precepts hath truly passed over all the ends of the earth, O wise Clement, enlightening all to theologize concerning the Trinity, the Godhead in unity.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Behold, the prophets’ predictions concerning thee have truly been fulfilled! For, having seedlessly conceived the Word, O Birthgiver of God, thou hast given birth to Him in the flesh.

Canon of Hieromartyr Peter, the acrostic whereof is: “I praise the thrice-rich Peter”, the composition of Theophanes, in Tone VIII:

Irmos: Let us sing unto the Lord, * who led His people through the Red Sea: * for He alone hath gloriously been glorified.

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

As thou hast thy dwelling in the most splendid mansions, O all-blessed Peter, by thy supplications grant me enlightenment.

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

Having been taught understanding and been adorned with the priesthood, O all-blessed Peter, thou didst offer thyself to Christ in the shedding of thy blood.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O blessed one, thou wast given by God to the Church of Christ as an offering of great value, as an elaborate ornament.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O most pure Theotokos, we hymn thee, who hast given birth supra-naturally to the Incarnate, everlasting and all-divine Word.

Katavasia: Christ is born, render ye glory. * Christ cometh from heaven, meet ye Him. * Christ is on earth, be ye exalted. * O all the earth, sing unto the Lord, * and sing praises in gladness, O ye people, * for He hath been glorified.

Ode III, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: Let my heart be established in Thy will O Christ God, * Who hath established a second heaven over the waters, * and founded the earth upon the waters, * O all-powerful One.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O ye who love the feasts of the Church, let us keep festival and rejoice today together in spirit, and in gladness, on the holy feast of the daughter of the King, the Mother of our God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Rejoice today, O Joachim! Be thou glad in spirit, O Anna, leading to the Lord the three-year-old child born from thee, as though she were a pure and most immaculate heifer.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Mary, the Theotokos, the habitation of God, is led into the holy temple, being three years of age in the flesh; and, going before her, virgins bear lighted lamps.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The pure ewe-lamb of God, the undefiled turtle-dove, the tabernacle containing God, the sanctuary of glory, hath chosen to dwell within the holy tabernacle.

Canon of Hieromartyr Clement, Irmos: Thy fear, O Lord, do Thou plant * in the hearts of Thy servants * and be Thou the confirmation of us * who in truth call upon Thee.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Richly, O wise one, was the grace of the Spirit poured forth through thy lips, whereby thou hast enlightened all by thy divine teachings, leading them to Christ.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

With the fire of abstinence thou didst utterly consume the fiery assaults of the passions having made thyself a temple of the divine Spirit, O father of valiant mind.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Having ascended the mountain of divine virtues and been covered by noetic darkness thou didst perceive the ineffable effulgence of the Spirit in thy pure soul.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O most pure one, thou didst ineffably conceive the Saviour and Lord, Who hath delivered from evils us who call upon thee in truth.

Canon of Hieromartyr Peter, Irmos: There is none as holy as the Lord, * and none as righteous as our God,* Whom the whole of creation doth hymn: * There is none more righteous than Thee, O Lord.

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

Thou didst ascend to the heavens, riding thy blood as it were a chariot, O most wise one, where Christ, our Forerunner, Who alone is sinless, hath entered.

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

Thou didst forsake this corruptible life and find immortal life, O blessed one, where, crowned, thou dost rejoice, praying that our souls be saved.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou didst flourish like a most fruitful palm-tree; and wast revealed to be like a fertile olive-tree in the courts of the Lord, O divinely inspired one, who art like myrrh, frankincense and sweetly fragrant ointment.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

We all hymn the holy Virgin, as the door of salvation, the beauteous garden, the cloud of the everlasting Light, saying to her: Rejoice!

Katavasia: To the Son who was begotten of the Father * without change before all ages, * and in the last times, without seed, was made flesh of the Virgin, * to Christ our God let us cry aloud: * Thou hast raised up our horn, holy art Thou, O Lord.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Kontakion of the Hieromartyrs, in Tone IV, Spec. Mel. “Thou hast appeared today …”: O ye divine and immovable towers of the Church, * truly strong and divine pillars of piety, * O all-praised Clement and Peter: * by your supplications ** preserve us all.

Sessional Hymn of Hieromartyr Clement, in the same tone & melody: Having shone forth like the radiance of the sun, O venerable Clement, divinely eloquent light-bearer, boast of martyrs, thou dost radiantly shine upon the whole world with thy teachings.

Glory …, Sessional Hymn of Hieromartyr Peter, in Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “Of the Wisdom …”: Thou didst lead the flock given thee by Christ, the Most-High Judge, and didst tend it in the meadows of proper living with thine all-wise dogmas, driving away Arius, as a savage wolf, who had come among them with ungodly teachings, wherefore, having laid down thy life for them, thou didst earn the name shepherd, as saith the Lord. O blessed hierarch Peter, entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of sins to those who honour thy holy memory with love.

Now & ever …, Sessional Hymn of the feast, in Tone IV, Spec. Mel. “Joseph marvelled …”: With gladness Mary, the Theotokos, is most gloriously brought into the house of God: the unblemished ewe-lamb, the undefiled bridal-chamber, whom the angels of God, escort with faith and all the faithful ever call blessed and hymn her unceasingly with a loud voice in thanksgiving: Thou art our glory and salvation, O most immaculate one!

Ode IV, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: Foreseeing in the Spirit O Prophet Habbakuk, * the incarnation of the Word, * thou didst proclaim, crying aloud: * When the years draw nigh, Thou shalt be known; * when the season cometh, Thou shalt be shown forth! * Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O Prophet Isaiah, prophesy unto us: Who is the Virgin Who will conceive in her womb, who springing forth from the root of Judah, and who shall give birth to the right glorious Fruit of the holy seed of King David?

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O virgins, commence ye to chant hymns, holding candles in your hands, and praising the arrival of the pure Theotokos who now cometh to the temple of God, celebrating with us!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Rejoice now, O Joachim and Anna, leading into the temple of the Lord, like a heifer three years of age, the pure one born from you, who will become the Mother of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

As the holy of holies, O pure one, thou didst love to dwell in the holy temple, remaining there and conversing most gloriously with the angels, receiving bread from heaven, O Virgin, thou nourisher of Life.

Canon of Hieromartyr Clement, Irmos: Thou, O Lord, art my strength and Thou art my power, * Thou art my God and Thou art my joy, * Thou Who, while never leaving the bosom of Thy Father, * hast visited our poverty. * Therefore with the Prophet Habbakuk I cry unto Thee, * ‘Glory to Thy power, O Lover of mankind!’

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Having arrived in the East from the West, O blessed one, thou didst join the Apostle Peter, and, illumined by his divine effulgence and teachings, thou didst pass over all the lands of the West, announcing with him the word of salvation.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Thou wast another Moses, O Clement, for, setting forth the laws of God for all and writing down sacred teachings, thou hast ordered all the fullness of the Church. Wherefore, having thee as our legislator and teacher, we all honour thee with faith.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Having washed away all the sweat of ascetic endeavour, O blessed one, thou wast revealed to be a pious hierarch, leading all by thy divine proclamations to the faith of Christ; and having suffered lawfully, thou didst fittingly plait a wreath, O ever-memorable one.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

We have acquired thee, with God, as our helper; for thou wast the Mother of God, the Creator and Fashioner, Who took upon Himself our image and saved it from corruption and death, and glorified it with divine glory, O all-immaculate one.

Canon of Hieromartyr Peter, Irmos: From the overshadowed mountain, * from the only Theotokos, * the Prophet in divine vision * foresaw Thy coming in the flesh, O Word, * and with fear he glorified Thy power.

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

Having trod the path of the virtues, O God-bearing father, thou didst attain to the mansions on high, adorned with the anointing of the priesthood and resplendent with the blood of martyrdom.

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

With the outpourings of the torrents of thy blood, O blessed one, thou didst quench the furnace of deception, destroying the darkness of the persecutors, O right glorious Hieromartyr.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou hast been revealed to us to be like a new Peter, truly shining with apostolic gifts, a performer of sacred mysteries and a witness to the sufferings of thy Master, O thou who art most noetically rich.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Having given birth to the Fulfilment of all good things, O Virgin, fulfil thou our petitions, asking for us deliverance from sins, enlightenment and great mercy.

Katavasia: Rod of the root of Jesse, * and flower that blossomed from his stem, * O Christ, Thou hast sprung from the Virgin. * From the Mountain overshadowed by the forest * Thou hast come, made flesh from her that knew not wedlock, * O God who art not formed from matter. * Glory to Thy power, O Lord.

Ode V, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: Shine forth thy radiant and everlasting light * upon us who rise early at dawn, * unto the judgments of Thy commandments, * O Master, Lover of mankind, * Christ our God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O all ye Orthodox, let us take up lamps, hastening to glorify the Mother of God, for she is led to the Lord today as a right acceptable sacrifice.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Let thine ancestors be glad today, O Lady; and let her who gave birth to thee rejoice with thy father, for their fruit is offered to the Lord.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Celebrating with faith, let us all hymn the unblemished heifer, most glorious and of great renown, for she gave birth to the divine Bullock in the flesh.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The divine tokens of thy betrothal, of thy birthgiving which passeth understanding, O pure Virgin; are recorded today by the Holy Spirit in the house of God.

