9/22 January: St Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow & All Russia

9/22 January: Our Holy Father Among the Saints, Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow & All Russia, the New Confessor.

Dear brothers and sisters, greetings to you, as we celebrate the feast of the Holy New-Hieromartyr, Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow, a great and inspiring model of Christian life, who put Truth and faithfulness to the Saviour and the Gospel above all earthly comforts, reputation, security and even life itself.

He is not only a model for all true hierarchs, but for all Christian people in new times of uncertainty – when injustice, inequality and tyranny rear their heads, and the prophetic voice of the Church is needed, but little heard.

May he pray for us, and may his example give us the courage to live the Christian life with all of the risks and dangers that professing the Gospel and swimming against the political, sociological and ideological tide pose for us – and may we have the courage to do so heedless of the threats of governments, societies, and even those in the Church who oppose the Gospel with agendas that betray the Orthodox Faith of the Holy Fathers, of the Sacred Councils, and of the Saints, among whom St Philip is glorified, having received his crown and the reward of shedding his blood in the name of Truth, justice and righteousness!

We commend our Bishop, clergy and faithful to the intercessions of St Philip, rejoicing in his radiant memory, and confident in his prayers.

Holy Hieromartyr and Wonderworker Philip, pray to God for us!


Saint Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow, in the world Theodore, was descended from the illustrious noble lineage of the Kolichevi, occupying a prominent place in the Boyar duma at the court of the Moscow sovereigns. He was born in the year 1507. His father, Stephen Ivanovich, “a man enlightened and filled with military spirit,” attentively prepared his son for government service.

Theodore’s pious mother Barbara, who ended her days as a nun with the name Barsanouphia, implanted in the soul of her son a sincere faith and deep piety. Young Theodore Kolichev applied himself diligently to the Holy Scripture and to the writings of the holy Fathers. The Moscow Great Prince Basil III, the father of Ivan the Terrible, brought young Theodore into the court, but he was not attracted to court life. Conscious of its vanity and sinfulness, Theodore all the more deeply immersed himself in the reading of books and visiting the churches of God. Life in Moscow repelled the young ascetic. The young Prince Ivan’s sincere devotion to him, promising him a great future in government service, could not deter him from seeking the Heavenly City.

On Sunday, June 5, 1537, in church for Divine Liturgy, Theodore felt intensely in his soul the words of the Savior: “No man can serve two masters” (Mt.6:24), which determined his ultimate destiny. Praying fervently to the Moscow wonderworkers, and without bidding farewell to his relatives, he secretly left Moscow in the attire of a peasant, and for a while he hid himself away from the world in the village of Khizna, near Lake Onega, earning his livelihood as a shepherd.

His thirst for ascetic deeds led him to the renowned Solovki monastery on the White Sea. There he fulfilled very difficult obediences: he chopped firewood, dug the ground, and worked in the mill. After a year and a half of testing, the igumen Alexis tonsured him, giving him the monastic name Philip and entrusting him in obedience to the Elder Jonah Shamina, a converser with Saint Alexander of Svir (August 30).

Under the guidance of experienced elders Philip grew spiritually, and progressed in fasting and prayer. Igumen Alexis sent him to work at the monastery forge, where Saint Philip combined the activity of unceasing prayer with his work with a heavy hammer.

He was always the first one in church for the services, and was the last to leave. He toiled also in the bakery, where the humble ascetic was comforted with a heavenly sign. In the monastery afterwards they displayed the “Bakery” image of the Mother of God, through which the heavenly Mediatrix bestowed Her blessing upon the humble baker Philip. With the blessing of the igumen, Saint Philip spent a certain while in wilderness solitude, attending to himself and to God.

In 1546 at Novgorod the Great, Archbishop Theodosius made Philip igumen of the Solovki monastery. The new igumen strove with all his might to exalt the spiritual significance of the monastery and its founders, Saints Sabbatius and Zosimus of Solovki (September 27, April 17). He searched for the Hodigitria icon of the Mother of God brought to the island by the first head of Solovki, Saint Sabbatius. He located the stone cross which once stood before the saint’s cell. The Psalter belonging to Saint Zosimus (+1478), the first igumen of Solovki, was also found. His robe, in which igumens would vest during the service on the days when Saint Zosimus was commemorated, was also discovered.

The monastery experienced a spiritual revival. A new monastic Rule was adopted to regulate life at the monastery. Saint Philip built majestic temples: a church of the Dormition of the Mother of God, consecrated in the year 1557, and a church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. The igumen himself worked as a simple laborer, helping to build the walls of the Transfiguration church. Beneath the north portico he dug himself a grave beside that of his guide, the Elder Jonah. Spiritual life in these years flourished at the monastery: struggling with the brethren with the disciples of Igumen Philip were Saints John and Longinus of Yarenga (July 3) and Bassian and Jonah of Pertominsk (July 12).

Saint Philip often withdrew to a desolate wilderness spot for quiet prayer, two versts from the monastery, which was later known as the Philippov wilderness.

But the Lord was preparing the saint for other work. In Moscow, Tsar Ivan the Terrible fondly remembered the Solovki hermit from his childhood. The Tsar hoped to find in Saint Philip a true companion, confessor and counsellor, who in his exalted monastic life had nothing in common with the sedition of the nobles. The Metropolitan of Moscow, in Ivan’s opinion, ought to have a certain spiritual meekness to quell the treachery and malice within the Boyar soul. The choice of Saint Philip as archpastor of the Russian Church seemed to him the best possible.

For a long time the saint refused to assume the great burden of the primacy of the Russian Church. He did not sense any spiritual affinity with Ivan. He attempted to get the Tsar to abolish the Oprichniki [secret police]. Ivan the Terrible attempted to argue its civil necessity. Finally, the dread Tsar and the holy Metropolitan came to an agreement: Saint Philip would not meddle in the affairs of the Oprichniki and the running of the government, he would not resign as Metropolitan in case the Tsar could not fulfill his wishes, and that he would be a support and counsellor of the Tsar, just as former Metropolitans supported the Moscow sovereigns. On July 25, 1566 Saint Philip was consecrated for the cathedra of Moscow’s hierarch saints, whose number he was soon to join.

Ivan the Terrible, one of the greatest and most contradictory figures in Russian history, lived an intensely busy life. He was a talented writer and bibliophile , he was involved in compiling the Chronicles (and himself suddenly cut the thread of the Moscow chronicle writing), he examined the intricacies of the monastic Rule, and more than once he thought about abdicating the throne for the monastic life.

Every aspect of governmental service, all the measures undertaken to restructure civil and social life, Ivan the Terrible tried to rationalize as a manifestation of Divine Providence, as God acting in history. His beloved spiritual heroes were Saint Michael of Chernigov (September 20) and Saint Theodore the Black (September 19), military men active with complex contradictory destinies, moving toward their ends through whatever the obstacles before them, and fulfilling their duties to the nation and to the Church.

The more the darkness thickened around Ivan, the more resolutely he demanded cleansing and redemption of his soul. Journeying on pilgrimage to the Saint Cyril of White Lake monastery, he declared his wish to become a monk to the igumen and the brethren. The haughty autocrat fell on his knees before the igumen, who blessed his intent. Ivan wrote, “it seems to me, an accursed sinner, that I am already robed in black.”

Ivan imagined the Oprichnina in the form of a monastic brotherhood, serving God with weapons and military deeds. The Oprichniki were required to dress in monastic garb and attend long and tiring church services, lasting from 4 to 10 o’clock in the morning. “Brethren” not in church at 4 o’clock in the morning, were given a penance by the Tsar. Ivan and his sons fervently wished to pray and sing in the church choir. From church they went to the trapeza, and while the Oprichniki ate, the Tsar stood beside them. The Oprichniki gathered leftover food from the table and distributed it to the poor at the doorway of the trapeza.

Ivan, with tears of repentance and wanting to be an esteemer of the holy ascetics, the teachers of repentance, wanted to wash and burn away his own sins and those of his companions, cherishing the assurance that even his terribly cruel actions would prove to be for the welfare of Russia and the triumph of Orthodoxy. The most clearly spiritual action and monastic sobriety of Ivan the Terrible is revealed in his “Synodikon.” Shortly before his death, he ordered full lists compiled of the people murdered by him and his Oprichniki. These were then distributed to all the Russian monasteries. Ivan acknowledged all his sins against the nation, and besought the holy monks to pray to God for the forgiveness of his tormented soul.

The pseudo-monasticism of Ivan the Terrible, a dark most grievous oppression over Russia, tormented Saint Philip, who considered it impossible to mix the earthly and the heavenly, serving the Cross and serving the sword. Saint Philip saw how much unrepentant malice and envy was concealed beneath the black cowls of the Oprichniki. There were outright murderers among them, hardened in lawless bloodletting, and profiteers seeking gain, rooted in sin and transgressions. By the sufferance of God, history is often made by the hands of the impious, and Ivan the Terrible wanted to whiten his black brotherhood before God. The blood spilled by its thugs and fanatics cried out to Heaven.

Saint Philip decided to oppose Ivan. This was prompted by a new wave of executions in the years 1567-1568. In the autumn of 1567, just as the Tsar was setting out on a campaign against Livonia, he learned about a boyar conspiracy. The plotters intended to seize the Tsar and deliver him to the Polish king, who already was on the move with an army towards Russian territory.

Ivan dealt severely with the conspirators, and again he shed much blood. It was bitter for Saint Philip, and the conscience of the saint compelled him boldly to enter into defense of the executed. The final rift occurred in the spring of 1568. On the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross, March 2, 1568, when the Tsar with his Oprichniki entered the Dormition cathedral in monastic garb, as was their custom, Saint Philip refused to bless him, and began openly to denounce the lawless acts committed by the Oprichniki. The accusations of the hierarch shattered the harmony of the church service. In a rage Ivan retorted, “Would you oppose us? We shall see your firmness! I have been too soft on you.”

The Tsar began to show ever greater cruelty in persecuting all those who opposed him. Executions followed one after the other. The fate of the saintly confessor was sealed. But Ivan wanted to preserve a semblance of canonical propriety. The Boyar Duma obediently carried out his decision to place the Primate of the Russian Church on trial. A cathedral court was set up to try Metropolitan Philip in the presence of a diminished Boyar Duma, and false witnesses were found. To the deep sorrow of the saint, these were monks of the Solovki monastery, his former disciples and novices whom he loved. They accused Saint Philip of a multitude of transgressions, including sorcery.

“Like all my ancestors,” the saint declared, “I came into this world prepared to suffer for truth.” Having refuted all the accusations, the holy sufferer attempted to halt the trial by volunteering to resign his office. His resignation was not accepted, however, and new abuse awaited the martyr.

Even after a sentence of life imprisonment had been handed down, they compelled Saint Philip to serve Liturgy in the Dormition cathedral. This was on November 8, 1568. In the middle of the service, the Oprichniki burst into the temple, they publicly read the council’s sentence of condemnation, and then abused the saint. Tearing his vestments off, they dressed him in rags, dragged him out of the church and drove him off to the Theophany monastery on a simple peasant’s sledge.

For a long while they held the martyr in the cellars of the Moscow monasteries. They placed his feet into stocks, they held him in chains, and put a heavy chain around his neck. Finally, they drove him off to the Tver Otroch monastery. And there a year later, on December 23,1569, the saint was put to death at the hands of Maliuta Skuratov. Only three days before this the saint foresaw the end of his earthly life and received the Holy Mysteries. At first, his relics were committed to earth there at the monastery, beyond the church altar. Later, they were transferred to the Solovki monastery (August 11, 1591) and from there to Moscow (July 3, 1652).

Initially, the memory of Saint Philip was celebrated by the Russian Church on December 23, the day of his martyric death. In 1660, the celebration was transferred to January 9.

Source: The Orthodox Church in America

Canon of the holy hierarch, in Tone VIII.

Ode I, Irmos: That which had been hewn down divided the undivided, * and land unseen was seen by the sun; * water engulfed the cruel enemy, * and Israel traversed the impassable, chanting a hymn: * Let us sing unto the Lord, * for gloriously hath He been glorified!

Holy Hieromartyr, Philip, pray to God for us.

O Lamb and Word of God, through the effulgence of Thy Holy Spirit send down upon my mind a brilliant ray of light, and inspire within me the words to praise him whom Thou hast chosen and taken to Thyself: the sacred passion-bearer Philip.

Holy Hieromartyr, Philip, pray to God for us.

O holy one, ask of God divine grace for thy servant, and fill my soul with understanding, that I may praise thy life, O holy hierarch Philip, wherein, by thy struggles, thou didst astonish all, chanting unto the Lord: For gloriously hast Thou been glorified!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Kings marvelled at thy mighty courage and the effulgence of the great virtues which illumined thy works, O venerable one, for thy tongue never ceased to admonish them, and thou didst chant unto the Lord: For gloriously hast Thou been glorified!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The words of the divinely eloquent preachers’ have been fulfilled in thee, O Mother of God; for, lo! thou hast given birth, O Virgin, to a little Babe Who is older than ancient Adam and is co-enthroned with the Father, unto the salvation of the whole world and the abolition of corruption.

Ode III, Irmos: My heart is established in the Lord, * my horn is exalted in my God, * my mouth is enlarged against mine enemies, * and I rejoice in Thy salvation.

Holy Hieromartyr, Philip, pray to God for us.

Thou didst hasten to ascend the mountain of the virtues, and enter the darkness of vision, O holy hierarch Philip, and didst come to know, as far as it is possible, the nature of the Unapproachable One; and full of light, O father, thou didst receive divine grace.

Holy Hieromartyr, Philip, pray to God for us.