Canon of Hieromartyr Clement, Irmos: Illumine us O Lord with Thy commandments, * and with Thine arm raised on high * grant us Thy peace, * O Lover of mankind!

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Walking in the light of the Lord’s commandments, O blessed one, thou wast verily revealed to be His true child.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Thou didst renounce all passionate attachments on earth, O hierarch, that thou mightest receive the goodly fame which is to come and the splendor of the glory of Christ.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Adorned with the splendors of the martyrs, thou dost now stand with the angels before the Master. Pray thou for those who hymn thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O Virgin Mother of God, by thy supplications deliver from misfortunes those who hymn thee with faith, for we know thee to be our intercessor,
O pure one.

Canon of Hieromartyr Peter, Irmos: Rising early we cry to Thee, O Lord; * save us, for Thou art our God, * and we know none other besides Thee.

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

Having ascended the rock of faith, O spiritual athlete, thou didst remain unshaken amid temptation by the adversary.

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

With the flaming sword of the Holy Spirit, O hierarch, by divine judgment thou didst slay Arius the blasphemer.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Strengthened by the might of the Saviour, O glorious one, thou didst trample down the power and might of the enemy.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

We hymn thee, as Virgin after giving birth, O Theotokos, who for the sake of the world thou hast given birth in the flesh unto God the Word.

Katavasia: As Thou art the God of peace and Father of compassions, * Thou hast sent unto us Thine Angel of great counsel, * granting us peace. * Wherefore guided towards the light of the knowledge of God, * and watching by night we glorify Thee, * O Lover of mankind.

Ode VI, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: Emulating the Prophet Jonah, I cry aloud: * Free Thou my life from corruption, O Good One; * and save me who crieth out: * O Saviour of the world, Glory be to Thee!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O ye faithful, let us celebrate the spiritual feast of the Mother of God, chanting piously; for she is more holy than the heavenly intelligences.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

With spiritual hymns let us praise the Mother of the Light, O ye faithful, for she hath appeared to us today, going forth into the temple of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The unblemished ewe-lamb, the pure turtle-dove, is brought to dwell in the house of God, for, as one all-immaculate, she was chosen beforehand to be the Mother of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The temple of God, the heavenly tabernacle, maketh entry into the temple of the law, and from her hath the Light shone forth upon us who are in darkness.

Canon of Hieromartyr Clement, Irmos: Cleanse me, O Saviour, * for many are mine iniquities; * lead me up from the abyss of evils I pray Thee, * for unto Thee have I cried, * and Thou hast hearkened unto me, * O God of my salvation.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Afire with zeal for the love of the Lord, O wise one, thou didst mightily denounce the delusion of idolatry with thy discourse directed against it and with miraculous manifestations, O all-praised one.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Thou didst preserve the eye of thy heart from slumber, in nowise falling into the sleep of evil, ascending to the preeminent one with the divine ascents of the virtues.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

As an honoured hierarch who received the authority to bind and loose sins from Christ the Saviour, lift thou the debt of my manifold transgressions, and lead me to repentance.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

By thy prayers, O pure one, rescue me from misfortunes and cruel perils, and de1iver me, I pray; for thou art an impregnable rampart, a haven and wall of protection, and an unassailable bulwark.

Canon of Hieromartyr Peter, Irmos: O Thou that puttest on light as a garment * grant me also a robe of light, * O All-merciful Christ, our God.

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

Having lived for God in chastity and righteousness, O all-blessed Peter, thou didst receive from Him a blessed end.

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

O wondrous Peter, thou didst offer thyself as a most perfect and acceptable sacrifice unto God Who became a sacrifice for thy sake.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Full of spiritual discourse, thou wast an instrument played by the Spirit, giving rise to ineffable music, O divinely eloquent one.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O thou who at the word of the angel alone hast given birth to the Word in the flesh, we pray thee to deliver our souls from the snares of the enemy.

Katavasia: The sea monster spat forth Jonah as it had received him, * like a babe from the womb: * while the Word, having dwelt in the Virgin and taken flesh, * came forth from her yet kept her incorrupt. * For being Himself not subject to decay. * He preserved His Mother free from all harm.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion of the feast, in Tone IV, Spec. Mel. “Having been lifted up …”: The most pure temple of the Saviour, * the precious bridal chamber and Virgin, * the sacred treasury of the glory of God, * hath been brought into the house of the Lord this day, * bringing with her the grace that is in the divine Spirit. * To her do the angels of God chant the hymn: ** She is the heavenly tabernacle!

Ikos: Beholding the grace of the ineffable and divine mysteries of God made plainly manifest in and filling the Virgin, I rejoice; yet I know not how to understand this strange and ineffable image. How hath the pure one alone been shown to be above all creation, visible and immaterial? Wherefore, wishing to praise her, I am greatly in awe in mind and word; yet, bold, I proclaim and magnify her, saying: She is the heavenly tabernacle!

Ode VII, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: The furnace became bedewed, O Saviour, * and the children dancing, chanted: * O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O ye who love the feasts of the Church let us join chorus and hymn the pure Lady honouring Joachim and Anna as is meet.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Prophesy, O David, speaking in the Spirit: The virgins who follow after thee shall be brought to thee into the temple of the Queen and Mother.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The ranks of the angels rejoiced and the souls of the righteous were gladdened, for the Mother of God is led into the Holy of holies,

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Receiving heavenly food, she who was to become the Mother of Christ God in the flesh, excelled in wisdom and grace.

Canon of Hieromartyr Clement, Irmos: In Babylon, the pious youths did not worship the golden image, * but, bedewed in the midst of the fiery furnace, * they chanted a hymn, saying: * O supremely exalted God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Thou didst shine forth like the dawn, illumining all the ends of the earth and driving away the most deceitful night of the delusion of idolatry, O divinely eloquent one, crying: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Desiring to save all by thy supplications, God bestowed clear sight upon Sisinnius, opening the eyes of both his soul and body, O father; and thereafter he found enlightenment in the divine font.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Thou dost pour forth streams of healings from thy divine shrine, O glorious Clement, ever delivering from many sufferings those who have recourse to thee and chant: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

It was fitting that He Who became incarnate from thee without seed issue forth, O most pure Virgin; for thou hast given rise to thy Son in a manner greater than all others, O pure one. Wherefore, we unceasingly cry aloud: Blessed is the Fruit of thy womb!

Canon of Hieromartyr Peter, Irmos: In Babylon, the pious youths did not worship the golden image, * but, bedewed in the midst of the fiery furnace, * they chanted a hymn, saying: * O supremely exalted God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

Adorned with a godly life and illumined with divine light, O wise one, thou didst enter into the impassable precincts of heaven, making thine abode there, and crying out to the Creator: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

That thou mightest please Christ God most splendidly, O most noetically rich and divinely blessed one, thou didst willingly give thyself over to the hands of the iniquitous, chanting: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Wholly illumined, thou wast deemed worthy to behold Christ Who showed thee His own robe, woven from on high, which was cruelly rent, O venerable one, and thou didst cry: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

In that thou art wholly pure, thou didst receive the incarnate Word within thy womb; do thou entreat Him, that He cleanse my soul and body of transgressions, O most pure one, for I run to thee with pure faith.

Katavasia: Scorning the impious decree of the godless one, * the Children brought up together in godliness * feared not the threat of fire, * but standing in the midst of the flames, they sang: * O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou.

Ode VIII, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: Him of whom the angels and all the hosts of heaven are in awe * as their Lord and Creator, * ye priests hymn, ye children praise, * ye peoples bless and supremely exalt * throughout all ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Joachim rejoiceth today in splendour, and the blameless Anna offereth to the Lord God a sacrifice: the holy daughter given her according to God’s promise.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The holy David and Jesse render praise, and Judah offereth homage; for the pure Virgin, of whom the pre-eternal God was born, grew forth as fruit from their root.

The most pure Mary, the animate tabernacle, is brought today into the house of God; and Zachariah taketh her in his arms as the sanctified treasure of the Lord.

O ye faithful, let us truly honour the Virgin Mother of God, who is blessed by the hands of the priests, as the portal of salvation, the noetic mountain and the animate ladder.

Canon of Hieromartyr Clement, Irmos: The instruments of music sounded out in harmony, * and countless multitudes worshipped the image in Dura; * but the three Children, refusing to bow in obeisance, * hymn and glorify the Lord throughout all ages.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

As a disciple of Peter, thou didst emulate his divine character, O spiritual athlete Clement; wherefore, thou wast truly shown to be the inheritor of his cathedra, illumining all creation.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Having mystically reddened thy lips with the cup of wisdom, O Clement, thou didst cause the abyss of divine teachings to overflow, drowning the fear wrought by the demons and pouring forth salvation upon men’s souls.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

The Church, having acquired thy divine statutes as a most precious ornament, boasteth in thee and moveth all to honour thy memory with faith throughout all ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O Mary, Virgin Theotokos, who for our sake hast given birth to God the Saviour in the flesh: Save those who hymn thy birthgiving with faith and supremely exalt thee throughout all ages.

Canon of Hieromartyr Peter, Irmos: Glorified in the holy mountain, * the Lord revealed the mystery of the Ever-Virgin unto Moses * in the flames of the burning bush: * praise ye and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

Thou didst suppress the ripe perniciousness of the most evil blasphemy of Arius, cutting him off from the company of the faithful and driving him from the fold of the Church, O divinely wise one.