Seeking the one God of goodness, and desiring to receive His glory alone, O blessed one, thou didst forsake the honour of thine earthly sojourn as something fleeting, and didst shine forth as a favoured  one of Christ, the Master of all.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

With desire for the Spirit, thou didst cause the desire of the flesh to wither away, O blessed one, and within thyself thou didst wed purity as thy bride; and through purity were all the virtues begotten in thee, O ever glorious one, making thee a child of the immaterial Light.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou didst slay the noetic serpent who brought death upon Adam in paradise and grief upon Eve, our first mother. And having caused Life to spring forth, O pure Virgin, thou hast freed us from corruption, for God ineffably issued forth from thy womb.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Sessional Hymn of the saint, in Tone VIII: Spec. Mel.: “Of the Wisdom …”: As the namesake and emulator of a chosen apostle, O father, thou didst endure tribulation and persecution. And emulating the zeal of the Prophet Elijah and the Baptist, thou didst manfully denounce the iniquitous, and didst govern well the see entrusted to thee, running the good race until the end. And thou hast left thy body behind like a mantle, emitting myrrh redolent of perfumes, and pourest forth the grace of the Spirit like rain, mystically watering the furrows of our hearts. O holy hierarch Philip, entreat Christ God, that He grant forgiveness of sins unto those who with love honour thy holy memory.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.


Ode IV, Irmos: With noetic eyes the Prophet Habbakuk * foresaw Thy coming, O Lord; * wherefore he cried aloud: * ‘God shall come out of Theman!’ Glory to Thy power! * Glory to Thy condescension!

Holy Hieromartyr, Philip, pray to God for us.

Those moved by malice against thee, the innocent lamb, rose up like wild beasts against thee, and, unable to bear being pierced by thy words as with a pike, they were provoked to rage, O divinely wise and holy hierarch.

Holy Hieromartyr, Philip, pray to God for us.

The whole world hath thee as its ally and help amid perils, for, as a faithful champion and a speedy intercessor, by thy sacred supplications thou dost rescue from dangers and misfortunes those who have recourse to thy care.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having carried out the goodly struggles of Him Whom thou didst desire, O divinely wise namesake, thou hast been granted immortality, where, rejoicing, thou hast received the crown of victory, and criest aloud: Glory to Thine advent, O Christ!

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Cast down the might of all the enemies who bring grief to those who hymn thee as her who gave birth to the Lord of glory, O Mother of God, and preserve thy flock, unharmed by the assaults of the wicked, that we may bless thee as is meet.

Ode V, Irmos: Disperse, O Word, the darkness from my soul, * O Christ God, the Light-Giver, * Having driven out the primordial darkness of the abyss, * grant unto me the light of Thy commandments, * that early in the morning I may glorify Thee.

Holy Hieromartyr, Philip, pray to God for us.

Thine intercession hath been shown to be like a ray of the Sun of righteousness, shining with the splendours of the virtues, O holy hierarch Philip, dispelling the cloud of the misfortunes which assail us. Preserve now in peace those who hymn thee, glorify and illumine them with beauty.

Holy Hieromartyr, Philip, pray to God for us.

Thy tongue was shown to be a two-edged sword, O blessed one, for, armed with the fear of Christ, thou didst wisely denounce rulers, calling upon Christ, the King of all, as witness, and His divine apostles.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou wast shown to be a new man of zeal, like a second Moses, causing us to wonder not by performing awesome signs, but instructing us with the teachings of godly discourses, and leading us forth from the passions of Egypt to the calm haven of the new Israel.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

We call thee the noetic cloud, for from thee did Christ shine forth, O all-immaculate one, and show thee to be more spacious than the heavens: for without knowing a man, O pure one, thou hast given birth to Him Who became incarnate in His indescribable loving-kindness.

Ode VI, Irmos: Thou O Lord, didst place Jonah alone within the sea monster. * Do Thou save me, * who am ensnared in the nets of the enemy, * as thou didst save him from corruption.

Holy Hieromartyr, Philip, pray to God for us.

Thou didst make thy general concern that those cared for by thee be one in soul and heart, O glorious one, abiding in the one Faith of Christ; thou didst uproot heathen customs, O wise one, and didst teach them to avoid divisions.

Holy Hieromartyr, Philip, pray to God for us.

Moved by zeal for Christ, thou didst try to turn the rage of the ruler into meekness, and wast in nowise daunted by the threats of the tsar, for, in that thou art a doer of the commandments of Christ, thou didst show thyself to be a mighty and brave warrior, suffering for thy flock even unto death with rejoicing.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

We see thee, O holy hierarch Philip, as a light-bearing ray shining upon those in the darkness of life, and as an inextinguishable lamp burning with the immaterial Light, illumining all the ends of the earth and removing the gloom of ignorance.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

In a godly manner Moses, among the prophets, once prefigured thee, O all-immaculate one, as a tablet of the law, the lampstand of the Light, the tabernacle, the rod which budded forth, the jar containing the Manna, and the ladder whereby we are led up from earth to the heights of heaven.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Kontakion of the holy hierarch, in Tone III: Spec. Mel.: “Today the Virgin …”: Let us praise the most wise Philip, * the instructor of Orthodoxy, * the proclaimer of the Truth, the luminary of Russia, * who noetically feedeth his children with the food of his words; * for with his tongue he sang praise, * and with his lips he chanted hymnody, ** as an initiate of the mysteries of the grace of God.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Ikos: Come, ye who love the martyrs, and, celebrating the memory of the hieromartyr with hymnody and spiritual songs, let us rejoice in a godly manner. The time of our gladness and reward hath arrived, wherein we shall receive the gift of release from sufferings; for the pillar of fire hath appeared, consuming the heads of the iniquitous, but illumining the souls of the faithful with teachings of divine knowledge, and leading us, the New Israel, to the divine city, the heavenly Jerusalem, in that he is a disciple of the grace of God.

Ode VII, Irmos: On the plain of Dura the tyrant once placed a furnace * to torment the God-bearers; * and therein the three youths chanted hymns unto the one God, * and the three together, chanted saying: * O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Holy Hieromartyr, Philip, pray to God for us.

Thou didst stand before the Lord, adorned with the struggles of virtue and wearing a crown inlaid with drops of thy blood, O holy hierarch Philip. Wherefore, be thou ever mindful of those who celebrate thy radiant memorial, and chant: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Holy Hieromartyr, Philip, pray to God for us.

Having fled the hordes of the noetic Pharaoh, O blessed one, thou didst easily pass over to the heavens, making thine abode there, receiving the honour of glory in the light of the righteous for thy patience, chanting in joy with the saints: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Those who have recourse to thy shrine praise thee, blessing thee with love, O blessed one, for, kissing thy relics which lie therein, they receive abundant grace: for by thy touch thou hast healed diseases of the eyes and cured pain of the teeth for those who chant: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

From the love of my soul I cry to thee, O Lady: O cloud of the supremely radiant Sun, portal of salvation, gate of heaven, noetic ladder, accept the entreaty of all Christians who bless thee, the hope of our souls, and who cry aloud to thy Son: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Ode VIII, Irmos: O Thou who dost cover Thy chambers on high with the waters, * Thou Who hast set the sands to bound the sea * and Who upholdest all things: * the sun doth sing Thy praises, * the moon giveth Thee glory, * every creature offereth a hymn unto Thee, * as their Fashioner, throughout the ages.

Holy Hieromartyr, Philip, pray to God for us.

Thou dost freely heal those who call upon thee with faith, as, appearing to the paralytic, thou didst straightway raise him up, didst heal one suffering from a complaint of the liver by the touch of thy hand, and by thine appearance didst move to joy one suffering from despondency, O blessed one, ever doing these things for all, throughout the ages.

Holy Hieromartyr, Philip, pray to God for us.

In that thou wast a victor, O all-blessed one, with His life-bearing right hand the Creator hath set upon thy head the crown of suffering, an honour beyond price; and He hath preserved thy body unharmed by earthly wolves, emitting the sweet savour of perfumes. And thus, hath the Judge of the contest glorified thee throughout the ages.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

As a true pastor, O blessed one, do thou subdue arrogance and civil strife; drive away the wolves which rage against thy flock with the staff of thy supplications; make mighty the rule of our civil authorities, and put down the uprisings of the heathen, that we may hymn thee as our intercessor throughout the ages.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

With the shield of the Faith do thou preserve thy holy temple, O Virgin Theotokos; vouchsafe thy glory unto those who together glorify thee therein, and deliver us from the assault and retribution of the barbarians; and still thou the raging waves of our mind by thy supplication, O all-hymned one.

Ode IX, Irmos: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, * Who hath exalted the horn of salvation on our behalf * in the house of His child David, * wherein the Dayspring from on high hath visited us, * and guided us on the path of peace.

Holy Hieromartyr, Philip, pray to God for us.

Thou didst theologize concerning the one essence of the Trinity, and boldly denouncing those who taught vain things, O all-wise one, and exhorting the faithful with thy godly instructions, thou didst wisely strengthen them. O holy hierarch Philip, dweller with the angels, preserve in peace those who celebrate thy memory.

Holy Hieromartyr, Philip, pray to God for us.

For youths silence is a relative attainment, yet for fathers is it truly wondrous; wherefore, do thou accept this our thanksgiving, O father, not as truly worthy to serve for thy praise, but as offered unto thee with fervour; for we are unable to praise and magnify thee as is meet.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

As one co-enthroned with the apostles, equally enrolled in the choir of the martyrs, and equal in honour with the holy hierarchs, O passion-bearer Philip, by thine intercession preserve those who hymn thee in peace, lift up the horn of our civil authorities, and set at naught the savagery of the barbarians, that, rejoicing, we may hymn and magnify thee.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O receptacle of the Light, divinely joyous Lady, true confirmation of holy hierarchs and boast of all the venerable: save us who hymn thee, the all-hymned one, from misfortunes and evil circumstances, and from the invasion of the heathen.

Troparion, in Tone VIII: O successor of the primates of Russia, pillar of orthodoxy, * champion of the truth, new confessor, holy hierarch Philip, * thou didst lay down thy life for thy flock. * Wherefore, as thou hast boldness before Christ, pray thou for this city, ** and the people who honour thy holy memory as is meet.

The Coming Weekend

Sunday 13/26 December:

Confessions: 10:15

Divine Liturgy & Moleben to St Spyridon the Wonderworker: 11:00

Dear brothers and sisters,

Western holiday celebrations and family obligations complicate the confessional front this coming weekend, and we know that family duties also overshadow fasting for those with loved ones with new-calendar celebrations. As a result, I anticipate that the number of communicants will be lower, with the expectation that those who relax the fast for family celebrations on Saturday, will not commune on Sunday.

We remind those respecting western seasonal celebrations with their families to be circumspect and moderate!

There will be limited time for confession in Cardiff this weekend – between entering St John’s at 10:15 and the Hours at 11:00. Thus, anyone confessing will be bound by time and the needs of others.

I would still like anyone confessing to email in advance, so that the clergy are aware of numbers, and confessions may be heard by arrangement on any day in the chapel in Llanelli. Email: otetzmark@hotmail.com

Finally, I would like to give advance warning that from 27 December, refreshments will not be permitted to be served in places of worship of the Anglican Diocese of Llandaff, so those coming from afar will need to be prepared, with packed lunches.

This week’s Advent Moleben will be held on Wednesday at 19:00 in the parish room, Church of St Mary the Virgin. Bute Street / North Church Street, Cardiff, CF10 5HB. Due to changing covid regulations, we may zoom the Moleben the following week.

The variables for Sunday Liturgy may be found here:


May God bless and protect you and give you good strength in these days of the Nativity Fast.

In Christ – Fr Mark

Акафист святителю Амвросию, епископу Медиоланскому

Конда́к 1: Избра́ннаго чудотво́рца и свети́льника це́ркве Медиола́нския свята́го Амвро́сия, прииди́те, ве́рнии, почти́м по достоя́нию усе́рдною хвало́ю. Ты́ же, уго́дниче Бо́жий ми́лостивый, приими́ с любо́вию сие́ приноше́ние на́ше, да зове́м ти́: Ра́дуйся, Амвро́сие, святи́телю Христо́в и чудотво́рче.

И́кос 1: А́нгельских си́л и всея́ тва́ри Соде́тель, еще́ от младе́нческих пеле́н твои́х предуказа́вый добро́ту души́ твоея́, свя́те Амвро́сие, подаде́ тя́, в во́зраст прише́дша, а́нгела це́ркви Медиола́нстей, па́стыря и учи́теля слове́сному ста́ду Своему́, и си́м научи́ на́с зва́ти тебе́ си́це:

Ра́дуйся, от колыбе́ли младе́нческия на служе́ние Це́ркви ро́ем пче́л предуказа́нный; ра́дуйся, ко святи́тельству чрез немо́тствующаго младе́нца Бо́гом при́званный.

Ра́дуйся, бога́тство, сла́ву и по́чести ми́ра презре́вый; ра́дуйся, еди́ному Го́споду служи́ти восхоте́вый.

Ра́дуйся, апо́столов Христо́вых досто́йных прее́мниче; ра́дуйся, архиере́ев святы́х преподо́бный сопресто́льниче.

Ра́дуйся, Амвро́сие, святи́телю Христо́в и чудотво́рче.

Конда́к 2: Ви́дя небе́сное промышле́ние, соверши́вшееся в чу́днем призва́нии твое́м ко служе́нию Це́ркви, прему́дре, посвяти́л еси́ про́чее вре́мя жития́ твоего́ на угожде́ние во́ли Боже́ственней, и прине́сл еси́ всего́ себе́ и вся́ своя́ в же́ртву призва́вшему тя́ Го́споду, поя́ ему́: Аллилу́иа.

И́кос 2: Ра́зумом богопросвеще́нным, напое́нным же от сло́ва Бо́жия, уразуме́в я́ко основа́ние все́х доброде́телей и сою́з соверше́нства духо́внаго любы́ к Бо́гу и бли́жнему е́сть, благоче́стне, потща́лся яви́ти ю́ в себе́ не сло́вом то́кмо, но де́лом и и́стиною. Те́мже бе́дствующим ру́ку ско́рыя по́мощи простира́л еси́, име́ния своя́ вся́ убо́гим расточи́л еси́, и та́ко наста́вил еси́ на́с зва́ти тебе́ си́це:

Ра́дуйся, я́ко путе́м нестяжа́ния апо́стольскаго ше́ствовати возлюби́л еси́; ра́дуйся, я́ко все́ свое́ попече́ние на Про́мысл Бо́жий возложи́л еси́.

Ра́дуйся, милосе́рдия я́же во Христе́ подража́телю; ра́дуйся, нищеты́ его́ до́льния доброво́льный после́дователю.

Ра́дуйся, ме́ньших бра́тий Христо́вых дру́же и благоде́телю; ра́дуйся, скорбя́щих и озло́бленных ско́рый уте́шителю.

Ра́дуйся, Амвро́сие, святи́телю Христо́в и чудотво́рче.

Конда́к 3: Си́лою Вы́шняго укрепля́емь, преподо́бне, труды́ и ско́рби вели́каго служе́ния святи́тельскаго на по́льзу це́ркве Медиола́нския, во сла́ву же Го́спода Иису́са, благоду́шно поне́сл еси́, о все́х же благословля́л еси́ Бо́га, поя́ Ему́: Аллилу́иа.

И́кос 3: Име́я же́зл си́лы, кре́пость ева́нгельскую, по́сланную ти́ от Сио́на Небе́снаго, святи́телю, госпо́дствовал еси́ посреде́ враго́в твои́х и не да́л еси́ волко́м ходя́щим во о́вчих ко́жах, в се́рдце же нося́щим я́д па́губы, расхи́тити ста́до твое́. Те́мже похва́льная воспису́ем ти́ сия́:

Ра́дуйся, слуго́ Спа́са ве́рнейший; ра́дуйся, стра́же до́му Бо́жия бди́тельнейший.

Ра́дуйся, па́стырю Христо́в честне́йший;  ра́дуйся, побо́рниче ве́ры, во пре́ниих с ересеучи́тельми мудре́йший.

Ра́дуйся, злоче́стия ариа́нскаго потреби́телю; ра́дуйся, пра́вых догма́тов насади́телю.

Ра́дуйся, Амвро́сие, святи́телю Христо́в и чудотво́рче.

Конда́к 4: Бу́рю крамолы́, воздви́гшуюся на це́рковь Медиола́нскую, зря́, Амвро́сие, сладкоглаго́ливою бесе́дою твое́ю, соде́йствием же Бо́жиим утиши́л еси́ мяте́ж людски́й, и та́ко научи́л еси́ ча́д ми́ра пе́ти Бо́гу: Аллилу́иа.

И́кос 4: Слы́ша Феодо́сий ца́рь преще́ние твое́, и́мже возбраня́шеся ему́ я́ко уби́йце вни́ти в це́рковь Бо́жию, во е́же приобщи́тися Та́йн святы́х, повинова́ся ти́, я́ко гре́шник смире́нно ка́ющийся и примире́ния с Го́сподом жа́ждущий. Того́ ра́ди по достоя́нию возглаша́ем ти́:

Ра́дуйся, Та́ин Бо́жиих му́дрый строи́телю; ра́дуйся, постановле́ний оте́ческих ве́рный храни́телю.

Ра́дуйся, Нафа́ну и Предте́чи соревни́телю; ра́дуйся, законопресту́пных нелицеме́рный обличи́телю.

Ра́дуйся, наста́вниче покая́ния и исправле́ния; ра́дуйся, Це́ркве Медиола́нския неумира́ющая сла́во и украше́ние.

Ра́дуйся, Амвро́сие, святи́телю Христо́в и чудотво́рче.

Конда́к 5: Боготе́чная звезда́ на тве́рди церко́вней бы́л еси́, о́тче Амвро́сие, све́тлостию уче́ния и жития́ твоего́ мглу́ ересе́й разгоня́ющая и мра́к безбо́жия потребля́ющая, неве́рных от тьмы́ неве́рия к све́ту невече́рнему привлача́ющая и все́х ко спасе́нию путеводя́щая, пою́щим Бо́гу: Аллилу́иа.

И́кос 5: Ви́девше тя́ медиола́нстии лю́дие му́драго пе́стуна и любвеоби́льнаго отца́ па́стве свое́й, святи́телю, притека́ху к милосе́рдию твоему́ во все́х ско́рбех и ну́ждах свои́х. Ты́ же, ми́лостиве, никого́же отри́нул еси́, но все́м вся́к помо́щник бы́л еси́, досто́йный сицевы́х похва́л:

Ра́дуйся, си́рых покрови́телю; ра́дуйся, оби́димых защи́тителю.

Ра́дуйся, плене́нных от ва́рвар искупи́телю; ра́дуйся, от ко́зней сатани́нских свободи́телю.

Ра́дуйся, я́ко досто́йно сла́достное и́мя носи́л еси́; ра́дуйся, я́ко вои́стину сла́достен наста́вник и пособи́тель все́м бы́л еси́.

Ра́дуйся, Амвро́сие, святи́телю Христо́в и чудотво́рче.

Конда́к 6: Пропове́дник веща́емых ти́ от А́нгел к у́ху глаго́лов Бо́жиих бы́л еси́, святи́телю Амвро́сие, те́мже словеса́ у́ст твои́х па́че ме́да и со́та услажда́ху все́х послу́шающих тебе́ и Бо́гу вопию́щих: Аллилу́иа.

И́кос 6: Возсия́ а́ки со́лнце све́т доброде́тельнаго жития́ твоего́ на земли́, богому́дре о́тче, в тебе́ бо зри́м вся́ ели́ка честна́, ели́ка пра́ведна, ели́ка пречи́ста. Си́х ра́ди сла́вяще Свята́го Ду́ха, вино́вника благи́х, от си́лы в си́лу священнота́йне ве́дшаго тя́, зове́м:

Ра́дуйся, доброде́телей ева́нгельских пребога́тое сокро́вище; ра́дуйся, всегда́шних воздыха́ний и моли́тв я́же к Бо́гу пречестно́е святи́лище.

Ра́дуйся, кро́тости и смире́ния боголе́пное жили́ще; ра́дуйся, терпе́ния тве́рдое храни́лище.

Ра́дуйся, церкве́й Бо́жиих украси́телю и пречу́дный побо́рниче; ра́дуйся, чистоты́ де́вственный учи́телю и неоску́дный сле́з исто́чниче.

Ра́дуйся, Амвро́сие, святи́телю Христо́в и чудотво́рче.

Конда́к 7: Хотя́ улучи́ти спасе́ние во мно́зе сове́те, смиренному́дре, име́л еси́ дру́га души́ твоея́ пресви́тера состаре́вшася и му́дра, почита́я его́ я́ко отца́ и с ни́м совеща́лся о де́лех свои́х; вразуми́ и на́с твори́ти вся́ с сове́том богому́дрых отце́в, да окормле́нием и́х спаса́еми, пое́м Бо́гу: Аллилу́иа.

И́кос 7: Зна́мение ева́нгельския любве́ к бли́жнему яви́л еси́, о́тче Амвро́сие, егда́ враго́м свои́м благотвори́л еси́ и со гре́шники ка́ющимися го́рько пла́кал еси́. Те́мже ти́ я́ко непамятозло́бному па́стырю и отцу́, боле́зновавшу о спасе́нии духо́вных ча́д твои́х, вопие́м:

Ра́дуйся, незло́бия Христо́ва подража́телю; ра́дуйся, ка́ющимся гре́шником те́плый сострада́телю.

Ра́дуйся, Иусти́не, враждова́вшей ти́, благотвори́вый; ра́дуйся, злоде́ю твоему́ ру́ку усо́хшую исцели́вый.

Ра́дуйся, я́ко ве́сь кро́тость и любо́вь бы́л еси́; ра́дуйся, я́ко высоты́ соверше́нства дости́гл еси́.

Ра́дуйся, Амвро́сие, святи́телю Христо́в и чудотво́рче.

Конда́к 8: Стра́нныя и ди́вныя си́лы пе́рст Бо́жий сотвори́ в житии́ твое́м, святи́телю, егда́ уме́рша о́трока воскреси́ тобо́ю, разсла́бленную исцели́, ариа́нина, почита́ния ра́ди святы́х моще́й хули́вшаго тя́, бе́су преда́, безсту́дную жену́ сирми́йску уничижи́вшую тя́, ка́рою порази́. И кто́ от слы́шащих вся́ сия́ не просла́вит ди́внаго в житии́ твое́м Бо́га пе́снию: Аллилу́иа.

И́кос 8: Ве́сь испо́лнен бы́в ре́вности по Бо́зе, о́тче Амвро́сие, такову́ю вла́сть над де́моны стяжа́л еси́, я́ко ниже́ к две́рем до́му твоего́ прибли́зитися можа́ху: о́гнь бо исходя́й отту́ду гна́ше и́х, я́ко пра́х, его́же возмета́ет ве́тр от лица́ земли́. Толи́ко стра́шный де́моном уго́дниче Бо́жий, огради́ и на́шу не́мощь предста́тельством твои́м от губи́тельных стре́л и́х, да вопие́м ти́ сицева́я:

Ра́дуйся, от ко́зней лю́таго мироде́ржца кре́пкий ве́рных храни́телю; ра́дуйся, от зло́бных слу́г его́, зия́ющих пожре́ти ны́, ве́рный на́ш обличи́телю.

Ра́дуйся, я́ко пла́мень лица́ бесо́в попаля́ющий; ра́дуйся, я́ко гро́м киче́ние па́дшаго денни́цы поража́ющий.

Ра́дуйся, всю́ си́лу его́ си́лою кре́стною попра́вый; ра́дуйся, нечи́стых духо́в от притека́ющих к тебе́ отгна́вый.

Ра́дуйся, Амвро́сие, святи́телю Христо́в и чудотво́рче.

Конда́к 9: Все́ житие́ на́ше во юдо́ли земна́го стра́нствования сего́ испо́лнено безчи́сленных искуше́ний и бе́д, грехо́в и страсте́й, вою́ющих на ны́: ка́ко у́бо избы́ти возмо́жем ве́чных му́к, окая́ннии, егда́ пости́гнет на́с сме́рть неумоли́мая, а́ще не ты́, о́тче, с наде́ждою на́шею Богома́терию, предста́тельствовати за ны́ бу́деши, поя́ Бо́гу: Аллилу́иа.

И́кос 9: Вети́я многовеща́нныя ви́дим тобо́ю посра́мленныя, святи́телю: А́рия бо ху́льных после́дователей препре́л еси́, Симма́ха высокоу́мнаго низложи́л еси́, мудрецы́, и́же от восто́ка, глубино́ю богосло́вия своего́ удиви́л еси́, и вся́ ве́рныя уче́нием и́стинным просвети́л еси́. Те́мже мо́лим тя́: осия́й и на́с све́том богоразу́мия твоего́, да отбе́гше скве́рн тлетво́рнаго ду́ха вре́мене и собла́знов бори́теля, вопие́м ти́:

Ра́дуйся, ду́ш на́ших просвети́телю; ра́дуйся, ве́ры правосла́вныя побо́рниче.

Ра́дуйся, веле́ний Бо́жиих учи́телю; ра́дуйся, пле́вел вра́жиих, всева́емых в ду́ши спя́щих челове́к, искорени́телю.

Ра́дуйся, я́ко мно́гих коле́блемых неве́рием в пра́вой ве́ре укрепи́л еси́; ра́дуйся, я́ко догма́т о единосу́щном и равноче́стном Отцу́ и Ду́хови Божестве́ Сы́на уясни́л еси́.

Ра́дуйся, Амвро́сие, святи́телю Христо́в и чудотво́рче.

Конда́к 10: Спасе́ние соверше́нное улучи́в от привре́менных бу́рь и бе́д, уго́дниче Бо́жий Амвро́сие, не забу́ди на́с, потопля́емых напа́стей бу́рею. Но в ни́хже са́м искуше́н бы́л еси́, и на́м искуша́емым помози́, да пое́м Бо́гу: Аллилу́иа.

И́кос 10: Сте́ну тя́ тве́рдую и изве́стно утвержде́ние гра́ду твоему́ и все́м чту́щим па́мять твою́ испове́дающе, святи́телю, дерза́ем по достоя́нию воспе́ти тебе́ хвале́ние сие́:

Ра́дуйся, царе́й бранелюби́вых умиротвори́телю; ра́дуйся, благоде́нствия оте́чественнаго храни́телю.

Ра́дуйся, я́ко тобо́ю царю́ Гратиа́ну побе́да на го́ты дарова́ся; ра́дуйся, я́ко тобо́ю мно́гим ми́р от Феодо́сия исхода́тайствовася.

Ра́дуйся, я́ко тобо́ю проще́ние грехо́в улуча́ем; ра́дуйся, я́ко тобо́ю от бе́д спаса́еми, ми́р с Бо́гом обрета́ем.

Ра́дуйся, Амвро́сие, святи́телю Христо́в и чудотво́рче.

Конда́к 11: Пе́снь «Тебе́ Бо́га хва́лим, Тебе́ Го́спода испове́дуем…» па́че вся́каго возду́шнаго орга́на услажда́ющую ве́рных, воспе́л еси́ в че́сть Боже́ственней Тро́ице, святи́телю. Ны́не же в Це́ркви Небе́сней пое́ши со А́нгелы и́ну пе́снь то́йжде Тро́ице: Аллилу́иа.

И́кос 11: Светопода́тельна свети́льника, еще́ на земли́ просия́вша невеще́ственным све́том, ве́дуще тя́, о́тче святы́й, ку́ю досто́йную похвалу́ принесе́м ти́ гре́шнии, ко́ею пе́снию ублажи́м тя́ недосто́йнии, о святи́телю Христо́в. Еди́н то́кмо све́дый глубины́ серде́чныя и реки́й: «А́з прославля́ющия Мя́ просла́влю», — еди́н О́н ве́сть, ка́ко по достоя́нию просла́вити тя́. Оба́че ве́дый, я́ко челове́к, на́шу не́мощь, не отри́ни, я́ко оте́ц ми́лостивый, и на́ша убо́гия, но от и́скренних серде́ц приноси́мыя ти́ хвалы́ сия́:

Ра́дуйся, а́нгеле земны́й, еще́ на земли́ све́том невеще́ственным озаре́нный; ра́дуйся, челове́че небе́сный, еще́ во пло́ти лицезре́нием сладча́йшаго Иису́са почте́нный.