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

Peter was revealed to be a leader, and divine primate of the choir of the apostles, and thou wast revealed to be a pillar of the martyrs, O all-wise God-bearer Peter, and a sacred performer of the divine mysteries.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having been taught the understanding of things to come through divine revelation, O thou of godly eloquence, and having perceived thy departure from the earth through martyrdom, thou didst pass over to the highest, unto Christ, the Lord of glory throughout all ages.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Lord Who dwelt in the Virgin’s womb and in an awesome manner surpassing all understanding issued forth from her and restored ancient Adam, hymn ye and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.

Katavasia: The furnace moist with dew showed forth an image * of a wonder past nature, * for it burned not the youths whom it had received; * neither did the fire of the Godhead consume the Virgin * when it descended into her womb. * Wherefore, chanting, we sing: * Let all creation bless the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages!

At Ode IX the Magnificat is not chanted, but we chant the refrain of the feast:

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, her who hath been led into the temple of the Lord and been blessed by the hands of the priest.

Ode IX, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: The light-bearing cloud upon whom * the beginningless Master of all descended from heaven, * like the dew upon the fleece, * and of whom He was incarnate, * becoming a man for our sake, * let us all magnify as the pure Mother of God.

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, her who hath been led into the temple of the Lord and been blessed by the hands of the priest.

The divine maiden Mary, the fruit of the promise, issued forth from the righteous Joachim and Anna, and, a babe in the flesh, she is brought into the holy sanctuary like pleasing incense, to dwell in the Holy of holies.

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, her who hath been led into the temple of the Lord and been blessed by the hands of the priest.

With hymns let us praise her who was a babe by nature and was supernaturally revealed as the Mother of God; for she is led unto the Lord in the temple of the law, as the fragrance of sweet savor for the righteous, as the spiritual fruit of her righteous parents.

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the dominion of the indivisible Godhead in three Hypostases.

Triadicon: Let us glorify the indivisible Trinity, the one Essence in three Hypostases, the undivided glory, Who, in a single Godhead, is unceasingly hymned in heaven and on earth, piously worshiping the Father, the Son and the Spirit.

Refrain: Magnify, O my soul, the most pure Theotokos, who is more honourable and more glorious than the armies on high.

O Virgin Birthgiver of God, pray thou, that we who flee with faith beneath thy compassion and piously worship thy Son as God and Lord of the world be delivered from corruption, misfortunes and all manner of temptations.

Canon of Hieromartyr Clement, Irmos: Saved by thee, O pure Virgin, * we confess thee to be truly the Theotokos, * and together with the choirs of the bodiless hosts * thee do we magnify.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

Having finished thy race with many struggles and kept the Faith of Christ without wavering, thou hast been adorned with the crown of righteousness.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

As of old thou didst save the boy overtaken by the sea at the time of thine annual procession, O martyr of Christ, so also save me from the abyss of sin.

Holy Hieromartyr, Clement, pray to God for us.

O spiritual athlete Clement, from perils, misfortunes and sorrows save those who honour thee with love, entreating Christ the Creator.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Fill my heart with joy, O Virgin who received the Fullness of joy, wiping away the grief of sin.

Canon of Hieromartyr Peter, Irmos: The prophetic vision of the lawgiver on the mountain, * in the fire of the burning bush, * prefigured thy birthgiving O Ever-Virgin, * the salvation of us the faithful, * wherefore with never silent hymns we magnify thee.

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

Let us hymn the wondrous Peter who was appointed beforehand to serve in sanctity as a hierarch, who right gloriously received the crown of the priesthood and emulated the suffering of Christ.

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

Let us hymn the God-bearing Peter, who was strengthened by the staff of the power of the Lord, who was made a priest and served as a priest, and who offered himself to Christ as a sacrifice.

Holy Hieromartyr, Peter, pray to God for us.

Let us hymn the God-pleasing Peter, who was permeated with the effulgence of the Trinity, having found delight in the most splendid radiance thereof and asketh for salvation on our behalf.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou givest salvation abundantly to my soul, for as primate thou hast the authority to loose and bind transgressions through thine entreaties, O most sacred one.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou art our sword and rampart, O Theotokos, thou art the help of those who have recourse to thee, and we now prompt thee to make supplications, that we may be delivered from our enemies.

Troparion of the hieromartyrs, in Tone IV: O God of our fathers, * ever deal with us according to Thy meekness. * Take not Thy mercy from us, * but by the prayers of these saints ** direct our life in peace.

Glory …, Now & ever …, Troparion of the feast, in the same tone: Today is the prelude of God’s good will * and the proclamation of the salvation of mankind. * The Virgin hath manifestly appeared in the temple of God, * proclaiming Christ unto all. * To her let us cry aloud: * Rejoice, O thou fulfillment ** of the Creator’s dispensation!

The Advent Journey With the Saints: Saints Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium, & Gregory, Bishop of Agrigentum

Monday November 23/ December 6: Saints Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium, & Gregory, Bishop of Agrigentum

Saint Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium, was born in Caesarea in Cappadocia, a city which has given the world some of the greatest Fathers and teachers of the Orthodox Church. He was a first cousin to Saint Gregory the Theologian, and a close friend of Saint Basil the Great. He was their disciple, follower and of like mind with them.

Saint Amphilochius toiled hard in the field of Christ. He lived in the wilderness as a strict ascetic for about forty years, until the time when the Lord summoned him for hierarchic service. In the year 372 the Bishop of Iconium died. Angels of the Lord thrice appeared in visions to Saint Amphilochius, summoning him to go to Iconium to be the bishop. The truthfulness of these visions was proven when the angel, appearing to him the third time, sang together with the saint the angelic song: “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Sabaoth.” The heavenly messenger led the saint to the nearest church, where an assembly of angels consecrated Amphilochius bishop.

The saint, on the way back to his cell, encountered seven bishops who were seeking him at the command of God, in order to establish him as archpastor of Iconium. Saint Amphilochius told them that he was already consecrated by the angels.

For many years Saint Amphilochius tended the flock of Iconium entrusted to him by the Lord. The prayer of the righteous one was so intense that he was able to ask the Lord to heal the spiritual and bodily infirmities of his flock. The wise archpastor, gifted as writer and preacher, unceasingly taught piety to his flock. A strict Orthodox theologian, the saint relentlessly confronted the Arian and Eunomian heresies. He participated in the Second Ecumenical Council (381), and he headed the struggle against the heresy of Macedonius. Letters and treatises of Saint Amphilochius are preserved, which are profoundly dogmatic and apologetic in content. The holy Bishop Amphilochius of Iconium departed peacefully to the Lord in the year 394.

Saint Gregory, Bishop of Agrigentum, was born on the island of Sicily, in the village of Pretorium, not far from the city of Agrigentum, of the pious parents Chariton and Theodota. The infant Gregory was baptized by the bishop of Agrigentum, Pataimonus. At ten years of age the studious boy mastered writing and was able to read, and to sing church hymns. At twelve years of age Saint Gregory was given to the clergy, and he was put under the spiritual guidance of the archdeacon Donatus. Saint Gregory spent the next ten years in the Agrigentum church. Then, however, an angel of the Lord appeared to the holy youth, who had a fervent desire to visit Jerusalem, and said that God had blessed his intention.
At Jerusalem Saint Gregory was presented to Patriarch Macarius (563-574), who retained the pious youth for service in his own cathedral church, ordaining him deacon. The soul of Saint Gregory thirsted for monastic labors, and the Patriarch gave his blessing, allowing him go to a monastery on the Mount of Olives. After a year Saint Gregory departed this monastery for a desert Elder, who for four years taught him spiritual wisdom, humility and the principles of monastic life. The ascetic, foreseeing in Saint Gregory a future great luminary of the Church, gave him a blessing to forsake the solitary life.

Having left the Elder, Saint Gregory dwelt for a certain time at Jerusalem, and then went to Constantinople, where he was received with love by the brethren of the monastery of the holy Martyrs Sergius and Bacchus. The ascetic efforts of Saint Gregory were noticed by Patriarch Eutychius of Constantinople (552-565), at whose insistence the saint participated in the Fifth Ecumenical Council (553). At the completion of the Council Saint Gregory set off for Rome, to venerate the graves of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

During this time the bishop of Agrigentum died. The elder clergy and illustrious citizens of Agrigentum journeyed to Rome with a request for the Pope to determine a successor for their late hierarch from among a list of candidates they were presenting. The Pope, however, declined their proposal through divine inspiration, and instead summoned Saint Gregory to serve them as bishop.

For a few years Saint Gregory peacefully guided the flock entrusted to him by God. He was a defender of the down-trodden, a wise preacher, and miraculous healer. As archbishop, Saint Gregory led the life of an ascetic monk, fervently observing monastic vows. The flock loved their hierarch and trusted in him. But there were also malicious people who had resolved to slander him.

While Saint Gregory was in church, these vicious people secretly led a bribed harlot into his chambers, and then in front of the crowd which accompanied the bishop to the doors of his house after services, they led her out and accused Saint Gregory of the deadly sin of fornication. They placed the holy bishop under guard. The people attempted to defend their bishop, but were unsuccessful. At the trial the harlot gave false testimony against Saint Gregory. Just as she pronounced the words of slander, she went into a fit of frenzied rage. The judges accused the saint of sorcery. Saint Gregory was sent for judgment to the Roman bishop together with a report about his “crimes.”