Ра́дуйся, свети́льниче Боже́ственнаго све́та, уче́нием свои́м ми́ра концы́ озари́вый; ра́дуйся, луче́ мы́сленнаго Со́лнца, теплото́ю любве́ своея́ вертогра́д Его́ оживи́вый.

Ра́дуйся, звездо́, тве́рдь церко́вную све́тло украша́ющая; ра́дуйся, похвало́ и доны́не Медиола́н осиява́ющая.

Ра́дуйся, Амвро́сие, святи́телю Христо́в и чудотво́рче.

Конда́к 12: Благода́тию небе́снаго покро́ва твоего́ не лиши́ на́с никогда́, о ми́лостиве о́тче, но при́сно моли́ся о на́с к ще́дрому Го́споду, Ему́же с ли́ки святы́х немо́лчно пое́ши: Аллилу́иа.

И́кос 12: Пою́ще чудеса́ и по́двиги преподо́бнаго жития́ твоего́, святи́телю, сла́вим кончи́ну твою́, е́юже ми́рно отше́л еси́ на не́бо, и ублажа́ем соца́рствование твое́ та́мо с Бо́гом ве́чным. Ты́ же, уго́дниче святы́й, при́зри с высоты́ о́наго блаже́ннаго приста́нища твоего́ на на́с, пла́вающих в молве́ жите́йских попече́ний и к тебе́, неви́димому окорми́телю на́шему, из глубины́ души́ вопию́щих:

Ра́дуйся, пла́вание свое́ в жите́йском мо́ри до́бре сверши́вый и безце́нное сокро́вище ве́ры в бе́зднах его́ не потопи́вый; ра́дуйся, ко приста́нищу ра́йскому безбе́дно приплы́вый и вене́ц нетле́нный от Христа́ улучи́вый.

Ра́дуйся, я́ко та́мо ликовству́я, и на́с, до́лу су́щих, любо́вию твое́ю досяза́еши; ра́дуйся, я́ко ду́хом твои́м на́м вы́ну спребыва́еши.

Ра́дуйся, я́ко тобо́ю гне́ва Бо́жия избавля́емся; ра́дуйся, я́ко мольба́ми твои́ми к приста́нищу го́рнему направля́емся.

Ра́дуйся, Амвро́сие, святи́телю Христо́в и чудотво́рче.

Конда́к 13: О, святы́й и ми́лостивый уго́дниче Бо́жий Амвро́сие! Приими́ с любо́вию приноси́мое сие́ ма́лое, но от усе́рдия приноси́мое тебе́ хвале́ние на́ше, и потщи́ся изба́вити на́с от боле́зней душе́вных и теле́сных, от все́х бе́д и зо́л, да тобо́ю улучи́вше Ца́рство Небе́сное, во ве́ки пое́м Бо́гу: Аллилу́иа.

Этот конда́к читается трижды, затем и́кос 1-й и конда́к 1-й.

Моли́тва: О, пресла́вный чудотво́рче, в ско́рбех ско́рый помо́щниче и усе́рдный о ми́ре к Бо́гу моли́твенниче, о́тче святы́й Амвро́сие! Ве́мы, я́ко ве́лие ко Спа́су и́маши дерзнове́ние, предстоя́ го́рнему Престо́лу Его́, и сего́ ра́ди смире́нно припа́даем ти́: моли́ся Ему́, уго́дниче Бо́жий, да пода́ст наро́ду Росси́йскому благоде́нственное и ми́рное житие́, да изба́вит от вра́г ви́димых и неви́димых, от наше́ствия иноплеме́нных, от неду́га и гла́да, от вся́кия ско́рби и смертоно́сныя я́звы и от вся́каго зла́; на́м же все́м, ве́рою пра́зднующим святу́ю па́мять твою́ и усе́рдно хода́тайства твоего́ ча́ющим, да ниспо́слет вся́ благопотре́бная ко вре́менному и ве́чному житию́ на́шему, па́че же оставле́ние грехо́в, ми́р по́мыслов, тишину́ серде́чную, здра́вие душа́м и телесе́м на́шим. Е́й, святи́телю Бо́жий, па́стырю Христо́в ми́лостивейший, покрови́телю на́ш гото́вейший! услы́ши на́с, еще́ еди́наго от тебе́ прося́щих: бу́ди те́плый моли́твенник и предста́тель ко Го́споду о духо́вных па́стырех и отце́х на́ших (имена́), и́же не́мощи на́ша но́сят и о на́с боле́знуют, до́ндеже вообрази́тся в на́с Христо́с, да сохрани́т О́н, всеблаги́й и вся́ могу́щий Влады́ка, дража́йшия дни́ жития́ и́х в неруши́мом ми́ре и кре́пости си́л духо́вных и теле́сных, да приведе́т на́с, недосто́йных рабо́в Свои́х, и́х окормле́нием и моли́твами, твои́м же хода́йтайством и заступле́нием ко приста́нищу жи́зни несконча́емыя, иде́же херуви́ми и серафи́ми, святи́и вси́ с Богоро́дицею и с тобо́ю, покрови́телем на́шим, непреста́нными гла́сы сла́вят Отца́, и Сы́на, и Свята́го Ду́ха, ны́не и при́сно и во ве́ки веко́в. Ами́нь.

Моли́тва ина́я

О, всесвяты́й Амвро́сие, уго́дниче Бо́жий изря́днейший, покрови́телю мо́й ми́лостивейший! При́зри с высоты́ го́рняго жили́ща твоего́ на мя́ недосто́йнаго, неради́ваго, уны́лаго в настоя́щем житии́ се́м. Ви́ждь мене́ гре́шнаго, в толи́цем обстоя́нии су́щаго, умо́м помраче́ннаго, во́лею ко злу́ преклоне́ннаго, и се́рдцем па́че к земли́, не́же к небеси́, прилепле́ннаго. Ви́ждь стра́стное обурева́ние души́ моея́ и не́мощь и небреже́ние мое́. Ви́ждь при се́м и кова́рство злонача́льника и губи́теля моего́, ви́ждь, о святи́телю Христо́в, и умилосе́рдися о мне́, такова́го ра́ди положе́ния моего́. Помози́ ми́, о засту́пниче мо́й, ско́рым предста́тельством твои́м. Исхода́тайствуй ми́ от Отца́ щедро́т бо́дрость и си́лу, во е́же твори́ти во́лю Его́, благу́ю, уго́дную и соверше́нную, стра́сти моя́ умертви́ти, де́мона низложи́ти, ми́р себе́ распя́ти и себе́ ми́ру, и та́ко дости́гнути христиа́нския кончи́ны живота́ своего́, безболе́зненны, непосты́дны, ми́рны. По исхо́де же притре́петныя души́ моея́ от окая́ннаго и бре́ннаго телесе́ сего́, бу́ди е́й а́нгел покрови́тель, до́бр спу́тник, ве́рен храни́тель и защи́тник от лю́тых нападе́ний нача́льника возду́шных мыта́рств, да безбе́дно преше́д о́ныя, си́лою предста́тельства твоего́, сподо́блюся про́чее и а́з, после́дний из все́х, и́же в ца́рстве благода́ти, узре́ти сладча́йшее лице́ Го́спода на́шего и сла́вити Его́ со Отце́м и Святы́м Ду́хом, и твое́ ми́лостивное о мне́ предста́тельство, во ве́ки веко́в. Ами́нь.

Nameday Greetings

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Though it’s rather late in the day, as I went out without my laptop and have only just returned home, this is the first chance to post nameday greetings to our brother and elder of the parish, Andrew (Allan).
We send him our congratulations and warmest regards, praying that God will grant him ‘Many blessed years!’

Многая и Благая лѣта!

The Advent Journey With the Saints: Venerable Martyr Stephen the New

Saturday, November 28 / December 11: Venerable Martyr Stephen the New

The Monk Martyr and Confessor Stephen the New was born in 715 at Constantinople into a pious Christian family. His parents, having two daughters, prayed the Lord for a son. The mother of the new-born Stephen took him to the Blachernae church of the Most Holy Theotokos and dedicated him to God.

During the reign of the emperor Leo the Isaurian (716-741) there was a persecution against the holy icons and against those venerating them. With the support of the emperor, the adherents of the Iconoclast heresy seized control of the supreme positions of authority in the Empire and in the Church. Persecuted by the powers of this world, Orthodoxy was preserved in monasteries far from the capital, in solitary cells, and in the brave and faithful hearts of its followers.

The Orthodox parents of Saint Stephen, grieved by the prevailing impiety, fled from Constantinople to Bithynia, and they gave over their sixteen-year-old son in obedience to the monk John, who labored in asceticism in a solitary place on the Mount of Saint Auxentius. Saint Stephen dwelt with the venerable monk John for more than fifteen years, devoting himself totally to this spirit-bearing Elder, and learning monastic activity from him. Here Stephen received the news that his father was dead, and his mother and sisters had been tonsured as nuns.

After a certain time his teacher John also died. With deep sorrow Saint Stephen buried his venerable body, and continued with monastic effort in his cave by himself. Soon monks began to come to the ascetic, desiring to learn from him the virtuous and salvific life, and a monastery was established, with Saint Stephen as the igumen. At forty-two years of age Stephen left the monastery he founded, and he went to another mountain, on whose summit he dwelt in deep seclusion in a solitary cell. But here also a community of monks soon gathered, seeking the spiritual guidance of Saint Stephen.

Leo the Isaurian was succeeded by Constantine Copronymos (741-775), a fiercer persecutor of the Orthodox, and an even more zealous iconoclast. The emperor convened an Iconoclast Council, attended by 358 bishops from the Eastern provinces. However, except for Constantine, the Archbishop of Constantinople, illegitimately raised to the patriarchal throne by the power of Copronymos, not one of the other patriarchs participated in the wicked doings of this Council, thus making it less likely to style itself as “ecumenical.” This council of heretics, at the instigation of the emperor and the archbishop, described icons as idols, and pronounced an anathema on all who venerated icons in the Orthodox manner, and it described icon veneration as heresy.

Meanwhile, the monastery of Mount Auxentius and its igumen became known in the capital. They told the emperor about the ascetic life of the monks, about their Orthodox piety, about the igumen Stephen’s gift of wonderworking, and of how Saint Stephen’s fame had spread far beyond the region of the monastery, and that the name of its head was accorded universal respect and love. The saint’s open encouragement of icon veneration and the implied rebuff to the persecutors of Orthodoxy within the monastery of Mount Auxentius especially angered the emperor. Archbishop Constantine realized that in the person of Saint Stephen he had a strong and implacable opponent of his iconoclastic intentions, and he plotted how he might draw him over to his side or else destroy him.

They tried to lure Saint Stephen into the Iconoclast camp, at first with flattery and bribery, then by threats, but in vain. Then they slandered the saint, accusing him of falling into sin with the nun Anna. But his guilt was not proven, since the nun courageously denied any guilt and died under torture and beatings. Finally, the emperor gave orders to lock up the saint in prison, and to destroy his monastery. Iconoclast bishops were sent to Saint Stephen in prison, trying to persuade him of the dogmatic correctness of the Iconoclast position. But the saint easily refuted all the arguments of the heretics and he remained true to Orthodoxy.

Then the emperor ordered that the saint be exiled on one of the islands in the Sea of Marmora. Saint Stephen settled into a cave, and there also his disciples soon gathered. After a certain while the saint left the brethren and took upon himself the exploit of living atop a pillar. News of the stylite Stephen, and the miracles worked by his prayers, spread throughout all the Empire and strengthened the faith and spirit of Orthodoxy in the people.

The emperor gave orders to transfer Saint Stephen to prison on the island of Pharos, and then to bring him to trial. At the trial, the saint refuted the arguments of the heretics sitting in judgment upon him. He explained the dogmatic essence of icon veneration, and he denounced the Iconoclasts because in blaspheming icons, they blasphemed Christ and the Mother of God. As proof, the saint pointed to a golden coin inscribed with the image of the emperor. He asked the judges what would happen to a man who threw the coin to the ground , and then trampled the emperor’s image under his feet. They replied that such a man would certainly be punished for dishonoring the image of the emperor. The saint said that an even greater punishment awaited anyone who would dishonor the image of the King of Heaven and His Saints, and with that he spat on the coin, threw it to the ground, and began to trample it underfoot.

The emperor gave orders to take the saint to prison, where already there were languishing 342 Elders, condemned for the veneration of icons. In this prison Saint Stephen spent eleven months, consoling the imprisoned. The prison became like a monastery, where the usual prayers and hymns were chanted according to the Typikon. The people came to the prison in crowds and asked Saint Stephen to pray for them.

When the emperor learned that the saint had organized a monastery in prison, where they prayed and venerated holy icons, he sent two of his own servants, twin-brothers, to beat the saint to death. When these brothers went to the prison and beheld the face of the monk shining with a divine light, they fell down on their knees before him, asking his forgiveness and prayers, then they told the emperor that his command had been carried out. But the emperor learned the truth and he resorted to yet another lie. Informing his soldiers that the saint was plotting to remove him from the throne, he sent them to the prison. The holy confessor himself came out to the furious soldiers, who seized him and dragged him through the streets of the city. They then threw the lacerated body of the martyr into a pit, where they were wont to bury criminals.

On the following morning a fiery cloud appeared over Mount Auxentius, and then a heavy darkness descended upon the capital, accompanied by hail, which killed many people.

The canon to the venerable one, with 6 Troparia, the acrostic whereof is: “Christ crowneth thee with the wreath of martyrdom, O blessed one”, the composition of Joseph, in Tone VI.

Ode I, Irmos: When Israel walked on foot in the sea as on dry land, * on seeing their pursuer Pharaoh drowned, * they cried: * Let us sing to God * a song of victory.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Joyfully treading the narrow path of fasting, O blessed one, thou didst scorch the assaults of the enemy on the griddle of martyrdom and inherited spacious life.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

She who before was barren, the namesake of Hannah, brought thee forth as a root, like Samuel of old, and gave thee to God Who gave thee to her, O wise one, signifying the grace of thy life.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Arriving at the most sacred and divine rank of monastics, O venerable Stephen, thou didst shine forth like a most brilliant star in thy virtues, mystically illumining the faithful.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Confining thy body in a narrow dwelling, thou didst furnish thy mind with wings to fly to the heavens, O wise one, freeing thyself to soar well through the expanse of the heavens.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

With sacred voices let us glorify the holy Lady, O sacred people: the impassable portal, the pure temple of purity, her who is most comely among women.

Ode III, Irmos: There is none as holy as Thou, * O Lord my God, * who hast exalted the horn of The faithful O good One, * and strengthened us upon the rock * of Thy confession.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Thy mind, made beautiful through the vision of God, O father, was revealed to be most comely, truly filled with every grace, and partaking of divine splendor.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Venerating the precious icon of Christ and her who gave birth to Him, O blessed one, by the power of the divine Spirit thou didst despise the vile command of the impious emperor.

The most foolish one, binding with iron fetters thee who dost possess a heart of iron, sent thee to prison, O all-blessed Stephen, as a preserver of the dogmas of Christ.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou didst manifestly possess beautiful feet which tread radiantly the paths of martyrdom, O venerable one, and crushed the heads of the enemy, O much-suffering Stephen.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

From thee, the only pure one, did the supremely divine Word become incarnate, as is known; and He hath saved from corruption us who worship His divine condescension, in that He is full of loving-kindness.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Kontakion, in Tone VIII, Spec. Mel. “To thee, the chosen leader …”: With all our heart, O ye who love the feasts of the Church, * let us faithfully praise with hymns the godly Stephen, the lover of the Trinity, * as one who venerated the beauteous image of the Master and His Mother; * and together let us now cry out to him, rejoicing with love: ** Rejoice, O ever-glorious father!

Sessional Hymn, in Tone I, Spec. Mel.: “Thy tomb, O Saviour …”: Thy blood, O divinely wise one, mystically crieth out to God from the earth like that of Abel; for thou didst clearly preach that Christ was both God and man. Wherefore, thou didst put to shame the delusion of the iconoclasts and hast passed over to the mansions of heaven. Pray thou that Christ save us.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone I, same melody: Luminous in fasting, thou didst shine in lawful suffering like gold in the crucible, O wise one; and received a crown which befitteth thy calling. Wherefore, rejoicing, we celebrate thy most holy memory, honoring thy feats, O ever-memorable Stephen.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokion in Tone I: O pure Virgin Theotokos who knewest not wedlock, thou sole intercessor and protection of the faithful: from tribulations, sorrows and cruel circumstances deliver all who place their trust in thee, O Maiden, and save our souls by thy divine supplications.

Ode IV, Irmos: Christ is my power, * my God and my Lord, * the holy Church divinely singeth, * crying with a pure mind, * keeping festival in the Lord.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Illumined with the light of the Spirit, O father, thou didst impart light to the blind by thy supplications, emulating thy Master and God, O divinely inspired one.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Thou hast been seen by those sailing afar off at sea, by divine grace piloting to a calm harbour those who with faith invoke thy name, O blessed father Stephen.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

As a sacred minister, thou didst offer thyself as a sacred immolation unto Him Who was slain for thy sake, O Stephen, and, rejoicing, thou hast found rest in the mansions of the first-born.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The dry field wast shown to be wholly healthy by thy precious word, O martyr, and we marvel at the grace given thee abundantly from on high for the correction of all mankind.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

On thee, O all-immaculate one, have I set all hope of my salvation, and I have fled to thy protection. Be thou my helper, O Maiden, delivering me from evil things.

Ode V, Irmos: Illumine with Thy divine light, I pray, O Good One, * the souls of those who with love rise early to pray to Thee, * that they may know Thee, O Word of God, * as the true God, * Who recalleth us from the darkness of sin.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Our God, Who alone is the Judge of the contest, strengthened thee against the murderers, O venerable Stephen, and truly crowned thy labors of fasting with the honors of martyrdom.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Struggling right gloriously, thou wast found, O martyr, sharing fellowship with a multitude of martyrs in prison; for, surrounding thee like stars around a never-waning sun, they shone all the more greatly.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

O sacred confessors with divine words as emulators of the divine sufferings, we bless you, the three hundred and forty-two who contended against the ungodly.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

For the icon of Christ the most virtuously glorious multitude of the venerable endured the mockery of having their hair shorn off, their ears and hands severed, and their divine members burned away.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O most pure one, who alone hast truly given birth to the Most holy One on earth; sanctify those who ceaselessly profess thee to be the Theotokos, and save us by thy mediation.

Ode VI, Irmos: Beholding the sea of life surging with the tempest of temptations, * I run to Thy calm haven, and cry to Thee: * Raise up my life from corruption, * O Most Merciful One.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

The author of evil was unable to endure the power of thy words; wherefore, O Stephen, the deceiver savagely gave thee over to bonds, wounds and a violent death.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Thou wast burned like bread baked by fire, suspended pitilessly by thy feet, O Paul; thus offering thyself as a sacrifice to God, and been deemed worthy to dwell with the martyrs. With faith and love we bless you, O ye thirty-eight venerable monks who suffered lawfully in Ephesus, imprisoned and deprived of life by suffocation.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou didst mightily oppose the judge, O right glorious Peter of great renown, and, with thy body lacerated by stripes, thou didst desire to die for Christ, the only Immortal One.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Theotokos, with steadfast heart we bless thee, who alone among women art all-hymned and comely, the invincible rampart of Christians, the most pure Lady.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, in Tone III, Spec. Mel. “Today the Virgin …”: From a barren woman didst thou, the offshoot of a root, grow forth, * O venerable father, * namesake of the protomartyr; * and thou wast shown to be a great instructor of monks, * unafraid of the wrath of the emperor * who did not wish to venerate the image of Christ. * Wherefore, in dying thou didst receive ** the crown of martyrdom, O Stephen.

Ikos: He who is the father of hatred and a stranger to God raised many temptations and threefold waves against thee; yet he could not bear to look upon thy godly life and the straight and undeviating steps of thy path. The vile one devised evils against thee, feigning to be thy disciple, like Judas of old; and made haste to place thee in the hands of the iniquitous, O father, who splendidly confessed Christ and venerated His image with love. Wherefore, thou hast received the crown of martyrdom, O Stephen.

Ode VII, Irmos: An Angel made the furnace bedew the holy Children. * But the command of God consumed the Chaldeans * and prevailed upon the tyrant to cry: * O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Thine end was announced to thee by the all-accomplishing will of God, O blessed one; wherefore, thou didst give thyself over to yet greater fasting, and now, having been slain for Christ Who is God over all, thou hast gone from glory to glory.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Thou wast glorified with the protomartyr of the same name as thee; for, stoned, dragged and beaten mercilessly, thou didst fill the earth with blood and, rejoicing, surrendered thy soul to the Lord.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Dragged through the streets of the city, O martyr Stephen, thou didst smooth the way of martyrdom for all the faithful; and stepping forth upon it confidently, they have manifestly reached the city of heaven.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The most sacred prophets announced beforehand the supremely revealed mystery of thine honoured birthgiving, O pure one. And we, splendidly contemplating the fulfilment thereof, now piously call thee blessed.

Ode VIII, Irmos: Thou didst make flame bedew the holy children, * and didst burn the sacrifice of a righteous man with water. * For Thou alone, O Christ, dost do all as Thou willest, * Thee do we supremely exalt throughout all ages.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Most savagely, like wild beasts, the murderous ones seized the lamb of Christ, beating him, and they who live iniquitously buried him with the malefactors.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Pitilessly the enemy crushed thy head which God hath crowned with the wreath of victory in the highest, O crowned sufferer, glory of martyrs and all the venerable.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

The divinely wise and righteous Andrew, steadfastly opposing the tyrant, was broken by blows and mercilessly slain, chanting to Christ God throughout all ages.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

As a most holy habitation of Him Who resteth in all the saints, O much-suffering Stephen, thou dost bear Him in thy heart throughout all ages.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

With the sprinkling of the divine blood which flowed from the side of thy Son and God, O Virgin who art blessed of God, wash away, I pray thee, the defilement which hath come upon me through wicked sin.

Ode IX, Irmos: It is impossible for mankind to see God * upon Whom the orders of Angels dare not gaze; * but through thee, O all-pure one, * did the Word Incarnate become a man * and with the Heavenly Hosts * Him we magnify and thee we call blessed.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Beholding the ranks of angels, patriarchs, the venerable, prophets, martyrs, apostles and all the righteous, O divinely inspired one, thou didst rejoice; and as thou hast now joined them, be thou mindful of, and help those of us on earth, who in a pure manner call thee blessed.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Thou wast like a light, like the dawning, like the great sun, like the star-spangled sky replete with the splendours of miracles and holy wounds, O Stephen, truly adorning the thoughts of all who praise thee, O much-suffering martyr.

Venerable Martyr, Stephen, pray to God for us.

Having first destroyed the princes of darkness with the steadfast feats of asceticism, O father, thou didst later suffer mightily, giving them over to utter destruction, O Stephen, beauty of the martyrs and boast of the venerable.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thy most glorious memory doth today illumine the multitudes of the earthborn with the most radiant beams of the gifts of the Spirit, O divinely blessed Stephen. Illumine and sanctify us who now joyfully celebrate it.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O divinely joyous one, abode of the Light, true confirmation of hieromartyrs and boast of all the venerable: from misfortunes, evil circumstances and the invasion of enemies save us who hymn thee.

Troparion, in Tone IV: Struggling in fasting upon the mountain, * thou didst slay the noetic hordes of the enemy * with the weapon of the Cross, O all-blessed one, * manfully arming thyself again for martyrdom, * slaying Copronymus with the sword of the Faith. * And for both hast thou been crowned by God, ** O ever-memorable venerable martyr Stephen.

Nameday Greetings

We congratulate our parishioner and parish-trustee Karen on the feast of her her heavenly patroness, the Holy Great-Martyr Katherine of Alexandria.

Thanking her for all that she does for us, and for for her constant enthusiasm, dedication and support, we wish Karen a happy nameday, praying that the Lord grant her many, blessed years!

Многая и Благая лѣта!

We look forward to serving a litia to the Holy Great-Martyr Katherine, this coming Sunday, when we will be praying for the Monastery of St Katherine and the ancient and venerable Church of Sinai.

The Advent Journey With the Saints: Holy Great-Martyrs Katherine and Mercurius

Tuesday November 24/ December 7: the Holy Great-Martyrs Katherine of Alexandria and Mercurius of Caesarea, in Cappadocia

he Holy Great Martyr Katherine was the daughter of Konstos, the governor of Alexandria, Egypt during the reign of Emperor Maximian (305-313). Living in the capital, the center of Hellenistic knowledge, and possessed of a rare beauty and intellect, Katherine received an excellent education, studying the works of the greatest philosophers and teachers of antiquity. Young men from the most worthy families of the empire sought the hand of the beautiful Katherine, but she was not interested in any of them. She told her parents that she would enter into marriage only with someone who surpassed her in nobility, wealth, comeliness and wisdom.

Katherine’s mother, a secret Christian, sent her to her own Spiritual Father, a saintly Elder living in a cave outside the city, for advice. After listening to Katherine, the Elder said that he knew of someone who surpassed her in everything. “His countenance is more radiant than the shining of the sun, and all of creation is governed by His wisdom. His riches are given to all the nations of the world, yet they never diminish. His compassion is unequaled.”

This description of the Heavenly Bridegroom produced an ardent desire in the soul of the holy maiden to see Him. “If you do as I tell you,” said the monk, “you will gaze upon the countenance of this illustrious man.” In parting, the Elder gave Katherine an icon of the Theotokos with the Divine Child on Her arm and told her to pray with faith to the Queen of Heaven, the Mother of the Heavenly Bridegroom, and she would hear Katherine and grant her heart’s desire.

Katherine prayed all night and was permitted to see the Most Holy Virgin, Who said to her Divine Son, “Behold Thy handmaiden Katherine, how fair and virtuous she is.” But the Child turned His face away from her saying, “No, she is ugly and unbelieving. She is a foolish pauper, and I cannot bear to look at her until she forsakes her impiety.”

Katherine returned again to the Elder deeply saddened, and told him what she had seen in the dream. He received her, instructed her in the faith of Christ, admonished her to preserve her purity and integrity and to pray unceasingly. She then received the Mystery of Holy Baptism from him. Again Saint Katherine had a vision of the Most Holy Theotokos with her Child. Now the Lord looked at her tenderly and gave her a beautiful ring, a wondrous token of her betrothal to the Heavenly Bridegroom (this ring is still on her hand).

At that time Emperor Maximian was in Alexandria for a pagan festival. Therefore, the celebration was especially splendid and crowded. The cries of the sacrificial animals, the smoke and the smell of the sacrifices, the endless blaze of fires, and the bustling crowds at the arenas defiled the city of Alexandria. Human victims also were brought, the confessors of Christ, who would not deny Him under torture. They were condemned to death in the fire.

Katherine’s love for the Christian martyrs, and her fervent desire to ease their sufferings, compelled her to speak to the pagan priest and to Emperor Maximian.

Introducing herself, the Saint confessed her faith in the One True God, and exposed the errors of the pagans. The beauty of the maiden captivated the Emperor. In order to convince her of the superiority of pagan wisdom, the Emperor ordered fifty of the most learned philosophers and rhetoricians of the Empire to dispute with her, but the Saint got the better of the wise men, so that they came to believe in Christ themselves. Saint Katherine made the Sign of the Cross over the martyrs, and they bravely accepted death for Christ and were burnt alive by order of the Emperor.