The Pope, after reading the charges, did not want to see the accused, and gave orders to remand him to prison. The saint endured his humiliation humbly, dwelling in constant prayer. His prayerful effort and wonderworking gifts quickly became known through the city and the surrounding region. Pious Romans began to gather at the prison, whom the imprisoned saint taught about the righteous life, and he implored the Lord to heal the sick.

After two years, a clairvoyant Elder named Mark, who had known Saint Gregory since youth, came to the Pope. The Elder did not believe the charges and he persuaded the Pope to convene a Council to decide Gregory’s case. At the invitation of the Pope, many clergy from the city of Agrigentum came to the Council, together with all those making accusations against the saint, including the harlot. From Constantinople three bishops and the imperial dignitary Marcian came to Rome. Along the way Marcian had fallen grievously ill. On the advice of many people who had received healing through the prayers of Saint Gregory, servants carried the dying man to the prison where the wonderworking saint languished. Through the prayers of Saint Gregory the Lord granted healing to Marcian.

At the Council the slanderers attempted to renew their accusations, and as their chief proof they presented the deranged harlot to the judge, declaring that Gregory had bewitched her. But the saint prayed over her and cast out the devil. The woman came to her senses and told the Council the whole truth. The slanderers were brought to shame and judged. Marcian even wanted to execute them, but Saint Gregory implored forgiveness for them.

Saint Gregory returned in honor to his own cathedral, and surrounded by the love of his flock, he guided the Church until his own peaceful demise.

Source: The Orthodox Church of America

Canon of the feast, and two canons of the saints.

Ode I, Canon of the feast, the composition of Basil, in Tone I: Irmos: Let us all chant a triumphant hymn unto God * Who wrought wondrous miracles * with His upraised arm, * and saved Israel, * for He hath been glorified.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Let us hasten today, honoring the Theotokos with hymns, and let us celebrate a spiritual feast; for she is offered as a gift to God in the temple.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

With songs let us hymn the glorious arrival of the Theotokos; for today, as the prophets foretold, she is borne as a gift of great price into the temple, though she is herself the temple of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The blameless Anna rejoiced, maternally bringing a gift of great price to God in the temple; and with her Joachim keepeth splendid festival.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Of old, David, thine ancestor, hymned thee, O Virgin Bride of God, calling thee the daughter of Christ the King; and, having given birth to Him, as a Mother thou didst feed Him with milk as a babe.

Canon of the Holy Amphilochius, the acrostic whereof is, “I hymn the pastor who put delusion to shame”, the composition of Theophanes, in Tone IV:

Irmos: Through the deep of the Red Sea, * marched dry shod Israel of old, * and by Moses’ outstretched hands, * raised in the form of a cross, * the power of Amalek was routed in the wilderness.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

Thou didst easily destroy the words and insolence of heresies, illumined with the radiance of Orthodoxy. O thou who art manifestly sacred, preserve us also who honor thee therein.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

The Lord Who ever desires the salvation of all appointed thee as a guide for His sacred flock, O hierarch, seeing thee shining excellently in word and life.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

Having chosen to contend lawfully for the Church of Christ, O glorious father, thou didst protect thyself with the sword of the Cross, and through grace wast revealed to be a victor and crown-bearer.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

To the Word Who is co-beginningless and equally everlasting with the Father, and is the image of His essence, didst thou ineffably give birth, incarnate, O thou who knewest not wedlock.

Canon of Saint Gregory, the acrostic whereof is, “I marvel at the wonder-working Gregory”, the composition of Joseph, in Tone VIII:

Irmos: To Him who crushed the enemy with His arm * and led Israel through the Red Sea, * to our Redeemer and our God let us sing, * for He hath been glorified.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

Ever illumined with the rays of the Spirit and having become a brilliant star, O sacred Gregory, wholly enlighten me by thy prayers, that I my hymn thee.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

He Who knoweth all things beforehand, having shown grace to thy mind with divinely imparted effulgence, from thine earliest infancy hallowed thee, who desired to shine forth with godly virtues and miracles, O father.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Casting off the slumber of despondency from thine eyelids, thou didst show thyself to be a vigilant luminary, O God-bearer, showing forth thy calling which is confirmed as true by material things, O Gregory.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

I truly and decisively confess thee to be the Theotokos; for thou didst ineffably give birth to the Lord Who is understood in two natures and wills, O most pure Virgin.

Ode III, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: Let my heart be established in Thy will O Christ God, * Who hath established a second heaven over the waters, * and founded the earth upon the waters, * O all-powerful One.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O ye who love the feasts of the Church, let us keep festival and rejoice today together in spirit, and in gladness, on the holy feast of the daughter of the King, the Mother of our God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Rejoice today, O Joachim! Be thou glad in spirit, O Anna, leading to the Lord the three year old child born from thee, as though she were a pure and most immaculate heifer.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Mary, the Theotokos, the habitation of God, is led into the holy temple, being three years of age in the flesh; and, going before her, virgins bear lighted lamps.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The pure ewe-lamb of God, the undefiled turtle-dove, the tabernacle containing God, the sanctuary of glory, hath chosen to dwell within the holy tabernacle.

Canon of St. Amphilochius, Irmos: Thy Church rejoiceth in Thee, O Christ, crying aloud: Thou art my might, O Lord, my refuge and confirmation!

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

The divine and luminous effulgence of thy dogmas put down the evil hordes of the heretics, O glorious Amphilochius.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

As a high priest, like a river filled by God to overflowing with life-creating waters, thou dost give us thy piety to drink.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

Illumined with abundant radiance, thou didst illumine thy mind with the mystic splendor of thy teachings, O venerable one.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

All of us, the faithful, declare thee to be the lustrous candle-stand, the spiritually nourishing banquet of piety, and the ark, O most pure one.

Canon of St. Gregory, Irmos: My heart is established in the Lord, * my horn is exalted in my God, * my mouth is enlarged against mine enemies, * and I rejoice in Thy salvation.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

The Creator, accepting thy labors for His sake, O father Gregory, led thee to an elder in the desert, who taught thee the meaning of every Scripture.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

Passing a whole week without food, O father, thou wast nourished with heavenly food, drinking the rain of thy tears, divinely filled to repletion.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

To thee, O hierarch, was breadth of heart given by God; for thou didst richly pour forth the most pure waters of teachings watering thereby the hearts of the faithful.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The words of the divinely eloquent preachers have been fulfilled; for, lo! the Virgin hath given birth to a little Babe, Who is more ancient than Adam and co-enthroned with the Father.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Kontakion of the feast, in Tone IV, Spec. Mel: “Having been lifted up …”: The most pure temple of the Savior, * the precious bridal chamber and Virgin, * the sacred treasury of the glory of God, * hath been brought into the house of the Lord this day, * bringing with her the grace that is in the divine Spirit. * To her do the angels of God chant the hymn: ** She is the heavenly tabernacle!

Ikos: Beholding the grace of the ineffable and divine mysteries of God made plainly manifest in and filling the Virgin, I rejoice; yet I know not how to understand this strange and ineffable image. How hath the pure one alone been shown to be above all creation, visible and immaterial? Wherefore, wishing to praise her, I am greatly in awe in mind and word; yet, bold, I proclaim and magnify her, saying: She is the heavenly tabernacle!

Kontakion of St. Gregory, in Tone IV, Spec. Mel.: “Thou hast appeared today …”: With effulgence of splendid radiance * the Church of the Holy Spirit illumineththose who celebrate thy splendid repose, ** O venerable and all-blessed father Gregory.

Sessional Hymn of St. Amphilochius, in the same tone, Spec. Mel: “Go thou quickly before …”: Thou dost enlighten the ends of the earth at thy memorial, O wise and glorious Amphilochius; for thy body poureth forth a well-spring of healings. Wherefore, thou deliverest from every infirmity those who with faith approach thine honored temple. For this cause, pray thou now, that we be saved.

Glory …, in Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “Of the Wisdom …”: Offered to the Lord from earliest infancy, as the most glorious Samuel had been of old, thou didst likewise hear the Savior calling thee, and, having purified thy soul with gifts of good things, thou didst worthily receive the grace of the priesthood.
Wherefore, shepherding thy flock in the pasture of divine knowledge, thou didst shine forth acts of healing, O Gregory. Entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of sins unto those who celebrate thy holy memory with love.

Now & ever …, Sessional Hymn of the feast, in Tone IV, Spec. Mel. “Go thou quickly before …”: O David, go thou before us into the Temple of God, and, rejoicing, receive thou our Queen, and cry out unto her: Enter thou, O Sovereign Lady! Enter thou into the Temple of the King! Her glory is understood allegorically, for from her doth Christ the Light desire to pour Himself forth upon all!

Ode IV, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: Foreseeing in the Spirit O Prophet Habbakuk, * the incarnation of the Word, * thou didst proclaim, crying aloud: * When the years draw nigh, Thou shalt be known; * when the season cometh, Thou shalt be shown forth! * Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O Prophet Isaiah, prophesy unto us: Who is the Virgin Who will conceive in her womb, who springing forth from the root of Judah, and who shall give birth to the right glorious Fruit of the holy seed of King David?

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O virgins, commence ye to chant hymns, holding candles in your hands, and praising the arrival of the pure Theotokos who now cometh to the temple of God, celebrating with us!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Rejoice now, O Joachim and Anna, leading into the temple of the Lord, like a heifer three years of age, the pure one born from you, who will become the Mother of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

As the holy of holies, O pure one, thou didst love to dwell in the holy temple, remaining there and conversing most gloriously with the angels, receiving bread from heaven, O Virgin, thou nourisher of Life.