Unable to persuade the Saint, Maximian tried to entice her with the promise of riches and fame. Hearing her angry refusal, the Emperor ordered his men to subject the Saint to terrible tortures, and then throw her in prison. The Empress Augusta, who had heard much about the Saint, wanted to see her. She prevailed upon the military commander Porphyrios to accompany her to the prison with a detachment of soldiers. The Empress was impressed by Katherine’s strong spirit, and her face was radiant with divine grace. The holy martyr explained the Christian Faith to them, and they were converted to Christ.

On the following day, they again brought the martyr to the judgment court where, under the threat of being broken on the wheel, she was urged to renounce the Christian Faith and to offer sacrifice to the “gods.” The Saint steadfastly confessed Christ and she was taken to be tortured on four wheels with sharp iron spikes, but an Angel smashed the instruments of execution, which shattered into pieces with many pagans standing nearby.

After seeing this miracle, the Empress Augusta and the imperial courtier Porphyrios and 200 soldiers confessed their faith in Christ before everyone, and they were beheaded. Maximian tried again to entice the holy martyr, offering to marry her, and again he was refused. Saint Katherine remained faithful to her heavenly Bridegroom Christ, and after praying to Him, she laid her head on the block beneath the executioner’s sword.

The relics of Saint Katherine were taken by the Angels to Mount Sinai. In the VI century, the venerable head and left hand of the holy martyr were found through a revelation and transferred with honor to the newly-constructed church of the Monastery on Mount Sinai, built by the holy Emperor Justinian (November 14).

Saint Katherine is called upon for relief and assistance during a difficult childbirth. Pilgrims to her monastery on Mount Sinai are given souvenir rings as a remembrance of their visit.

The Holy Great Martyr Mercurius, a Scythian by descent, served as a soldier in the Roman army. The impious emperors Decius (249-251) and Valerian (253-259) issued a decree ordering all Roman citizens to worship the pagan gods, and condemning Christians to torture and death unless they obeyed the decree.

 At that time barbarians attacked the Roman empire, and the emperor Decius went on campaign with a large army. In one of the battles an angel of the Lord appeared to Mercurius in the guise of a nobleman and presented him a sword saying, “Fear not, Mercurius. Go forth bravely against the enemy, and when you are victorious, do not forget the Lord your God.” With this sword the holy warrior cut through the ranks of the barbarians. He also killed their king, winning victory for the Romans. The grateful Emperor Decius rewarded Saint Mercurius for his bravery, and made him commander of the entire army.

 The angel of the Lord appeared again to the holy warrior, who had received great honors and riches, and reminded him by Whom the victory had been given. He also told General Mercurius that he would suffer for Christ, and would receive a crown of victory in His Kingdom. Mercurius recalled that his father Gordian had also confessed the Christian Faith. Although the saint had been baptized, he felt he had not devoted his life to God as his father and grandfather had done. Thus, he was weeping and lamenting when he was summoned before the emperor.

 Decius consulted Mercurius on matters of state, then suggested that they offer sacrifice in the temple of Artemis. Not wishing to do this, the saint returned to his home. He was denounced as a Christian by a nobleman, whose name was Catullus. The emperor would not believe this, however, until he himself had questioned the saint. Openly declaring himself a Christian, Mercurius threw down his military belt and cloak at the emperor’s feet, and he repudiated all the honors he had received. The angel of the Lord again appeared to Saint Mercurius in the prison, encouraging him to endure every suffering for Christ.

 They stretched the holy martyr between four pillars and lit a fire beneath him. They cut his body with knives, and so much blood flowed from his wounds that it extinguished the fire. When they threw him back into the prison nearly dead from his wounds, Saint Mercurius was healed by the Lord, demonstrating the great power of Christ to the impious pagans. Condemned to death, the saint was deemed worthy of a vision of the Lord, Who promised him a quick release from his sufferings. The Great Martyr Mercurius was beheaded at Caesarea in Cappadocia. His holy body emitted a fragrance like myrrh and incense. Many of the sick were healed at his tomb.

 Even after his death the warrior of Christ performed a soldier’s service for the good of the earthly Church. Saint Basil the Great (January 1) once prayed before an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, upon which Saint Mercurius was depicted as a soldier holding a spear. He asked God not to permit the emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363) to return from his war against the Persians and resume his oppression of Christians. The image of the holy Great Martyr Mercurius, depicted on the icon beside the image of the Most Holy Theotokos, became invisible. It reappeared later with a bloodied spear.

At this very moment Julian the Apostate, on his Persian campaign, was wounded by the spear of an unknown soldier, who immediately disappeared. The mortally wounded Julian, as he lay dying, cried out, “Thou hast conquered, O Galilean!”

 The Most Holy Theotokos, through the prayers of Saint Basil, had sent Saint Mercurius to defend the Christians from the apostate Julian. May we also be preserved from God’s foes, overcoming them through the prayers and assistance of Saint Mercurius.



Canon I of the Theotokos: The acrostic whereof is: “O Lady, grant me the grace of discourse”, the composition of George, in Tone IV.

Ode I, Irmos: I shall open my mouth, * and be filled with the Spirit, * and utter discourse to the Queen and Mother; * and be seen radiantly keeping festival, * joyfully praising her entry.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O most pure one, we know thee to be a treasury of wisdom and an ever-flowing fountain of grace; and we pray thee rain down upon us knowledge, that we may praise thee forever.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Being a temple and palace more exalted than the heavens, O most pure one, thou wast set apart in the Temple of God to be prepared as a divine dwelling-place for His advent.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Shining with the Light of grace, the Theotokos hath illumined all and assembled us to adorn her most splendid festival. Come ye, let us draw nigh to her!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The glorious portal which surpasseth human thought, having opened the doors of the Temple of God, doth now command us who have assembled to delight in her divine wonders.

Canon to the Great Martyr Katherine, the acrostic whereof is: “With hymns do I hymn the ever-memorable Katherine,” by Theophanes, in Tone VIII:

Irmos: The wonderworking staff of Moses, * striking and dividing the sea in the figure of a cross, * once drowned Pharaoh the pursuing charioteer, * while it saved the fleeing people of Israel * as they fled on foot, * chanting a hymn unto God.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Let us hasten today, honoring the Theotokos with hymns, and let us celebrate a spiritual feast; for she is offered as a gift to God in the temple.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

By the prayers of the all-wise martyr Katherine, O Christ, enlighten Thou the darkened eye of my soul, granting me a ray of thy splendor, O Master, which destroyeth all the gloom of my soul-destroying falls.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

O all-wise one, guided by the divine commandments of the Master and consumed with love for Him, thou didst hasten to thy struggles rendering the tormentors awestruck with thy knowledge, discourse, wisdom and grace.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Directed by the mighty hand of Christ, thou didst escape the tempests of idolatry, O martyr, voyaging dryshod with the sail of the Cross and the divine winds of the Spirit, chanting a hymn unto God.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Rejoicing in the beauties of virginity, O wise Katherine, and possessed of divine knowledge from heaven, thou didst right boldly and courageously put to shame the proponents of false knowledge, mightily vanquishing them.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O most pure one, he Who proclaimeth thee to be the Theotokos doth reject every heresy; for thou hast given birth unto the ever-existing Word of God, Who immutably assumed flesh, O Birthgiver of God, who art more exalted than all creation.

Canon to the Great Martyr Mercurius, the acrostic whereof is: “May the might of Mercurius preserve me!” the composition of Joseph the Hymnographer, in Tone VIII.

Irmos: That which had been hewn down divided the undivided, * and land unseen was seen by the sun; * water engulfed the cruel enemy, * and Israel traversed the impassable, chanting a hymn: * Let us sing unto the Lord, * for gloriously hath He been glorified!

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

Standing joyfully before the Wellspring of blessings with the choirs of heaven, O Mercurius, and filled with divine delight, O ever-memorable one, preserve those who with love celebrate thy festival, chanting unto the Lord: Gloriously hath He been glorified!

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

Willingly didst thou enter the arena of torment, O wise one, strengthened with the power of Christ, Who for our sakes willingly endured His saving sufferings; and, rejoicing, thou didst cry aloud: Let us chant unto the Lord, for gloriously hath He been glorified!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Adorned with the confession of Christ, O blessed one, thou didst openly revile the words of the tyrant and, with gladness, endured all manner of pain, O Mercurius, crying out to Him Who strengthened thee: Let us chant unto the Lord, for gloriously hath He been glorified!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

For our sake didst Thou appear incarnate of the Virgin Maiden, becoming a man like unto us; and Thou dost reveal Mercurius, Thy valiant spiritual athlete, to be a faithful witness to Thy sufferings, who chanteth mightily unto Thee: Let us chant unto the Lord, for gloriously hath He been glorified!

Ode III, Canon I, Irmos: O Theotokos, thou living and plentiful fount, * establish in spiritual fellowship those who sing hymns of praise * of thine honored entry: * grant them crowns of glory.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Receiving the pure and undefiled one, who is more splendid than all creation, the animate bridal chamber of God, the beautiful Temple and chamber doth appear today like a bride adorned for her wedding.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

David, preceding the chorus, doth leap and dance with us, declaring thee, O allpure one, to be the queen all-adorned, standing in the Temple before our King and God, O most pure one.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

From her, whom transgressions issued forth among the race of mankind, hath her correction and incorruption blossomed forth, the Theotokos, who is led today into the house of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The angelic armies and the multitudes of all mankind leap for joy, and they advance as lamp-bearers before thy countenance, proclaiming thy majesty in the house of God.

Canon to the Great Martyr Katherine, Irmos: O Christ fortify me on the rock of Thy commandments, * Thou who in the beginning didst establish the heavens with understanding * and didst establish the earth upon the waters, * for there is none holy save Thee, O only Lover of mankind.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Striving voluntarily of thine own will, thou didst go to thy suffering, emulating Christ; and, having radiantly vanquished myriads of the princes of this world, thou wast revealed to be crucified, O God-pleasing Katherine.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

With strength of mind didst thou denounce the tormentors, who were overwhelmed in the abyss of godlessness, O all-praised martyr, plainly expounding the dogmas of the knowledge of God, illumined with the wisdom of God.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

He who whispered thoughts of equality with God into the ears of Eve is now trod underfoot by a young maiden; for, defended with the sword of the Cross, the martyr Katherine hath put him to shame, immeasurably glorying over him.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O Birthgiver of God, who alone art most pure, raise up my morbid mind through the activity of the Life Who, from thee, manifested Himself to the world, cleansing the wounds and stripes of my sins.

Canon to the Great Martyr Mercurius, Irmos: O Lord, thou art the confirmation of those who flee to Thee, * Thou art the Light of those in darkness, * and my spirit doth hymn Thee.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

All aflame with divine love, O glorious Mercurius, thou didst regard fire and bonds, the sword and torments to be a dream.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

Meeting with grievous wounds, thou didst hymn the Creator, O wise martyr, and thereby received healing, O glorious one.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Strengthened by the divine staff, O right valorous martyr, like a spiritual athlete thou didst mightily cast down the audacity of the enemy.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

To prefigure thy birthgiving, which surpasseth understanding, O pure one, a bush appeared, burning with fire, yet unconsumed.

Kontakion of the feast, in Tone IV, Spec. Mel.: “Having been lifted up on the Cross …”: The most pure temple of the Savior, * the precious bridal chamber and Virgin, * the sacred treasury of the glory of God, * hath been brought into the house of the Lord this day, * bringing with her the grace that is in the divine Spirit. * To her do the angels of God chant the hymn: ** She is the heavenly tabernacle!

Ikos: Beholding the grace of the ineffable and divine mysteries of God made plainly manifest in and filling the Virgin, I rejoice; yet I know not how to understand this strange and ineffable image. How hath the pure one alone been shown to be above all creation, visible and immaterial? Wherefore, wishing to praise her, I am greatly in awe in mind and word; yet, bold, I proclaim and magnify her, saying: She is the heavenly tabernacle!

Kontakion of the Great Martyr Mercurius, in Tone IV, Spec. Mel.: “Thou hast appeared today …”: Glorifying Mercurius with hymns, * let us bless him as an unvanquished warrior in battle, * an unashamed helper amid misfortunes, * and a deliverer from tribulations and sorrows, of those ** who celebrate his memory with gladness.

Sessional Hymn of the Great Martyr Katherine, in Tone IV, Spec. Mel.: “Having been lifted up on the Cross …”: Thou didst love Christ thy Bridegroom, radiantly trimming thy lamp and shining forth with virtue, O glorious one. Wherefore, with Him thou hast entered into the bridal chamber, receiving a crown of suffering from Him. From misfortunes do thou deliver us who keep thy memory, O Katherine.

Glory …, the Sessional Hymn of the Great Martyr Mercurius, in Tone IV, Spec. Mel.: “Go thou quickly before …”: Struggling, the martyr Mercurius put the deceiver to shame and became a mighty champion of Christ. Therefore, he hath now been numbered among the choirs of heaven, worthily sharing in everlasting glory. Wherefore, we faithfully celebrate his
sacred memory.

Now & ever …, the Sessional Hymn of the feast, in Tone IV: O David, go thou before us into the Temple of God, and, rejoicing, receive thou our Queen, and cry out unto her: Enter thou, O Sovereign Lady! Enter thou into the Temple of the King! Her glory is understood allegorically, for from her doth Christ the Light desire to pour Himself forth upon all!

Ode IV, Canon I, Irmos: Perceiving the profound counsel of God, * that the incarnation of Thee the Most High, * will be from a Virgin, * the Prophet Habbakuk cried aloud: * Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The Temple of God, receiving today the portal through whom none may pass, hath ceased to perform any service of the Law, crying: Truly truth hath appeared to those who are on earth!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The mountain overshadowed, which Habbakuk beheld of old, prefigured her who hath made her abode in the inaccessible chambers of the Temple, flourishing with virtues, for she doth cover the ends of the earth therewith.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

All the earth hath seen most glorious things, things strange and marvelous, for the Virgin, receiving food from an angel, doth receive tokens of God’s dispensation.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Revealed as the temple and palace and animate heaven, O divine bride of the King, thou art brought today to the Temple of the Law to be kept for Him, O most pure one.