Canon of St. Amphilochius, Irmos: Beholding Thee, the Sun of righteousness, * lifted up upon the Cross, * the Church now standeth arrayed and doth worthily cry aloud: * Glory be to Thy power, O Lord!

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

Come, ye divinely wise, let us clap our hands with faith on the sacred festival of the godly and divinely eloquent Amphilochius, strengthened by his doctrines and theology.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

As an attendant of the Church, the bride in Christ, O God-bearer, thou didst adorn her with the beauty of thy discourses and render her radiant with the
comeliness of Orthodoxy.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

Thy divinely eloquent tongue of theology hath clearly explained to all the dominion of the Trinity One in honor, that they may worship the one Godhead in three Hypostases.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O Virgin, we know thee to be the new tabernacle and pure sanctuary of the Master of all; for thou hast given birth to Him in the flesh in two united hypostases, O all-immaculate one.

Canon of St. Gregory, Irmos: I have heard report of Thee O Lord, * and I was afraid, * for thy counsel is ineffable, * being the ever-existent God, * Thou didst come forth from the Virgin, * wherefore I hymn Thee: * glory to thy condescension, O Christ, * glory to Thy power.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

Like fertile soil thou didst bring forth grain an hundredfold, O father, and with the axe of thy teachings thou didst cut down the impious opinions of the heretics, showing thyself to be a champion of the Council, O venerable Gregory.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

The judgment of heaven showed thee forth as a hierarch, guiding well the flock which Christ, Who perceived the radiance of thy soul, obtained through His blood, O father, favorite of God.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou wast a temple of God cleansed of the defilement of the passions, and, standing before Him in the sacred temple, thou didst openly receive the advent of the Spirit in the form of a pure dove, when Christ glorified thee.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The race of mankind hath been saved by thy birthgiving, which surpasseth understanding; and those in the darkness of corruption have seen the Light Which shone forth from thy womb, the Author of our restoration, O most pure Lady and Maiden.

Ode V, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: Shine forth thy radiant and everlasting light * upon us who rise early at dawn, * unto the judgments of Thy commandments, * O Master, Lover of mankind, * Christ our God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O all ye Orthodox, let us take up lamps, hastening to glorify the Mother of God, for she is led to the Lord today as a right acceptable sacrifice.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Let thine ancestors be glad today, O Lady; and let her who gave birth to thee rejoice with thy father, for their fruit is offered to the Lord.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Celebrating with faith, let us all hymn the unblemished heifer, most glorious and of great renown, for she gave birth to the divine Bullock in the flesh.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The divine tokens of thy betrothal, of thy birthgiving which passeth understanding, O pure Virgin; are recorded today by the Holy Spirit in the house of God.

Canon of St. Amphilochius, Irmos: Thou, O Lord, who camest into the world, * art my light, * a holy light turning from the darkness of ignorance * those who sing Thy praises in faith.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

Illumined with the light of the threefold Sun of the Godhead, O divinely wise Amphilochius, thou didst take thy seat upon thy hierarchal cathedra.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

Thou didst dedicate thyself wholly to God and wast a trumpet-voiced divine herald, O all-blessed father Amphilochius.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

The joyous and most sacred feast of the divine and wise teacher hath dawned for us, sanctifying the world.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O most pure Mother of God, magnificent adornment of all the faithful, by thy supplications wash away the defilement of my soul.

Canon of St. Gregory, Irmos: Disperse, O Word, the darkness from my soul, * O Christ God, the Light-Giver, * Having driven out the primordial darkness of the abyss, * grant unto me the light of Thy commandments, * that early in the morning I may glorify Thee.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

With thy word thou didst once cleanse the vile infirmity of the leper who came to thee with faith; for, like the godly Elisha, O divinely wise Gregory, thou didst receive from God the grace of miracles.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

By thine entreaty thou didst open the mouth and ears of the deaf-mute, O allblessed Gregory; for enriched with the ability to work healings, thou didst also plumb the depths of theology, drying up the seas of ungodliness.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having cleansed thyself of every passionate earthly attachment, O father, like Peter, the first-chosen of the apostles, thou didst effect healings by thy shadow, divinely curing those held fast by the cruel assaults of illness.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Without leaving the bosom of the Father to become incarnate, the Word is seen held at thy bosom as a babe, O all-immaculate one. Him do thou render merciful unto those who piously honor thee, O Virgin Bride of God.

Ode VI, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: Emulating the Prophet Jonah, I cry aloud: * Free Thou my life from corruption, O Good One; * and save me who crieth out: * O Savior of the world, Glory be to Thee!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O ye faithful, let us celebrate the spiritual feast of the Mother of God, chanting piously; for she is more holy than the heavenly intelligences.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

With spiritual hymns let us praise the Mother of the Light, O ye faithful, for she hath appeared to us today, going forth into the temple of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The unblemished ewe-lamb, the pure turtle-dove, is brought to dwell in the house of God, for, as one all-immaculate, she was chosen beforehand to be the Mother of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The temple of God, the heavenly tabernacle, maketh entry into the temple of the law, and from her hath the Light shone forth upon us who are in darkness.

Canon of St. Amphilochius, Irmos: The church crieth out unto Thee O Lord, * ‘I will sacrifice unto Thee with a voice of praise * having been cleansed of the blood of the demons’ * by the blood that for mercy’s sake flowed from Thy side.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

Having mortified worldly understanding in the flesh, thou didst array thyself in the grace of dispassion, O father, initiate of the sacred mysteries, proclaiming the Trinity in most pure teachings.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

Having mortified worldly understanding in the flesh, thou didst array thyself in the grace of dispassion, O father, initiate of the sacred mysteries, proclaiming the Trinity in most pure teachings.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

Protected by the fear of God, O venerable God-pleaser, having rendered thy soul pure of defilement, thou wast shown to be the most sacred instrument of theology.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Knowing thee to be the pure habitation of the King of glory and the temple and throne of the Most High, we pray: Save thou our souls, O all-hymned one!

Canon of St. Gregory, Irmos: As Thou didst deliver the prophet from the depths * of the abyss, O Christ God, * so deliver me also from my sins, * O Lover of mankind, * and guide my life, I pray Thee.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

The maiden whose body had been paralyzed for many years, came to thee with faith and was strengthened by thy prayer, O venerable one, magnifying Christ, the Author of all things.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

Following in the steps of the Master with a blameless life, O glorious one, unjustly oppressed and slandered, thou didst remain impervious to thine ill treatment.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Seizing thee like savage beasts, as if an innocent lamb, O father, those who lived together in wickedness condemned thee to prison; but by divine grace thou didst remained unharmed.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The mind is at a loss how to understand the great mystery of thy birthgiving; for thou hast given birth to the incomprehensible God Who become a man, O Ever-virgin.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion of St. Amphilochius, in Tone II, Spec. Mel. “Seeking the highest …”: O hierarch Amphilochius, * thou divine thunder, trumpet of the Spirit, * husbandmen of the garden of Faith, * scythe cutting down heresies, * great favorite of the Trinity, * standing ever with the angels, ** pray thou unceasingly on behalf of us all.

Ikos: Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the allwise hierarch of Christ sealed the Church; for, possessed of the working of power, the glorious initiate of the mysteries, the acceptable teacher of the Faith, having hearkened to the reading of the divine Scriptures, drove away Eunomius by making the sign of the life-bearing and precious Cross; and, explaining the Faith and preaching Christ, he prayeth unceasingly on behalf of us all.

Ode VII, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: The furnace became bedewed, O Savior, * and the children dancing, chanted: * O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O ye who love the feasts of the Church let us join chorus and hymn the pure Lady honoring Joachim and Anna as is meet.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Prophesy, O David, speaking in the Spirit: The virgins who follow after thee shall be brought to thee into the temple of the Queen and Mother.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The ranks of the angels rejoiced and the souls of the righteous were gladdened, for the Mother of God is led into the Holy of Holies.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Receiving heavenly food, she who was to become the Mother of Christ God in the flesh, excelled in wisdom and grace.

Canon of St. Amphilochius, Irmos: In the Persian furnace the youths and descendants of Abraham, * burning with a love of piety * rather than by a flame of fire, * cried aloud saying: * Blessed art Thou in the temple of Thy glory, O Lord.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

Heeding thy most mystical and divine admonitions, O father, we avoid Arius’ division of the Godhead, glorifying with faith the uncreated and consubstantial Trinity.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

Beholding Macedonius denounced by thy teachings, O father, with faith we glorify the good Spirit, Who is equally worshipped and co-beginningless with the Father and the Son.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

Explaining by thy words the incarnation of the Word in a manner surpassing words, O God-pleaser, with divine wisdom thou didst teach us to worship the one God in two natures and to avoid division and commingling.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Come and, saved by faith in the Almighty Who was born of her, let us all fervently praise the Theotokos, crying: Blessed art thou among women, O allimmaculate one.

Canon of St. Gregory, Irmos: By an angel didst Thou refresh the Children in the furnace * transforming the roaring flames into dew. * O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

The Creator worked a miracle when thou wast condemned, O blessed one; for the adulterous woman fell prey to the assault of the demons and showed thee to be pure, O Gregory.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

The light-bestowing divine disciples of the Savior, standing before thee, O venerable one, loosed the bonds which bound thee to the tree kissing them with joy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Taking heed of thy patience, O father, the Master sacredly adorned thee with yetgreater miracles, in that thou drivest away the gloom of infirmities.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

As a Mother thou hast given birth to the Creator of all and bore in thine arms, as though thou wast the throne of the cherubim, Him Who holdeth all things, O thou who knewest not wedlock.

Ode VIII, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: Him of whom the angels and all the hosts of heaven are in awe * as their Lord and Creator, * ye priests hymn, ye children praise, * ye peoples bless and supremely exalt * throughout all ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Joachim rejoiceth today in splendor, and the blameless Anna offereth to the Lord God a sacrifice: the holy daughter given her according to God’s promise.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The holy David and Jesse render praise, and Judah offereth homage; for the pure Virgin, of whom the pre-eternal God was born, grew forth as fruit from their root.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The most pure Mary, the animate tabernacle, is brought today into the house of God; and Zachariah taketh her in his arms as the sanctified treasure of the Lord.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O ye faithful, let us truly honor the Virgin Mother of God, who is blessed by the hands of the priests, as the portal of salvation, the noetic mountain and
the animate ladder.

Canon of St. Amphilochius, Irmos: Having spread his hands, Daniel closed the lions jaws * in their den; * while the zealously pious youths, * girded with virtue, * quenched the power of the fire and cried aloud: * Bless ye the Lord, all ye works of the Lord.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

Thy mouth, adorned with hymns, manifestly theologized concerning the uncreated, beginningless, consubstantial Trinity uncommingled in three Hypostases, O divinely wise father, wherefore to the Trinity we cry aloud: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

The hypostatic Wisdom gave thee riches and the glory of honor, O most wise one, when thou didst piously theologize, casting down the arrogance of heresies and chanting with love: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

He Who bestoweth life upon all led thee into the church of the firstborn as a faithful and divinely eloquent hierarch who mystically exercised the priestly office and who chants with faith: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Behold, the tribe of Judah shall not now lack for a guide and leader; for thou, O all-immaculate one, hast given birth to Christ, the long-awaited expectation of the nations. To Him do we chant: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Canon of St. Gregory, Irmos: O Thou who dost cover Thy chambers on high with the waters, * Thou Who hast set the sands to bound the sea * and Who upholdest all things: * the sun doth sing Thy praises, * the moon giveth Thee glory, * every creature offereth a hymn unto Thee, * as their Fashioner, throughout the ages.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

The maiden who slandered thee, a most righteous man, because of the wickedness of all-iniquitous men, was freed from the dreadful wounding of the demons by thy prayer, O blessed one, and in the midst of the council God, the Judge of the contest, doth glorify thee throughout all ages.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

Those who through wickedness taught against thee are filled with gloomy darkness, O father Gregory, and thy radiant life shined forth before the fathers, in whose presence thou didst work a miracle, holding a burning coal in thy hand.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou hast been truly revealed to be like a most brilliant star in the firmament of the Church, O father, ever illumining with virtues and rays of miracles those who hymn thy luminous memory, O divinely wise and holy hierarch Gregory.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thy most glorious birth giving doth fill our thoughts with awe, O thou who alone art blessed; for God received flesh from thee, while remaining immutable in essence, as He was, O Theotokos. Him do we supremely exalt throughout the ages.

Ode IX, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: The light-bearing cloud upon whom * the beginningless Master of all descended from heaven, * like the dew upon the fleece, * and of whom He was incarnate, * becoming a man for our sake, * let us all magnify as the pure Mother of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The divine maiden Mary, the fruit of the promise, issued forth from the righteous Joachim and Anna, and, a babe in the flesh, she is brought into the holy sanctuary like pleasing incense, to dwell in the Holy of holies.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

With hymns let us praise her who was a babe by nature and was supernaturally revealed as the Mother of God; for she is led unto the Lord in the temple of the law, as the fragrance of sweet savor for the righteous, as the spiritual fruit of her righteous parents.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O ye faithful, with the angel let us fittingly cry out to the Theotokos “Rejoice!” Rejoice, O most comely Bride! Rejoice, O radiant cloud, from whom the Lord hath shone forth upon us who sit in the darkness of ignorance! Rejoice, thou hope of all!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O pure Mary Mother of God, thou Holy of holies, from the snares of the enemy and from all heresy and tribulation do thou free us by thy supplications, who bow down with faith before the image of thy holy countenance.

Canon of St. Amphilochius, Irmos: A cornerstone not cut by hand O Virgin, * was cut from thee the unhewn mountain: * even Christ, Who hath joined together the disparate natures; * therefore rejoicing we magnify thee, * O Theotokos.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

Most piously theologizing concerning the one Essence in three Hypostases, the most holy, divine and unapproachable Trinity, thou hast been honored thereby, O Amphilochius manifest in sanctity.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

Possessing boldness before God as a hierarch, O God-bearer, standing before thy Master be thou ever mindful of those who celebrate thy sacred and luminous memory, O blessed one.

Holy father, Amphilochius,  pray to God for us.

O divinely wise and venerable father Amphilochius, as a most faithful hierarch thou dost grant an abundance of grace unto those who with an ardent heart weave praises for thee and ask for the remission of sins.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou wast revealed to be a descendant of Adam and art known to be the Mother of God; for from ages past thou wast revealed to be more holy than all of creation, O most pure and blessed one, wherefore, we magnify thee.

Canon of St. Gregory, Irmos: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, * Who hath exalted the horn of salvation on our behalf * in the house of His child David, * wherein the Dayspring from on high hath visited us, * and guided us on the path of peace.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

Behold, the radiant festival! Behold, the sacred memorial! Behold, the grace which is upon all the faithful who have assembled, pouring forth healings in abundance! Let us draw nigh, for the shrine of Gregory poureth forth ever-flowing enlightenment and immortality upon us.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

Like a river full of the waters of Christ, like an olive-tree pouring forth the oil of
life, like a date-palm wast thou exalted, O Gregory. Like a vine thou didst bear the grapes of thy virtues for us, and we drink the wine of incorruption therefrom.

Holy father, Gregory,  pray to God for us.

Let the council of the sanctified, the multitude of the venerable and the ranks of all the angels rejoice with us today in thy memory, O father. Standing with them, illumined, before the Creator, be thou mindful of those who hymn thee with love.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou wast the sanctified vessel of Christ, O father, a pillar of the Church, the haven of the faithful, a sword cutting down falsehood, a wellspring of healings, and an abyss of divine understanding, an inextinguishable lamp and a shepherd of shepherds.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Virgin Maiden who hast given birth to the timeless Light Who shone forth from the Father, illumine my soul and mind, driving far from me the darkness of the passions, that I may bless thee, the ever-blessed hope of the faithful.

Troparion of the holy hierarchs, in Tone IV: O God of our fathers, * ever deal with us according to Thy meekness. * Take not Thy mercy from us, * but by the prayers of these saints ** direct our life in peace.

Nameday and Birthday Greetings

As we celebrate the feast of the Holy, Right-Believing Prince, Alexander Nevsky, we greet and congratulate our Cardiff and Cheltenham parishioners named in his memory.

In Cardiff, several our Alexanders celebrate their heavenly patron today, rather than other his other feasts, and we look forward to greeting them in person and singing many years to them on Sunday. 

We also wish Mike a happy birthday, and thank him for his constant, quiet support for our Cardiff parish.

Wishing our Alexanders a joyful feast, and Mike a happy birthday, we pray that God will grant them all many, blessed years.

Многая и Благая лѣта!

Troparion, in Tone IV: Recognize thy brethren, O right-believing Prince Alexander, thou Russian Joseph who reignest not in Egypt, but in heaven; and accept their entreaties, increasing the harvests of thy people through the fertility of thy land, and protecting the cities of thy dominion by thy supplications. And together with our Orthodox hierarchs do battle against all heresies.

Kontakion, in Tone IV: As thy kinsmen Boris and Gleb appeared to thee, bringing thee help from heaven when thou didst battle against Velgar the Swede and his warriors, so now, O blessed Alexander, come to the aid of thy kinfolk, and contend thou against those who wage war against us.

Prayer: Swift helper of those who take heartfelt refuge in thee, and warm intercessor for us before the Lord: holy, devout, grand Prince Alexander! Look down mercifully upon us unworthy ones, who have made ourselves of little use through our many iniquities, but now approachthine icon, crying out to thee from the depths of our hearts Thou was a zealot and defender of the Orthodox Faith in thy lifetime; strengthen us too in it, by thy loving prayers to God, that we be not shaken. Thou hast diligently borne the great service that lay upon thee; teach us also, through thy help, to stand in that wherein each of us is called. Thou, having defeated hordes of enemies, didst drive them from the limits of Russia; cast down also the enemies visible and invisible that beset us. Thou, having relinquished the corruptible crown of earthly rule, didst choose the life of silence, and now reignest in heaven, rightfully crowned with a garland incorruptible; ask thou for us, we humbly entreat thee, a life quiet and untroubled, and intercede that our path may lead us unwaveringly to the Eternal Kingdom. Thou that standest with all the Saints before the throne of God, pray for all Orthodox Christians, that the Lord God by His Grace may preserve His community in peace, and that we may ever glorify and bless God, Who is One in the Holy Trinity: the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The Advent Journey With the Saints: the Holy Apostles Archippus & Philemon & those with them.