Canon to the Great Martyr Katherine, Irmos: Thou, O Lord, art my strength and Thou art my power, * Thou art my God and Thou art my joy, * Thou Who, while never leaving the bosom of Thy Father, * hast visited our poverty. * Therefore with the Prophet Habbakuk I cry unto Thee, * ‘Glory to Thy power, O Lover of mankind!’

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

O ever-memorable martyr Katherine, showing the determination of a spiritual athlete, with great endurance thou didst set thyself against the hostile one, trampling him beneath thy beautiful feet by the power of the Cross, O passion-bearer, thou boast of the martyrs.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

O all-blessed Katherine, bride of Christ, thou art luminous with the radiant beams of divine beauty, splendid in comeliness. Wherefore, in gladness dost thou chant unto the Master: Glory to Thy power, O Lover of mankind!

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Thou didst set at naught the audacity of the tyrant by the godly discourse of thy wisdom, for thou didst rescue from the abyss of the false worship of demons those who were deceived thereby, teaching them to cry aloud to Christ in hymns: Glory to Thy power, O Lover of mankind!

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

O all-praised one, who hast mightily trampled down the audacity of the enemy, the right glorious and splendid festival of thy memory hath dawned like the sun, and thereon we cry aloud to the Master: Glory to Thy power, O Lover of mankind!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The might of those who reject the veneration of the icons of thee, O pure Maiden, and of Him who, in a manner surpassing understanding, was incarnate of thee and enlightened the whole world, and of all the saints, hath now been cast down. Enlighten those who honor thee with faith, O thou who alone art all-hymned.

Canon to the Great Martyr Mercurius, Irmos: O Lord, I have heard the mystery of Thy dispensation; * I have considered Thy works, * and I have glorified Thy Divinity.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

Thou didst make thyself like unto thy Creator, O divinely wise one, by the sufferings of thy divine martyrdom, and from Him hast thou received splendid crowns, in that didst remain unconquered, O glorious one.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

Thou hast now been arrayed in a garment woven by the grace of the Most High, O martyr, having shed the robe of mortality.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having contended, even to the shedding of thy blood, against sin, thou wast revealed to be victorious and hast been deemed worthy of the glory of the Most High, O Mercurius.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Ever-virgin, the saving Word descended upon thee like a shower drying up the flood of polytheism.

Ode V, Canon I, Irmos: All creation stands in awe of thy divine glory; * for thou, O Virgin who hast not known wedlock, * didst enter into the temple of the Lord; * thyself being a most pure temple, * bestowing peace, upon all who hymn thee.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The most pure Virgin, the glorious sanctity and sacred offering which is brought today to the Temple of God, is preserved as a habitation for our one God, the King of all, as He Himself knoweth.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Zachariah, having of old beheld the beauty of thy soul, cried out in faith: Thou art the deliverance, thou art the joy of all, thou art our restoration, through whom the Uncontainable One shall appear unto me contained.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O, thy wonders which pass understanding, O all-pure one! Strange is thy birthgiving; strange is the manner of thy maturation; strange also, most glorious and unutterable by mortals, are all thy wonders, O Bride of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

As a most radiant lamp, O Bride of God, hast thou shone forth today in the house of the Lord, illumining us with the precious gifts of thy wonders, O pure and allhymned Theotokos.

Canon to the Great Martyr Katherine, Irmos: O Light never-waning, * why hast Thou turned Thy face from me * and why hath the alien darkness surrounded me, * wretched though I be? * But do Thou guide my steps I implore Thee * and turn me back towards the light of Thy commandments.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Aflame with the fire of love for thy Master, O all-glorious martyr, and seeking to behold His incomprehensible beauty, thou didst willingly give thyself over to wounds, radiant with the graces of virginity.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Having splendidly adorned thyself with most-sacred sufferings, O good virgin maiden, thou didst ascend to the heavenly bridal chamber of Christ, and hast now been radiantly joined to thy Bridegroom in gladness, O all-blessed one.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Thou wast revealed to be an all-radiant maiden who having loved Him Whom thou didst desire, and having followed in His steps by finishing a most difficult struggle, cried aloud unto Him as the fragrance of thy noetic myrrh: I have come, O my Bridegroom!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Knowing thee to be the true Theotokos, and knowing the Word of God Who was born from thee, O most pure Lady, we all preach Him Who is known in two independent natures and wills, O Mother and Bride of God.

Canon to the Great Martyr Mercurius, Irmos: Rising early we cry to Thee, O Lord; * save us, for Thou art our God, * and we know none other besides Thee.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

Lacerated, cut with a blade without respite, O Mercurius, thou didst endure, strengthened by divine hope.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

Having fortified thy heart with the noetic Stone, O glorious Mercurius, thou didst not waver when crushed by a stone.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having shared in the sufferings of thy Master, thou didst partake of His glory and divine splendor.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Virgin, who hast given birth unto the Life which hath slain death: Slay thou the sin which liveth within me.

Ode VI, Canon I, Irmos: Celebrating the divine and solemn feast * of the Mother of God * O ye divinely wise, * let us come, clapping our hands, * and glorify God who was born of her.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou Who hast upheld all things by Thy word hast hearkened to the prayer of the righteous ones. Wherefore, Thou hast loosed the infirmity of the barren woman, in that Thou art compassionate, and given them her who is the cause of joy.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Wishing to make His salvation known to the Gentiles, the Lord hath now taken from among mankind her who hath not known wedlock, as a sign of reconciliation and renewal.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

As a house of grace, wherein treasures of the ineffable dispensation of God are laid up, O all-pure one, thou didst share in unfading delight in the Temple.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Receiving thee as a royal diadem, O Bride of God, the Temple hath been rendered splendid and been elevated to better things, beholding in thee the fulfillment of the prophecies.

Canon to the Great Martyr Katherine, Irmos: The abyss of my sins and the storm of my transgressions * disquieten me and thrust me down * into the depths of despondency; * but do Thou stretch forth Thy mighty arm, * unto me as Thou didst to Peter, * and save me, O my Guide.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

The good and most pure Word, beholding thee all resplendent in the radiance and beauty of virginity and empurpled in the blood of thy martyrdom, O maiden, brought thee to dwell in the mansions of heaven.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

By the Cross thou didst do away with the dominion of the tyrants, denouncing the vanity of earthly wisdom and pouring forth dogmas of divinely inspired teaching, O most wise and ever-memorable Katherine.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Mightily enduring the pain of thy wounds, O all-glorious martyr, thou didst cast down to the ground him who of old drove Adam from the sweetness of paradise through deceit, and thou hast been crowned with the crowns of the kingdom.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

By thy prayers, O Mother, Virgin Theotokos, make thy Son and our Judge, Who doth deliver us from evil circumstances, to be merciful unto me on the day of Judgment, for in thee alone do I place my trust.

Canon to the Great Martyr Mercurius, Irmos: I will pour out my prayer unto the Lord, * and to Him will I proclaim my grief; * for my soul is filled with evils, * and my life unto Hades hath drawn nigh, * and like Jonah I pray unto Thee: * Raise me up from corruption, O God.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

The ever-existent Word beholding thee enduring all manner of torments for His sake, O wise martyr, enlivened thee, and by His angel, commanded thee to take heart, O Mercurius, and in no wise fear the opposition of the tormentors.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

The serpent of many guises hath been slain and trampled beneath the beautiful feet of the spiritual athlete, the valiant warrior, for, willingly striving unto death towards the wounds of torture, he was filled with glory.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

To the Master didst thou wholly offer the desire of thy heart, O martyr; and, having endured the rack, thou wast crowned by Him as a victor O Mercurius, and dost now stand before Him in the heavens with all the martyrs.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

At the angel’s cry thou didst conceive the Angel of Great Counsel, O Maiden, and gave birth incarnate of thy most pure blood unto Him, Who in His unutterable mercy, hath shown to all the ways which lead to life, O all-immaculate one.

Kontakion of the Great Martyr Katherine, in Tone II, Spec. Mel. “Seeking the highest…”: O ye who love the martyrs, * raise up an honored chorus in a most godly manner, * honoring the all-wise Katherine; * for in the arena she preached Christ and trod upon the serpent, ** trampling down the knowledge of the rhetors.

Ikos: Having received the wisdom of God from childhood, O martyr, thou didst also master well all external wisdom; and learning therefrom the movement of the elements and creation through discourse and Him that by His word fashioned them in the beginning, day and night didst thou render thanksgiving unto Him, setting at naught idols and those who worship them, putting down the knowledge of the rhetors.

Ode VII, Canon I, Irmos: Refusing to worship created things * in place of the Creator, * the divinely wise youths bravely trampled down the threatening fire * and rejoicing they sang aloud: * O supremely hymned Lord and God of our Fathers, Blessed art Thou.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Lo, today a joyous spring hath dawned upon the ends of the earth, enlightening our souls, thoughts and minds with grace: the festival of the Theotokos. Let us mystically make festival this day!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Let all things – heaven and earth, the ranks of angels and the multitudes of mankind – bear gifts today unto the Queen and Mother of God; and let them cry aloud: Our joy and deliverance is brought into the Temple!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The Scriptures have come to pass, the Law hath faded like a shadow, and rays of grace have shone forth upon thee who hast entered into the Temple of God, O pure Virgin Mother wherein thou art blessed.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Heaven and earth and the netherworld are subject to thine Offspring as Creator and God, O all-pure one, and every nation of mortals doth confess that the Lord and Savior of our souls hath appeared.

Canon to the Great Martyr Katherine, Irmos: Once in Babylon the fire stood in awe * of God’s condescension; * for which sake the youths in the furnace, * dancing with joyous steps as in a meadow, chanted: * O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Thou art the boast of martyrs and a teacher of piety, leading a multitude of martyrs unto Christ, thy radiant Bridegroom. And with them dost thou cry aloud, O all-praised one, chanting: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Thy most wise discourse brought many out of the madness of idolatry unto salvation, and thou didst show them forth as all-radiant martyrs, who cry aloud with thee: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Following in Thy footsteps, the maiden was brought to Thee beheaded by the sword, emulating Thy most pure Passion, crying aloud unto Thee, our Creator, and saying: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The Holy of Holies dwelt within thee in a hallowed manner, O pure Virgin Theotokos, and He became incarnate from thee to save those who cry out in faith: O God of our fathers, Blessed art Thou!

Canon to the Great Martyr Mercurius, Irmos: The Hebrew children in the furnace * boldly trampled upon the flames, * changing the fire into dew, they cried aloud: * ‘Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, throughout the ages’.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

Illumined with the light of heavenly enlightenment, O valiant warrior, thou dost enlighten those who now hymn thee and chant: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, throughout the ages!

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

O blessed one, having hymned the Benefactor of all, and consumed with love for Him while burning with material fire; thou didst chant: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, throughout the ages!

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

Those who rendered homage to stone, and were thereby stony of heart, O martyr, weighted down thy neck with a stone, but thou didst cry aloud: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, throughout the ages!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Having mingled thy precious blood with the blood of the Master and Lover of mankind, thou wast revealed to be a participant in His sufferings, O Mercurius, crying aloud: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, throughout the ages!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The ranks of angels stand in awe of the depth of thy mystery, O Theotokos; for God appeared incarnate from thee, He to Whom we chant: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, throughout the ages!

Ode VIII, Canon I, Irmos: Hearken, O pure Virgin Maiden, * that Gabriel may tell thee the true counsel of the Most High of old. * Make ready to receive the Godhead; * for through thee the Infinite One hath come to dwell among mankind. *

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Wherefore, rejoicing, I cry aloud: * Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord! Anna, once, leading the most pure temple to the house of God, faithfully said unto the priest, crying aloud: Now accept thou this child, given me by God; lead her into the Temple of the Creator; and, rejoicing, chant unto Him: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

And Zachariah then, beholding them in the Spirit, said unto Anna: Thou dost bring hither the true Mother of Life, whom the prophets of God have clearly foretold as the Theotokos! How, therefore, can the Temple hold her?

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Wherefore, marveling, I cry out: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord! The handmaid of God have I been, answered Anna unto him, and I call upon Him with faith and prayer to accept the fruit of my birth-pangs, that, having received this child, I might bring her that was born unto Him that bestowed her. Wherefore, I cry aloud: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Truly this is a matter of the Law, the priest said to her, and strange doth this thing seem unto me, beholding her that doth most gloriously surpass the holy ones in grace led into the house of God. Wherefore, rejoicing, I cry out: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord!

Canon to the Great Martyr Katherine, Irmos: In his wrath the Chaldean Tyrant made the furnace blaze, * with heat fanned sevenfold for the servants of God; * but when he perceived that they had been saved by a greater power * he cried aloud to the Creator and Redeemer; * ‘ye children bless, ye priests praise, * ye people, supremely exalt Him throughout all ages’.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

The empress, converted by thy teachings, advanced in piety and, mightily enduring the infliction of pain, was clearly deemed worthy of the everlasting kingdom of heaven, crying out to the Master: Ye priests bless; ye people exalt supremely Christ throughout all ages!

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Let the entreaties of the faithful be entrusted to the martyrs, for the passion-bearer doth stand before Christ, asking that which is best for all and mediating salvation for those who earnestly celebrate her most holy and honored memory and faithfully cry aloud: Ye people supremely exalt Christ throughout all ages!

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Opening wide the gateways of paradise, the Bridegroom doth receive thee, O all-wise one; and hath made thee a most radiant dwelling place, revealing thee to be one who shares in His kingdom and His suffering. And, standing now before Him, splendidly adorned, O daughter of the King, forget us not.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

The tyrant tempted thee with alluring words; the cruel one sought to deceive thee with persuasions, hoping thereby to weaken thy resolve, O glorious one; but, wishing to betroth thyself to Christ, thou didst cry out to the Master: Ye priests hymn; ye people, supremely exalt Christ throughout the ages!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O all-immaculate Theotokos, thou art more sacred than the supranatural ranks of angels, for from thy virginal womb, which kneweth not wedlock, thou hast given birth unto their Creator and Lord in two natures, unconfused and immutable, God incarnate in a single hypostasis.