Sunday November 22/ December 5: the Holy Apostles Archippus & Philemon & those with them.

Saints Archippus, Philemon and Apphia, Apostles of the Seventy were students and companions of the holy Apostle Paul. In the Epistle to Philemon, the Apostle Paul names Saint Archippus as his companion, and mentions him again in the Epistle to the Colossians (Col. 4:17).

Saint Archippus was bishop of the city of Colossae in Phrygia. Saint Philemon was an eminent citizen of this city, and the Christians gathered in his home to celebrate church services. He was also made a bishop by Saint Paul and he went about the cities of Phrygia, preaching the Gospel. Later on, he became archpastor of the city of Gaza. Saint Apphia, his wife, took the sick and vagrants into her home, zealously attending to them. She was her husband’s co-worker in proclaiming the Word of God.

During the persecution against Christians under the emperor Nero (54-68), the holy Apostles Archippus and Philemon and Apphia were brought to trial by the ruler Artocles for confessing faith in Christ. Saint Archippus was brutally slashed with knives. After torture, they buried Saints Philemon and Apphia up to the waist in the ground, and stoned them until they died.

Source: The Orthodox Church of America

Ode I, Canon of the feast, the acrostic whereof is “O Lady, grant thou grace and discourse”, the composition of George, in Tone IV:

Irmos: I shall open my mouth, * and be filled with the Spirit, * and utter discourse to the Queen and Mother; * and be seen radiantly keeping festival, * joyfully praising her entry.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O most pure one, we know thee to be a treasury of wisdom and an ever-flowing fountain of grace; and we pray thee rain down upon us knowledge, that we may praise thee forever.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Being a temple and palace more exalted than the heavens, O most pure one, thou wast set apart in the Temple of God to be prepared as a divine dwelling-place for His advent.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Shining with the Light of grace, the Theotokos hath illumined all and assembled us to adorn her most splendid festival. Come ye, let us draw nigh to her!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The glorious portal which surpasseth human thought, having opened the doors of the Temple of God, doth now command us who have assembled to delight in her divine wonders.

Canon of the saints, the acrostic whereof is “I glorify thee who lovest Christ, O Philemon”, the composition of Joseph, in Tone II:

Irmos: Come, O ye people, * let us sing a song to Christ our God, * Who divided the sea, * and made a way for the nation * which He had brought up out of the bondage of Egypt; * for He hath been glorified.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

Joining chorus joyously in the mansions of heaven, O accomplisher of sacred things, grant grace unto me who hymn thy holy memory in a godly manner, for thou hast been glorified.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

Giving drink to men’s hearts with the streams of thy words, O blessed and right wondrous Apostle Philemon, thou hast prepared them to accomplish divine understandings with faith.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having delivered men’s souls from the gloom of the madness of idolatry, O wise apostle, thou hast illumined them with the splendors of the Spirit, doing the sanctified works of the sacred Gospel.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O pure one, of old the divine assembly of the prophets truly described thee from afar in many and varied images, as the only one who gave birth to the Master.

Ode III, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: O Theotokos, thou living and plentiful fount, * establish in spiritual fellowship those who sing hymns of praise * of thine honored entry: * grant them crowns of glory.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Receiving the pure and undefiled one, who is more splendid than all creation, the animate bridal chamber of God, the beautiful Temple and chamber doth appear today like a bride adorned for her wedding.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

David, preceding the chorus, doth leap and dance with us, declaring thee, O allpure one, to be the queen all-adorned, standing in the Temple before our King and God, O most pure one.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

From her, whom transgressions issued forth among the race of mankind, hath her correction and incorruption blossomed forth, the Theotokos, who is led today into the house of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The angelic armies and the multitudes of all mankind leap for joy, and they advance as lamp-bearers before thy countenance, proclaiming thy majesty in the house of God.

Canon of the Saints, Irmos: O Lord, who didst slay sin upon the tree, * firmly establish us in Thee, * and in the hearts of us who hymn Thee * plant the fear of Thee.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

Preaching the sufferings and resurrection of Christ, O right glorious Philemon, thou dost raise us up from the tomb of unbelief and mortality.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

With sacred hymnody let us praise the godly Onesimus and Philemon, Apphia and Archippus, the stars who illumine the ends of the earth.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having purified the eyes of your mind, ye received divine vision and have raised erring hearts up to knowledge, O most sacred ones.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Having been shown to be pure and supremely incorrupt, O Virgin, thou didst receive within thy womb God the Word Who hath cleansed nature, which had been defiled by our fall into sin.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Kontakion of the saints, Tone II, Spec. Mel. “Seeking the highest …”: Let us praise the apostles of Christ, * the glorious Philemon, the sacred Archippus, Onesimus, Mark and Apollos, * and with them the all-wise Apphia * as most radiant stars illumining the ends of the earth; ** and let us cry out: Pray ye unceasingly on behalf of us all!

Sessional Hymn of the apostle, in Tone VIII, Spec. Mel.: “Of the Wisdom …”: Cultivating stony hearts with the plough of the word, O sacred husbandman, thou didst prepare them for divine knowledge, and, casting down the temples of the idols, O blessed one, thou didst erect churches to the glory of thy Creator. Wherefore, assembling, we who are illumined in a most sacred manner glorify thy holy memory, O Philemon, and cry out to thee together: Entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of sins unto those who honor thy holy memory with love.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Sessional Hymn of the feast, in the same tone, Spec. Mel.: “That which was mystically commanded …”: Let David the psalmist rejoice, and let Joachim and Anna join chorus, for the radiant Mary, the divine lamp, issued forth from them like a holy fruit, and she rejoiceth, entering the temple, and beholding her, the son of Barachiah blessed her, and, rejoicing, cried aloud: “Rejoice, O wonder of the universe!”

Ode IV, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: Perceiving the profound counsel of God, * that the incarnation of Thee the Most High, * will be from a Virgin, * the Prophet Habbakuk cried aloud: * Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The Temple of God, receiving today the portal through whom none may pass, hath ceased to perform any service of the Law, crying: Truly truth hath appeared to those who are on earth!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The mountain overshadowed, which Habbakuk beheld of old, prefigured her who hath made her abode in the inaccessible chambers of the Temple, flourishing with virtues, for she doth cover the ends of the earth therewith.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

All the earth hath seen most glorious things, things strange and marvelous, for the Virgin, receiving food from an angel, doth receive tokens of God’s dispensation.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Revealed as the temple and palace and animate heaven, O divine bride of the King, thou art brought today to the Temple of the Law to be kept for Him, O most pure one.

Canon of the Saints, Irmos: I hymn Thee, O Lord, for I have heard report of Thee, * and I was afraid; * for Thou comest to me, seeking me who am lost. * Wherefore, I glorify Thy great condescension towards me, * O greatly Merciful One.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

With the Cross as mast and sail, thou didst pass over the cruel abyss of the temptations of life without foundering, O blessed one, directing many of those at sea to the harbor of salvation through divine grace.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

The godly city of Colossae manifestly setteth forth radiant luminaries: the sacred Archippus, Philemon and Apphia, and the glorious Onesimus, who enlighten the ends of the world.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

A divine river arose in thy heart, O godly eloquent one, stopping the rivers and torrents of ungodliness; and through grace giving drink to souls parched by the burning heat of ignorance, O glorious one.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

I hymn thee, O truly all-hymned one, who supra-naturally gave birth to the all-hymned Word of God, and I pray: In that thou art good, O Bride of God, heal thou the infirmities of my lowly soul.

Ode V, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: All creation stands in awe of thy divine glory; * for thou, O Virgin who hast not known wedlock, * didst enter into the temple of the Lord; * thyself being a most pure temple, * bestowing peace, upon all who hymn thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The most pure Virgin, the glorious sanctity and sacred offering which is brought today to the Temple of God, is preserved as a habitation for our one God, the King of all, as He Himself knoweth.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Zachariah, having of old beheld the beauty of thy soul, cried out in faith: Thou art the deliverance, thou art the joy of all, thou art our restoration, through whom the Uncontainable One shall appear unto me contained.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O, thy wonders which pass understanding, O all-pure one! Strange is thy birthgiving; strange is the manner of thy maturation; strange also, most glorious and unutterable by mortals, are all thy wonders, O Bride of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

As a most radiant lamp, O Bride of God, hast thou shone forth today in the house of the Lord, illumining us with the precious gifts of thy wonders, O pure and allhymned Theotokos.

Canon of the Saints, Irmos: O Lord, Bestower of light and Creator of the ages: * guide us in the light of Thy commandments, * for we know none other God than Thee.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

Seeing those ailing with the wounds of evil deeds, O glorious Philemon, by thine active discourse thou didst heal those cruelly sick with the madness of idolatry.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

As a sure guide, O Philemon, thou didst point out the paths of salvation to those grievously lost, and wondrously led them to love Christ, the only Way.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Today the honored Church of Christ in Colossae doth sing the splendid festival of the godly Archippus, honoring also the divinely eloquent Philemon.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Lady, save us who are tempest-tossed by the cruel billows of temptations, the audacious assaults of barbarians and the attacks of the cruel demons.