Canon to the Great Martyr Mercurius, Irmos: In his wrath the Chaldean Tyrant made the furnace blaze, * with heat fanned sevenfold for the servants of God; * but when he perceived that they had been saved by a greater power * he cried aloud to the Creator and Redeemer; * ‘ye children bless, ye priests praise, * ye people, supremely exalt Him throughout all ages’.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

The choir of passion-bearers accepted as one of their number thee who wast
adorned and radiant with the precious beauties of thy sufferings and thy pious and honorable martyrdom. And now thou dost unceasingly cry aloud: Ye priests bless; ye people supremely exalt Christ throughout the ages!

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

Piously didst thou finish thy course, O glorious one, valiantly putting the foe to
shame; and, laying hold of a heavenly trophy as a victor, thou dost now rejoice with the angelic choirs, unceasingly crying out with them: Ye priests hymn; ye people supremely exalt Christ throughout the ages!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

In meeting thy death by the sword, and receiving the expected end, which thou
didst desire, O all-blessed one, thou didst irrigate the ground with the outpourings of thy blood; whereupon thy blessed and victorious body was shown to be whiter than snow, having chanted: Ye priests hymn; ye people supremely exalt Christ throughout the ages!

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

All we, the faithful, hymn thee, O most pure one, as her who is the cause of our restoration; for in a manner beyond reproach thou didst give birth unto God, the Cause of all, Who in His tender compassion hath restored His image which had been marred by wickedness, O thou who alone art most blessed and joyous.

Ode IX, Canon I, Irmos: In nowise may the hand of the defiled * touch the animate ark of God; * and let the lips of the faithful * never-silently cry out with joy to the Theotokos, * chanting the words of the angel: * Rejoice, O thou who art full of grace! * The Lord is with thee!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O pure Theotokos, as thou hast the most radiant beauty of purity of soul and art full of the grace of God from heaven, with the ever-existent light thou dost ever enlighten those who cry out with joy: Truly thou art more highly exalted than all, O pure Virgin!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thy wonder doth surpass the power of words, O pure Theotokos, for in thee I perceive a body impervious to the movement of sin. Wherefore, thankfully I cry out to thee: Truly thou art more highly exalted than all, O pure Virgin!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Most gloriously did the Law prefigure thee, O pure one, as the tabernacle, the divine jar, the awe-some ark, the veil, the staff, the inviolable temp1e and portal of God. Wherefore, all these things teach us to cry to thee: Truly thou art more highly exalted than all, O pure Virgin!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

In hymnody David cried out to thee prophetically, calling thee the daughter of the King in the comeliness of thy virtues, beholding thee standing, elaborately adorned, at the right hand of God. Wherefore, in prophecy he cried out: Truly thou art more highly exalted than all, O pure Virgin!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Foreseeing thee who art pleasing to God, Solomon proclaimed thee to be the bower of the King, the living and sealed fountain, from whence untroubled waters have issued forth for us who cry out with faith: Truly thou art more highly exalted than all, O pure Virgin!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

O Theotokos, thou givest to my soul the tranquility of thy gifts, pouring forth life upon those who honor thee as is meet, defending, protecting and preserving them thyself, that they might cry to thee: Truly thou art more highly exalted than all, O pure Virgin!

Canon to the Great Martyr Katherine, Irmos: Heaven was stricken with awe, * and the ends of the earth were filled with amazement, * for God hath appeared in the flesh, * and thy womb was rendered more spacious than the heavens. * Wherefore, the ranks of men and of angels * magnify thee as the Theotokos.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Adorned with bridal ornaments, thou hast passed on to the splendid bridal chambers, holding the lamp of virginity in thy right hand and thy severed head in the other. And now, standing before Christ, thy Bridegroom, preserve thou those who hymn thee.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Thy prayer was accepted, O divinely wise one, for the Master doth save from temptations those who call upon thy name with faith, O honored one, bestowing health upon them, and delivering them from divers spiritual and bodily ailments. Wherefore, in gladness we bless thee, O Katherine.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Thou hast now attained unto the calm harbor, O martyr, having easily sailed over this world’s sea of threefold waves, and in good order, without succumbing to temptation, O all-wise virgin; bringing an offering of varied riches unto Christ, a multitude of martyrs, O all-blessed Katherine.

Holy Great-Martyr, Katherine, pray to God for us.

Joining chorus now with the choirs of virgins within the bridal chambers of heaven, and illumined with rays of thy sufferings, O all-wise Katherine, thou hast loosed the bonds of my falls, earnestly entreating the Benefactor of all, for Whom thou didst shed thy blood.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou hast been revealed, O Virgin Mother of God, to have given birth in the body, in a manner transcending nature, to the good Word, Whom the Father brought forth from His own heart before all ages, in that He is good, and Whom we now know to be more exalted than all bodies, even though clad in a body Himself.

Canon to the Great Martyr Mercurius, Irmos: Every ear is awestruck at hearing of God’s ineffable condescension, * for the Most High voluntarily descended and assumed flesh, * becoming man in the Virgin’s womb; * wherefore we the faithful magnify the most pure Theotokos.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

With grace the martyrs now dispel the stench of dung and with ineffable discourse they drive away our foul passions, pouring forth waters for the healing of our bones and water the souls of those who hymn their wondrous miracles.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

We honor thee in a sacred manner as a great pillar of the Church of Christ, an indestructible rampart, a city which cannot be taken captive, a mighty warrior of God the King of all, a destroyer of our enemies and a noetic and universal beacon, O martyr.

Holy Great-Martyr, Mercurius, pray to God for us.

Thou didst receive an angel of light as a companion before thy suffering, O divinely wise one. Wherefore, lacerated, burned with candles and grievously cut asunder and beheaded with a sword, thou wast not afraid, O most valiant spiritual athlete of Christ.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thy divine memorial hath dawned as a day full of enlightenment, gladness and joy for us who honor thee, O martyr Mercurius, wherefore remember us who keep thy memorial and deliver us from grievous temptations, misfortunes and passions.

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O portal of the Light, enlighten my soul which hath been blinded by the passions and darkened by wicked thoughts, and is in danger; and deliver me from temptations, misfortunes and sorrows, that I may glorify thee, the hope and confirmation of the faithful

Troparion of the Great Martyr Catherine, in Tone IV: Thy ewe-lamb Catherine O Jesus, crieth out with a loud voice: * “Thee do I love, O my Bridegroom, * and, seeking Thee, I endure suffering. * in Thy baptism I am crucified and buried with Thee. * I suffer for Thy sake, that I may reign with Thee; * I die for Thee, that I may live with Thee. * Accept me, who with love sacrifice myself for Thee, * as an unblemished offering!” ** By her supplications save Thou our souls, O most merciful One.

Or this Troparion, in Tone IV: With thy virtues, as with the rays of the sun, * thou didst enlighten the unbelieving philosophers; * and, like the most radiant moon shining on those who walk at night, * thou didst drive away the darkness of unbelief. * Thou didst bring the empress to faith * and didst denounce the tyrant, O divinely elect bride. * O blessed Catherine, with desire didst thou make haste to the heavenly bridal chamber, * to Christ the most comely Bridegroom, * and by Him hast thou been crowned with a royal crown. * Standing with the angels before Him, ** pray thou for us who keep thy most honored memory.

Glory …, Troparion of the Great Martyr Mercurius, in Tone IV: In his sufferings, Thy martyr Mercurius O Lord, * received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God; * for, possessed of Thy might, * he set at naught the tyrants and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons. ** By his supplications save Thou our souls.

Now & ever …, Troparion of the feast, in Tone IV: Today is the prelude of God’s good will * and the proclamation of the salvation of mankind. * The Virgin hath manifestly appeared in the temple of God, proclaiming Christ unto all. * To her let us cry aloud: ** Rejoice, O thou fulfillment of the Creator’s dispensation!

How awesome is this place…

Dear brothers and sisters,

This weekend was blessed with the Divine Liturgy in Cheltenham and Cardiff, bringing our communities together to celebrate the Holy Mysteries and share the communion of the Lord’s Body and Blood.

Each of these services was not celebrated in the consecrated Byzantine ‘otherness’ of an Orthodox sanctuary, surrounded by icons and lamps, and walls and domes painted with angels and saints, flickering the light of hundreds of candle and lamp-flames.

Rather, the Liturgies were celebrated in the plainness of a little Victorian Congregational Chapel and a Victorian parish church surrounded by horse-chestnuts and red-brick terraces. Yet, they began with the same priestly proclamation, as the sign of the Cross was made over the antimins with the Gospel: “Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…”

When we pray and worship together in peace and unity; when our spiritual gifts and capabilities are woven together in eucharistic offering; when we assemble as a community to offer not only the Holy Gifts, but our whole selves and lives to God; when we gather in love and fellowship to share the Lamb of God who is “broken but never divided, ever eaten but never consumed” – we reflect the life of the Triune-God as a community of love. We anticipate the mystery of the eternal Eighth Day and receiving a foretaste of the Kingdom of Heaven, towards which we journey in the pilgrimage of the Christian-life.

Independent of our environment and the lack of an ‘Orthodox setting’, in the otherness of the Liturgy – so different from the hours of work and labour, employment or unemployment, cooking, cleaning and family life – Christ calls us to put aside the cares of the world, “that we may receive the King of All, who comes invisibly upborne by the angelic hosts”.

Our weekly eucharistic journey into the Kingdom is reflected by His journey into the borrowed buildings in which we are able to celebrate, and the little chapel in Prestbury and the Victorian interior of St John’s are transfigured and joined to Heaven.

They may be far from the ideals of the sanctuary in which we wish to celebrate the Divine Liturgy and worship as Orthodox Christians, yet we must be grateful for God’s mercy and grace, and mindful of the ongoing miracle of His revealed-love in these humble places.

Beneath their roofs, the Saviour is welcomed week by week, as we chant “Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord”, and they become the sacred ground at the foot of the Heavenly Ladder on which the Lord descends, so that we may join the Patriarch Jacob and say,

“How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”

This Sunday in Cardiff

Sunday 7th November.

11:00 – St John’s Church, Canton.

Reader Typica and Moleben in honour of the Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. followed by a bring-and-share lunch.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to celebrate in the Liturgy in Cardiff on this day. Please see below.


Dear brothers and sisters,

Already regretting that we are unable to be together to celebrate the feast of the Kazan Icon tomorrow, I now have the added sorrow of being in isolation due to the unwelcome arrival of covid in the support-setting in which I work.

I am pleased to say that my daily tests have been clear until this morning, when the fateful line appeared next to the t on my lateral-flow test. Having posted a PCR test yesterday, when my daily lateral flow was negative, I have just ordered a second PCR and will remain in isolation awaiting concrete results.

To be clear, my daily-results were negative until today.

I have already spoken to Deacon Mark to indicate that my isolation will not affect the liturgical-gathering of our parish on what, for us, is a particularly celebratory Sunday. However, it will obviously not be possible to celebrate the Liturgy.

With the blessing of His Grace, Bishop Irenei, and the leadership of our deacon and choir, the typica and a festal moleben in honour of the Kazan Icon of the Theotokos will take the place of our usual Liturgy, and our hope is for the faithful to share a buffet-lunch after the service.

With this in mind, would those wishing to provide food/refreshments contact Deacon Mark, so that offerings for the table may be coordinated – rmfisher@ntlworld.com ?

Sadly, my isolation will also not allow me to serve in Walsingham, next week, where I was very much looking forward to catching up with our Orthodox brothers and sisters in ‘England’s Nazareth’.  I look forward to journeying to Norfolk as soon as possible.

Though there will be Sunday Liturgy in Swansea, I would very much like the parishioners to celebrate together in Cardiff, so that those without transport and who have other commitments and demands may be part of the service to honour the Mother of God.

In the meantime, I ask your prayers, principally for the people I support, but also for my swift recovery!

I wish you all a joyful celebration.

With love in Christ – Hieromonk Mark


First Swansea Liturgy Today

Dear brothers and sisters,

The first ROCOR Liturgy in Swansea was celebrated in the Vivian Hall in Blackpill, this morning, and the village hall will be the home of the local Russian Orthodox Parish for the foreseeable future.

Though minimalist in set-up, the furnishings of Orthodox worship provided all that was needed for the Liturgy, celebrated by Father Luke, whilst I joined those on the kliros, where we mainly chanted in English, but with a few Slavonic chants. We hope that Romanian parishioners will share in the chanting in future weeks.

The Liturgy was well attended, welcoming a mixed congregation of Welsh, Romanian and Russian parishioners from both of our South Wales parishes, and there was ample time  to catch up, socialise and spend time together after Liturgy

It was good that parishioners organised car-shares, and I hope this will become an automatic part of parish-life, making it possible for as many of the faithful as possible to attend Liturgy, wherever it is celebrated.

Swansea and Llanelli parishioners have been reminded of the sheer effort required to set up a building for Liturgy, and I hope that in the weeks ahead as many people as possible will offer their labours and assist Father Luke as much as possible. There is much lifting, carrying and unpacking to be done before the hall is ready for worship, and this must be performed in reverse at the end of the day. Parishioners now need to work together to support their parish-priest in this very physical and tiring task.

Father Luke will celebrate the Liturgy in Swansea again next Sunday, with set-up at 09:00, the Hours at 10:00 and the Liturgy at 10:30. Those wishing to communicate should ideally make arrangement to make their confession to Father Luke in the week, to ease Sunday morning, when there is so much to be done.

After a week without Liturgy in Cardiff, the Russian Orthodox Parish will return to St John’s this coming weekend, and I will post details of our services in the next few days.

May God bless you all.

In Christ – Hieromonk Mark