Ode VI, Canon of the Feast Irmos: Celebrating the divine and solemn feast * of the Mother of God * O ye divinely wise, * let us come, clapping our hands, * and glorify God who was born of her.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou Who hast upheld all things by Thy word hast hearkened to the prayer of the righteous ones. Wherefore, Thou hast loosed the infirmity of the barren woman, in that Thou art compassionate, and given them her who is the cause of joy.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Wishing to make His salvation known to the Gentiles, the Lord hath now taken from among mankind her who hath not known wedlock, as a sign of reconciliation and renewal.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

As a house of grace, wherein treasures of the ineffable dispensation of God are laid up, O all-pure one, thou didst share in unfading delight in the Temple.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Receiving thee as a royal diadem, O Bride of God, the Temple hath been rendered splendid and been elevated to better things, beholding in thee the fulfillment of the prophecies.

Canon of the Saints, Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, * I appeal to the unfathomable abyss of Thy compassion: * Raise me up from corruption, O God.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

Thou hast been revealed to be a heaven proclaiming to all the saving glory of Him Who glorified thee and numbered thee among His seventy apostles, O most noetically rich martyr.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

Having become a stranger to thy native land, with thy strange discourse thou didst pursue those who had become estranged from God, O hierarch Philemon, and showing them to be inhabitants of Sion.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Shining with sacred virtues, and splendidly pleasing God, thou didst hasten to the heavens, where thou dost rejoice with the angels, O Apphia.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Word became incarnate within thy womb and became known as a man in His compassion, that He might deify mankind, O all-immaculate Maiden.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion of the feast, in Tone IV, Spec. Mel. “Having been lifted up …”: The most pure temple of the Savior, * the precious bridal chamber and Virgin, * the sacred treasury of the glory of God, * hath been brought into the house of the Lord this day, * bringing with her the grace that is in the divine Spirit. * To her do the angels of God chant the hymn: ** She is the heavenly tabernacle!

Ikos: Beholding the grace of the ineffable and divine mysteries of God made plainly manifest in and filling the Virgin, I rejoice; yet I know not how to understand this strange and ineffable image. How hath the pure one alone been shown to be above all creation, visible and immaterial? Wherefore, wishing to praise her, I am greatly in awe in mind and word; yet, bold, I proclaim and magnify her, saying: She is the heavenly tabernacle!

Ode VII, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: Refusing to worship created things * in place of the Creator, * the divinely wise youths bravely trampled down the threatening fire * and rejoicing they sang aloud: * O supremely hymned Lord and God of our Fathers, Blessed art Thou.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Lo, today a joyous spring hath dawned upon the ends of the earth, enlightening our souls, thoughts and minds with grace: the festival of the Theotokos. Let us mystically make festival this day!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Let all things – heaven and earth, the ranks of angels and the multitudes of mankind – bear gifts today unto the Queen and Mother of God; and let them cry aloud: Our joy and deliverance is brought into the Temple!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The Scriptures have come to pass, the Law hath faded like a shadow, and rays of grace have shone forth upon thee who hast entered into the Temple of God, O pure Virgin Mother wherein thou art blessed.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Heaven and earth and the netherworld are subject to thine Offspring as Creator and God, O all-pure one, and every nation of mortals doth confess that the Lord and Savior of our souls hath appeared.

Canon of the Saints, Irmos: When the golden image was worshipped on the plain of Dura, * Thy three children spurned the impious command, * and, cast into the midst of the flame, * they were bedewed, and sang: * O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

Beautiful were thy precious feet, O Philemon, which meekly trod the paths of the Gospel, announcing sacred peace to all those who do battle, and hindering the assaults of the demons.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

The profound darkness of the Gazanenes was dispelled by the light of thy words, in that thou art a most sacred performer of the sacraments, O apostle, and among them thou wast most excellent, shepherding them all and teaching them to chant: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

The city of Gaza first shared in thy god-pleasing labors, being the first bishop there, O salvific hierarch Philemon, and as a sacred herald thou didst instruct them to cry aloud: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

As a lover of Christ, Who loved mortals in His compassion, O Philemon, thou didst transform hate-filled enemies into loving friends through love, whereby they chanted unto God: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Virgin, thou art the strength of the lowly, the radiant lamp, the divine table, the impassable gate, the throne and palace of God, the staff of Aaron and the golden jar bearing Christ, the Manna of life.

Ode VIII, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: Hearken, O pure Virgin Maiden, * that Gabriel may tell thee the true counsel of the Most High of old. * Make ready to receive the Godhead; * for through thee the Infinite One hath come to dwell among mankind. * Wherefore, rejoicing, I cry aloud: * Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Anna, once, leading the most pure temple to the house of God, faithfully said unto the priest, crying aloud: Now accept thou this child, given me by God; lead her into the Temple of the Creator; and, rejoicing, chant unto Him: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

And Zachariah then, beholding them in the Spirit, said unto Anna: Thou dost bring hither the true Mother of Life, whom the prophets of God have clearly foretold as the Theotokos! How, therefore, can the Temple hold her? Wherefore, marveling, I cry out: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The handmaid of God have I been, answered Anna unto him, and I call upon Him with faith and prayer to accept the fruit of my birth-pangs, that, having received this child, I might bring her that was born unto Him that bestowed her. Wherefore, I cry aloud: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Truly this is a matter of the Law, the priest said to her, and strange doth this thing seem unto me, beholding her that doth most gloriously surpass the holy ones in grace led into the house of God. Wherefore, rejoicing, I cry out: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Canon of the Saints, Irmos: God Who descended into the fiery furnace * with the Hebrew children,* and transformed the flame into dew, * do ye works hymn, * and supremely exalt as Lord throughout all ages.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

Bearing the word in thy heart like a splendidly lit lamp, O glorious one, thou didst raise up to the day of the knowledge of God those who before were like lamps extinguished and lay in the deep-darkness of ignorance.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

Thy sacred departure unto God was rendered magnificent by the sacred presence of the apostles and the incorporeal intelligences, whose life thou didst emulate on earth, as an initiate of the sacred mysteries, O divinely eloquent Philemon.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

Manifestly exuding the sweet-smelling myrrh of sacred miracles, O blessed and wise Philemon, thou didst perfume the minds and thoughts of the pious, dispelling the fetid passions of those who supremely exalt Christ.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Like radiant stars ever shining in the firmament of the Church, the wondrous Archippus, Apphia, Philemon and Onesimus illumine our souls.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thy womb hath truly been revealed to us as a new garden of paradise, O pure Theotokos, producing the Tree of life, and it hath led back into paradise those who died through the fruit of the tree, giving them life.

Ode IX, Canon of the Feast, Irmos: In nowise may the hand of the defiled * touch the animate ark of God; * and let the lips of the faithful * never-silently cry out with joy to the Theotokos, * chanting the words of the angel: * Rejoice, O thou who art full of grace! * The Lord is with thee!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O pure Theotokos, as thou hast the most radiant beauty of purity of soul and art full of the grace of God from heaven, with the ever-existent light thou dost ever enlighten those who cry out with joy: Truly thou art more highly exalted than all, O pure Virgin!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thy wonder doth surpass the power of words, O pure Theotokos, for in thee I perceive a body impervious to the movement of sin. Wherefore, thankfully I cry out to thee: Truly thou art more highly exalted than all, O pure Virgin!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Most gloriously did the Law prefigure thee, O pure one, as the tabernacle, the divine jar, the awesome ark, the veil, the staff, the inviolable temp1e and portal of God. Wherefore, all these things teach us to cry to thee: Truly thou art more highly exalted than all, O pure Virgin!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

In hymnody David cried out to thee prophetically, calling thee the daughter of the King in the comeliness of thy virtues, beholding thee standing, elaborately adorned, at the right hand of God. Wherefore, in prophecy he cried out: Truly thou art more highly exalted than all, O pure Virgin!

Canon of the Saints, Irmos: God the Word, God of God, * Who by ineffable wisdom came to create Adam anew * after his grievous fall to corruption through eating * and Who took flesh beyond all telling from the Holy Virgin for our sake, * Him we faithful with one accord magnify in song.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

Deified by divine communion, shining ‘with ineffable light and ever filled with spiritual joy, O Philemon, thou dwellest in the heavens with the most sacred choir of the sacred apostles as is meet.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

Wondrous is thy character, comely and beautiful thy life, and most glorious was thy repose, O blessed apostle, as the radiant day whereon, forsaking that which is on earth, thou didst ascend in gladness to the circles of heaven.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us.

Today the whole Church of Christ is glad, spiritually ordaining festive joy at thy memorial, for thou hast preserved it unshaken by thy god-pleasing supplications to God the Savior, O most sacred Philemon.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The shrine of thy relics poureth forth drops of healing upon those who approach it reverently, O blessed Apostle Philemon, for it banishes illnesses and hallows the souls of all who ever celebrate thy divine memory.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O all-immaculate one, thou bearest Him Who holdeth all things, and who didst nourish the Nurturer, in nowise experiencing the usual pangs of birthgiving. Thy wonder surpasseth understanding, and fills with awe both angels and mortals, who know thee to be the only Virgin Mother of God.

Troparion of the apostles, in Tone III: O holy Apostles * entreat the Merciful God * that He grant remission of sins ** unto our souls.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion of the feast, in Tone IV: Today is the prelude of God’s good will * and the proclamation of the salvation of mankind. * The Virgin hath manifestly appeared in the temple of God, proclaiming Christ unto all. * To her let us cry aloud: ** Rejoice, O thou fulfillment of the Creator’s dispensation!